[newbie] Multiple ML-10 woes!

2004-08-29 Thread Langsley T Russell
Hi all.

Today I installed the download version of MDK-10  I had been running 9.2
with no problems but thought I'd try the upgrade to get later versions
of everything. Boy was that a mistake!! 

Everything is dramatically slower from boot up to surfing the web. 

KMail crashes every time I click on reply to or try to open a new
message window.

Mozilla which had been working fine now has no spell checker so I can't
use it for email either. The Mozilla site says if using Mandrake to just
run urpmi mozilla-spellchecker when I do I get the following.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] langsley]# urpmi mozilla-spellchecker
unable to take medium "Commercial Apps CD (cdrom5)" into account as no
list file [/var/lib/urpmi/list.Commercial Apps CD (cdrom5)] exists
unable to take medium "Commercial Apps CD (cdrom6)" into account as no
list file [/var/lib/urpmi/list.Commercial Apps CD (cdrom6)] exists
unable to take medium "Contrib CD (cdrom7)" into account as no list file
[/var/lib/urpmi/list.Contrib CD (cdrom7)] exists
unable to take medium "Installation CD1 (cdrom1)" into account as no
list file [/var/lib/urpmi/list.Installation CD1 (cdrom1)] exists
unable to take medium "Installation CD2 (cdrom2)" into account as no
list file [/var/lib/urpmi/list.Installation CD2 (cdrom2)] exists
unable to take medium "International CD (cdrom3)" into account as no
list file [/var/lib/urpmi/list.International CD (cdrom3)] exists
unable to take medium "International CD (cdrom4)" into account as no
list file [/var/lib/urpmi/list.International CD (cdrom4)] exists
unable to take medium "main" into account as no list file
[/var/lib/urpmi/list.main] exists
unable to take medium "Sources CD1 (cdrom8)" into account as no list
file [/var/lib/urpmi/list.Sources CD1 (cdrom8)] exists
no package named mozilla-spellchecker
[EMAIL PROTECTED] langsley]#

Any and all help will be greatly appreciated. Oh yes because I'm on a
dial up connection I couldn't possibly do the download so I bought the
CDs on line from a place called "Budget Linux" and did the install from


LTR  }}:{(

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Re: [newbie] Saving Graphics??

2004-08-07 Thread Langsley T Russell
Thanks for the help.

It took several steps but the final secret was the electric eyes app. I now 
have the image saved on my disk in a form I can use.


LTR }}:{(

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Re: [newbie] Changing Defaults in OOo??

2004-04-20 Thread Langsley T Russell
On Mon, 2004-04-19 at 00:47, Charlie wrote:

> Assuming you are doing OO.01
> You will have to create a template of exactly what you want,
> everything is 
> possible.
> But to just get a different font, though you won't have choice of
> size, which 
> will require changing every time a new document is opened, do:- Click
> on 
> Tools/Options/text Document/ Basic western fonts.
> Change what you want here.
> For more functionality create a document template with both font, and
> size and 
> everything else you want or can dream of..
> Charlie.

I have created several such templates. The problem is that I can find no
way to set the newly created template as the default template. If you
read my original post you know that I have tried the recommended methods
from the OOo list and none of them worked. That 's why I'm writing to
this list. I thought that since the methods which work for people on the
OOo list don't work for me might be some variation in the program
included with the Mandrake install CDs. 

In a second post Charlie said. 

> Assuming you are doing OO.01
> You will have to create a template of exactly what you want,
> everything is 
> possible.
> But to just get a different font, though you won't have choice of
> size, which 
> will require changing every time a new document is opened, do:- Click
> on 
> Tools/Options/text Document/ Basic western fonts.
> Change what you want here.
> For more functionality create a document template with both font, and
> size and 
> everything else you want or can dream of..
> Charlie.

I am running OOo 1.1 as included with the Mandrake 9.2 CDs. Let me
repeat that I can find NO way to save a template and set it as my
default template. I have created the desired template and saved it as a
template. When I do a File> Templates> organize, my new template does
indeed appear in the list of templates. However when I select it and
click on"Commands" I am not offered a choice to make it my default
template. My only options are "New, Delete, Import template, printer
settings and Update". Those are the directions given by OOo and they do
not work!! 

I've tried it on two very different machines both running mandrake 9.2
and the results are the same on both.  Therefore I thought it might be
some variation in the program as included with Mandrake. 

Whether it is a Mandrake issue or an Open Office issue the fact remains
that I'm unable to change my default template to one of my choosing. Is
there simply no way of doing it? OR am I simply doing something very
basic wrong which I'm too stupid or inexperienced to see?  

Thanks again for all the help!!
LTR  }}:{(

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Re: [newbie] Changing Defaults in OOo??

2004-04-18 Thread Langsley T Russell
On Sun, 2004-04-18 at 18:07, Margot wrote:

> > Also I am unable to change the default format for saving documents. As
> > it is now the default is for MS Word. Nothing I do seems to change it.
> > Choosing Tools> Options> Load/save> General and selecting text document,
> > changing the "Always save as" field from MS Word to OOo 1.0 changes it
> > only as long as OOo is running. Once I close the program it reverts to
> > the MS Word format.In addition to being very inconvenient, I find it
> > offensive that the default should be to the MS format.
> > 
> Do what you did above, and make sure that "load user-specific 
> settings with the document" box is checked (at the top of the 
> settings screen). This should make the settings stick.
> Margot

Hi Margot. I've tried it both ways(with the "load user-specific settings
with the document"box checked and unchecked. Neither setting works. 

LTR  }}:{(

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[newbie] Changing Defaults in OOo??

2004-04-18 Thread Langsley T Russell
Hi all.I originally sent this to the OOo users list.

I'm trying to change the default font and *font size* for text documents
in OOo. I do not seem to be able to change the font size and save as the
default. I would be willing to create a new style or template or
whatever is necessary so long as when I open a new document it opens
with my choice of font and font size. I've tried creating a custom style
but it is only good for the open document. There's got to be some
relatively easy/direct way of doing this, I just can't seem to find it. 

Also I am unable to change the default format for saving documents. As
it is now the default is for MS Word. Nothing I do seems to change it.
Choosing Tools> Options> Load/save> General and selecting text document,
changing the "Always save as" field from MS Word to OOo 1.0 changes it
only as long as OOo is running. Once I close the program it reverts to
the MS Word format.In addition to being very inconvenient, I find it
offensive that the default should be to the MS format.

OH yes, I'm running Linux Mandrake 9.2 if that matters.

Here are the responses I got. 

> For your document default, you need to create a new document and set
> your defaults. Then save it as a template, and set that template to be
> your default. Then when you open a new document, the template will be
> imported and the defaults obeyed. You can also add styles to the
> template if you like.
> I don't know what to tell you about the save preferences.
> ~

> Langsley, 
> Please have a look in the FAQ :
> http://user-faq.openoffice.org as what you 
> want to do is explained there - changing the default template.
What it says at the above URL.

> How can I setup styles for my default document? If you do a “File” =>
> “New” without specifying a template, your default template will be
> used to set up the new document.
> You can change this to suit your preferences for example by changing
> the attributes of the standard styles or by adding your own custom
> styles. You then need to save this as a template, by “File” =>
> “Templates” => “Save” to save it with a filename like "MyDefault.stw".
> Finally, to make this your default “File” => “Templates” =>
> “Organize”, select "MyDefault.stw" and and “Commands” => “Set As
> Default Template”.

My response.

> OK I followed the directions from shane:
> > For your document default, you need to create a new document and set
> > your defaults. Then save it as a template, and set that template to
> be
> > your default. Then when you open a new document, the template will
> be
> > imported and the defaults obeyed. You can also add styles to the
> > template if you like.

> Everything went fine through saving as template. I now have a document
> template with my name. After that though it falls apart. I can find no
> way to use the template for anything other than document I used to
> create it.
> I the followed the directions from the FAQ:
> > How can I setup styles for my default document? If you do a “File”
> =>
> > “New” without specifying a template, your default template will be
> > used to set up the new document.
> > 
> > You can change this to suit your preferences for example by changing
> > the attributes of the standard styles or by adding your own custom
> > styles. You then need to save this as a template, by “File” =>
> > “Templates” => “Save” to save it with a filename like
> "MyDefault.stw".
> > Finally, to make this your default 

> When I do this I get the following error message. Error writing
> document 
> General error Error input/output error.
> Actually I had tried all of the above before writing. I have since
> tried this on two separate machines both running Mandrake 9.2 with the
> same
> results. 
> Now what?!?!

So far that's where it stands with the OOo list. Nobody seems to have an

Am I actually dealing with a Mandrake issue here, and not an OOo problem
per se?? I'd sure like to get this resolved. Any help would be greatly

LTR  }}:{(

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Re: [newbie] Modem Woes-Problem solved

2004-03-18 Thread Langsley T Russell
On Wed, 2004-03-17 at 12:45, Anne Wilson wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Wednesday 17 March 2004 00:30, Langsley T Russell wrote:
> > Thanks to the input from here I was able to solve my modem
> > problems.
> >
> > Thanks for the help.
> > LTR  }}:{(
> Please remember - in the interests of other people who may have 
> similar problems, please post what you did to solve the problem.  If 
> it is a problem that may be encountered by many users, it is also 
> useful to put in on the TWiki.
> Anne
> - -- 
> Registered Linux User No.293302

Hi Anne, and all.

I went to the http://start.at/modem as suggested and looked up the modem
in question a 3Com/US Robotics internal PCI modem, model number 0762
The information there:
Chipset data:

Texas Instruments a custom chipset for U.S. Robotics
PCI bus full hardware modem.
Linux support
The "Kermit" family modems are supported by setserial
and the Linux kernel.
Setup hints for older versions of setserial.

Indicates quite clearly that the modem is indeed a hardware modem (which
I already knew). It also indicates that the modem is fully supported,
that I was not so sure of. 

I also have a full hardware PCI modem (different brand etc.)but still a
hardware modem in this machine which works but which MDK 9.2 identifies
as a winmodem.

Taking all of this into account and not wanting to devote any more time
to simply getting a supported modem to work, I returned the internal PCI
modem and replaced it with an external, serial connect modem which
worked immediately. This decision was based on much else I've read here
on this list.

My advice: Don't buy ANY internal modem and expect it to work with MDK
or probably any linux distro. It may well work but it just as well may
not work, no-matter  whether or not it is a "fully supported" hardware
modem. Why take the chance, go through the aggravation and expense, time
and repeated trips to one's local parts supplier when buying an
external, serially connected, modem will work with no problems.

Perhaps this is an over simplification but it sure seems to me that
there are just too many difficulties associated with any internal modem
and Linux to make them worth even considering. I know when talking to
people I'm trying to convert to linux on the desktop I'm going to
recommend that they go out and buy an external modem.

Of course none of the above "trouble shooting" would have been possible
had I not had a second machine with a working internet connection. So,
even though I found the information to be interesting and even helpful,
It would be unavailable to anyone whose only PC was the one with the
misidentified/unusable modem. 

If one has Windows installed on the machine with the modem one is trying
to get to work with Linux, one could, of course, log on to the internet
windows to do all of the above. However I consider telling people to use
Windows to solve their Linux problems worse than offering no solution at
at all. 

We, even the complete neophyte, must be able to solve our Linux problems
using Linux. If we can't do that, we can't, at least I can't, with good
conscience, tell people to make the change from Windows on the desktop
to Linux on the desktop. 

I know that there is a good deal of valuable, usable, friendly, support
available to the Linux newbie. I consider this list to be one of those
valued, friendly, sources of support for me. I am equally convinced that
any and all support must be available either in the form of the printed
word, preferably in manuals shipped with the distros, or accessible via
Linux itself, either in the form of user-friendly help programs included
with the OS or via the internet.

It is essential that we, even the complete newbie, be able to solve our
problems with Linux without resorting to ANY other OS.

I hope that wasn't too much of a rant. 

LTR  }}:{(

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[newbie] LCD Monitor-Unusable signal

2004-03-16 Thread Langsley T Russell
Hi all.
I bought a beautiful new Samsung 191T plus 19 inch TFT LCD monitor. It
has a resolution of 1280X1024 @75Hz. I'm running MDK 9.2. When I attach
the new monitor and reboot everything goes fine through the entire boot
process, then just as x starts to load (at least I think that's what's
happening) the screen goes black and I get a dialogue box saying
unusable signal. I don't see any way around this. 

Is there some way to setup my system using my CRT monitor so that when I
attach my LCD monitor it will produce a "usable signal"? Or is there
some way with the LCD monitor connected to do some sort of configuration
of my system to make it usable? The monitor came with Linux setup
instructions but I'll admit I don't really understand them and if I
can't get a picture at all how can I configure anything?

Thanks for any insight you can provide

LTR  }}:{(

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Modem Woes-Problem solved

2004-03-16 Thread Langsley T Russell
Thanks to the input from here I was able to solve my modem problems.

Thanks for the help.
LTR  }}:{(

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Modem Woes-Again

2004-03-12 Thread Langsley T Russell
I sent this originally one week ago but got no response so I'm trying

Hi All.

I just completed building an Athlon 64 system and installed Mandrake
9.2. More on that later. 

Right now my problem is that KPPP hangs on initializing modem. My modem
does appear in the Mandrake Control Center HardDrake under
Unknown/Others. It is correctly identified as a 3com 56k modem and gives
similar information to that for the modem in this machine. Doing a
"query modem" in KPPP gives me modem modem ready then gives me a list of
ATI ATI 1 through 7. But, unlike this machine, all the fields following
those listings are blank. 

Any ideas on what the problem is?? How can I get that machine on line?? 


LTR  }}:{(

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Modem Woes

2004-03-05 Thread Langsley T Russell
Hi All.

I just completed building an Athlon 64 system and installed Mandrake
9.2. More on that later. 

Right now my problem is that KPPP hangs on initializing modem. My modem
does appear in the Mandrake Control Center HardDrake under
Unknown/Others. It is correctly identified as a 3com 56k modem and gives
similar information to that for the modem in this machine. Doing a
"query modem" in KPPP gives me modem modem ready then gives me a list of
ATI ATI 1 through 7. But, unlike this machine, all the fields following
those listings are blank. 

Any ideas on what the problem is?? How can I get that machine on line?? 


LTR  }}:{(

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Update Blew Away OO.o Again/Sound

2003-12-14 Thread Langsley T Russell
On Sun, 2003-12-14 at 15:52, Anne Wilson wrote:

> I couldn't say about that particular card, but my older machine has a 
> SB Live!5.1 which shows up as an es1371.  My original SB Live!5.1 
> used the emu10k1, but this one will not run with that driver.  It 
> seems that boards having the same name do not necessarily mean that 
> they are identical.
> In this box I have an Audigy Platinum.  The default for that is OSS, 
> but emu10k2 is an alternative driver.  I found that I got much better 
> results by changing to that.  If you are offered an alternative 
> driver, try it.  You can always change it back if it doesn't help.
> Anne

Following your suggestion I changed the driver to the other option
offered. Then I thought "how do I test it?"
I opened the Configuration-KDE-Look and Feel-system notifications and
tested one of the wav choices. Still no sound. So I went back and
changed the driver back to the original es1371. 

I returned again to the System notification configuration and tried
again. Still no sound. So I figured I'd try playing with any setting
options I could find basically setting everything to maximum.  Still no

Then I clicked on player settings. I noted that "Use External Player"
was checked but that no player was specified. I deselected the use
external player option and tried again. I selected the KDE open wav file
and hit the play button. The resulting sound rose me from my chair,
startled everyone in the house, and sent the dogs barking to get out.
After letting the dogs out,I adjusted the volume and tried again with
much less startling results. 

So apparently the problem all along was that somehow or other the use
external player option was selected at some point. During the update?? I
don't know, but my sound system appears to be working at this point. 

Thanks again to everybody for all the help with this!! 

LTR  }}:{(

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Update Blew Away OO.o Again/Sound

2003-12-14 Thread Langsley T Russell
Charlie, you said:

> The next thing you need to do is open a terminal, become super user
> and run the command drakxservices. Be sure sound is set to start at
> boot as well as alsa if 
> that's what you're using. Just scroll down the list and find the
> services set to start at boot. If those two aren't in state "running"
> click the relevant 
> Start buttons to activate them.

I ran the drakxservices command and found that sound is indeed set to
start at boot. alsa, on the other hand, is not. I tried clicking on
start and got the message "alsa driver not running" I clicked on start
at boot and clicked on the start button again and got the same message.
So I deselected start at boot for alsa and closed the window. 

I then ran draksound. The info in the window is as follows, 
Your card currently uses the OSS "es1371" driver (default driver
for your card is "es1371")

I opened the drakservices window again to look for the settings for OSS.
Of course there is no listing for OSS or "es1371 in the drakxservices

I reopened the draksound window and clicked on troubleshooting. This
simply brought up a window telling me what various commands tell me.
/sbin/lsmod said it would tell me whether or not the driver is loaded so
I typed /sbin/lsmod at the command prompt and waited. Obviously nothing
was happening, so, after a while I closed the sound configuration
window. Once I closed the sound configuration window, the previously
entered /sbin/lsmod produced the following.
Module   Size  Used byNot tainted
ppp_deflate  4472   0  (autoclean)
bsd_comp 5400   0  (autoclean)
lp   8160   0
parport_pc  25544   1
parport 34472   1  [lp parport_pc]
mga 98332  14
agpgart 48292   3  (autoclean)
es1371  27788   1
ac97_codec  15828   0  [es1371]
soundcore6340   0  [es1371]
gameport 3268   0  [es1371]
ppp_async9312   1
ppp_generc  24292   3  [ppp_deflate bsd_comp ppp_async]
slhc 6564   0  [ppp_generic]
af_packet   14856   0  (autoclean)
sr_mod  19384   0  (autoclean)
floppy  55932   0
nls_iso8859- 3484   2  (autoclean)
nls_cp8504284   2  (autoclean)
vfat11820   2  (autoclean)
fat 38040   0  (autoclean) [vfat]
supermount  84032   3  (autoclean)
ide-cd  33956   0
cdrom   32608   0  [sr_mod ide-cd]
ide-scsi11376   0
usb-uhci25136   0  (unused)
usbcore 74988   1  [usb-uhci]
rtc  9004   0  (autoclean)
ext360048   2
jbd 39264   2  [ext3]
sd_mod  12188   0  (unused)
aic7xxx162160   0
scsi_mod93344   4  [sr_mod ide-scsi sd_mod aic7xxx]

I wish I could say I understand any of this, but unfortunately, that is
just not the case.

It appeared that other commands listed only offered the information
already contained in the sound configuration window, so I didn't bother
running any of them. 

I did click on the help button and found that apparently alsa is a
newer, "more powerful" alternative to OSS. But does that mean I should
be using alsa in spite of the fact that OSS is apparently the default
for my sound card? Or did I misinterpret the information in the sound
configuration window? If alsa is what is needed, how do I start it?

Thanks again for all the help and *patience*!

LTR  }}:{(

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Update Blew Away OO.o Again/Update Sources

2003-12-13 Thread Langsley T Russell
Hello yet again, Charlie.

You said:
> Frankly I'd recommend you remove both. The source for what you want
> was called 
> updates by Mandrake Update once upon a time, now it's called
> update_source, 
> next week who the hell knows.  Just nuke both and let Mandrake
> Update set 
> a new one up. Then you won't care what it's called either. (-:

I'm a little unclear, OK more than a little unclear, as to just what
"...let Mandrake Update set a new one up." means.

I removed update_source (I thought I would do them one at a time in case
I screwed something up) but I know of no way to "let Mandrake Update set
a new one up." The only way I see is to add it back by hand in
"configure media". I could do that, I think, but if it would be
preferable to let mandrake do it, that's what I want to do.  

What must I do to "let mandrake set up a new one" on its own? At this
point there is no update_source on my "configure media" list.

LTR  }}:{(

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Update Blew Away OO.o Again/Sound

2003-12-13 Thread Langsley T Russell
Hi again Charlie.

You said: 

> I thought that was fixed, or have I confused this thread with another?
> What sound card (on-board, PCI card???) chip-set? Do you have aumix
> installed, if 
> not I recommend you do so and post the output of 
> aumix -q

OK, I installed aumix and below is the output resulting from aumix -q.

vol 64, 64
pcm 64, 64
speaker 64, 64
line 64, 64, R
mic 64, 64, P
cd 64, 64, P
igain 64, 64, P
line1 64, 64, P
phin 64, 64, P
phout 64, 64
video 64, 64, P

I hope it means something to you because it sure doesn't to me. ;~)

I'm running a  âSound Blaster AudioPCI64V/AudioPCI128 That's the way it
is listed by HardDrake in Mandrake Control Center, which I believe is
reasonably accurate. It is an old PCI card from a previous box.

Thanks again.

LTR  }}:{(

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Update Blew Away OO.o Again

2003-12-12 Thread Langsley T Russell
Hi again Charlie.

You said:

> OK, *which* freakin' directions? (g> The command line, right click the
> K button or??? .

Actually I opted for the right click on the K button. My reasons were
basically two. 1- Working from the command line I would have had no idea
how to undo what I did if it turned out to be wrong. 2- I'm working on
promoting Linux on the desktop and for virtually everyone not proficient
in Linux, very much including me, that means working from a GUI. 

You also said:

> I'll say it again Langsley, have a look at
> http://www.mandrakesecure.net/en/ftp.php
> ftp.stealth.net doesn't even seem to be on the list. In fact I can't
> connect 
> to ftp.stealth.net at all at the moment. I think I've given you a
> couple of 
> alternative URLs for updates, the reason that one is disabled may be
> that 
> there's no connection so the source is invalid. May be temporary or it
> may be 
> permanent.

I'm sorry if I seem not to be paying attention but I guess I'm a little
confused about "updates" and "update_sources". Do I need both of these
enabled? And is the same URL usable for both? From what you said in your
response to me last spate of questions I'm taking it that Yes, both
updates and update_sources should be enabled. I'm not quite as clear on
whether or not the same URL is usable for both?

I now have the Mandrake Secure Updates site bookmarked for future

Until I managed to successfully install Mandrake 8.2, I had been a
Windows user since before W 3.1. My first installation of Windows was
actually a FREE run time version which came bundled with a word

I've been dual booting since the install of Mandrake 8.2 but virtually
never use windows at all any more. I had intended to delete windows
completely from my computer once I got Mandrake 9.2 installed and
running dependably. That is still my intent. These update problems have
simply caused a slight delay.

I really appreciate all the help in getting me to that point. With any
fortuity, my PC will be completely Micro$oft free by the turn of the
year. I'm sure I'll need a good of help in accomplishing that as well,
but first things first. 

Oh yes, I still have no sound at all. Any ideas as to what the cause
might be? That is somewhat less of an issue to me because, generally,
the less noise-beeps, dings, chimes, etc. my computer makes the better I
like it. However I would like to have it running properly. 
LTR  }}:{(

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Re: [newbie] Update Blew Away OO.o Again

2003-12-09 Thread Langsley T Russell
Hello again John, and thanks for your response.

I didn't think I was being ignored, rather possibly that my questions
left people at a loss. 

The update to which I was referring is the "Mandrake Update" in the
Software Management section of Mandrake control Center.

I've been getting notices from Mandrake virtually daily informing me of
important updates. Therefore once I got URPMI set up, I think, I thought
the first thing I should do was the update. Perhaps I was mistaken. I
know that a dial up connection isn't ideal, but it's what I've got. My
ISP is a small, local operation and very accommodating. It is nearly
unheard of to get cut off by my ISP even after 10 hours or more of
logged on time. 

I wasn't trying to update OO, but, OTOH, I don't really know what I was
trying to update other than trying to keep my installation of Mandrake
9.2 up to date. 

Since posting my first request for help on this issue I've realized that
my main menu is now quite truncated. It has a total of 10 primary
listings or groups of listings. I don't for example have a run command
in the list. Many of the groups also have far fewer listings than
previously. The only thing listed under "Office" is "Address Books" and
"Time management". Networking now only has about four sub groups. There
is no instant messaging for example. More importantly, There is also no
listing for opening a console so doing anything from the command line is
literally impossible as far as I can see. And as I said in my first post
I have no sound. I've tried everything I can think of to get it back but
no success. All of these things combined would appear to indicate that
there are more difficulties than no OO. 

Do I need to return to Easy URPMI and update the information? If so What
should I select and what should I leave unchecked?  Providing I can find
some way to open a console,can I continue to copy information from that
site into a console with no ill effect? I guess the answer to that is no
seeing as I've already managed to mess things up pretty well.

Once again thanks for all the help!!

LTR  }}:{(

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[newbie] Update Blew Away OO.o Again

2003-12-09 Thread Langsley T Russell
Hi All.

Having gotten no response to my original posting on this subject I'm
left to wonder if I have simply totally messed up my current install of
Mandrake 9.2 with my attempts to run update and therefore must simply
reinstall? Or perhaps my questions were just too ignorant of the issues
involved to be addressable in this forum. If that is the case, where can
I turn? Somehow or other I must get Mandrake running properly. It is
unusable for much of anything but email and web surfing at this point.
Why Evolution and Mozilla are still working I have no idea. Obviously
I'm in need of a lot of help! 

For anyone who might have some helpful advice, below is the complete
text of my original post asking for help with this. 

Thanks again for all the help and patience. 

On Sun, 2003-12-07 at 18:58, Langsley T Russell wrote:
> Hi all. I finally managed to update my mandrake 9.2 yesterday. I tried
> deleting the lock file from the /var/lib/urpmi file as directed by
> Derek, but was denied permission. So I thought I would change the
> permissions and then delete the lock file. After adding the permission
> to the /var/lib/urpmi directory I was able to download the update files
> without even deleting the lock file. Should I still delete the lock
> file? It took about 3 hours on my dial up connection to download the
> updates but it went without a hitch, I thought. KMail has likewise
> apparently been obliterated. 
> When I booted up today I found that I no longer have the icons for any
> of the OO.o programs in my kicker/panel. In there place are several gear
> icons leading to nonexistent directories/files.I checked the "Office"
> heading on my main menu and there is no sign of OO.o there either. What
> did I do wrong? What must I do to get my OO.o programs back?
> I also now find that I have 20+ Gzip files (actually they are packages) in my 
> /var/lib/urpmi
> directory. Should I do something with these? Are they even supposed to
> be there?
> I also now have about 30 text and XML files and about 24 directories in
> my home directory Which weren't there previously. Is this expected? 
> Should I remove the added permission for/var/lib/urpmi? 
> Also I no longer have any sound. 
> Any and all suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

LTR  }}:{(

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[newbie] Update Blew Away OO.o

2003-12-07 Thread Langsley T Russell
Hi all. I finally managed to update my mandrake 9.2 yesterday. I tried
deleting the lock file from the /var/lib/urpmi file as directed by
Derek, but was denied permission. So I thought I would change the
permissions and then delete the lock file. After adding the permission
to the /var/lib/urpmi directory I was able to download the update files
without even deleting the lock file. Should I still delete the lock
file? It took about 3 hours on my dial up connection to download the
updates but it went without a hitch, I thought. KMail has likewise
apparently been obliterated. 

When I booted up today I found that I no longer have the icons for any
of the OO.o programs in my kicker/panel. In there place are several gear
icons leading to nonexistent directories/files.I checked the "Office"
heading on my main menu and there is no sign of OO.o there either. What
did I do wrong? What must I do to get my OO.o programs back?

I also now find that I have 20+ Gzip files in my /var/lib/urpmi
directory. Should I do something with these? Are they even supposed to
be there?

I also now have about 30 text and XML files and about 24 directories in
my home directory Which weren't there previously. Is this expected? 

Should I remove the added permission for/var/lib/urpmi? 

Also I no longer have any sound. 

Any and all suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
LTR  }}:{(

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Re: [newbie] Update won't Update-Again

2003-12-01 Thread Langsley T Russell
OK, I think I followed your directions, Derek. The following is what was

urpmi.addmedia plf ftp://knight.zarb.org/pub/plf/mandrake/9.2
with hdlist.cz
urpmi.addmedia --update updates
ftp://ftp.rediris.es/pub/linux/distributions/mandrake/updates/9.2/RPMS/ with 
urpmi.addmedia main
with ../base/hdlist.cz
urpmi.addmedia contrib
ftp://ftp.rediris.es/pub/linux/distributions/mandrake/9.2/contrib/i586 with 

After doing the download I again tried to run the update in software
manager. Initially it said downloading urpmi... Then  I got the
following error message.

Fatal error
A fatal error occurred: urpmi database locked.

I'm assuming that if the urpmi database weren't, or hadn't, "locked", I
would have been successful this time. 
How do I unlock urpmi database? Or is that even what I really need to

Again thanks for all the help!

LTR  }}:{(

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[newbie] Update won't Update-Again

2003-12-01 Thread Langsley T Russell
Hi all and thanks for all the help. 

However I'm still unable to update my installation of 9.2. Clicking on
the Mandrake Update Icon in software management still tells me:

"You already have at least one update medium configured, but all
of them are currently disabled. You should run the Software
Media Manager to enable at least one (check it in the

"Then restart Mandrake Update."

When I checked the Software Media Manager, as before, all the update
media are checked enabled with the exception of update_source. If I
click on this and select update, then update_source once again I get the
following rpmdrake error message

Unable to update medium; it will be automatically disabled

urpmi database locked
urpmi database locked
retrieve source hdlist (or synthesis) failed
no hdlist filefound for medium "update_source"
problem reading synthesis file of medium "update_source"

I returned once again to the easy URPMI site and once again selected
alternative mirrors. This time I got the following

#  urpmi.addmedia plf ftp://knight.zarb.org/pub/plf/mandrake/9.2
with hdlist.cz
unable to access hdlist file of "update_source", medium ignored
added medium plf
examining synthesis file
[/var/lib/urpmi/synthesis.hdlist.Installation CD1 (cdrom1).cz]
examining synthesis file
[/var/lib/urpmi/synthesis.hdlist.Installation CD2 (cdrom2).cz]
examining synthesis file
[/var/lib/urpmi/synthesis.hdlist.International CD (cdrom3).cz]
examining synthesis file
[/var/lib/urpmi/synthesis.hdlist.International CD (cdrom4).cz]
examining synthesis file
[/var/lib/urpmi/synthesis.hdlist.Commercial Apps CD (cdrom5).cz]
examining synthesis file
[/var/lib/urpmi/synthesis.hdlist.Commercial Apps CD (cdrom6).cz]
examining synthesis file
[/var/lib/urpmi/synthesis.hdlist.Contrib CD (cdrom7).cz]
examining synthesis file
[/var/lib/urpmi/synthesis.hdlist.Sources CD1 (cdrom8).cz]
examining synthesis file

Following this I attempted the update once again with the same results
listed above.

What am I doing wrong?? Can I simply continue to copy stuff from the
Easy URPMI site into a root terminal with impunity? I assume it must
have some effect on something.

I am truly at a complete loss.

LTR  }}:{(

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[newbie] urpmi.setup Update etc.....

2003-11-30 Thread Langsley T Russell
Let me first say, thanks to you all for the help, it is truly

That said, I must say how frustrating this whole process is being. It is
hard to believe that simply getting the latest updates for ML 9.2 is
this difficult, arcane, and truly byzantine. 

I did finally get the urpmi.setup window open from the command line
but The GUI window which opens simply offers me a plethora of
choices with NO indication of what is needed or or wanted in any of the
fields. I have no Idea what to do with the various buttons. That is
completely ignoring the fact that the program remains completely
unavailable from my GUI.

I went to  http://plf.zarb.org/~nanardon/index.php and followed the
"instructions". Once again I was offered a multitude of choices for
every step with no indication of what might be best. I simply selected
the already highlighted choices and got, along with a great deal of
command line stuff:

retrieve of source hdlist (or synthesis) failed
no hdlist file found for medium "plf"
examining synthesis file
problem reading synthesis file of medium "plf"
unable to update medium "plf"

So I tried changing the mirrors at random. This produced another batch
of command line stuff followed by:

retrieve of source hdlist (or synthesis) failed
no hdlist file found for medium "updates"
examining synthesis file
problem reading synthesis file of medium "updates"
unable to update medium "updates"

So i tried yet different mirrors and got a similar batch of command line
stuff followed by:

retrieve of source hdlist (or synthesis) failed
no hdlist file found for medium "main"
examining synthesis file
problem reading synthesis file of medium "main"
unable to update medium "main"
After several more of these attempts It has started downloading
something but I have no idea what. It is about half through downloading
whatever it is. 
Should I assume that what it is downloading is what is needed, and if so
now what?

I really do appreciate all the help. However this entire process is very
daunting to the newbie. There has got to be a better/easier way.


LTR  }}:{(

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Re: [newbie] Update Doesn't Update/urpmi.setup?

2003-11-29 Thread Langsley T Russell
Hi again Derek.

On Fri, 2003-11-28 at 17:51, Derek Jennings wrote:
> te in Linux is mouse highlight/wheel click
> >
> > Note: If you do not want to use the command line install the urpmi.update
> > package from your CDs using the Mandrake Software manager.
> > Then run urpmi.update and a nice little GUI will guide you through adding
> > sources.
> >
> Drat. I should have said 'urpmi.setup'
> Sorry
> derek
I installed urpmi.setup but can find no way to run it. I tried typing it
into a run field and I get the message "unknown host, urpmi.setup".

I found it listed in /usr/sbin following installation so I assume it is
installed. The info on the icon there says it is a pearl program but I
can find no way of running it.
Should it have been added to my desktop or menu? 

In any event, how do I go about running urpmi.setup once it's installed?

Thanks again!

LTR  }}:{(

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[newbie] Update Doesn't Update

2003-11-28 Thread Langsley T Russell

I'm running 9.2 and when I try to run the update from the control center
it tells me that I have at least one selected media but that they are
all disabled. When I go to the Software Media Manager as directed to
enable the media. They are all marked enabled. I've tried unchecking
them one at a time then rechecking them and trying again but I still get
the message, that they are all disabled. I've even done a couple of
reboots over a couple of days but I still get the same "all
disabled"message.  What can I do to correct this and get my installation
of ML-9.2 updated with the latest patches??

LTR  }}:{(

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Re: [newbie] Connecting From 9.2

2003-11-25 Thread Langsley T Russell
Hi Merlin.

You said:

> in the gui, click on "setup", then the "Modem" tab, you'll see a
> horizontal slider named "Modem Volume". Slide it all the way to the
> right.

Just where in the GUI does one find the "setup" on which to click and
it's "modem tab"? 


LTR  }}:{(

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[newbie] Connecting From 9.2

2003-11-23 Thread Langsley T Russell
Hi all.

I finally got 9.2 installed yesterday. It has so many changes it's
almost like learning a new distro. I'm sure I'll have many questions in
the coming weeks, but for now my question is: How do I connect to the
Internet from my desk top. At this point my only choice is to open the
Mandrake Control Center> select Networking> and click on the
connect/disconnect button. There just has to be an easier way.

Thanks again for the help. 

LTR  }}:{(

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Re: [newbie] SCSI Em- Again

2003-06-23 Thread Langsley T Russell
Hello yet again John.

This morning when I booted I discovered that I no longer have access to
my CDRW drive!! I still get the two FAILED entries on boot up but now
they both end with mount 0 does not exist.

I checked my /dev directory and found no listing for either /hdb
or/scd1. However in my /mnt directory I find cdrw, cdrom, scd1, and

Here'a my lilo.conf as it currently appears.

append="devfs=mount hdb=ide-scsi"
append="failsafe devfs=nomount"

and my fstab:

/dev/hda6 / ext3 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
/dev/hda8 /home ext3 defaults 1 2
none /mnt/cdrom supermount
dev=/dev/scd0,fs=auto,ro,--,user,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
none /mnt/cdrw supermount
dev=/dev/scd1,fs=auto,ro,--,user,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
none /mnt/floppy supermount
dev=/dev/fd0,fs=vfat,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,sync,codepage=850 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/win_c vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hda5 /mnt/win_d vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda7 swap swap defaults 0 0 

I still do not understand why my CDRW is there once or twice then
disappears. Yesterday I did a cold boot to make sure the CDRW was still
there and it was!! Then I logged off and shut down my computer for the
night. When I booted this morning my CDRW was inaccessible and has
disappeared from my Mandrake control center hardware list. Can anybody
tell me precisely why this keeps happening? And how I can prevent it in
the future?!?!

LTR  }}:{(

On Sun, 2003-06-22 at 15:31, John Drouhard wrote:

> Since your cd drives are working, I suggest you backup all your data,
> then upgrade to 9.1 doing a fresh install. Then everything will be fixed
> (Also, 9.1 automatically sets up SCSI emulation for detected burners). 
> Hope you get it working!
> John Drouhard

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Re: [newbie] SCSI Em- Again

2003-06-22 Thread Langsley T Russell
OK John, I copied the new fstab file you provided to the etc directory. 

On boot up I now get two FAILED lines. 

The first one reads:
Supermount error (device 0/12) supermount_read_sup er:no dev:  option

The second reads:
Mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock or none, or too many
mounted file systems 

However the two drives appear to be working as expected.

My CD ROM drive now appears as device scd0 in the hardware list.
Mount point: /mnt/cdrom 
Device: scd0
Type: auto
Options: supermount,ro,user,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,mask=0 

My CDRW drive once again appears on my mandrake command center twice,
once as /dev/hdb and once as /dev/scd1. 
For mount point it says /mnt/cdrw. 
Device is scd1 
Type auto 
Options supermount,ro,user,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,unmask=0

Again thanks for the unbelievable amount of assistance. Believe me it is
truly appreciated!!

LTR  }}:{(

On Sun, 2003-06-22 at 10:21, John Drouhard wrote:

> Aha! make this your fstab:
> /dev/hda6 / ext3 defaults 1 1
> none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
> none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
> /dev/hda8 /home ext3 defaults 1 2
> none /mnt/cdrom supermount 
> dev=/dev/scd0,fs=auto,ro,--,user,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
> none /mnt/cdrw supermount 
> dev=/dev/scd1,fs=auto,ro,--,user,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
> none /mnt/floppy supermount
> dev=/dev/fd0,fs=vfat,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,sync,codepage=850 0 0
> /dev/hda1 /mnt/win_c vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
> /dev/hda5 /mnt/win_d vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
> none /proc proc defaults 0 0
> /dev/hda7 swap swap defaults 0 0
> Save it, reboot, and then open /mnt/cdrw for your cdrw drive, and /mnt/cdrom 
> will be your scsi drive. This will work. If it doesn't, then I don't
> know what the heck is going wrong.
> I seriously hope this helps.
> John Drouhard

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Re: [newbie] SCSI Em- Again

2003-06-22 Thread Langsley T Russell

Hi John, 

The hardware list I was referring to is the one in the Mandrake Control Center. I'm running 8.2. Part of the reason for wanting to get my CDRW working is so that I can backup many files before upgrading to 9.1.  Mount -a at this point simply takes me back to a command line cursor. I have a very old 1X SCSI CD ROM drive, but not a CDRW). At this point it is listed in MCC hardware list as scd0. The mount point for it at this time is hdb. Opening /mnt/hdb reads from my stone-age 1X CD ROM drive!

LTR  }}:{(

On Sun, 2003-06-22 at 07:54, John Drouhard wrote:

May I ask what "hardware list" you are talking about? Is it harddrake?
Or dmesg? I am beginning to think that you may need to reinstall linux.
What version are you running? Try typing mount -a as root in a terminal.
Then check /mnt/hdb when you have a cd in the drive. If it's empty or
not accessible, then there is something wrong. Oh ya, what is your
/dev/scd0? Do you have another scsi device that isn't a cd? If you do,
change your fstab so that the dev=/dev/scd0 becomes /dev/scd1.

John Drouhard

Re: [newbie] SCSI Em- Again

2003-06-22 Thread Langsley T Russell

Hi John. 

When I logged on this morning after checking my email I checked the status of my CDRW drive. To my dismay I discovered that I no longer have a working CDRW, either as supermount or as SCSI. It no longer appears on my hardware list at all and is completely unavailable. 

You asked for my fstab and lilo files which I'm including below. 

My fstab currently (following reboot this AM) reads:

 /dev/hda6 / ext3 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
/dev/hda8 /home ext3 defaults 1 2
none /mnt/hdb supermount dev=/dev/scd0,fs=auto,ro,--,user,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
none /mnt/floppy supermount dev=/dev/fd0,fs=vfat,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,sync,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/win_c vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hda5 /mnt/win_d vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda7 swap swap defaults 0 0

My lilo.conf reads:

	append="devfs=mount hdb=ide-scsi"
	append="failsafe devfs=nomount"

I don't understand why my CDRW keeps disappearing!?!  When I rebooted last night with the new fstab file the CDRW was recognized by the system and was usable by the xcdroast program. I did not intentionally change anything after that reboot and yet when I rebooted this AM my CDRW was gone?!?! 

LTR  }}:{(

On Sun, 2003-06-22 at 02:07, John Richard Smith wrote:

Langsley T Russell wrote:

> BINGO John!!
> I once again have my CDRW in my hardware list. Once again it appears 
> twice, once as hdb and once as scd1. I opened xcdroast and it too sees 
> the Samsung CDRW drive.
> Now I must ask if I should leave both entries for the CDRW in my 
> hardware list? I checked mount points and the CDRW is mounted as scd1. 
> Is that as it should be?
> Thank you so much, John! I am forever in your debt.
> LTR  }}:{(   

If I understand you correcty you have a working writer, both 
supermounted and scsi-emulated.
Can yopu kindly post both your relevent lilo.conf and fstab entries , 
for the device, so that we can see what does what.



Re: [newbie] SCSI Em- Again

2003-06-21 Thread Langsley T Russell

BINGO John!! 

I once again have my CDRW in my hardware list. Once again it appears twice, once as hdb and once as scd1. I opened xcdroast and it too sees the Samsung CDRW drive. 

Now I must ask if I should leave both entries for the CDRW in my hardware list? I checked mount points and the CDRW is mounted as scd1. Is that as it should be?

Thank you so much, John! I am forever in your debt. 

LTR  }}:{(

On Sat, 2003-06-21 at 16:09, John Drouhard wrote:

> hdb=ide-scsi
> ide_setup: hdb=ide-scsi
Here's where it says that lilo set up scsi emulation properly.

Here is where it says that hdb is in fact your cdrw drive

/dev/hda6 / ext3 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
/dev/hda8 /home ext3 defaults 1 2
none /mnt/hdb supermount dev=/dev/scd0,fs=auto,ro,--,user,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
none /mnt/floppy supermount dev=/dev/fd0,fs=vfat,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,sync,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/win_c vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hda5 /mnt/win_d vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda7 swap swap defaults 0 0

Now, make this your fstab, save it, and reboot. Afterwards, you should
have scsi-em working like a charm!!

I am anxious to see how this turns out, please let me know as soon as
possible. :)

John Drouhard

Re: [newbie] SCSI Em- Again

2003-06-21 Thread Langsley T Russell

OK, John, I believe I did everything as directed. 

Below is the new results of dmesg | grep hd

[EMAIL PROTECTED] langsley]$ dmesg | grep hd
Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=linux ro root=306 devfs=mount hdb=ide-scsi
ide_setup: hdb=ide-scsi
    ide0: BM-DMA at 0xa000-0xa007, BIOS settings: hda:DMA, hdb:pio
    ide1: BM-DMA at 0xa008-0xa00f, BIOS settings: hdc:pio, hdd:DMA
hda: IBM-DTLA-307015, ATA DISK drive
hda: 30003120 sectors (15362 MB) w/1916KiB Cache, CHS=29765/16/63, UDMA(100)

Yes, I've learned more about the Linux OS in the last few days than in all the months I've been running Linux.

What's next?? 

Again thanks for all the help. I would hgiven up long ago without the help I've gotten here.

LTR  }}:{(

On Sat, 2003-06-21 at 13:28, John Drouhard wrote:

On 21 Jun 2003 18:03:13 -0500
Langsley T Russell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Here it is John.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] langsley]$ dmesg | grep hd
> Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=linux ro root=306 devfs=mount
> hdb=ide-scsi
> ide_setup: hdb=ide-scsi
> ide0: BM-DMA at 0xa000-0xa007, BIOS settings: hda:DMA, hdb:pio
> ide1: BM-DMA at 0xa008-0xa00f, BIOS settings: hdc:pio, hdd:DMA
> hda: IBM-DTLA-307015, ATA DISK drive
> hda: 30003120 sectors (15362 MB) w/1916KiB Cache, CHS=29765/16/63,
> UDMA(100) 

It's not even recognizing your cdrw drive as being there. Make this your fstab:

/dev/hda6 / ext3 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
/dev/hda8 /home ext3 defaults 1 2
none /mnt/hdb supermount dev=/dev/hdb,fs=auto,ro,--,user,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
none /mnt/floppy supermount dev=/dev/fd0,fs=vfat,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,sync,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/win_c vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hda5 /mnt/win_d vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda7 swap swap defaults 0 0

Change it to that, save it, then edit your lilo.conf so your append line
DOES NOT have the scsi em thing. Then run lilo as root, and then reboot
your computer. Once you've done all this, run dmesg | grep hd again.
Then give us the results of that. We will then walk you through how to
set up sci-em, once again, correctly.

I imagine you've learned a lot about linux through this experience. :)

John Drouhard

Re: [newbie] SCSI Em- Again

2003-06-21 Thread Langsley T Russell

I sent this earlier but I haven't seen it show up on the list. If it comes through twice I apologize.

OK, John, I believe I did everything as directed. 

Below is the new results of dmesg | grep hd

[EMAIL PROTECTED] langsley]$ dmesg | grep hd
Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=linux ro root=306 devfs=mount hdb=ide-scsi
ide_setup: hdb=ide-scsi
    ide0: BM-DMA at 0xa000-0xa007, BIOS settings: hda:DMA, hdb:pio
    ide1: BM-DMA at 0xa008-0xa00f, BIOS settings: hdc:pio, hdd:DMA
hda: IBM-DTLA-307015, ATA DISK drive
hda: 30003120 sectors (15362 MB) w/1916KiB Cache, CHS=29765/16/63, UDMA(100)

Yes, I've learned more about the Linux OS in the last few days than in all the months I've been running Linux.

What's next?? 

Again thanks for all the help. I would hgiven up long ago without the help I've gotten here.

LTR  }}:{(




On Sat, 2003-06-21 at 13:28, John Drouhard wrote: 

On 21 Jun 2003 18:03:13 -0500
Langsley T Russell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Here it is John.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] langsley]$ dmesg | grep hd
> Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=linux ro root=306 devfs=mount
> hdb=ide-scsi
> ide_setup: hdb=ide-scsi
> ide0: BM-DMA at 0xa000-0xa007, BIOS settings: hda:DMA, hdb:pio
> ide1: BM-DMA at 0xa008-0xa00f, BIOS settings: hdc:pio, hdd:DMA
> hda: IBM-DTLA-307015, ATA DISK drive
> hda: 30003120 sectors (15362 MB) w/1916KiB Cache, CHS=29765/16/63,
> UDMA(100) 

It's not even recognizing your cdrw drive as being there. Make this your fstab:

/dev/hda6 / ext3 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
/dev/hda8 /home ext3 defaults 1 2
none /mnt/hdb supermount dev=/dev/hdb,fs=auto,ro,--,user,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
none /mnt/floppy supermount dev=/dev/fd0,fs=vfat,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,sync,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/win_c vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hda5 /mnt/win_d vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda7 swap swap defaults 0 0

Change it to that, save it, then edit your lilo.conf so your append line
DOES NOT have the scsi em thing. Then run lilo as root, and then reboot
your computer. Once you've done all this, run dmesg | grep hd again.
Then give us the results of that. We will then walk you through how to
set up sci-em, once again, correctly.

I imagine you've learned a lot about linux through this experience. :)

John Drouhard

Re: [newbie] SCSI Em- Again

2003-06-21 Thread Langsley T Russell

Here it is John.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] langsley]$ dmesg | grep hd
Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=linux ro root=306 devfs=mount hdb=ide-scsi
ide_setup: hdb=ide-scsi
    ide0: BM-DMA at 0xa000-0xa007, BIOS settings: hda:DMA, hdb:pio
    ide1: BM-DMA at 0xa008-0xa00f, BIOS settings: hdc:pio, hdd:DMA
hda: IBM-DTLA-307015, ATA DISK drive
hda: 30003120 sectors (15362 MB) w/1916KiB Cache, CHS=29765/16/63, UDMA(100) 

LTR  }}:{(

On Sat, 2003-06-21 at 12:36, John Drouhard wrote:

Could you give us the output of this command:

dmesg | grep hd

Copy and paste this into a terminal. This will help us to help you
configure your fstab properly.

John Drouhard

Re: [newbie] SCSI Em- Again

2003-06-21 Thread Langsley T Russell

Hi John. 

I tried typing eject /dev for /hda, /hdb, /hdc, and /hdd. None of the commands ever ejected or opened anything.  this is the response I got to each of the commands.

eject: unable to find or open device for: `/dev/hdb'

These are the responses I got when I tried eject /dev/scd1 and /scd0

eject: unable to find or open device for: `/dev/scd1'
[EMAIL PROTECTED] langsley]$ eject /dev/scd0
eject: unable to eject, last error: Invalid argument 

LTR  }}:{(

On Fri, 2003-06-20 at 16:12, John Drouhard wrote:

I have a suggestion. Try typing eject /dev/hda. If it can't find eject,
then install it with urpmi eject. Once it's installed, type eject
/dev/hda, eject /dev/hdb, eject /dev/hdc, and eject /dev/hdd. All as
separate commands. Then tell us which command opens your cdrw drive (and
your regular cd drive if you have one). Then we can just give you a new
fstab and lilo.conf file.

Hope you get this working!

John Drouhard 

Re: [newbie] SCSI Em- Again

2003-06-21 Thread Langsley T Russell

Hi again John.

I managed to do a copy and paste to my etc directory by copying the new fstab to my tmp directory as user and then copying and pasting it into my etc directory as root. What follows is what I got when I typed mount -a in a terminal as root.

mount: block device /dev/scd0 is write-protected, mounting read-only
mount: No medium found
mount: mount point 0 does not exist
mount: /dev/fd0 is not a valid block device
mount: mount point 0 does not exist

That means nothing to me but I'm hoping it will to you. I don't see anything there which appears to be my CDRW drive but then as I said , it means nothing, or I guess I should say very little, to me. My old SCSI CD ROM drive is listed in the hardware list as scd0 so I doubt that that is it. I also opened xcdroast and the CDRW does not appear there.

LTR  }}:{(

On Fri, 2003-06-20 at 11:43, John Richard Smith wrote:

Langsley T Russell wrote:

> Hi again John.
> I edited the fstab file as you suggested. The contents appears below.
> /dev/hda6 / ext3 defaults 1 1
> none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
> none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
> /dev/hda8 /home ext3 defaults 1 2
> /mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount 
> dev=/dev/fd0,fs=vfat,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,sync,codepage=850 0 0
> /mnt/scd0 /mnt/scd0 supermount 
> dev=/dev/scd0,fs=auto,--,user,iocharset=iso8859-1,suid 0 0
> /dev/hda1 /mnt/win_c vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
> /dev/hda5 /mnt/win_d vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
> none /proc proc defaults 0 0
> /dev/hda7 swap swap defaults 0 0
OK, Langsley, I think it's time to start dropping supermount, maybe you 
have the same problem with supermount as me. S0 I would like you to copy 
this script ,

/dev/hda6 / ext3 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
/dev/hda8 /home ext3 defaults 1 2
/dev/scd0 /mnt/scd0 auto 
user,iocharset=iso8859-15,umask=0,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0
/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto 
user,iocharset=iso8859-15,sync,codepage=850,noauto,umask=0,exec 0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/win_c vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hda5 /mnt/win_d vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda7 swap swap defaults 0 0

into a fresh new text file on desktop , do this by moving the cursor 
over a blank spot on desktop, rightmouse click down to create new - text 
file, and name it fatab, then  move the cursor over the icon of the new 
fstab textfile and roghtmouse click- down to open with text editor, and 
choose one, say kwrite , and then sweep the text I have given you here 
with the mouse cursor and move the cursor over the open fstab text file 
left mouse click to position, and then press middle mouse button, and 
all the copyied text will fill out onto the page, then save and exit.

You then have a new fstab file .
Go to /etc directory in konqueror window and rename the existing fstab 
file fstab1, then copy your new fstab file to /etc directory.

in a terminal , type, mount -a

and see if that gives you a writer

test by putting up something like xcdroast and see if it appears in the 
device list.

or type in terminal,

cdrecord -scanbus, and see what it says,


Re: [newbie] SCSI Em- Again

2003-06-20 Thread Langsley T Russell

OK John. 

I've done everything up to " then copy your new fstab file to /etc directory." The only way I could find to change the name of the fstab file to fstab1 was to log on as root. When logged on as root none of my desktop files from my standard session are available. So there is nothing to copy. when I log back on as user I am denied permission to edit the etc file. If I can't manage to do that I guess I'll have to undo the name change to fstab/fstab1. how can I accomplish this crucial step?

LTR  }}:{(

On Fri, 2003-06-20 at 11:43, John Richard Smith wrote:

OK, Langsley, I think it's time to start dropping supermount, maybe you 
have the same problem with supermount as me. S0 I would like you to copy 
this script ,

/dev/hda6 / ext3 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
/dev/hda8 /home ext3 defaults 1 2
/dev/scd0 /mnt/scd0 auto 
user,iocharset=iso8859-15,umask=0,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0
/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto 
user,iocharset=iso8859-15,sync,codepage=850,noauto,umask=0,exec 0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/win_c vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hda5 /mnt/win_d vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda7 swap swap defaults 0 0

into a fresh new text file on desktop , do this by moving the cursor 
over a blank spot on desktop, rightmouse click down to create new - text 
file, and name it fatab, then  move the cursor over the icon of the new 
fstab textfile and roghtmouse click- down to open with text editor, and 
choose one, say kwrite , and then sweep the text I have given you here 
with the mouse cursor and move the cursor over the open fstab text file 
left mouse click to position, and then press middle mouse button, and 
all the copyied text will fill out onto the page, then save and exit.

You then have a new fstab file .
Go to /etc directory in konqueror window and rename the existing fstab 
file fstab1, then copy your new fstab file to /etc directory.

in a terminal , type, mount -a

and see if that gives you a writer

test by putting up something like xcdroast and see if it appears in the 
device list.

or type in terminal,

cdrecord -scanbus, and see what it says,


Re: [newbie] SCSI Em- Again

2003-06-20 Thread Langsley T Russell

Hi again John. 

I edited the fstab file as you suggested. The contents appears below. 

/dev/hda6 / ext3 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
/dev/hda8 /home ext3 defaults 1 2
/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount dev=/dev/fd0,fs=vfat,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,sync,codepage=850 0 0
/mnt/scd0 /mnt/scd0 supermount dev=/dev/scd0,fs=auto,--,user,iocharset=iso8859-1,suid 0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/win_c vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hda5 /mnt/win_d vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda7 swap swap defaults 0 0
I rebooted following the change and did not get the two "FAILED" lines.

I then checked with MCC and there is no listing for my CDRW drive in the hardware list. 

I also checked my mount directory and CDRW appears there as does scd1 and hdb. 

My old SCSI, CD ROM drive is listed as scd0 .

At this time the CDRW is still completely unavailable. 

LTR  }}:{(

Re: [newbie] SCSI Em- Again

2003-06-19 Thread Langsley T Russell
Hi Anne.

I did as you recommended and removed the hdb line from my fstab file. I
didn't alter the scd1 line because I don't know what I'm doing so I have
no idea just how it should be edited.

BTW both /hdb and /scd1 appear as subdirectories of my mnt directory but
neither appears in my dev directory.

Does this offer any insight??

LTR  }}:{(
On Thu, 2003-06-19 at 13:36, Anne Wilson wrote:
> On Wednesday 18 Jun 2003 4:54 pm, Langsley T Russell wrote:
> >
> > Below are the contents of my /ect/lilo.conf and fstab files. Do
> > they give a clue as to what the problem is?
> >
> > boot=/dev/hda
> > map=/boot/map
> > install=/boot/boot.b
> > vga=normal
> > default=linux
> > keytable=/boot/us.klt
> > lba32
> > prompt
> > nowarn
> > timeout=150
> > message=/boot/message
> > menu-scheme=wb:bw:wb:bw
> > image=/boot/vmlinuz
> > label=linux
> > root=/dev/hda6
> > initrd=/boot/initrd.img
> > append="devfs=mount hdb=ide-scsi"
> > read-only
> > image=/boot/vmlinuz
> > label=failsafe
> > root=/dev/hda6
> > initrd=/boot/initrd.img
> > append="failsafe devfs=nomount"
> > read-only
> > other=/dev/hda1
> > label=windows
> > table=/dev/hda
> > other=/dev/fd0
> > label=floppy
> > unsafe
> >
> This looks absolutely normal to me.
> > fstab currently reads:
> >
> > /dev/hda6 / ext3 defaults 1 1
> > none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
> > none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
> > /dev/hda8 /home ext3 defaults 1 2
> > /mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount
> > 
> dev=/dev/fd0,fs=vfat,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,sync,codepage=850 
> 0 0 
> > /mnt/hdb /mnt/hdb supermount dev=/dev/hdb,fs=auto,--,user 0 0
> This is mounting your cd-rw without scsi-em
> > /mnt/scd0 /mnt/scd0 supermount 
> dev=/dev/scd0,fs=auto,--,user,iocharset=iso8859-1,suid 0 0
> Your genuine scsi drive
> > /dev/scd1 /mnt/scd1 auto user 0 0 
> And here is your cd-rw again!
> > /dev/hda1 /mnt/win_c vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850
> > 0 0 /dev/hda5 /mnt/win_d vfat
> > iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0 none /proc proc
> > defaults 0 0
> > /dev/hda7 swap swap defaults 0 0
> >
> It seems to me that this is what's causing the confusion.  I would get 
> rid of the line that refers to hdb.  The /mnt/scd1 line should work 
> then, though you may want to make it more like the scd0 line.
> Anne
> __
> Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
> Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] SCSI Em- Again

2003-06-19 Thread Langsley T Russell

Hi again John. 

I made the additional change you suggested to my lilo,conf file it now reads,
    	append="devfs=mount hdb=ide-scsi"
    	append="failsafe devfs=nomount hdb=ide-scsi"

But still no CDRW drive. When I rebooted just now, I got the same  "FAILED  special device /dev/scd1 does not exist" again. I checked /dev to see if there is a scd1 there and there is not. Nor is there an hdb. 

I'm as certain as I can be that I have the jumpers set correctly. I did change the jumpers on the CDRW to slave when I installed it. Also I was able to access the CDRW drive and even "burn" a couple of CDs before logging off. yesterday. Now the drive doesn't appear on my hardware list.  Perhaps a separate cable is the only answer?? 

LTR  }}:{(

Re: [newbie] SCSI Em- Again

2003-06-19 Thread Langsley T Russell
Hi John and Tony. 

I do indeed have my CDRW mounted as hdb. I did this only because I
didn't have a spare cable lying around and did have the unused connector
on my HD cable. Therefore I believe that the hdb ID is accurate if not

I actually had the CDRW working again yesterday  but when I rebooted
this morning, I once got the failed does not exist at boot up and the
CDRW drive has once again disappeared from my hardware list in MCC.

John you said:
>   read-only
> >image=/boot/vmlinuz
> > label=failsafe
> > root=/dev/hda6
> > initrd=/boot/initrd.img
> > append="failsafe devfs=nomount"
> >
> add the hdd-ide-scsi to this append line as well.

Does that go within the quotes? And will that solve my problem or must I
go out and get an additional cable and make my CDRW either hdc or hdd in
order to get this working properly?

Tony, you asked if I had modified my fstab file myself. No I did not. To
the best of my knowledge the scd0 is my actual SCSI CD ROM drive. hdb
and scd1 are however both referring to my new CDRW drive. Do I need to
alter this? if so, what should it say? and yes both scd1 and scd0 exist
in /dev & /mnt?

Again thanks for all your help. 

LTR  }}:{(

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] SCSI Em- Again

2003-06-18 Thread Langsley T Russell
Thanks to a great deal of help from people here, primarily "the two
Johns", Yesterday I actually managed to "burn" two CDs using Xxcdroast.

Today when I logged on I got two failure lines in my mandrake boot info.
They were both for scd1. They both said FAILED scd1 does not exist. 

I checked in MCC to see if the CDRW drive is still listed and it is not.
When I logged off yesterday it was there twice, once as hdb and once as

At this point I'm unable to access the drive at all. So I've actually
taken a step backward. When I started the device at least appeared in
the hardware list as a CD ROM and I could use it as a reader.

Below are the contents of my /ect/lilo.conf and fstab files. Do they
give a clue as to what the problem is?

append="devfs=mount hdb=ide-scsi"
append="failsafe devfs=nomount"

fstab currently reads:

/dev/hda6 / ext3 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
/dev/hda8 /home ext3 defaults 1 2
/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount 
dev=/dev/fd0,fs=vfat,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,sync,codepage=850 0 0
/mnt/hdb /mnt/hdb supermount dev=/dev/hdb,fs=auto,--,user 0 0
/mnt/scd0 /mnt/scd0 supermount dev=/dev/scd0,fs=auto,--,user,iocharset=iso8859-1,suid 
0 0
/dev/scd1 /mnt/scd1 auto user 0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/win_c vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hda5 /mnt/win_d vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda7 swap swap defaults 0 0

Again thanks for all the help with this.

LTR  }}:{(

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Still No SCSI Emulation-but getting there

2003-06-16 Thread Langsley T Russell
Hi Johns. 

OK I believe that I finally managed to edit my lilo.conf file as
directed. I just checked my /sbin/lilo file, this is what appears. 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] langsley]# /sbin/lilo
Added linux *
Added failsafe
Added windows
Added floppy

I see nothing about nay CD ROM or CDRW drive there. Must I add this in
some way?

About the /etc/fstab file: This is what is currently in there. 

/dev/hda6 / ext3 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
/dev/hda8 /home ext3 defaults 1 2
/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount
dev=/dev/fd0,fs=vfat,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,sync,codepage=850 0
/mnt/hdb /mnt/hdb supermount dev=/dev/hdb,fs=auto,--,user 0 0
/mnt/scd0 /mnt/scd0 supermount
dev=/dev/scd0,fs=auto,--,user,iocharset=iso8859-1,suid 0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/win_c vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hda5 /mnt/win_d vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda7 swap swap defaults 0 0

What must I edit and how? My CDRW drive is mounted as hdb and my old CD
ROM is mounted as scd0 I believe.

Again thanks for all the help and considerable patience! 

LTR  }}:{(

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Still No SCSI Emulation ??

2003-06-15 Thread Langsley T Russell

Hi again John. 

You said:

What exactly does it do when you try to edit the file as root? It should work.

Here is a copy and paste from my terminal of exactly what I entered and the response it got.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] langsley]# /etc/lilo.conf
bash: /etc/lilo.conf: Permission denied
[EMAIL PROTECTED] langsley]#

You then said:

Try installing Midnight Commander (my favorite) by typing 'urpmi
mc' without the quotes. Then follow the instructions. Once it is
installed, type mc in the command line as root. Then navigate to /etc.
Scroll down until you find lilo.conf, and then press F4. It should open
the file for editing. Then change the append line under linux, and
linux-nonfb to say hdb=ide-scsi (plus whatever else was already there:

append="quiet devfs=mount hdd=ide-scsi hdb=ide-scsi acpi=off" 

 Once again I did as you recommended and installed Midnight Commander. I spent about 6 hours or so discovering how to "navigate to /etc and opening the lilo.conf file. When I did, this what I found.

    append="failsafe devfs=nomount"

As I am sure you can see, there is no,  "append line under linux,"  The only append lines I see are "under" image=/boot/vmlinuz  and image=/boot/vmlinuz Unless I simply don't understand what "under" means.

I am unable to find anything in the lilo.conf file which says "linux-nonfb" Therefore I have no idea what I should edit , "to say hdb=ide-scsi (plus whatever else was already there":

You then asked:

Did you already edit fstab? If not, follow the directions in my other
email for doing that. When you are ready to save, press F2, then F10
twice to exit.

My attempts at editing the /etc/fstab file met with the same "permission denied" result. I have yet to try it using MC, but thought I should get this off while I work on that so that this dialog can progress and I can get my CDRW working. 

Thanks again for all the effort you're putting into this. 

LTR  }}:{(

Re: [newbie] Still No SCSI Emulation ??

2003-06-13 Thread Langsley T Russell

Hi again John.

You asked:

What is the output of this command:
ls -l /etc/lilo.conf

It should say this to be correct:
-rw-r--r--    1 root root  864 May 19 15:34 /etc/lilo.conf

I entered the command and got the output you said would be correct except that the date is different. 

You then said:

If it doesn't, then try doing the chmod a-rwx /etc/lilo.conf and chmod +rw /etc/lilo.conf
They should be done as root, and if done correctly,
you will get no output at all.

John Drouhard

I did that also and got nothing but a return to my original root command line cursor. Now what? 

LTR  }}:{(

Re: [newbie] Still No SCSI Emulation ??

2003-06-12 Thread Langsley T Russell

On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 13:18, John Richard Smith wrote:

If I were you I'd go to MCC and alter grub to lilo graphical and do as 
listed here(as root)

Well I did as you recommended and switched to lilo graphical as my boot loader. I rebooted to make sure the changes I made took effect and that it works, which it does. 

Now when I open a terminal as root, and type in /etc/lilo.conf permission is denied to /etc/lilo.conf. If root doesn't have permission how can I do anything with the file? What must I do to get permission to edit this file?

LTR  }}:{(

[newbie] Still No SCSI Emulation ??

2003-06-12 Thread Langsley T Russell
On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 16:39, John Drouhard wrote:
> as root, try chmod a-rwx /etc/modules.conf, and then
> chmod +rw /etc/modules.conf
> That should allow you to modify it as root. 

I typed- chmod a-rwx /etc/modules.conf and hit enter. That returned me
to my root login.
Then I typed- chmod +rw /etc/modules.conf  and hit enter. once again it
simply took me back to where I started, back to my root login.

> And to get scsi emulation,
> find which cd you want to be emulated (ie hdb or hdc), then edit
> lilo.conf to say something like this: ...

I'm using grub not lilo. 

> Then, edit /etc/fstab and make it look like this (only the cdrom
> lines, there are many more lines):

I find no lines identified as cdrom lines. The device I'm trying to set
up is currently listed as hdb. would that be the line/s. Or will that
change if I once get my boot loader setup?

On Tue, 2003-06-10 at 04:18, John Richard Smith wrote: 
> Two things,
> add to the append line in/etc/lilo.conf  like this
> append=" hdc=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi "
> then run in terminal.
> /sbin/lilo to check new lilo script is OK
> this will scsi-em's both dvd and writer.

As I mentioned above I'm using grub not lilo. Can I accomplish a similar
result using grub?

> change in /etc/fstab like this
> /dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom auto 
> user,iocharset=iso8859-15,umask=0,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0
> /dev/scd1 /mnt/cdrom2 auto 
> user,iocharset=iso8859-15,umask=0,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0
> this enables the new scsi-em'd devices to be mounted.

I have a stone-age SCSI 1X CD ROM drive in my system now. Would this
affect the ID as (scd0) The device I'm currently trying to get to work
under the emulation is a Samsung 48X CDRW-DVD ROM drive currently
identified as hdb, and mounted as CDRW.

Thanks for all the help. I'm determined to get this thing worked out.

LTR  }}:{(

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[newbie] Accessing Win-My Documents

2002-11-07 Thread Langsley T Russell
Is there some easy to access the my documents files from within Star
Office? Or to copy them to SO? I have all these files on what windows
calls the D drive. I believe that Linux refers to it as hda5. I have
only one physical drive in my current system.

I have many documents there I would like to transfer to my Linux,
Documents  directory. Is there any way I can conveniently do this?


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[newbie] Bluefish Now Working Properly!!

2002-11-03 Thread Langsley T Russell
I Think!! Thanks for the help. 

Seeing as I got two different suggestions for what should be in the
"Browser Command" field, I figured I'd try one and if it didn't work I'd
try the other. It was a tossup which to try first. So I used the
printout that ended up on the top of the stack. That turned out to be
/usr/bin/mozilla -openURL"(%s)". I'm kind of interested in what would
happen if I used the other one suggested-  /usr/bin/mozilla  "%s" & 
-but not enough to mess up the Bluefish view with Mozilla command again.

Thanks to both of you for the help!!


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Re: [newbie] Mozilla upgrade?

2002-10-29 Thread Langsley T Russell
For what it's worth, I've tried to install Mozilla 1.1 on ML 8.2 any
number of times and I always get the message that 0.9.8 is necessary for
Nautilus and the Gnome core. So I gave up and didn't install it into the
/usr/lib directory but settled for installing it into home/user name/
etc. It isn't as fully incorporated into the system this way but at
least I can use it for browsing etc. Unfortunately I can't get Evolution
to default to it when I click on a link in an email.

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Re: [newbie] RPM Difficulties.

2002-10-29 Thread Langsley T Russell
OK, I did the rpm --rebuilddb. What's my next step? I've already checked
to see if amaya shows up on the software manager list and it does not.

Thanks for all the help.


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Re: [newbie] RPM Difficulties.

2002-10-29 Thread Langsley T Russell

Hi Derik.

I just did an "rpm -q" on all the names you listed (amaya-common,
amaya-gtk, and amaya-lesstif) and all three got a "package not
installed. Yet the software manager still tells me that everything is

I'm at a loss.

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Re: [newbie] RPM Difficulties.

2002-10-29 Thread Langsley T Russell
Hi Kaj.
you said

On Tue, 2002-10-29 at 15:57, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
Langsley, did you by any chance forget to uncheck the 
"test" option in Kpackage during install ? - If so, 
uncheck it and try again.


Kaj Haulrich 
I didn't use the the package manager the first time around. but I did
just now making sure that the test option was unchecked and as far as I
can tell nothing happened. Supposedly the app is installed in
Networking, www, amaya but there is nothing there. 

The software manager install tells me everything is already installed
but I'm unable to find it anywhere. I appear to be at a dead end but the
application must be available in some way.

Thanks for the help.

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Re: [newbie] RPM Difficulties.

2002-10-29 Thread Langsley T Russell
Thanks for the advice on amaya install. I did the "rpm -q amaya" as
suggested ant the results were as I expected it says "package amaya not
installed", Yet trying to reinstall gets me the message that everything
is already installed?! 

How can I get beyond this apparent impasse? 


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[newbie] Mozilla-Plugins-Java-File sharing

2002-09-12 Thread Langsley T Russell

Thanks to all the help I've gotten here, I managed to install Mozilla
1.1 and get most of the plugins installed as well. The only one which is
giving me a problem is Java. With all the others I simply copied the
files from the old Mozilla or Netscape. When I did the same with the
Java plugin it copied the file fine except that the original has a
"points to" option and the copied one does not. 

Now if I open a page with Java Script Mozilla crashes. How can I correct

How can I add the "points to" option to this or any other file. I noted
that this is a shared file but I don't know how to configure file
sharing. Is there someplace in the documentation I can find this
information or is this even what I want to do?

Thanks again for all the help.


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[newbie] RPM Questions

2002-09-06 Thread Langsley T Russell

Is there any advantage to using RPMs to install applications other than
the presumed ease of installation? Is there any difference in the
installed product and how well it integrates into Mandrake? 

Whenever I see RPMs offered they invariably specify that they are for
Red Hat specifically and often one version of RH. The Mozilla download
for example says "RPMS for Red Hat 7.x". Is it reasonable to assume that
if it is an RPM it will work equally well on Mandrake even though it is
described as being for Red Hat X.X specifically? 

Any other comments or advice on the subject would definitely be welcome.


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Re: [newbie] Installing Mozilla 1.1?

2002-09-05 Thread Langsley T Russell

Hi Richard.

You said: 
"Seems I read that you have after installing, you need to su to root
and run it the first time so it will set up files for users to
access. I'd try it:
open a console,
$ su
# mozilla or whatever it takes to get it running while logged in as
$ mozilla again to see if it helps.


I did that as soon as I got it installed but I don't know if it had any
effect. So I tried it again after getting your post. I can detect no

The instructions from Mozilla say that until one does the run from root
that Mozilla will not be available to anyone other than root. 

I'm able to run Mozilla as a user so I guess it did, at least, do that.
However It still doesn't appear on my software list. Nor is it available
in any other way than through the file manager. If I try to run Mozilla
from the main menu or the desk top I still get version0.9.8.

Any further advice/suggestions?? is /usr/local/mosilla perhaps not an
appropriate directory for application software?


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[newbie] Douple Posts

2002-06-18 Thread Langsley T Russell

Since sometime on Saturday I've been getting double posts on this list. 
Is this happening to everybody? Is there something I can do to stop it?

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[newbie] Help with Evolution

2002-06-12 Thread Langsley T Russell

Much to my surprise I managed to download and install the Evolution
e-mail client. It does seem to have much of what I'm looking for in an
e-mail client. Although a few things are annoying like putting a line
through a deleted or moved e-mail rather than deleting it from the

Currently I'm trying to create signature files but when I enter a name
and choose edit the program either won't let me make changes or won't
save them, saying permission denied. If I can edit the domain and server
info why not a signature file? Do I need to include a path preceding the
name of the file?

Thanks for any insight anyone can provide. If this is too OT for the
list, feel free to email me privately.

Langsley T Russell
Bulloved Bulldogs

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