RE: [newbie] Not getting anywhere - IGNORE THIS TROLL!

1999-08-20 Thread Nick Kay

This guy is trolling you all.
(for the newbies a troll is someone
who instigates flamewars by using
inflammatory language)

Please don't pander to his wishes by responding.

(Ithought I sniffed a troll the other day ;> )


Re: [newbie] Zip, sendmail

1999-08-19 Thread Nick Kay

At 10:17 19/08/99 +0100, you wrote:
>Hi everyone,
>In advance, sorry, I am really a newbie ;-).
>First, I cannot access my Zip drive. With Redhat 5.2 I used to type:
>$ mount -t vfat /dev/hdd /mnt/zip
>and it was working fine..
>Now, with Mandrake 6.0, I get the message:
>"wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdd or
>too many mounted file systems"

I take it the zip drive is the slave device on you 
second IDE bus? (That's often a CD)
Make sure there are no entries for hdd in /etc/fstab.

>Moreover at shutdown time, I get:
>shutting down sendmail  [FAILED]

Is sendmail actually running when you are up?
(ps -ax|grep sendmail)


Re: [[newbie] Linux for home consumers?]

1999-08-18 Thread Nick Kay

>On 16-Aug-99 Rick Fry wrote:
>What does it take to write a video card driver that some hotshot unix guru 
>programmer can't come up with? If they can talk the talk, how about trying 
>to walk the walk? I keep hearing about what geniuses inhabit the Unix crowd, 
>how about putting up or shutting up?
Here is the specification from Diamond on their newer
cards :- "   "
Now go and write a driver for it.
>Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit
I don't think so.

hmmm, I smell troll.


Re: [newbie] Modem problems. - Motorola Voice Sufer?

1999-08-16 Thread Nick Kay

At 11:37 16/08/99 -0400, you wrote:
>Does anyone know of any Known problems installing this modem on Linux?
>I can get it to detect that there is a modem - but it cannot seem to
>operate it. ttys2 is com3 correct? that is what the settings are in Windows
>Com3 irq2
>ANyone successfully installed this modem, can give me a hand??

Irq2 is your interrupt controller. I normally disable one of the com
ports in bios and use that for the modem ie ttyS1/irq3 (com2 in dos).



Re: [newbie] Re:

1999-08-16 Thread Nick Kay

At 10:16 16/08/99 -0400, you wrote:
>On Mon, 16 Aug 1999, you wrote:
>> (ati rageIIc video card).
>According to this does not
>appear to be a supported video card (at least not
>directly.) You might want to consider getting a different
>video card that IS supported by X.
>   John

I use the ATI Mach64 RageIIc in all my linux boxes - they work fine out
of the box. It's available as a selectable option in Xconfigurator. Both
PCI and AGP cards work beautifully.



Re: [newbie] Any HTML editors for X?

1999-08-16 Thread Nick Kay

At 02:51 16/08/99 -0700, you wrote:
>IS there any good GUI HTML editing software out there that can be used in
>X-Windows? I would like to make a web page and upload it to my web site at

I quite liked BlueFish - ""
Although not up there with the likes of HotMetal, I 
found it pretty useful.



Re: [newbie] shutdown problem fixed

1999-07-13 Thread Nick Kay

At 12:20 13/07/99 -0400, you wrote:
>On Tue, 13 Jul 1999, you wrote:
>> For a program to run as root and not when su - root, it would have to
>> step thru parent pid's looking specificly for su (it could test the parent
>> pids uid, they all eventualy lead to root), which is posible but ugly.
>> As for editing system files, I am quite certain the filesystem drivers do
>> not check for su as a parent pid, so when editing files if your root or su
>> - root it will write the file. So if you do find a program that does this
>> let me know i'd like a look at it.
>Okone I can give you right off the top is "timed" It
>will NOT run as SuperUser, but it WILL run as "root." It
>comes back with "timed command not found." This is from a
>text-mode prompt, not a window prompt, just a standard
>shell prompt. However, I run that logged in as "root" and
>it works just fine.

When you do "su" you don't always get the PATH environment of root
(depending on the system)
The above error was because "timed" is not in your path - not
because you cannot run it. Try "/usr/sbin/timed" instead.


> -- 
>   John Aldrich
>   COL Tech Support
>Chattanooga Online Internet
>   423-267-8867

Re: [newbie] test... Hmmmm

1999-06-23 Thread Nick Kay

I tried to reply to you as requested.
I got this back

Subject: Returned mail: User unknown
Auto-Submitted: auto-generated (failure)

The original message was received at Wed, 23 Jun 1999 14:56:44 +0100
from []

   - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -

   - Transcript of session follows -
... while talking to
<<< 550 unknown user <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
550 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... User unknown

At 07:25 23/06/99 -0500, you wrote:
>I seem to be having trouble posting to this list. As a
>result, I never get to see the messages *I* post (or the
>answers I might get) although I can easily reply to
>messages. Please e-mail me directly (address shown below) if
>you get this.
>Thanks very much!
>Lloyd Osten

Re: [newbie] File Types

1999-06-02 Thread Nick Kay

At 10:13 02/06/99 -0400, you wrote:
>As I look for programs to install in on my linux box, I have run across
several that have the extension .tgz.  What are these files?  I know what
.tar and .gz files are and how to uncompress them, but I haven't been
successful with any .tgz file.  Would appreciate any help.

.tgz files are tar archives (.tar) that have been compressed with gzip.
Use "tar tvfz" to read the contents, "tar xvfz" to extract and uncompress.


>Mike (ô¿~)

Re: [newbie] kppp connects finally!!!but...

1999-06-02 Thread Nick Kay

You have no route for the ppp connection. Try from
kppp:-  Setup->Edit Account->Gateway and make sure
that Default Gateway and Assign Default Route are
both checked.


At 00:47 02/06/99 -0400, you wrote:
>ok here's the route info:
>DestinationGatewayGenmask  FlagsMetric   RefUse
> *  U  0
>   *
>02   eth0
>- Original Message -
>From: Kuraiken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 1999 12:41 PM
>Subject: Re: [newbie] kppp connects finally!!!but...
>> s3x wrote:
>> >
>> > i've finally got kppp to connect to my isp but after the connection is
>> > i try to ping  and the terminal window hangs. i open up netscape and it
>> > can't find anyplace. i try to change the mail account from within
>> > but that window hangs netscape. i endup having to disconnect. anyone
>> > any clues of where i should start?
>> >
>> > thanks
>> This is an altogether familiar problem. At first glance it looks like the
>> routing problem I (and undoubtedly many others) have experienced.
>> Try this:
>> As root (or su) enter:
>> route
>> Give us the result. I think this will shed some light on the problem.
>> --
>> --
>> Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster
>> --

Re: [newbie] mounting extended fat32 partition

1999-05-26 Thread Nick Kay

At 09:16 26/05/99 +0200, you wrote:
>After instalation of LM5.3 I managed to mount primary fat32 partition.
>But I somehow can't find logical drive (known as drive d: in msdos) on
>extended patrition.
>Can somebody please tell me how to do this?
>   Tomaz
If it's an IDE drive this partition is in then the device will be
where a is the primary master, b is the primary slave, c is secondary master
d is secondary slave and x is the partition number on that drive. If you
use fdisk to display the partitions you should be able to locate which
partition has the DOS filesystem on it.
Then " mkdir /mnt/msdos" to make a mountpoint and then
"mount -t vfat /dev/hd[a-d]x /mnt/msdos" to mount it. All your dos
stuff will then be found in /mnt/msdos.

Then again I could be completely wrong.

Re: [newbie] Sendmail 551

1999-05-25 Thread Nick Kay

At 08:57 24/05/99 PDT, you wrote:
>Hello all,
> I'm getting this error bounced back to me " 551 we do not relay" when I 
>try to send mail to the linux-mandrake box, now note this IS NOT SENDING 
>MAIL FROM THE BOX but TO THE BOX. I am able to send out just fine but when 
>anybody tries to send a msg to the box they get it bounced back with that 
>551 error.
> I have tried to put my Gateway in the ip-allow file, and also made sure 
>that all my aliases are in the file and that the line in the 
> file was not rem'ed out.
> Any other ideas?

You need to have your domain listed in the, mine looks like:
"" and then restart sendmail with
"killall sendmail;/usr/sbin/sendmail -bd -q15m"
Then you need to be able to do a reverse lookup against any host in
that domain which will use the mail server.  If the box cannot resolve
an IP address to a name, how will it know that the request is from
an acceptable domain?


Re: [newbie] dual boot with lilo problem

1999-05-21 Thread Nick Kay

At 06:53 21/05/99 -0700, you wrote:
>I have linux on one hard drive(the master drive) and win95(the slave)
>on another.
>I set up lilo to let me choose between the two systems, but when I
>select win95, win95 claims there is a non-system disk in the floppy
>drive and then it hangs up. There isn't any non-system disk there, so
>what to do? At present, I switch between the two by changing BIOS.
>   I am considering this solution:
>1. Reinstall linux, putting the boot stuff on the win95 
>hard drive. Change this drive to the master.
>2. All the rest of linux goes on its own hard drive which becomes the
>So, tell me somebody, will this work? I will do it when I get a copy of
>Linux Mandrake 6.0.

Does you bios have the boot order "a:c:scsi" ? - hence the
floppy error.
I think that Wintendo will only run off the first IDE drive,
Linux (thanks to lilo) can be run from pretty much anywhere
(within the 1024 cycls limit)
 Personally I would have windoze (not that I have that at home any more)
on the master drive with lilo on it's mbr giving the option of a linux
boot from another drive.

just my 2p

Re: [newbie] Sendmail ???

1999-05-17 Thread Nick Kay

At 23:14 16/05/99 -0400, you wrote:
>Does anyone know what version of sendmail is included Linux Mandrake 6.0 /
>Redhat 6.0 ?


>Stefan Dozier

Re: [newbie] Wrong date! NEED HELP.

1999-05-07 Thread Nick Kay

At 16:08 07/05/99 +0800, you wrote:
>   I am runing linux based Intel CPU . I found the linux cannt read system
>date from BIOS,isnt it?
>   Here is my problem:
>1. I type "date" and the system show "Fri May 7 22:20:00 CST 1999". But
>the BIOS time is "14:48:00" .
>2. I type 'date -s "14:50:00" +%T ' to correct the date. All thing is ok
>3. After reboot, I type 'date' and the system show "Fri May 7 22:20:00
>CST 1999". Why? Linux have lost my config.

You have told your system that the CMOS clock is set to GMT and
then what the local time zone is. Therefore it is compensating to
give you the correct local time. This will allow automatic changeover
to summertime if you have that in your timezone.
The system is working correctly.

>John l.yn

Re: [newbie] Zip question

1999-05-07 Thread Nick Kay

At 07:50 06/05/99 +, you wrote:
>Linux detects my hardware allright.  Zip is hdc and gives info about it
>when it starts up (partition table, cylinders, etc).  Funny thing,
>underneath that info it repeats hdc as unknown partition table even
>though it recognized hdc perfectly in the previous line.
>And of course i did the mounting properly before i sent the previous
>The zip is a linux partition done with fdisk.  However, it still says it
>can't read superblock.
>Moreover, I have a zip disk with StarOffice in it and it has no problems
>mounting it.
>I just wonder if i have to add something to fstab or mstab.
>Hasta luego...

Did you make a filesystem on the zip disk?? -- "mkfs /dev/hdc1"


RE: [newbie] About command ps.

1999-05-06 Thread Nick Kay

At 08:47 06/05/99 -0400, you wrote:
>John l.yn [EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:
>>I want to kill the daemon of inetd avoid rebooting. I use command
>>"ps aus" ,but inetd isnt listed. Why ? How to rerun the daemon after
>>kill it?
>Try:ps -A

or even "killall inetd"
then restart it with "inetd"


Re: [newbie] modems

1999-05-06 Thread Nick Kay

At 05:49 06/05/99 -0500, you wrote:
>> > > Com 1 : Mouse = Com 4 : Modem
>> > > Com 2 : Mouse = Com 3 : Modem
>> > >
>> > > This is because most PC's are only allowed 2 serial ports. Usually,
>> > > Internal Modems have a Com 4 setting which means you have to set it to
>> > > cua3, External Modems have Com 3 which is cua2 in Linux. That's all
that I
>> > > can suggest for now.
>> > >
>> > > Gilbert
>> >
>> > Does this apply to busmouses (busmice?)?
>> Sorry, I can't answer that one. 8^(
>> Gilbert
>That's cool.. just wondering, cause I've got my mouse on COM2 (or so I
>think -- at least that's what Windows tells me) which would translate
>into cua1 and my modem is on cua0.  BUT it is a PS/2 mouse, which
>obviously isn't a serial mouse... just making sure I wasn't going to
>wind up with some bizarre resource conflict at some point in the
>future... =)

If the mouse is a PS2 (aka busmouse) then it doesn't use any of the
COM resources (it's on it 12 if I remember correctly) therefore you can
put the modem on com1 _or_ com2 without any hassle.

nick @nexnix

Re: [newbie] Super Disk & CD Recorders

1999-04-30 Thread Nick Kay

At 13:15 29/04/99 +0300, you wrote:
>> >I was just wondering if the LS120 (Super Disks) and CD recorders are
>> >supported under Linux. If they are, which brands (CD recorders).
>> I can't vouch for LS120 SuperDisks since I don't own one and haven't ran
across any 
>>info one way or another about it's support under Linux, but I can vouch
for CD
>>recorders, specifically SCSI CD-Recorders. I personally have a Yahama
>>(2x) SCSI recorder (yea it's a couple of years old now) but works flawlessly
>>under Linux, and have burned cd's using the Linux software: CD-Record
>Which CD Record software would this be?
>I have just bought a cd recorder & would like to figure out how to use it

I use xcdroast, you can get it from your nearest
sunsite mirror. Works like a charm, I've never lost
a disk since I moved away from the Redmond OS.


Re: [newbie] xconfig-menuconfig errors

1999-04-30 Thread Nick Kay

At 03:43 30/04/99 -0500, you wrote:
>I'm trying to update to the new 2.27 kernel..I've gotten the files
>/usr/src/linux, but can only use "make config". Below is the output I recieve
>when trying to make xconfig.  make menuconfig gives similiar errors, with the
>included line bash/sh gcc: Command not found.
>again, make config works, but i'm curious as to why the others do not.
>Thanks in advance,
>rm -f include/asm
>( cd include ; ln -sf asm-i386 asm)
>make -C scripts
>make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux/scripts'
>gcc -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -c -o tkparse.o
>make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux/scripts'
>make[1]: gcc: Command not found

There's your problem. Either you do not have gcc installed
on your system ("find / -name gcc -print") or it's not
found in your $PATH ("whereis gcc").


>make[1]: *** [tkparse.0] Error 127
>make: *** [xconfig] Error 2

Re: [newbie] How to install my 56k modem

1999-04-29 Thread Nick Kay

At 10:03 29/04/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Does this mean that Diamond MM modems won't work?  I have a 28.8 and a 56K.
>Both have software drivers (.inf files) that are loaded, but I think both
>have processors on them.I think I will just need to reset the jumpers on
>the modem to disable PnP and set the IRQ manually.Am I wrong here
>I'm reading everything before I install.   I may just do it this weekend

.inf files aren't really drivers - try reading one. :)
If you have links where you can set COM ports and
interrupts, you should be OK. Although I had a
Diamond modem that sortof worked - I put it
down to faulty hardware.


>>Boon Kee Soh wrote:
>>> I have a Blaster Modem 28.8 and Merz 56K. Are they real modems? I am
>>> problems dialing up to my ISP with all the "right" setting.
>>> > If it's what is generically referred to as a "winmodem",
>>> > then I'm afraid you are out of luck.
>>> > Linux only supports "real" modems that don't require
>>> > additional software drivers.
>>> > --
>>> > Lloyd Osten
>>> >
>>I've never heard of Merz, so I can't tell you anything about
>>it. If you modem(s) came with software drivers that you must
>>load (Win 98 usually does this automatically for you) before
>>it works, then you have "winmodems" and they're unsupported
>>under Linux.
>>Lloyd Osten

Re: [newbie] rh 6.0

1999-04-29 Thread Nick Kay

At 10:48 29/04/99 -0400, you wrote:
>At 01:19 PM 4/29/99 +0100, Nick Kay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>>It was released on Mon26 April, but I heard
>>a rumour that an error has been found 
>>necessitating a repress of the cds. However
>>it is appearing on the highest ftp mirrors.
>>(I got mine down yesterday)
>Nick, what mirror did you use?
I used "" in
/mirrors/, but that's over
here in the UK. To find one nearer to Folly
Beach (?) I suggest you have a look at

Try the .edu ones first - they tend to be
bigger and faster imho.

happy hunting.

>Michael R. Batchelor
>Industrial Informatics & Instrumentation, Inc.

RE: [newbie] Keyboard problem - HELP!!!!!!

1999-04-27 Thread Nick Kay

This happened to me - there appears to be a mandrake bug.
In /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit there is section at the end which modifies
/etc/X11/XF86Config to change the keyboard layout depending
on what the environmental variable LANG is set to. On my 
system LANG never got set, so mandrake munged my keyboard
layout. My fix was to comment out the section in /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit
that begins:-
"Linux Mandrake : this little script is hack to fix a(nother?)
strange (bug?) in XFree3.3.3.1"
and then set XkbLayout in /etc/X11/XF86Config as you did.

Perhaps a better option would be to set LANG properly, so 
perhaps putting "LANG="spanish";export LANG" at the top
of rc.sysinit would work for you.


At 19:17 26/04/99 -0400, you wrote:
>Try running Linuxconfig from the command prompt. This should give you the
option of changing it. All though I am not sure.
>James J. Capone
>Asst. Webmaster
>"The Only Person Who Hears Both Sides Of A Argument Is The Guy In The Next
>On Monday, April 26, 1999 6:42 PM, Toshiro Viera Stalker
>: Hi! I've installed Mandrake 5.3; in the installation I've chosen spanish as
>: the language, but I picked the US keyboard layour. The problem is that now
>: KDE has the spanish keyboard layout and I cannot change it to US.
>: I've inspected the XF86Config file and I've found that "XkbLayout" was set
>: to spanish, if I change it to english, when I reboot the machine
>: is changed back to spanish! Do you have any idea about what
>: program/script/whatever is changing that file?
>: Best wishes,
>: Toshiro.

Re: [newbie] "No rule to make target"

1999-04-23 Thread Nick Kay

At 00:43 23/04/99 -0500, you wrote:
>"No rule to make target"  What does this mean?  I'm trying to configure my
>sound card, SB Awe 64.  When I try to run "make xconfig" or "make
>menuconfig" this is what I get.
>NetZero - We believe in a FREE Internet.  Shouldn't you?
>Get your FREE Internet Access and Email at

Erm, you do have the kernel source code in /usr/src/linux?
You're actually _in_ /usr/src/linux when you give the make


Re: [newbie] do not have a DNS entry!/ kPPP

1999-04-23 Thread Nick Kay

At 08:12 23/04/99 +0200, you wrote:
>Do anybody now how to get my kppp up?
>I've managed to connect my pc to the remote server, and everything looks
>ok, BUT when I write an ordenary url, it doesn't check the server at
>all(I can not see any blinking at SD (send data) at my modem), I just
>get the message :"Do not have a DNS entry!".
>I know there are something to disable inn one of the checkboxes at setup
>who should do somthing about it, but I tried both. And I still get the
>same message.
>Greetings ffom Jarl Gaute

You need to let your machine know who is your DNS server.
Edit the account setup - the third tab is for DNS, so put your
ISP's server ip addresses in there.



Re: [newbie] Dual OS Install

1999-04-21 Thread Nick Kay

At 10:45 21/04/99 -0400, you wrote:
>I have a 486Dx2/66 computer with a Pentium overdrive chip and a 1.2 GB
>HD.  I would like to install Linux on this machine as well as keeping
>the copy of windows 95 that is already loaded on the machine.  I have
>seen references for doing this with two hard drives, but I only have
>one.  Is it possible to load two operating systems on one drive and what
>do I need to do to accomplish this.  I am still fairly new to Linux and
>I am very new to using two operating systems on one computer so any help
>would be appreciated.
Sorry to be the beare of bad news, but you won't get the best out of
linux if you have 1.2 gb - I tend to go for 2gb installs. Also you have
that Other Operating System (?) on there so you actually have quite
a bit less that 1.2gb to play with.  I've just had a look at my laptop
which has a fairly minimal install on it and that has 600mb of linux
on it - and of course you'll need some free space for the future.

Try and get another drive - I know it will cost some cash but
you'll be much happier in the long run. Perhaps you could find
a second user 2gig somewhere?

Better still junk wind*&^ (oops - almost said the Word)

May the fish be with you.


Re: [newbie] PCMCIA Problem

1999-04-20 Thread Nick Kay

At 07:15 20/04/99 -0500, you wrote:
>I have just updated the kernel to version 2.2.5.  I followed the
directions on the web site and it boots fine except for one thing.  As the
list of services starting scrolls by, it fails to start eth0 since it loads
before the pcmcia services start.  
>Where can I change the order of how the services start?
>Thanks for any help anybody can give me.

I have the same problem. But... if you run
the old 2.0.36 kernel you'll get the message
"eth0 initialization delayed". When the card 
services get loaded then the network starts up.
So I looked in /lib/modules/2.2.5 - there are no
pcmcia modules there so card services will not 
run anyway. Suggest you pop over to hyper. and pick up the latest pcmcia
stuff to install - as I am doing now. I reckon
the answers in there.


>Craig Burlingame
>Network Performance Consultant
>6455 City West Parkway
>Eden Prairie, MN  55344
>612-829-2861 (fax)

Re: [newbie] PCMCIA Problem

1999-04-20 Thread Nick Kay

At 07:15 20/04/99 -0500, you wrote:
>I have just updated the kernel to version 2.2.5.  I followed the
directions on the web site and it boots fine except for one thing.  As the
list of services starting scrolls by, it fails to start eth0 since it loads
before the pcmcia services start.  
>Where can I change the order of how the services start?
>Thanks for any help anybody can give me.

In /etc/rc.d/rc.3 the files S* are the startup
files for system service such as networks.
They are run in numerical order so S01kerneld
is run before S45pcmcia. The trick is to get
the pcmcia startup script to run before 
S10network. So I moved S45pcmcia to
S05pcmcia and up she came.

Steve, is this a bug or a "feature" to try and
setup the network _before_ a pcmcia network
card has been loaded?

Then again, I could be completely wrong.


Re: [newbie] umount error

1999-04-19 Thread Nick Kay

At 07:36 19/04/99 -0400, you wrote:
>April 19, 1999
>Good Morning to all,
>I have a problem unmounting CD-ROMs, floppy drives, samba mounts, etc.
>When I umount anything it always tells me the device is busy, try later.'
>Is there a way to get around this?? 

Usually this is caused by a process running that requires the mount,
most often (imho) it is bash because someone is logged and is sitting
in a directory on the mounted device.
Try "cd /", "umount /mnt/{whatever}"



Re: [newbie] Virtual E-Mails

1999-04-16 Thread Nick Kay

At 00:36 16/04/99 -0500, you wrote:
>I am wanting to setup virtual e-mails (i.e.- [EMAIL PROTECTED],
>[EMAIL PROTECTED], etc.)  I have looked through the sendmail faqs and
>docs and I can't seem to figure our what exactly needs to be done.  I am new
>to Linux after running an NT 4.0 Server for the past two years.  Can anyone
>help with this configuration?
If you want to alias local users, you can use the /etc/aliases file.
For non-local users (ie [EMAIL PROTECTED]) you'll 
probably need to use virtualusertables. Details on how to
set that up are at


Re: [newbie] mounting FAT partitions

1999-04-14 Thread Nick Kay

At 07:48 14/04/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Steve how can I make my windows fat partition mount and unmount
>automatically on start up and shut down.  I know you have to add something
>to fstab can you show me what to add, thanks my mount point is /dos and I am
>using the -tvfat but tired of mounting and unmounting it manually each time

If you put

/dev/{whatever} /dosvfatdefaults1 2

in /etc/fstab, that should do it.
(I had to guess at what partions your windows is on - hence the {whatever} )

May the fish be with you.


Re: [newbie] modem troubles

1999-04-09 Thread Nick Kay

At 00:32 09/04/99 -0500, you wrote:
>I'm having problems using my modem in linux.
>I have a U.S. Robotics 56k Voice Win modem.  Is there a chance linux
>incompatible with my modem?

Sorry, but you're out of luck. With a winmodem most of the work
is done by the main cpu running a driver. There's no such thing in
Linux. You'll need to get a proper modem - preferably one that has
links to set the com port/irq.



Re: [newbie] Rescue Disk problems

1999-04-08 Thread Nick Kay

At 14:56 08/04/99 +0100, you wrote:
>I tried to compile a new kernel the other day but it didnt boot (yeah, I
>know I should have used a floppy to check it out first).
>My problem is that I have created a rescue disk but it doesnt seem to work.
>I'm using Mandrake 5.3 (Festen) and when I type rescue after booting on the
>boot floppy it ends up with a message:
>Cant open initial console.
>Anyone any ideas on what to do ? I dont want to reinstall if at all

Can you make a new rescue disk from your Mandrake CD?
If you have a dos machine handy you can use the rawrite utility
on the CD to make a linux rescue disk.

May the fish be with you


Re: [newbie] Questions

1999-04-08 Thread Nick Kay

At 16:53 08/04/99 +0800, you wrote:
>Bernardo Rodrigues wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> Hope you're all fine.
>> I've some general questions which I've not been able to find answers
>> as yet.
>> 1. Can a normal ( ordinary ) user shutdown a Linux system ?
>Yes you can. You'll need to change the permissions on the scripts that do the
>shutdown. (either halt or shutdown in /sbin)
>However! This is not a good idea. You don't want just any user to be able to
>shutdown the machine!
>Well, if you're the only user it might not be too bad, I guess.

Hear, hear.

>> 2. What happens if for  any reason the root user forget his/her
>> password or somebody tampers with the root password until he gets  it
>> and changes it so that the real root cannot log into the system. ?
>Then you're hosed :)

Not quite. You can boot into single user (" linux single") then do
"passwd" to set up a new password.

>Well, this is true for any OS. AIX, Solaris, NT...

Aargh! Please don't say the N-word!
>> 3. Does Linux take advantage of the advanced power management feature
>> to power down a system?
>I don't think so. Not yet at least. I think they are working on it in the
>However, you can use APM now just not the ATX soft-powerdown thing you can
APMd is targeted mainly at laptops, I believe.

The again I could be completely wrong.

Re: [newbie] Starting and stopping services.

1999-04-06 Thread Nick Kay

At 09:09 06/04/99 -0400, you wrote:
>Hi, everybody!
>According to materials I read, one of the great things about Linux is that
>it does not need to be rebooted in order to apply configuration changes.
>Stopping and restarting the affected services is adequate. Can you tell me
>how to do it? What should I type to stop and restart services like httpd,
>smbd, etc.

To do it from the command line, cd to /etc/rc.d/init.d where you'll find
a bunch of shell scripts called http, smb, network and so on.  To stop 
the httpd, for example, use " ./httpd stop". To start it do "./httpd start"
and to just reload it after a config change do "./httpd restart". ( Of course
you can use "/etc/rc.d/init/d/httpd restart" from anywhere in the system).



Re: [newbie] X11Amp Problem(s)....

1999-03-26 Thread Nick Kay

At 13:25 25/03/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Nick Kay wrote:
>> At 10:21 24/03/99 -0800, you wrote:
>> >>At 13:19 23/03/99 -0500, you wrote:
>> >>>My CPU speed is a little ole 486 DX2/66. I have a feeling that this
>> might be
>> >>>the problem. I am not really sure about what you told me to try. Should
>> that
>> >>>be typed in exactly like that at the command line?
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>Ooops. I think you're out of luck here. I get stuttering on my 450mhz
>> >>Celeron -
>> >>I'm surprised a dx2-66 is able to play *anything* :)
>> >>Time for a hardware upgrade - look out for a secondhand p200.
>> >
>> >Stuttering on your 450 Celery (oops, I mean celeron..) that shouldn't
>> >happen, i'm running a 166MX( running at 200 MMX) and I don't have a
>> >
>> It happens when there's heavy graphics activity such as Netscape
scrolling or
>> changing to another virtual screen. There was a thread on the Caldera
>> list which seemed to be of the opinion that the PCI bus was getting
>> if you don't have an AGP card. If I don't do any work then the mp3s
>> come out fine. Not a huge worry.
>You might consider trying out kmp3.  It uses mpg123 as a backend for mp3
>playing and also allows you to use an input buffer so you don't get the
>skipping during a heavy load.  I had the same problems with skipping if
>I scrolled down a page in Netscape, but don't have any problems now with
>an input buffer of around 1M.
>I don't have an exact URL for kmp3, but you should be able to find
>references to it on and
Cheers. I'll give that a go - as soon as I can get any
bandwidth out of my %^$* phone line :)

Re: [newbie] Re:

1999-03-24 Thread Nick Kay

At 03:46 24/03/99 -0600, you wrote:
>downloaded wordperfect its a .gz file but basically just getting starting
>and trying to figure how to even install something off a cd.  figured out
>how to mount my cdrom now installing is the big question.

A .gz is a gzipped file (analogous to pkzip) - to unzip it use "gunzip
However I suspect that what you have is a tar.gz file (same as .tgz) which
is an archive which has then been compressed with gzip. So you will need
to use "tar" and "gzip" together to extract and uncompress the data. 

My favourite is "tar xvfz filename.tar.gz" but before you start it's may
not be
a bad idea to do "tar tvfz filename.tar.gz" which will show you what is
inside the archive without actually writing to disk. This is handy for
making sure subdirectories are handled nicely and extraction
won't just splatter files over you current working directory.

By way of explanation :
  tar = Tape ARchive (originally used for tapes) and the
options t = list, x = extract, v = verbose, f = force to this file
and z = uncompress (using gunzip).

Once you got this far you should find an INSTALL or some
such in the newly created directory which should give you
the necessary steps to continue.

Good luck


Re: [newbie] X11Amp Problem(s)....

1999-03-23 Thread Nick Kay

At 10:46 23/03/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Does anyone use X11Amp to play MP3 Files? I have it on my Linux Mandrake
>system. Whenever I try to run it it will load the file(s) and then whenever
>it trys to play them it plays little snippets (maybe 1 second or less) and
>then stops and then again plays another segment. Is there some setting I can
>adjust to cure this problem? At first I thought it was because I was tryig
>to play them from my CD Rom (an older 6X) but I actually copied some of them
>to the hard drive with the exact same results.
I have x11amp running on my mandrake system fine. Get at least version 0.7
- the
one that ships with mandrake is rather elderly (0.3 ??). I take it your
sound card is OK?

Re: [newbie] Xwindows

1999-03-19 Thread Nick Kay

At 15:22 19/03/99 +0100, you wrote:
>I have just installed Mandrake 5.3, but i can't get the Xwindows going.
>My hardware is
>Processor: Pentium 233 MMX
>Video card: Hercules Stingray 128/3d
>Ram: 144Mb
>I think its a problem with my configuration, when i start the startx
>file the system hangs after two seconds, and has various error messages.
What are the error messages - it would help  ;>

>I hope you can help me
So do we.



Re: [newbie] Re: Booting problems...

1999-03-19 Thread Nick Kay

At 09:28 19/03/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Hello guys,
>Thanks for the info on turning off my HTML thing. I really didn't
>realize this problem. (Sorry) Just wanted to let you all know I really
>appreciate the suggestions and help. Well, I figured it out. Turns out (I'm
>embarrassed to say this) that I hadn't made my Boot Partition active. It was
>a simple task of running fdisk again and toggling the active partition flag
>to partition 1. Once again, Thanks for all the help.
>Adam Wright

I've noticed this behavior on RedHat installations for a while now. 
There doesn't appear to be an option when installing to select which will
be the active partition however sometimes the new installation will
boot right away, othertimes you need to boot of the floppy and rerun
fdisk as Adam has done. Is this something to do with drive sizes?. It
doesn't appear to be relevant whether the disk is IDE or SCSI.

While I'm on the subject, when making a bootable floppy wouldn't
it be better to use the kernel one has just installed with (one that is on
the floppy
and is known to work for one's hardware) rather than take one off the CD.
This way
it would be possible to create installation floppies for new disk controllers
and then create a working emergency boot.  This is how Slackware used to do

Then again I could be completely wrong.


RE: [newbie] More Sound Card Issues...

1999-03-16 Thread Nick Kay

At 02:49 16/03/99 -0800, you wrote:

I'm not sure if putting your sound card on int8 is a good idea
as that is reserved for the real time clock. (Which might explain why
the sound is choppy with .1 sec frequency). By default an sb16 will
be on int5 (second lp port) and that has always worked fine for me.

Is the sb16 a pnp version? 

just my 2d worth.

>> > OK, I ran sndconfig and it didn't recognize my ISA SB16 card.  I
>> > set it up (to the best of my degree) on IRQ 8.  Ok, I know that has to
>> > the right IRQ because when I try to test a sound in KDE, it plays it,
>> > it plays it in bursts.  It is kind of hard to explain.  It will play for
>> > like .1 second, .1 second, .1 second until the whole wav is finished.  I
>That's interesting.  What motherboard & CPU do you have in the machine?  I
>ask because
>I've had this long term problem with a friend's machine where I get the
>exact same
>behavior with sound under Linux.  His motherboard is some 486 clone with a
>Cyrix (AMD?) 133
>"Pentium" upgrade chip.
>Matthew Valenta
>Phone: 206-524-6444
>Fax:   847-589-0685
>Attachment Converted: "D:\download\Matthew Joseph Valenta.vcf"

Less of the attachments please, Mathew I really don't need your home
address, I'm
not that way inclined.  ;>

Re: [newbie] Klogin?

1999-03-11 Thread Nick Kay
At 10:50 11/03/99 -0500, you wrote: 

OK, so what do I do if I accidentally set my runlevel to 5  BEFORE reading your warning, Gael?   ;)  I am indeed caught in a  loop... and can't exit the X server without rebooting.  Paul   - Original Message -From: GaelDuvalTo:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Thursday, March 11, 1999 7:29 AM   Subject: Re: [newbie] Klogin?   

You'll need to reboot (gently as possible or just hit the reset) then
when you get the lilo boot message type "linux single" (assuming
the label for your kernel is "linux". This should put you into single
user mode (surprise, surprise) where you can put your inittab
back to a safe state.
