Re: [Re: [newbie] Icons to large]

2000-01-02 Thread Jennifer Ricki Wise

Tried it. Received the message command not found.

Michael Scottaline wrote:
> John Aldrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I would recommend that you reboot the system, and type "linux 3" at
> > the prompt. Then, log in as "root" when you get the prompt. Then,
> > type "xf86setup" (minus quotes on all of these) and re-select your
> > resolution and such.
> >   John
> Remember, case sensitive though:  XF86Setup  ;o)
> Mike
> ##
> Michael Scottaline
> Linux 2.2.13
> ##
> Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at 

Re: [newbie] Icons to Large

2000-01-02 Thread Jennifer Ricki Wise

Thanks for all your suggestions but at the root I cannot execute XF 86
Setup or xf 86 config or find /etc/X11/XFConfig file.
If I find one of the files suggested what is the best way to edit it and
how do I start an editor. I am running Mandrake.

Alan Shoemaker wrote:
> Jenniferfirst off, I recommend you boot into level 3 and not level 5
> to do this.  If you are currently booting directly to the gui desktop
> then that is level 5.  The way to change it is to (as root) edit the
> /etc/inittab file by changing this line:
> id:5:initdefault:
> to this:
> id:3:initdefault:
> You can change it back when you're done.  Now, in the console mode
> (reboot if you need to), edit the /etc/X11/XF86Config file and look for
> the section that is something like the below excerpt at the very end of
> the file:
> # The accelerated servers (S3, Mach32, Mach8, 8514, P9000, AGX, W32,
> Mach64
> # I128, and S3V)
> Section "Screen"
> Driver  "accel"
> Device  "My Video Card"
> Monitor "ViewSonic PS790"
> Subsection "Display"
> Depth   32
> Modes   "800x600"
> ViewPort0 0
> EndSubsection
> EndSection
> Make sure that the ViewPort is set at 0 0 and Modes is set at the
> resolution you want as default.  Save the file and test it by starting
> the x-server by typing startx on the command line.  If it errors out you
> can put the errors in this list for more help, if not you'll be in your
> gui desktop at the resolution you wanted.  If you're successful then you
> can change the /etc/inittab file back to the way it was.  If not you
> probably will want to change the /etc/X11/XF86Config file back the way
> it was first.  Good luck.
> Alan
> Jennifer Ricki Wise wrote:
> >
> > I had to reinstall Mandrake, when xconfig came up I was stuck using the
> > default as all the other sizes would not be accepted. Now the icons are
> > way to large and when I open some of the icons like Netscape I can't see
> > the accept button.
> > Is there any way to change the screen size to something like 800 x 600.
> >
> > Thanks
> > Jennifer
> > ICQ:6765592

[newbie] Icons to large

2000-01-01 Thread Jennifer Ricki Wise

I had to reinstall Mandrake, when xconfig came up I was stuck using the
default as all the other sizes would not be accepted. Now the icons are
way to large and when I open some of the icons like Netscape I can't see
the accept button.
Is there any way to change the screen size to something like 800 x 600.


[newbie] Icons to Large

2000-01-01 Thread Jennifer Ricki Wise

I had to reinstall Mandrake, when xconfig came up I was stuck using the
default as all the other sizes would not be accepted. Now the icons are
way to large and when I open some of the icons like Netscape I can't see
the accept button.
Is there any way to change the screen size to something like 800 x 600.


[newbie] Modem Problems

1999-12-30 Thread Jennifer Ricki Wise

I just purchased an Actiontec modem that says it is good for dos, win
3.1, 95, nt and linux.
I installed according to the instructions using kddp. 
When querying the modem I either receive that the modem cannot be found
or its busy.
I've reloaded linux twice so far.
Anyone have any ideas. I'm at wits end.

[newbie] RE: Source Code

1999-12-25 Thread Jennifer Ricki Wise

I tried to take a look at the source code for Mandrake using the source
code cd.
I was unsuccessful, I tried to open it in Borland C++ but could not find
any files that would display anything.
Could someone please tell me how I can see the source code and which
language it is written in.
Thanks and Season's Greetings
Jennifer Wise