[newbie] mandriva future?

2005-04-11 Thread Dobrescu Mihai
Dear community,

After the merge, what happents to the distro?
Will be any free version available?
I used MDK for 2 years...
I've started to love it!

Best Regards,
Mihai Sorin Dobrescu

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Linux not yet ready for primetime

2004-11-13 Thread Dobrescu Mihai
Six months ago I've purchased a 5550 (pretty
expensive) and the drivers on Windows still have
problems with the color tones.
On MDK worked much better... despite of HP
*sponsoring*. ;-)

--- Anne Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Friday 12 Nov 2004 13:32, Greg Meyer wrote:
> > Ever try
> > to install Windows from scratch, track down
> drivers and get them installed
> > without a network connection, then try to
> configure a wireless conection so
> > that it co-exists nicely with more than one access
> point, and then try to
> > apply the Windows updates before getting infected?
>  It's not a picnic
> > either.
> It took me something like 3 hours to get my printer
> installed under windows.  
> It's an HP Deskjet, and I had the driver disk, but
> the * would *not* 
> install.  Eventually I worked out that it would not
> install because it was on 
> a USB hub.  Once I connected it directly to the box,
> it worked.  Now how was 
> I supposed to know that?  There were no error
> messages - it just said there 
> was no USB printer.  And they call this
> user-friendly?
> The same printer installed perfectly under Mandrake,
> and serves two other 
> boxes on the LAN, just by editing one single
> printerserver line in CUPS 
> configuration.  Guess which I prefer?
> Anne
> Anne
> -- 
> Registered Linux User No.293302
> Have you visited http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org yet?
> >

> Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
> Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com
> Join the Club : http://www.mandrakeclub.com

Best Regards,
Mihai Sorin Dobrescu

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Linux not yet ready for primetime

2004-11-12 Thread Dobrescu Mihai

--- "Randall D. Hobbs"

> On Thursday 11 November 2004 4:54 pm, Jack wrote:
> > Okay, I've spent a couple of months playing with
> Mandrake Linux (10.1
> > community) and here are my (unsolicited)
> impressions:
> >
> > 1 - I like the interface a lot.  It is very
> customizable and, well...
> > downright fun!!!
> >
> > 2 - It appears to be rock solid in the programs
> that it will install,
> > and incidentally, there are tons of free programs
> available for it.
> >
> > 3 - It avoids that tedious Windows process of
> having to restart almost
> > everytime you install a program.
> >
> > 4 - Being able to drop down into console mode and
> having the flexibility
> > to further drop down into root is awesome!
> >
> > 5 - Download speeds seem to be better than in
> Windows.
> >
> > 6 - Security is better than in Windows and pushing
> the user to create a
> > non-root account is a wise move.
> >
> >
> > But unfortunately, I still don't think it's ready
> for primetime and
> > here's why:
> >
> > 1 - It never did "see" my Canon D760
> copier/printer.
> >
> > 2 - Couldn't get my nvidia video capture to work,
> despite help from
> > experts like Anne Wilson.
> >
> > 3 - Couldn't upgrade to KDE 3.3, despite having
> the CD for it and
> > despite help from experts like Randall.  I spent
> *weeks* on this.
> > Nothing I tried worked, nor did any suggestions
> work.
> >
> > 4 - I use voice recognition extensively (Dragon NS
> and IBM ViaVoice).  I
> > don't believe this even exists for Linux.
> >
> > 5 - Most damning of all was my attempted upgrade
> to 10.1 official.  I
> > completely wiped my drive to do a clean install,
> and after everything
> > was said and done, the official version could not
> find the internet, nor
> > my onboard (Asus P4P800) sound card.
> > 10.0 had no trouble finding these 2, nor did the
> community version of
> > 10.1.  Luckily for me, I had imaged the drive
> beforehand, so I was able
> > to go back to 10.1 community.
> >
> > 6 - I spent the $170 or so bucks to become a
> silver club member, but not
> > once have I received an answer from Mandrake when
> I found myself stuck.
> > I was also forced to install Bit Torrent to
> download the new ISO's after
> > have waited for over 2 weeks (in vain) after my
> request for FTP access.
> > (I *hate* peer to peer networks and I didn't
> appreciate being forced to
> > use one, even though it did turn out to be pretty
> fast.  I consider peer
> > to peer a security risk.)
> >
> > A mature operating system should not encounter
> these problems,  I have a
> > pretty standard Intel 2.6 gz system with 512 mb of
> ram, and Windows has
> > never had a problem configuring my setup.
> >
> > I see great potential in Linux and I will maintain
> my dual-boot system,
> > slowly learning to survive in Linux while waiting
> (and hoping) for the
> > operating system to mature to a more usable
> state...
> >
> > - Jack
> This isn't a remark to Jack - this is mostly to
> those who don't agree with 
> what he said... Remember when you guys were new to
> Linux? I'm sure about 90% 
> of you thought the same way. I know I did. There is
> a substantial learning 
> curve to Linux - you cannot go to a software store
> and buy software for Linux 
> (at least not that I've seen), and when you purchase
> a printer, video card, 
> or any number of other computer related hardware,
> it's Windows that they 
> support, not Linux. There are still lots of things
> that are lacking in Linux 
> - mostly due to the fact that the companies who
> build the hardware get locked 
> into providing just Windows drivers for it, and so
> it leaves it to people who 
> have no real knowledge of the hardware to try to
> write drivers for it in 
> Linux. Yes, Linux has come a long way - but it still
> doesn't have that "easy 
> installation" and total all around support for
> hardware that Windows has. 
> That being said, Jack, you ARE on the right track.
> Getting into the newsgroups 
> and asking is definitely the way to go. For the most
> part, the Linux 
> community is really good about sharing information,
> and there are solutions 
> for most of the problems, whether it's just a simple
> hack or a total 
> recompile. You will also ALWAYS step on someone
> elses toes with any opinion 
> you make, so don't let that get to you. Everyone
> else has an opinion too, and 
> it's just human to want to say your part. 
> In my opinion, Linux HAS come a long way. It still
> has a long ways to go. 
> That's why developers work on it constantly,
> updating, rewriting apps, etc., 
> to make it better. When you think it is as good as
> it needs to be, well, 
> you're in the same boat the Microsoft developers are
> in. See where that gets 
> Windows users?
> Linux may never have the same "ease of use" that
> Windows has been incorporated 
> with (for the most part), but therein lies its
> strength. Once you learn HOW 
> to install something, you are that much more

Re: [newbie] Mandrake Linux not yet ready for primetime

2004-11-12 Thread Dobrescu Mihai

--- David Cormier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Wow, $170 paid for endless thousands of dollars of
> equivalent software, 
> friendly support (evidence below) and admission into
> what in any other 
> conceivable discipline would be a select group of
> longtimers who would 
> not have the slightest thing to do with you. You
> offer them $170 bucks 
> (I say offer, because you could have gotten it free)
> for untold 
> thousands of hours of work (figure a dream people
> have been working on 
> for 20 years) , and you can't get it figured out in
> WEEKS!!!, so you 
> lash out at those very same people kind enough to
> accept you.
> I understand your frustration, I'm 2 months in,
> unsure if I'm with the 
> right distribution, confused about a hundred things,
> and I have a silver 
> membership. I still use my other boot up (I'm on it
> now, I needed a work 
> document printed out in exact msword format), and
> have faded in my all 
> out enthusiasm for MDK. But here it is, right here,
> all these people are 
> willing to reply to you after you've insulted them.
> That's the 
> difference. Any amount of research would have told
> you that the 
> membership was flawed... but it's flawed because
> they don't have the 
> money. True, and some of that lack comes from a lack
> of what we are 
> accustomed to calling professionalism.
> Walk on to an American football field. Ask them if
> you can play, they'll 
> 'say' no. (If you're lucky they'll be polite) You're
> place is in the 
> stands. It's a multimillion dollar industry with
> access only to a 
> priveledged few. Walk onto a rugby pitch, people
> will greet you, ask if 
> you'd like to practice, talk to you about the game.
> It's an odd game, 
> takes a while to adjust to. But you get to be
> involved, if you want, at 
> just about any level you like.
> There is a difference. Performance in some ways yes.
> Software all over 
> the place. But at the end of the day, people like
> Anne (whom I've never 
> even read before) are the reason I'm going to stick
> it out.
> dave.
> Anne Wilson wrote:
> >On Thursday 11 Nov 2004 22:54, Jack wrote:
> >  
> >
> >>1 - It never did "see" my Canon D760
> copier/printer.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >Canon gear is always hard, as they will not
> cooperate in releasing api 
> >details.  However, it is sometimes possible to get
> things to work.  Did you 
> >ask any specific questions about this?
> >
> >  
> >
> >>2 - Couldn't get my nvidia video capture to work,
> despite help from
> >>experts like Anne Wilson.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >I'm not an expert - just someone who tries to help.
>  I'm especially not an 
> >expert on nvidia - my one and only nvidia card
> disappoints me.
> >
> >  
> >
> >>3 - Couldn't upgrade to KDE 3.3, despite having
> the CD for it and
> >>despite help from experts like Randall.  I spent
> *weeks* on this.
> >>Nothing I tried worked, nor did any suggestions
> work.
I've done it in 15 minutes being really *DUMB*
newbie... Install first the kdearts package (and one
dependency) and all the rest after. (Because kdearts
for KDE 3.2 was not in the distro first time...)
BUT KDE 3.3 is not tested throughfully, so you may
have many problems. Just stay .1-.2 versions back when
you've got a stable installation if you're not
prepared to tweak MDK. Learn first then react!
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >This is not a task for a newbie.
> >
> >  
> >
> >>4 - I use voice recognition extensively (Dragon NS
> and IBM ViaVoice).  I
> >>don't believe this even exists for Linux.
> >>
> >>5 - Most damning of all was my attempted upgrade
> to 10.1 official.  I
> >>completely wiped my drive to do a clean install,
> and after everything
> >>was said and done, the official version could not
> find the internet
the Internet thing could be resolved. Look for that on
cooker mailing list:
, nor
> >>my onboard (Asus P4P800) sound card.
> >>
> >>
> >
> >You probably didn't check all the Configuration
> options late in the install.  
> >There is no reason why those could not have been
> persuaded to work.
> >
> >  
> >
> >>10.0 had no trouble finding these 2, nor did the
> community version of
> >>10.1.  Luckily for me, I had imaged the drive
> beforehand, so I was able
> >>to go back to 10.1 community.
> >>
> >>6 - I spent the $170 or so bucks to become a
> silver club member, but not
> >>once have I received an answer from Mandrake when
> I found myself stuck.
They are not for you only. I am not a club member (it
is very complicated in my country to pay via
but there were always somebody able to answer me.
> >>
> >>
> >
> >What questions did you ask, and where?
> >
> >  
> >
> >>I see great potential in Linux and I will maintain
> my dual-boot system,
> >>slowly learning to survive in Linux while waiting
> (and hoping) for the
> >>operating system to mature to a more usable
> state...
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >I may sound harsh, Jack, but you have to realised
> t

[newbie] KDEBASE update

2004-11-06 Thread Dobrescu Mihai

I'm sorry if there was an answer for my question and I
missed it!

I've installed MDK 10.1 Official from the 4 CDs.
I do not have the gl screensavers and I also wanted to
install KDE 3.3.
I wanted to update KDEBASE.
I constantly got some "missig files" errors.

How could I do it properly?

There is a log attached.

Best Regards,
Mihai Sorin Dobrescu

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[EMAIL PROTECTED] xxx]# urpmi kdebase
Some package requested cannot be installed:
libkdebase4-kate-devel-3.3.0-24mdk.i586 (due to unsatisfied devel(libkscript))
libkdecore4-devel-3.2.3-93mdk.i586 (trying to promote libkdebase4-kate)
libkdecore4-devel-3.3.0-10mdk.i586 (due to unsatisfied devel(libjack))
Continue? (Y/n) y
The following packages have to be removed for others to be upgraded:
kdetrayproxy-0.2-6mdk.i586 (due to conflicts with libkdecore4-3.3.0-10mdk.i586)
kdevelop-3.0.4-15mdk.i586 (due to missing kdelibs-devel)
libkdecore4-devel-3.2.3-93mdk.i586 (due to unsatisfied libkdecore4 == 
libkdeedu1-devel-3.2.3-7mdk.i586 (due to missing devel(libDCOP), due to missing 
devel(libkdecore), due to missing devel(libkdefx))
libkdegames1-devel-3.2.3-9mdk.i586 (due to missing devel(libDCOP), due to missing 
devel(libartskde), due to missing devel(libkdecore), due to missing devel(libkdefx), 
due to missing devel(libkdeprint), due to missing devel(libkdesu), due to missing 
devel(libkdeui), due to missing devel(libkio), due to missing devel(libkparts))
libkdegraphics0-common-devel-3.2.3-16mdk.i586 (due to missing devel(libDCOP), due to 
missing devel(libkdecore), due to missing devel(libkdefx), due to missing 
devel(libkdesu), due to missing devel(libkdeui), due to missing devel(libkio), due to 
missing devel(libkparts))
libkdegraphics0-kooka-devel-3.2.3-16mdk.i586 (due to missing devel(libDCOP), due to 
missing devel(libkdecore), due to missing devel(libkdefx), due to missing 
devel(libkdesu), due to missing devel(libkdeui), due to missing devel(libkio))
libkdegraphics0-kview-devel-3.2.3-16mdk.i586 (due to missing devel(libDCOP), due to 
missing devel(libkdecore), due to missing devel(libkdefx), due to missing 
devel(libkdesu), due to missing devel(libkdeui), due to missing devel(libkio), due to 
missing devel(libkparts))
libkdemultimedia1-common-devel-3.2.3-18mdk.i586 (due to missing devel(libDCOP), due to 
missing devel(libartskde), due to missing devel(libkdecore), due to missing 
devel(libkdefakes), due to missing devel(libkdefx), due to missing devel(libkdesu), 
due to missing devel(libkdeui), due to missing devel(libkio), due to missing 
devel(libkmid), due to missing devel(libkparts), due to missing devel(libnoatunarts))
libkdemultimedia1-noatun-devel-3.2.3-18mdk.i586 (due to missing devel(libDCOP), due to 
missing devel(libartskde), due to missing devel(libkdecore), due to missing 
devel(libkdefx), due to missing devel(libkdesu), due to missing devel(libkdeui), due 
to missing devel(libkio), due to missing devel(libartsbuilder), due to missing 
devel(libartsgui), due to missing devel(libartsgui_idl), due to missing 
devel(libartsgui_kde), due to missing devel(libartsmidi_idl), due to missing 
devel(libartsmodules), due to missing devel(libartsmodulescommon), due to missing 
devel(libartsmoduleseffects), due to missing devel(libartsmodulesmixers), due to 
missing devel(libartsmodulessynth))
libkdenetwork2-kopete-devel-3.2.3-19mdk.i586 (due to missing devel(libDCOP), due to 
missing devel(libkabc), due to missing devel(libkdecore), due to missing 
devel(libkdefx), due to missing devel(libkdeprint), due to missing devel(libkdesu), 
due to missing devel(libkdeui), due to missing devel(libkhtml), due to missing 
devel(libkio), due to missing devel(libkjs), due to missing devel(libkparts), due to 
missing devel(libkresources), due to missing devel(libkutils), due to missing 
devel(libkwalletclient), due to missing devel(libvcard))
libkdepim2-common-devel-3.3.0-26mdk.i586 (due to missing devel(libDCOP), due to 
missing devel(libkabc), due to missing devel(libkdecore), due to missing 
devel(libkdefx), due to missing devel(libkdeprint), due to missing devel(libkdesu), 
due to missing devel(libkdeui), due to missing devel(libkio), due to missing 
devel(libkparts), due to missing devel(libkresources), due to missing 
devel(libkspell), due to missing devel(libkutils), due to missing 
devel(libkwalletclient), due to missing devel(libvcard), due to missing 
libkdepim2-kaddressbook-devel-3.3.0-26mdk.i586 (due to missing devel(libDCOP), due to 
missing devel(libkabc), due to missing devel(libkabc_file), due to missing 
devel(libkdecore), due to missing devel(libkdefx), due to missing devel(libkdeprint), 
due to missing devel(libkdesu), due to missing devel(libkdeui), due to missing 
devel(libkhtml), due to missing devel(libkio), due to missing devel(libkjs), due to 
missing devel(li

Re: [newbie] Internet Configuration

2004-10-29 Thread Dobrescu Mihai
Mine works, but after the modem (in my case) chosing,
a list with providers appears. I live in Romania, but
it is not in the list of MDK Control Center. If I use
kppp, it has Romania and I can customize the

--- Derek Jennings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Thursday 28 October 2004 17:26, Rich Lichvar
> wrote:
> > I'm trying to configure my Internet connection. I
> open the MandrakeLinux
> > control center and click on Network & Internet,
> then Internet Access. I
> > get a warning that there isn't any Internet
> connection configured and to
> > run Internet access in the control center. When I
> click on ok, the
> > Internet Access configuration window goes away!
> How can I configure my
> > Internet access?
> >
> Add a connection first, or select Manage Connections
> to configure an existing 
> one.
> Normally the installer will have autodetected your
> connections, but some 
> connections such as wireless connections may need
> extra configuration.
> If you are using 802.11g wireless, or an ADSL USB
> modem you may need to 
> install some proprietary firmware first. In that
> case come back and give us 
> the details of your hardware, and the Mandrake
> revision you are using.
> derek
> -- 
> www.jennings.homelinux.net
> http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org
> >

> Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
> Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com
> Join the Club : http://www.mandrakeclub.com

Best Regards,
Mihai Sorin Dobrescu

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] module removal

2004-10-26 Thread Dobrescu Mihai
Dear Sir,

I understand that the rivafb is not loaded.
I just want to learn how to remove a module I don't
need and I took this example.

--- Greg Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tuesday 26 October 2004 06:03 am, Dobrescu Mihai
> wrote:
> > I've tried this all the last evening.
> > I have got no feed-back and the module wasn't
> removed.
> > No modprobe changes even.
> > I run an 10.1C.
> >
> rivafb is not loaded if you don't have the card, you
> are just getting a 
> warning that if you do have one, it is incompatible.
>  Since the rivafb module 
> doesn't actually ever load, you won't experience the
> conflict, and it won't 
> show up with lsmod.
> > I am a newbie and I don't know how to find the
> reason
> > (in a log or somewhere else?).
> Give yourself more credit, you did find the warning.
>  It can be safely ignored 
> though because there is no way to get rid of it
> unless you rebuild the kernel 
> without rivafb support.
> -- 
> /g
> >

> Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
> Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com
> Join the Club : http://www.mandrakeclub.com

Best Regards,
Mihai Sorin Dobrescu

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Re: [newbie] module removal

2004-10-26 Thread Dobrescu Mihai
I am not sure...
I coudn't test right now.
But yesterday no message was displayed.

--- Raffaele BELARDI <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dobrescu Mihai wrote:
> > I've tried this all the last evening.
> > I have got no feed-back and the module wasn't
> removed.
> > No modprobe changes even.
> > I run an 10.1C.
> > 
> What does lsmod report?
> raffaele
> >

> Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
> Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com
> Join the Club : http://www.mandrakeclub.com

Best Regards,
Mihai Sorin Dobrescu

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] module removal

2004-10-26 Thread Dobrescu Mihai
I've tried this all the last evening.
I have got no feed-back and the module wasn't removed.
No modprobe changes even.
I run an 10.1C.

I am a newbie and I don't know how to find the reason
(in a log or somewhere else?).

--- Raffaele BELARDI <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dobrescu Mihai wrote:
> > 
> > How could I remove/un-set a module (let say
> 'rivafb')?
> > I don't want to rebuild the kernel...
> As root, from a terminal window:
> # rmmod 
> To see the currently loaded modules:
> # lsmod
> For more info:
> # man rmmod
> raffaele
> >

> Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
> Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com
> Join the Club : http://www.mandrakeclub.com

Best Regards,
Mihai Sorin Dobrescu

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Re: [newbie] module removal

2004-10-26 Thread Dobrescu Mihai

I'll do it this evening.
But my question still remains: 

How could I remove/un-set a module (let say 'rivafb')?
I don't want to rebuild the kernel...

And another one:

How could I recompile a kernel with the same settings
as other? (if I have a new (minor) version and I want
to keep - as much as possible - the old one settings;
or if I have one and I want to make another
compilation, but with 1-2 modules different, how could
I 'clone' the settings)?


--- Derek Jennings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Tuesday 26 October 2004 05:57, Dobrescu Mihai
> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I've installed the 10.1 Community and I tried to
> > install nVidia driver. It displays a warning about
> > incompatibility with rivafb driver module (the
> kernel
> > is set to run with). I don't have a Riva.
> > How could I remove the rivafb module from the
> kernel?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Mike
> >
> Do not bother. It is only a warning. It will still
> work.
> BTW: the nvidia driver will not compile with 10.1CE
> I have a page here to tell 
> you how to get around the issue
> http://www.jennings.homelinux.net/nvidia.html
> derek
> -- 
> www.jennings.homelinux.net
> http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org
> >

> Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
> Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com
> Join the Club : http://www.mandrakeclub.com

Best Regards,
Mihai Sorin Dobrescu

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[newbie] module removal

2004-10-25 Thread Dobrescu Mihai

I've installed the 10.1 Community and I tried to
install nVidia driver. It displays a warning about
incompatibility with rivafb driver module (the kernel
is set to run with). I don't have a Riva. 
How could I remove the rivafb module from the kernel?


Best Regards,
Mihai Sorin Dobrescu

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] tools for partitioning and formatting hard drive(diatribe alert)

2004-08-05 Thread Dobrescu Mihai

I hate to reply to this.
I would be concerned of my data security if I'd have
been NASA. But I'm not. If you want to erase some
data, try a wipe!
I'm sad to see somebody confusing open source (== open
minded) to illegal activities. I've never imagined 
somebody so fly... Being m$ competitive/alternative
doesn't mean to be illegal.
Was that a math lesson? Do you think some
multiplications means Maths? It meant 2 years ago,
Try some physics: L=mc2.
Take an ice-tea and relax! And avoid coffeine! Your
lesson for this life is patience + wisdom. You need a
lot, Tomas.
It is a wonder that somebody (i.e. Mr. Charlie Mahan)
bothered to answer you...

Owner of Diploma in Mathematics and Computer Science
+ pretty experienced developer on M$Windows
+ owner of 7 Brainbench diplomas.

--- Charlie Mahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On August 5, 2004 00:31:12, Tomas Tudja wrote:
> > Hello,
> > Format, fill with big files (movies) until there
> will be no space left
> > and format again. If electron microscope guys
> (probably there are much
> > cheaper ways to read data from disk only twice
> formatted) will find
> > anything, it will be only data from last copyed
> files. If electron guys
> > are working for RIAA, you are in trouble because
> of illegal copyes of
> > movies :>. But you need a working system to do it.
> There is no other way
> > to properly and safely clean the disk without
> damage.
> Define working system before you make such
> statements please. Booting from one 
> of the many LiveCD disks available and using the
> tools available to mount, 
> format, change fs type and format again is possible
> and easy. The drives can 
> have previous data on them or not. It makes no
> difference.
> You have taken this _way_ farther than anyone needed
> for it to go. My 
> *flippant* comments about electron microscopes were
> to illustrate that the 
> original question wasn't specifically asking for a
> format that would make any 
> data impossible to read because that is a difficult
> process and very 
> expensive. I was trying to steer the original poster
> away from the "low level 
> format" trap since it tends to damage old drives of
> unknown pedigree 
> sometimes.
> The first point I made in my reply was that it's
> probably easier to use the 
> original manufacturers tools to do the job, then I
> threw in some smart ass 
> comments.
> > Little math lesson:
> > Let say there is an "empty place" on a disk.
> That's the place, where we
> > write the bite we want to be there. We have a 20G
> disk. There are
> > 171798691840 "empty places"
> > (   (((20 * 1024) * 1024) * 1024) * 8 =
> 171798691840   ). If we write a
> > file on disk, we can do it by 5MBps. That means we
> can fill 41943040
> > "empty places" in 1 second. If we format a 20G
> partition with HardDrake,
> > it takes about 20 seconds (I don't remember the
> correct time). So, if we
> > format a disk (partition placed on entire disk),
> we are touching only
> > 838860800 "empty places" on the disk and
> 170959831040 are untouched and
> > containing old data. If we make two different
> formats (difrent
> > filesystems), we just decrease this number maybe
> by another 838860800
> > and that is not enough. IT IS NEED TO TOUCH EVERY
> bites on 20G disk takes
> > about 68 minutes by speed 5 MBps.
> What's the point? I openly stated that guarding
> against that type of forensic 
> analysis was not going to be accomplished by what I
> was recommending. Are you 
> trying to prove you are more capable and more
> intelligent than I?
> Fine you win. Much of the world fits that
> description.
> > Counts are only guesses (I really have no glue
> about writing speed on a
> > disk, but I thing it is something about 5 MBps. I
> guess there are really
> > only 60 seconds in each minute and only 1024 bytes
> in every single MB
> If I wanted to study math I'd enrol in University,
> wouldn't I? I don't have 
> the time. Your points are made and that's fine, but
> there was no reason for 
> them in my opinion, and this type of over technical
> extremism may be why so 
> many people despise "geeks."
> Is there a reason that you felt a need to
> demonstrate your intellectual 
> prowess? 
> Does anyone care?
> > Sorry for bugging you, but it is very simple so I
> wonder, why is
> > everybody not understanding it with me. :>
> >
> > Tomas Tudja
> > 136 Church Road
> > N17 8AJ
> > London, UK
> > http://hysteria.sk/catcher
> What makes you think nobody understands these things
> but you? Or cares if you 
> do? Or if I do? Who in the world cares if the data
> is unrecoverable with 
> specialized tools, or through more drastic measures?
> I offered a choice of methods to accomplish the
> original poster's question. 
> What did you offer? "Write movies to the disk!" Y

Re: [newbie] whoops re: Linuxant and my desktop

2004-04-18 Thread Dobrescu Mihai

--- Laura Callier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, wrong machine...Conexant modem is on my Dell
> laptop.  So, I guess I'll
> still have to get an external modem for the desktop.
>However, maybe later
> this year, if i can get Linux to work, I can
> download a linux driver for my
> laptop from Linuxant.
> Laura
> > 


What is your problem in facts?

I've downloaded the drivers from Linuxant for my
winmodem and I installed the RPM in KDE as su.
It was compiled succesfully (It does automatically
this, but you need the kernel sources to be installed
on the computer). There are 2 versions of the driver:
one free at 15k and a 15$ one unlimited.


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Re: [newbie] whoops re: Linuxant and my desktop

2004-04-18 Thread Dobrescu Mihai

--- Laura Callier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, wrong machine...Conexant modem is on my Dell
> laptop.  So, I guess I'll
> still have to get an external modem for the desktop.
>However, maybe later
> this year, if i can get Linux to work, I can
> download a linux driver for my
> laptop from Linuxant.
> Laura
> > 


What is your problem in facts?

I've downloaded the drivers from Linuxant for my
winmodem and I installed the RPM in KDE as su.
It was compiled succesfully (It does automatically
this, but you need the kernel sources to be installed
on the computer). There are 2 versions of the driver:
one free at 15k and a 15$ one unlimited.


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Re: [newbie] whoops re: Linuxant and my desktop

2004-04-18 Thread Dobrescu Mihai

--- Laura Callier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, wrong machine...Conexant modem is on my Dell
> laptop.  So, I guess I'll
> still have to get an external modem for the desktop.
>However, maybe later
> this year, if i can get Linux to work, I can
> download a linux driver for my
> laptop from Linuxant.
> Laura
> > 


What is your problem in facts?

I've downloaded the drivers from Linuxant for my
winmodem and I installed the RPM in KDE as su.
It was compiled succesfully (It does automatically
this, but you need the kernel sources to be installed
on the computer). There are 2 versions of the driver:
one free at 15k and a 15$ one unlimited.


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Re: [newbie] whoops re: Linuxant and my desktop

2004-04-18 Thread Dobrescu Mihai

--- Laura Callier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, wrong machine...Conexant modem is on my Dell
> laptop.  So, I guess I'll
> still have to get an external modem for the desktop.
>However, maybe later
> this year, if i can get Linux to work, I can
> download a linux driver for my
> laptop from Linuxant.
> Laura
> > 


What is your problem in facts?

I've downloaded the drivers from Linuxant for my
winmodem and I installed the RPM in KDE as su.
It was compiled succesfully (It does automatically
this, but you need the kernel sources to be installed
on the computer). There are 2 versions of the driver:
one free at 15k and a 15$ one unlimited.


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[newbie] 10

2004-04-06 Thread Dobrescu Mihai

Everybody says MDK is a gem...
I think it is a good reason to give up Windows.


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Re: [newbie] Community release

2004-03-09 Thread Dobrescu Mihai

Thanks for a feedback!

I installed/tested/mixed/scrambled etc...
I would like to have the latest original bunch as the 
makers thought and intended to be and I wish to make a
fresh install.
I also can't use anything else than http because of my
Internet provider policy.

That's my problem!

--- Glenn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tuesday 09 March 2004 09:15, Dobrescu Mihai
> wrote:
> >
> > Anyway, if they are not club embers, you could
> provide
> > them the regular pack - the 3 CDs that they would
> have
> > from public mirrors later.
> >
> > Restrict the totally passive people that wait for
> the
> > final release only!
> >
> > I am not experienced in Linux and I can't say that
> I
> > contributed much, but I did my best!
> > Others deserve more to have the access to the
> > distribution, but I can't stay and have no opinion
> on
> > this!
> >
> I, for one, am still running the "cooked" Cooker 10,
> updated regularly 
> throughout these weeks to the present form of
> Community.  Although I've 
> downloaded  the 4 Community ISO files through
> torrent, and continued sharing 
> via torrent until about 30mins ago, I haven't
> actually attempted a new 
> install with the CDs (I did check the MD5 sums
> though).  If you participated 
> in the beta period, and through RC1, what is your
> complaint?  You'd be at 
> almost the same place I am, with the exception that
> you wouldn't have the 
> unused ISOs and wouldn't have contributed to the
> distribution via bittorrent.
> -- 
> 16:34:52 up 2 days, 23:58, running Mandrake Linux
> release 10.0 (Community) for 
> i586, kernel 2.6.2-3mdk
> Registered Linux user #324360
> Q:Why do firemen wear red suspenders?
> A:To conform with departmental regulations
> concerning uniform dress.
> > Want to buy your Pack or Services from
> Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

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[newbie] Community release

2004-03-09 Thread Dobrescu Mihai

I've found a lot of attitudes regarding the
availability of the Cooker - Community release.
I think that the club members should have some
advantages - financil basically because they pay a
regular amount of money.
I think that people that helped - as much as they
could - should be rewarded even if they are not club
members because:
- they've spent time on testing and
confirming/infirming bugs and other issues
- they've helped you to develop a good product faster
- the benefit of this is common : to the club or not
club members 
- they helped you to test on hardware that you should
- they've provided (sometimes) useful suggestions

Anyway, if they are not club embers, you could provide
them the regular pack - the 3 CDs that they would have
from public mirrors later.

Restrict the totally passive people that wait for the
final release only!

I am not experienced in Linux and I can't say that I
contributed much, but I did my best!
Others deserve more to have the access to the
distribution, but I can't stay and have no opinion on

Sorry if I hurted you!

Regards and good luck!

P.S.: I hope you will make it better till the final 10
without these people theat you don't let have it as if
you'd give it to them!

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Re: [newbie] OpenOffice + K3b

2004-03-02 Thread Dobrescu Mihai
?? None!
I can't understand how this mail came to you!!

--- Greg Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tuesday 02 March 2004 02:09 am, Dobrescu Mihai
> wrote:
> > Can you tell me where sre the latest OpenOffice
> and
> > K3b packages for MDK 10?
> >
> What does this have to do with resizing a windows
> partition?
> -- 
> /g
> > Want to buy your Pack or Services from
> Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

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[newbie] OpenOffice + K3b

2004-03-01 Thread Dobrescu Mihai
Can you tell me where sre the latest OpenOffice and
K3b packages for MDK 10?


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Re: [newbie] Get Your License Now!

2004-02-28 Thread Dobrescu Mihai
I look like an UNIX user!!!
Shall I pay a license for that and where??


--- Lanman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On February 28, 2004 09:00 am, Lee Wiggers wrote:
> The hell with it. I say kill 'em all and let God
> sort them out!
> -- 
> Lanman
> Registered Linux user #190712
> Running Mandrake 10.0 RC1
> > Want to buy your Pack or Services from
> Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

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[newbie] Beautiful!

2004-02-23 Thread Dobrescu Mihai

I shouldn't post this, but it is a beautiful photo!
Try it!



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Re: [newbie] If MDK brand forbidden...

2004-02-23 Thread Dobrescu Mihai
It is not at this moment, but what is the difference ?
As words, "mandrake" and "window" are the same.
"Mandrake-Linux" != "Mandrake the Mag".
You cannot compare potatoes and screws!

--- Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 2004-02-23 at 15:38, Dobrescu Mihai wrote:
> > ... then you will need a licence for your home's
> > windows!!!
> > 
> > The next step would be to suit God for the
> mandrake
> > plant!!!
> > 
> > mike >:-|
> Windows is NOT a trademark -the US courts threw out
> MS request 12 years
> ago - it was already then a generic term.
> Surprising that they've managed to convince some
> European courts that
> over their claims against Lin---s
> Paul M
> > Want to buy your Pack or Services from
> Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

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Re: [newbie] Changing order of boot options in LILO

2004-02-22 Thread Dobrescu Mihai
Be root, edit lilo.conf, run it and it should work!
Don't forget the "default" setting too...

--- Chuck Mattsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Am I correct that if I want to change the order in
> which the different
> boot options appear in LILO that I need only call it
> up in an editor,
> move the sections around to suit me, save, then run
> LILO as root?  Or am
> I missing something in the process?  Paranoid newbie
> here.  TIA
> -- 
> Chuck Mattsen ... [EMAIL PROTECTED] ... Mahnomen, MN
> Registered Linux User #346519
> > Want to buy your Pack or Services from
> Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

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Re: [newbie] Thanks linuxant and what about power manager?

2004-02-19 Thread Dobrescu Mihai
I know, but where can I find ones (restricted or not)
suitable for the 2.6.x kernel?

--- Angus Auld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> - Original Message -----
> From: Dobrescu Mihai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2004 02:58:13 -0800 (PST)
> Subject: Re: [newbie] Thanks linuxant and what about
> power manager?
> > Hi!
> > 
> > Have you found some Conexant modem drivers and
> where?
> > ***
> Hi, linux drivers for Conexant chipset modems can be
> had 
> here: http://www.linuxant.com/drivers/
> You can get a free version for testing which is
> limited to 
> 14.4 Kbps, there is a charge for the full version.
> These are very thoroughly tested drivers that
> perform 
> well. I have used them through beta to final, with
> good 
> success.
> HTH. Best regards to you.
> --Angus
> "Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear,
> but around 
> in awareness." -- James Thurber
> ***  
> ~Linux Powered by Mandrake 9.2~
> ***
> ~Reg. Linux User #278931~
> ***
> -- 
> Web-based SMS services available at
> http://www.operamail.com.
> From your mailbox to local or overseas cell phones.
> Powered by Outblaze
> > Want to buy your Pack or Services from
> Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

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Re: [newbie] on distributions...

2004-02-13 Thread Dobrescu Mihai

--- "H.J.Bathoorn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Friday 13 February 2004 12:01, Dobrescu Mihai
> wrote:
> > For the moment I would like to help translate
> Linux -
> > this might be a possible way to get in - a lot of
> > Romanians moved to a more inteligible
> interfacewhich
> > is the one in their mother language. But I didn't
> do
> > this on Linux and I need some guidance. There are
> a
> > lot of funny translations that must be changed. Do
> you
> > have any hint? BTW, I can't download from ftp
> because
> > of my provider, so I have always to look for a
> http
> > mirror...
> For translations etc. you should contact the i118n
> lists or go the specific 
> page first: http://www.mandrakelinux.com/l10n/
> Anyway there are some pretty nice tools for
> translations but don't start 
> translating on your ownyou'll get stuck. See
> that it becomes part of a 
> co-ordinated effort.

There are some Romanian guys translating.
Do you think of them by "co-ordinated effort"?

> BTW if your provider lets you: maybe "rsync" is a
> far better option once 
> you've got the iso's. Saves bandwidth and is faster
> too.
> Good luck,
> HarM
> -- 
> Registered Linux User #197998
> FSF Associate Member #901
> ICQ #146191606
> Mandrake HowTo's & more:
> http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org
> > Want to buy your Pack or Services from
> Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

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Re: [newbie] on distributions...

2004-02-13 Thread Dobrescu Mihai
I am not sure what you are saying by "Meanwhile, do
your repayment by spreading the word about Mandrake
by offering any of your experiences that may help

Anyway, I have choosen MDK by my needs:
- to be easy to use and maintain
- to start learning Linux
- to fit on my view on OS in general
- to be accessible (financially)
- to be downloadable and to have a large support

I would like to have the possibility to recompile it
on my computer. I would like to develop - at the base
I am a developer and this is what I like to do most -
everything I want.
I am not interested to use a server, but to test a db
on it... something desktop sized.

On other hand I made a choce and I want to relay on it
for a long time (long live MDK)!!!

The problem is the payment: it is not easy to do from
here technically speaking.

MDK is well known in Romania in Linux world, but
Windows came first at the majority of users and they
won't move easily. More than 90% of them use pirated
software, so they don't care about buying prices.
So, to spread on the Romanian market something for a
person that have to learn more to use it is an almost
impossible task!

For the moment I would like to help translate Linux -
this might be a possible way to get in - a lot of
Romanians moved to a more inteligible interfacewhich
is the one in their mother language. But I didn't do
this on Linux and I need some guidance. There are a
lot of funny translations that must be changed. Do you
have any hint? BTW, I can't download from ftp because
of my provider, so I have always to look for a http


--- Anne Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Friday 13 February 2004 09:43, Dobrescu Mihai
> wrote:
> > Thanks !
> >
> > In Romania, paying over Internet is a technical
> issue
> > to be solved in the future... |:-(
> > As a developer, I could afford to pay for a power
> > distribution, but I don't know how.
> > When I look in the list of the store, choosing
> Romania
> > leads me to a page in USD, but no way to buy in
> > Romania in a foreign currency (that's the law) and
> I
> > don't know a bank to make a card for such little
> > payments (I couldn't afford to keep in a bank
> account
> > hundreds of USD or Euros)...
> > Although, I would like to buy the next MDK for
> home
> > use and fun and to develop some ... who knows?!
> > I'm interested in moving to Linux! MDK looks to
> fit on
> > my needs very well.
> >
> Take the free download edition for now, then, and
> don't feel bad about 
> it.  The time will come when you can buy. 
> Meanwhile, do your 
> repayment by spreading the word about Mandrake and
> by offering any of 
> your experiences that may help others.
> Anne
> -- 
> Registered Linux User No.293302
> Have you visited http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org yet?
> > Want to buy your Pack or Services from
> Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

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Re: [newbie] on distributions...

2004-02-13 Thread Dobrescu Mihai
Thanks !

In Romania, paying over Internet is a technical issue
to be solved in the future... |:-(
As a developer, I could afford to pay for a power
distribution, but I don't know how.
When I look in the list of the store, choosing Romania
leads me to a page in USD, but no way to buy in
Romania in a foreign currency (that's the law) and I
don't know a bank to make a card for such little
payments (I couldn't afford to keep in a bank account
hundreds of USD or Euros)...
Although, I would like to buy the next MDK for home
use and fun and to develop some ... who knows?!
I'm interested in moving to Linux! MDK looks to fit on
my needs very well.

--- "H.J.Bathoorn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thursday 12 February 2004 15:34, Dobrescu Mihai
> wrote:
> > for home use at least...
> > I would like to support it if I'd afford this (I
> live
> > in a country where the price of the average
> package -
> > let's say 100euros - is the medium salary - and to
> buy
> > it is some kind of alien experience - technically
> and
> > as mentality).
> > In my opinion, a support form the users - of the
> 98.5%
> > that do not pay - a support form the users of 5
> euros
> > as a donation wouldn't be a big expense, but a
> great
> > support for the company. Take it as suggestion.
> Don't
> > you like to reward the people that provided you a
> > great OS and support? Don't you want to have an OS
> as
> > long time you need - I mean to avoid the change of
> it
> > because of the company bankruptcy (it was to
> happen
> > once last year)?
> It's a nice thought but Mandrake is still alive and
> kicking and after all a 
> commercial organization.
> It should be able to survive in that commercial form
> using the tools brought 
> about with that form. If it doesn't; We'll always be
> able to re-mould it into 
> a non-commercial form in which user donations would
> fit.
> Mandrake club was an initiative to fill in the gap
> between "donations" <-> 
> "payed user support" and did so quite well.
> A lot of us chipped in there when things looked bad
> and apparently it helped.
> You shouldn't feel bad about not being able to cough
> up amounts like the 
> €100they are to be seen in the context of
> first world expenses. Over here 
> (NL) it's the equivalent of 5-6 bottles of whiskey;)
> So let the stronger financial shoulders bear the
> burden of the 
> weakerthat's what sharing is about too.
> Linux is meant for the whole world not just the part
> that can miss the cash.
> Welcome to the community,
> HarM
> -- 
> Registered Linux User #197998
> FSF Associate Member #901
> ICQ #146191606
> Mandrake HowTo's & more:
> http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org
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Re: [newbie] on distributions...

2004-02-13 Thread Dobrescu Mihai
I couldn't find them, but I'm still looking in the
I mean in 10b2.

--- Anne Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Friday 13 February 2004 06:38, Dobrescu Mihai
> wrote:
> > Thanks Anne!
> >
> > I'm really surprised that you read my letter
> entirely!
> > It was provoked by the reaction of users to
> changes!
> > I think also that the power of Linux consits in
> > command line tools and we really need to have mc
> and
> > memtest!
> >
> Well, if you mean Midnight Commander it is already
> there, though it 
> may not be installed by default.  I haven't checked
> memtest, but I 
> think it's available too.
> Anne
> -- 
> Registered Linux User No.293302
> Have you visited http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org yet?
> > Want to buy your Pack or Services from
> Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

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Re: [newbie] This is why I love this OS...

2004-02-12 Thread Dobrescu Mihai
See below!
--- JoeHill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> CPU's maxed out recoding a DivX as SVCD, GCombust
> just burned Aliens to CD and
> it's playing without a blip or skip, I'm composing
> an e-mail, downloading more
> movies (see eth0), and it's all smooth as silk, and
> on a crappy ol' P3866
> Intel810. Try this in XP...
Don't try this at home!-)
> http://www.orderinchaos.org/burnin.png
> This is why when I sit down at a Windows box, I feel
> like I'm looking at a block
> of useless goo.
> -- 
> JoeHill
> Registered Linux user #282046
> Homepage: www.orderinchaos.org
> +++
> 19:54:48 up 7 days, 7:42, 5 users, load average:
> 1.27, 1.22, 1.19
> +++
> Linux 2.4.22-21mdk i686
> +++
>  "...we must guard against the acquisition of
> unwarranted influence, whether
> sought or unsought, by the military-industrial
> complex."-- President Dwight D.
> Eisenhower, in his 1961 farewell address
> > Want to buy your Pack or Services from
> Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

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Re: [newbie] on distributions...

2004-02-12 Thread Dobrescu Mihai
Thanks Anne!

I'm really surprised that you read my letter entirely!
It was provoked by the reaction of users to changes!
I think also that the power of Linux consits in
command line tools and we really need to have mc and

--- Anne Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thursday 12 February 2004 14:34, Dobrescu Mihai
> wrote:
> > Hi!
> >
> > I am freshly new in this community.
> Hi, Mike.  Welcome!
> > That's all for the moment and take this as it is :
> a
> > new user's thoughs! As time goes by I hope I will
> get
> > involved moreto understand you better and maybe to
> > help you!
> >
> I'm glad you're enjoying your experience.  Eric
> sends out a weekly 
> welcome letter and you'll find useful links there. 
> Apart from the 
> list, one way we try to help each other is through
> the Community 
> TWiki, where we post our personal experiences with
> hardware/software 
> and administration issues.  Take a look at that. 
> The link in my sig 
> is a shortcut to it.
> Anne
> -- 
> Registered Linux User No.293302
> Have you visited http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org yet?
> > Want to buy your Pack or Services from
> Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

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[newbie] on distributions...

2004-02-12 Thread Dobrescu Mihai

I am freshly new in this community.
Bored of ms I was looking for a new horizon.
I am a developer and an user of Windows ... so far at
My first impression on Linux is that it is great to be
an open project for everybody can do something.
Also, in time, I had the impression that Linux in
general tries to help some new (formely windows) users
by making an compromise to the GUI to be close to the
ms windows in behavior.
I think it is nice, but a windows user is handicaped
in administering, troubleshooting or - sometimes - in
even using Linux. The hardware producing companies
didn't support Linux by making drivers, some others
request money for that, so you need to look on the net
to find a good guy that made them... 
I am sorry to find that MDK lose the good place in the
charts. I used it since 8 version and it has been the
best comparing it to others in stability (I installed
it on DELL laptop, some PCs and it was the easyest to
use to me).
I understand that all this effort must be financially
rewarded, despite if Linux is famous for being free
for home use at least...
I would like to support it if I'd afford this (I live
in a country where the price of the average package -
let's say 100euros - is the medium salary - and to buy
it is some kind of alien experience - technically and
as mentality).
In my opinion, a support form the users - of the 98.5%
that do not pay - a support form the users of 5 euros
as a donation wouldn't be a big expense, but a great
support for the company. Take it as suggestion. Don't
you like to reward the people that provided you a
great OS and support? Don't you want to have an OS as
long time you need - I mean to avoid the change of it
because of the company bankruptcy (it was to happen
once last year)?
Also, I would keep all the packages loved by users, I
would provide them as much as it is possible
(affordably) if I want to have them by my side.
On other hand I would try to find a standard in
package content.
But remember: too much backward compatibility kept
leads to a big expense in developing time and
maintenence and in performance. There are some things
that MUST be changed.
Make good concepts and try to invent something, to
create something new like you are trying now on Cooker
and I think you will succeed. 
You users, leave the past behind, think to the future
and try to act like you are new in this field. Use
your experience in gettin rid of the bad conceived and
wrong implemented things!
There are things that are changing free of your will!
Not all these are bad, not all these are right!
Try to filter them!

That's all for the moment and take this as it is : a
new user's thoughs! As time goes by I hope I will get
involved moreto understand you better and maybe to
help you!


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