Re: [newbie] both modem and LAN networking?

2000-01-30 Thread Derek Sivers

>.just set up your lan (eth0) during installation then
>after your install is complete refer to the help pages at:

WOW!   Thanks Alan!
I had never seen that site/page before.
Man - there's so much there
Great link.   Thanks again.

- Derek

Re: [newbie] modem

2000-01-30 Thread Derek Sivers

Most internal Windows modems will only run in Windows.  (Long story why.)

Make sure it doesn't say "winmodem" ANYWHERE on the documentation or 
description of your internal modem.

The safest thing is to always use an external modem for Linux.  Then you're 
always compatible without question.

>>I was a hopless windoz addict for years, but in the last two weeks have 
>>weaned off it to Linux under the tutalage of a Linux Master.  I have a 
>>U.S Robotics 56k V.90 modem.  We had to set it up under Linux, which was 
>>quite easy.  How it was done, I can't elaborate, as he did it.  However, 
>>as I observed, it is quite simple.  Good Luck
>>I got a 56k creative blaster modem and I can't get the kppp to recognize 
>>it even though it works perfect in windows... in lost but I want to use 

Re: [newbie] Converting to Linux.

2000-01-30 Thread Derek Sivers

>i play games alot so would Linux be 4 me? I play games Use ICQ big into 
>MP3's. So would Linux Be the OS for me or should i stick with Windows?

Stick with Windows.

It's like someone saying, "I like to use my car to go to the grocery store 
sometimes.  Should I get a tank?"

Linux is more than you need for the recreational kind of thing you mention.

[newbie] both modem and LAN networking?

2000-01-30 Thread Derek Sivers

At setup of Mandrake 7 it asks if we want dial-up-modem networking **or** 
LAN networking.

What if we want both?
Which should I choose?

(I've been running SuSE Linux fine for a year with a modem to connect to 
the web, and an Ethernet to connect to the other computers in the office.)

In fact, I'd like to make the Mandrake 7 computer do IP forwarding / 
Masquerading to be the only computer in the office that dials in to our 
local ISP - with the 4 Windows computers using it for internet access.

So - that being said - can someone please please tell me which options to 
choose at Mandrake 7 setup??

(I tried LAN only, and it won't connect to our ISP.  I tired DIALUP only, 
and it doesn't see the Ethernet card.)


Derek Sivers


2000-01-30 Thread Derek Sivers

>please tell me how to get off this stupid list, i'm sick of getting all this
>waste of time mail!!

You get off of it the same way you got on to it.

Then click the "Mailing Lists" button on the left menubar.

[newbie] both modem and LAN networking?

2000-01-29 Thread Derek Sivers

Just installing Mandrake  (7)  for my first time.

At setup it asks if we want dial-up-modem networking **or** LAN networking.

What if we want both?
Which should I choose?

(I've been running SuSE Linux fine for a year with a modem to connect to 
the web, and an Ethernet to connect to the other computers in the office.)

In fact, I'd like to make the Mandrake 7 computer do IP forwarding / 
Masquerading to be the only computer in the office that dials in to our 
local ISP - with the 4 Windows computers using it for internet access.

So - that being said - can someone please please tell me which options to 
choose at Mandrake 7 setup??

(I tried LAN only, and it doesn't seem to connect to our ISP.)


Derek Sivers

[newbie] FONT Q: blocky text in Netscape?

2000-01-19 Thread Derek Sivers

Not new to Linux, but new to Mandrake.
Installed 6.3 and I remember hearing it came with some
truetype fonts built in or something.

But when I opened Netscape, and went to some websites
I had designed, some text was big and blocky like a
Xerox logo or something.

(You know - where the letter A looks like it's just 8
big Lego pixels.)

Any clue what it might be?   I know the website was
looking for the fonts in this order:  Verdana,
Trebuchet, Arial, Helvetia, sans-serif.

Any advice appreciated!


Derek Sivers
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