Re: [newbie] Modems?

2001-05-28 Thread Irv Mullins

On Mon, 28 May 2001, mp wrote:
> hy!

> consider cable or t1, 56k is very slow.
> regards,
> mp

That would be nice - if we had cable...
T1 would be even better, but even if it were available, I don't think I 
really want to pay over $1,500 per month US for the privilege 
of reading this esteemed list ;)


Re: [newbie] Modems?

2001-05-27 Thread Irv Mullins

> On Saturday 26 May 2001 15:29, you wrote:
> > Sorry guys for asking so much. I am trying to buy a
> > new system and want to make sure that it Linux-ok.
> >
> > Anyone knows a good modem that work fine with Linux?
> >

I'm using an Actionrtec 56k internal pci, cost ~$70 at WalMart, 
of all places. It comes with setup instructions for Linux (no software 
needed) and works a lot faster than my 'winmodem' , supposedly 
also 56k.

Look on the box to make sure it sez "works with Linux".


[newbie] Slowness

2001-05-26 Thread Irv Mullins

A note for those who, like me, found Mandrake 8.0 
and KDE just too slow to be usable.

Today I loaded RedHat 7.1 (Seawolf), and things are fast enough.
i.e. an xterm comes up in < 2 seconds, kwrite in < 3., and 
Konqueror in < 7.  Compare these to 15 - 45 second times 
I was experiencing with Mandrake.

Also, I notice that I now have about 95% CPU idle, while 
with Mandrake 8.0, the figure was down around 5%.
(With kapm-idled taking up 95%) 

Using RedHat, kapm-idled is still there, but uses close to 0% 
all the time.


Re: [newbie] Performance issues with Mandrake 8

2001-05-22 Thread Irv Mullins

On Tue, 22 May 2001, you wrote:
> Please let us know as soon as you have the disk
> optimizer available for testing, I'll be happy to test
> it for you. I am using and IBM 7200 RPM ATA 100 hard
> drive and I'm not getting the performance I should
> from it yet.
> TC

I wonder if the new kernel is slowing down disk operations?
Or something else?

How can we benchmark our disk performance with Mandrake 
7.1 and again with 8.0 to see if there is a difference?


Re: [newbie] Detecting USR Modem

2001-05-19 Thread Irv Mullins

On Sat, 19 May 2001, you wrote:
> No it is not a winmodem according to USR it is model 5687-03 which is
> controller based.
Then look here for instructions:


Re: [newbie] Detecting USR Modem

2001-05-19 Thread Irv Mullins

On Sat, 19 May 2001, you wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to setup a new USR 56k modem on my system (LM 7.2)

Which USR 56k modem? 
If it's the Performance Pro modem (about $80) then it should work.
If it's the Internal FaxModem, (about $40) then it clearly states
'Designed exclusively for the Windows operating system' - 
so no, it won't.


Re: [newbie] very slowly

2001-05-19 Thread Irv Mullins

On Fri, 18 May 2001, dfox wrote:
>> I wrote:
> > If I open all programs I am going to use, then switching between them
> > seems reasonably fast. However, if one of them needs to open a new window, 
> Does this happen independently of how many windows are already open, or
> what window manager is being used? For instance, if you open up an xterm
> (should be pretty instantaneous) on a lightly-loaded system, does it take
> the same (slow) time as under other situations? 

With nothing open, an xterm takes several seconds to appear. Using Mandrake
7.1,  the same xterm comes up in about half a second. 

> I'm thinking that it might have to do with your X server - since opening
> a window does take at least some effort from the server, maybe it's eating
> up a lot of memory and part of it is in swap. That could explain the slow-
> down.

Thanks, I will file this with the other suggestions - some day when I have
nothing better to do, I'll re-load Mandrake 8.0 and go thru all the
suggested solutions. If I find one that works, I'll be sure to post it here.


Re: [newbie] Installing apps under linux

2001-05-19 Thread Irv Mullins

On Sat, 19 May 2001, Ujang wrote:
> I've downloaded few applications with extension tar.gz but dont
> really know how to install it. I understand that there's command to
> install it. Could someone guide me how to install the applications
> under linux?
> My PC running Linux Mandrake 7.1.
If you are using KDE, just right-click on the downloaded file,
and select  'Archiver'.

That will open a window showing a list of files which are included in the
package, and a click on the little 'magnifying glass' , 
(or menu selection File->Extract To) 
will extract the files to a location of your choice.  Once complete, 
navigate to that location using KFM.

What you need to do from there depends upon how the package was 
prepared. There should be a readme file explaining what to do. Many 
packages need to be compiled, which is pretty simple. Others can be 
run without compliing. The instructions should be included, or available 
on the website from which you downloaded the package.


Re: RE[newbie] java. why doesn't it go? (still no joy)

2001-05-19 Thread Irv Mullins

On Sat, 19 May 2001, Mike wrote:
> thanks to everyone who has helped me with this. i've now managed to extract 
> the tar file but the instructions say to add the location of the sdk to the
> PATH settings. Where do i find path to modify it?  
> i'm slowly but surely getting the hang of this. Looking forward to getting 
> this up and running now.

Edit the file .bashrc(note the leading dot)
Add two lines like the following:

export PATH

Replace /home/irv/euphoria/bin:  with the full path to your  sdk
probably /home/mike/something/something.

Once you logout and back in, the new path will be in effect.


Re: [newbie] fstab and /mnt/windows

2001-05-18 Thread Irv Mullins

On Fri, 18 May 2001, you wrote:
> What would be the proper entry in /etc/fstab to automatically mount my 
> windoze partition from hde?  I would like to at least have read access to 
> be able to access files.
> Is this correct?
> /dev/hde1/mnt/windows   ext2defaults   1  2

I think you'll find vfat works better than ext2 for windows partitions ;)
And be sure you have created the directory /mnt/windows before 
you add this line to fstab.


Re: [newbie] very slowly

2001-05-18 Thread Irv Mullins

On Thu, 17 May 2001, Dave wrote:
> Well, it's still strange -- my ThinkPad is a 300MHz Celeron with 64 MB 
> RAM, and it runs both KDE 2 and Gnome just fine. Your system should be 
> able to do as well, from a hardware standpoint. Is it possible that even 
> though the correct X driver is installed, the video settings (refresh 
> rate, etc.) are still not quite correct?
> Just a thought.
> Dave

Well, that rules out memory as the problem; I'm using a Celeron 300 with 
128 megs. Further investigation shows that many programs that use X 
(some Euphoria graphics programs, for example) run at about the same 
speed as they did on 7.2.  

If I open all programs I am going to use, then switching between them
seems reasonably fast. However, if one of them needs to open a new window, 
to set preferences, select a file, or pop up a warning message, for example,
it takes so long I've often forgotten what I was doing.

And if for some reason I should want to open another program, I have time 
to walk to the kitchen for a snack before it shows up.
I don't need the extra weight!


Re: [newbie] very slowly

2001-05-17 Thread Irv Mullins

On Thu, 17 May 2001, Dave wrote:
> I ran into a similar problem with Mandrake 7.2. The problem/solution 
> turned out to be that Mandrake had detected and chosen a generic X video 
> driver for my video card, but that generic driver worked very poorly with 
> my card. Once I changed to the proper video driver (using HardDrake), the 
> whole system sped up considerably.

Yes, I also had this suggestion from someone on the ale list - unfortunately,
Mandrake 8.0 had already detected the correct video card and driver for mine.  
Also, using WindowMaker or IceWm, things seemed to run fast enough, which 
(maybe) rules out a hardware problem.

At any rate, I'm happy with KDE 1.x for now. 


Re: [newbie] very slowly

2001-05-17 Thread Irv Mullins

On Thu, 17 May 2001, Ari Dias wrote:
> Hello people, I have a question!
> Why my linux mandraki 8.0 is so slowly that i cant use it!
> i have a k6 500mhz!!!
> tks

I had the same problem, KDE was so slow that I couldn't get any work done.
When I posted this to the KDE list, all I got was flames, but about half of the 
people on the ALE list ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) who tried KDE 2 reported similar problems.

Some people with 750 mhz machines even reported slowness, so it seems to 
be not directly related to hardware. My only choice  was to go back to 7.2.


Re: [newbie] Installation Error

2001-05-17 Thread Irv Mullins

On Wed, 16 May 2001, Dwight Follick wrote:
> Hi
> I've recently been trying to load Mandrake 8.0 on my machine (I'm fricken
> sick of Windoze) and when I'm in the installation trying to configure the
> XFree86 4.03 part, it tests out my card and it freezes when it switches
> screen modes or something - the screen goes black.
> My card is a SiS 630 and I believe that XFree86 4.03 is having some problems
> with those cards.
> Is there no way around this?
> I have the Mandrake distribution on 2 ReWritable CDs - I downloaded the ISOs
> on a 56k modem (and yes it took a fricken long time)

I have the SiS 630 also, and Mandrake recognized and installed with 
no problem. Maybe your download went bad?  Anyway, you could try to
skip the x configuration, and set your XF86config file the 'old fashioned' way.


Re: [newbie] Microsoft for Linux

2001-05-11 Thread Irv Mullins

On Fri, 11 May 2001, Dave wrote:
> Yes, this is a hoax. Been around for a while, actually.
> Dave

I fully expect Microsoft to come out with a version of Linux sooner 
or later. It will be 'user friendly' - but just enough different so that 
only Microsoft programs will run well on it.

Having Microsoft 'embrace and extend' your standards is like 
letting the dirty old man down the street 'embrace' your teenage 
daughter - the likely outcome is much the same.


> At 01:59 PM 05/11/2001 +0200, Mcintosh, Duncan wrote:
> >Hi there all
> >
> >I think this must be the hoax of the year.
> >Microsoft has come out with its own Linux version. I have to see this to
> >believe it though.
> >
> >Check out there site

Re: [newbie] Help on getting 2cd set of LM 8.0

2001-05-11 Thread Irv Mullins

On Thu, 10 May 2001, RK wrote:

I got my Mandrake 8 set last week from Cheapbytes  -  they're pleasant to deal
with, and quick.. They send an acknowledgement of your order, and, as promised, 
another e-mail when the cd's go out the door. I had mine in 2 days, using 


> That's a good price, even with the $5.00 shipping charge in the USA.
> Randy Kramer
> Darin Lang wrote:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > $3.49
> > 
> > Darin

Re: [newbie] kfm's ftp is definitely broken

1999-07-13 Thread Irv Mullins

On Tue, 13 Jul 1999, you wrote:
> Hello all,
> There is something wrong with kfm's ftp function. It used to be (in mandrake
> 5.3) that I can do:
> ftp://myusername@myserver/
> And I'd be able to ftp to and fro with impunity - as long as I stuck to my
> user's access rights.
> However, in mandrake 6.0, this is broken. I can point kfm to the desired remote
> dir, and I can ftp _from_ that dir but I cannot ftp _to_ the dir. (yes, I have
> read/write rights)

I've also asked about this, with no response. The strange thing is,
that with SuSE and KDE, this function works perfectly. I don't know 
why Mandrake broke it.

IglooFTP is a great program, but not as convenient to use as KFM would
be if it worked.


> I'm writing about this again because the first time I wrote in about it, I only
> got another user's reply - he recommended re-installing. I did. Same problem. I
> even updated to the latest kdebase rpm on /updates
> (so I'm now at kdebase-1.1.1final-11mdk).
> Folks at mandrakesoft, could you please fix this. It does not seem like a
> difficult problem (since ftp from remote dir works just not to - with kfm, that
> is) but it's a showstopper for me since I use this kfm feature a lot in my work
> (and play). Or at least, I used to while on Festen :-(


Re: [newbie] Get out of AfterStep, back to KDE

1999-07-11 Thread Irv Mullins

On Sun, 11 Jul 1999, you wrote:
> What version are you running?  I am intrigued enough to want to
> duplicate your situation

You'll probably have to type switchdesk-kde
to get back to kde. (Mine tries to default to switchdesk-gnome,
which results in a file-not-found error.


Re: [newbie] Get out of AfterStep, back to KDE

1999-07-11 Thread Irv Mullins

On Sun, 11 Jul 1999, you wrote:
> > u should be able to open a terminal window and type "deskswitch"
> > then just select the desktop you want : )
> Thanks 4 trying to help, but it doesn't recognize deskswitch as a
> command. Not even as root.
> Any other suggestions?

Try switchdesk.

When in doubt - locate will find files using wildcards.

Re: [newbie] KDE Mail Client

1999-07-11 Thread Irv Mullins

On Sun, 11 Jul 1999, you wrote:
> I'm using the KDE Mail Client. Is there anyway to make it check the pop server
> every so many minutes?

File/Settings/Network tab/Incoming mail
click on an account, click the modify button, and click the 
box marked Enable Interval mail checking.

Now, as to how to change the time between checks - 
that's probably in a .kmailrc file somewhere.


Re: [newbie] shell scripts

1999-07-10 Thread Irv Mullins

On Mon, 08 May 2000, you wrote:
> On Fri, 9 Jul 1999, Yants wrote:
> > how do i write shell scripts..?
> > can someone please show me an example...
> > 
Here's an example from Richard Petersen's handy
Linux Programmer's Reference: (Good book to have around)

#Program to allow the user to select different
#ways of listing files
echo s. List Sizes
echo l. List All file info
echo c. List C files
echo -n "Please enter choice: "
read choice
case $choice in
   ls -s
   ls -l
ls *.c
  echo Invalid Option
copy it, save it as, for example, lschoice, and chmod u+x so that you can
execute it by typing ./lschoice

Irv Mullins  

Re: [newbie] KPPP problems

1999-07-07 Thread Irv Mullins

On Wed, 07 Jul 1999, you wrote:
> Hello , When I open kppp , I get this error message -
> /etc/resolv.config is missing !   Ask your system
> administrator to create a non-empty file that has  appropriate
> read and write permissions . What must I do ?

Write one. As root, go to /etc, and with pico or some other editor designed
by actual humans, create a file named resolv.conf which contains at least two
lines. Here's mine:


Write the file, logout, log  in as user, and set up kppp.


Re: [newbie] KDESU

1999-07-06 Thread Irv Mullins

On Tue, 06 Jul 1999, you wrote:
> It is intentional, confuses people who like to stare over shoulders

Well, it would be nice if, in addition to confusing snoops, it would
actually allow super-user access. 
It doesn't.
That, of course, is the problem.


> On Tue, 6 Jul 1999, Irv Mullins wrote:
> > 
> > Does anyone know why, when you try to use 
> > terminal (super user, kdesu) you get a password dialog, 
> > in which every key pressed is echoed three times?
> > 

[newbie] KDESU

1999-07-06 Thread Irv Mullins

Does anyone know why, when you try to use 
terminal (super user, kdesu) you get a password dialog, 
in which every key pressed is echoed three times?

Example: if root password were pig, you would type
pig, and see echoed: *  (9 starz)
and an invalid password message. Of course it's invalid, 
there are three times as many characters as you typed in.
This makes kdesu unusable.
Any ideas?

_/ The opinions expressed are not my own. 
_/ They're Lou's.
_/ We're blaming him for everything.
_/ He's the one on vacation this week.

[newbie] KFM and FTP

1999-07-06 Thread Irv Mullins


When using KDE/KFM with SuSE, I could drag and drop files
from my desktop to various www directories (to which I have passwords).
Using KDE/KFM and Mandrake, when I do this, it writes a zero 
length file to the directory. The names get there, but no data is 
transferred. If I bring up a terminal, the old fashioned ftp works
fine to the same sites. 

Is there some setting with Mandrake that I need to change?

_/ The opinions expressed are not my own. 
_/ They're Lou's.
_/ We're blaming him for everything.
_/ He's the one on vacation this week.

Re: [newbie] Lack of security when booting in Linux single

1999-07-06 Thread Irv Mullins

On Tue, 06 Jul 1999, you wrote:
> Actually, DSL is just as vunerable as any other form of TCP/IP transport.
> On the windows platform (believe it or not) there are security measures
> in place, and some you can tighten your self like unbinding fileshareing
> from the inet interface. Your just as vunerable on a dialup connection too
> might i add ;) 

True, but it would be harder for someone to break into my computer
when the modem is turned off. (which is more than half the time)

Security boils down to one general rule if you don't use it
> it doesn't need to be there, and if you do think you need it you should
> reconsider. If something absolutly needs tobe accepting connections it
> should be properly firewalled. 

Also some software to monitor what's going on across the net, and alert
someone when suspicious traffic appears would be appropriate.


Re: [newbie] Lack of security when booting in Linux single

1999-07-05 Thread Irv Mullins

On Mon, 05 Jul 1999, you wrote:
> Is the system safe from the network side? I didn't install any servers. Should I be
> afraid of Trojan horses? I ask this because my I have a constant connection to the
> internet via cablemodem.
> Jo

There was a thread on the Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts list ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
recently about this. Apparently someone had just hooked a Linux box
up to the cable, and was surprised to see how many of his neighbors' 
Windows PC's  were available for browsing.  

I would think a constant connection would be more at risk than a dialup.
Probably you will want a book or two on Linux security issues.


Re: [newbie] Lack of security when booting in Linux single

1999-07-05 Thread Irv Mullins

On Mon, 05 Jul 1999, you wrote:
> It is secure, If you keep it that way and do not mess with things you do not
> know about. Don't change things if you do not know what it can do to your
> system..

That's not really an answer to the question, nor is it accurate.
The question was - why can someone boot a system without the

Security is relative. If someone has physical access to your computer,
and there is a floppy drive, anyone with a couple of  linux boot/root disks can
start the system without knowing any passwords. Similarly, you can lock your
cars and take the keys, but I can come along with a tow truck and steal the car
anyway. Given that, why use passwords?

The password system serves to prevent accidental changes that would
mess up the software, and to discourage users from looking at other users'
data. It's just a good balance between a system that's totally open (like DOS)
and a system so secure it's unusable. You can change the balance in either
direction, but you can't eliminate the possibility someone will gain access.
Should you change it in the direction of "more secure"? Probably not.
Anyone who knows the "linux single" trick almost certainly knows the 
"bring your own floppy" trick also.

If your need for privacy justifies, you could remove the floppy
drive (probably kinda inconvenient) and/or run an encrypted file system that 
makes data almost impossible to retrieve,  (and slows down operations 
considerably.)  It might be easier to just lock the disk drive in the safe
when you're not using it.

Anyone who has physical access to your computer must be assumed to
be "authorized" to be there, and therefore trustworthy. If that is not the case,
then posting armed guards and vicious dogs would be appropriate..


> - Original Message -
> Sent: Monday, July 05, 1999 07:15 James
> Subject: [newbie] Lack of security when booting in Linux single
> > Hi,
> >
> > Recently my system failed to boot (I had added something to rc.local, that
> didn't belong there). On irc I was told that I could still boot if I gave
> linux single at the LILO boot. This worked, but to my surprise I never had
> to enter a login or a password. Even then, I was allowed to change rc.local
> back to what it was.
> >
> > Is this normal? I thought Linux was supposed to be so secure.
> >
> > Jo
> >

Re: [newbie] Slower Modem Speed in Linux

1999-07-05 Thread Irv Mullins

On Mon, 05 Jul 1999, you wrote:
> >%_Hi.
> Just recently installed mandrake 6.0 (workstation) got the kkkp working 
after resetting the pnp modem's jumper.  The modem is on COM2 and using IRQ 3.
 The problem I have is Netscape is about 3-4 slower that it was in windows. 
Even file downloading.  But the strange thing is that i was connected at the
same rate in both windows and linux.  Does anyone know what's wrong?  Is there
a setting I have to change?  How do i increase the connection speed. 
> Thank you. > 

Try to pinpoint the problem: is your modem actually running slower?
(click the details button on kppp to see the statistics, while loading a 
large web page or  downloading a file. The graph should show the 
actual transfer speed)

If the modem is transferring at full speed, then try viewing websites
with KFM. See if it is faster. (I like KFM better than Netscape anyway,
it's much better integrated into the desktop)

If it's only Netscape that's slow, maybe you're running short of 
memory. If everything is slow, maybe there's a conflict with the 
com port or irq settings. 


Re: [newbie] kfm's ftp disabled in MDK6?

1999-07-01 Thread Irv Mullins

On Thu, 01 Jul 1999, you wrote:
> Hello folks,
> I've just moved to Venus. Everything looks fine. Everything works. Or so it
> seemed. I think there's something wrong with kfm's ftp function. It seems
> broken. I can download from ftp sites ok. But I cannot upload. (yes, I have
> upload rights to the destination)
> This used to be my "show off" piece to people. "See? I can upload this bunch of
> files from my home dir to my remote website with simple drag and drop!" Using
> kfm. Now I cannot. It just seems to hang for an eternity. It did not take
> anywhere near that long before. What's happened?
> I have updated to the kdenetwork and kdebase packages on the /updates site.
> I tried ftp-ing (upload) via plain ol' CLI ftp (put) and it works - very well.
> But, what's happened to kfm? Anyone have this problem? What do I do?
Yes, I had exactly the same problem, and asked on this list last week (no
answers) I finally reloaded everything, and the drag&drop ftp works again.
Sorry I can't offer a more helpful answer than "reload". It sounds like the 
standard Windows mantra. But, it did work.


Re: [newbie] kfm's ftp disabled in MDK6?

1999-07-01 Thread Irv Mullins

On Thu, 01 Jul 1999, you wrote:
> Hello folks,
> I've just moved to Venus. Everything looks fine. Everything works. Or so it
> seemed. I think there's something wrong with kfm's ftp function. It seems
> broken. I can download from ftp sites ok. But I cannot upload. (yes, I have
> upload rights to the destination)
> This used to be my "show off" piece to people. "See? I can upload this bunch of
> files from my home dir to my remote website with simple drag and drop!" Using
> kfm. Now I cannot. It just seems to hang for an eternity. It did not take
> anywhere near that long before. What's happened?
> I tried ftp-ing (upload) via plain ol' CLI ftp (put) and it works - very well.
> But, what's happened to kfm? Anyone have this problem? What do I do?
Yes, I had the same problem, but got no replies to my question. The only answer
I can give sounds awful Windowish, but it worked for me: reload the system.
I have no clue why it stopped working in the first place, but reloading seemed
to get it working properly.
