Re: [newbie] Compiler Woes

2001-03-12 Thread David Boles

Why don't you email the author and ask him what that error message means?

-Original Message -
From: - Ron -
Sent: Mon, 12 Mar 2001 05:09:17 +
Subject: [newbie] Compiler Woes

> This is my third post for this problem. I was thinking of using the subject 
>  "How do I get off this F* list"  since those seem to get tons of answers!
>  I can't compile Knapster because I get the error below. There's gotta be a 
>  simple way.. I check the Mandrake page & I seem to have all requirments
>  but still no go.  Please
>  -
>  checking for KDE... libraries /usr/lib, headers /usr/include
>  checking for extra includes... no
>  checking for extra libs... no
>  checking for kde headers installed... configure: error: your system is not
>  able to compile a small KDE application!
>  Check, if you installed the KDE header files correctly.


David Boles
My GnuPG Key ID: 78A3ABD0

Re: [newbie] ReiserFS, Nvidia Driver, X 4.0.2 and 3d acceleration

2001-02-27 Thread David Boles

Did NvIdia ever fix the problem with DPMS? It would not let the monitor go into
grren mode.

-Original Message-
From: Adam Greene
Sent: Tue, 27 Feb 2001 07:28:26 -0400
Subject: Re: Re: [newbie] ReiserFS, Nvidia Driver, X 4.0.2 and 3d acceleration

> Yes, I'm running Mandrak 7.2, NVidia (Geforce2 MX), and ReiserFS.  I hand
>  installed my XFree86 4.0.2 and get the source RPMs, ran rpm --rebuild
>  NVIDIA_kernel*, installed the resulting RPM (found in /usr/src/RPM/RPMS) and
>  then ran rpm --install NVIDIA_GLX*, and then rebooted the computer for good
>  measure, ran XFree86 and it went beautifully.  (There was some library work
>  I think, but everything you need to know is at the NVidia site under Linux
>  Drivers, click on the FAQ).
>  - Original Message -
>  From: "abe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 5:55 AM
>  Subject: [newbie] ReiserFS, Nvidia Driver, X 4.0.2 and 3d acceleration
>  > Does this work?  Any body have this working on their machines?  I
>  > reinstalled to convert to ReiserFS and now X crashes everytime I start a
>  > 3d accelerated application.  No messages left in the logs except that X
>  > caught a signal 11.
>  >
>  > X 4.02
>  > Nvidia driver 0.9.6
>  > mandrake 7.2
>  >
>  > Please help!
>  >
>  >
>  > Abe
>  >
>  >


David Boles
My GnuPG Key ID: 0FEF4C4F (2001-02-07)

RE: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is crazy.....!!!!

2001-02-24 Thread David Boles

On Sat, 24 Feb 2001 11:47:26 -0500, Jeff Norris said:

>  -Original Message-
>  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jay the Immortal
>  Sent: Friday, February 23, 2001 11:23 PM
>  Subject: Re: [newbie] dear god!!! please take me off this is
>  crazy.

These messages appear just about every weekend. As if < new user > installed
L-M this weekend, then did not check his/her email until Friday night and has
gotten buried. 

Perhaps L-M should set the list so that RE subscribing monthly is required?
Then the "get me off's" would get off automatically.

Nah. Then  we would probably get messages like "How the heck to I stay ON this


David Boles
My GnuPG Key ID: 0FEF4C4F (2001-02-07)

Re: [newbie] Looking for updated rpms for KDE2.1 beta 2

2001-02-19 Thread David Boles

Hash: SHA1

Hello Roman,

Cris said that there would be no more updates. 

But your message is the FIRST message that I have seen on this list in a
long, long time. I thought that it had 'died' or that I had be dropped
from some reason.

On Mon, 19 Feb 2001 18:52:54 -0500, Romanator said:

> Hi all,
>  Since the last download that Chris Molnar recommended have any of the
>  rpms been updated? Any changes?
>  Roman

- -- 

David Boles
My GnuPG Key ID: 0FEF4C4F (2001-02-07)

Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie] File and command for auto-login in KDE2.1 beta 2?

2001-02-10 Thread David Boles

On Sat, 10 Feb 2001 16:48:15 -0500, Romanator said:

Look here too.

DrakConf > User and Group manager (Userdrake) > 'highlight yourusername' >
select Settings > Preferences 

Is active Logon Support selected?

> Tom Brinkman wrote:
>  > 
>  > On Saturday 10 February 2001 12:07 pm, Romanator wrote:
>  > > > Also, once I logged out to console to upgrade to KDE2.1
>  > > >
>  > > > > beta 2, I was always in console mode and the shutdown command was
>  > > > > not recognized. I always had to type in "startx". I'm sure it's
>  > > > > something simple.
>  > > > >
>  > > > > Any thoughts?
>  > > >
>  > > > You shouldn't have logged out to upgrade KDE, you should've
>  > > > done it within your user desktop from an xterm.
>  > > > --
>  > > > Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Galveston
>  > > > Bay
>  > >
>  > > I selected Logout->Console. Doesn't logging out of user through KDE
>  > > prompt do this?
>  > 
>  > What I'm sayin is you should've upgraded KDE while KDE was running.
>  > I've seen many people report that the proper way to do it is without X
>  > running, but that's wrong.   and those that think upgrading from
>  > level 3 is proper, are the ones that seem to have the most problems.
>  > Actually, I wonder how that rumor got started, Chris never advised
>  > shutting down X to upgrade KDE.
>  > 
>  > --
>  > Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Galveston Bay
>  All is well except for the auto-login. The auto-login file indicates
>  that I'm set up for it, but there must be another file overriding it. I
>  have learned more through goofing up than not. 


David Boles
My GnuPG Key ID: 0FEF4C4F (2001-02-07)

Re: [newbie] drakxtools

2001-01-20 Thread David Boles

On Sat, 20 Jan 2001 17:49:00 -0500 (EST), Mark Weaver said:

Hi Mark,

I happen to be what the "high class Americans" call a "red-neck" But I
still like all of my fellow Linux friends. 

BTW: I have been "out of the country too" 

> I would think that it would be one of two things that cause this.
>  1) plain old American arrogance
>  2) a very "small" world view caused mainly by spending too much time in
>  ones own back yard and not having enough contact with the outside world.
>  America being as big "physically" speaking as it is I wouldn't be all that
>  surprised to find out that 80% of its population has never been out of the
>  country. That doesn't include Canada or Mexico. I'm refering to off the
>  continent adventures and such. Its surprising how different the outlook
>  and attitude of the Europeans is from that of the Americans. Being an
>  American myself the difference between the European and American world
>  views is sometimes startlingly great.
>  Just my two cents...


David Boles

Re: [newbie] KDE2 PROBLEM

2001-01-20 Thread David Boles

On Sat, 20 Jan 2001 17:05:31 -0500, Christopher Molnar said:

Hi Chris,

I D/Led and installed the 2001.01.19 kdebase stuff as you said to do and
things have improved but it looks like something else is really, really
broken. Maybe not your stuff??  

Not being a programmer type I would think it must be something like the

Example: Kview. I was working on a simple "slideshow" of the pictures
that I took of my father and where he lives, were I used to live, for my
lady friends mother. The Ctrl-Alt-F key combo is supposed to give
fullscreen. Nothing. The S key is supposed to start/stop the slideshow.

I used to be able to "highlight and copy" a line of text or a url from a
GUI, like Netscape, and with 'Shift-Insert' paste it into a Xterm window.
Now I get a ~5 and a warning beep.  

Any ideas?


David Boles

Re: [newbie] remove

2001-01-19 Thread David Boles

On Thu, 18 Jan 2001 23:03:59 -0800, Beckycould said:

You have to remove yourself from the list at the same place that you
subscribed to the list.

Go to :

Look for SUPPORT LISTS, enter your email address, select UN subscribe,
click on SUBMIT.  


David Boles

Re: [newbie] Worthless RPM software (EVERYONE PLEASE READ!)

2001-01-15 Thread David Boles

On Sun, 14 Jan 2001 18:28:47 -0500, Christopher Molnar said:

> On Sunday 14 January 2001 12:20, David Boles wrote:
>  > On Sun, 14 Jan 2001 11:17:39 -0500, Christopher Molnar said:
>  >
>  > . BIG snip <
>   -Chris
>  >
>  > Can on still donwload source packages, IE -X.X.X.mdk.src.rpm,
>  > and compile them on a "stock" L-M 7.2. Or have they be changed "inside"
>  > to only compile on Cooker type setup?
>  You can try. If they interface with rpm 4 at all they probably have been 
>  changed. As always, ask the packager if you have a question (rpm -qi package) 
>  will give you the name of the packager.

I only entered this question on the Newbie list because the thread
started there. I lurk the Cooker list, read the Expert list, and scan the
Newbie list.

I am a twenty year computer user and a nine month Linux user. Does that
STILL make me a "newbie" 

My first computer was a Sinclair 1000 with  whopping 2K of memory. I had
to learn their "Token Basic" just to use it. Then to Commodore 64 and
Commodore Basic. My first PC was a "clone XT" with no Hard Drive just two
306K floppies. I then started to build my own. I added a 32 MEG Seagate
hd that cost almost $400. I upgraded the motherboard to a 286, then 386,
then 486, then several 586's to now with cases and hardware also. In that
time I went from DOS 3.3 to Windows 3.1, then OS/2  2.1, OS/2 Warp 3,
OS/2 Warp 4. When IBM baled on the home user someone showed me Linux. I
bought L-M 6.0 Complete and am now up to L-M 7.2.. I love it. The
learning is mind expanding.

Someone gave me a copy of RedHat 6.1. I tried it and went back to L-M.
The people on their help lists mostly wrote nasty replies to questions
like this one. I have NEVER found that to be the case here.

The most important things that I have learned is how not to panic when I
screw something up and then how to fix it. ;-) 


David Boles

Re: [newbie] Worthless RPM software (EVERYONE PLEASE READ!)

2001-01-14 Thread David Boles

On Sun, 14 Jan 2001 11:17:39 -0500, Christopher Molnar said:

. BIG snip <

>  The only update that will work on 7.2 are those that are found in the 
>  Mandrake/Update directory for 7.2 and those that are found in 
>  Mandrake-devel/unsupported/i586 on the Mandrake development trees on cooker 
>  mirrors.
>  Anyways I hope that helps a little. Ask if your have any questions.
>  -Chris

Can on still donwload source packages, IE -X.X.X.mdk.src.rpm,
and compile them on a "stock" L-M 7.2. Or have they be changed "inside"
to only compile on Cooker type setup?  


David Boles

Re: [newbie] Worthless RPM software (EVERYONE PLEASE READ!)

2001-01-14 Thread David Boles

On Sun, 14 Jan 2001 11:17:39 -0500, Christopher Molnar said:

> BIG snip <
>  The only update that will work on 7.2 are those that are found in the 
>  Mandrake/Update directory for 7.2 and those that are found in 
>  Mandrake-devel/unsupported/i586 on the Mandrake development trees on cooker 
>  mirrors.
>  Anyways I hope that helps a little. Ask if your have any questions.
>  -Chris

Can one still download the source code packages  -x.x.x.
scr.rpm and compile them oa 'stock L-m 7.2 box?  


David Boles

Re: [newbie] Advice needed on firewall...

2000-12-28 Thread David Boles

On Thu, 28 Dec 2000 08:59:43 -0600, Tom Brinkman said:

> On Wednesday 27 December 2000 08:27 pm, Michael O'Henly wrote:
>   I've tested this
>  > network with Shields Up and it does indeed appear not to be visible
>  > to casual miscreants.
>  >PMfirewall is available at ...
>  > Shields Up is available at...
>   Complete scan is a much better 
>  test than Shields up.   Test takes 30 minutes or more and they email 
>  you a full report.  Still, a clean bill of health from them doesn't 
>  mean your system's bulletproof either. 
>IMO, Shields Up is actually a disservice. Even vulnerable systems 
>  get a rave review, ie, 'full stealth' and 'your computer doesn't even 
>  appear to exist'.  One bit of good advice on the Shields Up site : 
>  A FALSE sense of security is worse than being unsure.
>  -- 
>  Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

I tried the Secure Design site and the only ports I have open are 1024 and 1025
 which, the report says, are for RFS - Remote File Sharing. Could anyone tell
me what these ports are used for, what L-M 7.2 program controls them, and if
the is a "bad thing" to have open? I have a small, home LAN that is only used
for IP/phone line sharing and there is no real need for any kind of file


David Boles

Re: [newbie] No NUMBER lock?

2000-11-19 Thread David Boles

On Sun, 19 Nov 2000 11:30:47 -0600, Tom Brinkman said:

I can turn NumLock on/of in DrakConf > Startup Services > "click the little
square" beside Numlock. But I DID tell L-M 7.2, during install, to turn NumLock
on in the screen that was about supermount/disk optimization.

> On Sunday 19 November 2000 10:49 am, Charles wrote:
>  > Ah yes, Tom, I did omit that. Been seeing so much of 7.2 here I took
>  > it for granite. Thank you for asking: 7.2/ KDE 2(final). You know the
>  > package to use? I hope it's an RPM as I haven't learned where to put
>  > an un-tarred package where it should go.
>  > -Cmo
>  Well, i've upgraded KDE2 to CVS 20001117 using Chris Molnar's rpms 
>  and numlock still doesn't start on boot.  I don't believe it's a KDE2 
>  problem. It hasn't been important enough to me to get it going.  I've 
>  seen some posts (ML's and NG's) that either say it's a minor conf file 
>  change, to it's completely broken, use the 7.1 rpm.  I gave my 7.1 CD's 
>  away, so I'm not sure, but I believe you'll find a 'numlockrpm' on 
>  7.1 CD's or from a 7.1 mirror.  The one I'm currently using is 
>  'numlock-1.0-10mdk'
>  -- 
>  Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay


David Boles

[newbie] Correct Time

2000-10-29 Thread David Boles

Where/How do I get the correct time, from an official Internet source, and, how
do I automatically, reset my onboard clock? I see a place in DrakConf, Control,
date & time that says Get date from server(s). It that what I want? And if so,
what do I put there?


David Boles

Re: [newbie] Windows 98 Defrag and Linux Partitions

2000-10-21 Thread David Boles

On Sat, 21 Oct 2000 22:27:42 -0400, DataChannel said:

| So a hardware problem would be completely missed by SMART and a clean FULL
|  format and a thorough scandisk and a defrag that results in erasing the
|  linux partition?
|  I would love to know how a hardware error would result in only wiping out
|  the linux partition and leaving the windows one fully intact with no errors
|  or anything.
|  Yet Linux can be reinstalled and work *perfectly* without *ever* crashing or
|  generating a single error on that same partition that the windows defrag so
|  kindly removed for me.

Is the linux partition formated as a DOS partition instead of an linux

That might do it.


David Boles

[newbie] Netscape Questions.

2000-10-15 Thread David Boles

Netscape v4.75

Question 1: I have had several web pages lately that have caused
Netscape to report that it/something can not fine java40.jar in my
Classpath. It lists the Classpath. Java40.jar is in the directory that
"something" complains about not being able to find. Where is the
configuration file that contains the Classpath and what is it named?

Question 2: On some website I get a question mark displayed instead of
a quote mark. And on some sites, as in The Register for example, the
page lines when displayed over lap. The fonts are not standard text but
appear to be graphics. Any ideas what might be the problem?


David Boles

Re: [newbie] ip_chains

2000-10-11 Thread David Boles

On 11 Oct 2000 01:33:37 EDT, David Boles said:

Thank you to all who replied. The tests show that I have ip_chains
setup properly. Finally. 

I don't know just how safe this make me feel but it does make me feel

> I am attempting to setup a firewall to protest a box connected to the
>  Internet by a modem. I am going to/maybe already have used/try using
>  ip_chains and pmfirewall-1.1.4. 
>  Question. How can I tell if the firewall works?
>  -- 
>  David Boles


David Boles

[newbie] ip_chains

2000-10-10 Thread David Boles

I am attempting to setup a firewall to protest a box connected to the
Internet by a modem. I am going to/maybe already have used/try using
ip_chains and pmfirewall-1.1.4. 

Question. How can I tell if the firewall works?


David Boles

[newbie] GW Bush - Guns?

2000-09-28 Thread David Boles

So just what does George W or guns have to do with Linux?

Is this list not moderated in any way?


David Boles

Re: [newbie] any screenshots of grub?

2000-09-27 Thread David Boles

On Wed, 27 Sep 2000 07:42:33 -0500, Vic said:

> oh gee that was phreakin helpful thanks for nothing.
>  I loooked there and already found nothing but kde screenshots.
>  Any *useful* information now??

With an attitude like that you will find that "help' is hard to come by
around here.

If you had spent more than a few seconds looking around you might have
found this:

>  On Tue, 26 Sep 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>  > In a message dated 26-Sep-00 13:44:39 Central Daylight Time, 
>  > [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
>  > 
>  > << Sorry for the dumb question, I am just wondering what
>  >  grub looks like and if there is a screenshot I can lookat.
>  >   >>
>  > you can find it in the install demo at  


David Boles

[newbie] IDE CDrom burner support

2000-09-19 Thread David Boles

When I first installed L-M 7.1 it found and correctly configured all of my
hardware along with my CD-Rom and my CD-RW.

Since I have "upgraded" to kernel-2.2.16-9mdk L-M no longer recognizes my
CD-RW. I understand that it must me setup to be seen as a SCSI device. What
EXACTLY is different in the kernel between 2.2.15 and 2.2.16. I would like to
compile a new kernel and regain my CD-RW drive.


David Boles

[newbie] XFree86 version?

2000-09-17 Thread David Boles

I have L-M release 7.1 and I think I understand that it came with XFree 86
3.3.6 and 4.0. How can I tell which version was intalled?


David Boles

[newbie] Lack of download speed/completion

2000-03-30 Thread David Boles

I have my computer connected to the Internet with a NE2000 PCI 10mhz card by
way of a small home LAN. The connections are made by a 56K modem on good phone

If I have OS/2 Warp running I can d/l the file, IBMJava-SDK-1_1_8-2_0_i386.RPM,
in about 39 minutes with 4.5 k/sec using Netscape Communicator v4.61 for OS/2.

If I have Win98 running, on the same machine, same connection setup, I can d/l
the same file in about 41 minutes with a similar 4.5 k/sec with Netscape
Communicator v7.2 for Windows.

With Linux-Mandrake 7.0, or L-M 6.0, Readhat 5.2, or RH 6.0 I give up after
several hours with a completion  of about 5% with Netscape Communicator v7.0 or
v7.2. I get tired of looking at (stalled) in the netscape download window. Same
site, same time of day, same day of the week. This happens with ALL downloads,
any site, any time, any day.

Netscape displays web pages quickly. E-Mail downloads quickly. 

Any suggestions or information would be greatly appreciated.

BTW.. incase it was not obvious, I am a Newbie a Linux, , but not to
