[newbie] Blackbox Window manager

2000-02-26 Thread Paul Hendrick

Is there anyone who uses the BlackBox window manager, who can tell me 
how to autorun applications, when BB is started?


Re: [newbie] cd-rom won't play music cd

2000-02-23 Thread Paul Hendrick

> Hi to all,

> In Mandrake 6 on a triple boot system, I can't get my cd to recognize 
> cd.  It comes up with an error when I try to mount it in X.  It has no
> problem with data, even DOS data, avi, or midi.  My SB16 is set up
> automaticlly, and all other sounds, such as system sounds work fine.

> Any help would be gladly accepted.  Thanks in advance,

> Brian

You don't mount an audio cd, as they don't have a file system.  Just 
launch your cd player app, and tell it to play from /mnt/cdrom

Re: [newbie] WINE help

2000-02-21 Thread Paul Hendrick

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

On 2/22/00, 5:29:37 AM, "Warren Doney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote 
regarding Re: [newbie] WINE help:

> - Original Message -
> From: "Paul Hendrick"

> > Unreal also runs.

> Which Wine/MDK version?

> 7.0 + latest Wine won't work for me + breaks Unreal in Windows...

I was using the last wine in the 1999 series with mandrake 6.1.  You 
need to udate your unreal files, or it will hang right at the start of 
the intro.
If you don't update Unreal, you can try running it in Windows, then 
setting the resolution and any other options to do with the display, 
to what you'll be using when you're running it through wine.
So, if you're Linux display is set at 800x600, make sure unreal is set 
to that too.
Also, try using the -desktop 800x600 option when running wine.


Re: [newbie] KDE Themes and Colors

2000-02-21 Thread Paul Hendrick

>> Original Message <<

On 2/21/00, 11:03:01 PM, bluebottle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote 
regarding Re: [newbie] KDE Themes and Colors:

> On Mon, 21 Feb 2000, you wrote:
> > i have unsuccessfully attempted to change the color themes in KDE.  i 
> > running Mandrake 7.0.  can anyone help?

Run the KDE control centre from a console prompt ( I think the command 
is: kcontrol) then try to change the colours, themes etc.  Look at the 
text in the console, and it'll probably tell you that you don't have 
write perrmissions to a certain file.  So, log in as root, browse to 
the file and change the permissions, in the file properties.  You can 
also do this by su root, then using chmod.  But I've forgotten the 
commands to use ;)


[newbie] Saving Themes

1999-09-25 Thread Paul Hendrick

Does anyone know how I can save my desktop theme into a *.tar.gz file for
people to download and use on their system? 

Also, where can I find software for recording songs into mp3 format?
Best Regards,
Paul Hendrick

[newbie] Sortcuts on applications CD?

1999-09-16 Thread Paul Hendrick

I've been looking through the contents of the applications cd that are included
in my linux-mandrake powerpack distro, and in the /RPMS folder, there are a lot
of files.  All of these are shortcuts.  I've been trying to run q3test that I
downloaded but it won't work.  I have been told to try the version that was
included with my distribution, but I can't find the file which isn't a shortcut.
How  do I install the rpm?

Best Regards,
Paul Hendrick

[newbie] X-Server Problems with MDK 6.1 :(

1999-09-12 Thread Paul Hendrick

I've installed MDK 6.1 from the CD I was sent and everything went fine untill I
started up GIMP.  When I tried to select a custom colour, the panel became
I've taken a screenshot of it. http://www.btinternet.com/~engprin1/gimp.jpg
I e-mailed Gael Duval and it seems as though it is an x-server problem.
What would be the best thing for me to do here?  un-Install XFree86 3.3.4, and
put 3.3.3 back on?  Or is there something else I could do?  I've tried
different settings etc, and I've forced a re-install of GIMP from my old MDK6
cd, but it still happens.

I've tried using the VooDoo3 and Banshee Drivers (that are on the card list by
default now ), but I've not had any luck either way.

If putting XFree86 3.3.3 back on is a solution, whats the easiest way of taking
3.3.4 away safely? 

Thanks for any help.
Best Regards,
Paul Hendrick

Re: [newbie] Nuke protection?

1999-09-09 Thread Paul Hendrick

On Thu, 09 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> Paul Hendrick wrote:
> > Hi,
> > Does Mandrake 6 have Nuke protection?  I go on IRC every now and again so I'm
> > sure a lot of people here will know why I could do with it :-/
> > If not, is there any program for this?  I've looked at
> > http://easynet.linuxberg.com for something, but I don't think theres any files
> > there to help me out.

> OK, I'll byte 8-),   what's Nuke protection?

I'm not exactly sure what it is, but I know what it can do :(
When you enter a channel on IRC your IP is there for everyone to see it.  There
are loads of "Nuke" programs for Windoze and all someone has to do is enter
your IP and click send or "Kill IP".  After a few seconds the victim IP is
dead, i.e your modem hangs up.  
There was a program called NukeNabber for Windows.  Also, Lockdown2000
These progs basically intecept the nuke and disable the port.
I think they get you by sending data packets that get bigger and biger untill
your connection is lost...

Best Regards,
Paul Hendrick

Re: [newbie] Setting KMail to check automatically]

1999-09-09 Thread Paul Hendrick


For the same (or in some cases greater) flexibility in a web mail account you
can try:

I just signed up with this web mail account.  Does anyone else who uses them
think it's strange that an ad banner is advertising Windows 2000 when you
collect your e-mail? :)

Best Regards,
Paul Hendrick

[newbie] Nuke protection?

1999-09-09 Thread Paul Hendrick

Does Mandrake 6 have Nuke protection?  I go on IRC every now and again so I'm
sure a lot of people here will know why I could do with it :-/
If not, is there any program for this?  I've looked at
http://easynet.linuxberg.com for something, but I don't think theres any files
there to help me out.

Best Regards,
Paul Hendrick

[newbie] ReWriting the MBR to linux?

1999-09-09 Thread Paul Hendrick

Where/what is the command that I use after rebuilding the kernel so that Linux
will boot?
IIRC it's somthing like "./lilo", but I can't remember where I am supposed to
do this.

Thanks for  any help.

Best Regards,
Paul Hendrick

Re: [newbie] Setting KMail to check automatically

1999-09-08 Thread Paul Hendrick

On Wed, 08 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> Why advertise windoze software on a linux mailing list?

Because the author of the article I replied to, said Express was used most of
the time, IMO if you have to use Windows, you should use software that is better
than what is given.

Best Regards,
Paul Hendrick

Re: [newbie] Setting KMail to check automatically

1999-09-08 Thread Paul Hendrick

On Wed, 08 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> I have looked at Kmail briefly as I do not yet use Linux all the time.  (I
> will have to slowly break my wife in on it.)  My impression was that it
> looked and acted a lot like Outlook Express which I use all the time.   I
> think I even saw what you are talking about.   In Outlook the feature is
> under Tools and Options.   If there is a similar area for settings try
> there.   It will say "Check for new messages every __ minutes"   I'm sure I
> saw it.   I poked around to just verify that this was the program I would
> like to use and that I would be able to set it up.
> Brian

I've just had a look at the option of "Interval checking", but theres nothing
about specifying a time :(

Does anyone know of an e-mail program that will let me do things like interval

If you mostly use windows, why not try TheBat! for your e-mail?
http://www.ritlabs.com It's excellant IMO.

Best Regards,
Paul Hendrick

Re: [newbie] screen res

1999-09-06 Thread Paul Hendrick

On Tue, 07 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> hi there,
> i've seen various posts about screen resolution probs (with no answer to my
> particulart situation).
> unfortunately, the ctrl-alt-plus does nothing. in
> fact, the resolution isn't even 640x480, its some
> sort of default resolution (like 240x310). i've
> tried to install on two different boxes, both have
> the same problem, and both have AGP video cards
> (but not the same card)... is the AGP card the
> problem? if it is, what's the work-around for it?
> the text console runs fine and even the GUI works
> correctly (what i can see of it), so this just
> seems to be a video issue. any help would be
> greatly appreciated. thanks in advance.

AFAIK linux doesnt have any preferance towards AGP or PCI cards, except it does
probe for a PCI one.   The problem could be that your card isn't supported by
Linux yet or it could be something simple, like you've selected the wrong
colour depth/screen resolution.  Try running XF86Setup ( you may need to
install first though)

What card are you using?  If it's a voodoo or
TNT card, then you can download the drivers for these. http://glide.xxedgexx.com
for the VooDoo drivers and the x-server. I think theres info there about other
graphix cards too.

Best Regards,
Paul Hendrick

Re: [newbie] what is?

1999-09-06 Thread Paul Hendrick

On Tue, 07 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> I was under the impression that the swap shouldn't be any bigger that
> 128 since Linux won't read anything bigger anyway. Am I wrong?

Nope, you're not wrong.
Splitting that 256Mb swap partition into two would be better.  It's just wasted
disk space otherwise

> - Original Message -
> I have 6110 set aside for linux with a swap of  256mb

Best Regards,
Paul Hendrick

Re: [newbie] AV Progs?

1999-09-04 Thread Paul Hendrick

On Sun, 05 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> On Sat, 04 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> > Does anyone think it is neccesary to use AV programs for Linux?
> > If a Trojan is installed on my Windows partition, can people still access my
> > PC when I'm using Linux?  Or are trojans boot virii so wont run unless I boot
> > win98?
> > 
> You're safe while in Linux As long as you don't do something
> silly like go on-line as "root". :-)
>   John

:) I only use root to install programs or games etc...
Why does logging in as root make it easier?  I know that this is the case, but
how come?

Best Regards,
Paul Hendrick

[newbie] Video

1999-09-04 Thread Paul Hendrick

I'm using the most upto date drivers for my Creative Banshee card, yet when I
play video (the intro on Civilisation Call To Power for example) it is really
slow and unwatchable.
The "Morph" screen saver is also slow.  What can I do to solve this? 
I'm using Mandrake 6, Banshee VooDoo2, PII 450, 96MB RAM

Best Regards,
Paul Hendrick

Re: [newbie] /etc/resolv.conf is missing

1999-09-03 Thread Paul Hendrick

On Fri, 03 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> I recently had a melt down. I messed around with the monitor settings. When I
> rebooted everything was messed up. So I re-installed. Now I can only connect
> to the web as root. When I am a normal user I get an error message when I
> start kppp. It says /etc/resolv.conf is missing and to create a non-empty file
> with appropriate read and write permissions. So if there is anyone out there
> that could lend me a hand I would certainly appreciate it.Don

Log in as root, the go to the /etc dir on your system.  Right click the
resolve.conf file, and go to properties.  Then go to the permissions tab and
click the groups and others buttons.  This will make the file available to
other users, not just root.

Best Regards,
Paul Hendrick

[newbie] Mandrake 6.0 - 6.1

1999-09-03 Thread Paul Hendrick

Does anyone know of the differences between Linux Mandrake 6.0 and 6.1?  I'm
getting a pre release version of 6.1, and I would like to know it it's worth
installing it over my present installation?

Best Regards,
Paul Hendrick

[newbie] Just a few questions

1999-08-31 Thread Paul Hendrick


I've got WinE to work and I'm experimanting with what will work and what wont.  But is 
it posible
to create a shortcut on the desktop to launch an application through WinE without 
having to use a
Also, when I open a window, the size isn;t right.  When I resize it so I can see all 
of it's
contents It's fine, but if I have to close it again, then re-open it, the size goes 
back to the
The last thing is when I drag windows around the desktop, is there any way of 
disabling the
function that takes it to the nearest object?  I.e when I'm moving the CD player, it 
will be pulled
toward any open windows, or the edge of the screen.
Is there any way of stopping those problems?

Thanks for any information.

Best Regards,
Paul Hendrick

[newbie] QT Files

1999-08-21 Thread Paul Hendrick

I'm using Mandrake 6 and I've used the update feature to get the latest files.  Should 
all of the
most important lib files be installed on my system by default?  I've downloaded the 
free version of
the QT software, but the instalation is too tricky...I have to make a .profile file 
and edit all
kinds of things in it.  Is there an easier way of getting it installed?  The install 
file that was
in the tarball(?) is not easy for a newbie like me to follow  :((


[newbie] Stoopid Newbie SLRN question

1999-08-19 Thread Paul Hendrick

Hi there,
Im trying to get slrn working.  Form the konsole, I do:
I get:
"Reading startup file /usr/lib/slrn/slrn/rc. You need to set the NNTPSERVER
environment variable to your server name.
Example (csh):setenv NNTPSERVER my.news.server
slrn fatal error:
Unable to select server/post object."

My ISPs news server is news.btinternet.com, so what command to I use to set up
the NNTP server?
:( I miss MP Gravity

Also, is there a dialer that supports the CHAP protocol, which will auto
dial/redial and display my connection speed and IP?  Kppp only seems to show
the port speed.

Paul Hendrick

[newbie] Networking

1999-08-19 Thread Paul Hendrick


Does anyone know how I culd solve this problem, or provide the URL
with a guide, or a better solution?

"I've just picked up a New Machine and a Ethernet
Hub (100Mb/sec) Netgear FE-104 as well as two PCI Network cards with it
(Both Netgear 100 Mb/sec) and wanted to turn my P90 into pure Linux box to
use as a Dialup machine and a Host for my MUD's Development site so I code
offline.. The other machine is Win(ahem)dows as It's more or less a game's
machiine..  What I'm having trouble with is the actual networking to get
TCP/IP connection outside from the Windows machine.. I've been told to use
Squid but other then that nothing.. And Squid being a bitch to work with..
Was wondering if you knew of a better way or a Guide for SQUID"

Best regards,
 Paul  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

[newbie] Huge Linux crash

1999-08-17 Thread Paul Hendrick

Hi there,
Earlier on today I was cycling through some desktop themes when
Mandrake had a Win98 style crash.  The whole system locked up so I
had to press the reset button.  When Linux tried to reboot, I got the
usual 'drive wasn't cleanly unmounted' or something.  Then after that,
about 70% of the boot operations failed.  I tried to reboot again and
again, and even tried using the recovery disk, but nothing worked.
I've re-installed now, but can anyone tell me why such a thing
happened and how to avoid it in future?
Very rare for Linux to do this :-/

Best regards,
 Paul  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

[newbie] Sound Card

1999-08-17 Thread Paul Hendrick

I FINALLY got the new x-server for my Banshee card set up, so I can
have any res I like now, but

after setting up my SB16, the samples are
played, and Audio CD's can be played, but how to I set Linux up for
sound events, like start up and shut down?

Also, is it posible to configure Linux to show images when it is

Best regards,
 Paul  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

No Subject

1999-08-14 Thread Paul Hendrick

Today I installed Linux Mandrake 6.0.  After the installation I logged
in but the resolution was set as 300x200.  Running "setup" or
"xf86config" to change the res to 800x600 doesnt work, it just goes
back to 300x200.
Pressing ctrl, alt +/- has no effect either.
Any suggestions?

Best Regards,
Paul Hendrick