Re: [newbie] Wwhich motherboards?

1999-06-11 Thread Pankil Richards

Steve Winston wrote:

> I'm a Linux Mandrake user who received a Fry's gift certificate for his
> birthday. I want a new motherboard. Can anyone recommend particular
> brands? I am looking for an ATX, 3 DIMM slots, Slot 7, something
> compatible with the Pentium 233 mmx chip I have now but that will
> accept a more powerful AMD chip later when I have the $$ for a new cpu.
> thanks for your help in advance, steve w.

I'm using an ASUS P2B 440 BX and it's working very well with Linux-Mandrake
(if that's your particular concern).

As for Slot 7, I think you either meant Socket 7 or Slot I or II.

Re: [newbie] Mandrake and Redhat

1999-03-21 Thread Pankil Richards

Felix Natter wrote:

> why does it say on the webpage that Redhat 5.3 (I think Redhat is
> talking about 6.0!) will never be released?

Instead of "releasing" a new version everytime a minor
enhancement/upgrade is done to their distribution, they may incorporate
all those minor change(s) that would've shown up in Red Hat 5.3 through
5.9 into a major 6.0 version.

Re: [newbie] Netscape

1999-03-19 Thread Pankil Richards

James Reeves wrote:
Hello, All I have only been using Linux
for a short time, and I have a really stupid question, but here it is.
I downloaded Netscape 4.51 (Linux) and ran the ns-install program in the
install log it says everything was copied okay, but is there something
else that I have to do to activate it, because when netscape is started
it is still running 4.08. Any help would be appreciated.

The 4.08 version will run if you haven't uninstalled it and continue
to run it from the same icon and/or directory.  You most likely (definitely)
have installed the new version in another directory, right?
So first locate where the 4.51 version is installed.  (For me it
is in /opt/netscape.)  Once in your directory, type ./netscape (thats
". / netscape" - w/o any spaces and quotes) and it should launch the 4.51

Re: [newbie] Installation weirdness

1999-03-17 Thread Pankil Richards

Kuraiken wrote:

> Hello all,
> I think there's something wrong with the Mandrake install program.

No problems for my installation of Mandrake.  Went quite smoothly,

> (or
> it could have been carried over from RedHat's, I don't know)

Nothing wrong with Red Hat either.  (Prior to Mandrake 5.3, I was using
Red Hat 5.2)

Sounds like the problem(s) are caused by something/someone else.

During my installation(s), I only made two partitions: Linux Native and
Linux Swap.

Re: [newbie] How do I get to my Win drives?

1999-03-14 Thread Pankil Richards

Steve Philp wrote:

> Well, there are a couple problems here.  First, I don't know if you
> hand-typed the /etc/fstab info into this message, but you really don't
> want the whole drive listed as the partition.  You'll probably need a
> number after that hda (something like /dev/hda1, /dev/hda2, etc).
> Second, you don't want to mount your windows drive as the root (/).  You
> need to create a mountpoint for it (I use /mnt/windows) and change the
> "/" to "/mnt/windows".
> The incorrect mountpoint is causing the second mount error.
> So, edit /etc/fstab and clean up the definitions and all should be fine.
> --
> Steve Philp

Shouldn't you be able to use linuxconf to setup mounts/users etc. in Mandrake
5.3 since it is 100% compatible with RH 5.2?

Mandrake is supposed to be all of RH 5.2 plus add-ons done by MandrakeSoft,

I currently have RH 5.2 (and I've just ordered Mandrake PowerPack) and find
linuxconf very straight forward to do what you're trying to do.

Re: [newbie] Updated KDE Apps.

1999-03-12 Thread Pankil Richards

Steve Philp wrote:

> I've installed Mandrake 5.3 (the latest release), and have Korganizer
> 1.0.

Sorry for making you repeat yourself, but did you do the install from the
Mandrake CD or did you download Mandrake?  On their FTP site the apps are
listed as the most current ones, but in a section of the site which lists
what's included on the CD they list some older versions.

> I know there was a bit of confusion...package listing at the Mandrake site
> isn't current?

That's quite likely.  I just want to be certain before I make the big jump to

Just one more question, is the RH Linux 5.2 that is included with Mandrake a
scaled-down version of the original RH 5.2 or is it the complete version?  I
know there's a lot of add-ons (KDE, for one) to RH 5.2, but are there are any
"deletions" from the orginal one?


[newbie] Updated KDE Apps.

1999-03-12 Thread Pankil Richards

Some of the KDE 1.1 apps listed (at the Mandrake site) as being shipped
with Mandrake 5.3 are an older version of what is being shipped in the
downloaded KDE 1.1 version.  For instance, I have the downloaded version
of KDE 1.1 which includes Korganizer at version 1.0.  The one listed at
the Mandrake site says version 0.9.

Could someone, who has the Mandrake CD w/KDE 1.1, confirm what version
their Korganizer is at?  If I needed to upgrade, would I have uninstall
the older apps first, or would the rpm command(s) automatically take
care of the upgrade procedure?

Re: [newbie] Sound Card Problems...

1999-03-11 Thread Pankil Richards

Bob Bonifield wrote:

> Hey everybody,
> I have a official sound blaster 16 ISA card in my linux box.  I am new to
> linux and don't exactly know how to get linux to initialize and recognize
> it.  Any help in getting it working would be helpfull.  Thankyou in
> advance...Later, :)

Type "sndconfig" w/o quotes at the command line and follow the instructions.

Hope this helped.

Re: [newbie] Pre-purchase info

1999-03-11 Thread Pankil Richards

Gael Duval wrote:

> >
> > Third, are there any places in Toronto, Canada that sell Mandrake CD's?

Thanks.  Time for the big purchase...

[newbie] Pre-purchase info

1999-03-11 Thread Pankil Richards

I'm currently running RH 5.2 w/KDE 1.1 (which I downloaded).  I'm
thinking of getting the Mandrake dist. since during my (mis)adventures
with Linux I sometimes end up hozing the system and have had to do a
complete re-install.  Since Mandrake seems to integrate a lot of the
things I want, re-installation (every now and then) doesn't sound to be
as painful.  I do have a couple of questions:

First, will I be able to set up Mandrake exactly the same way as under
my "original" Red Hat Linux?  i.e., can I use linuxconf, usernet, etc.
to configure/manage users, passwords, network settings, and the like? Or
would Mandrake and KDE force me to re-learn all over again?  I've heard
people have problems with kppp.  I've gotten somewhat familiar with
where things are and how they work under my current install.

Second, what are the similarities and differences in the installation
process between Mandrake & the original RH Linux 5.2?  Does KDE install
and "start" automatically, or do I still have to configure things after
installation?  In other words, I found the install process in RH 5.2
very user-friendly--is it the same in Mandrake?

Third, are there any places in Toronto, Canada that sell Mandrake CD's?

