Re: [newbie] general opinions about file servers and firewalls

2003-11-17 Thread gavin
On Monday 17 November 2003 01:02 pm, Richard Babcock wrote:
> Greetings everyone,
> I am currently using ML 9.1 and shorewall with a 160g hd as both file
> server and firewall. It occurs to me that this could be a flawed design
> or at least one inviting trouble.
> For example, if one machine fails I lose both the internet and my
> files. Also, it seems bad form to have my precious files 'right there'
> with the firewall.
> I have enough machinery on hand to allow me to put the file server in
> one box and the firewall in another. I would appreciate the opinions of
> others on this. Feel free to engage in religious discussions.
> One last thing (as Columbo would say). I went with shorewall because of
> the sheer volume of information about it available on the internet. ML
> also has a firewall of it's own does it not? Can anyone help me compare
> the two?
> tia
> R


Do you have an old 386 laying around?? if so you should try IPCOP OR 
SMOOTHWALL they both work on old  boxes. and they are great firewalls. If you 
have the time then go with shorewall but if you want something quick and 
easy.. try IPCOP. its as easy as "set it and forget it!"


Sent 2u on a M$ free system!

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Re: [newbie] Ping kopete users

2003-10-19 Thread gavin
Anne, try using "texstar" kopete rpm.. before I installed it I could not 
connect but after the install... no problem. do you know PLF? if so go there 
and "addmedia" for textstar.. here's the url
just follow the directions.. its quite simple



On Monday 20 October 2003 04:07 am, Lanman wrote:
> Anne; MSN upgraded their system to prevent people like us
> connecting to their service. It seems that they were unable
> to strip usable info from us (just a guess)!
> Kopete is working on a new version to fix the problem.
> Lanman
> On 10/19/2003 at 7:12 PM Anne Wilson wrote:
> >Anyone able to tell me where I can find the config file
> that sets auto
> >connect?  I have not been able to start the program since
> the 15th,
> >as it tries to autoconnect to msn the segfaults.
> >
> >Anne
> >--
> >Registered Linux User No.293302
> >Have you visited yet?
> >
> >
> >
> >Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
> >Go to

Gavin Rollins   
Fukushimaken, Fukushima City
Nankodai 2-34-1
Japan 960-8143
Sent 2u on a M$ free system!

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Re: [newbie] Texstar's break

2003-10-19 Thread gavin
On Thursday 16 October 2003 01:24 pm, Thorsten von Plotho-Kettner wrote:
 you are a star in my book, I wish Mandrake include at least some (if not all) 
of your rpms in 9.2 and up! all I can say is your rpms are off the chain!!!  
PERIOD! come back soon!!


> ,--
> | []
> |
> | I will be taking an extended break away from pclinuxonline and building
> | RPMS for the wonderful Mandrake community to pursue some other
> | interesting projects that may actually lead to a paid position. Its been
> | a fun ride and I really hope you have enjoyed my Mandrake rpm packages
> | over the past 6 releases as much as I've enjoyed being able to offer them
> | to you. Enjoy your Mandrake 9.2 and I will catch up with all of you
> | sometime after the first of the year. Regards, Texstar
> '--
> Thank you, Texstar. Thorsten

Gavin Rollins   
Fukushimaken, Fukushima City
Nankodai 2-34-1
Japan 960-8143
Sent 2u on a M$ free system!

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Firewall apps

2003-08-28 Thread gavin

quick question, do you have an old 486 laying around.. if so you should try 
IPCOP..its quick and easy. and when your secure in your knowledge about 
IPTABLES.. you can go and setup your linux box as a firewall.. I have a SOHO 
setup in my private (home school) here in japan 12 boxes, multi 
platformed everything from M$98 to MDK9.1 and I've had no problems since I 
started IPCOP.

please note that ipcop needs its own box.. its 100% firewall.. and you can 
access it from any station. 

just an idea from a newbie to a newbie!!
Gavin Rollins   
Sent 2u on a M$ free system!

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[newbie] videoLAN users

2003-08-17 Thread Gavin
I'm trying to watch my dvd's on my box, does anyone use videoLAN? I heard it 
was good.. what programs do you ladies and Gents rec. something easy if 

Register Linux user # 199685
Sent 2u on a M$ free system!!

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Re: [newbie] Linux saves MS's butt.

2003-08-16 Thread Gavin
Joe Six Pack here, 

Just to say that the hammer has fallen! I don't care how you say it, slice it 


touring Japan!

On Saturday 16 August 2003 7:08 am, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
> On Sat, 2003-08-16 at 04:58, Erylon Hines wrote:
> > Yesand no.  What I see is a cache server (akamai) running Linux.  The
> > MS site is an IIS server.  It is a way for MS to use a third party to
> > lighten the bandwidth load--having akamai serve up a cached copy of the
> > Windows Update site.
> From the perspective of "Joe Sixpack American" just the mere fact that
> Microsoft is making use of linux is more than enough to bring down the
> hammer.


Sent 2u on a M$ free system!!

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Re: [newbie] root

2003-07-06 Thread Gavin
On Sunday 06 July 2003 5:35 pm, Tsyko wrote:
> Good day
> how can i set my user up with root privileges?
> Thanks


Setting yourself up with root privileges can be VERY DANGERIOUS! if you don't 
know, the power of root learn( if you already don't know that is..) to su to 
root! example...if your account gets "cracked" not hacked!! and your account 
has root privileges, the cracker who cracked your account has root privi.. 
I'm sure you can see where this will lead... I'm sure others will tell 
you the same. su is the best..IMHO... good luck
c/o GES
Register Linux user # 199685
Sent 2u on a M$ free system!!

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Re: [newbie] root

2003-07-06 Thread Gavin
On Sunday 06 July 2003 5:35 pm, Tsyko wrote:
> Good day
> how can i set my user up with root privileges?
> Thanks


Setting yourself up with root privileges can be VERY DANGERIOUS! if you don't 
know, the power of root learn( if you already don't know that is..) to su to 
root! example...if your account gets "cracked" not hacked!! and your account 
has root privileges, the cracker who cracked your account has root privi.. 
I'm sure you can see where this will lead... I'm sure others will tell 
you the same. su is the best..IMHO... good luck
c/o GES
Register Linux user # 199685
Sent 2u on a M$ free system!!

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[newbie] and learn!!

2003-02-22 Thread Gavin

This may have been posted in the past but I feel that it's something everyone 
(newbie and experts) should read.. more now then ever!! If anyone knows of 
other sites like this could they holla back with the url included.. 

I live in Japan and I'm pushing linux full steam and one of the major topics I 
discuss is security.. I'm no were near being a guru on this topic but having 
information to back up your conversation helps a great deal.. 

c/o GES
systems admin
Fukushimaken, Fukushima City
Register Linux user # 199685

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Re: [newbie] Re: Installing & running Programs/Scripts/Code

2003-01-02 Thread Gavin Rollins

I had the same problem.. but via this group, I learned to download these files 
into my tmp file first, open them with Ark, transfer ALL the files to 
/usr/local or /usr/local/bin... not sure which one. (I'm sure someone will 
correct me!!) after you transfered the files they should make their own 
folder. goto that folder look for the "readme"doc and follow the directions.

What other type of programs have you downloaded?? RPM'S?? if so I find them to 
be much easier.. but its best to learn both ways. Graham, its a long learning 
process but the fruit is so sweet once you get it! if you happen to see a 
post from "lanman" ask him your question.. he has and still is helping me 
with my system and I have a mini lab setup in my home... hope this helped a 
bit.. holla back soon.
Gavin aka Grasshopper

On Friday 03 January 2003 08:21 am, Graham Pohle wrote:
> I've been downloading tar.gz files from the net, but for the life of me
> I can't get them to work.I've run the tar -x command but it doesn't
> work, and I've tried quite a few others, but they don't work. It's not
> just the tar.gz files either, I'm having trouble running any program. My
> name is graham and I can place the files in my home/graham dir OK, but
> that's it. I can't do anything from there. The only program that I seem
> to be having a bit of success with is nmap. It was a simple as typing
> nmap as a root command and off I went.If anyone has some useful
> information, I would appreciate it.(What would we do without
> newbies?)LOL

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[newbie] Promiscuous mode via SmoothWall

2002-07-23 Thread Gavin Rollins

Is anyone running Smoothwall? if so does SW set eth0 into promisc mode? if 
so, why? I'm a bit worried about this.. I'm running 8.2 and SW is my 
gateway/firewall.. should I worry??


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Re: [newbie] Some e-mail clientes

2002-06-18 Thread Gavin Laking

On 18 Jun 2002 22:55:23 +0200
Klemm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there a mail client that would be able to handle several profiles
> (identities) without logging off from the whole system.
> Something Outlook or OutlookExpress style, where the identity is easily
> changed. (a logon window asking witch users mails to open)


Sylpheed is a top notch client:

I've used Evolution before for a couple of months but it gets really bogged down with 
a lot of mail. (my mail directory is currently 83.5 meg) Sylpheed is feature rich too 
and the author is updating very regularly.


 Gavin Laking
 10:28pm  up 42 min,  3 users,  load average: 0.10, 0.09, 0.15

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Re: [newbie] can't update from local directory

2002-04-30 Thread Gavin

My friend, 

I followed your lead and this is what came back

[root@Gavin2 gavin]# urpmi.addmedia --update Gavin2.localdomain 
usage: urpmi.addmedia  
where  is one of
   ftp://:@/ with 
   ftp:/// with 
   http:/// with 
Got me on this one..holla back when ya get a chance


On Tuesday 30 April 2002 22:26, you wrote:
> gavin, try this - as root -,
> #urpmi.addmedia --update localupdates file://home/gavin/updates
> note: 'localupdates' is just a name i made up, you can use whatever you
> like as the name for this source, watch the console for error messages,
> this should then allow you to use mu to update from this source
> bascule
> On Saturday 27 Apr 2002 4:06 pm, you wrote:
> > setting are as follows:
> > location : Gavin2.localdomain
> > export:  /home/gavin/updates
> > enter
> > system checks but no updates are found!
> > goto folder, all updates are there.. how come there not being seen?
> >
> > Gavin (Japan)

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[newbie] can't update from local directory

2002-04-27 Thread Gavin

I'm using 8.0 and I downloaded the updates via ftp to my local 
directory, when I try to update via MU it doesn't see this directory! I 
checked settings and when itIt seems the only way I can update is to go 
online and download, what could cause this problem?? using a dial-up 
connections takes for ever. help

setting are as follows:
location : Gavin2.localdomain
export:  /home/gavin/updates   
system checks but no updates are found!
goto folder, all updates are there.. how come there not being seen?

Gavin (Japan)

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[newbie] Monitor/video card problems

2001-05-04 Thread Gavin


I could use some help, I' ve been running mdk 7.2 with no problems, today 
I finally got 8.0, it loaded up fine but when I got to the main screen to 
log on. all fuzzy, as if the software could not find the settings. I'm 
using a HEWLETT PACKARD PAVILION M50 monitor with a voodoo3 banchee 
graphics card, what could be the problem 7.2 sees it why not 8.0. waiting 
for help..


Gavin (Japan)

[newbie] mozilla deps!

2001-04-30 Thread Gavin Rollins

I'm tryin to get mozilla up and running, I downloaded the latest version deps 
included, when I tried to install the deps required the deps said they need 
deps so I went and got those deps and the same again these deps need deps, 
heck, I haven't install mozilla yet! This dep thing seems to never end, is 
there a easy way to get mozilla working! help!!!!

Gavin (Japan)

[newbie] OT: starting a linux group.

2001-04-14 Thread Gavin Rollins

ladies and Gents,
I am trying to start a linux group in a little town call Fukushimaken,  
Fukushima City which is located in Japan. I anyone would like to help me  
build a linux community (any flavor) from scratch, please let contact me. I'm 
American and I live in Nankodai.  I speak a little Japanese so if you speak a 
little english, I think we can make it work. It all about trying and 
learning. Hope to hear from some users soon.


Gavin (Japan)

[newbie] kde themes

2001-03-25 Thread Gavin

I want to use the themes from 7.1 on 7.2 desktop how do I do this, 7.2 does 
not have themes listed in the control panel. I really like the Matrix theme!

[newbie] Japanese fonts

2001-03-06 Thread Gavin

I live in Japan and I sometime receive Mail in japanese, I've installed the 
japanese fonts and re-booted my system, when I tried to read to letter it 
still came out in an unreadable format example:
The whole letter looks something like above, how can I get this letter into 
readable format?? this is very important for me being that I work with 
Japanese. I using the english version of Mandrake 7.2 (2.2.17) Desktop 
version.  HELP.. PLEASE

Gavin (Japan)

[newbie] windows printer

2001-02-23 Thread Gavin

I'm learning networking and I'm trying to use the printer on my win box via 
my linux box, so far I can bring my win box online via linux but I cant use 
the printer, not intrested in the files just the printer, do I need samba for 
this? I'm running Mandrake 7.2 (2.2.17-21mdk) complete, desktop edition. is 
samba included? when I loaded Mandrake I did a complet 800mb installment and 
I cant find samba anywhere, if it's on one of the disks which one is it? I 
also have  the book Samba for dummies which comes with samba 2.0.6! which 
should I

Gavin (Japan)
Registered Linux user #199685 and proud of it!

[newbie] Network setup problems....

2001-02-18 Thread Gavin

I'm trying to setup a small home network pc to pc type, no servers yet,(2 
computers!) One runnin Mandrake 7.2 , and the other running Windows ME. My 
NIC  in my linux box is working fine.(Intel EtherExpress PRO PCI)  I've used 
Drakeconfig to setup the card for Internet connection sharing, and it said 
everything is ok, but I still can't get my win box and linux box to talk, My 
main goal is to be able to get my win box online thru my linux box. ( Running 
win programs like  MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger etc.)  What should I check 
for,? where should I go? win networking is simple, but I'm not a win person 
any more! so I depend on this group for support, and so far you have not let 
me down!!! Please be specific in your directions and not to tech.(if 
possible). I hope to hear from you  soon.

Gavin (Japan)

[newbie] No access

2001-02-09 Thread Gavin

I'm trying to backup my mail directory to floppies, I've tried to drag and 
drop but nothing happened, I clicked on the floppies icon to check if it 
copied and I got the message "unable to enter file :/mnt/floppy you do not 
have access right to this location. I logged out of my account and logged 
into root, went to drake config, placed myself in the root group, logged out 
of root and re-logged back into my account (gavin) tried the same process 
again and I still could not check my floppy, much less backup to it. what am 
I doing wrong?help

Gavin (Japan)

Re: [newbie] Replacing Redhat with Mandrake 7.1

2000-10-01 Thread Gavin

On Sun, 01 Oct 2000, you wrote:
> Hey folks. . .
> About a year ago, I partitioned my handdrive and installed a copy of Redhat 
> 5.2 on my PC.  I've spent very little time fooling with it since.  I've now 
> decided that I'd really like to  learn Linux but would rather do so via 
> Mandrake 7.1 rather than upgrading to a newer version of Redhat .   I'm at 
> a loss for tracking down info  about how one would uninstall Redhat and 
> install another Linux distribution  such as Mandrake 7.1.It's certainly 
> not info offered in any of the Redhat users guides that I've got.
> Would someone on the list be kind enough to walk me through the necessary 
> steps for uninstalling Redhat from my PC,  yet keeping the existing 
> partition for Linux intact (I'm also using Windows 95) in preparation for a 
> clean installation of Mandrake 7.1 ?   I can't find such information in any 
> of the Redhat books/users manuals I've got.   I'm assuming that there are a 
> few people on this mailing list who've been down this same path before.  It 
> would just be great to not have to reinvent the wheel.
> Any/all feedback or suggestions would be greatly appraciated.  Thanks ; )
> John Gasbarre
> Vinalhaven Island, ME
> * * * * *
> John A. Gasbarre
> Vinalhaven Island, Maine USA
> "Two people have been living in you all your life.
> One is the ego, garrulous, demanding, hysterical,
> calculating; the other is the hidden spiritual being,
> whose still voice of wisdom you have only rarely
> heard or attended to." --Sogyal Rinpoche

My friend,
upgrading to Mandrake 7.1 is very simple being that Mandrake is 100% compad.
with red hat, you can just install (upgrade)from red hat. I had 6.1 and all I
did was run the upgrade program.. every thing was ok since then.. I hope this
helped some. good luck

Re: OT [newbie] Off-topic posts.

2000-10-01 Thread Gavin

On Sat, 30 Sep 2000, you wrote:
> Hear, Hear, or Here, Here !! Thanks for some common sense ! I'm Canadian,
> and and I'm sick to death of this crap!
> - Original Message -
> From: "Mark Weaver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, September 30, 2000 9:36 AM
> Subject: Re: OT [newbie] Off-topic posts.
> > > Maybe I'm missing the obvious here, but what the fsck is it about US
> > > Politics that "even vaguely relates" to Linux?  Please, humor me, this
> > > bemused Linux user is eager to learn...
> > >
> > > I agree that "you post messages to a list for the benefit of that list
> > > seeing and responding".
> > >
> > > BUT
> > >
> > > What makes you think that the Mandrake Linux Newbie list members (many
> of
> > > whom are from other countries) are even remotely interested in US
> politics?
> > >
> > > If I want Linux information then I sign up to a Linux list.  If I want
> that
> > > political crap I'll sign up to a US politics list.
> > >
> > > Regards,
> > > Ozz.
> > > (Who is about ready to quit this list until the twits get a clue)
> > >
> >
> > Thank you Ozz...very well put. I'm glad that someone has finally said it
> > and it couldn't have been said any better. I live in the States and I
> > definately don't want to hear about this crap on the list. It's all ya
> > hear about in the stinkin news all the time. Enough already!
> >
> > Mark

Ozz, you read my mind... enough of the politics... only linux in this house!!!
> >
> >

[newbie] Fwd: possible virus

2000-09-26 Thread Gavin

To the House of Mandrake,
I'm sending you this message from Japan which was sent to me by my brother in Az.
This letter has nothing to do with mandrake, but for some of you who still use 
windows,  Please
take heed in this letter and don't let it happen to you, as of now I don't know if it 
will affect linux or not
but I'm sending it anyway.. 

>From a Friend to a Friend...

--  Forwarded Message  --
Subject: Fwd: possible virus
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 21:18:03 -0700
From: "James V. Haynes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>X-Originating-IP: []
>Subject: Fwd: possible virus
>Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 02:03:03 MST
>X-OriginalArrivalTime: 25 Sep 2000 09:03:05.0617 (UTC)
>>From: "Azaiah's Mommy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: possible virus
>>Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2000 22:16:05 EDT
>>>   > > > > > > >!!Very Urgent
>>>   > > > > > > >
>>>   > > > > > > >If you receive an email titled:
>>>   > > > > > > >
>>>   > > > > > > >"It Takes Guts to Say Jesus"
>>>   > > > > > > >
>>>   > > > > > > > DO NOT OPEN IT. 
>>>   > > > > > > >
>>>   > > > > > > >It will erase everything on your hard drive.
>>>   > > > > > > >This information was announced yesterday morning from IBM;
>>>   > > > > > > >AOL states that this is a very dangerous virus, much worse
>>>   > > > > > > >than "Melissa," and that there is NO Remedy for it at this
>>>   > > > > > > >time. Some very sick individual has succeeded in using the
>>>   > > > > > > >reformat function from Norton Utilities causing it to
>>>   completely
>>>   > > > > > > >erase all documents on the hard drive. It has been 
>>>   > > > > > > >to work with Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet
>>>   > > > > > > >It destroys Macintosh and IBM compatible
>>>   > > > > > > >computers. This is a new, very malicious virus and not 
>>>   > > > > > > >people know about it.
>>>   > > > > > > >
>>>   > > > > > > >Pass this warning along to EVERYONE in your address book
>>>   > > > > > > >and please share it with all your online friends ASAP so 
>>>   > > > > > > >this threat may be stopped.Please practice cautionary
>>>   > and
>>>   > > >tell
>>>   > > > >

[newbie] no response...

2000-09-23 Thread gavin

Friends of Mandrake 7.1,
I need your help, I'm using linux on one drive and windows on 
another, I defraged the windows drive and since then I get no response from the 
programs on the tile bar.i.e E-mail client, xterm etc. I did nothing to the 
linux drive only the windows drive.. Help!!! tired of re-loading linux and 
having the same thing happen over and over. If there is a certain chapter I can 
read to tell me about this error please let me know ( my book is Running Linux 
by O'reilly) until the  god bless and thanks.
Gavin in Japan (Fukushima)

[newbie] changing Japanese characters to english

2000-09-12 Thread Gavin

What's up ladies and Gents,
If someone could help me with this little problem, I want to be able to read my
japanese mail in english, how do I get the linux to do this?? very important
mail for me and my company.. help!


[newbie] disk copy

2000-09-02 Thread Gavin

My friends,
Does Mandrake have a disk to disk copy program or do I have to 
install my own software? and if I have to install it HOW is this done, I've 
draged and dropped exe. files and whole folders but nothing happens.. Any help 
out there...

Re: [newbie] ACCESS.CONF syntax for restricting IP's

1999-09-30 Thread Gavin Grabias

On Thu, 30 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> How does one control(limit) the httpd web-server access to only dozen IP's
> that are not in the same subnet.
> for example: If I wanted to restrict only the following users to my intranet
> web-server,
> 888.888.888.888, 777.777.777.777, 666.666.666.666, 555.555.555.555.
> exactly what would the script appear as?

Order Deny, Allow
Deny from ALL
Allow from 888.888.888.888 777.777.777.777 ... 


> (httpd is not in my inet.d)
> Thanks.


  ENTER.NET - "The Road to the Internet Starts Here!" (tm)
  (610) 437-2221 * * email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [newbie] Email Setup

1999-09-27 Thread Gavin Grabias

On Mon, 27 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> Thanks so much for the helpful info - it is not being run in daemon mode.  I
> remember seeing the config file where this is set and can change that.
> If I'm sending mail from work, but setting up my mail client to use my
> server (which is at home), do I need to add my company's domain in

Only if you have smtp set to your machine.  If its set to your works smtp
server you don't need to worry about setting up relays.

> relay-domains?  I'm using this as a stand-alone pop/smtp server without any
> relay or smarter host.
> Thanks,
> Eric Solberg
> >
> > I would make sure sendmail is running is daemon mode.  Thats the only way
> it
> > will accept connections on port 25.  Also are you trying to use your box
> as the
> > relay or another mail server.  If you are trying to use your box you may
> need
> > to allow the other domain to relay.  Again these are only things I would
> be
> > able to tell if you give some more info.
> >
> > Regards,
> > 
> >   ENTER.NET - "The Road to the Internet Starts Here!" (tm)
> >   (610) 437-2221 * * email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 

Re: [newbie] Email Setup

1999-09-27 Thread Gavin Grabias

On Mon, 27 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> I'm having trouble getting mail working with Mandrake 6.1.  I have the MX record set 
>up in DNS.  If I send mail from the shell I can receive the mail either using Pine or 
>using my Windoze email client at work.  However, I can't seem to send mail from the 
>mail client.  When I try this at home (with a windows client on the same network as 
>the Linux box) it appears to be succesfull, but the mail disappears never to be seen 
>again.  What seems odd is when I go back into the shell it tells me I have mail but 
>when I go in with Pine, none is there.  If I try to send mail from my office, setting 
>my server as the SMTP host, I get the error message:
> The connection to the server has failed. Account: '', Server: 
>'', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10061, 
>Error Number: 0x800CCC0E
> Any idea what I'm doing wrong here?  Thanks in advance,
> Eric Solberg

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I would make sure sendmail is running is daemon mode.  Thats the only way it
will accept connections on port 25.  Also are you trying to use your box as the
relay or another mail server.  If you are trying to use your box you may need
to allow the other domain to relay.  Again these are only things I would be
able to tell if you give some more info.


  ENTER.NET - "The Road to the Internet Starts Here!" (tm)
  (610) 437-2221 * * email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [newbie] How about this ? Red Hat GPL No Longer Available

1999-09-02 Thread Gavin Grabias

On Thu, 02 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> On 9/2/99, 7:39:40 AM, John Aldrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote 
> regarding Re: [newbie] How about this ? Red Hat GPL No Longer Available:
> > On Thu, 02 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> > > The way I see it is Mandrake will be unable to say that it uses the 
> Red Hat
> > > distribution, so the prestige of being based on Red Hat will be lost, 
> even
> > > though it's still called Linux-Mandrake. It won't necessarily affect 
> us, it
> > > will affect prospective Mandrake buyers when the name Red Hat is
> > > mysteriously dropped.
> > >
> > HmmI'm not a lawyer, but I *think* you might be able to
> > get away with saying that it is "COMPATIBLE" with RedHat
> > Linux, or something to that effect :-)
> > Hey, I know...say that it's based on "Scarlet Chapeau
> > Linux" ;-) (tongue FIRMLY in cheek!)
> >   John
> hehehe
> I would think the compatible line would be ok - look at how many PC's 
> are IBM compatible . . . .
> Ty

Read the new article.  They clarify the terms.  Its
not like most here are speaking of.


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Re: [newbie] threads

1999-09-02 Thread Gavin Grabias

On Thu, 02 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> Is anyone else starting to get threaded messages out of order?  I am
> now seeing replies before I see the original message.  This have never
> happened to me with this list before, but it has started within the
> last two days.
> Manny Styles

That has always happened to me.  I would sometimes see peoples replies to my
messages before I would see my original message sent.


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Re: [newbie] PIII performance

1999-08-20 Thread Gavin Grabias

Can the new PPGA Celerons do SMP??? I thought that they needed some special
adaptor or something like that.

On Fri, 20 Aug 1999, you wrote:
> Thing that a fellow in our LUG did which I thought was a great buy was...
> get a duel socket 7 board thats out there now for about $125
> BUy two celeron 333 at about $90 each.. 
> $128meg at about $150  and you have a $500 KICK ASS MACHINE
> the new 2.2 kernel has dual processor support .. and his (bargin) system is
> now flying.. running his own Web server.
> If I was a little more knowledgable in LINUX than I am now .. I would go
> for it.. but as it is my AMDK62350 will do just fine.
> I am going to get another 64meg ram to bring me up to 128 though.
> James


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Re: [newbie] Flamebait

1999-08-20 Thread Gavin Grabias

This is funny.  No I totally like this guy... we need people like this to clean
toilets, and sweep the streets.  You see in society you can't have all
intellectual giants like the *nix community.  You need the windows morons to
give us jobs supporting people.  I thought unix was totally uselss when I first
used it as well.  Its nothing like it is now.  I used slackware 1.0... I had
more probles then you could imagine.  I think linux is one of the fastest
evolving OS's fyi

> > 
> > > I give up on this stupid fucking so-called operating system!
> > > It's totally FUCKING USELESS
> > > Windows is FAR superior and you bunch of sad
> > > losers are just wasting your lives.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit
> --
> Brett jones


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Re: [newbie] PIII performance

1999-08-20 Thread Gavin Grabias

I would get the PIII 450.  You can actually get the cpu for around $250.  The
temperatures in the PIII is much better then the PII's .  Thats my .02


On Fri, 20 Aug 1999, you wrote:
> In my opinion you should stick with the PII, The PIII doesn't worth the extra
> money. 
> El jue, 19 ago 1999, escribiste:
> > I am upgrading my computer from a PII 266 to something faster. I am 
> > considering a PIII 450 for 319$ or i can go for a PII 400 for 100 less. Does 
> > Linux (and future apps) use the extra PIII extentions, or should i get the 
> > PII? I am not on a tight budget (somewhat) but $100 is $100.
> > 
> > thanks
> > jerrud


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Re: [newbie] Modem difficulties

1999-08-19 Thread Gavin Grabias

On Thu, 19 Aug 1999, you wrote:
> Thus far I have figured out how to get connected to my ISP.  I have setup
> Kppp with the DNS and everything dials up seemingly correct.  But, this is
> where my issue is, when I attempt to use Netscape it can't look up any pages
> I try to access.  Even when I put the IP address in directly so a domain
> look up isn't needed.
> I also have a second issue.  I have a 56k V.90 Acer Modem and it can't seem
> to get it to connect any higher than 38600 in Linux but I get 49333 in
> windows.  Any suggestions?
> Thanks to everyone,
> Brian
> P.S.  Thanks to all who have helped so for with my Voodoo3 questions.

Well I will address your modem speed issue since I hear some of our users
complain about this quite a bit.  Modems initially connect at the best speed. 
however windows is not always true with it.  Sometimes it connects at a speed a
little too high.  Your modem will retrain itself to get to its maximal speed
whether it be slowing down or speeding up.  I would do a file transfer to see
if the transfer speed is the same.  If not try playing around with init
strings.  You'd be amazed at how many people connect at 49k and then we look at
there actual speed on the terminal server and its like 40k.  this used to be a
big flaw in the old x2.  I think v.90 is the worst thing since windows.  Anyone
who doesnt connect at the impossible 56,000 thinks that there isp is messed up
little do they know that their is many factors that play roles in your connect


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Re: [newbie] Changing the default X windows color depth.

1999-08-18 Thread Gavin Grabias

On Wed, 18 Aug 1999, you wrote:
> Can anyone tell me how to change the default startup color depth from 8bpp
> to 16bpp?
> I am running:
>  - Mandrake-Linux 6.0
>  - PCI Matrox Millennium II card with 4 megs of ram
>  - PCI Voodoo2 card with 8 megs of ram
> I got the Voodoo2 drivers installed last night but that was no help. I have
> manually started the X server in 16bpp color mode but I can't cycle up to
> 16bpp colors from 8bpp with +. I need 16bpp to run Quake3.
> Is there an init file I can edit to add the '-- -bpp 16' settings to? I've
> tried a lot and learned a lot but this has me stumped! ;.-(
> Wayne

Run Xconfigurator from the command line.  It will go through some basic
settings and then let you select your different mode lines.


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