Re: [newbie] forwarding mail w postfix, procmail & fetchmail -woe is this newbie

2001-09-26 Thread WCBaker

Hi!Using postfix, procmail & fetchmail on Mandrake 8.0 I got fetchmail
to poll other addresses and to ostensibly forward mail to another account.
Fetchmail polls successfully but the following code in .procmailrc doesn't
seem to do the trick:

:0 H

So fetchmail polls Janet at the account and successfully finds mail
(when it is, in fact there).  Then procmail ought to send the mail snagged
to Janet.   IF I ASK procmail to forward internal mail to an internal
account it is happy to do so and everything is perfect.   If I ask procmail
to forward mail polled from elsewhere, it seems to send it off into
cyberspace somewhere because the mail disappears off the server, is
announced to me, and then is gone forever.   External forwards do not work
for me.

I have a feeling that the problem is a lack of consistency of settings
between postfix, procmail and fetchmail.  For example in the documentation I
noted something in postfix about the prepend_delivered_header with a setting
of command, file, forward.   However I didn't fully understand the
explanation of this and whether it would bear on my problem.

Any suggestions?



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Re: [newbie] open ports: explanation requested

2001-09-23 Thread WCBaker


I have some open ports, as indicated by an nmap localhost scan.

2 main questions:
a) Is there a console or terminal command that lets me shut a port down?
and another command to reinstate the port ?

b) Can anyone take a moment to explain whether these are necessary:
port 111   sunrpc  (what is sunrpc?)
617 & port 631 Unknown(likely these are eth0 and lo, my ethernet and
cable connections??)
1024 kdm   (is this kde's connection?   can I make this stealth instead of
an open port??)
1026 nterm (can I make this stealth?)
6000 X11   (can I make this stealth?)

Thanks for your time!



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Re: [newbie] Postfix / Fetchmail problems solved!

2001-09-22 Thread WCBaker


So that others may not have to go through the same silliness that I brought
upon myself, here is a recap and a solution:

I'm running Mandrake 8.0.  Tried to get fetchmail to fetch pop3.  I have a
mailbox and it appeared to be set up properly (after advice from David Fox).

I've posted before about this problem and then gave up for a day.   Earlier
Mark (Dark Matter) had astutely asked me how I got mail via Mozilla to work.
I recalled
the settings incorrectly (stupid me!).  Tonight I reviewed my situation.  My
pop3 server name is mail and NOT


My .fetchmailrc file is as follows:

set bouncemail
set no spambounce
set properties ""
poll mail protocol POP3
   user '' there with password '' is zorba
options fetchall

outcome upon launch:

THE KEY was thinking about what Mark had said.   I put in the "mail"  (which
is the name of my mail server on the @Home system) above.   I got an error
message that included something I'd seen in my e-mail headers before:

authorization failure: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

So I then realized that the "" is what I've seen in
my own headers, so likely that is what I ought to be using instead of   I made the changes to make the .fecthmailrc as it is above, and
Bob was my cousin, er, uncle.




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Re: [newbie] Bastille-related problem: can't log in as su . . .

2001-09-21 Thread WCBaker


I used InteractiveBastille.   Subsequently I could not go into a terminal in
a non-root account and log in as su.   As soon as I enter the correct
password I get the message "File size limit exceeded".   I don't think that
the log files could be so big (I only re-installed a few days ago and have
not been on the system much)

Also, when I returned to Interactive-Bastille in another session, to reset
some options, there seemed to be no effect. . .   Is there something like a

I'm clearly clobbering myself but I'm not sure how.



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Re: [newbie] fetchmail & pine not receiving (still, again, always)

2001-09-18 Thread WCBaker

Hi Mark (and anyone else who might be entertained by/curious about this

Today I did a complete re-install of Mandrake 8.0 and the picture below
represents my current state.   I
will yet try again on the morrow!  I recently got a message from Postfix
(YEAH!) from
the system.   So I get internal mail now.

First, here is my .fetchmailrc file:
= SNIP =
set postmaster "WeAreUs"
set bouncemail
set no spambounce
set properties ""
poll proto POP3 via eth0
   user 'WCBaker' there with password 'xxx' is WeAreUs here
= SNIP =

Issuing  fetchmail with -v flag:
message that comes back is:   "fetchmail:  couldn't find canonical DNS name

Issuing  from the console: "fetchmail"
message that comes back is:   "fetchmail:  couldn't find canonical DNS name

Issuing  from the console: "fetchmail"
message that comes back is:   "fetchmail:  couldn't find canonical DNS name

For all the attempts above, I watched both the status lights on the ethernet
card attached to the cable modem and also the desktop Network Monitoring
tool, and fetchmail does appear to be doing the DNS query (well, it is
certainly doing something on the net but I have no certainty about what it
is doing).

Neither my host name nor my domain name on the Linux box are
(which I figure would really shoot me in the foot, or even higher up).  I
did call myself "", if that is ok??

It does appear that "there's something scwewy going on awound here!"   Those
wascawy winux pwobwems. . .

Thanks to all for tolerating this continuing (seemingly forever) thread. . .


-wowen (that's warren if you are not a bugs bunny fan)

- Original Message -
From: "Mark Weaver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 8:12 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] fetchmail & pine not receiving (still)

> WC, try typing the fetchmail command and use the "-v" flag and post the
> results of the attempt. It sounds as though you're not telling fetchmail
> the correct information, or theres something scwewy going on awound here!
> --
> daRcmaTTeR
> =/\=???
>   |%C++

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[newbie] pending outcome on Postfix/Fetchmail/Pine receiving problem

2001-09-16 Thread WCBaker

Tim & Paul I will get back to the list with the outcome and what worked.
Thankx for all your suggestions!



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Re: [newbie] Using fetchmail/postfix/pine on Mandrake 8.0. Can send. Can't receive.

2001-09-16 Thread WCBaker

Sorry Mark,  I forgot to include an obviously needed detail -- I am using
fetchmail to retrieve messages.



- Original Message -
From: "Mark Weaver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Newbie List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2001 6:56 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Using postfix & pine on Mandrake 8.0. Can send. Can't

> what are you using to "fetch" the mail from your ISP to your box?

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Re: [newbie] fetchmail & pine not receiving (still)

2001-09-16 Thread WCBaker


I had good guidance from this list recently and have got fetchmail and pine
both installed and configured (although clearly I'm missing something).  I'm
running Mandrake 8.0.  I can send mail but can't receive from the Linux box.
Out of curiosity last night I tried setting up Mozilla to retrieve mail for
me and it happily retrieves all the mail I want.  However, Pine maintains
that there are 0 messages in the inbox, regardless of how many messages have
piled up . . . It appears to be the same problem that I had before
setting up Mozilla, and Mozilla isn't set to get messages until I tell it to
get them, so it isn't like Mozilla is hoarding all the inbound mail, so that
Pine actually has no mail to report.  Pine gets its chance but just doesn't
seem to find mail.  I assume that fetchmail is not finding mail, somehow.
Could it somehow be looking in the wrong location??

Regarding fetchmail, if I set up a .fetchmailrc and ask it to poll for (I'm on the @Home cable system) it complains bitterly that
this can't be found cannonically on the DNS server.  If I remove the mail.
at the front (which violates all sample .fetchmailrc files I have seen) it
still can't get any mail.   If I use commandline "fetchmail" it
then asks me for a password for the correct username and but then
it just hangs and never gets back to me after I enter the password.

Does anyone have an idea as to what might be happening here or is my
question too big (ie. too many possibilities to answer anything)?

(I'm definitely closer to my goal than before!)



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Re: [newbie] Using postfix & pine on Mandrake 8.0. Can send. Can't receive.

2001-09-15 Thread WCBaker

I set up postfix & pine on Mandrake 8.0.   I can send messages out but I
can't retrieve anything.  Does anyone have ideas?



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Re: [newbie] pine setup question

2001-09-10 Thread WCBaker


I really like Pine, even though it is only partially set up!

I've got several e-mail accounts and I want to use them in pine.   So how
can I make pine not be tied to my user name and therefore limit me to
sending mail from   username@host??   I want to be able to send mail
from a number of accounts.   Can this be done or is there a writeup
someplace describing what to do?



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[newbie] mailbox query

2001-09-07 Thread WCBaker


I have an embarrassing question to ask.  I installed Mutt and upon running
the creature it complained that I do not have a mailbox.  This is a big
mystery for me.   How do I get/make a mailbox?



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[newbie] Re: root login by default - want to terminate

2001-08-28 Thread WCBaker


It seems to me that previously when I used the who module, I only found the
login I was using (everything is on one box so I don't require multiple

Now I find that Root logs on as well as the user.   Is there a way to change
this so that only my current login is active, and root is not logging in

I'm using Mandrake 8.0, the regular, full version.



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[newbie] Re: hostname + domain in LinuxConf - proper fomat is ??

2001-08-23 Thread WCBaker

In LinuxConf to set one's host name it has a space for "hostname + domain".
I have not set this correctly.  Although I can surf, my attempts to set up
Qmail have made the fact that I've made a mistake with "hostname + domain"
quite clear.  For example, when I try the configuration step in the install
procedure I do a "./config" and I get back this:

=== SNIP ==
Your hostname is cs53912-b
hard error
Sorry, I couldn't find your host's canonical name in DNS.  You will have to
set up control/me yourself.
=== SNIP ==

I chose the hostname (figuring that it was something that I ought to
choose - a convenient handle).  Am I wrong?
How does one enter "hostname + domain" properly in LinuxConf??  Do I put a
"+" between the hostname and the domain??



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[newbie] Re: hoping to use CD-only install of Mandrake 8.0 on a Libretto palmtop. . . possible??

2001-08-22 Thread WCBaker

Here's a good question for you!   I've put Mandrake 8.0 on a desktop and
it's great (I'm new to Linux, by the way).   Now I need to get Mandrake 8.0
on my tiny Libretto palmtop.   The palmtop currently has a Japanese version
of Windoze 95 on it and I'd like to keep a very tiny bit of the disk for
Windoze but have Linux eat up most of it.   Problem is that my PCMCIA
fax/modem card  and the floppy drive are no longer functional (long story
involving a lot of travelling).

Is it possible to NOT use a floppy disk to boot when installing?   I want to
just use my CD (I do have access to a PCMCIA CD machine that connects quite
nicely) and install Mandrake 8.0.

Can I do this?  I've seen other methods on the Net, but I need to use CD
only. . .



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[newbie] Re: Benjamin: Thanks! Mandrake 8.0 "internet" desktop icon problem cleared up

2001-08-22 Thread WCBaker

Thanks heaps Benjamin!It all got cleared up.   I found out that Linux
was just responding to the fact that somehow I had misconfigured, and I
didn't have access to the Internet, so it wouldn't let me use the
connect/disconnect facility.  I don't know what I changed, but I've managed
to get things reconfigured and now Linux will let me have access to the
relevant tools.   One of my problems is not realizing that Linux is
intelligent enough to know what I should be using under what circumstances.

By the way, I just used VNC for the first time and that was a Peak
Experience.  Amazing stuff, and I'm just scratching the surface. . .  wow!

Cheers to all!


> Dear W.C. Baker:
> You are right. To connect to the Internet you need to click on the
> Software Manager icon, Network and Internet, Connection. Don't touch the
> Internet Sharing button unless youa re connecting two computers. The
> Connection interface is quite confusing. Use the Configure wizard at the
> bottom right. I hope LM 8.1 will feature a more streamlined, accessible
> interface for all this.
> Benjamin
> On Wednesday 22 August 2001 18:50, you wrote:
> > Hi!   I very recently installed Mandrake 8.0.   The "internet" desktop
> > in KDE (and I think, in Gnome, too) does not give me a button to connect
> > disconnect to Internet. . .   I'm wondering how I can go about
> > troubleshooting this problem.
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > -warren

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[newbie] Thanks to Tom & Charles for responses for my last 2 problems! All cleared up!

2001-08-22 Thread WCBaker

Thanks to Tom & Charles for responses for my last 2 problems!  All cleared



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[newbie] Re: Mandrake 8.0 "internet" desktop icon does not give me a button to connect & disconnect to Internet. . .

2001-08-22 Thread WCBaker

Hi!   I very recently installed Mandrake 8.0.   The "internet" desktop icon
in KDE (and I think, in Gnome, too) does not give me a button to connect &
disconnect to Internet. . .   I'm wondering how I can go about
troubleshooting this problem.



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