Re: [newbie] min spec's for 10.1

2005-04-07 Thread Erylon Hines
On Thursday 07 April 2005 03:14 pm, Tim wrote:
| Hello all,
| Please forgive this basic question, I couldn't find the minimum
| requirements for MD 10.1 anywhere. the worst part is I'm actually
| running 10.1 on this pc.
| Also,
| Where can i find earlier versions of Mandrake Linux suitable to work on
| a Pentium 233 with 80 MB ram.
Cheapbytes ( has Mandrake disks back to 
might also work with that system with KDE and all the eye candy turned on.  
But the 7.x series will fly on that old hardware.  
Newer distros and Xfce should work o.k., maybe excellently, but it will take 
some getting used to because that is quite a departure from the Winsux 
desktop look.

I run DSL (damn small linux) on a P233 laptop with 64 megs and it works really 
excellent.  I used DSL because I wanted the complete system and a couple 
hundred megs of free space on a 300 Meg partition.


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Re: [newbie] win modem Lucent...!!!

2005-04-07 Thread Erylon Hines
On Thursday 07 April 2005 09:55 am, Domingo Abrego wrote:
| hi,  i am using a winmodem on my computer for windows, is that possible to
| use that same modem for linux, mandrake community edition v.10  ?...  i did
| some reseaches about win modems and linux and what i read in all this
| websites is that it is not possible!!!
| but i found a driver for LTwinmodem  (lucent winmodems) for linux.. in the
| driverguide webpage, is that possible... and maybe the main question is how
| do i install this driver on my system.?

Very likely.  BUT, the driver you use must match the running kernel--it is 
possible you will need to compile to do this--get ready to install 
kernel-source or kernel-headers.  And, if you upgrade your kernel it will 
break the modem and you will need to compile the driver again.  I've gotten 
lucent chipset modems to work with several kernels, but you know what???  It 
really isn't worth the bother.  Get an external serial modem (not usb!) and 
save yourself the frustration.

If you insist,

Also, the "scanModem tool" (do a Google for it) will identify your chipset and 
probably tell you what driver you need, if there is a precompiled one for it.

Good Luck


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Re: Adobe Acrobat Spying on Users (Re: [newbie] Adobe Reader

2005-04-02 Thread Erylon Hines
On Saturday 02 April 2005 11:12 am, SigmaX wrote:
| Miark wrote:
| >On Sat, 02 Apr 2005 15:49:52 +0200, Philippe wrote:
| >>>Adobe Reader 7 rpms can be found here
| >>>
| >>
| >>how Adobe Acrobat is spying on users,
| >>and how to disable their snooping system:
| >>
| Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, don't it?
| SigmaX

Actually, from what I read, it is not Adobe that is doing this.  A third party 
has written an app to use a feature of Acrobat 7 (the ability to run 
Javascript within the document) so that the IP address of whomever is opening 
the *.pdf  can be logged.  I'm not certain that Adobe will take kindly to 
this twisting of what was probably good intentions.  In effect, it has turned 
a "feature" into a "bug" in Acrobat Reader, in the mind of many people.  
Those of us on dial-up, and those with a dynamic IP wouldn't care, but users 
with a static IP should be at least a little bit pissed.  Before we condemn 
Adobe, lets wait and see how this plays out (and maybe some will want to 
disable Java in the Reader and install the perl script to stop the nagging).  
Also, does anyone know of any site, anywhere, using this?  Maybe, just 
boycotting those sites would be effective.  Time will tell.


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Re: [newbie] Adobe Reader

2005-03-31 Thread Erylon Hines
On Thursday 31 March 2005 05:11 pm, Chris wrote:
| On Thursday 31 March 2005 05:32 am, Q.H. Wang wrote:

| Finally got it to work, first followed the directions in this link:
| which I found in the newsgroup, netscape.public.mozilla.unix, however this
| didn't work either, so, I then read further in the newsgroup and saw a
| reference to having the plug-in here /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins, so copied it
| there, restarted mozilla, and, voila, .pdf files now load within mozilla.
| HTH Someone.
| Chris

HooHoo--that worked for me too.  Seems strange, because all my other plugins 
are in /usr/lib/mozilla-1.4/plugins, and the was there and showed up 
in the "About>plugins" section, but it didn't work.  With the in 
/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins, now pdf's open within Moz.



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Re: [newbie] Adobe Reader

2005-03-30 Thread Erylon Hines
On Tuesday 29 March 2005 06:35 pm, Adolfo Bello wrote:
| On Tue, 2005-03-29 at 20:20 -0600, Chris wrote:
| > Yes, mine did the same, Mozilla shows the plug-in installed, however,
| > clicking on a .pdf file withing Mozilla nets some drive action, but the
| > .pdf never loads.  Any ideas?
| I don't know. I just closed Mozilla (1.7.6), started it again and worked
| just fine.
| Adolfo

I'm using Moz 1.4, and it won't work here either--same symptoms.  If I 
right-click and "save as" I can open the pdf after it downloads, so it 
appears to be an issue with the older version of Mozilla.  I tried linking to 
the first--didn't work, so I went the install route--and it still 
gives no joy.
Does it work with Firefox 1.0?  I could switch browsers, but I can't get 
Realplayer to work with Firefox 1 8(.
This machine is still running 9.2, because, up to now, everything works, and I 
despise upgrading when everything works, because I know 10.x is going to 
break things (I've been experimenting with the 2.6 kernel and it definitely 
breaks things on my systems).


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Re: [newbie] [HAB] Should I upgrade?

2005-03-26 Thread Erylon Hines
On Saturday 26 March 2005 09:32 pm, Tom wrote:
| OOzy Pal wrote:
| > Dears
| >
| > I am using Athlon 1.3 GHz and I would like to upgrade
| > to Celeron 2.4 GHz. Is it worth it. I mean will I see
| > a difference. Someone said the the 1.3 will perform
| > better with Linux do to the Cache. Please help.
|  Your AMD 1.3 vs. a Celery is a toss up in synthetic benchmarks.

|   You really need to give specs for your current system, an how
| you use it, for more concise appraisals.  The motherboard you're
| usin is as, or more important than the cpu.  As is ram (brand,
| cas/latency, banking, etc.) and presupposes a good quality power
| supply.
|  Then you can also tailor Linux to your hardware. For instance,
| I'm usin  2.6.11-6mdkK74g preempt K7 gcc-3.4  (compiled for Athlon,
| preempt enabled, > 4gig ram ) an find it to be much more responsive
| than 2.6.8 or 2.6.10 kernels compiled the same way. On a 3+Ghz
| Athlon, VIA KT600, 1GB 2.5CL 4-bank ram system, mildly overclocked.
| Mostly optimizations are only seen in compiling, an re-de-encoding
| of large files (which I do a lot of).
| > Regards,
| > OOzy

Also, keep in mind that fast chips are bogged down by low-memory vid cards.  
CPU power is worth something, but waiting for the graphical interface to 
render is what makes a system seem to be slow.  Unless you are shelling out 
$$$ for a high-mem video card,  the real differences (as Tom wrote) are what 
you can't see--compiling and such.


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Re: [newbie] Program to save a selected part of a picture

2005-03-26 Thread Erylon Hines
On Friday 25 March 2005 12:09 pm, Paul Smith wrote:
| Dear All
| I am looking for a (simple) program to save a selected part of a
| picture. Any suggestions?
| Thanks in advance,
| Paul

May I suggest ImageMagik?  It is on your disks, has lots of features (resize, 
crop, sharpen, color balance, etc) and has a shallow learning curve.  The 
only thing I don't like about it is saving images is somewhat clunky.


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Re: [newbie] Kde desktop disappeared

2005-03-14 Thread Erylon Hines
On Monday 14 March 2005 11:01 am, Michel Leunen wrote:
| Some weeks ago, I lost Konqueror and had to reinstall the whole KDE.
| Now, it's the KDE desktop which disappeared suddenly when trying to log
| in. The desktop just doesn't show up. No taskbar, no panel, no desktop
| and no icons and I have to leave using 'ctrl+alt+backspace' to log with
| another window manager.
| How can I get KDE back? And, please, don't tell me I have to reinstall
| once again.
| Michel

Can you log into kde as a different user?  Maybe create one and see.  If so, 
rename your /home/~/.kde to .OLDkde.  Logout and then back into KDE.  That 
will probably fix it.  Beware, you may want to backup your Mail directory and 
your kaddressbook, because you may lose them in the process.  Your desktop 
settings will also return to the default.  The bright side is, it is a 
relatively quick fix.


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Re: [newbie] K3b help?

2005-03-13 Thread Erylon Hines
On Saturday 12 March 2005 08:51 am, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
| On Saturday 12 March 2005 02:42 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
| > OK - that's out, then.  What about the fstab line?  It feels a long time
| > since I used a 2.4 kernel, so I may be remembering wrongly, but is the
| > cdrom really scd1?  I would go to MCC > Hardware > Mountpoints and check
| > everything there - not forgetting the advanced tab.  I usually find that
| > fixes any problems I have.
| >
| > Anne
| No, its really an IDE device (the Toshiba DVD reader at /dev/scd0 is truly
| a SCSI device). Before when it was working fine, I had it setup as scd1 in
| the /etc/fstab file, so I dunno.

You know, I've found that "occasionally" something will monkey with fstab, and 
stuff that was working correctly fails to mount, or fails to mount in the 
correct place.  To allow me to see what has happened, I copy my fstab as soon 
as I get everything working, so I can refer back to it when things go south. 
(The fstab backup created at changes isn't reliable, because sometimes I 
don't notice that stuff isn't working for a while, and several changes may 
have been made).   K3b seems to be a big offender (as you have found out).  
Also, turn off harddrake--you can always turn it back on when new hardware is 
added.  And sometimes, things seem to happen for no good reason that I can 
determine.  I thought that I might be the only one, but I guess not.

These are the fstab lines for my CD's with Mdk9.2, no scsi emulation on the 
reader.  If there was, it might make cdrom2 /dev/scd1.

none /mnt/cdrom supermount 
dev=/dev/scd0,fs=udf:iso9660,--,rw,user,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0

none /mnt/cdrom2 supermount 
dev=/dev/hdd,fs=udf:iso9660,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0

One thing I know, if you unplug a usb device, and don't reboot when you plug 
it back in, a second mount point for the same device will be added (my camera 
does this continuously), and it drives me nuts!  Anyone know how to stop 

And finally, I quit using K3b.  I have a lot less problems with Eroaster 
because it doesn't continually "lose" my devices.  I don't have any DVD 
writers, though, just CDRWs, so I don't know if Eroaster even works with 


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Re: [newbie] 10.1 Vent

2005-02-26 Thread Erylon Hines
On Saturday 26 February 2005 12:06 pm, Lee Wiggers wrote:
| I have, after 4 years or so, finally figured out that mdk is a
| French plot to humble me.
| Fifth attempt to upgrade or fresh install 10.1 on my laptop that was
| happily running 10.0.
| 14 hours after beginning this exercise I am now at the gurpmi update
| dl.  It named 92 progs, probably fraught with dependencies that will
| no doubt require my personal approval.
| I know, gurpmi isn't the update method of choice for an old salt
| like me, but I've urpmi'ed my last urpmi for the day.
| We're at a new high of 58/92 without crashing or running out of disk
| space on a 20gb drive.  No more than 6 hours or so before we again
| have a laptop.  Maybe
| I really need to get a life.  Do real beginners really put up with
| this shite?
| Well, maybe tomorrow I'll switch the mirrors to cooker...
| Lee

Sheesh!  If it works, I don't mess with it.  I won't upgrade unless I put a 
new machine on line (except for an experimental box that gets a new distro 
almost weekly, last week was Ubuntu, this is Overclockix week).  My main 
machine (this one) is still running 9.2.  Everything works--I ain't gonna 
screw with it.  My wife's machine runs 9.1 flawlessly, and I sure as hell 
ain't gonna mess with that one!  The couch just isn't that comfortable.
My motto:  Never play with the main machine unless there is a damn good 
If your laptop was "happily running 10" and an upgrade screwed it up, I don't 
feel sorry for you ;>)


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Re: [newbie] Hay-ulp! :) Suddenly no free space on "/"

2005-02-12 Thread Erylon Hines
On Saturday 12 February 2005 05:57 am, Chuck MATTSEN wrote:
| I'm pretty CLI stupid (as will be apparent here, no doubt), so I'd
| appreciate it if someone with some patience could try to walk me through
| a fix for this, if possible.
| The scenario is that yesterday I had about 1 gig free on my /
| partition.  

You may have been bitten by  your /var/log, so you will have to delete those 
log archives.

This happened to me on a smaller / partition a long time ago.  What I did then 
(and still do now, out of habit), is, as root, navigate to the 
and edit all entries that say "rotate 4" and change to "rotate 1", change any 
"weekly" to "daily" and change any "monthly" to "weekly".  That should take 
care of it in the future.  If you're not running a server you don't need all 
those logs anyway.


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Re: [newbie] SM56 Motorola - modem problem

2005-02-08 Thread Erylon Hines
On Tuesday 08 February 2005 02:51 pm, David G Stevenson wrote:

| Your kernel and the kernel the proprietary closed source driver was
| compiled against are different. Maybe different enough to cause problems
| hooking the code to the newer kernel. In the first instance I would
| email Motorola with your OS details and kernel version and ask them
| nicely for a newer version.

Exactly my thoughts.  I've had this problem with the Lucent chip modems with 
kernel 2.6.x.  The versions must match exactly (as well as the gcc version 
that the kernel and driver are compiled against).  If you can afford an 
external SERIAL modem get one, because every time the kernel changes the 
Winmodem driver must be changed also.  It is truly a PITA.

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Re: [newbie] Linux Mandrake 7.1 support

2005-02-05 Thread Erylon Hines
On Friday 04 February 2005 12:00 pm, NE MASANGANE wrote:
|   - Original Message -
|   To:
|   Sent: Friday, February 04, 2005 9:46 PM
|   Subject: Linux Mandrake 7.1 support
|   Help
|   I have linux Mandrake 7.1 and I want to install the operating system but
| now I use windows xp pro ( NTFS ) I need both operating systems in one
| machine. 1.. How to install the operating system in these situation ?

My advice--don't.

| 2.. How to do partition on the hard disk in these situation ?

Not with 7.1--it's partition tool doesn't understand ntfs.  You need a more 
modern system (7.1 is roughly equivalent to Win98).  I would recommend at 
least Mandrake 9.1.  Anything less and you will have extreme configuration 
| 3.. Linux mandrake 7.1 can support internal modem 56 kbps ?

Likely, you have a WinModem.  These are WINDOWS modems, designed to use the 
operating system.  Some of these can be configured and some can't--drivers 
may be available-- that work with Linux (hence the term "LinModem", but if 
you install Mandrake 10 and above with the 2.6 kernel you "may" have to 
compile the drivers yourself.  These drivers are for a specific kernel, and 
you may not be able to download an exact match for your kernel (I just went 
through this).  That is another advantage of the older 9.1 and 9.2--they have 
the 2.4 kernel and if your modem happens to be a LinModem the drivers for 
whatever kernel you have will be available to download as a package--no 
Have a look at

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Re: [newbie] Dumbest test I've ever seen

2005-02-02 Thread Erylon Hines
On Wednesday 02 February 2005 03:47 pm, jdow wrote:

| Mandrake is not ready for Aunt Tilly. 

I have to throw a BS flag on this.  Aunt Tilly can't install Windows.  While 
she can click an executable and install a program in Win, with Mandrake, 
there certainly aren't many programs she would need--everything useful to her 
is installed by default.  Auntie has to be talked through her internet 
connection by her ISP, or an installer has to come over and set up her DSL 
for her (and with Win she will be promptly hosting spyware and adware, is my 
guess).  So, internet setup is a wash for Windows and Linux.  My wife has 
been using Mandrake for years (since she got hit with the Anna K worm within 
a couple of hours of it being released into the wild).  If she can use it (as 
she once told a friend of ours), "Anybody can".  And no, she can't install 
Windows, either.  And, I've installed Mandrake on a number of friend's 
computers, and most aren't very computer savvy.  They are using it and they 
are still my friends.  I get a lot fewer questions and provide a lot less 
support to them than I do to my friends with Windows machines--most of the 
Windows problems are due to spyware/adware and just plain stupidity.  
Stupidity is hard on Linux (unless you run as root) and the spyware and 
adware just aren't there.  
So, I ask you, "Which system is really easier for Aunt Tilly?"  Remember, all 
she wants to do is some word processing, open a *.pdf once in a while, browse 
for recipes and send and receive her e-mail.  And maybe share pics of the 
nieces and nephews.

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Re: [newbie] Re: installation problem

2005-01-31 Thread Erylon Hines
On Monday 31 January 2005 12:20 am, Cyber Killer wrote:
| Cyber Killer wrote:
| > Elwyn wrote:
| >> The later versions might have new drivers that are causing problems.
| >>
| >> When I've been trying to sort these little problems out with PCs I try
| >> changing the hardware around just in case...
| >
| > OK I'll try, but, I've always been using XFree4 and never had any
| > problems :-P
| >
| > I'll say how it came out in a couple of days
| OK, I switched the gfx cards (I borrowed a GF4 Ti from a friend) and
| guess what? It didn't work :-(
| Replacing all my hardware one by one is a way of getting to the problem,
| but I was hoping that someone may have a better solution. Even if I'd
| find the part that is causing the problem this way, replacing it is out
| of the question right now (ca$h problems ;-P ).
| Anyone has any other ideas?

Drop back to a 2.4.x kernel.  The 2.6 kernel seems to have a lot of problems 
(on Mandrake and Debian, anyway--'course Deb says it isn't ready for stable).


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Re: [newbie] Modifying the KDE menu

2005-01-25 Thread Erylon Hines
On Tuesday 25 January 2005 02:28 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
| Hash: SHA1
| On Tuesday 25 Jan 2005 14:57, Lanman wrote:
| > Hi Gang. I've been trying to find out how to permanently modify the
| > KDE3.2 and 3.3 menus and I'm not getting anywhere.
| When things appear to have a mind of their own, like this, it usually turns
| out to be msec.  Could that be the problem here?
| Anne
| - --

If unsure, as root navigate to /usr/sbin and rename the msec executable to 
msecDISABLE.  That will stop msec from running.  You can re-enable it by 
renaming.  For the record, I hate msec and always disable it (not recommended 
if you don't understand permissions), and I haven't encountered this problem.

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Re: [newbie] SUSE Pro 9.2 vs. Mandrake 10.1

2005-01-24 Thread Erylon Hines
On Monday 24 January 2005 03:31 pm, Andy Yankovich wrote:
| Please, do not assume this is apostasy.
| What are the main differences between SUSE Pro 9.2 and Mandrake
| 10.1?
SuSe isn't as cutting edge as Mandrake--the upside--most stuff works without 
hassles.  Because it is cutting edge, things sometimes don't work as they are 
supposed to in Mandrake.
Mandrake has far better configuration tools (IMO).  Yast still sucks.
SuSe has some pretty serious hardware requirements--I can get Mandrake to run 
fast (with KDE) on a P300.  SuSe won't, and I can't figure out why--it is 
just slow.  On the other hand, the Debian 2.6.7 kernel runs fine (KDE) on a 
If you want to get more than just a basic system you need SuSe Pro.  The 
download "Demo disk" is pretty basic.  

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Re: [newbie] SOS

2005-01-24 Thread Erylon Hines
On Monday 24 January 2005 03:03 pm, teguh wrote:
| Type of conncection (dial-up, DSL, wireless, LAN, direct etc..)
| I use dial-up connection (Kppp) but the answer always /"modem does not
| respond"./  with XP I had no problem.
| Graphical interface (KDE, Gnome, ICEwm, Fluxbox, XFCE etc...)
| I'm not sure..KDE I guess :-) how can I find I use what
| How did you install ( normally you set up the connection during
| install)
| yesI set up the connection during install.

Sounds suspiciously like a Winmodem to me.  Hardware modems are usually found 
immediately (query your modem in kppp after changing the setting from 
"/dev/modem" to /dev/ttyS0, then /dev/ttyS1, etc.  If that doesn't work, 
consult for more information.  If you do, indeed 
have a Winmodem (and you are running the 2.6 kernel), my advice is to buy an 
EXTERNAL SERIAL MODEM (about $25 on e-bay).  Even with a supported Linmodem, 
kernel 2.6 drivers may be iffy, especially if you install a different 
kernel-version in the future.  It ain't worth messing with.  Winmodems are 
designed to use the system resources and require specific drivers to allow 
them to do so.  External SERIAL modems are hardware-based, and stand-alone 
with no drivers needed.


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Re: [newbie] 10 to 10.1 upgrade > kernel panic

2005-01-21 Thread Erylon Hines
On Friday 21 January 2005 05:51 pm, Paul wrote:
| When upgrading to 10.1 Official from 10.0 Official, I keep getting a
| 'kernel panic  suggest passing init=" error.
| If I make a new install with the same discs, there's no problem.
| Any ideas what causes this?

Sometimes, lilo doesn't get the line:


added to it.  Or, the line could possibly be there, but be pointing to the old 
*.img, and not to the new one.  Boot with a Knoppix disk and have a look at 
The initrd.img file is a link--see if it points to the right kernel.

And, /boot/vmlinuz must point to the the correct kernel, too.  I left this for 
last because I, too, have had problems, and the initrd.img link was the 
culprit, not the vmlinuz.  You would think an upgrade would always re-create 
the initrd.img to point to the new kernel, but not so.  OOPS--kernel panic.

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Re: [newbie] Increasing swap partition size in 10.0

2005-01-19 Thread Erylon Hines
On Wednesday 19 January 2005 07:16 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
| On Wednesday 19 January 2005 03:16 pm, J. David Boyd wrote:
| > My Mandrake 10.0 has been setup and running great since June/July, using
| > 256M memory.
| >
| > When I set up the system, I went with the "double your memory for swap
| > space" rule.
| >
| > Now, I've purchased more memory, to take me to a total of 768M.
| >
| > How do I double the memory size for swap space?
| >
| > Is there some easy way, or am I going to need to get some kind of
| > partition editor, and start moving things around?
| >
| > Any idea of the consequences of NOT resizing my swap space, but leaving
| > it at 500M?
| >
| > Thanks for any ideas,
| >
| > Dave
| I have 768 on this machine and have never seen it access swap. It probably
| does when I'm not looking but when I have a bunch of stuff up and running
| and check it does not have any swap being used. So long story short, don't
| bother, you don't need the extra.

Same here.  I never make a swap any bigger than 256M, and I'm pretty darn sure 
that I really don't need more than 128M on any machine with more ram than 
256M.  Trust me, you have more swap space than you need already.


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Re: [newbie] kernal panic

2005-01-18 Thread Erylon Hines
On Tuesday 18 January 2005 02:45 am, et wrote:
| On Monday 17 January 2005 05:53 pm, Erylon Hines wrote:
| > On Monday 17 January 2005 12:40 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| > | This morning I turned my PC on, went off to make my coffee, when I came
| > | back it had this message:
| > |
| > | Kernal panic: No Init found. Try passing init= option to kernal
| > |
| > |
| > | what happened it was going great last night when I shut it down!!
| > | then this :(
| > |
| > | and how do i fix it?
| >
| > More information is needed. Hardware can cause this (hd went titsup for
| > examp).  Less extreme is a software error.  Try booting to failsafe.  Or,
| > try with the first install disk for recovery, and see if you can mount
| > the root drive that way.
| >
| > mkdir /mnt/hd
| >
| > chroot /mnt/hd
| >
| > cd /etc/
| >
| > vi lilo
| >
| > and then
| >
| > Check to see that everything lilo (or /boot/menu.lst for grub) is
| > pointing to actually exists where lilo thinks it should be.
| >
| > You will also find the rest of your drive (if it is working)
| >
| >  If so, there is an option for re-installing the boot loader while in the
| > recovery mode.
| >
| > If it were my system, my first inclination would be to boot with a
| > Knoppix disk and have a look around to see if I could figure out what
| > went wrong. Booting with Knoppix will show you all your drive's files and
| > is the quickest option, if you have a disk, that is.
| >
| > e
| if it was me, I would use the mandrake install disk 1 and when it offered
| f1 for other options or enter to install, go for f1 and then go for rescue,
| hit enter when propmpted about 3 times, remove the disk when told and
| reboot...

I did suggest this--not in so many words.  But, the forensics for this sort of 
thing can be quite interesting, and ya ain't gonna fix it if the hd is 
titsup.  Knoppix will "discover" this immediately.  If the disk is good, I'd 
like a clue to what happened before I fix it.  In my case, it would probably 
be a brain>keyboard>system problem.


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Re: [newbie] kernal panic

2005-01-17 Thread Erylon Hines
On Monday 17 January 2005 12:40 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| This morning I turned my PC on, went off to make my coffee, when I came
| back it had this message:
| Kernal panic: No Init found. Try passing init= option to kernal
| what happened it was going great last night when I shut it down!!
| then this :(
| and how do i fix it?

More information is needed. Hardware can cause this (hd went titsup for 
examp).  Less extreme is a software error.  Try booting to failsafe.  Or, try 
with the first install disk for recovery, and see if you can mount the root 
drive that way.

mkdir /mnt/hd

chroot /mnt/hd

cd /etc/

vi lilo

and then 

Check to see that everything lilo (or /boot/menu.lst for grub) is pointing to 
actually exists where lilo thinks it should be.

You will also find the rest of your drive (if it is working)

 If so, there is an option for re-installing the boot loader while in the 
recovery mode.

If it were my system, my first inclination would be to boot with a Knoppix 
disk and have a look around to see if I could figure out what went wrong.  
Booting with Knoppix will show you all your drive's files and is the quickest 
option, if you have a disk, that is.


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Re: [newbie] 'make' it gives me an error; *** [default] Error 2 "

2005-01-13 Thread Erylon Hines
On Wednesday 12 January 2005 03:11 am, et wrote:
| I feeel very thick headed this morning,,,
| I am running MDK 10.1 official, or
| when I attempt to 'make'  it gives me an error;
|  "
| make -C /lib/modules/
| SUBDIRS=/home/et/usbvis/usbvision-0.9.8/src modules
| make: *** /lib/modules/ No such file or directory.
| Stop.
| make: *** [default] Error 2
| "
| I think I have all the packages installed, but at some point I musta
| screwed up and installed a kernel or something that prevents me from being
| able to run 'make'.
|  any help?

That looks more like a PATH problem to me.  Does everything in this path 
exist?  Build is usually a link pointing to your /usr/src/linux- and 
you may have to re-make that link if it points to a different kernel version.

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Re: [newbie] Burning music CDs

2005-01-09 Thread Erylon Hines
On Sunday 09 January 2005 10:59 am, Rhein Christophe wrote:
| Hello,
| Since I use K3B I was never abble to burn a regular music cd that I can
| play in any regular music box or car player.
| The cds are playing on my computer but not even on a winBox.
| What shall I setup before burning?
| Thank you
| Christophe

Don't know about k3b, but I use Grip for copying music CD's.  You will need 
"notlame" (notlame-3.x) .  I use the version from the plf site.  There may be 
a new one, but my "notlame-3.93.1-2plf.i586.rpm" works just fine.

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Re: [newbie] XMMS scip problem

2005-01-09 Thread Erylon Hines
On Sunday 09 January 2005 12:04 pm, Chris wrote:
| I'm having a problem with xmms skipping while playing streaming audio and
| browsing with mozilla. I also notice this happening when switching between
| folders in Kmail, I have Kmail running standalone not with Kontact.  I've
| attempted to change the nice setting for xmms to -10 but can't seem to get
| it right.  Any hints on how to do this correctly?  I didn't seem to have
| this problem before my upgrade from 9.0 over the holidays.

Same thing here.  I think it may have to do with the priority of the sound 
server settings, but I've had mine cranked all the way to low and all the way 
to high and it still does it.


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Re: [newbie] Ideal camera connectivity

2005-01-09 Thread Erylon Hines
On Sunday 09 January 2005 02:38 pm, JR wrote:
| I'm wondering which option is best to connect to my laptop to a digital
| camera (which hasnt been chosen yet).
| I thought that if I got one that supported mass storage, then it would be
| as simple as mounting my mp3 player. But someone else reccommended getting
| one that uses CF / SD cards and getting a pcmcia card reader for the
| laptop.
| Has anyone any suggestions? I'm a little confused. I expect there will be
| some difficulty trying to connect the camera via usb, but the pcmcia option
| might be just as difficult in itself.
| Thanks,
| Jarlath

Any camera that uses the "USB Mass Storage" protocol is absolutely the way to 
go.  Stay away (far-far away) from any other protocol.  USB Mass Storage will 
be recognized as any other usb drive when you plug the camera into your Linux 
box, and probably you will get an icon popping up for it on the desktop.  
Cool, huh?
I love my Olympus.

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Re: [newbie] move on internet

2005-01-09 Thread Erylon Hines
Forgive me, I got rambunctious with the delete key so I have no reference 

for kppp, you probably need to install it:

urpmi kdenetwork


urpmi kdenetwork-kppp

would be the commands.

You can change the colors for the terminal screen from the "settings>configure 
console>schema" menu at the top (this may vary just a bit, depending on which 
console you are using).  Don't forget to "Save Settings" when you finish.

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Re: [newbie] move on internet

2005-01-09 Thread Erylon Hines
On Sunday 09 January 2005 08:15 am, Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
| Are 2.6.x kernels different in this then the 2.4.x kernels? I have used
| the same driver for 4 different kernels on my laptop. The RPM with the
| drivers added a directory off the modules directory for the version of
| the kernel it was packaged for, and all I have done if recreate the
| directory for the newer kernels, and create a links for the files in the
| directory. (hard link, so I can delete the origional directory when I
| clean out the old kernel's modules.) If this is going to be a problem,
| then I will have to think some more about upgrading it to 10.1.
| Mikkel

Debian is different--there is no pre-packaged ltmodem*.deb file for the 2.6.7 
kernel (mine).  And, with the various flavors of the 2.4 kernel, I've always 
used the binary installs because I can never find a package for my particular 
kernel (at least, one that works!).  So, that means re-compiling the driver 
every time I change.  And now, it appears that even that is messed up.  I 
haven't had any problems with the modem with Mandrake, or SuSe for that 
matter--but the SuSe 2.6 kernel really makes a tediously slow system, for 
some reason.  The Debian 2.6 kernel is fast--faster that Mandrake.  I'm sure 
of this, because the development machine I'm running it on is a K6-233 with 
256 megs, and KDE isn't a problem.  SuSe really sucked on that one--Mandrake 
wasn't very good with KDE either, but Xfce made it pleasant to use.  
Anyway, I have several "real" machines here--I just use that one to test 

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Re: [newbie] move on internet

2005-01-09 Thread Erylon Hines
On Saturday 08 January 2005 05:24 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
|Can a live cd of mandrake move be used to access the net?
|I was exploring this evening and, actually using the manual for
| lin 8.2, I sent the command "cat/proc/pci" as root.  It was supposed
| to return an io port and irq number for my pci modem.  What it did
| do, was tell me there was no such file or directory.  Maybe I should
| have entered cat /proc,pci.  Cat being the command then space and
| /proc/pci  being the arguments.  I was try to get linux to recognize
| my pci modem so I could try to go online.  I have never tried
| anything like using a console so any suggestions as to what I should
| would need to start from scratch.

First--is your pci modem a hardware or a software modem?  If it is a soft 
(Winmodem) you are out-of-luck.  Most Lucent chipped modems (and some 
Conexant), have LinModem drivers, but you wouldn't be able to install them if 
you are "running from disk".  Any hardware modem and any Serial modem would 
be auto-setup and all you need to do is open and configure the kppp dialer.  
Even Lucents are a PITA on an installed system, because they must be 
recompiled every time you upgrade your kernel.  I'm going through that with a 
Debian install right now.  My modem worked fine until I upgraded my kernel, 
and my recompile of the driver seems to install, but crashes my system 
whenever the modem is brought up.  AARGH!  Don't do as I do, spend $20 on 
e-bay and get a Serial modem.

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Re: [newbie] USB ISDN TA

2005-01-08 Thread Erylon Hines
On Saturday 08 January 2005 06:15 am, Lloyd Heys wrote:
| Hi All
| I am a complete newcomer to Linux and have installed Mandrake 10.1 Official
| (hoping to move away from windows eventually).
| The system is up and running reasonably well (I think!) but I am having a
| problem with my ISDN terminal adapter. (which works fine in Windows).
| Mandrake detects the adapter, but I am not able to configure it through
| Kppd - it reports "modem ready" then "initialising modem" but gets no
| further.
| I have spent some time googling this problem and have ended up totally
| confused. I am not even sure if this particular TA can be used in linux.
| The details of the TA are as follows:
| "Chronos" USB ISDN TA - containing the Winbond 6694 chipset.
| I would be really greatful if anyone could help me get this set up.
| Thanks
| Lloyd Heys
| Cape Town
| South Africa

It does not appear that chip is supported by any Linux driver (at least not 
yet).  It is one of those Windows only chips because the manufacturer hasn't 
released the specs, and it will probably have to be reverse engineered.  
Windows only support is the bane of Linux, and anyone of us planning a Linux 
install needs to research every piece of hardware before we shell out our 
hard earned cash.  The ACM driver "may" work, but I wouldn't spend much time 
trying to get it to go.  The ACM will not work on the Winbond 6692 chip, so 
it probably won't on the '94 either.
Anytime I see "USB" and "modem" together the hair on the back of my neck 
stands up.

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Re: [newbie] Back again...Booting slow

2005-01-08 Thread Erylon Hines
On Saturday 08 January 2005 08:40 am, John Bowden wrote:
| On Saturday 08 Jan 2005 11:55, Rhein Christophe wrote:
| > Hello,
| > I'm back to the list after not knowing why I didn't access to the list a
| > few months?!!
| > I have a new ACER Aspire 1680 notebook since 2 weeks and I installed MDK
| > 10.1 community.
| > Of course I had Win XP installed on the machine and MDK installed lilo
| > to boot the system.
| > Then I decided to remove XP by erasing the HD by instqlling again MDK.
| > Now I have only linux on my toaster.
| > Question:
| > 1.  do I still need lilo to start MDK since I don't use another system?
| > If not how do I remove lilo?

No, lilo is the bootloader.  You can, however, set the delay time in 
/etc/lilo.conf to almost nothing (I don't recommend zero--you may need to 
boot to "failsafe" some day).  "Timeout=20" should be fine.  Don't forget to 
run "sbin -v lilo" after you make the changes.
| >
| > 2.  When my computer starts I get an Acer page to access the BIOS (F2),
| > is it possible to remove that screen or not?
| Yes. If you can find out who actually made the notebook and the mother
| board thats in it you can go to their site and download a updated bios if
| you are lucky. To find out Do a web search for a dos program called ctbios.
| It fits onto a dos bootable floppy and when run will interigate the bios
| and mother board and give you lots of usefull info. I have found it most
| usefull for finding old mother board manuals.
| > 3. When MDK is loading and checking all the parameters it takes a long
| > time (I think it is after firewire control), is it the same for you
| > because MDK 9.1 was faster?

Do you have DHCP enabled?  Slow booting is often caused by the machine looking 
for "something" on the network and not being able to find it.  When that 
happens to me the first place I go is to the network configuration tools.

| >
| > 4. When I power down the notebook I have the finish by pressing the
| > button to turn of the machine. I know there is a trick around but I
| > forgot it.
| >
| > Thanks for your help
| >
| > CHristophe

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Re: [newbie] 'nother 10.1 question

2004-12-26 Thread Erylon Hines
On Sunday 26 December 2004 09:07 am, Chris wrote:
| Where is the konqueror file manager for root located?  Its getting to be a
| pain to pull it up su'd to root in Eterm.
| Chris

It was removed for "security" reasons.  On a personal machine, I fail to see 
the point.

As you have discovered, the command is:

kdesu konqueror

You can make a shorcut  (new link to application) to this command on your 
desktop by right clicking the desktop>create new>link to application, and 
typing it into the new link's "executable" box, or you can put it in your 
user menu with menudrake.


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Re: [newbie] application/octet-stream

2004-12-24 Thread Erylon Hines
On Friday 24 December 2004 10:29 am, Kenneth wrote:
| A Hundred Thousand Thanks, Rick!
| Although it hasn't helped me fix the problem (yet),
| I feel that the info you provided is a certain
| lead.
| Interestingly, though I am still getting the
| same error report when I run Kate and for that
| matter when I start KDE, I get the same results
| that you sent me when I execute the same command.
| I'll keep fiddling with it.. :)
| Thanks for your help,
| Ken
Have you tried deleting your #~/.kde

You will lose ALL of your kde settings (back up your address book if you use 
kmail), and the directory will be re-created at the next log-on.  This can 
fix a messed-up-beyond-all-repair KDE, and it looks as though you have a 
serious KDE problem.  If I were you, I would create a new user and log-in to 
KDE as that user first, to see if the problem clears up.  If the problem 
persists, ignore all of the above and search for another solution.


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Re: [newbie] Re: The effect of

2004-12-19 Thread Erylon Hines
On Sunday 19 December 2004 09:58 pm, Hugh Dixon wrote:
| I doubt I elected to install it - but maybe.  To me it is two steps back
| from geekdom than using the CLI !!
| hugh
You obviously type better than mi 


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Re: [newbie] Re: The effect of

2004-12-19 Thread Erylon Hines
On Sunday 19 December 2004 09:40 pm, Hugh Dixon wrote:
| Another option is to run midnight commander (mc) from the terminal,
| after su ing.
| Not as pretty as Konqueror though
| Hth
| hugh
That will work--and mc looks like the old Norton Commander from DOS days.  It 
will require you to "urpmi mc" though, because I don't think mc is installed 
by default (I have it but I think I had to install it).


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Re: [newbie] Re: The effect of

2004-12-19 Thread Erylon Hines
On Sunday 19 December 2004 03:29 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| > Removing read permission from directories would indeed limit user rodolfo
| > as well as user alberto, but that is where sudoers can help you. sudoers
| > would give rodolfo permission to perform certain commands as if he were
| > root user.
| Yes,
| the problem with sudoers is that (as far as I know)
| one can only use them from command line, not in graphical mode
| (is that right?).
| But it's comfortable to navigate through files and directories
| with Konqueror. That's why I didn't consider this solution.
| Rodolfo

No, in a terminal type:

kdesu konqueror

A pop up password logon box will appear, and after you type the root password 
it will open konqueror as root.  Back in the "old days", before 9.1, there 
was a shortcut in the start menu for accomplishing this, but it was removed 
for security purposes.  Since then, I make my own shortcut for this action. I 
sometimes want to drag and drop files as root, because I am constantly making 
typos when I try to move or copy from the command line.

Me Bad


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Re: [newbie] win- linux

2004-12-16 Thread Erylon Hines
On Thursday 16 December 2004 05:44 pm, julie wrote:
| On Thursday 16 December 2004 09:25 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| >Is there any free program available to sample linux on a winxp
| > system.  I thought winaxe might but it is for networked systems.
| The Christmas 2004 issue of Linux Format arrive here in Oregon, USA,
| yesterday. Included were the usual 2 CDs and one is SUSE 9.2 LiveCD.
| I booted to it and had fun exploring a different flavor of Linux. It is
| just a live evaluation CD which means it cannot be installed to the hard
| drive. However it does mean you can run SUSE without it messing with your
| existing operating system.
| Julie

And, WHY would you want to?  Seriously, I have SuSe 9.2 (full install) on one 
of my test boxes.  HATE IT--but it is pretty to look at.


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Re: [newbie] MPAA goes after BitTorrent

2004-12-16 Thread Erylon Hines
On Thursday 16 December 2004 12:13 pm, Russ Kepler wrote:
| On Thursday 16 December 2004 12:03 pm, Amy wrote:
| > Granted a lot of court cases turn into a three ring circus here in the
| > states, but the McDonalds coffee case isn't nearly so much of one as
| > the media has made it out to be.
| Yeah, it was.  It also happened to be at a McDonalds about 1 city block
| away so I'm quite aware of the facts in the case.
| > The reason the lady won the case? It wasn't just normally hot coffee,
| > she got ~third degree burns~ from the frellin' stuff. McDonalds used
| > to serve their coffee extremely hot, so much so that it was way above
| > whatever temperature they were legally allowed to. No one ever said
| > anything about it before then, because most people don't touch their
| > coffee right away, so they'd let it cool down a little bit, and get to
| > it later, and it'd be just about perfect.
| Sorry, but I have to call you on this one.  Coffee makers make coffee by
| boiling water and putting the boiling water through the coffee grounds. 
| The boiling point of water is pretty much fixed by the altitude (around
| here it boils at 202 degF) so the temperature of the coffee is going to be
| the same no matter what percolater it comes out of.

This is actually not the way it is.  Measure the temperature of your coffee 
makers coffee sometime--mine is 160-165 degrees.  That is set by a thermostat 
inside the maker--and yes, I used to be a repairman for commercial cooking 
equipment, including coffee makers--the type that restaraunts use.  The therm 
is not normally set at 180 degrees, much less at boiling.

The way I remember the case (from a Slashdot discussion, I think), is that 
local McDonald's managers had complained to upper management, in writing, 
that the coffee was being brewed so hot that it was softening the take-out 
cups.  Upper management decreed (in writing, to their later sorrow) that the 
machines would continue to be set at 180 degrees because more cups could be 
brewed from a pound of ground with the hotter water.  This correspondence was 
submitted as evidence.

| I think that McDonalds was being 'burned' by the bad publicity and didn't
| much defend the case, nor went with an appeal.  The original judgement was
| reduced considerably in any event, but the final terms are private so we'll
| likely never know what they were.

No, they got burned with their own correspondence.  The amount of the punitive 
damages award was a calculation of how much money they made from brewing the 
coffee at a higher temperature.

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Re: [newbie] Compatibility with Microsoft Word

2004-12-11 Thread Erylon Hines
On Saturday 11 December 2004 12:53 pm, Rodolfo Medina wrote:
| Rodolfo wrote:
| nay, if it depended on me I'd never use Microsoft Word: I'm a TeX user.
| The problem is not much when they send you .doc attachments in emails,
| because 'kword' manages to read them excellently.
| The problem is that they *want*, e.g. curriculums vitae in .doc format,
| so if I want in the next future more and more do *without* MS Windows
| I need a tool to produce documents with Linux
| that MS Word will be able to open and correctly read.
| According to Paul Kaplan exhaustive report on the matter,
| I'll try Abiword and Wine, hoping they can help because the problem is
| really 'serious':
| I won't be able to avoid using MS Windows until a solution will I find.

| Cheers,
| Rodolfo

What I do is make my documents in rich text format with OO (Open Office).  
Nobody has ever noticed that they are not really *.doc, because Word opens 
*.rtf perfectly (at least everything, including tables, that I've created 
with them--probably because they have the MS Word icon in Winsux).



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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 10.1

2004-12-07 Thread Erylon Hines
On Tuesday 07 December 2004 08:51 pm, Greg Meyer wrote:
| On Tuesday 07 December 2004 11:38 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
| > Just to let you know, the Community releases are not totally stable.
| > They put them out to allow a much broader spectrum of hardware to test
| > on. Then the comments a bugs found are included in Official release.
| > Official had one big update even then, to fix some pesky bugs. 10.1
| > Official is very stable on my computers,  Three of them are running it.
| > All are Athlon cpu's with various other hardware. Try 10.1 and you
| > should be good to go. HTH
| Yeah, but community has been updated with all the packages that have hit
| the update tree, and official was forked from community, so they were the
| same when official was born.  The only difference I am aware of is that the
| updates for offical are maintained in an updates dir, while they are placed
| in the dist tree for community, smae as cooker.

I suspect, from the original post, that the Community version being run is NOT 
the updated version.  The disk came as a magazine insert, the way I 
understand that post, and there is a long lead time with magazine publishing.  


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Re: [newbie] Desktop Icons - CD-RW and DVD-ROM

2004-12-04 Thread Erylon Hines
On Saturday 04 December 2004 05:37 pm, Peter Watson wrote:
| I have two icons on my desktop for CD-RW (/dev/hdc) and DVD-ROM (/dev/hdd).
| How can I get rid of them. If I right click on them there is no delete
| option.
| I'm trying to get back to the good old days when I mounted and unmounted
| removeable devices when I wanted to instead of having magicdev or
| supermount muck it up and refuse to allow me to unmount or eject.
| Also both of these drives are listed twice in X-CD-Roast once as ATA and
| once as ATAPI, they also appear twice in kwikdisk. Anyone
| know why this is?

If you haven't already found the answer (assuming you are using kde):

1.  right click anywhere on your desktop

2.  choose configure desktop

3.   click on the Behavior button

4.  under the Devices section--uncheck any that you don't want

5.  O.K.

As far as I know, scsi emulated devices always show up twice in X-CD-Roast.  
At least on my system, they don't show up at all in kwikdisk.


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Re: [newbie] Spam assassin with Thunderbird

2004-12-03 Thread Erylon Hines
On Friday 03 December 2004 05:44 am, Todd Slater wrote:
| On Fri, Dec 03, 2004 at 04:12:39AM -0800, Tango Echo wrote:
| > Anyone?? Or is this rocket science?
| I've never used Spamassassin but I've heard that it can be a resource
| hog. 
H--maybe, but I haven't had any problems with it.  After a rather 
extensive learning period it becomes extremely efficient. 
| How much do you need it to do--virus filtering etc.? If you just 
| need a bayesian-type filter bogofilter is a good alternative. I'm pretty
| sure SA requires you to have procmail set up and working; bogofilter can
| work when called directly from an MUA but I prefer to use procmail with
| it as well.

Not true.  I do not have procmail setup.  I'm filtering KMail directly with a 
"pipe through spamc".
I haven't used bogofilter so I'm really neutral as to which is better.  My 
hunch is that both are excellent.  I began with SA because of the available 
rules and have stuck with it because it works.
| In any event, I don't think it's hard to set up SA. Have you read the
| README and INSTALL files?
| Todd

I haven't used Tbird, so I'm no help here.  There are several places to go for 
SA setup, if you decide that is the filter you want to use, and hopefully, 
you can find something about running SA with Tbird.  For rules, I would 
recommend that you peruse this site:
| > -Original Message-
| > From: Tango Echo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
| > Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2004 4:37 PM
| > To: newb-mdk
| > Subject: [newbie] Spam assassin with Thunderbird
| >
| >
| > How easy is to setup Spam assassin for Thunderbird?
| > I'm runnning 10.0 and have found that the spam
| > abilities in thunderbird are far from sufficient... Is
| > it easy enough for someone to supply the steps or can
| > you point me to a good doc for (a quick) setup?
| >
| > Thanks!

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Re: [newbie] how to edit modules.conf - permission problem...

2004-11-10 Thread Erylon Hines
On Wednesday 10 November 2004 04:14 am, Merlin Zener wrote:
| Hello,
| I'm running 10.0, having recently upgraded from 9.0. I'm trying to get
| my USB card reader to work, and I went to the Apacer site and they say
| to edit my modules.conf file. But when I try to save the edited file it
| complains I don't have permission.
| So I'm guessing I need to be root to do it; but now that I'm on 10.0 I
| can't log in as root any more. It only gives me two choices [the two
| usernames I set up] at login time. In 9.0 I could just type in "root" in
| the login field and the password; it would warn me something about
| running graphics as root [can't remember exactly] but it would let me in
| anyhow. But now I can't - there's nowhere to type!
| I can open a text window and "SU", but then edit modules.conf only gives
| me:
| bash: edit: command not found
| help???

And, simplest of all--Open a terminal>su>type your root password--then:

emacs /etc/modules.conf

Emacs is an easy to use and powerful editor.


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Re: [newbie] how to edit modules.conf - permission problem...

2004-11-10 Thread Erylon Hines
On Wednesday 10 November 2004 04:14 am, Merlin Zener wrote:
| Hello,
| I'm running 10.0, having recently upgraded from 9.0. I'm trying to get
| my USB card reader to work, and I went to the Apacer site and they say
| to edit my modules.conf file. But when I try to save the edited file it
| complains I don't have permission.
| So I'm guessing I need to be root to do it; but now that I'm on 10.0 I
| can't log in as root any more. It only gives me two choices [the two
| usernames I set up] at login time. In 9.0 I could just type in "root" in
| the login field and the password; it would warn me something about
| running graphics as root [can't remember exactly] but it would let me in
| anyhow. But now I can't - there's nowhere to type!
| I can open a text window and "SU", but then edit modules.conf only gives
| me:
| bash: edit: command not found
| help???

Open a Terminal and type "kdesu konqueror" without the quotes.  Or, in the KDE 
control center under System>Login Manager>Users there is a check box for 
Hidden Users (root is checked by default).  You can uncheck it (you have to 
click on an Administrator Mode box and type your password to do it).  I 
recommend the first method for both convenience and security.



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[newbie] Network Gurus--Help

2004-11-02 Thread Erylon Hines
I noticed sending via smtp was really slow--like 20 seconds or more for a 
message this size--so I did a ping on my smtp server.

What I got back is a scad of (DUP!) replys.  No packets missing, but wouldn't 
that tend to slow my sending down?  And why the DUP!s?  I always thought that 
a lot of dup packets meant more than one machine with a single IP address, 
but am I wrong about this?  
BTW, my ISP took their mail server down a week or so ago for maintenance, and 
I think that is when the problem began.  Before I get too adamant with them I 
want all my ducks in a row.  It looks even worse when I ping large packets.

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=126 time=218 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=126 time=238 ms 
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=126 time=248 ms 
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=126 time=189 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=126 time=209 ms 
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=126 time=219 ms 
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=126 time=179 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=126 time=199 ms 
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=126 time=219 ms 

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Re: [newbie] changing default browser- help

2004-11-02 Thread Erylon Hines
On Tuesday 02 November 2004 05:11 pm, geoff wrote:
| When I click on a URL link in an email, how can I make Mozilla open it
| instead of Konqueror? I can't find anywhere in preferences to change it.
| That way, I can bookmark the site if I want to keep it in my preferred
| Mozilla.
| Thanks
| Geoff

Open KDE control center > Components > File associations > text > html

Move Mozilla to the top of the list (add it if you need to do so) and Apply

Highlight Mozilla and click the "Edit" box

Open the "Execute" box

The "Command" box should have this:

soundwrapper /usr/bin/mozilla %u

If it doesn't, type it in.

O.K. out and that should do the job.


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Re: [newbie] HELP...HELP...

2004-10-30 Thread Erylon Hines
On Saturday 30 October 2004 04:24 pm, JoeHill wrote:
| On Sun, 31 Oct 2004 09:44:18 +1100
| > JoeHill error: unable to locate any screams.
| Ya, ya, and I bet all his problems would be solved by 'urpmi xfce4' ;-)

No, but #urpme JoeHillwould do the job.

just kiddin' Joe


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Re: [newbie] Always ending up IceWM

2004-10-28 Thread Erylon Hines
On Thursday 28 October 2004 11:16 am, emir limar wrote:
| Hi people,
| I installed MDK 10.1 to my HP Vectra Pentium 133 MH. 64 RAM, 1.2 Gig Box.
| Problem is i am not able to see any program except IceWM and some useles
| 3-4 programs what ever i choose i end up the same programs. I used to
| instlaled 9.2 it was working fine with KDE and GNOME now even it doesn't
| work with 10.1 , even i install 9.2 again , now it goes to IceWM again.
| Both 9.2 and 10.1 end up with the IceWM. I manually install additional
| packages thru Mandrake Center but non of the programs seen from IceWm or
| starts from comand line. Anyone have any clue, suggestions
| Otherwise i have to throw away the box. It is just filling my very limited
| space. thx
| emin

WOW!  If you could get that machine to work well with 9.2 and KDE you were 
doing fantastic!  I have an old 233 with 256 RAM that was just "o.k." with 
KDE and 9.2.  Xfce ran fine, though.  I now have SuSe 9.1 (2.6 kernel) on 
that machine and it is really tedious to use with KDE.  For an old box like 
yours I would probably use "damn small linux".  It is a run-from-disk distro 
based on Knoppix (debian) and rather short on features at only 50M on a CD.  
I installed it to HD on a 233 laptop I have (the install takes up 325 megs of 
my disk--total--and I have lots of room to spare) and then added some stuff I 
wanted for browsing--Opera, for one.  I'll bet it will work o.k. with your 
133--the default desktop is Fluxbox which is fine, once you get used to it.
If you insist on Mandrake, I would try xfce (urpmi xfce), then Fluxbox if that 
doesn't work.  The last Mandrake release with KDE for that machine was 
probably 7.2.  Each release after that has required progressively more system 
resources, and the only way around it is more memory and smaller-footprint 


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Re: [newbie] Display Problem

2004-10-28 Thread Erylon Hines
On Thursday 28 October 2004 08:47 am, Rich Lichvar wrote:
| I'm a newbie to Mandrake. I'm in the process of reinstalling 10.0 from
| the PowerPack. The first time I installed 10.0 (in firewall mode, the
| latter being the anticipated future use along with Nessus workstation)
| the background of the display was this gaudy red and greenish stripe
| display. The font was also very hard to read. Did I miss something or
| did the installation choose the incorrect monitor/video card type? I'm
| fairly familiar with RH and haven't had similar problems with it. This
| system is running on a Belkin OmniView Pro KVM switch.
| richlich

Sounds like a wrong vid-card choice, to me.  Do a control>Alt>F1 to level 3 
and run the config tool (or better yet, edit your /etc/inittab to boot to 
level 3 instead of 5, reboot and then run the tool).  I run a KVM switch, 
without problems, but my latest mdk version is 9.2.  I do have a SuSe 9.1 
install (2.6 kernel) on the switch and it is fine.

BTW, you might want to turn off the "reply to" for list postings.  You will 
probably get more and better help if everyone can take part in the 
discussion.  There are some darn knowledgeable folks on this list that should 
be able to expand on my suggestions.


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Re: [newbie] Digital camera kills MDK 10.1

2004-10-28 Thread Erylon Hines
On Thursday 28 October 2004 11:42 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
| On Thursday 28 Oct 2004 19:25, Roy Babin wrote:
| > Can we please get off of this. It has been going on for days now.
| It may not be important to you, but it is to us.
| Anne

And me, because I have an Olympus 750UZ, and I may be upgrading to 10.x one of 
these days, so I'm following this thread closely.  

Ann, I didn't see Kaj say that he actually booted up to the log-in screen and 
chose to go to Gnome or KDE directly from the drop-down list (I could have 
missed it).  I think  that he may have logged out of kde and logged back into 
the Xfce desktop.  In that case, it could be a KDE bug, because the process 
was still running.  Did you try rebooting and choosing Gnome, to see if the 
problem goes away?


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Re: [newbie] OT: A Virus Plague

2004-10-23 Thread Erylon Hines
On Saturday 23 October 2004 01:40 am, Graham Watkins wrote:
| Hi guys,
| This past week or so, I have been mailed a number of virus attachments.
| Usually with only a smiley face in the message body. These have caused
| no problem as they are Windows viruses (viri?) and I only ever download
| my mail under Linux - learnt the necessity for that the hard way a few
| years ago.
| What I'd like to ask here is can I do anything? i.e. make a report to
| some body which can arrange for the perpetrators to be crucified without
| the benefit of broken legs or at least get their accounts closed.  (It
| goes without saying that the addresses are spoofed).
| It is a kind of spam, so could I perhaps get spamcop or similar orgs
| interested?  Advice anybody?
| Cheers,
I just put them in my "missed_spam" folder and run an sa-learn on them (I use 
spamassassin as my spam filter).  After I did that a few times, 90+% of them 
are tagged as spam and go to the trash.  Worked for those bounced virus 
messages from mail servers, too.

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Re: [newbie] Bootloader install failed. upgrade from 9.2 to 10.1

2004-10-20 Thread Erylon Hines
On Wednesday 20 October 2004 12:01 pm, Fajar Priyanto wrote:
| Hash: SHA1
| Hi folks,
| Since mdk10.1 finally released, I decided to upgrade my mdk9.2.
| I performed it first in my desktop pc. The process went smooth, until the
| bootloader stage, when it errored about:
| Cannot install bootloader
| DOS path in . (some hexa codes)
| This failure makes me hesitate to upgrade my mdk9.2 in the notebook where I
| use for everyday work and where I store many data, especially emails in
| Kmail.
| Any idea why the bootloader installation failed?
| Thanks.
| - --
No, but when I upgraded one of my machines from 9.1 to 9.2, LILO wouldn't 
install, and I tried several times.  Strangely, GRUB went in with no problem.


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Re: [newbie] Network question

2004-10-20 Thread Erylon Hines
On Wednesday 20 October 2004 02:24 am, Alan wrote:
| Good day all
| I am having a problem with my network! After about two or three hours of
| linux being up I can't speak to my linux box from another machine, or from
| another machine to my linux box.
| What I have noticed is that when i try and ping a box from linux it
| reports an error "connect: no buffer space available". Can anybody tell me
| what this means?
| Thanks
| Alan

Never saw that one before.  BUT, when something that works stops doing so, and 
I haven't intervened in any way, the first thing I blame is msec.  Msec has 
changed permissions on me so many times that I automatically disable it for a 
test when stuff that "just works" quits working after an hour or so.  Go to 
/usr/sbin and find "msec".  Rename it to "OLDmsec" and save the file.  If 
your problem goes away, you will know it was msec changing permissions.  If 
it doesn't, go back and rename your msec (you need to do this in any case, if 
you want to use msec).  Msec is your first bastion of security, and if you 
don't understand permissions you won't want to leave it disabled.

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Re: [newbie] Re: Mandrake 9.1 and Sony camcorders ?

2004-10-13 Thread Erylon Hines
On Monday 11 October 2004 03:18 pm, Miroslav Skoric wrote:

| Well, after I did it as you have suggested, Mandrake Control Center 9.1
| has shown in Detected Hardware, a new group of Unknown/Others, and Sony
| HandyCam MemoryStick Reader within that group.
| Details are:
| Vendor: Sony Corp.
| Bus: USB
| Description: Sony HandyCam MemoryStick Reader
| Module: Removable:memory_card
| Media class:
| What should be done next? I manually made /mnt/memory_card folder but
| don't know how to mount camera's memory card reader.
| Btw, my desktop's icon for USB flash memory (/mnt/removable, /dev/sda4)
| has got lost somewhere, although I suppose it should remain there too.
| In fact, as soon as I connected the camera to the USB connector and
| rebooted the system, the icon disappeared. After changing the camera
| with the USB flash stick, and rebooted again, the icon came back.
| Regards,
| Misko

I can't say for sure, since I'm uncertain that the Sony is actually 
"supported".  One of my machines (I have several) that mounts my Olympus 
digital has an /etc/fstab line:

/dev/sda1 /mnt/camera auto user, 
iocharset=iso8859-1,kudzu,codepage=850,noauto,umask=0,exec 0 0

My other machines have variations of this (/dev/sdb1 /mnt/memory_card) and all 
seem to mount the camera automatically--but then, the Olympus uses standard 
USB protocol, so it is known to "just work".  Before I got it, I checked some 
other cameras (not Sony, unfortunately), and some strayed from the USB 
standard, so mounting them was iffy.  
My 9.2 machines seem to do a better job with mounting the digital than 
9.1--I'm never sure under what device it will be mounted when I plug it into 
9.1, but it is always in the same place on the 9.2 boxes.  Kind of weird.  
My last suggestion, if all else fails, is to get hold of a Knoppix 3.4 disk 
and see if you can mount it that way.  My experience with Knoppix has been 
that it is amazingly good at identifying hardware, and if Linux can use it, 
Knoppix will be able to configure it.


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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9.1 and Sony camcorders ?

2004-10-10 Thread Erylon Hines
On Sunday 10 October 2004 03:18 am, Miroslav Skoric wrote:
| Gentle folks,
| I have Sony DCR-HC85E camcorder that came with Picture Package software
| for Windows. It makes me wonder if there is a similar software capable
| to run on Mandrake 9.1 with similar capabilities (to 'see' a camera as
| an external disk or memory device - that I could mount, to have an
| automatic or manual download of still pictures from camera's memory
| stick, to playback mini-DV tape via USB cable etc). Is there any kind of
| a 'generic' driver for Sony camcorders for Linux? I tried to mount the
| camera as a /dev/sda4 drive (the same that uses my USB flash memory
| stick, as /mnt/removable, but it reported that special device doesn't
| exist). Any idea what else to try?
| Regards,
| Misko

My memory card reader is /dev/sdb1.  Every time I've seen /dev/sda4 it was for 
my zip disks (I have several).  
If the Sony uses standard usb protocol, it should be recognized.  The only 
suggestion I have is--have you tried a reboot with the camera plugged in?  I 
don't have a camcorder, but my digital is mounted automatically under 
/mnt/memory_card (I may have created that directory originally, I can't 
remember) and as /dev/sdb1 in 9.1.

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Re: [newbie] pre upgrade questions [9.0 to 10.0]

2004-10-01 Thread Erylon Hines
On Friday 01 October 2004 12:22 am, Merlin Zener wrote:
| On Fri, 2004-10-01 at 10:16, Erylon Hines wrote:
| > On Thursday 30 September 2004 12:24 am, Merlin Zener wrote:
| > | Hello all,
| > |
| > | I've just got hold of 4 Mandrake 10.0 CDs; I'll be upgrading from 9.0,
| > | and I wanted to ask if there's anything particular I should [or should
| > | not] do to ensure a smooth transition.

| Comments from the gallery, anyone?
| --
| Merlin Zener
| Piano, Synthesizer
| Thailand.
| "...if my calculations are correct..."

O.K. to carry this further.  Is there any way you can get your hands on a 
Knoppix disk?  If you can, boot with it and see if you get connectivity, and 
check to see if everything works.  If so, you can completely trash your 
system and you will still be able to connect and get help/download what you 
need to fix it.
As much as I love Mandrake for its tools and such, it is really a cutting edge 
distro and it is generally not as fully functional (ie--things don't always 
work) as the Debian-based ones.  Knoppix is Deb based so it is a generation 
behind (an oversimplification, but a true statement, IMO) and it is extremely 
good at recognizing and setting up hardware.  Stuff just works.  I could cite 
examples with my own equipment that Knoppix recognizes and sets up but 
Mandrake (including Move and PCLinux OS) doesn't.
This is all my opinion, and Mandrake has been my chosen distro since ver 7.0.  
Someday, I'll move to 10--but not yet--and when I do it will go on a couple 
of experimental boxes I keep around.  Judging from the list, whether it will 
work out of the box will be pretty much a crap shoot--but that is the case 
for most Mandrake versions so far.  I had no problems with 8.2 and 9.1--some 
users did.  Right now, I think I'm waiting for 10.2, and then I'll do a clean 
Since you are having some apparently insurmountable problems with Mozilla 
maybe a new install of 10 is what you need to do.  If it doesn't work and you 
can't solve the problems, you can always reformat and re-install 9.0.  I have 
friends that are still using 8.x, because it "just works", so if 9.0 works, 
who cares if you are a few generations behind.  (I'm assuming that 9 worked 
for you from its original installation).

Good luck


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Re: [newbie] pre upgrade questions [9.0 to 10.0]

2004-09-30 Thread Erylon Hines
On Thursday 30 September 2004 12:24 am, Merlin Zener wrote:
| Hello all,
| I've just got hold of 4 Mandrake 10.0 CDs; I'll be upgrading from 9.0,
| and I wanted to ask if there's anything particular I should [or should
| not] do to ensure a smooth transition.
It is a BIG jump from 9.0 to 10--I wouldn't even try an upgrade, myself, due 
to the different kernels.  
Is there a good reason that you want to upgrade??  Unsupported hardware or 
some such?  I don't know much about 9.0, I went from 8.2 to 9.1 (not an 
upgrade--fresh install).  I've since upgraded a couple of machines from 9.1 
to 9.2, but I don't see much difference, except that I had to apply some 
fixes to get stuff that worked perfectly in 9.1 to work in 9.2.  At least the 
upgrade didn't really break anything badly, and was actually smooth--for an 
upgrade.   I still haven't moved any of my machines to 10.x because I have 
older hardware and there just isn't any point to it.  Plus, judging from the 
topics on list, the 2.6 kernel can break stuff that is working fine for me 

If this is your only box, I would wait, if I were you.  On the other hand, you 
can consider it a chance to learn some more about Linux 8).


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Re: [newbie] Problems mounting CD/DVD

2004-09-28 Thread Erylon Hines
On Monday 27 September 2004 01:40 am, Alexander Ruoff wrote:
| Hi Bryan,
| thx for the help, but somehow it didn't solve the problem. I also got a
| problem with my usb-stick, of which I have now 3 registered in fstab...
| every time I insert the stick, it's getting a new registry in fstab.
| Seems like I wait till 10.1 and see if the problem still exists.
| AR
Comment out all the lines for your usb-stick in fstab.  Reboot your system one 
time.  If the stick is recognized correctly, and it probably will be, and 
your new entry for it is added to fstab by Harddrake/kudzu, go to the MCC and 
turn off Harddrake--uncheck the box for starting "on boot".  Reboot.  If the 
stick is still working you can leave Harddrake off, unless you install some 
new hardware.  Harddrake is a cool tool, but I never leave it on once I get 
my system working because it can mess up and discover hardware that I already 
have installed.  It is especially bad about re-recognizing USB components.

As for your CD/DVD--aren't those scsi emulated??  I haven't got one, but I 
"thought" that DVD drives were /dev/scdX not /dev/hdX.  Either way, you may 
have the wrong dev number.

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Re: [newbie] Odd Internet problem...

2004-09-25 Thread Erylon Hines
On Saturday 25 September 2004 03:37 pm, Richard Urwin wrote:

| I think "Which" was told off and had to publish a retraction not so long
| ago for publicly giving that bit of advice.
| Some things to bear in mind:
| 1. If there's an earth fault the live wire is connected to you.
| 2. The switch is in the live wire. If, like I did, you have an extension
| cable with the live and neutral swapped, then the live parts are still
| live. It may still be a problem with a properly wired connection if
| your neutral is at a different potential to your earth. OK, not such a
| problem with a PC because the PSU is enclosed.

This in itself is a code violation.  Why would anyone swap the hot and 
neutral--or the neutral and case ground?  Anyone that would do this shouldn't 
be doing anything electrical at all (no offense meant, but everyone should 
test their equipment before they use it--your life depends on it).  And 
remember, Never--Ever--switch a neutral.  
The neutral and ground go to the very same place.  The difference between them 
is that the ground wire is bonded directly to the grounding means--the 
service ground, the neutral may have connections interposed between itself 
and the service ground.  (I don't mean to be condescending about this, but it 
is an important distinction).

| 3. Anti-static straps have 1MegOhm resistors in them. Without such they
| are considered serious health and safety violations. Since every piece
| of anti-static equipment has that, the actual resistance to earth of
| professional gear is usually several meg ohms.

For the anti-static devices, power supplies, etc.--yes.  Electrical codes (at 
least in the U.S.) require that the case be bonded directly to ground.
| Personally, If I have my wrist strap with me I leave the box plugged in
| and use it. If I don't then I still leave it plugged in, but just touch
| the case frequently to keep myself at the same potential. I think very
| long and hard before I decide to connect myself to the case with a
| piece of wire.
| Another word of warning: some PSUs do not have an off switch. The button
| on the front of an ATX case leaves power to some parts of the
| motherboard. If there isn't a rocker switch on the PSU, you can not
| leave it plugged in without having an external switch somewhere.

In such a case, an external jumper from a known good ground would need to be 
applied to the metal frame of the case when the unit is unplugged.  
Otherwise, the box is floating with potential for static discharge, unless 
the repairman is floating also.  This probably won't be the way it is outside 
of the lab.

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Re: [newbie] Odd Internet problem...

2004-09-25 Thread Erylon Hines
On Saturday 25 September 2004 07:33 am, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:

| But for all the *newbies* here reading this, statically wounded circuits
| can show weird symptoms months after installation.  Sometimes weird
| stuff like what Ron is seeing.  That includes (especially)
| motherboards.  It's best to have a grounded static wrist band on when
| you are inside your computer and before you remove the static packaging
| from any new component.  (static packaging isn't there because it's
| pretty.)  If you always do this, you can be sure that you've kept your
| equipment in mint condition.
| LX

A note on grounding.  Most times when I see instructions for this it says 
something like, "Unplug your computer".

DO NOT UNPLUG YOUR COMPUTER.  If you do, you will remove the machine from the 
system ground and your box will be "floating".  Any time equipment is 
floating, there is a chance that it's potential will be different from ground 
potential.  Turn it off, but leave it plugged in and the case will be bonded.  
If you are not on a workbench with a known good bond to ground, attach 
yourself to the metal part of the case, and you are good to go.


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Re: [newbie] US Robotics Modem Driver]

2004-09-16 Thread Erylon Hines
On Wednesday 15 September 2004 09:06 am, Eric Scott wrote:
| On Thu, 2004-09-16 at 13:21, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

| > U.S. Robotics 56K Faxmodem USB
| > Model No. USR5633
| >
| > My Computer is old - it's a Dell Dimension XPS T600
| > 600 Mhz

Sheesh, my best box is only an 850.

| > 20 Gig - Hard Drive
| > 128 Mb - Ram

More Ram would help--a lot.

| > Dual boot with Windows 98SE

I'm sorry!!

| > I have no idea about the Motherboard.
| >
| > I would be grateful for any advise or help.
| >
| > Sean
| Hey; don't feel bad! I'm using a home-built 233MHz comp with 96MB of RAM
| and all that good stuff. :-P

One of my boxen is a P200--lots of Ram, though.  It's just o.k. with kde, but 
excellent with Xfce.

I booted a P233 laptop with only 64 megs of Ram with a Damn Small Linux 
disk--it was great with the Fluxbox provided.
| Your modem is probably a "winmodem" which basically means it's a modem
| made to work with Windows. Somebody out there may have come up with
| drivers to make it a "linmodem" (Work with Linux), but even if there is
| winmodems are buggy as a rule. (I should know, I've got one)  Your best
| bet is to get a new modem that's not a winmodem, and the majority of
| external modems fit the bit.

Actually, I've found the Winmodems with Lucent chipsets to be excellent and I 
won't hesitate to install one--but there aren't any drivers (at least 
officially, last time I checked) for the 2.6 kernel.  PCTel and Conexant are 
a real PITA.  Beware of USB modems--many are Winmodems.  Serial modems always 
work, straight away--no messing around.  Someone posted a link a couple of 
months ago for a serial for $18, US--if you are somewhere in North America.  
That's about the same price as a Winmodem.


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Re: [newbie] Mozilla fixed fonts problem

2004-09-15 Thread Erylon Hines
On Wednesday 15 September 2004 01:52 am, John Richard Smith wrote:
| Bob Read wrote:
| > I use Mozilla mail  heavily. (Mozilla 1.3)
| > I normally use Inbox opened fully so that
| > I can scan the incoming files quickly.
| >
| > A couple days ago, that screen seemed to
| > have reduced the type font size so that it
| > is now difficult to read.  As a check, I
| > counted the number of lines shown, and found
| > that it is now 32 lines rather than the 31
| > it has had previously.  I have tried every
| > thing I can think of to change this, but no
| > success.
| >
| > Any suggestion will be much appreciated. My
| > eyes are hurting.
| >
| > Bob
| Mozilla - edit - preferences - appearance - fonts -
| Minimum font size
| Just increase that minimum font size
| You can also change the font types.
| you can also allow document to use other fonts.
| But I guess you have tried these ?
| John

To test that it isn't Moz itself, but is something in the userconfig that's 
messed up, create a new user and see if the font problem exists for him, too.  
If no problem then,  delete your /home/username/.mozilla folder and then 
restart Moz. Backup your bookmarks.html (and mail, if you use mozilla mail) 

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Re: [newbie] ftp server local install

2004-09-13 Thread Erylon Hines
On Monday 13 September 2004 12:59 pm, Erylon Hines wrote:
| On Monday 13 September 2004 09:32 am, othman El Moulat wrote:
| | Hi guys;

The hd.img boot floppy will ask for the location of the source disk for your 
Mandrake install.  For you it is probably /dev/hda or /dev/hda1 (remember, 
Linux looks at partitions differently than Windows, the first partition on 
the first hd would be hda1, the second, hda2, etc, and the first on the 
second disk would be hdb1, etc.
Then it will ask for the Path to Mandrake, which could be 
or whatever.

Be sure all your disks are located in the same directory.  Mine is (keep in 
mind Linux, not on a Win partition on /dev/hda8) 

Hopefully, you won't run into any permission problems with your install files, 
and it will go from there.  And, defrag Windows before you begin, because you 
will be resizing existing partitions during the install, I assume.

And, although a bit dated, this site has a lot of info:

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Re: [newbie] ftp server local install

2004-09-13 Thread Erylon Hines
On Monday 13 September 2004 09:32 am, othman El Moulat wrote:
| Hi guys;
| can any one desribe me in detail how i can do an ftp server install for the
| mdk 10 ? i don't have a cd bunner and want to use my adsl internet
| connection on a windows partition to perform an ftp server install...
| thanks for helping me to get to the Linux Magnificient world ;-)

Sounds like you really want to do a install from the hd.img already on your 
Windows partition.  The instructions in my other reply should do fine, and 
you can Google for more information if you feel you need it.
I'm still using 9.1 and 9.2 because of some hardware issues with the 2.6 
kernel.  Remember, 2.6 is on the cutting edge--it is new, and there are still 
some things that need to be worked out.  A lot of people have no problems 
whatsoever, but some do.


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Re: [newbie] configuer a boot floppy for mdk 10 installation

2004-09-13 Thread Erylon Hines
On Monday 13 September 2004 08:31 am, othman El Moulat wrote:
| Hi guys;
| i'm willing to upgrade to mdk 10 ...I have downloaded all the distro into a
| windows folder : c:\Linux10\ now i want to be able to install mdk 10 into
| my system...I guess i need first to create a boot floppy which i hope is
| quit a straighforward task...The issue here is how can i configure this
| boot floppy so that it could install from my windows folder :c\Linux10\...?
| is there any other simpler method to install without a boot floppy ? from
| my windows folder ? details would be very welcomed...
| thanks for helping

From the readme on the install disk:

 If your computer cannot boot from the CDROM, you must make a
   boot floppy under Windows as follows:

 * insert the CDROM, then open the icon "My Computer", right click on
   the CDROM drive icon and select "Open"
 * go into the "dosutils" directory and double-click on the
   "rawwritewin" icon
 * insert a blank floppy in the floppy drive
 * select "D:\images\cdrom.img" in the "Image File" field (assuming
   that your CDROM drive is "D:", otherwise replace "D:" as needed)
 * select "A:" in the "Floppy Drive" field then click on "Write".

   To begin the installation:

 * insert the CDROM in the drive, as well as the boot floppy, then
 * restart the computer.

How I do it:
 Make a partition on you hd big enough for the disks and copy your Mandrake 
disks to that.  I wouldn't use my Windows partition if Linux is already 
installed (this is an upgrade, right?), because you may have to re-install 
Windows sometime in the future, and that is inconvenient, but I would make a 
separate partition just for the disks. I usually make a Reiser of about 2.5 
gigs and mount the partition (mine is /dev/hda8 with the mountpoint of 
/dev/hd).  Then you can follow the instructions for a hd install and make a 
hd.img floppy (I think they are still on the first install disk).  

to make a hd.img boot floppy:

 * Under Linux (or other modern UNIX systems) type at prompt:
   $ dd if=hd.img of=/dev/fd0
 * Under Windows, follow the method described above, but using
  hd.img instead of cdrom.img.
 * Under DOS, assuming your CD is drive D:, type:
   D:\> dosutils\rawrite.exe -f images\hd.img -d A

During the install you will have a chance to choose to upgrade.  Be 
forewarned--some upgrades go fine, and some will totally screw your system, 
so backup everything you want to keep, just in case you have to go back and 
do a full install.



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Re: [newbie] LAN Question

2004-09-09 Thread Erylon Hines
On Thursday 09 September 2004 06:49 pm, Erylon Hines wrote:

 ALL : 192.168.104

Sorry, I left out that the above line should be in your


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Re: [newbie] LAN Question

2004-09-09 Thread Erylon Hines
On Thursday 09 September 2004 11:00 am, BJ Tracy wrote:
| Hello All,
| This is strange.  In my office I still have 2 pc's with MS on them.  My
| laptop and my pc have Mandrake 10.0 and all are set up on my LAN.
| Both, my laptop and my pc can see all the files and hard drives on the MS
| pc's,  however my laptop cannot see my pc and my pc cannot see my laptop.  
| They use to see each other.
| I have gone thru all the settings and everything seems to set correctly.
| Not sure why this is the way it is now.  I must be missing something.
| Please advise and Thanks to all of you for your help.
| bj
| fyi - I have looked in drakxservices and there is smb
| running.  This is the only one that is there.  Is that correct?

Samba needs to have users and passwords configured.  

The  users for your Win boxes must be identical, and have an identical 
password to the samba users on the Linux boxes.  The Win boxes also have to 
belong to the same "WORKGROUP" as the Linux boxes, identified in 

your /etc/samba/smb.conf 

From here on, do everything as root.

needs to be written in the format you see inside--this is mine

Unix_name = SMB_erylon SMB_hilary SMB_sarah SMB_eldon
root = administrator admin
nobody = guest pcguest smbguest

The samba password needs to be set (in a console, as root)

smbpasswd -a erylon

would make one for me.

Make one for each user (avoid hassles, just use the user system login 

/etc/samba/lmhosts gives samba a "roadmap" to IP/computer names of network 
machines.  localhost BoxName1 BoxName2 BoxName3

Don't eliminate the 127.xx localhost entry.  

 Add all 4 of your networked machines.

/etc/hosts allows remote hosts to be identified by the samba box.
The convention is:   localhost.localdomain localhost BoxName1.workgroup_name BoxName2.workgroup_name

The localhost entry is required.Add an entry for each box on your network 
(there are easier ways, but this always works)

This allows specific addresses to access the samba machine.

This is the way I do mine, there are others, but this is secure enough for me, 
and simple.  On a small network an IP for each machine here is no problem.  
On a large network you might want to us a range of addresses.

ALL : 192.168.104 

You probably want to configure your /etc/samba/smb.conf file to allow a share 
on your Linux boxes  I make a directory /home/public (directories under /home 
can be easily made into a share) and give it world permissions: 
#mkdir /home/public 
#chmod 2777 /home/public.  
With msec enabled (which it is by default), you'll have to jump through some 
hoops or it will change the permissions on you (I disable msec because I know 
what permissions I want on directories and msec irritates me to no end).

The entry for the share in the smb.conf file would look something like this:

comment = public folder
path = /home/public
admin users = @workgroup_name
write list = @workgroup_name
force group = @workgroup_name
read only = No
inherit permissions = Yes
guest ok = Yes

Of course, substitute your actual machine names, workgroup name, user names, 
and actual ethernet addresses for each box in the above examples.  If you 
have a firewall you must open ports 137,138,139.



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Re: [newbie] Laptop Easy one Silver again

2004-08-31 Thread Erylon Hines
On Tuesday 31 August 2004 03:01 pm, charlie wrote:
| On Tue, 31 Aug 2004 11:50 pm, M.Schild wrote:
| > charlie wrote:
| > >On Tue, 31 Aug 2004 10:32 pm, M.Schild wrote:
| > >>My friend with the Win XP problem on her laptop as
| I cannot recall for certain, but 9.2 worked everything rather well too.
| Charlie
Ditto, here.  9.1 worked well and 9.2 is problem free (except for the need to 
download the kernel-source, which is 40+ megs and the need to get the 
update-db bugfixes--absolutely mandatory).  If you have a Lucent chipped 
winmodem that will work with the 2.4 kernel, too.  Truthfully, I don't see 
much difference between 9.1 and 9.2, and I have both systems side-by-side in 
my office.


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Re: [newbie] Kmail going Nuts

2004-08-27 Thread Erylon Hines

| On Friday 27 August 2004 05:26 pm, BJ Tracy wrote:
| Hello All,
| While answering Hoyt's email, kmail went nuts.  The first email response
| just crashed my desktop and I had to reboot.  The second time I tried to
| respond to Hoyt's email (and of course the whole mailing list ) Kmail
| crashed and rebooted WITHOUT me doing ANYTHING.  Something is way wrong
| here.
| Now this is where it gets real WEIRD,  when ( the second time ) Kmail
| rebooted by itself, the two emails to Hoyt ( and of cousre the whole
| mailing list) were there and sent ! !  Is anyone having these same problems
| ? ?
| Is this a bug, if so do I report it and if so to who / where?
| Looking for an guidance.
| Standing by.
| All the best to you all,
| bj
| Linux Newbie, but loving it!

I'm getting confused by the threading here, but in case you missed my post to 
the hijacked thread:

Rebooted?  I think it may not be kmail--you may have a hardware problem.  
Something about kmail may be accessing a specific part of your hd, or using a 
specific amount of cpu or memory, or ethernet, and that is the cause of the 
The reason I say this, a few years ago, sometimes when I tried to transfer 
files from-or-to one of the computers on my network I would get a spontaneous 
reboot.  Now, the weird part is, more than one computer was doing this, but 
one specific computer was always involved (either it would reboot or the one 
being transferred to or from would reboot).  After a couple of months of 
pulling my hair out, I changed the network card in that machine and the 
problem went away!
| >
| > What is up with that ??  I have never had any problems with Kmail.

Well, any problem I've ever had was cured by deleting my /home/username/.kde 
and logging back in.


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Re: [newbie] Hard Drive Question

2004-08-27 Thread Erylon Hines
On Friday 27 August 2004 03:45 pm, charlie wrote:
| On Sat, 28 Aug 2004 07:26 am, BJ Tracy wrote:
| > Hello All,
| >
| > Thanks Hoyt for responding to my questions.
| >
| > Not sure if you are going to see my responses,  I tried to respond and
| > Kmail went nuts and crashed the first time and rebooted itself the second
| > time.

Rebooted?  I think it may not be kmail--you may have a hardware problem.  
Something about kmail may be accessing a specific part of your hd, or using a 
specific amount of cpu or memory, or ethernet, and that is the cause of the 
The reason I say this, a few years ago, sometimes when I tried to transfer 
files from-or-to one of the computers on my network I would get a spontaneous 
reboot.  Now, the weird part is, more than one computer was doing this, but 
one specific computer was always involved (either it would reboot or the one 
being transferred to or from would reboot).  After a couple of months of 
pulling my hair out, I changed the network card in that machine and the 
problem went away!
| >
| > What is up with that ??  I have never had any problems with Kmail.

Well, any problem I've ever had was cured by deleting my /home/username/.kde 
and logging back in.


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Re: [newbie] Screenshots

2004-08-20 Thread Erylon Hines
On Friday 20 August 2004 06:50 pm, JoeHill wrote:

| ...but I'll give you this: anyone choosing KDE over XFCE needs their head
| examined.

Sorry dooD, but my wife would never have quit Winders if it hadn't been for 
the KDE interface.  Anything that is too different from Windows and it would 
have been a no go from the get go.  It's call xenophobia, and 90% of the 
Windows users have it.  All these folks want is an OS interface that is easy 
to use and understand, and especially one that they don't have to learn from 
scratch.  Xfce, as much as I like it, is too different to be of use to your 
average Windows convert.  Ditto for Enlightenment, Ice, and even Gnome.  My 
wife described Gnome as "weird looking and ugly".  Any Windows user can 
convert to KDE without giving it much thought, and that makes it a useful 
interface, in my book.  The other window managers are pretty much for geeks, 
even though many (most) are really more intelligently designed (that, I 
think, we can agree on).


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Re: [newbie] KDE-reply to all

2004-08-19 Thread Erylon Hines
On Thursday 19 August 2004 08:34 am, M.Schild wrote:
| > > Is there a ´reply to all´ option on Kmail? I cannot find it
| > > TIA
| > > Maryse
| >
| > In Kmail  just right click and see your choices.
| Thank you. I could have found that out :-(
| Maryse

To add it to your toolbar:

Settings>Configure_Toolbars and move the "Reply to All" to the Current Actions 

cool huh,


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Re: [newbie] Looking for Generic Sound Drivers for MDK 10

2004-08-19 Thread Erylon Hines
On Wednesday 18 August 2004 10:05 pm, lmcilwain wrote:
| I ran the first command and it asked me to insert the first CD.  Once I
| did that and hit enter it seems to be just sitting there.  I can't tell
| that my cdrom is spinning or that the files are being installed.  How
| do I know if this is working?
It should immediately read the disk and then start to install.  Even on the 
old laptop, stuff should start to happen within a few seconds.  If it 
doesn't, I would cancel out, log-out--then back in and try to mount the disk 
(probably via the cd icon on the desktop first).  If it doesn't work then, 
you have a problem, most likely with your disk or your hardware.  
Hopefully, you've already figured this out and have actually got sndconfig 


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Re: [newbie] Looking for Generic Sound Drivers for MDK 10

2004-08-18 Thread Erylon Hines
On Wednesday 18 August 2004 10:53 am, lmcilwain wrote:
| Hello all,
| I have installed mandrake 10 on my micron u360 laptop (old) but it
| doesn't seem to have sound drivers installed.  When I try to run
| anything that requires sound it tells me that it can't find the audio
| mixer or something to that affect.
| My speaker icon makes it seem like I have sound yet I get that error.
| It is not X'd out.  I don't know what chipset I have cause I don't have
| the manual.
| Does anyone know where I can find any generic drivers that I can
| install to see if I can try to get some sound?
| Thanks,

I suspect that your old laptop may have a SoundBlaster or a SB clone.  That 
would require sndconfig to locate and configure the card.  It is no longer 
installed by default, but it is on the installation disks.  As root:

#urpmi sndconfig

After the necessary depends and sndconfig installs, as root:


If you are lucky, it will find your card, and you will hear the sound sample.


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Re: [newbie] Linux / LAN Help

2004-08-14 Thread Erylon Hines
On Saturday 14 August 2004 08:04 am, BJ Tracy wrote:
| On Friday 13 August 2004 07:38 pm, Erylon Hines wrote:
| > On Friday 13 August 2004 12:05 pm, BJ Tracy wrote:
| > |
| > | Slowly getting my office up and running on Linux.  U
| >
| > Hmm--do you have the same username and password on the W98 machine as on
| > the Linux machine?
| NO

First off, it has been a long, long time since I had 98 (or any windows) on my 
network, so I'm doing this from far distant memory.  

You need to go to the Control Panel and make a user for your W98 box that is 
identical, and that has an identical password to the samba user on the Linux 
box.  The 98 box also has to belong to the same "WORKGROUP" identified in 
your /etc/samba/smb.conf 

From here on, do everything as root.
| > Do you have an entry for the W98 machine in /etc/samba/lmhosts
| I'm NEW to Linux and not sure what you are talking about here.

/etc/samba/lmhosts gives samba a "roadmap" to IP/computer names of network 
machines.  localhost BoxName1 BoxName2 BoxName3

Don't eliminate the 127.xx localhost entry.  I'm assuming you are using 192.xx 
and not 10.xx--adjust accordingly.  Add all your networked machines.
| > How about an entry for it in /etc/hosts
| ?  Not sure

/etc/hosts allows remote hosts to be identified by the samba box.
The convention is:   localhost.localdomain localhost BoxName1.workgroup_name BoxName2.workgroup_name

The localhost entry is required.Add an entry for each box on your network 
(there are easier ways, but this always works)
| > Does the /etc/hosts.allow entry cover the IP addy of the offending
| > machine?
| ??

This allows specific addresses to access the samba machine.

This is the way I do mine, there are others, but this is secure enough for me, 
and simple.  On a small network an IP for each machine here is no problem.  
On a large network you might want to us a range of addresses.

ALL : 

| > You can add the name and IP addy of the Linux machine to the W98
| > machine's lmhost file.
| Where do I look for this file on 98?

In the Windows/System folder (I think) there is a file named "lmhost.sam", or 
very similar.  You can open Notepad and create an lmhost.txt file that 
follows the conventions of the *.sam sample file and save it to the same 
folder that lmhost.sam is located.
| > I'm assuming that the W98 box shows up everywhere but on the Linux box.
| Yes that is correct.  On the 98 box I can see everything in my office.
| Thanks for your help
| bj

I always name my 8 network machines the same, and I keep a copy of the above 
files and just put them into any new install, so I don't really have to 
remake my network every time.
| > Erylon
| >
| > | Also, to move or copy files from one machine to another is there
| > | anything that I need to do as well, ie permissions or configuring
| > | routes,,,please advise.

The 98 machine is basically open to the whole network if you have file sharing 

You probably want to configure your /etc/samba/smb.conf file to allow a share 
on your Linux box.  I make a directory /home/public (directories under /home 
can be easily made into a share) and give it world permissions:  
#chmod 2777 /home/public.  
With msec enabled (which it is by default), you'll have to jump through some 
hoops or it will change the permissions on you (I disable msec because I know 
what permissions I want on directories and msec irritates me to no end).

The entry in the smb.conf file would look something like this:

comment = public folder
path = /home/public
admin users = @workgroup_name
write list = @workgroup_name
force group = @workgroup_name
read only = No
inherit permissions = Yes
guest ok = Yes

| > |
| > | Thanks in advance.

I hope this is useful


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Re: [newbie] Linux / LAN Help

2004-08-13 Thread Erylon Hines
On Friday 13 August 2004 12:05 pm, BJ Tracy wrote:
| Hello All,
| Slowly getting my office up and running on Linux.  Using Mandrake 10.0
| Power Pack.  MDK 10.0 is loaded and running well on my PC and laptop.  I
| have established LAN connections and can see three of the four computers in
| my office.  I can see the pc with XP on it.  However the other pc that has
| 98 (used for storage) on it, I cannot see.  I have set my linux machines to
| smb and nfs.  Is there something else I'm missing.  My router and hub are
| Linksys.

Hmm--do you have the same username and password on the W98 machine as on the 
Linux machine?

Do you have an entry for the W98 machine in /etc/samba/lmhosts

How about an entry for it in /etc/hosts

Does the /etc/hosts.allow entry cover the IP addy of the offending machine?

You can add the name and IP addy of the Linux machine to the W98 machine's 
lmhost file.

I'm assuming that the W98 box shows up everywhere but on the Linux box.


| Also, to move or copy files from one machine to another is there anything
| that I need to do as well, ie permissions or configuring routes,,,please
| advise.
| Thanks in advance.
| bj

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Re: [newbie] Teaching Spamassassin(offtopic)

2004-08-10 Thread Erylon Hines
On Monday 09 August 2004 09:33 pm, Charlie Mahan wrote:
| Hash: SHA1
| On Monday 09 August 2004 19:48:07, Erylon Hines wrote:
| > On Monday 09 August 2004 03:01 pm, SME Server Admin wrote:
| > | Hiya
| > |
| > | Right. i've had Spam Assassin running for a few weeks now, and have
| > | built up about 300 or so messages in my Spam/missed spam directory. The
| > | actually directory is:
| > |
| > | Local Folders / Spam / MissedSpam
| > |
| > | Now, I've been into shell and done as it asked, ie type in the
| > | following string. The first one was without a dot before Mail and the
| > | second was with it in.
| > |
| > | It's not working. This is in Kontact by the way. Can anyone help?
| > |
| > | TIA
| > |
| > | Elwyn
| > |
| > |
| > | [EMAIL PROTECTED] elwyn]$ sa-learn --mbox
| > | --spam /home/Elwyn/Mail/*
| > |
| > | Learned from 0 message(s) (0 message(s) examined).
| > |
| > | [EMAIL PROTECTED] elwyn]$ sa-learn --mbox
| > | --spam /home/Elwyn/.Mail/*
| > |
| > | Learned from 0 message(s) (0 message(s) examined).
| > |
| > | [EMAIL PROTECTED] elwyn]$
| >
| > Your Mail directory isn't hidden, normally.  Nor would be the
| > subdirectorys, the /spam or /MissedSpam
| >
| > The command:
| >
| > $sa-learn --mbox --spam /home/Elwyn/Mail/spam/MissedSpam/*
| I beg to differ. The Mail directory for K-Mail since (I believe) 3.1 *is* a
| hidden directory, while the sub-directories in it are not. No point hiding
| those is there, they live in a hidden directory.
| The rest of what you advised is probably accurate. I wouldn't know and
| don't intend to discover since spamassassin and I have never been more than
| coldly cordial to one another. I use bogofilter, far less horsepower
| required, easily configured, while just as accurate.
| Charlie

My #kmail --version
Qt: 3.1.2
KDE: 3.1.3
KMail: 1.5.3

With 9.2.  #/~/Mail directory isn't hidden.  For what reason would the 
developers hide it?



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Re: [newbie] Teaching Spamassassin

2004-08-09 Thread Erylon Hines
On Monday 09 August 2004 03:01 pm, SME Server Admin wrote:
| Hiya
| Right. i've had Spam Assassin running for a few weeks now, and have built
| up about 300 or so messages in my Spam/missed spam directory. The actually
| directory is:
| Local Folders / Spam / MissedSpam
| Now, I've been into shell and done as it asked, ie type in the following
| string. The first one was without a dot before Mail and the second was with
| it in.
| It's not working. This is in Kontact by the way. Can anyone help?
| Elwyn
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] elwyn]$ sa-learn --mbox
| --spam /home/Elwyn/Mail/*
| Learned from 0 message(s) (0 message(s) examined).
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] elwyn]$ sa-learn --mbox
| --spam /home/Elwyn/.Mail/*
| Learned from 0 message(s) (0 message(s) examined).

Your Mail directory isn't hidden, normally.  Nor would be the subdirectorys, 
the /spam or /MissedSpam

The command:

$sa-learn --mbox --spam /home/Elwyn/Mail/spam/MissedSpam/*

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Re: [newbie] Kmail problem

2004-07-31 Thread Erylon Hines
On Saturday 31 July 2004 06:31 pm, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
| On Saturday 31 July 2004 06:59 am, Alan Dunford wrote:
| ->Thanks again Ron.  Did a reinstall and the urls and jpgs burst
| ->into life now as before.  Still have a lot of tidying up to do
| ->but the main problem is solved.
| ->
| ->A friend of mine (in electronics) said that when you solder
| ->connections on the end of a cable and when finished you find you
| ->have forgotten to put a fitting on the cable first, then having
| ->to do it again is penance for not doing it properly in the first
| ->place.  This is the price I am paying with Mandrake right now.
| ->(;-)
| Hmm, wonder what caused it in the first place though? Oh well, as long as
| its working, right?  :-)

The next time (if there is a next time), create a new user and see if 
everything works.  If so, export your old user's address book to a directory 
somewhere safe, and rename your .kde directory in the /home for your old 
username.  Restart kde and log in as your old username, and everything will 
probably work when kde creates a new .kde for your old username.  If it does, 
remove your new user.  Be aware you will lose all your kde settings (hence 
the backup of your address book--you can backup and maybe recover your mail, 


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Re: [newbie] Laptop choice

2004-07-31 Thread Erylon Hines
On Saturday 31 July 2004 03:41 am, Johan Sch wrote:
| Hi List,
| Looking at IBM laptops I see the following..for processors..
I've installed 9.2 on a couple of different IBM's, and a friend of mine put 
10.0 on one.  With 9.2 the laptops had a Savage vid card, and I had to 
download and install a different driver than the default that came with 
Mandrake in order to get the proper screen resolution.  The Savage may have 
been fixed in 10, because my friend's laptop also had that card and he didn't 
mention that he had any problems.  Another gotcha is the LinModem, which 
requires downloading a driver (ltmodem-kv_2.4.22_10mdk-8.26a9-1.i586.rpm).  
There was a thread on making the 2.4-kernel driver work with 2.6 here during 
the past week.  My friend with 10 has broadband, so he didn't bother with the 
modem and I have no more info on that.  Everything else worked right from the 

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Re: [newbie] Update from 9.1 to 10.0 done!

2004-07-30 Thread Erylon Hines
|On Friday 30 July 2004 05:23 am, Stephen Kühn wrote:
| >On Fri, 2004-07-30 at 21:15, Hoyt Bailey wrote:
| > A lot of the problems are probably coming from not doing a clean
| > install.  Backup /home to a cd and format /home and everything else for
| > a clean install.
| I just don't know how many more times I've got to see it - and those
| that have upgaded before, even...tested it time and time again, and will
| test it the next time as well - but still - it's only because I like to
| make extra work for myself and see all the nasties...

As you'all know, I have always felt that Mandrake is a "cutting edge" distro.  
When a new release comes out, I will only install it on an experimental box, 
and then only if I really have the time to mess with it and find if I can get 
it working to my satisfaction.  If anyone is interested, I still haven't 
installed any flavor of 10 because I don't have the time to deal with the new 
set of problems that seems to be cropping up (and 9.2 works perfectly for me, 
across numerous installs).  Whether the problems are kernel-related with 2.6, 
or Mandrake-tools related, or a combination of the two, I don't know.  10 
works perfectly for a lot of people, and is a major PITA for others.  If you 
like living on the bleeding edge--go for it.  If you only have one box, my 
own opinion is that you should install 9.2, unless you have a piece of 
hardware that will absolutely, positively not work with 9.2.  Or, install 
SuSe, which tends to be a generation behind Mandrake, although you can still 
have issues that are kernel related (and SuSe tools and layout sucks, 
compared to Mandrake's).

Just my worthless opinion


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Re: [newbie] samba

2004-07-28 Thread Erylon Hines
On Tuesday 27 July 2004 09:55 pm, Lee Wiggers wrote:
| I'm going to get this unless it kills me.
| I've been rtfming my butt off on samba.
| smbadduser as root goes like this:
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] lee]# smbadduser lee:lee
| bash: smbadduser: command not found
| What have I overlooked?
| smb daemon is running and I can browse one win2k box from black.
| Lee

As root, edit your /etc/samba/smbuser
and make it look like this

# Unix_name = SMB_name1 SMB_name2 ...
Unix_name = SMB_lee
root = administrator admin
nobody = guest pcguest smbguest

Then from a root console:

smbpasswd -a lee

follow the prompt to add the password

Also, keep in mind that "lee" must be a log-in on each box that you want to 
browse via samba, and the password must be identical for "lee" on every box.

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Re: [newbie] Spam Filter with Kontact

2004-07-25 Thread Erylon Hines
On Saturday 24 July 2004 04:04 am, Hoyt Bailey wrote:

| I need to install filters but have forgotten how they should be set up
| and at the moment I cant find my notes.  I have trained spamassassin
| with enough email (spam & ham) so they should be useful but cant get it
| to function.

Are you talking about filters in Kontact (Kmail), or are you talking about 
rules for SA?
If filters, the uk site is an excellent step-by-step.  For the *.cf rules, 
just download them and copy them to /etc/mail/spamassassin. Five of my 
favorites are "","", "", "" and 
"".  Be sure to run "spamassassin --lint" because of a typo or 
two in backhair.

I'm attaching my /home/username/.spamassassin/user_prefs as a guide to what is 
working for me.  Note that I am using SA 2.55, so you wouldn't want to use 
the am_biz section.  Also, note that I filter very aggressively at 4.0 hits, 
but still, false positives are extremely rare.
# This is the right place to customize your installation of SpamAssassin.
# See 'perldoc Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf' for details of what can be
# tweaked.
rewrite_subject 1
#report_header 1
#defang_mime 0

required_hits 4.0
spam_level_stars 3
subject_tag ***SPAM***

auto_whitelist_file_mode   0666

  score FROM_AND_TO_SAME_1 3
score IN_REP_TO -1
    local rules #

score HTML_10_202.0
score HTML_20_302.2


  more local rules 

describe MY_DOMAIN_NUMBERS_ONLYDomain names has numbers only

 # Domain name starts with number(s)
 describe MY_DOMAIN_STARTS_NUMS Domain name starts with numbers

 # Domain name ends with number(s)
 describe MY_DOMAIN_ENDS_NUMS   Domain name ends with numbers
 score MY_DOMAIN_ENDS_NUMS   1.0

 # Single letter hosts, like - in my corpus
 # 108 SPAM and 0 ham
 uri MY_SINGLE_LETTER_HOST   /(http:\/\/|@)\w{1}\./
 describe MY_SINGLE_LETTER_HOST  Host name single letter only
 #Note: this AM_BIZ_SITE rule has been superceded by a distribution rule,
 #BIZ_TLD, as of SA version 2.60; Anyone running 2.6x or newer should avoid 
 #AM_BIZ_SITE unless you want to double the hits.
 uri  AM_BIZ_SITE   /S*\.biz/i
 describe AM_BIZ_SITE   Body has link to a *.biz site
 scoreAM_BIZ_SITE   4.0

  end more local rules  

use_bayes 1
score BAYES_00 0 0 -6.400 -6.400
score BAYES_01 0 0 -6.600 -6.600
score BAYES_10 0 0 -6.400 -5.801
score BAYES_20 0 0 -5.801 -3.101
score BAYES_30 0 0 -1.246 -1.604
#score BAYES_60 0 0 2.002 2.002
score BAYES_60 0 0 2.5005 2.5005
#score BAYES_70 0 0 2.637 2.637
score Bayes_70 0 0 3.003 3.003
score BAYES_80 0 0 4.1 4.1
score BAYES_90 0 0 4.2 4.2
score BAYES_99 0 0 4.300 4.3

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Re: [newbie] Spam Filter with Kontact

2004-07-23 Thread Erylon Hines
On Friday 23 July 2004 10:04 am, Hoyt Bailey wrote:
| On Friday 23 July 2004 10:13, Erylon Hines wrote:
| > On Friday 23 July 2004 01:25 am, SME Server Admin wrote:
| > | Hiya
| > |
| > | I now use Kontact on Mandrake 10 for all email.
| > |
| > | At the moment I have a simple spam filter that I put in but I'm
| > | looking for something I can use that will handle it for me, one
| > | that can learn if that's possible?
| > |
| > | TIA
| > |
| > | Elwyn
| >
| > There are several, but quite a few of us use SpamAssassin.  SA takes
| > a bit of teaching, but once you parse a couple of thousand messages
| > it gets extremely good at filtering out the junk.  It is on your
| > disks, and probably already installed.  To begin your adventure go
| > here:
| >
| >
| >ticle&artid=15
| >
| >
| These two refrences do not resolve on the server.

My apologies.  Looks like my bookmarks need an update 8(.  The Columbia U is a 
dead link now, but Derek's site is still a go and is excellent for Postfix + 
Spamassassin configuration, should you decide to go that route.

I'm not doing my SA that way, but am config'd  this way:

Be sure to download rulesets (*.cf files) from the rules emporium and place 
them in /etc/mail/spamassassin
These sets are extremely effective!


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Re: [newbie] Spam Filter with Kontact

2004-07-23 Thread Erylon Hines
On Friday 23 July 2004 01:25 am, SME Server Admin wrote:
| Hiya
| I now use Kontact on Mandrake 10 for all email.
| At the moment I have a simple spam filter that I put in but I'm looking for
| something I can use that will handle it for me, one that can learn if
| that's possible?
| Elwyn

There are several, but quite a few of us use SpamAssassin.  SA takes a bit of 
teaching, but once you parse a couple of thousand messages it gets extremely 
good at filtering out the junk.  It is on your disks, and probably already 
installed.  To begin your adventure go here:

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Re: [newbie] Partition Magic 7 for Linux Native Partitions (bad partition table)

2004-07-20 Thread Erylon Hines
On Tuesday 20 July 2004 03:53 pm, Roberto Ramsis wrote:
| For the 1st time i use Partition Magic 7.0 (Win98) to make my Linux Native
| partition ,I made it primary,after "Uncompressing the kernel" the PC just
| hangs . The problem is i can't let the MDK9.2 setup wizard do it,cuz this
| way ,both windows and partition magic can never see the partition table
| again and give partition table error. Using fdisk from knoppix
| hdb1 c win95 fat32
| hdb2 f win95 Ext'd LBA
| hdb3 83 Linux
| hdb4 82 Linux Swap
| hdb5 b Win95 FAT32
| hdb6 b Win95 FAT32

The way that I would have done it:

Use partition magic to move all active Windows partitions to the front of the 
drive and re-order the drive designations if necessary (C:, D:, E:, etc).  
Shrink the Windows partitions to leave free space at the end of the drive. 
Make the free space into a single fat32 partition.  When everything looks 
right from windows and Partition Magic, uninstall partition magic.  Boot with 
the Mandrake boot CD and use diskdrake to create the Linux partitions in the 
unused fat32 partition at the end of the drive. Do it this way, and you won't 
have to mess around with hiding partitions, etc., and LILO can handle your 
boot records.

Partition Magic can be useful (I keep a copy around), but it has limitations, 
one of which is that it can only create Linux ext2 and I always use and 
recommend a journaling system (I use ReiserFS).  Another is, it can interact 
with diskdrake and cause partition table errors.  Diskdrake is a very good 
tool,  but it can mess up the Partiton Magic tables--that's why I don't leave 
PM on my disks after I'm done with it.

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Re: [newbie] Big troubles after re-partitioning

2004-07-18 Thread Erylon Hines
On Sunday 18 July 2004 03:29 pm, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
| On Sunday 18 July 2004 23:53, Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
| > Marv Boyes wrote:
| > > I did a bad, bad thing, and I'm hoping that someone can help me
| > > with it.
| > >
| > > I used Partition Commander to wipe out the Mandrake 9.1
| > > partition on my secondary's machine's hard drive, then gave all
| > > of the free space to Windows [not to worry; it's a gaming
| > > machine. My primary box is still blissfully MS-free. ;) ].
| > >
| > > The problem is that now Windows won't boot. I didn't restore my
| > > Windows bootloader beforehand, and when I try to do so now (the
| > > only way I know how, from the utility provided by the Mandrake
| > > 9.1 installation CD), I can only get so far in the process
| > > before Mandrake setup stops being able to read from the CD-ROM
| > > drive. So when I turn on the machine, I get this:
| > >
| > > grub>
| > >
| > > I have no idea what do do with that. And without a
| > > /boot/grub/menu.lst, grub has no idea, either. I've been
| > > through all the help that grub provides, and none of it
| > > suggests an obvious solution.
| > >
| > > Is there any hope of fixing this, so that I can boot Windows--
| > > as installed --on that drive? Or am I facing a reinstall here?
| > > Any help would be greatly appreciated; thanks very much in
| > > advance.
| > >
| > > Marv
| >
| > Try booting to DOS, and run "fdisk /mbr" and see if that fixes
| > it. (Undocumented option in DOS fdisk to restore the Master Boot
| > Record.)
| >
| > Mikkel
| ...and if you can't even get into DOS, get a Windows rescue diskette
| from someone, boot from it and type : FDISK /MBR
| or look here :
| Kaj Haulrich.

However, if you do go the re-install route, it shouldn't hurt anything--as 
long as you don't format the hd. .  A simple install over a previous copy of 
Windows is one way to repair a fubar'd Win system.


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Re: [newbie] I am now a trator

2004-07-06 Thread Erylon Hines
On Tuesday 06 July 2004 01:19 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
| On Wed, 2004-07-07 at 04:05, Erylon Hines wrote:
| > On Saturday 03 July 2004 12:37 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
| > | On Sun, 2004-07-04 at 04:29, JoeHill wrote:
| > | > Whoa, careful what you say about Australians, mate, there's a couple
| > | > of 'em on hear and *man* are they ill-tempered ;-)
| >
| > Awww, they're o.k. when they're drunk.
| >
| > e
| When AREN'T we drunk? Maybe you mean sober?
| stephen kuhn - proprietor

Nope, you're mostly o.k. when you're drunk.  Then you just fight amongst 
yourselves and leave the rest of us in peace!


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Re: [newbie] CD playing? :-\

2004-07-06 Thread Erylon Hines
On Tuesday 06 July 2004 01:31 pm, Eric Scott wrote:
| On Tue, 2004-07-06 at 17:22, PM wrote:
| > On Tue, 2004-07-06 at 23:09, Eric Scott wrote:
| > >   I recently reinstalled Mandrake Linux 9.1 on my good ol' Pentium 1 @
| > > 233Mhz. It's an old computer, but it had a 40x12x48 CD RW drive.  I
| > > have sound up and running fine (via sndconfig), but the CD player still
| > > doesn't play CDs. The counter runs and it does everything else it's
| > > supposed to do, except for actually spit out the sound.
| > > Anybody know how I can fix this?
| > > I'm pretty newbie so be basic.
| > > Thanx,
| > >ES
| >
| > It does have the cable between Cd & sound card doesn't it?
| >
| > ooo; mwehe. I'm smart when I wanna be ;-) I'm sure I
| > have it in
|  a drawer somewhere... but I don't recall plugging it in when I replaced
| it's old crappy 4x drive. :-P
|Thanx! This list rocks even with *duh* stuff. lol
| ES

Probably because most of us have done it, at least once!!!   8)

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Re: [newbie] I am now a trator

2004-07-06 Thread Erylon Hines
On Saturday 03 July 2004 12:37 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
| On Sun, 2004-07-04 at 04:29, JoeHill wrote:
| > Whoa, careful what you say about Australians, mate, there's a couple of
| > 'em on hear and *man* are they ill-tempered ;-)
Awww, they're o.k. when they're drunk.


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Re: [newbie] how to make k3b to use generic-mmc driver

2004-06-24 Thread Erylon Hines
On Thursday 24 June 2004 07:54 pm, Fajar Priyanto wrote:
| Hash: SHA1
| Hi all,
| I want to copy cd (data) using k3b. But it failed with unrecognize driver,
| try using generic-mmc. So, I googled and they said to specify k3b to use
| it. Some said that I should run k3bsetup, but, in step 3, I can't modify
| the parameter of the driver. How do I specify it?
I can't remember exactly where it is, but there is a drop down menu that has 
it listed and you can change the default driver when you run k3b setup.  
Incidentally Derek Jennings has a fine "how to" for k3b setup.


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Re: [newbie] Installing Mandrake 10 without creating CDs

2004-06-19 Thread Erylon Hines
On Saturday 19 June 2004 09:37 am, Eric Huff wrote:
| > Is there a way to install mandrake 10 without creating the CDs
| > from the ISO images (which I have downloaded).  I presently have
| > Windows 98 and Fedora Core 2 on my system
| I never tried it, but here was a previous post:
| Well, you can also install mandrake from the ISO images located on
| de HDD. Just make those boot disks, than install on text mode. Then
| you choose install from hdd, and write the path where the images are
| located. (ie: (i dont remember, but something like that)
| /dev/hda/linux/mandrake/) Almost everytime, i install from the
| images on HDD.
| Milasch

Me, too.  If I want to urpmi something from the install disks I don't have to 
shove them in the drive.  Sweet.


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Re: [newbie] Hay-ulp! :-) Borked resume, cannot complete boot

2004-06-19 Thread Erylon Hines
On Saturday 19 June 2004 10:19 am, Chuck MATTSEN wrote:

|| Hoyt Bailey wrote:
| | IMO.  Newbie should not be using Cooker at all.
| Opinion noted.  However, that wasn't the question.
Although newbie should probably not be using Cooker, Cooker questions pop up 
all the time.  And, there are certainly people on newbie that are really, 
truly, EXPERT (and some of them run Cooker).  
Ask away--someone can probably help.  And welcome, the people on this list 
really try to help.  I've been following it on and off for years, and people 
leave and return, just like me (only a lot of them are far more 
knowledgeable).  IMO, Mandrake newbie is really a community (wipes a tear).  
I know that without this list, I would still have some Windows machines.

Windows-Free since 2000


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Re: [newbie] 10CE & USB Printers

2004-06-19 Thread Erylon Hines
On Saturday 19 June 2004 03:40 am, Hoyt Bailey wrote:
| On Saturday 19 June 2004 04:33, JRH wrote:
| > Hi all,
| >
| > I gotta buy a new printer, as my old HP 510 has finally died.
| >
| > I've got my eye on a Lexmark USB version (cos it's cheap!) and my
| neighbour
| > has one, and it works ok for him, but on Windows.
| >
| > Has anyone had any Mandrake and USB printer experience? Will it work
| on 10CE
| > without a huge amount of upheaval?
| >
| > I dont want to go buy it and find I gotta go into Windoze to use

STAY AWAY FROM LEXMARK!  They are pieces of &%*^.  The reason they are 
dirt cheap is because the ink is extremely costly--what you save on the 
printer you will pay out in ink.  Get an Epson or an HP and buy aftermarket 
cartridges.  The drivers for both are pretty good, but I think the HP is 
somewhat better, and the aftermarket carts are better, IMO.  My 940 and 1120 
work very well, and the newer ones will probably be o.k. with a driver for an 
older model (I set up an 1160 Photo with a dj960 driver and it worked 
fine--just didn't have all the functionality a "real" 1160 driver would 
have).  As someone else mentioned, the Linux drivers aren't as good and lack 
features that the Win drivers have.


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Re: [newbie] SCSI Detection problem

2004-06-16 Thread Erylon Hines
On Wednesday 16 June 2004 08:45 pm, Bernardo de Barros Franco wrote:
| Hello,
| I have tried to install Mandrake 9 and 10 to no avail, they both freeze
| after installing the module for the scsi controller, before (while?)
| detecting the scsi hds attached to it.
| The funny thing is that I got the installation cds for OpenBSD 3.3, Suse
| 9 and Red Hat 7.3 all to detect my both HDs out of the box.
| My configuration (as lspci and dmesg from the Suse installation):
| 1 VIA-chipset motherboard with 512 RAM DDR400, a Pentium 4 1.8ghz
| processor, a CDROM on ide0 and a Adaptec AHA-2940U/UW/D SCSI controller
| (id 7) that controls 2 IBM-PSG DNES-309170W 9.1Gb hard drives on ids 0
| and 1.
| After booting from the cd (Mandrake 10) and trying to install with the
| 2.6 kernel I get a error when insmodding the aic7xxx. Since I've read
| somewhere that that is expected with that kernel I try an alternate boot
| image (the 2.4 kernel one). The module is installed ok (version 6.2.36)
| and detects AIC-7881U. My controller is found correctly but then when it
| should list my HDs, it just stays there forever. I have tried 2
| different medias for the version 10 install and tried once other media
| with version 9 which had the exact same problem.
| I am feeling particularly frustrated since Suse 9 has apparently the
| same aic7xxx module version 6.2.36 and detects the HDs without any
| issues. As stated above the detection also was successful on Red Hat 7.3
| and OpenBSD 3.3, but I really would ratter use Mandrake ;)
| Thanks in advance,
| Bernardo de Barros Franco

You probably have one of the older Adaptec 2940 SCSI controllers.  They 
changed the drivers for their newer models a couple of years ago, and the 
driver that Mandrake installs is the new driver, which doesn't work with the 
old 2940.  Last I knew, the old driver was still on the disk, however, and 
was listed as the aic7xxx_Old (or something similar).  To install this driver 
you need to boot the install and type "expert" to get to the choices which 
include the old driver.  The reason RH7.x works is they were still using the 
old driver back then.  Probably ditto for BSD3--don't know about Suse.  The 
last Mandrake distro that installed the old driver as default was 8.2.  If  
you need more info, Google is you friend.



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Re: [newbie] Sound issue

2004-06-15 Thread Erylon Hines
On Tuesday 15 June 2004 03:09 pm, Paul Smith wrote:
| Dear All
| I am a quite happy user of mdk 9.2. I am planning to move to mdk 10
| Official. However, sometime ago, I installed mdk 10 CE and I experienced
|   problems with sound. Therefore, I would like to know whether the sound
| problems, typical of mdk 10 CE, are overcome.
| Thanks in advance!
| Paul

Judging by the posts of the past month, the answer is "NO".  Depending on what 
you have for hardware, sound may be problematic.  
I'm staying with 9.2 (and 9.1) until I can install with more confidence than I 
have now.


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Re: [newbie] Sound

2004-06-12 Thread Erylon Hines
On Saturday 12 June 2004 04:43 am, Teilhard Knight wrote:
| > On Thursday 10 June 2004 08:18 pm, Teilhard Knight wrote:

| I have always had problems with networks in windows. I am far from being a
| network administrator, but I have had some such at home from my ISPs who
| rarely fix something for me in that area. I am using Mandrake 10,0 in one
| of my machines, but in others I have installed previous versions. The first
| time I installed the distro, I got delighted everything was working. With
| 10.0 I have no sound and I haven't been able to make it work. It is here
| where I find Windows more friendly to what one can do to fix the problem.
| But, as you say, past the configuration, Linux is a very friendly OS. Maybe
| I feel a bit lost because I am a newbie. For example, it is essential to me
| the support of this list and I do not belong to any Microsoft mailing
| lists.
I'm actually with you on this.  Although Mandrake tools are the best (I've 
used Redhat, SuSe, Deb, and even Caldera, way back when), Mandrake is really 
a cutting edge distro.  The upside is it has the latest developments, the 
downside is that some things don't work on all hardware.  This has been 
ongoing with Mandrake from the 7.x series.  I won't install any new version 
until at least several months after release because of these problems, and 
from what I read, I won't be installing mdk 10.0.  It seems to work on most 
people's hardware, but a small percentage have serious problems with their 
sound.  Now, this may be fixable (something simple like changing from your 
card's arts driver to the alternative OSS driver, for example), or it may be 
a systemic problem with the distro.  If past releases are any indication, 
most of these problems will be worked out by the 10.1 version, and the 10.2 
version will be excellent.
But, for now, 9.2 and 9.1 work exactly the way that I want them to, and I 
can't see a single reason to upgrade.  

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Re: [newbie] Ugly display with KMail composer msgs.

2004-06-11 Thread Erylon Hines
On Friday 11 June 2004 06:57 am, Jason Wilson wrote:
| J Adam Latham wrote:
| >Dear All:
| >
| >Whenever I send a message with KMail it delivers the message in a wierd
| > and ugly format ... What it does is print a sentence of the message on
| > one line, then on the next line it only prints a word, then a sentence,
| > then a word ... (This message, I'm sure, is doing the same thing!)  Yet
| > my messages while typed, and in my Sent folder, look just fine ... But
| > the receiver's copy is always a formatting disaster ...
| >
| >At first I thought it might be something related to word-wrap, but it's
| > set at 78, so that should be fine ... I tried reducing it to 70 but still
| > got the same results ... I didn't notice anything else in the Configure
| > KMail options to remedy this ...
| >
| >Any/all suggestions as to how to fix this will be greatly appreciated!
| >
| >Thanks,
| >Adam
| >
| >
| >
| >
| >
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| >
| I don't know exactly how to fix this but just so you know, your message
| came out fine.  At least on my machine.
| Jason

Looks fine in my Kmail.  I would suspect that your receiver has something 
unusual going on.
If you are really concerned that the problem is a setting on your end 
(defaults should be perfectly fine and all e-mail programs, including Outlook 
and OE should show proper formatting) you can always backup (be sure to 
export your address book to a file so that you won't lose it!) and then 
delete your /home/username/.kde(the .kde is hidden--you need to check 
"show hidden files" under the View section of the toolbar in Konq).  This 
will destroy all of your .kde user configuration files, including Kmail, and 
you will need to re-configure it from scratch the next time you open kde and 
then Kmail.  I've had Kmail mess up a couple of times over the years, and 
have been forced to do this, but it is a last resort.  
One test is to create a new User, then make a Kmail account for the User and 
configure your smtp and POP3, leaving all other settings at the default.  
Send a message as your new User, and see if the problem persists.  If it 
does, it is probably the receiver's mail program.  If everything is 
hunky-dory with the new User, it is your user settings or a problem in your 
.kde.  Try making your user settings the same as your new User first, then 
move to the last resort.


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Re: [newbie] Sound

2004-06-10 Thread Erylon Hines
On Thursday 10 June 2004 08:18 pm, Teilhard Knight wrote:
| > Teilhard Knight wrote:
| > 
| >
| Indeed. Although most of the things you say are new to me, I can appreciate
| command-line Linux is a much more powerful OS than DOS ever was. To be
| honest, I feel impatient for seeing the end of the Micro$soft empire and
| its blue-screen world. Maybe that's why I would like to see in Linux only
| improvements over $ill Gates toys and a friendly environment. However, the
| more I learn about Linux, the less I picture it like an OS for a secretary,
| for example. I agree with someone who said that $ill Gates has a stronghold
| in his Control Panel. But that doesn't mean I cannot appreciate the
| advantages of Linux over Windows, and the speed it is evolving.
| Cordially,
| Teilhard
| -

Once you get it setup (and quite often--depending on hardware--it is setup 
right on install) anyone can use it, and use it well.  My wife's computer was 
converted to Linux a couple of years ago and she has no trouble with it 
whatsover, across a couple of upgrades from 8.2 to 9.1, which she is using 
now.  As she told a friend a few months ago, "Linux is easy to use--it must 
be if I can do it".
As for myself, I was a network administrator back in the NT 4 days--what Linux 
has now is far simpler than NT was then.  I can't say about W2K or XP 
administration, but I think just keeping up with the updates for security 
vulnerabilities appears to be far more trouble than I want to go to.  
Contrary to appearances, the famous Windows ease-of-use is really a facade 
because the administration of the system is a nightmare.  I learned back in 
my day that I couldn't just install a security fix because there was a 
chance, a very good chance, that the fix would break some essential 
application.  From what I see on the newsgroups, it doesn't appear that this 
Windows feature has changed much over the years.


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Re: multipart? was Re: [newbie] ** Welcome to Newbie **

2004-06-10 Thread Erylon Hines
On Thursday 10 June 2004 07:35 pm, Eric Huff wrote:
| On Thu, 10 Jun 2004 19:31:25 -0700
| Eric Huff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| > > This is a multi-part message in MIME format...
| > >
| > > =_1086900076-13954-3211--
| >
| > Anybody know why this came through as multi-part mime ?
| Actually, i guess it's still the footer causing it.  But for some
| reason on sylpheed claws, this post comes out much uglier than
| others in that it just burps up all the multiparts headers (as seen
| above, meaining that is what was visible when i opened the mail)
| Does it look that way for the rest of you, or does it look like a
| normal post where the message footor just shows up at the bottom?
| Thanks,
| eric

With Kmail it looks just like any other post, with a message footer box at the 


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