Re: [newbie] Where is Kudzu et al

2000-01-07 Thread WH Bouterse

Many of Mandrakes newest are here!!! (kudzu too)

Be patient and careful and things eventually seem to work :>)
I have been upgrading a L-M 6.1 system.

William Bouterse
Juneau Alaska

Re: [newbie] Opera for Linux beta out!

1999-12-24 Thread WH Bouterse for Dec 24th has the link

Its actually more like Opera-Alpha

Very buggy but at least they got it
out the door for public testing.

[newbie] rpm upgrade via network?

1999-12-23 Thread WH Bouterse

I have read docs, mans etc and seen various posts
concerning this topic and in fact I think Axalone
mentioned it a few thousand messages back, however
I am not clear what the simplest approach is to:

>From machine 'A'  Linux Mandrake 6.1 fully functional,
with a directory full of new 'Cooker' rpms;

To install and/or upgrade machine 'B' the 'testbed',
with a minimal L-M 6.1 installed and
network operational between the two machines. Ftp and
Telnet are working "inhouse". Machine 'B' does not
have internet access at this time, and will not get it
until upgraded,"fully stable and functional", and secure. 

Is this the "kickstart" idea, or the ftp/wget rpm-upgrade,
install "as you go" method which I never seem to
understand or get right?

Suggestions or Inspirations welcome!

William Bouterse
Juneau Alaska

Re: [newbie] Two systems+CableModem

1999-12-22 Thread WH Bouterse

Being a cable-modem user here in Alaska we have
had some difficulty at first getting them to recognize
us Linux users as a bonifide group, but the change has
come rapidly, in fact the last Tech Support person I
talked to runs LInux-Mandrake at home and in fact the
ISP has switched to running a Linux DHCPD server
Their NT system proved unsatisfactory.

I would suggest if possible to contact other
experienced Linux users in your area to verify
the validity of the staement made by the person
you talked to or try talking to other support
personnel if possible. I had one problem that took
me a month and several different tech people to
get straightened out due to their lack of
understanding of not only Linux but how 
net bios filtering worked and cable-modem protocols
in general were utilized. 

Good Luck

William Bouterse
Juneau Alaska

[newbie] /usr/local versus /usr/local

1999-12-21 Thread WH Bouterse

For some reason I continue to miss the obvious.

On a machine with two smallish HD's;

/dev/hda; The 1-gig has M$/Linux-Mandrake 6.1 with 
System Commander as boot manager.

/dev/hdc The second 400mg HD, I made a ext2 mounted as

/dev/hda3   /   
/dev/hdc1   /usr/local

How does one get Linux to always tell the difference
between the two /usr/locals? I initially intended
to have all new programs install in /dev/hdc /usr/local
in fact I would have preferred to have all original
programs which get put into /usr/local go into the "extra"
/usr/local, i.e. the whole install spread out over 
the two drives. I have "fumbled" with this same issue 
many times over the last couple years. All the reading and
misconfigurations have yet to shed real "light" on this,
for me anyway.

So is the obvious to cp everything in one /usr/local
to the other /usr/local maintaining all permissions,
sym-links etc.? Or a cleaner "do it right the first time"
kind of routine which I am missing?

Thanks for any thoughts on this.

William Bouterse
Juneau Alaska

[newbie] Simple fdisk question Solved!

1999-12-19 Thread WH Bouterse

Yes, sometimes the most obvious answers
are the very ones which ellude us.

'mke2fs'  was the command I was looking for!

Thanks to Mike Fieschko for bringing that up.
The file system is recognized and functioning
reasonably well for being on an old 400 meg HD.

So; fdisk /dev/hdc, create new partition /dev/hdc1
'mount -t ext2 /dev/hdc1 /extralinux'
'mke2fs /dev/hdc1'
Seems to have done it!

Thanks again, maybe I won't forget the next time ! :-)

It would be nice to have a GUI which would do this
for the coding/commandline impaired like myself. 
I have been using Linux for over 3 years and still
make the most bumbling goofs! Actually I guess
a GUI wouldn't help that either.

Hows the progress with 'DiskDrake'?
Has anyone used it with success?

Thanks again to those who helped.

William Bouterse
Juneau, Alaska

Re: [newbie] Simple fdisk question?

1999-12-18 Thread WH Bouterse

Thanks for the reply! Yes I did actually do the
'mount -t ext2 /dev/hdc1 /extralinux'
I can get fdisk and cfdisk to see it and remove the
bootable flag that keeps poping up. So I delete,
repartition,write it , it gets recognized by fdisk
and by the dmesg at bootup as /dev/hdc /dev/hdc1
but attempting to mount it gives a;
"can't find an ext2 filesystem on /dev/ide(22,1)
mount wrong fstype,bad option,bad superblock on /dev/hdc1.."
I try it with 'linuxconf' with similiar results.?
Is something on the mbr which gives the wrong signal the prob./
I am seeing if I can make this work without having to go into M$ 
again for a 'fdisk/mbr' as I really don't know if its a
"linux thing" or a "dos/M$ thing" or none of the above?

Lary Coolidge wrote..
>...  If it is a linux partition, then you
>would include ext2.  At least that's my understanding.

--- WH Bouterse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On a test system I had one small HD with ;
> L-M 6.1 and M$ with System Commander on;
> /dev/hda. I find an old 400mg Drive lying around,
> hook it up, get it recognized at boot, do the;
> fdisk /dev/hdc and it shows everything fine
> in fact it was a linux disk of some vintage.
> So I use fdisk to, delete the old create a 
> new partition  '/dev/hdc1' and attempt 
> 'mount /dev/hdc1 /extralinux' for example.
> Well it shows up in /etc/fstab but does not show up
> with a 'df' and rebooting kicks me 
> into root command-line mode with a "bad superblock"
> I end up having to remove the entry in /etc/fstab. 
> An msdos style mbr problem? Can one remove that in
> Linux without having to go to the ol dos 'fdisk/mbr'

> Obviously I am making an elementary mistake.
> The mans and Howtos haven't helped me this time.

[newbie] Simple fdisk question?

1999-12-17 Thread WH Bouterse

On a test system I had one small HD with ;
L-M 6.1 and M$ with System Commander on;
/dev/hda. I find an old 400mg Drive lying around,
hook it up, get it recognized at boot, do the;
fdisk /dev/hdc and it shows everything fine
in fact it was a linux disk of some vintage.

So I use fdisk to, delete the old create a 
new partition  '/dev/hdc1' and attempt 
'mount /dev/hdc1 /extralinux' for example.
Well it shows up in /etc/fstab but does not show up
with a 'df' and rebooting kicks me 
into root command-line mode with a "bad superblock" error
I end up having to remove the entry in /etc/fstab.

An msdos style mbr problem? Can one remove that in Linux 
without having to go to the ol dos 'fdisk/mbr'
Obviously I am making an elementary mistake.
The mans and Howtos haven't helped me this time.
I always thought fdisk from linux and creating 
a new partition and a mount point
was how I did it before? 

Please show me the error of my ways
I guess I have not, "learned from my previous mistakes,
therefore I am doomed to repeat them " :-)

William Bouterse
Juneau Alaska

[newbie] Adobe FrameMaker for Linux

1999-12-15 Thread WH Bouterse

Has anyone else tried this out !?

Lets see if we can make it GO 

Keep Us Posted with Successes and bugs.

We've been waiting along time for this one !!

Good Luck

William Bouterse
Juneau Alaska

Re: [newbie] lpr .46 -- lpq still dead

1999-12-03 Thread WH Bouterse

Benjamin !

Did you try the extra step I tried which
corrected my constant buggy printing problems
of several weeks ago? i.e.

With LPD originally compiled as modular (by default)
in the 6.1 kernel

in /etc/rc.d/rc.local
at the end of the file past the last 'fi' I put;

/sbin/modprobe parport
/sbin/modprobe parport_pc
/sbin/modprobe lp

That finally cleared up several very aggravating problems
for me which had never cropped up before in ANY version
of Linux I have tried.

You are right in hoping the next version of Linux-Mandrake
will make it much easier for a "new-user" to get their printer
up and running without effort. Neither of us are "new-users" yet
we have had many problems reported on this List with something
as basic as default printer configuration.

Good Luck,

William Bouterse
Juneau, Alaska

Re: [newbie] Soundblaster Awe32

1999-11-23 Thread WH Bouterse

Sorry for the misprint ; should have read:


Helps quite a bit. Once I quit trying to run 'sndconfig' 
(it seems to never let well enough alone and always changes things, at
least for me)

William Bouterse

Re: [newbie] bounced emails

1999-11-17 Thread WH Bouterse

Has support or abuse been contacted by anyone?
Or what are our options if this persists?

WH Bouterse

Re: [newbie] Printing Envelopes NIGHTMARE

1999-11-16 Thread WH Bouterse

I too have had excellant luck with WP8 !!!

William Bouterse
Juneau, Alaska

Re: [newbie] bounced emails

1999-11-16 Thread WH Bouterse

Three different ones "septimius,urbanus,and carus" forwarded from me are
on their way !!!

William Bouterse
Juneau, Alaska

Re: [newbie] Flatbed Scanners

1999-11-13 Thread WH Bouterse

I have had excellant luck with SANE
Also XSANE with GIMP has become a very functiioinal, and 
often used set of programs for me with Linux and scanning.

William Bouterse
Juneau, Alaska

Re: [newbie] Books

1999-11-12 Thread WH Bouterse

"Linux in a Nutshell 2nd Edition" published by O'Reilly.
It has a good overview of command line examples.
Also the Macmillan Linux-Mandrake distributions have several E Books
Which are several thousand pages of reading.

William Bouterse
Juneau, Alaska

Re: [newbie] Printer daemon (another update)

1999-11-11 Thread WH Bouterse

Have you tried putting the following in:

>add the following lines at the end of /etc/rc.d/rc.local

>/sbin/modprobe parport
>/sbin/modprobe parport_pc
>/sbin/modprobe lp   

I rebooted after that though there may be a simpler method
to get things rolling.
Did you also go ahead and install the update lpr rpm? 
(It worked for some not for others) 

There sure have been a lot of bizzare printer config problems with
Linux-Mandrake 6.1 if that is the version you're using.

Good luck!

WH Bouterse

[newbie] MOre Printer Woes!

1999-10-25 Thread WH Bouterse

I am continuing to be caught in printer configuration problems.

I have had the most trouble in 4 YEARS to configure this frequently used
Have I lost what little Linux knowledge I thought I knew!?
I certainly dont mind admitting my ignorance if someone can point it out
to me :-)

My last couple of notes have gone unanswered so thought I would try

I am running L-M 6.1 Helios
I have configured the same printer successfully on RH5.2 and L-M 6.0

Are any others using the 850xseries drivers successfully?
Printtool gave me errors using the HP DesjJet 850X series drivers so I
go back to the venerable 550x series.

click 'restart lpd'
For the first time in many trys it actually prints out the postscript
test file
Attempting to print a file in netscape or Wordperfect ends qued in
/var/spool/lpd/lp but doesnt print.

#lprm job#s
#lpq   "Warning: lp is down: lp is ready and printing
no entries" 
Using suggestions from the List:

#lpc restart lp
"no daemon to abort
daemon started"

#lpc stat lp
"queuing is enabled
printing is disabled
no entries
no daemon present"

Try # lpd restart

#lpr 'filename' goes to que and stays there so does #lpr -Plp 'filename'

Printool test "print ASCHII directly to port" works
The other tests do not work.
Must restart Window Manager to get a test postscript page to print then
nothing works again and back to square one of several hours and days
tweaking, reading, rebooting etc. 

Would someone please point out "the error of my ways"!? If it is a long
one feel free to post to my email address and when I am successful I
will post the positive results to the List.


William Bouterse

[newbie] print probs ad.infinitum

1999-10-24 Thread WH Bouterse

Well still working with printtool here :-(

A  reboot got my lp0 detected finally this time. Dont know why it didn't
So a "Print ASCII directly to port" gets the test line ok the first try
Second try it gets cockeyed though still prints
"Print ASCII test page" gets files qued but no printing

lprm job # and checking the lp directory shows files purged
'lpq' gets "lp is down:lp is ready & printing  no entries" HuH? 
Well I still do not have a working printer!

I will stop there for the time being to see if this rings a bell for

Are the printing protocols that much different this time around or am I
just having a-bad-printer-configuration-couple-of-days?

William Bouterse
Sun 1900hrs Juneau, Alaska

[newbie] Printtool dev/lp* not detected

1999-10-24 Thread WH Bouterse

Can someone tell me the obvious mistake I am making !

I have L-M 6.1 Helios 

I have setup printers on RH and L-M before, However the properly
connected printer, used before the 6.1 upgrade is not being detected
when I attempt to "add printer" in printtool?

The conf.modules has the line I understand is needed these days:?
alias parport_lowlevel parport_pc

Is it now necessary to put something in lilo.conf as well?

I don't mind being called a "duffless-newbie" even after wrestling with
LInux since 1994.
Often the obvious elludes me and the HOWTO's Man's FAQ's all merge
together into information overload. Generally about the time I start
getting a few basics a new upgrade comes along and I have to learn
something new. Thats okay with me but 
"after" the problems get solved!

William Bouterse

[newbie] Intel 740AGP video

1999-10-21 Thread WH Bouterse

Has anyone gotten this chip to work on Linux-Mandrak 6.0? , or 6.1?

I recently finally got a friend who is an "Instructor" for classes for
the "Darkside" and NT to try out Linux and his first snag was the
"oft-present" video-X not working after install.

I don't have many details right now as I just got a "help" message from

Help me convert this "unbeliever" :-)

William Bouterse

[newbie] Why did 6.1 install for me?

1999-10-20 Thread WH Bouterse

I recently did a Linux-Mandrake 6.1 upgrade from an ISO image on a
burned CD from the LInux-Mandrake site over a MacMillan Mandrake 6.0

Could the Mandrake Folks have a quiet chat to Macmillan about their
confusing labeling of Mandrake? I think it could get out of control if
it keeps up.

Luckily, other than changing a few .xinitrc files everything went

This is on an ancient pentium 120, 64 megs, 3 hardrives , all Maxtors
one of which has been running for 5 years without a hiccup, Xpert 8mg
video, AWE 32, two Network cards, a cheap AHA 1502 scsi for the
venerable Microtek E3, and a cable-modem hookup. 

Its a multibooter with System Commander on the MBR with M$, RH5.2,
Mandrake 6.1

So I guess sometimes I get lucky? after reading all the "bug reports" I
probably would have never done it! So to those who might hesitate. If
your financial and physical health does NOT depend on it...GO FOR IT :-)

William Bouterse
Juneau, Alaska

[newbie] Anyone get qcam working?

1999-10-14 Thread WH Bouterse

This is a QuickCamVC color

I have Mandrake 6.1 with the qcam stuff compiled in as well as the

Reading howtos,faqs,web-sites, mans etc. It just doesnt sink in.

xcam under SANE doesnt recognize it either.

Any suggestions? 

WH Bouterse