Re: [newbie] 8.0 Beta

2001-03-06 Thread Ribbo

nah i'll wait for the 8.1 
which probably has major bugs fixed for the previous version ;-)

Tanggal 03-Mar-2001, dari Julio Gutierrez :
> To all you people! 
> I just downloaded 8.0 beta and let me tell you this OS is tighter than a 16 
> yr old girl, you guys should check out the new interface, it's outta this 
> world, still some bugs but I think the final release is gonna be one of the 
> best Mandrakes I've ever seen, a little Windowy but hey what the heck this is 
> free and if Microscared don't like they can kiss some daemon a**
> anyways you all should check it out 
> Laters
> Julio

R i b b o

"The new psyche begins. Many voices as one. Join or be silence!"
-- Klesk, Quake III Arena.

Re: [newbie] How do you tar /usr/share/apps

2001-02-17 Thread Ribbo

Tanggal 18 Feb 2001, dari Romanator :
> Hi everybody,
> I'm a bit stuck with the tar commands. I would like to tar the entire
> path:  /usr/share/apps
> Can some one help?

try this
tar -cf apps.tar.gz /usr/share/apps
("man tar" to see the other options)

otherwise you can use mc to do it
select the folder and hit F2, choose "3"


"Worthless fragbait."
-- Sarge, Quake 3 Arena

Re: [newbie] want my linux work faster and networking

2001-02-15 Thread Ribbo

Tanggal 15 Feb 2001, dari Tafta Zani :
> hi guys,
> I have heard that linux is relatively faster then windows.
> But why do windows can open such large application like MS Word 2000
> in less than five seconds 
> but LM 7.2 needs more than that to open Star Office 5.2

thats because windows already load another part of it during boot up.
im sure you noticed that windows tooks more time to boot after the
office apps installed.

> TIA,
> Tafta


"Consider yourself lucky. I only let the Adrianator do that."
-- Slash, "Quake 3 Arena"

Re: [newbie] Partitioning advise

2001-02-12 Thread Ribbo

Tanggal 12 Feb 2001, dari phobos :
> Hi to all!  Just got a quick question: I have a 10.2GB HD which I am 
> planing to use for LM 7.0.  I am not about to dual boot it with anything 
> so it will be the whole thing for LM.  Can someone help with 
> recomendation on the optimal partition of this HD?  Any help would be 
> appreciated.
> phobos

if i were you:
linux-swap  128mb
/boot   15mb
/   10mb
/usr2.5gb (mkdir opt, and symlink to /opt, dont know how
to do it during setup)
/var300mb (i use mysql a lot, symlink tmp to /tmp)
/home   the rest of it

usr, home, and var will be reiserfs :)

if you want something simple:
linux-swap  128mb
/   3gb
/home   rest of it

dont forget to read Partition-mini-HOWTO for reference


"Consider yourself lucky. I only let the Adrianator do that."
-- Slash, "Quake 3 Arena"

Re: [newbie] window managers

2001-02-11 Thread Ribbo

Tanggal 11 Feb 2001, dari Jim Skoff :
> Hi, this is a very newbie like question but I just installed Mandrake 7.2 
> and can't find where I can switch window managers. I wan't to run Window 
> Maker. Can anyone help?

type this at your console:
echo "wmaker" > ~/.xinitrc

next time if you want to go back to KDE, simply remove the file:
rm ~/.xinitrc

or make a file called "wmaker" with this 3 lines:

echo "wmaker" > ~/.xinitrc;

save it, and do:
chmod +x wmaker

to execute it:

you can make this file as many as you like.
another example:

echo "gkrellm &" > ~/.xinitrc;
echo "xterm -e pine &" >> ~/.xinitrc;
echo "blackbox" >> ~/.xinitrc;

> Thanks in advance,
> Jim


"Oooo. Don'tcha just hate it when that happens."
-- Sarge, Quake 3 Arena

Re: [newbie] Window Maker desktop screenshot

2001-02-11 Thread Ribbo

Tanggal 11 Feb 2001, dari abe :
> hey here's my windowmaker desktop.  I just figured out how to take
> screen captures and I thought I'd share ;-)

and here's mine,
taken from Acer Travelmate 340 (i will be very glad if someone could
teach me how to make it runs at 1024x768)
its windowmaker 0.64, runs without docks, gkrellm-1.0.2 (i hide the
icons behind this), and transparant aterm.
im using Aqua themes, for gkrellm, wmaker, and gtk, from
background picture i got somewhere.

> abe

nice playlist you got there, abe :)


"Laughing? Me? Of course I'm laughing at you."
-- Slash, "Quake 3 Arena"

Re: [newbie] Partitioning and ReiserFS

2001-02-08 Thread Ribbo

Tanggal 09 Feb 2001, Sridhar Dhanapalan mengatakan,
> rebooted. The kernel startup halted when trying to mount the new 
> ReiserFS partition as /, giving an error. 

what was the error said?

> After some failed attempts 
> at fixing this, I just decided to do a minimal upgrade of Mandrake 7.2 
> *over* my ReiserFS data (I know this isn't the best way but it's all I 
> could think of by then) .
> I installed as little as possible, trying to 
> keep track of what was changed by the installer. The main reason for 
> this was to make the ReiserFS partition fully bootable, nothing else. 

i have 4 partitions on my linux.
- /  (ext2, 10mb)
- linux-swap
- /usr (reiser)
- /home (reiser, it 'reisered' since i got 2.4.1. kernel)

if you notice my / is small because i made symlinks from /usr for
/tmp, /opt, /mnt, /cdrom, /var etc (its 2.5gb /usr) 
the biggest part of my / partition are 2 kernel which i put on /boot
and / (why i put my kernels to /vmlinuz is a different story :))

and i Always failed to make my / become reiser.
the error boot-initial message would be
"no init found. try passing init option to kernel"
if i move my / to a reiser partition (i also keep the ext2 / for
backup and put them to lilo.conf, and edit my fstab) 

sometimes, this 10mb ext2 really annoys me, even it only took secs to
fsck :)

> Now all is/seems well with my system. Nevertheless, I shall keep my 
> backups in handy just in case...

yep, backup is always good.

> Thanks to all who have tried to help me through my ordeal over the 
> past week or so. My system feels a bit faster now. Next step for me 
> will be compiling a kernel and packages I use often (which is why I 
> asked all those compilation questions previously).
did you put reiserfs as a module ?
my suggestion is to make it include to the kernel.
as you see, you and i have similiar problem, failed to boot from
reiser partition.


"Didn't think I'd be fighting cheerleaders."
-- Doom , Quake 3 Arena

Re: [newbie] Desktop

2001-02-08 Thread Ribbo

Tanggal 08 Feb 2001, Mark Weaver mengatakan,
>   K  D  E !
>   There -- is -- no -- other.

this is what i like from linux. 
Choices... :D


"Armor break. Bone break. Soft inside."
-- Klesk, Quake III Arena.

Re: [newbie] mount point

2001-02-05 Thread Ribbo

Tanggal 06 Feb 2001, mike smalheiser mengatakan,
> hey there,
> i was wondering what the difference is between mounting my cd-rom
> drive, and creating a mount point for it.  and i was wondering if you could
> tell me how to create a moint point for it.  thanks alot

just create a new empty directory (folder) on your hardrive.
for example, 
mount /dev/hdd /mnt/mycdrom

my cdrom mount point is ~/1disk/ and make a symlink to /cdrom/
i put "1" to it so its easy for my to pointing it out from command line

> mike


"The rain of destruction. It doesn't stop!"
-- Doom , Quake 3 Arena

Re: [newbie] WindowMaker beeps every hour!!!

2001-02-05 Thread Ribbo

Hi John,

doesnt sound like a problem, perhaps that sound coming from your dock
if you run X from tty1, from windowmaker hit ctrl+alt+F1 and look at
the screen. is there any error described.
or maybe it comes from one of the dock you use.
try to load wmaker without the docks with "wmaker --no-dock" command
on .xinitrc , and see if you still got that sound.

i love windowmaker, but i hate those docks :)
i prefer gkrellm to display my sys-information.
like here's my screensoht

Tanggal 06 Feb 2001, John MacCallum mengatakan,
> I'm running LM 7.2 and have been using WindowMaker lately, and it beeps
> exactly every hour.  I can't figure out what it is.  Has anyone had this
> problem??
> Thanks,
> John


"The rain of destruction. It doesn't stop!"
-- Doom , Quake 3 Arena

Re: [newbie] mandrake with GF2mx

2001-02-03 Thread Ribbo

Thanks for your suggestion
and yes i think im going to GF2 GTS

Tanggal 02 Feb 2001, Todd Flinders nulis,
> Likely, your GeForce2 MX will work fine for 2D. 
> However, setting up GLX (the 3D driver) for my
> GeForce2 has been extremely troublesome for me.  The
> instructions are easy enough to follow, but I can't
> get a clean load of this thing.
> I am told that it may be because I am using an Intel
> 815 chipset.  Others have installed these drivers
> without any problem, but they use a different chipset.
>  If you have an i810 or i815 you may be in for some
> pain.  Otherwise, you will likely find an easy
> install.
> I am going to try upgrading to kernel 2.4 to see if
> that helps.
> Finally, why are you going to by the MX?  Bah.. The MX
> is the very WORST of the Geforce2 line.  It's not that
> great of a chip.  If you're going to fork down that
> kind of cash for a video card, save a few more weeks
> and buy the Geforce2 GTS.  It will be MUCH better.  MX
> is basically like the celeron of videochips.  It's
> better than nothing, but its junk with a Geforce name.
>  You really want the Geforce2 ultra.  That will use
> the DDR ram to its potential and will give you
> excellent graphics for QUITE some time.  The MX will
> do the graphics, but it won't be nearly as fast.
> If you've got the money, get the Ultra.  If money is
> tight, save the extra $100 and get the GTS.  You can
> send me a thank you card later.
> Going cheap for video cards does NOT pay if you are at
> all even half-way serious about enjoying your 3D
> graphics.
> You can read about GLX installation here:
> P.S.  Mandrake support will not support the GLX
> installation.  I've already tried.  And no response
> yet from Nvidia.


"That toy ain't no BFG."
-- Doom , Quake 3 Arena

[newbie] mandrake with GF2mx

2001-02-01 Thread Ribbo

sorry if this had been discused before
could mandrake 7.2 detect geforce2 mx during installation?
or i have to wait the next release before purchasing that card?
thanks in advance


"Destruction and turmoil are my companions."
-- Doom , Quake 3 Arena

Re: [newbie] How to install ppp ???

2001-01-21 Thread Ribbo

On Sun, 21 Jan 2001, Emiliano Ogando wrote:

> How can i install ppp 
> Please an easy way...
> Thank...

PPP comes with the kernel.
its not a program

"To followers We feed you."
-- Klesk, Quake III Arena.

Re: [newbie] 2.4 Kernel

2001-01-21 Thread Ribbo

On Sat, 20 Jan 2001, Tom Brinkman wrote:

>It depends. Specially if like me, you have ReiserFS.  

i gave up reiserfs, i know it fast and saving hardisk spaces but i got
too many error on it, maybe i failed on something i dont know

> I prefer 
> Mandrake kernels because they're already patched to support Mandrake 
> specific features.  I've never seen any performance increase with 
> custom compiled kernels either. 

i edit the Makefile and change the CFLAGS for P2 
(-O9 -funroll-loops -ffast-math .etc). and also edit the
extraversion a little, and only choose the modules that i really use.
thats the reason why i compiled my kernel

"To followers We feed you."
-- Klesk, Quake III Arena.

[newbie] nexus

2001-01-15 Thread Ribbo

anyone here use the nexus font?
could you give the fonts.dir and fonts.alias lines for that font?
mkfontdir failed to process

03:41pm root@darkstar/usr/lib/X11/fonts/misc# /usr/X11R6/bin/mkfontdir 
/usr/X11R6/bin/mkfontdir: unable to process font ./nex6x10.pcf.gz,skipping
/usr/X11R6/bin/mkfontdir: unable to process font ./nox6x10.pcf.gz,skipping
03:51pm root@darkstar/usr/lib/X11/fonts/misc# 

"Blast! Was it my turn to bring the marshmallows?"
-- Sarge, Quake 3 Arena

Re: [newbie] a painless transition, please

2001-01-12 Thread Ribbo

On Fri, 12 Jan 2001, Vicar In A Tutu wrote:

> Oh, and there's a huge problemola with
> fetchmail - the .fetchmailrc file is there, it belongs to the proper user
> and has got the proper permission level (710). However,  when I start
> fetchmail, it freezes as it begins to download the first message. 

it freez without any error message?
try run fetchmail like tihs:
$ fetchmail --smtpaddress localhost

replace the "localhost" with your domain if your machine is also a DNS

> Pine
> requires an SMTP server, and it never used to - localhost had always been
> good enough.

leave it to the defaults. if there still an error , it looks like you dont
have any mail-server running (Sendmail or Postfix).
and be carefull not to install both sendmail and postfix, it causes a
lot of trouble, and if you did, remove the sendmail 
good luck


"Next time, don't bring the geeks ... they make the place look all trashy."
-- Major Wayland, "Quake 3 Arena"

Re: [newbie] Mouse Speed in X

2000-05-17 Thread Ribbo

On Sun, 30 Apr 2000, Necrotica wrote:
> However, I can't seem to find a way to speed up my mouse. The default X mouse
> speed is wy too slow for me and I can't seem to find any information on
> about it. There isn't anything in the XF86Config file either.
> Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks...

use xset and put in your .xininitrc

$ xset m 10


But Captain -- the engines can't take this much longer!

Re: [newbie] Re : Enlightenment

2000-04-27 Thread Ribbo

On Thu, 27 Apr 2000, Del Kennedy wrote:

> I don't suppose there's a way of moving an iconbox? I like to have my
> pager bottom-right anyway. 

use ALT key and drag with left button


Ditat Deus.
[God enriches]

Re: [newbie] Quake2 - recursive shutdown

2000-04-25 Thread Ribbo

On Tue, 25 Apr 2000, 404 Error wrote:

> I just got the Quake2 RPM from and installed it, but couldn' t 
> figure out what to do to start it. I finally managed to "start" it from the 
> console, I think by typing ".\quake2", but then it immediately quit with 
> this message:

try to run it by root.
oh and please read all the documentation 


Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence.
-- H. L. Mencken

Re: [newbie] path

2000-04-16 Thread Ribbo

On Sun, 16 Apr 2000, rich wrote:

> I know this is probably a dumb question, but how do you add a directory to the
> path  For instance, instead of going to /root/mozilla/ to run ./mozzila,
> I would like to be able to type ./mozilla in any directory.

put/add it on your ~/.bashrc file
for example,
alias mozz='/usr/local/share/mozzila/mozzila'

logout and re-login
hope it works, i havent try mozzila yet


Matrimony isn't a word, it's a sentence.

Re: [newbie] lots of crashes???

2000-04-15 Thread Ribbo

On Sat, 15 Apr 2000, Mohamed Saad wrote:

> well... here are the crashes!
> KDE: I was opening 2 windows of Netscape. And
> suddenly, the whole system freezed! I just could move
> the mouse! but i can't do anything! I had to press
> ctrl+alt+backspace to log out! and it worked!

well that means your linux still worked and not crash.
just one application crashed, it was X problem.

> KDE: I pressed Log Out, the screen turned black, and i
> couldn't Do any thing! i had to press "Reset"
> Xfce3: It was my first time to even see it! i just
> used it for 15 seconds!! :) i pressed the button with
> the penguin, and the whole system freezed!! I had to
> press "reset"

next time try to log from another console and kill the X.

> Gnome: I was just moving around... It suddenly made a
> GPF, and told me that this may be due to a bug, and
> they gave some email to report at! (this is not really
> serious, as it didn't really crash the system!)

try to reconfigure your X server.
run Xconfigurator or XF86setup.
make sure you choose properly

> The point is... Why do people say that linux is "ROCK
> SOLID"?? it is NOT "rock solid"! It is just," more
> solid than Windows!"
> I was just wondering!! :)

sure linux is ROCK solid.
my school server runs with linux and it have 2 year uptime now.


During the voyage of life, remember to keep an eye out for a fair wind; batten
down during a storm; hail all passing ships; and fly your colors proudly.

Re: [newbie] screen shots

2000-04-06 Thread Ribbo

On Fri, 24 Mar 2000, Kirk McElhearn wrote:

> How can I make screen shots under Mandrake?
> Kirk

open your xterminal, type 
$ import -window root image.jpg

image.jpg would be in your ~/


A bachelor never quite gets over the idea that he is a thing of beauty
and a boy for ever.
-- Helen Rowland

Re: [newbie] fetchmail

2000-03-19 Thread Ribbo

On Sat, 18 Mar 2000, Daryl Fisk wrote:

> I can get fetchmail to download my mail, but when it comes time for it to turn
> it over to the system, everything seems to be thrown into the "bit bucket"
> how do I get fetchmail to do its job?

have you change the .rc to rw mode?
$ chmod 600 .fetchmailrc
i guess this is the problem 



Chance is perhaps the work of God when He did not want to sign.
-- Anatole France

Re: [newbie] Terminal

2000-03-17 Thread Ribbo

On Thu, 16 Mar 2000, Jeremy wrote:

> You said you have Mandrake 6.1 but the NEWEST version of lynx.  That
> could make it tough for people here to know your exact setup. If you
> compiled it yourself it may be easier to know which library was used. 
> If noone here can help you, try the lynx mailing list or their website.  

i already 'downgrade' to mandrake 6.1 lynx and vim
[des@nadia des]$ rpm -qa |grep lynx
[des@nadia des]$ rpm -qa |grep vim 

but the color still wont up. 
others apps (MC, BitchX, ls -f --color) looks fine
> Sorry I know this isn't much help.

i thank you for the answer, i really appreciate it.
have a nice weekend   :)

i made a screenshot of my desktop
i reply your email with vim as editor, theres bold lines where supposed
to be colored, and aterm at lower right shows the first page of while Kvt looks in colors


Your mind understands what you have been taught; your heart, what is true.

Re: [newbie] Terminal

2000-03-16 Thread Ribbo

On Wed, 15 Mar 2000, Jeremy wrote:

> Do you have colors in lynx in one of your text mode virtual consoles? 

my lynx does have colors in console/shell, and so does vim.
do you have lynx/vim colors while you in X session, i mean running lynx
from Konsole/Eterm/Aterm/Xterm, do you see colors?
i guess its only happen with mandrake, i used to have RedHad 5.x before
and never seen this and also on my friends RH 6.x 

im sure theres something to do with the bash or vt100 settings somewhere
but i dont know how.

> ~jeremy


First study the enemy.  Seek weakness.
-- Romulan Commander, "Balance of Terror", stardate 1709.2

Re: [newbie] start imwheel automatically

2000-03-15 Thread Ribbo

On Tue, 14 Mar 2000, Claus Atzenbeck wrote:

> Hello,
> what can I do in order to avoid typing "imwheel -k" after every
> reboot? I want it to be started regardless which user is loggin in. It
> seems that there is no appropriate startup service for this.

if you use init 3, put that line to your ~/.xinitrc file


If your happiness depends on what somebody else does, I guess you do
have a problem.
-- Richard Bach, "Illusions"

[newbie] Terminal

2000-03-15 Thread Ribbo

dear friends...

i ever post this question before but only one person who replied the
answer. so i would like to ask again:
Do you guys could seen colors in terminals for Lynx and Vim ?
Here i have some terminal in my system: Xterm, Kvt, Konsole, Aterm &
Eterm. I usually use Aterm and Eterm (make them shade and transparent)
with my WindowMaker, this is Mandrake 6.1 with the latest version of
those terminals.
Only Kvt who seems to be normal, but its nothing to be compared with Eterm/Aterm
:-P (you cant see your wallpaper through it ;)

i use Vim and Lynx a lot 
and i hate to see underline text where its supposed to be colored :-(


If your happiness depends on what somebody else does, I guess you do
have a problem.
-- Richard Bach, "Illusions"

Re: [newbie] how do i make WindowMaker open a new window, maximized?

2000-03-12 Thread Ribbo

On Sat, 11 Mar 2000, Ryan Drafall wrote:

> Hello,
> The subject pretty much says it all.  Whenever I open a new window,
> whatever the program may be, it always opens in a window that is
> off-center on the screen.  How do I make it automatically maximize?
> Thanks for your help.

hit ctrl-ESC, and hit your down-arrow once, then hit Enter.
that should do it, 

you could make shortcut for this with the WMPref tool or WMakerConf


"You're just the sort of person I imagined marrying, when I was little...
except, y'know, not green... and without all the patches of fungus."
-- Swamp Thing

Re: LICQ on Mandrake v7.0 CD ... was Re: [newbie] umm qt 2.0.2

2000-03-12 Thread Ribbo

On Sun, 12 Mar 2000, Wayne wrote:

> I was trying to use licq but I cannot find anywhere to enter the settings
> for it..  ANy other suggestions?

you have to run Licq from xterm for the first time.

or you could edit your configs on ~/.licq
just edit the owner.uin files and keep the rest by default :)


"You're just the sort of person I imagined marrying, when I was little...
except, y'know, not green... and without all the patches of fungus."
-- Swamp Thing

Re: [newbie] Unanswered Question

2000-02-20 Thread Ribbo

On Sun, 20 Feb 2000, Brent Timmer wrote:

> Partition magic is the best program to do what your trying to do.  I don't know for 
>sure about the one that came with linux.  In order to get linux on D: not to mount 
>the partitions on C:, you can run 'linuxconf : File systems : access local drives' 
>and then get rid of the two partitions assumingly /dev/hda2 and /dev/hda3.  For lilo, 
>yse, you can just edit your lilo.conf and then run lilo.
> Good luck

hi Brent,
a friend of mine want to resize and move his linux partition with Partition
Magic. the Q is, is that save? 


A list is only as strong as its weakest link.
-- Don Knuth

Re: [newbie] subscribe/unsubscribe

2000-02-17 Thread Ribbo

On Thu, 17 Feb 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Good idea - I need the unsubscribe email and instructions please. 

click here:

> Who on  earth has time to read this much e-mail?!

you dont have to read all of them. nobody ask you to do that, right?
sort it by thread, and choose.


My interest is in the future because I am going to spend the rest of my
life there.

Re: [newbie] Can anyone recommend a good email program?

2000-02-16 Thread Ribbo

On Tue, 15 Feb 2000, Sevatio Octavio wrote:

> Try StarOffice.  
> But, I'm still looking for a linux email client that can handle multiple accounts 
>for sending.

Seve you should try Mutt ( for handling multiple acc.
i could send you my Mutt config if you want.


"I prefer the blunted cudgels of the followers of the Serpent God."
-- Sean Doran the Younger

Re: [newbie] Joystick/Gamepad

2000-02-15 Thread Ribbo

On Sun, 13 Feb 2000, Thomas J. Hamman wrote:

> I have a rather generic gamepad that connects to my soundcard... what
> would I have to do to get this gamepad to work?

some joystick module included in mandrake. you just have to recompile.
for more information you may take a look at


Falling in love is a lot like dying.  You never get to do it enough to
become good at it.

Re: [newbie] Which package does kmail belong to

2000-02-04 Thread Ribbo

On Sat, 05 Feb 2000, R_Yeo wrote:

>   I've tried looking for the package with:
> rpm -aq | grep kmail
> and also using 'find package' and 'find file' in kpackage.  No joy
>   Anyone can help? TIA



Call on God, but row away from the rocks.
-- Indian proverb

Re: [newbie] file permissions and pppd

2000-02-02 Thread Ribbo

On Tue, 01 Feb 2000, Bobby Welch wrote:

> issue the command ./usr/sbin/pppd i get the following error:  ./pppd:
> must be root to run ./pppd, since it
> is not setuid-root.  Now, i have tried giving the user permission to
> execute the pppd command using
> chmod 555 .. but I can still not execute the command as the user.  I
> then tried to create a group by

# chmod +s /usr/sbin/pppd

man chmod


Re: [newbie] Openint tar files

2000-01-30 Thread Ribbo

On Sun, 30 Jan 2000, jpgois wrote:

> The command line to decompress a tar.gz file is :
> tar zxf file.tar.gz
> If you already unzipped the archive, then you just have to type :
> tar xf file.tar
> It should work with that.

i rarely use that tar command.
i think the simple to untar/unzip file is from MC
just type F3 to view the content and type F5 to copy it.
try it... you gonna love it, i swear ;)

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
-- Eleanor Roosevelt

Re: [newbie] How do I unscribe? Too much mail!

2000-01-29 Thread Ribbo

On Fri, 28 Jan 2000, John F. McClinton wrote:


how do you subscribe?

Matrimony isn't a word, it's a sentence.

Re: [newbie] fortune

2000-01-29 Thread Ribbo

On Tue, 25 Jan 2000, David Odin (aka DindinX) wrote:

>   If you want your sig to change from time to time, put this script to your
> crontab:
> #!/bin/bash

Thanx David,
do you have another suggestion? thats nice but sometimes i also want
to put my name to my sig 
(maybe i have to 'tweak' my signature files on send-hook :)

and for friends, i want to share a little about fortune.
if you want to read fortune every time you log to the console, put this
lines to your /etc/profile :

/usr/games/fortune #or else, use 'whereis fortune' to locate it.

and if you want to see fortune every time you open terminal just put
"ls" to the shortcut, i.e:
konsole -ls
aterm -ls
xterm -ls

for optional display of fortune, $ man fortune

I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.
-- Mark Twain

Re: [newbie] netscape not working

2000-01-28 Thread Ribbo

On Thu, 27 Jan 2000, JAMIL HUSSAIN wrote:

> i know i need my ISP DNS etc?? where do i get them from and where do i put 
> them in mandrake
> #

edit your /etc/resolv.conf, put this lines:

search .
nameserver isp.dns.adrs

for more information about resolv.conf
$ man resolver

If God is One, what is bad?
-- Charles Manson

Re: [newbie] Weird Message

2000-01-25 Thread Ribbo

On Tue, 25 Jan 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I got this message on bootup of Mandrake 7.0
> Starting Sendmail postfix is loaded: i die in front of my lord
> Is this uh... supposed to happen?  I thought it was kind of spooky!
> That, coupled with squid dying constantly, prompted me to reload 6.1

you have to choose sendmail or postfix.
and uninstall one of them

Men are always ready to respect anything that bores them.
-- Marilyn Monroe

[newbie] fortune

2000-01-25 Thread Ribbo

does anybody knows how to put fortune as email signature automaticaly.
i use mutt with vim


Re: [newbie] MP3 software for Linux

2000-01-01 Thread Ribbo

Pada Jumat, 31 Dec 1999, John Aldrich menulis:

> You might try mpg123 from a command-line. That's a
> console-based mp3 player.
>   John

... gqmpeg for its frontend


Re: [newbie] Deleting icons from kde desktop

1999-12-08 Thread Ribbo

Pada Senin, 06 Dec 1999, Greg Pritchard menulis:
> Could someone please tell me how to get rid of some of the icons on the kde
> desktop.  I have tried deleting them from the desktop and from the desktop file
> in /home/user/desktop but when I logoff then logon again all the icons
> reappear. I have deleted icons as root and they have not returned to that
> desktop.  Am I missing something?

# rm /etc/skel/Desktop/*.*
# mv /etc/skel/Desktop/*.* ~/.kde
(for backup)


Re: [newbie] Desktop Icons

1999-12-08 Thread Ribbo

Pada Rabu, 08 Dec 1999, Lars Nordin menulis:
> I was wondering how I could cut down on the number of icons on my desktop.
> How can keep those icons from reappearing on my desktop?
is that KDE ?
for KDE just delete/remove all files in this directory:

do it as root :) 


Re: [newbie] Mail client that handles many different pop accounts???

1999-12-08 Thread Ribbo

Pada Minggu, 06 Dec 1999, Auroch menulis:

> Hello, Wise Ones,

not me ;)

>Q : Which Linux mail client handles several different accounts for the
> same user at the same time, and also handles html, images and such?

Mutt []
i use 3 email accounts for 6 mailing list and it works great.
the main keys are "send-hook", and "set sendmail=/usr/sbin/sendmail -f
[EMAIL PROTECTED]" in your .muttrc files, use fetchmail for download emails, and use 
procmail for filtering. 
here's one of my send-hook for .muttrc (i.e.):
send-hook newbie 'set sendmail="sendmail -f [EMAIL PROTECTED]"; \
my_hdr From: Ribbo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; \
set signature:"~/.mutt/sig/ribbo"' 

and this is my .fetchmailrc:

poll proto POP3
user ribbo password  is des fetchall
user des password  is des fetchall
poll proto POP3
user jedi password  is des fetchall

["des" is my account in my linux box]

html could be seen with configured mailcap (you can find it by the link
from the URL above), and also sounds, pics, mpg
but you need to run mutt under X cause it needs some X apps to open
those files. or you can save it if you running mutt in the console, then
open it later (those files will be seen as attachment).
html still viewable in the console if you have lynx installed.

you can use the newest version of XFmail (need XForm) or Postilion
(, still need procmail for filtering).
both running under X.


Re: [newbie] running multi GUI's for fun...

1999-12-08 Thread Ribbo

Pada Minggu, 05 Dec 1999, Ty C. Mixon menulis:
> Heh.  :)  I run WM now, but I like kfm, so I tend to start it, and it 
> gives me just eh icons on the desktop. No panel, or anything else.  I 
> kinda like it.  :)

hi Ty,
use "kfm -w" to start kfm without kde icons.
or put "kfm &" on ~/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/autostart
so you can have all the kde desktop icons everytime you start

i prefer gmc than kfm but cant make it like that.


[newbie] desktop

1999-11-07 Thread Ribbo

do you guys using KDE/GNOME for desktop?
all of you?
here i'm using WindowMaker 


Re: [newbie] Terminals

1999-11-02 Thread Ribbo

++ 01/11/99 13:27 -0500 - John Aldrich:
>I use Konsole here for all my command-line apps, and I have
>color *shrug*

does your lynx looks colored in Konsole?


[newbie] Terminals

1999-10-31 Thread Ribbo

dear friends,

which one of these terminals do you like ;)
and all comes with mandrake.
here im using WindowMaker,i choose Aterm and make it shaded and transparent. 
Eterm is great too (but not include in mandrake), you can put background image on it, 
but it eats lots of memory.

terminal is one of my important tool,since i still using Mutt, Pine, Vim, Lynx and 
the problem is, all of those terminal could not support color for Lynx except Kvt.
i dont know how to solve that problem.
i though it must be the environtment setting with Bash, so i put 
export COLORBGFG="default;default" 
to my .bashrc but it doesnt solve the problem.
i would realy appreciated if someone could tell me how to make it.
BTW, Aterm and Eterm wont be transparent in KDE too.
and i dont know why

and sorry for my english

Re: [Re: [newbie] Graphical text editors?]

1999-10-31 Thread Ribbo

On Sunday, Oct 31 1999, 01:11, Michael Scottaline wrote:
> ===
>   You are obviously a very bright young man (oh-oh; apologies if I got the
> gender wrong).  And you've reminded me that I'm not quite marginally competent
> ;o)

hi Mike, please dont say that.
it maybe because we born in different time and different world 
(is your Dad using freeBSD like my Dad? ;)
if i could run fast and kick hard, i would be playing soccer and join
the soccer mailing list rather than linux stuff.
and of course you dont have to be so bright (or be a programmer) to use Vim.
as i said im a newbie, i believe you have known something more than i do.


Re: [newbie] Gnomeicu won't work in KDE!

1999-10-31 Thread Ribbo

On Sunday, Oct 31 1999, 04:23, Benjamin Sher wrote:
> By the way, what does the -a add to it that makes it work in KDE when
> without the -a option it seems to be dead?

hi Ben,
gnomeicu needs gnome-panel to dock the applet.
so if you dont use GNOME then you must by pass the panel.
more details about it just type $ gnomeicu --help at terminal.


Re: [newbie] Gnomeicu won't work in KDE!

1999-10-31 Thread Ribbo

On Sunday, Oct 31 1999, 03:50, Benjamin Sher wrote:
> Dear friends:
> I hope you don't mind my repeating this message. My main reason is that
> I tested Gnomeicu in Gnome (which I should done earlier) and it works
> fine. But it won't work in KDE. Is there any to make it work in KDE?

Hi Ben,
try this command: gnomeicu -a
if you using KDE then i recommend Kicq because it has docking support to
KDE panel


Re: [newbie] Graphical text editors?

1999-10-30 Thread Ribbo

On Saturday, Oct 30 1999, 03:16, Benjamin Sher wrote:
> AND VIM, or they will eat you up alive or send you straight to a mental
> asylum.
> Use a simple text editor such as mcedit, pico, joe, the default KDE text
> editor and so on.
> If you decide later that you want to learn programming, you can then
> move up to Emacs or Vim. But not until then.

Hi Ben,
i think Vi/Vim is as simple as any editor you mentioned above
but Vim has more feature like cut/copy-paste, split-window for 
multiple file editing and colors. 
i write this letter with Mutt and Vim as the editor (i choose Mutt
becouse it can handle multiple email account, and able to running from

im a newbie too, 
i'm 13, newbie to computer, newbie to linux (i never touch Ms Windows like most
of you), and newbie to English.
vim is very simple, you just have to learn it for 15 minutes(maybe less)
and if you want to, maybe you should try to visit this site


Re: [newbie] Graphical text editors?

1999-10-29 Thread Ribbo

On Friday, Oct 29 1999, 12:27, Damien Mc Kenna wrote:
> I'm looking for a graphical text editor, something that supports syntax
> coloring for HTML, and preferably PHP and SQL too.  I'll go with either
> a KDE or Gnome app, and no, EMACS variants don't count.  For those of
> you familiar with them, I'm looking for something like EditPlus or
> NoteTab in Windows or GoldEd on the Amiga.



Re: [newbie] Kernel version

1999-10-26 Thread Ribbo

On Mon, Oct 25, 1999 at 08:15:22PM -0700, Yifan Yu said:
> Can someone tell me what version is the kernel that comes with Mandrake
> 6.1?

$ uname -r


Re: [newbie] GREP

1999-10-22 Thread Ribbo

On Fri, Oct 22, 1999 at 10:04:30AM -0600, Shannon M. Johnston said:
> Does anybody know what the grep command do?

$ man grep
Grep  searches the named input files (or standard input if
no files are named, or the file name - is given) for lines
containing a match to the given pattern.  By default, grep
prints the matching lines.


Re: [newbie] Procmail

1999-10-22 Thread Ribbo

On Thu, Oct 21, 1999 at 10:38:28PM -0400, Thomas J. Hamman said:
> Indeed my .procmailrc was group writable... I did a chmod 644 and bam it works.
>  Go figure.

glad you made it...
so which will you using then, postfix or sendmail? with or without .forward? 
more things to consider, you should try Fetchpop, its faster than fetchmail,
but cant handle multiple email-account like fetchmail does.
try Mutt instead of PINE. Since i use Mutt (with vim) i never want to use another 
mail-client again.
dont forget to use transparent Aterm/Eterm if you want to read from X  :)

have a good weekend


Re: [newbie] Quake2 in Xwin

1999-10-22 Thread Ribbo

On Fri, Oct 22, 1999 at 07:41:00PM +0800, Mr-X- said:

> Is runnin q2 with the X11 driver the _only_ way im gunna get it to work in X?

Quake2 running just fine with my old voodoo graphic.
i just follow the README steps, and Quake-HOWTO.
remember to remove /baseq2/config.cfg everytime you change the setting.
ones it running well for you, copy it to autoexec.cfg.


Re: [newbie] Quake2 in Xwin

1999-10-21 Thread Ribbo

On Fri, Oct 22, 1999 at 06:02:35AM +0800, Mr-X- said:
> Hi. I downloaded the RPM of Quake2 from and it wont run in ANY
> window manager under Xwin (KDE, enlightenment, gnome, afterstep), i managed to
> get it running in console 680x420 with my voodoo2 but the mouse wont work. Iv
> tried to edit /etc/vga/vgalib.config like it says in the README file but it
> still will not work, anyone have any ideas ?

did you try to turn off GPM ?

# ps aux | grep gpm
# kill   (gpm PID number)


Re: [newbie] Procmail

1999-10-20 Thread Ribbo

On Wed, Oct 20, 1999 at 08:50:38PM -0400, Thomas J. Hamman said:
> I gave that a try and it didn't work, all my mail was tossed into
> /var/spool/mail/hawk3 instead of being filtered by my .procmailrc.  Did you
> alter any of sendmail's settings so that it would use .procmailrc without
> needing .forward?

how do you download your emails? 
i use fetchmail (i see you're using XFmail and if i were you i will filtering my mails 
with it).
i didn't make any changes to my sendmail except the smart_relay_host part in so i can use another smtp address (thats for sending).
procmail+sendmail without .forward file working for me since i use Redhat 5.2,
and fetchmail for mail-downloader.
did you check the .mailog? 

> Hmm, I'm using Mandrake 6.1 as well with the same procmail and sendmail
> packages, and postfix is not installed, but for me sendmail seems to ignore
> .procmailrc if there's no .forward.

Sendmail wont ignore your procmail (if theres any)
check your /etc/ and make sure this line
Mlocal, P=/usr/bin/procmail, F=lsDFMAw5:/|@qSPfhn9, S=10/30, R=20/40,
A=procmail -Y -a $h -d $u

see thats why you dont need .forward file just for using procmail :)
if you use XFmail for download your email, maybe it past through the
procmail because mail client like XFmail doesn't need MTA for sender and
receiver (CMIIW).
but if you use fetchmail (or fetchpop) and still not working, then give postfix a try 
(its simple than sendmail to configure).
# ntsysv (uncheck sendmail)
# /etc/rc.d/init.d/sendmail stop
# rpm -e --nodeps sendmail
# rpm -ivh postfix.*.rpm
# /etc/rc.d/init.d/postfix start
do some test, send mail to your self (ie. [EMAIL PROTECTED])
then check your spool/mail dir, and check your procmail-log file.


Re: [newbie] Procmail Woes

1999-10-03 Thread Ribbo

On Mon, Sep 27, 1999 at 09:28:54PM -0400, Jim Howarth said:
> I am presently attempting to setup procmail and its not sending my
> messages to the appropriate place...I have followed the instructions
> in the FAQ by the letter and yet it isn't processing the mail properly.
> I'm pretty sure that the problem is in the .forward file.  Attached are
> both my .forward file and .procmailrc file.
> Any help would be appreciated!

first, make sure you run MTA Daemon, Sendmail or Postfix, both include in Mandrake 6.x.
but dont run postfix and sendmail at the same time, and you have to choose only one of
them installed to your system.
you dont realy need that .forward file, works fine with me.

West Java - Indonesia

Re: [newbie] e-mail reader

1999-09-25 Thread Ribbo

On Sam, 25 Sep 1999, Bob wrote:

> Hello all,
> What is a good e-mail reader for Linux.  I need one that can have several
> POP servers configured at one time?

you can use Fetchmail for downloading your email.
fetchmail can handle several POP/IMAP servers.
here i use Fetchmail for my 3 POP3 address, and read them with Mutt/Pine.
and maybe you also need Procmail for filtering.


Re: [newbie] Mail

1999-09-10 Thread Ribbo

On Thu, Sep 09, 1999 at 05:22:42PM -0700, Iulian Ungureanu said:
> Another newbie question:
> which mail tool should I install/use: the one in Nescape, or sendmail(Kmail)
> I have Mandrake 6.0 installed( prety straight farward!). I dial to my ISP
> for connection
> and I don't have a network.
> I can use Netscape, I can surf but the mail gives me hard time.
> Help pls. !
> Julian

hi Julian,

Sendmail is a mailer daemon who run the MTA (Mail Transfer Protocol).
you dont have to use it if you work with messenger or kmail.

here, i use 4 different programs for emailing:
-Fetchmail, for downloading
-Procmail, for mail filtering
-Mutt, for mailreader and editor
-Sendmail, for sending my email
after setting up those 4 programs, it could make your mail management so easy.
for example here i joined 15mailing list with 3 email addresses with no problem for
sortering, filtering, etc...

if you want to use multiple email account for one user in linux, you should try that.
i hear Postilion ( will have the same capability and running 
X. (i run Mutt form transparent Eterm in my WindowMaker, for me its look very cute 
than any
mail programs under X)


Re: [newbie] Uh oh... I did it again

1999-09-05 Thread Ribbo

On Sun, Sep 05, 1999 at 01:53:48PM -0500, Andy Goth said:
> Where are all these Attributes... settings saved on disk?



Re: [newbie] Kppp and password

1999-09-05 Thread Ribbo

On Sun, Sep 05, 1999 at 08:43:31AM -0400, harry ellis said:
> Kppp remembers my user ID and password in root and for one user. When I create
> more users through Configurator, the Kppp wont remember . In all cases
> I'm using the same ID and password, and the box is clicked to ask it to
> remember. (And the user that it works for was created through Configurator.)

you can edit manualy in 

$pico ~/.kde/share/config/kppprc
put this line under [Account0]:



Re: [newbie] Electrical Power Dead, then Linux (X) is dead too ?

1999-09-05 Thread Ribbo

On Sun, Sep 05, 1999 at 10:30:37AM -0400, John Aldrich said:

> Get a UPS! I don't know why they would be SO much more expensive
> there in Indonesia. A UPS is the ONLY thing that will save you, even
> in Windows 95/98! I don't know if flushing the buffers more
> frequently (continuously?) would make any difference, but you really
> can't expect ANY O/S to *like* being shut down improperly, even
> Windows!
> Here in the US, you can purchase an APC 200 VA UPS for $66. I can't
> imagine it would be more than $100 for a similar piece of equipment
> there in Indonesia, even accounting for exchange rates, shipping,
> etc!  You really need a UPS! PERIOD!

US $66 is sooo expensive in here indonesia. mostly for student like me.
thats why we choose linux for works.
with $66 you can make a living for a month in Indonesia


Re: [newbie] Electrical Power Dead, then Linux (X) is dead too ?

1999-09-05 Thread Ribbo

On Sun, Sep 05, 1999 at 04:25:11PM +0800, Luqman Hakim said:

> My friend has SuSE, and he have tested his SuSE by pushing the power
> button before shutdown (many times), like i do(1x) in my 3rd install,
> to test that the distro can pass the power failure. His SuSE always
> run smootly without any problem. 

yup... i guess that mandrake's kernel is fragile.

> then the "mount/unmount [failed]" problem become
> an eternal problem in Mandrake until i reinstall it. And it's still be a
> problem after i upgrading the kernel and initscripts.
> :-(

make sure to  edit your lilo.conf after you upgrade the kernel.

#pico /etc/lilo.conf
change the kernel line to .27mdk



Re: [newbie] Questions about dual booting

1999-09-05 Thread Ribbo

On Sun, Sep 05, 1999 at 07:56:55AM -0500, Jeanette Russo said:
> Can you also access GNOME menu items from KDE?
> I saw the KDE menu in GNOME.
> Jeanette

sure you can Jeanette,
i use Gnome + WindowMaker and running some KDE apps to.
like Klyx, Kppp, and Kpanel

run 'panel &' from your KDE and you'll have the Gnome panel.
or make a new app icon for 'panel' in your Autostart folder,so you can
have Gnome panel every time you log on your KDE



Re: [newbie] Re: X11Amp

1999-09-05 Thread Ribbo

On Sun, Sep 05, 1999 at 09:20:25AM -0500, Jose Alberto Abreu said:
> How do you change the skins? I downloaded a couple of ones from
> but i dont know where to unpack them, and how to tell xmms that i have
> these skins.


and you dont need to extract them 


Re: [newbie] Questions about dual booting - dialing

1999-09-05 Thread Ribbo

On Sun, Sep 05, 1999 at 08:37:40AM -0700, Westbrook said:

hi Russ,
> When I tried to set it up as a normal user, these errors popped up:
> pppd is not properly installed
> the pppd binary must be installed with the SUID bit set. Contact your
> System Administrator.
> ==OK==

are you sure you already installe the "ppp" packet which comes with your
> I press "OK" and this one pops up:
> ~~~
> kppp has detected a 'lock' option in /etc/ppp/options.
> This option has to be removed since kppp takes care of device locking
> itself. Contact your System Administrator.
> ==OK==
> ~~~

become root (type su in your terminal)
#pico /etc/ppp/options  [ENTER]
remove the 'lock' line, then hit Ctrl-X, and save 

> I press "OK"  and the dialer comes up. I click "Setup" then set the
> modem (ttys3 or something like that. I am back in Windows to send this
> so it is from memory and what I wrote down) then I attempt to Query
> the modem and I get this error:

Russ, try to make connection as Root.
this is NOT good to make modme connection as root but if you can make the
connection then your problem is the SUID stuff but if you cant then i
suppose your not install the ppp 
or you might want to try another dialer like minicom (first you must set
it up in root acc, '#minicom -s') or wvdial .etc

or make a link to your modem to /dev/modem
#ln -s /dev/ttyS3 /dev/modem 
run the Kppp setup again and change the modem device to /dev/modem

last... make sure your modem is not a softmodem cause linux cant recognise

sorry my english... im 13years old and a newbie for english and linux. 


Re: [newbie] Questions about dual booting

1999-09-04 Thread Ribbo

On Sat, Sep 04, 1999 at 07:57:34PM -0700, Westbrook said:
> Hi again All,
> Skip question #1 I figured it out (switchdesk). I still need help with
> the dialer though.

you can use kppp, its include in mandrake 6.0
kppp is very simple and easy to setup, itc omes with KDE network but you
can use it along with Gnome.
well you can run every KDE apps in Gneome and vice versa.
click your 2nd mouse button to the Gnome's foot-button, then select
properties. check the "on the main menu" option for KDE menu, so you
can access KDE apps from Gnome, have fun.


Re: [newbie] Electrical Power Dead, then Linux (X) is dead too ?

1999-09-04 Thread Ribbo

On Sat, Sep 04, 1999 at 03:10:55PM +0800, Luqman Hakim said:
> > Alternatively reinstall your OS. A newbie should do this 4-5 times any
> way, play
> > with partitions, different packages, etc.
> This is the third times. i hope that i'll successfull for the forth.

then maybe you should try another dist like slack or Deb.
try to put them into the same situation, cut the power when its running.
i think mandrake's kernel optimation is make it so fragile, please correct
this opinion.


Re: [newbie] MS releases new Windows and NT Keyboard (humor)

1999-01-03 Thread Ribbo

Pada Jumat, 05 Nov 1999, John Aldrich mengatakan:
> Keyboard with just three keys -- Control, Alternate and
> Delete. :-)
>   John

so what those all about? (i never use MS Windows)
we do have the same combo buttons for linux, right?

$ less /etc/inittab
ca::ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -t3 -r now

i really want to enjoy that pic too.. 
so please somebody enlightenment me
