Re: [newbie] Windows

2000-11-04 Thread Mwinold
In a message dated 04-Nov-00 17:12:20 Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

but who let these mental midgets in here in the first place?
They seem to take pleasure in ripping off Microsoft. Why not rip them off in
the best possible manner? Don't use their products AT ALL! Isn't that why
we're all here? 

heres a thought were still trying to make that final leap into nowindows! some of us still dont quite grasp all of linux, or some like me still cant seem to get linux to hop onto the net, like in my case i have yet to find a way to get my isp to work with linux so if you notice my address says [EMAIL PROTECTED] hmm theres a subtle hint right there, nor can i find a free isp that doesnt require a dumb little software prog that encrypts my password into swiss cheese.

you know i tried to tell you people to just drop the subject its getting old it has been old since day 1 you dont like what i do to bad, quit your moaning and get on with it, this post has been battered over a few choice words, and its really stupid. so if we can all agree 


Re: [newbie] Windows

2000-11-04 Thread Mwinold
In a message dated 04-Nov-00 16:01:48 Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Mike...this thought relies on the thought that you have an alternative to
giving it away.  That would be more believable if you knew how to spell
"right" and that "i" should be capitalized.  

I'd suggest, in any case, that you simply stop responding to anything
posted on this thread so we can get the conference back on topic as what
you or anyone does with Windows is irrelevant here.  

do me a favor pal kiss my behind see when writing a book i use something called spell check so numb nuts like you can comprehend maybe i should start writing in german 
ach mal lieber
anyways good night and have a good time spinning on the middle didget until you reach the elbow

Re: [newbie] Windows

2000-11-04 Thread Mwinold
In a message dated 03-Nov-00 14:41:33 Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

also its not a good idea to discuss "pirating Windows" on a mailing list.  dont want MS lawyers to come knocking at Mandrake's door trying to extort money

yea like microsoft has anything beter to do then snoop through every mailing list on the planet especially a linux distro. you people have the wierdest freakin ideas sometimes

Re: [newbie] Windows

2000-11-03 Thread Mwinold
bills got enough money so i could care less

Re: [newbie] Clipper and Visual Basic languajes

2000-11-01 Thread Mwinold
cant say much to it. it could be ported in a way to make it more usable vb in its current state sucks not very versatile. but it had a simple structure to it, well simple for the user anyways its too close to the human language, so it takes a crap load of power to translate it, the major downfall, assembly and simular languages can be encoded faster its just harder for us to utilize

Re: [newbie] Windows

2000-11-01 Thread Mwinold
ok it depends on the version so you will have to reinstall linux after installing windows
unless you like me and use a hacked versino of win2k

Re: [newbie] How to burn iso under windows

2000-11-01 Thread Mwinold
you need to find a program that will translate the iso during the burn, but i cant think of any, try using a search engine, usually your cd burner comes with additional programs are you sure you dont have a program already that works with isos?

Re: [newbie] Windows

2000-11-01 Thread Mwinold
hmm well i managed to install windows without killing linux! but im also using a pirated copy of win2k

Re: [newbie] Thanks!

2000-11-01 Thread Mwinold
In a message dated 31-Oct-00 10:37:15 Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Thanks everyone who's tried to help me find an ISP provider. I tried to 
respond to the 2 people who suggested Mindspring. Unfortunately for some 
bizarre reason, both of my responses were kicked back to me saying I had used 
a "no no" phrase and therefore the posts would not appear. 

Have no idea what that means and I'm not aware of having written any 
atrocities. Running a non-profit organization I don't have time to try to 
worry about every single word I write. I would appreciate more info on using 
Mindspring from you guys who know about it. If you'd be willing to offer 
further help, please contact me directly. 

my only experience with mindsprig is with windows, but mindspring is probably the better isp, next to freewwweb which doesnt exist any more, however their represenitives are very knoledgeable and will send you all informatiopn you need to hook up to the net, they dont require you using their software at all considering you pay around $19/month for thier service, and for a little extra cash they will add web space for anything you want. normally for buisnesses they also cater to the home user as well. if you have a second phone line or a cell you can have them take you step by step as you configure everything you need, 

me im a cheap skate so i always look for a free service, 

Re: [newbie] question about mandrake probs..

2000-10-30 Thread Mwinold

In a message dated 30-Oct-00 16:30:14 Central Standard Time, 

> kill the_PID_of_the_program

i think you should find a better way of quoting commands because that just 
confuses me

should i based on this type
kill the_pid?
or could it be
kill pid

believe it or not some people get lost if you post extra comments into the 
command string, and spend more time on trial and error

[newbie] netzero

2000-10-29 Thread Mwinold

someone told me they think a friend of thiers was using netzero with linux is 
this possible and iff so how can i configure it, hopefully it is as easy as 
123 with kppp.

Re: [newbie] Password

2000-10-29 Thread Mwinold

In a message dated 29-Oct-00 21:26:02 Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> But why do all the programs load and run like I have 16 megs of ram on a
> 486 computer? I'm running an Athlon 750 with 128 megs of ram. I
> partitioned my Linux drive for 3.5 gigs. I also tried my internet
> connection and it said my modem was busy, but it wasn't. Any Ideas?

a little bug in lillo and grub you have to add the line in lillo mem: 128mb
i think thats how it goes im sure someone will correct me, for some reason 
lillo and grub will not detect over 64mb so this line was added to help 
correct the reporting feature to the linux kernel on bootup, when i get my 
new laptop i will also have to implement this because of the added ram. 
once you implement this into your config things should run alot smoother for 

Re: [newbie] Can't Connect To Internet

2000-10-29 Thread Mwinold

In a message dated 29-Oct-00 18:42:35 Central Standard Time, 

> Its going to cost more than that, I believe, as you have to have a
> dial-up in conjunction with the satellite, since you can't upload via
> satellite.

no i actually saw a web page for this which advertised two way connection via 
satelite dish, no dial up!
if i can find the site again i will post it for you

Re: [Re: [newbie] Cant Connect To Internet ]

2000-10-29 Thread Mwinold

In a message dated 29-Oct-00 19:46:31 Central Standard Time, 

> haven't looked back.  Not one busy signal in over 5 years!  I've never been
> cut off.  Can you say you've NEVER gotten a busy from AOL in the last 5
> years?
> Check out some of your local isp's, drop aol like a hot potato, and 
> enjoy
> linux with a real connection.
> HTH,
> Mike

i feel sorry for my mom because aol is the ONLY ISP where she lives!

Re: [newbie] Password

2000-10-29 Thread Mwinold

In a message dated 29-Oct-00 17:15:58 Central Standard Time, 

> So Joe HaX0r can't crack your system. I guess Mandrake figures that the 
> odds 
> that some hax0r will break into your house to boot up the computer isn't 
> that 
> great, so it provides the failsafe as a convinence. 


Re: [newbie] Password

2000-10-29 Thread Mwinold

makes sense to me however they get anoying!

Re: [newbie] Can't Connect To Internet

2000-10-29 Thread Mwinold

In a message dated 29-Oct-00 14:08:04 Central Standard Time, 

> Try the following link--it is a BBS/Message board that deals with free ISPs.
> Sift through the mesages, and visit the providers' web pages to find a
> couple that are in your area. When you find some you like, you can apply for
> accounts.

helps if you actually include the link, LOL

Re: [newbie] Can't Connect To Internet

2000-10-29 Thread Mwinold

In a message dated 29-Oct-00 14:08:04 Central Standard Time, 

> (I pay only $5-$7 more per month for a +/- 1Mbps
> cable connection--so paying to dial into AOL at 56Kbps or less just seems
> absurd to me).

how much is a cable connection now a days? i obviously cant use one here on 
base but back home i would like to set one up

Re: [newbie] Password

2000-10-29 Thread Mwinold

In a message dated 29-Oct-00 13:15:15 Central Standard Time, 

> The thing is, to get logged into single user mode you have to provide the
> root password.  So you're right, if you're there, you can change
> passwords.  But Greg's also correct that you still need to know the
> password.  What he's suggesting is that it's possible that the install
> set up root without a password.  Not a good idea in any case but, as he
> suggests, it's the only possiblility given the way the install was done.

then explain to me why when i lost my password and couldnt get in i managed 
to log in under failsafe and used linuxconf to change my password!
if i never knew it and still got into single user obviously someone has to be 
mistaken or there are a crap load of bugs in mandrake7.1!

Re: [newbie] Can't Connect To Internet

2000-10-29 Thread Mwinold

In a message dated 29-Oct-00 12:18:42 Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> I am a struggling newbie trying to teach myself Mandrake 7.1. I am unable to 
> get connected to the internet. I am probably still in Windows mode. I've 
> been 
> using AOL as my ISP. Now that I've installed Mandrake, configured my modem 
> etc., can I still use AOL? I'm assuming not because I keep getting an error 
> telling me there is no file to open the AOL program. So do what app do I 
> use 
> to get back online? Do I need to change service providers?

well aol and compuserve are practically the same i am working on configuring 
compuserve to work on linux based on some success stories, although i seem to 
not have that success yet, you wont get much though all that crap aol 
provided will be non existent so i suggest getting a new isp, if you are 
going to keep windows and like aol on that then just find a temporary isp for 
your linux box, there are plenty of low priced or free isps out there. i will 
jot down your address and tell you if i succeeded in hooking up compuserve 
and i will test aol based on the same script. 

have fun

Re: [newbie] Password

2000-10-29 Thread Mwinold

In a message dated 29-Oct-00 11:37:38 Central Standard Time, 

> I would do a reboot, then when lilo comes up
> type linux 1 and then find the file /etc/passwd and
> delete that, then when you come back log in
> as root and it should let you in without a password,
> then you can re-enter a password

sounds simular to a windows hack i know!

Re: [newbie] StarCraft: slow under Wine but...

2000-10-29 Thread Mwinold

In a message dated 29-Oct-00 11:05:39 Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> Suggestion:  download win4lin from and try it.  It's not
> free.  But at $35 is in my opinion a bargain.  Once you have installed
> win4lin, and then Windows 95 or 98 under it, run(do not walk) out and buy
> "Optimizing Windows for Games, Graphics and Multimedia" by David
> Farquhar(O'Reilly, pub).  Go to chapter 2 and use 5 or 6 suggestions.  All
> your Windows apps will run great...  including that notable hog, Lotus
> Notes.

not everyone has room for the added os so thats why we are fiddeling with 
wine because it emulates windows instead of loading windows

Re: [newbie] Password

2000-10-29 Thread Mwinold

In a message dated 29-Oct-00 10:43:12 Central Standard Time, 

> inux single   prompt.
> You may also type:linux 1
> If this logs you into a command line prompt, try typing:passwd root
> if it asks you for  the old password, you will need to re-install linux, and
> make sure to remember your root password this time. If it simply asks for a
> new password (which I don't expect it will) then just type the new password
> and confirm it.

by the way you just repeated what i said although the comand is slightly 
different and i also used linuxconf instead!

Re: [newbie] Password

2000-10-29 Thread Mwinold

might be possible to use another copy of linux such as floppy base to replace 
the password file, i think this is a high probable yes, however i can not be 
certain the folder the password file is in could be encrypted , there are 
many possibilitys but considering not much has been done to the system i 
would say give a whack at it and see what happens your just losing a little 
time yet learning new things about a system

Re: [newbie] Password

2000-10-29 Thread Mwinold

In a message dated 29-Oct-00 10:43:12 Central Standard Time, 

> Um... if he/she can't log in, I'm not sure this will fly... :-)

hello i have had to do this!!! and it does work if she is in single 
user mode to change the password!

Re: [newbie] Password

2000-10-29 Thread Mwinold

In a message dated 29-Oct-00 09:41:21 Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> I just installed Mandrake 7.1 and the install went just fine but I seem
> to have messed up on the password part. I tried not using a password
> but
> it wouldn't let me get around it during installation and I typed part
> of
> a password and I can't remember exactly what I typed. So X starts up
> just fine but I can't get pass the login. Can someone please tell me
> how
> to change or get rid of my password. This is my first experience with
> Linux and I know little of nothing about it so if there's a way to fix
> this I'll need some detailed instructions. Someone told me to "reboot
> and at the linux prompt type: linux single" but I don't know how to get
> to a "linux prompt". When I start my computer my options are: Linux,
> Failsafe, Windows, Floppy.
> I would really like to not use a password at all.
> Your help is appreciated

start linux in single user mode, i think failsafe may do it, if not edit your 
grub or lilo comands so it says linux -s
when it loads you should still be on the command prompt, type linuxconf, 
whaen this program loads you will be able to change root password, should be 
one of the first buttons, then save and exit linuxconf, reboot your system, 
you should be able to use the new password as root,

Re: [newbie] StarCraft: slow under Wine but...

2000-10-29 Thread Mwinold

In a message dated 29-Oct-00 07:09:02 Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> It works but i've got a problem:  it changes my desktop resolution, 
> 1280x1024, to
> a virtual 1280x1024 (showing 640x480).  Not everything is being showed fine 
> and
> when i stop it the virtual desktop is still there  8-?
> And of course playing with a virtual desktop is not the best (you move from 
> the
> game to a different side of the virtual desktop without wanting to do so!).
> Any idea??

i have that problem without playing the game, thats the reason why i hate 
virtual desktops, i dont mind having a little button to choose from 2 or more 
desktops, but the mouse over function needs to go, i am using an old dual 
scan lcd so sometimes i cant see my mouse and next thing i know is im in 
another desktop, its really anoying

Re: [newbie] StarCraft: slow under Wine but...

2000-10-28 Thread Mwinold

In a message dated 28-Oct-00 14:42:59 Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> It does work... Just installed it today, and it does work. Its just on this
> side of playable though. Wonder what an Athlon, Geforce2, and 256 megs of 
> ram
> would do to help it? ;-)))

what is your current system configuration?
i am running with
64mb ram
550 celeron
ati4mb 3d rage lt pro
and i would love to ditch windows! but still keep my games, if you can run 
starcraft then atleast one of my games could work with linux, 

Re: [newbie] Linux Games

2000-10-24 Thread Mwinold

you would be surprised how well www.(whatever your 
lookingfor).(com/net/org/etc.) works

Re: [newbie] Linux Games

2000-10-24 Thread Mwinold

i suggest vmware myself its not free but it is the best and most stable 
available although you have to install portions of windows

Re: [newbie] computers on 24/7

2000-10-24 Thread Mwinold

hmm well i have done many things with my system and i have lived just about 
everywhere, i never had one over heat, but one thing i do is take the cover 
off every 2 weeks or so im usually upgrading it anyway, and take a small 
amount of air pressure usually a balloon with a small tube on the end to 
restrict air flow and blow the dust out, or use a compressor but with liitle 
pressure it helps keep things clean from circuit problems like intermittent 
shorts, in the navy we have to pull our equipment apart and make sure 
everything is clean from dust grease etc. youd be surprised at how well 
problems are less likely to occur if you clean the hardware

Re: [newbie] Need Help Understanding Linux

2000-10-18 Thread Mwinold

this happened to me once as well, question did you make a boot disk for 
how did you install linux are you using win4lin?
if you answered no to those then probably the best thing is to install a new 
boot loader i find grub to be a pain in the butt and even my linux boot disk 
doesnt work right, but here is an interesting idea
you can still boot linux

use your install cd when you see that wierd little picture of the penguin and 
some stars it tells you two options 
press "F1"
no type "rescue"
you are now in the rescue command prompt of linux, from here you can 
implement changes in your configuration or install/reinstall/remove programs

In a message dated 18-Oct-00 15:45:19 Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> Installed LINUX 7.1 abt. 3 weeks ago. Everything was going good
> booting from win to LINUX Until I restarted my PC and I got.
> ---
> stage1 stage 2
> GRUB version 0.5.94 (638K lower / 65526K upper memory)
> [ Minimal Bash-like line editing is supported. For the first word,
> TAB lists possible command compleations. Anywhere else 
> TAB lists the possible compleations of a device / filename.]
> grub>
> ---
> I do not know any thing about command line prompts ad
> what I had to do was boot from my win rescue disk to get back
> to windows and lost LINUX  and abt 3 gigabytes of free space
> is not being seen or recognized by windows.
> Can someone tell me what and why this is happening and why
> an I not getting a graphical screen where I can pick how and 
> to what OS I want to boot to ?
> Anyway I hope I made sense to the above Question.

Re: [newbie] laser eye mice

2000-10-17 Thread Mwinold

to correctly uninstall linux delete it from the partition that is the only 
method currently available, use fdisk since your deleting windows as type 
fdisk /mbr this kills lillo or grub makes things a little easier when you re 
install linux, then type fdisk
now using the menu choices available delete all partitions, reboot your 
computer with the install disk,
or if you are using mandrake just reboot from the disk
when it gets to how you want to partition the drive click on all partitions 
and click on delete, now auto allocate, or you can choose to allocate your 
own way

Re: [newbie] uninstalling linux mandrake.

2000-10-17 Thread Mwinold

In a message dated 17-Oct-00 12:32:54 Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> < square 1 >>
> Will this clear off my Win95 partition too, or just kill off the Linux one?

no this kills lilo
after this type
and use the option to delete the non dos partition

Re: [newbie] uninstalling linux mandrake.

2000-10-17 Thread Mwinold

easy as 123 i think i have had to tell several people how to do this, use 
in the dos prompt type
fdisk /mbr
lillo is now dead and your comp will only boot windows
now type fdisk
now you can delete the linux partition all together using the options in its 

Re: [newbie] large hard disk

2000-10-16 Thread Mwinold

well for one dos fdisk is limited your bios settings will tell it something 
it cant comprehend, remember how we mention lilo only able to detect so many 
cylanders well in this case dos has the same limitations, my mom had the same 
problem she bought a 20 gig hard drive and for some reason  her computer only 
registered it as a 2 gig hard drive, this had allot to do with the bios 
settings, your ez bios is merely a program that has to continuley lie to dos 
however it apears not compatible with linux

Re: [newbie] sound cards

2000-10-16 Thread Mwinold

In a message dated 16-Oct-00 15:22:58 Central Daylight Time, 

> While Windows has taken "unpredictable" to a new high, it's none of the
> Windows software drivers are even loaded when Linux is running so you're
> right; their residence on a hard drive won't affect anything.  You're also
> right that changing the BIOS will affect Linux.

this maybe true, however you can get info using the inf file found in windows 
about a peice of hardware that the hardware sometimes wont tell you. This is 
the case with pci cards sure linux detects its there but doesnt allways 
detect what it is, or who made it. So using windows to find a known driver or 
using key things like serial or model numbers you can sort through the text 
of many inf files and can find the maker, the exact type of device it may be, 
and from there you can find the companys site to see if they make linux based 
drivers or provide info on how to set up bios settings to better support the 
device in linux.

Re: [newbie] linux isp

2000-10-16 Thread Mwinold

In a message dated 15-Oct-00 23:31:16 Central Daylight Time, 

> Seriously - look around your local area - ask your colleagues
> It should not matter whether the ISP is "Linux Friendly" data is
> data is data and that is all you exchange with the ISP

some isps want specific data such as windows aps that run on the system

Re: [newbie] help with booting

2000-10-15 Thread Mwinold

well normally you mount the partitions as primary, or at least that is what 
the auto install feature does to my hard drive

Re: [newbie] Toshiba and video woes

2000-10-15 Thread Mwinold

In a message dated 10/15/2000 6:18:18 AM Central Daylight Time, 

> Has anyone done a similar installation sucessfully, if so which monitor,
> chipset and resolution settings were used.

well i dont have an s3 but i have a toshiba satellite 1675
and i found the only way i could configure the xf86 file was to manually 
write to it with a text editor here is what it looks like you can use this as 
a base to configure your file

# File generated by XFdrake.# 
**# Refer 
to the XF86Config(4/5) man page for details about the format of# this file.# 
"Files"RgbPath  "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb"# Multiple FontPath entries are 
allowed (they are concatenated together)# By default, Mandrake 6.0 and later 
now use a font server independent of# the X server to render fonts.
FontPath   "unix/:-1"EndSection# 
Server flags section.# 
"ServerFlags"# Uncomment this to cause a core dump at the spot where a 
signal is# received.  This may leave the console in an unusable state, 
but may# provide a better stack trace in the core dump to aid in 
debugging#NoTrapSignals# Uncomment this to disable the 
 server abort sequence# This allows clients to receive this key event.
#DontZap# Uncomment this to disable the / mode 
switching# sequences.  This allows clients to receive these key events.   
 #DontZoom# This  allows  the  server  to start up even if the# mouse 
device can't be opened/initialised.AllowMouseOpenFailEndSection# 
**# Input 
Keyboard section# 
"Keyboard"Protocol"Standard"# when using XQUEUE, comment out the 
above line, and uncomment the# following line#Protocol   "Xqueue"
AutoRepeat  250 30# Let the server do the NumLock processing.  This 
should only be# required when using pre-R6 clients#ServerNumLock# 
Specify which keyboard LEDs can be user-controlled (eg, with xset(1))
#Xleds  "1 2 3"#To set the LeftAlt to Meta, RightAlt key to 
ModeShift,#RightCtl key to Compose, and ScrollLock key to ModeLock:
LeftAltMetaRightAlt   MetaScrollLock Compose
RightCtl   Control# To disable the XKEYBOARD extension, uncomment 
XkbDisable.#XkbDisable# To customise the XKB settings to suit your 
keyboard, modify the# lines below (which are the defaults).  For example, for 
a non-U.S.# keyboard, you will probably want to use:#XkbModel"pc102"# 
If you have a US Microsoft Natural keyboard, you can use:#XkbModel
"microsoft"## Then to change the language, change the Layout setting.# For 
example, a german layout can be obtained with:#XkbLayout   "de"# or:#
XkbLayout   "de"#XkbVariant  "nodeadkeys"## If you'd like to switch the 
positions of your capslock and# control keys, use:#XkbOptions  
"ctrl:swapcaps"# These are the default XKB settings for XFree86#XkbRules  
  "xfree86"#XkbModel"pc101"#XkbLayout   "us"#XkbVariant  ""#  
  XkbOptions  ""XkbKeycodes "xfree86"XkbTypes"default"
XkbCompat   "default"XkbSymbols  "us(pc105)"XkbGeometry 
Pointer section# 
"Pointer"Protocol"PS/2"Device  "/dev/psaux"
Emulate3ButtonsEmulate3Timeout50# ChordMiddle is an option for some 
3-button Logitech mice#ChordMiddleEndSection# 
Monitor section# 
**# Any 
number of monitor sections may be presentSection "Monitor"Identifier 
"Generic|LCD Panel 800x600"VendorName "Generic"ModelName  "Unknown"# 
HorizSync is in kHz unless units are specified.# HorizSync may be a comma 
separated list of discrete values, or a# comma separated list of ranges of 
USER MANUAL FOR THE CORRECT NUMBERS.HorizSync  31.5-57.0# VertRefresh is 
in Hz unless units are specified.# VertRefresh may be a comma separated list 
of discrete values, or a# comma separated list of ranges of values.# NOTE: 

Re: [newbie] Mandrake Support

2000-10-14 Thread Mwinold

In a message dated 10/14/2000 8:08:31 PM Central Daylight Time, 

> I have called micrsoft and got my free support that comes with the purchase
> of a new operating system.
> they helped me on the spot and I had 30 day left to ask for more help.

yes but spending $89.00 on an os is just too much for a little security of 
one month free support, its pathetic!
i would rather have unlimmited support for a lifetime with linux sure you 
dont always get your responce right away but heck when your pirating and 
hacking software to save a buck you dont have who the hell needs support!

Re: [newbie] Uninstalling Linux

2000-10-14 Thread Mwinold

easy as 123
use dos fdisk it can be found by using run or just boot up with your windows 
system disk and use command prompt
no im not going to tell you to delete your hard drive
type fdisk /mbr
this will get rid of grub
now type fdisk
using these options you can safely delete the linux partition and now you 
should see one fat32 and one empty partition so you can select create dos 
partition and add that in there, you can use a variety of other partitioning 
tools in mandrake you can use diskdrak and get a visual view of it i think 
you should be able to delete the linux partitions and then resize your 
windows partition it will warn you if it says it will do any damage, as 
allways back up your stuff!

Re: [newbie] Mandrake Support

2000-10-14 Thread Mwinold

In a message dated 10/14/2000 5:34:29 PM Central Daylight Time, 

> Mandrake seems to have set the goal of being the best Linux distribution.  I
> think they are doing it. This is one small element in the overall picture.  

in my opinion it is one of their bigger faults, and because of companys that 
do simular things i find that 

one i always grab something that is free,
two i tend to pirate software,
three i never rely on tech support

Re: [newbie] OT / Penguin dance!

2000-10-14 Thread Mwinold

hmm my windows had no problems but maybe its because i use 2000 my only 
problem was loading speed, havent gotten linux online yet, i had to reinstall 
it again and i always seem to get something screwed up when i do it in expert 

Re: [newbie] Re: Mandrake & Sound Card

2000-10-14 Thread Mwinold

In a message dated 10/14/2000 2:37:14 PM Central Daylight Time, 

> One I
> haven't been able to resolve yet. I have a Gateway permormance 500, with a

well in my opinion that is problem number one, i always had problems with 
gateway computers, i could have windows on a dell and gateway, and the 
gateway would crash 10 times faster if not 100 times

Re: [newbie] Cannot mount HPFS partition

2000-10-14 Thread Mwinold

In a message dated 10/14/2000 9:50:26 AM Central Daylight Time, 

> Oh noo, hpfs works fine with linux.
> This is my /etc/fstab using Mandrake 6.1
> /dev/sda2   /mnt/diskc   msdos   defaults   00
> /dev/sda5   /mnt/diske   hpfsdefaults   00
> /dev/sdb2   /mnt/diskd   hpfsdefaults   00
> /dev/sdb5   /mnt/diskf   hpfsdefaults   00
> /dev/sdc10  /mnt/diskg   hpfsdefaults   00
> /dev/sdc11  /mnt/diskh   hpfsdefaults   00
> And I can assure you it works fine. I can read them, not  write of
> course, but for the reading, it's ok. Francois

if i cant write to it whats the point

Re: [newbie] Mandrake supportI

2000-10-14 Thread Mwinold

In a message dated 10/14/2000 11:02:20 AM Central Daylight Time, 

> .
> I think you'd find that it's a money issue.  People who know Unix well
> don't work for peanuts and that's what we're paying for Linux.  I see my
> purchase of a Linux distro (I've bought 4 so far) as more of a donation to
> a great effort than buying a product.

i bought a linux magazine that contained the distro because no stores had the 
actual box but that aparently doesnt count so i get no support what so ever, 

Re: [newbie] Modem is busy

2000-10-14 Thread Mwinold

In a message dated 10/14/2000 11:51:35 AM Central Daylight Time, 

> have problem to make my connections to the internet to work using
> my portable PC.
> Each time I launch kppp, I have the following message :
> "Sorry, the modem is busy"

well this problem occurs in windows as well, usually as a result of driver 
miscommunication, your best bet is to find an update for your modem, or try 
reinstalling it, if none of those work check back in with us.

Re: [newbie] writing to a vfat partition?

2000-10-13 Thread Mwinold

had no problems i do it all the time, normally i access a fat32 system but 
you can access the other fat systems as well

Re: [newbie] Cannot mount HPFS partition

2000-10-13 Thread Mwinold

sorry the only windows filesystems linux can read are fat vfat and fat32, i 
know it sucks but i run win 2000 and ust the ntfs and i used to use win98 so 
when i upgraded i found i had to create a new partition  so i can swap my 
files between both os's

Re: [newbie] ReiserFS or ext2 ?

2000-10-13 Thread Mwinold

In a message dated 10/12/2000 5:44:25 AM Central Daylight Time, 

> I've read about reiserfs and it seems to be better than ext2... can
> anyone tell me it's experiences with this file system??  Any problems i
> could get??  8-?

still in experimental stage if i remember the article correctly on
so i wouldnt try it just yet

Re: [newbie] Fastest X for linux to use?

2000-10-13 Thread Mwinold

well if you want memory i suggest you dont use x!
it will take up memory so far gnome has 3 different versions that i see and 
then you have kde, i find gnome enlightenment keeps things simple but it runs 
alot of aplets, kde runs god knows what and through all the bickering i herd 
i have ran upto 30 different programs at once on kde and gnome enlightenment 
and find them to be the most stable and still provide me with performance, 
i run 64mb sdram,
550 celeron processor,
152 L2 cache
its a megar system in my opinion but linux makes the most of it!

Re: [newbie] Can not boot to windows after installation

2000-10-13 Thread Mwinold

your windows command need to have a check up sometimes your auto install 
misses especially if you have multiple partitions or you may have the wrong 
partition set as active but that is rare, im not sure what you need to press 
fo lilo check your linux cong file, if you use grub, i like it anyways looks 
a bit better i typ enough just to log in so i like being able to use the 
cursor keyes, with grub you press c now you can move to your windows 
selection and press e (i may have c-e backwards) but you want to check and 
make sure the windows command shows something like:


that should be your windows partition

Re: [newbie] trojan horses

2000-10-08 Thread Mwinold

In a message dated 08-Oct-00 19:30:16 Central Daylight Time, 

 I tried and I found 2 or 3 ports open that
 *could* be trojans.  ANy way to verify? >>
check for utilitys via the box network

[newbie] not everything installed??

2000-10-08 Thread Mwinold

i keep noticing every time i do a full installation, not everything is 
from what little i have gotten to play with i find stuff like gcc, make, and 
i wide variety of other development programs werent installed, even though i 
selected developer during the installation, alot of this stuff is on the 
first disk(the only disk i have) and i wind up having to manually install 
everything myself, which can be a pain in the butt.
does anyone know why this happens?

Re: [newbie] Can't boot into Windows!

2000-10-07 Thread Mwinold

dont ask me why but it works and im sure you have never done this turn your 
system off!!

leave it alone for a couple minutes at least 10 seconds if your impatient and 
then turn it on, when grub boots try windows, you should be able to boot into 
windows, for some reason linux affects the hardware in a way windows doesnt 
like and it will continue to do the same thing over and over again, until you 
do a cold boot, beleive it or not this works for the vending machine here in 
the barracks, turn it off for 10 seconds and try again.

In a message dated 07-Oct-00 18:03:21 Central Daylight Time, 

<< I've screwed up badly. I installed Linux on the second segment of my
 primary IDE drive and now I can't boot into Windows 95. What's more,
 if I boot from a floppy my c-disk or any other hard disk isn't
 recognized anymore. Help! I've tried fdisk /mbr from a floppy, that
 didn't work. The Windows files are there, I can access them as
 /dev/DOS_hda1. Any suggestions?
 Full story: I had Windows 95 installed on my primary IDE disk and
 Linux on the slave. The primary disk is 15G so I thought I had to put
 Linux on the slave because of the 1024 cylinder limit. That doesn't
 turn out to be true, so now I was trying to get Linux onto the
 primary disk, on the second of four approximately 4G partitions (the
 last is of course slightly smaller). 
 So I tried to install Linux-Mandrake 7.0 on the second partition,
 basically to get the directory structure, after which I would copy
 the files from /dev/hdb. The installation ran into snags, I couldn't
 get X working (it's working fine now on the older installation), but
 that didn't matter since /home and / were due to be replaced by the
 older installation. Afterwards, I could boot into the new Linux
 installation, but not into Windows. I used my rescue disk to restore
 LILO so I could boot into the old Linux installation, it still works
 fine and I can read and access my Windows files from here. But I have
 no idea how to restore my old Win95 system. Help greatly appreciated.

[expert] iomega install problems

2000-10-07 Thread Mwinold

ok i tried to install my iomega zip drive, but i keep getting errors when i 
use modprobe
i type modprobe ppa and it spits out install failure and its driving me nuts
here is a transcript of what i did:

[root@localhost /root]# modprobe ppa 
/lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdk/scsi/ppa.o: init_module: Device or resource 
failed/lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdk/scsi/ppa.o: insmod ppa failed 
[root@localhost /root]#  

can anyone help me on this

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Re: [newbie] How do I find which version of xfree86 do I have?

2000-10-07 Thread Mwinold

In a message dated 07-Oct-00 13:00:40 Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<< If you downloaded and installed xfree86 4.0, you'd know it. It is LARGE.
 I don't believe it came with the 7.1 distro, but I am not certain (handed
 the cd's to someone to copy mdk, so I can't check). >>
the 4.0 install is on the 7.1 cd but you would know if you installed it 
because it is only available for the expert mode of install.
however not all graphics cards are currently supported by 4.0, atleast the 
version on the 7.1cd

Re: [newbie] Um... HELP!?

2000-10-05 Thread Mwinold

partition magic also includes a boot loader that will load just about any 
operating system, but the partitioning software i think just works in windows 
and dos, but dont quote me on that

Re: [newbie] Using Wine to play a Windows game?

2000-10-04 Thread Mwinold

well wine is not the most stable thing in the world in fact i tried running 
it and it crashed, you can use vmware it is simular to wine but much more 
stable and includes full documentation on how to run it, im sure there are 
simular games ported to linux such as your "hearts" you can check places such 
as for downloads of a wide variety of games and other programs

In a message dated 04-Oct-00 15:54:58 Central Daylight Time, 

<< Dear All, My husband thinks he is being deprived because he can't play his 
 Hearts game ( a Windows compatible game) on Linux. May I use Wine to play 
 game? This is not the hearts game that comes with Windows. If it can be 
 played by using Wine how exactly do I do that? I am a newbie so please tell 
 me exactly what I do. Thank you for your help. Sincerely, Marcia >>

Re: [newbie] Long wait times when starting applications

2000-10-03 Thread Mwinold

 hard drive light is a big indicator

In a message dated 03-Oct-00 10:05:47 Central Daylight Time, 

 It takes so long for these apps to startup, I wish that there was a "wait"
 cursor to let me know that I did successfully start the application and then
 I can go about my business until it finally comes up. >>

Re: [newbie] soundcore module

2000-10-03 Thread Mwinold

type soundconfig in the console

Re: [newbie] Microsoft bails out Corel!!

2000-10-03 Thread Mwinold

as far as corel linux, from everything i have heard in the linux community 
its not that big of a loss, and if microshaft ports a linux distro which i 
doughbt given bill gates quote of linux that its just a fad and is not a 
stable or reliable system (he obviously downloaded the wrong linux distro,
i still wouldnt care it would probably look like
which is a very funny farce

Re: [newbie] Microsoft bails out Corel!!

2000-10-03 Thread Mwinold

.deep in the far reaches of the Gates islands in the large gates mansion 
runs an interesting peculiarity. as we hear the clacking away at key strokes 
we come across the horid creature of the gates and on his monitor a large 
penguin is dancing away, as the behimith screaches LINUX ROCKS!

considering microshaft helps out apple believe it or not from a quote steve 
jobs utterred "we have friends at microsoft who are more then happy to work 
on our unix based projects" this translates to me as microsoft does work woth 
unix and linux based programming and software but are not developing anything 
currently that comes strait from microshaft.

In a message dated 03-Oct-00 08:19:22 Central Daylight Time, 

<< hmm, maybe i'm just naive but so what if MS bails out Corel as far as linux
 goes.  There is/was nothing stopping MS from creating their own distribution
 of linux nor stopping them from building applications for Linux.  I can't
 believe that there aren't any MS programmers running linux at home (or at
 work) and I wouldn't be surprised to find out that apache is running
 somewhere in that company. >>

[newbie] space for added programs???

2000-10-02 Thread Mwinold

ok i made a 2 gig partition for mandrage and installed it i have some games 
and one of them is heroes of might and magic 3
well during the install it says i have 340 mb available. well i decided to 
use partition commander readjust windows and gave mandrake an extra 800mb 
just to tide me over until i get a bigger hard drive so partition commander 
wouldnt resize mandrake it insisted it was a unix filesystem and not a linux 
one so i went ahead saved a couple necessary files and deleted the partition 
and reinstalled mandrake with the added space and when i installed the game 
(first thing i just had to) it still said i only had 340mb available??

now i did this in root so it wouldnt be due to limited space set for a user 
or could it???

im extremely confused!

Re: [newbie] hacker or cracker was: Telneting

2000-10-01 Thread Mwinold

it should already be mounted or atleast mine was when i installed linux,
try cd /mnt/windows/Program%Files
im not sure about the % it is only because unix based systems dont recognize 
spaces in a folder name

In a message dated 01-Oct-00 16:48:35 Central Daylight Time, 

<< Mount the C drive under Linux, "mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/disk" and then go to 
it by
 typing "cd /mnt/disk/"Program Files""
 > oh, how to I get to c:\Program files in a linux console? I have tried every
 > command I can think of.
 >  >>

Re: [newbie] RPM download site for kernel.

2000-10-01 Thread Mwinold

In a message dated 01-Oct-00 17:21:18 Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<< >>

im not sure which rpms i will need
can you give me a list of required rpms i will need to upgrade???

Re: [newbie] Gateway Solo 9300 XL LCD screen

2000-09-30 Thread Mwinold

In a message dated 30-Sep-00 20:39:24 Central Daylight Time, 

<< xconfigurator  >>
to use it for mandrake 7.1
type xf86config
or was it xf86conf
i believe it was the first one

Re: [newbie] Gateway Solo 9300 XL LCD screen

2000-09-30 Thread Mwinold

In a message dated 30-Sep-00 20:39:24 Central Daylight Time, 

<< xconfigurator  >>
wont work to change to an lcd display
your only time to select an lcd is in your installation and when you are 
already in xwindows, so if you havent done too much you can start over or you 
can try and use a text editor on the xf86config file in your /etc/x11/ folder 
and find the monitor and make your changes

[newbie] for all the paranoias out there

2000-09-30 Thread Mwinold

list of current exploits for linux based systems

Re: OT [newbie] Microsoft and George W. Bush

2000-09-29 Thread Mwinold

In a message dated 29-Sep-00 08:31:50 Central Daylight Time, 

<< No it is not that simple.
 I frequently used to work overseas.  I collected my e-mail using a
 laptop/cellphone, often at 2400bps due to poor international connectivity,
 at International roaming rates ($1.60/minute).  At that rate, a 10k (with
 headers) post would take over 40 seconds to download, costing me personally
 over a buck. >>
hmm i guess i cheat all i recieve is the subject heading and who its from i 
connect lower then 26kbps and it just takes a split second to delete it, 
however i do have to pay the millitary phone service to use the phone for a 
local call at $.56/a day and each call is $.04 the first minute $.01 each 
aditional minute so to be online every day which i usually do to keep in 
touch with family and friends, i spend over $200 a month for internet access 
plus the isp's fees, add in my other bills and i barely get by on what the 
navy pays me, at the same time i have to worry about supporting my family!

[newbie] partitioning

2000-09-28 Thread Mwinold

are their any partitioning programs available in the distro, i need to 
readjust my partition so i have more room

Re: [newbie] Console error's?

2000-09-28 Thread Mwinold

my window using techniques have shown me a trick using the default file 
manager, find a file and right click you should see something refering to 
unpacking the file, it will ask for a directory to unpack to, if it doesnt 
exist it will make one for you as well!

In a message dated 28-Sep-00 21:56:29 Central Daylight Time, 

<< Have you tried to just unzip the tar-file first, using 'gunzip
 filename.tar.gz' or 'gzip -d filename.tar.gz' or something similar (I'm
 still learning the apps in Linux; I'm used to Solaris)? Then you can run
 'tar -xf filename.tar' separately to unpack the archive.

Re: [newbie] The finale of the linux vs. windows. vs. tanks & batmobiles :)

2000-09-28 Thread Mwinold

In a message dated 28-Sep-00 18:32:06 Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<< Oh, and I'm voting for Mickey Mouse. >>
in russia you can vote for no one! it actually would look like that too

O george w bush

O al gore
O no one (request for new selection)

too bad they wont do that here in the US
but how about the vote for os?
i think we can safely say everyone is voting for linux wich version has yet 
to be seen but non the less we are getting a tad pollitical here, and 
pollitics should fall short of a technical forum.

Re: OT [newbie] Microsoft and George W. Bush

2000-09-28 Thread Mwinold

if you dont like it delete it before you read it.

Re: [newbie] Microsoft and George W. Bush

2000-09-27 Thread Mwinold

research by some university shows that statistically linux is the second most 
popular os in the world, #1 is still winblows however there are many benifits 
in the linux community you have thousands of developers who find a bug post 
it and instantly thousands of others begin working on the problem and post a 
solution within record time!!, you can find that on one of the many linux 
news sites accompanying bill gates comment about linux!
i feel linux has potential given i am a dead beat basic programmer (cringes 
at the thought of microsoft programming) but from what i have seen of linux 
mainly mandrake proven #1 in usability and richness in features there can be 
an obtainable goal of uniformity soon grub, sawmill, kde and other guis will 
merely be a skin, i particularly like kde but thats only because it looks 
better and currently on my system is more stable, we have seen many 
advancements in the linux world as well, (ie microprogramming, qnx, trinux, 
the number one triumph of all started in the beginning stability)

the linux community can band together but it may take a little bit of effort 
we have many companys working together and more joining every day but i will 
give you that it is hard and everyone has their own ideas, who knows we may 
have a programmer who is analyizing every bit of code out there for linux and 
is secretly creating the ultimate linux os in his basement, the box for every 

i want to be that person but i have much to learn!

Re: [newbie] Space problem - help!

2000-09-27 Thread Mwinold

heres a thought im running out of space myself and i dont have room on my 
laptop to install a 40gb hard drive. any suggestions??

In a message dated 27-Sep-00 12:01:36 Central Daylight Time, 

<< Buy a second hdd? That's what I do. I see 40Gb'ers selling for $135 these
 days. Move your /home files there and reinstall Mandrake. You can try
 resizing but it's usually easier and safer just to add space. Also you
 might look to see if you have any non-programs in that partition (mp3's
 ec) and move them to /home. >>

Re: [newbie] any screenshots of grub?

2000-09-27 Thread Mwinold

i think your blind next time read it pointed strait to it and only took me a 
minute to find it but here is the site


In a message dated 27-Sep-00 07:43:53 Central Daylight Time, 

<< oh gee that was phreakin helpful thanks for nothing.
 I loooked there and already found nothing but kde screenshots. >>

Re: [newbie] Microsoft and George W. Bush

2000-09-27 Thread Mwinold

yes macintosh is developing a system based on the linux/unix os, mirosoft 
helped a little ofcourse, but the new os looks promissing however stability 
of our precious kernel was sacraficed a little infact during the demo that 
steve jobs played, cant remember where off hand but one of the programs 
stalled however it did not bring down the whole os and was easily exited, you 
can find the article somewhere on

In a message dated 27-Sep-00 03:10:03 Central Daylight Time, 

 Isnt OSX a MAC versions of Operating System.  I thought it's not related to
 Linux.   Of course there are some Linux distributions for the Mac.  But what
 I've heard Apple is producing the next generation of O/S entitled OSX.
 Rob >>

Re: [newbie] Microsoft and George W. Bush

2000-09-26 Thread Mwinold

In a message dated 26-Sep-00 21:27:25 Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<< So I buy a
 Ford. >>
oh buy an engine that is impossible to work on and dies all the time sounds 

ford = windows of the automobile industry

[newbie] one down 20 to go

2000-09-24 Thread Mwinold

ok i final got lx windows to be a normal size on my toshiba laptop thank you 
to the person who gave me the refresh rate i might be able to fine toon it 
based on that but it looks much better!

now my problem is trying to get my iomega zip drive configured, someone told 
me all i need to do is try 'modprob ppa' well this is what i get:
[root@localhost /root]# modprobe ppa
/lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdk/scsi/ppa.o: init_module: Device or resource 
failed/lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdk/scsi/ppa.o: insmod ppa failed
[root@localhost /root]#

can someone recomend something to help me on this?

i should probably update the kernel but am a tad weirry on that idea so i am 
waiting on that one.
in the meantime lets just work on the zip drive and my soundcard
which is a crystal sound fusion. 

Re: [newbie] unable to start graphical desktop (help!)

2000-09-24 Thread Mwinold

through my poor experience i wind up re installing linux, every suggestion 
ive been told never helped

Re: [newbie] DPMS in LM7.1 won't stop

2000-09-24 Thread Mwinold

ive had to pull the plug on linux a couple times, usually from trying the 
gnome gui or sawmill, but i dont think it really hurt my system at all

Re: [newbie] start windowmaker?

2000-09-24 Thread Mwinold

hmm i have the problem of switch desk doing nothing it just tells me to 
restart kfm, when i do its the same desk
oh gnome freezes the entire system, supposedly the install instaleed 
enlightenment however i do not see hide nor hare of it exept i have the files 
for it, sawmill freezes before it even loads and i wind up having to hit the 
reset button on my laptop just like when gnome does it, i have a feeling 
mandrake hates my laptop

Re: [newbie] Upgrading Kernel w/RPMS

2000-09-24 Thread Mwinold

sound that would be nice but hardrake cant identify my sound card, crystal 
sound fusin pro, try sound config it blatently tells me no support for that 

Re: [newbie] Upgrading Kernel w/RPMS

2000-09-24 Thread Mwinold

In a message dated 24-Sep-00 14:59:21 Central Daylight Time, 

<< I just downloaded the new Kernel RPM's from a Mandrake FTP site.  I was
 running kernel 2.2.15 (smp version).  I downloaded 2.2.16, installed the
 rpm's just like any other rpm, rebooted, and that was it >>

i noticed several rpms is there any specific order in which to install them???

Re: [newbie] Instilation of Linux Mandrake for Windows

2000-09-24 Thread Mwinold

look do a regular install, you can configure shortcuts later on to do the 
same thing, all it is is creating a shortcut using loadlin and specify where 
the initial file for linux is, do a regular install it is much safer for your 
linux environment it also runs alot faster!

[expert] toshiba laptop

2000-09-23 Thread Mwinold

ok if you have a toshiba laptop you would be the best help.

ok no matter what changes i do to my resolution everything is still somewhat 
large and its kinda hard to play a game when i can only see half of the 
programs window, any help would be great

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Re: [newbie] Iomega

2000-09-23 Thread Mwinold

no such address denis???

In a message dated 23-Sep-00 20:38:32 Central Daylight Time, 

<< For the zip drive go to "  "  The set
 up there works very well. All done in root btw. Good luck, Dennis
 --  >>

[newbie] Iomega

2000-09-23 Thread Mwinold

ok i duel boot my system and my partition for mandrake is small plus i only 
run a 6gb drive to begin with, so i bought an iomega zip drive, im wondering 
how can i configure it to operate with linux???

also if anyone has a toshiba laptop can you help me with the display mine is 
quite large and every normal attempt at changing it doesnt help, tried the 
resolution change but it looks exactly the same

Re: [[newbie] How do i run Aol on linux?]

2000-09-23 Thread Mwinold

there is gamera wich is an alpha test that is not supposed to be in the 
publics hands, it is not very functional and most likely you can not connect 
with it due to the fact its configured for company accounts, although reports 
have suggested users have managed to access with it, i have a copy but i cant 
connect because of my modem it works best with a network connection anyways

Re: [[newbie] Aol and Linux]

2000-09-22 Thread Mwinold

In a message dated 22-Sep-00 19:35:52 Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<< The connection may say 50,333 or something like that, but I dare you to 
 the true speed to a real ISP >>

ok here is something i bet you didnt know aol will tell you you hooked up at 
50k or 57.33k and i recently got aol 5.0 to hook up at 115k but guess what 
its not the true speed of your connection it only works for stuff that 
directly coralates inside the aol application because it compresses the data 
bieng sent so it seems like a high speed but ITS NOT!, your phoneline is only 
capable of hanling up to 33kbps anything faster is a result of software 
manipulation try running an external browser from their software it will drag 
on and on, and in my case aol hogs the entire bandwidth of my phone line that 
sometimes it cant even run properly, aol believe it or not the older software 
like some of the first 4.0 versions operrated much more efficiently with your 

Re: [newbie] ATI Rage 128

2000-09-22 Thread Mwinold

In a message dated 22-Sep-00 01:16:05 Central Daylight Time, 

<< i have a ATI Rage 128 Xpert 128 vid card but its not supported by LM 6.5 
 can i download for it so its supported  and install it   
 -Rob >>
upgrade your xwindows client is my best thought on the subject

Re: [newbie] Trinux

2000-09-22 Thread Mwinold did the same thing along time ago its not that new qnx fits on a 
3.5 floppy it has a browser a couple games and a basic word processing packet 
it can even hook up to the internet via modem or network, qnx however is 
working on creating a full os with even more features using this process of 
micro programming, it however their main contributor who started the program 
died of cancer i believe earlier this year, but he left as much info to his 
developers as possible to continue their work, 
by the way the current demo disk available does not access your hard drive. 
although im looking forward to future developments

In a message dated 22-Sep-00 17:35:21 Central Daylight Time, 

<< Hi everybody,

 Have you seen this?:
 Trinux is a portable Linux distribution that boots from a single floppy 
 loads it packages from a FAT/Ext2 partition, floppy disks, or HTTP/FTP
 servers, and runs entirely in RAM.  

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.1 ....too many bugs

2000-09-21 Thread Mwinold

In a message dated 21-Sep-00 19:41:59 Central Daylight Time, 

<< > My opinion of Mandrake 7.1 is that alot of the applications/services are
 > just to buggy and not thoroughly tested before release. I would suggest if
 > you like Mandrake to get a copy of 7.02 and alot of problems will go away. 

 cant exactly take in to account every type of system configuration that is 
possible so some things just dont work well, you will find the same problem 
with windows when you get a component that doesnt give windows the proper id 
and the drivers may not be configured well, there are so many problems that 
can occur with any os sorry but thats life!

Re: [newbie] ATi RAge Fury Pro

2000-09-21 Thread Mwinold

i use an ati rage lt pro and it works great under linux!

In a message dated 21-Sep-00 11:04:33 Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
<< Hello,
 I am and user of Mandrake 7.1 and now I would like to improve the video
 A lot of people have said me that the ATI RAGE FURY PRO (32 Mb) is a very
 good video card on windows environment, but I don't know if It works OK
 under Linux.
 If you have any experience about this video card please send me an e-mail
 with your comments. >>

Re: [newbie] Sound card configuration problems

2000-09-21 Thread Mwinold

its common sense when they post hey i did this and yet you give them a reply 
telling them to do the exact same thing that they said didnt work in one 
message> this doesnt make sense to me. and i have had to deal with it myself 
i say hey i ran this program and it killed my system, your reply hey run this 
program that killed my system, i find this ignorant

In a message dated 21-Sep-00 01:17:22 Central Daylight Time, 

<< Come-on now, there no need for these things to be continually restated -
 it's plain common sense.
 As is the next - If you don't know the answer to why the car above
 won't start, should you not suggest "Did you turn the key to see if
 the starter would operate" - seems fairly sensible. >>

Re: [newbie] EXT2

2000-09-20 Thread Mwinold

In a message dated 20-Sep-00 19:58:38 Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<<  peanut linux >>
???peanut linux
sounds luck someone was a nut when they wrote this version

Re: [newbie] Sound card configuration problems

2000-09-20 Thread Mwinold

why do people always suggest the most obvious stuff that was already done and 
listed in there message as "i did this but the wrong thing happened" and then 
someone has to be %&*%*&%&* and suggest what they already did, its ubsured 
and ignorant

In a message dated 20-Sep-00 09:38:59 Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<< Try running sndconfig from a terminal window as root.
 > This is just a gripe.  I know that Harddrake (or sounddrake) is just
 > another linux shell that conveniently runs existing teccho programs
 > that most people don't understand, but the various programs in my
 > distribution of 7.1 don't seem to match up, and when I try to upgrade
 > them, they don't match up in other ways, the upgrades call the little
 > programs by different names and stick them in different directories. 
 > The upshot is that my sound card would work if configured right, but
 > doesn't.

Re: [OT] Who uses Linux? (was RE: [newbie] Mandrake...too many apps?)

2000-09-20 Thread Mwinold

i thought i knew everything about computers until i met up with linux!

In a message dated 20-Sep-00 09:19:26 Central Daylight Time, 

<<  I doubt a first time Linux user would click on
 Expert, the "psychology" of Linux seems a little wacked but I guess it's not
 an OS that's intended for the general population. >>

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