Hello here :)

I have an old P133 (without MMX), video is ATI Mach64. Trying to install
Mandrake 7.2 (Odyssey) on it. I have big problems making XFree86 4.0.1
work. When I start X and initial KDE screen shows up strange things start
to happen. Some (not all) text is garbled and screwed into unreadable mess
(like hints in KGandalf or KDE panel menu). And soon after several clicks X
locks up completely, mouse doesn't move, no keys work.

Readme for Mandrake 7.2 says I need pentium but there is no word about
whether it should have MMX or not. I already had problems with i586
packages that came with Mandrake 7.0 that use MMX (Mesa). So I'd like to
hear an answer, could it be the case here? If not, I'd like to hear if
there are any other solutions...


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