[newbie] Kernel Decision - Which one?

2002-03-01 Thread Wes Gregg

Thanks to everyone that pointed me towards the list archive search page.  
That proved very helpful and I am sure it will be of more help in the future.

I notice that there are already newer kernels than the one I was going to 
update to (  I am mainly looking for one with security updates to 
the one that came with my 8.1 powerpack.  That appears to be, but I 
am reading that newer kernels may fix problems that I may not be aware of 
(virtual memory, faster, supermount(?), etc.).

Are any kernels newer than just as stable as it is?  Differences?  
With the search page I was not able to find a message that compared the 
various versions starting with (Mandrake-recommended?)

Also where can I download this kernel version, and is it safer (iow which 
way is my file going to arrive without corruption?) to download with browser 
(konq, or ???), ftp program (???) or with gnome transfer manager?

I would like to bring my system in line with the various updates available 
through software manager/mandrake update & believe I am ready to take the 
first step (which seems the most daunting but should truly be the first 
step?):  installing a newer kernel alongside my current one.

Then I can install the nVidia kernel/glx.  It seems there is already a 
version made for which gives a point to that kernel but I believe I 
know how to do the make thing on the raw files if need arises.

Thanks in advance,
    Wes Gregg   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Registered Linux User # 252649
AMD, Mandrake, Intercooled T-Type, Subaru, and Cannondale
Doing it Better - Just a little bit different.

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[newbie] Kernel Upgrade & List Archives

2002-02-28 Thread Wes Gregg

Hello everyone,

I am back to Mandrake Linux after a short hiatus.  I had to reinstall again 
due to what turned out to be errors on my hard drive.  I think I have them 
isolated now & if so I should have a stable system.

It already looks much nicer on my KDS 17" flat screen monitor.  Mandrake 
handled it combined with my old TNT card and gave me all graphics 
resolutions, which is a remarkable change from my old generic 14".

I of course lost all my email and web bookmarks this time.  I have decided 
to do occasional backups of these files to my windows drive just in case.

I learned somewhere that a better working kernel than I am using (stock 8.1 
2.4.8-26(?)) is which is supposed to fix some security issues, 
virtual memory, etc.

I had an email with directions for upgrading my kernel.  Actually it was for 
something else, it was to someone who had just reinstalled and was wanting to 
do something else (update software manager lists?).  But the person was 
directed to first install the newer kernel.  I think the message went 
something like:

First go to someplace.addy.outthere and download filex.afile and 
follow the 
directions on http:www.webaddy.ady to install it alongside your old kernel.  
Then go to mandrake update(?) and get the latest whatnot.files.

And _then_ go to nVidia's site (or mandrakeuseronline?) and get the 
drivers for kernel 2.4.8-34(?) and install according to the directions at 

And _then_ go do whatever the original person wanted to do because the 
computer is now updated.

Of course since I lost the message(s) that is about all I remember now that 
I find myself in the same situation.  Anyone care to send help?

This brings up my other question:  Is there a website with important 
archived information from this list for people with faulty memories (& hard 
drives) such as myself?

Thank you,
Registered Linux User # 252649
AMD, Mandrake, '86 T-Type, Subaru, and Cannondale
Doing it Better - Just a little bit different.

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[newbie] Can I Remove KDE's Newsticker?

2002-01-18 Thread Wes Gregg


I put KDE's "Newsticker" on my taskbar and I can't seem to find an option 
for removing it.  How do I remove it?

Also, when looking for a way to take it back off I saw a mention of a 
"sportsticker" but I can't seem to get it to show up anywhere.  Is it not 
actually included in KDE 2.2.1?

    Thank you.
Wes Gregg
Registered Linux User # 252649

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[newbie] Quick Software Manager Questions (3)

2002-01-14 Thread Wes Gregg


I just read Derek J.'s message about how to make Software Manager update its 
database so I can start browsing the list of packages on my cds or the web.  
I assume that this is done before looking at the cds so that any newer 
versions be found.  So is the Software Manager smart enough to know that if 
I am looking at foobar 1.2.03-3 on cd#4 and foobar 1.4..07-5 is available 
through the update to tell me this or somehow stop me from installing an old 
(but newer than what is already installed) version from the cds?

Also is it smart enough not to let me install either version of foobar if 
foobar 2.0.2 is already installed (or at least warn me that I'm about to go 

I have looked at the cds a little bit in the last couple of days and would 
like to try the update but want to know for sure I understand how it is going 
to behave (or not).

Last question:  I know not to try to update my kernel using this method.  
Are there any other files/programs that I can't update with the Software 
Manager or warnings such as not updating the desktop I'm currently logged 
into?  I believe I read that it doesn't actually count until the file in 
question is reloaded (as in a reboot) but am not sure.
Wes Gregg
Registered Linux User # 252649

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[newbie] Extra Programs on Installation CD's

2002-01-13 Thread Wes Gregg


Someone recently told me about Lopster which is on one of the 8.1 Powerpack 
cds.  Ok, they included which cd it was so I found it was an rpm and clicked 
on it from a file browser and it loaded the rpm installation program and 
installed it.  Sweet, no sweat.

Then today I checked into one of the package tools in the config menu and it 
gave me a list of programs (2 lists - installable and installed) and Lopster 
wasn't on either list even though it is installed (I just don't know how to 
use it).

This behavior leads me to think there may be other programs on the cds that 
aren't mentioned anywhere.  Is there a good way to browse them and any way to 
tell what kind of program they are and what they do without actually 
installing them?

Thanks a lot everyone.
    Wes Gregg
Registered Linux User # 252649

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Re: [newbie] Lost KDE Media Player (noatun)

2002-01-13 Thread Wes Gregg

On Sunday 13 January 2002 11:42 am, you wrote:

>   Then I boot into Linux this morning and try to load KDE Media Player
> (noatun) from KDE's menu and it gives me monoscope instead!  I don't have
> any idea how that happened, but I tried clicking on a saved playlist and it

OOPS!  _Now_ I feel stupid.  All those times I tried to load noatun, it was 
loading them to my "taskbar"!  I must have had ten different copies of the 
program running before I noticed.

Sorry everyone, false alarm!

Wes Gregg
Registered Linux User # 252649

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[newbie] Lost KDE Media Player (noatun)

2002-01-13 Thread Wes Gregg


Things were going quite nicely.  I was considering trying to learn one of 
those things that allow you to play windows games in linux so I could delete 
my windows partition and give linux the full drive.

Then I boot into Linux this morning and try to load KDE Media Player 
(noatun) from KDE's menu and it gives me monoscope instead!  I don't have any 
idea how that happened, but I tried clicking on a saved playlist and it again 
loads monoscope.  Then I use the run menu option and type noatun and it still 
gives me monoscope!  I notice that the little place on the bottom bar says it 
is loading noatun but it gives me monoscope every time.

This is highly annoying, to say the least.  I have been slowly putting my 
cd's in the computer as mp3's so I can listen without swapping cd's.  I have 
also discovered the beauty of custom playlists allowing me to put my songs in 
my order.  Then I discovered Bearshare in Windows and realized I could sample 
songs from cd's I don't have yet to see if I would want to buy it.  Not much 
radio in my area so this is very nice so I am not buying blind.

I don't _think_ I directly screwed anything up.  I did click on an rpm and a 
program came up and installed it for me, but I don't think that would cause 
this as the program was lopster (not related to the other two programs).

Any ideas on what happened or how to fix?  I must assume that I have somehow 
deleted noatun and put monoscope in its place with noatun's name, but that 
doesn't make sense!

Wes Gregg
Registered Linux User # 252649

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[newbie] Gnutella Client

2002-01-11 Thread Wes Gregg


My Linux installation seems to be stable enough to actually use on a 
day-to-day basis!  Also I finally saw the light and created a separate 
partition for my /home directories, so in the event of yet another reinstall 
I won't lose everything.

I would like to know if there is any kind of "gnutella" type program for 
Linux, and if it is included on 8.1's powerpack cd's?

Wes Gregg
Registered Linux User # 252649

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Re: [newbie] KMail Email Backup

2002-01-07 Thread Wes Gregg

On 7 Jan 2002, at 8:19, shane wrote:

> home/(your user name)/Mail  last place anyone would ever look where it 
> belongs.  ;-)

Err, that makes sense.
> the address book is in file:/home/shane/.kde/share/apps/kmail

Forgot to even ask about that one.

Thanks Shane & everyone else who's been so helpful.

Wes G.

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[newbie] KMail Email Backup

2002-01-07 Thread Wes Gregg


I would like to make a backup of my email so that when I reinstall 
Linux I can restore it.  I am using KMail.  Does anyone know which 
files (& directory) have my email & mail folders in them?  Can I just 
use one of the archive tools in KDE's desktop menu to archive them? 
I assume I can copy the archive file to my windows partition where it 
will be (reasonably) safe while I reinstall Mandrake 8.1 and then just 
copy it back and unarchive it back where it came from?

Thanks much,
Wes Gregg
In Windows (help me!)

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[newbie] Suggested /home size?

2002-01-06 Thread Wes Gregg


I was installing linux to an approximately 8 gig partition (reiserfs) 
and that seemed to give some stability in the case of my numerous 
stabs at the reset switch.  But now I have a somewhat stable system 
but have to reinstall linux due to video driver issues.

It has been suggested that I shrink this partition down a little bit 
in order to create a separate smaller partition for my /home 
directories.  This in case I ever have to reinstall (after this next time) I 
won't lose all of our email/personal files/configuration & settings.

What is a good size for the /home directory?  I know I don't need 
the whole 8 gigs for my "main" linux partition - I think when I installed 
Mandrake it only took up about 3.5 gigs, maybe even a little bit less.

Does it matter what file system I use for the separate partition?  
Should I just make it reiserfs also?

And while I'm wondering about partitions, somewhere I had the 
option to tell it whether a partition shouold be primary, extended, or 
not pick anything.  Not knowing what I should pick, I didn't pick any 
option.  Does it matter in linux if I choose an option or not?

Wes G.
(Temporarily) from Windows

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[newbie] Best Upgrade for

2002-01-05 Thread Wes Gregg


I am most certainly NOT ready to try upgrading my kernel yet.  
But I am wondering which is the most stable/secure/bugfree.  I have 
the "stock" kernel that comes with Mandrake Linux 8.1 Powerpack, I 
believe it is  I am looking for stable/secure more than 
"latest new features."

Should I be happy with the default kernel?  I have not noticed any 
problems, except I had to type supermount -enable.

Wes G.

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[newbie] Different Zip Drive Question

2002-01-05 Thread Wes Gregg


I have a parellel zip drive installed on my system.  It is (strangly) 
listed as both /mnt/zip and /mnt/zip2 which I don't understand.

Once I enabled supermount, I created a zip icon on kde desktop. 
Then I (think I) successfully formated a zip disk with reiserfs.  Next I 
created directory /BOWLING on it (/mnt/zip/BOWLING).

Then I copied the files from /home/melissa/BOWLIING to 
/mnt/zip/BOWLING.  I did this because I am getting ready to reinstall 
Linux and my wife needs these files saved for the new installation.  I 
checked the directory /mnt/zip/BOWLING and the files are listed.

But then I try to load the file and it comes in just fine in kspread, 
but the light on the zip drive stays unlit and the access happens 
_way_ too fast.  I believe these files are still being loaded from the 
hard drive (/home/melissa/BOWLING).

I know I will need to study hard and practice to be considered a 
newbie , but I thought copying files was fairly simple.  I 
believe I used the mkdir command to create /mnt/zip/BOWLING, and 
I think I used KDE's "filemanager as superuser"(?) file manager.

Would someone please set me straight so I can reinstall today 
(and then try installing the nVidia 1541 drivers because I got _them_ 
to work once about three weeks ago (probbably Mandrake 
Installation #13) and really miss 3d.

Wes G.

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[newbie] Mesa: Missing These Files?

2001-12-31 Thread Wes Gregg


I may have figured out which files were removed from my system.  I searched 
for mesa in my software (package?) manager.  It had "?"'s by all the files in 
the files tab.  I clicked on the "?" mini-tab and it changed some to 
checkmarks, and some to X's.  I assume the X's mean it couldn't find those 
files.  Maybe those are the ones I accidentally removed.  They are:


Can I copy these from somewhere on one of my Mandrake Linux 8.1 Powerpack 
cd's to the /usr/x11/r6/lib/ directory?  That _might_ be what's keeping my 
3d/gl/gears&other 3d programs from loading?

Wes Gregg
Registered Linux User # 252649

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[newbie] How to REMOVE GL libs/etc and nVidia 2313/2314?

2001-12-31 Thread Wes Gregg


I believe I have been asking the wrong questions.  I think I need to remove 
my gl things and my 2313/2314 GLX/kernels.  I am pretty sure I now have the 
correct commands to install these if I can get back to a "clean" system 
first.  Hopefully one of you guru's can tell me how to do this without 
reinstalling Linux.

I have the i586 linux kernel, single processor.  I downloaded 2313/14 source 
rpms and told it to upgrade instead of install (I hadn't installed any before 
on this system/linux install).  I read on nVidia's site/pdf that upgrading 
the GLX causes some things to be mistakenly removed.  So when I put the line 
to load the glx module into my xf86config-4 file my nVidia splash screen went 
away.  Without this line I have the splash, but neither way has gl/3d support 
for me (I screwed up!).

I also screwed something up because it gave me this line:
Wrote:  /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i686/NVIDIA_GLX-1.0-2313.i686.rpm
somewhere along, I must have followed the wrong directions in more ways than 
one because I haven't tried to recompile my linux kernel with the i686 
optimizations, it is just the regularly installed i586 version!

Looking to fix this SOON!

Thanks for your help and patience,
Wes Gregg
Registered Linux User # 252649

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[newbie] I Really Do Like Mandrake!

2001-12-31 Thread Wes Gregg


I wanted to let you all know that I really _do_ like Mandrake's flavor of 
Linux.  I am trying to find a cheap computer for my father who has terminal 
cancer and can't get around and do anything like he used to so he will have 
something to do instead of just staring at the wall.  I feel that with 8.1 
(the first version I've seen in use) I could install and set up his computer 
and he would be able to use it in the GUI without actually knowing the 
console or all the specifics of Linux..  In fact he could probbably perform 
an expert installation just by paying attention and following along in the 
Installation and User Guide.

I have heard horror stories of people screwing up OS installations, or even 
deleting/mangling the wrong file before they learned not to.  I don't think 
this need ever happen again with Mandrake.  (Root notwithstanding, but with 
the red screen and warnings that should be safe also.)

Yet another reason why Mandrake should allocate some of their budget to 
advertising the retail desktop market.  A desktop on display at  running several virtual desktops with different 
apps/games would sell some OS's!  Or even a TV commercial on network TV.

Wes Gregg
Registered Linux User # 252649

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Any nVidia TNT Users?

2001-12-31 Thread Wes Gregg

My apologies, I forgot to sign my last post.

Wes Gregg
Registered Linux User # 252649

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Any nVidia TNT Users?

2001-12-31 Thread Wes Gregg


I was just wondering if anyone else is using Mandrake Linux 8.1 with an 
nVidia TNT (16meg if it matters) AGP card.  What I'm wondering is if there is 
any point in installing the later (20- series) drivers.  I installed the 1541 
[NOTE:  On a previous Linux install - NOT CURRENTLY ON MY SYSTEM] drivers and 
they did work to the extent that I could play TuxRacer, look at Mesa 

Silly me was still having lockups, I thought at the time it was the video 
since it was locking up during graphics.  It turned out to be my soundcard, 
but I didn't know at the time and reinstalled Linux to wipe the 1541 drivers.

I am wondering if my card is even able to take advantage of the extra 
features in the 20- series - as in the 2313/2314 drivers.  I know that it 
supports GL1.3 instead of just 1.2.  But I don't know what the difference is. 
Will that let me run more programs?  I would like to stay as current as 
possible on the graphics specification (the GL part?) for the inevitible time 
when nVidia drops the TNT's from their Unified Driver Architecture and I can 
no longer get updates.

Looking for someone else with my type of card to discuss this with.  
Wondering if you noticed any differences (good or bad) when you went to the 
2313/2314 drivers.  I know some with newer cards have noticed more fps.

BTW, I saw people talking about their fps in Mesa Gears(?) how do you tell 
this?  I would like to be optimistic and prepare for the someday when I get 
3d again.


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Re: [newbie] nVidia Splash Screen - Yes 3D/OpenGL - No!

2001-12-31 Thread Wes Gregg

On Saturday 29 December 2001 03:09 pm, you wrote:
> On Saturday 29 December 2001 01:44 pm, you wrote:
> > > > Is this  repairable without major surgery?
> > >
> > > Load  "glx"
> >
> > Well, I forgot to add that line, so I went back and did so.  Now it
> > doesn't even display the splash screen and it is still a delay with the
> > program title on the bar on the bottom of the screen with the busy cursor
> > on it and then after a while it is as if I never tried to load the app.
> Well, I don't really like to use their rpms.  I suggest the tarballs.  Then
> if you edited your XF86Config-4 file, you still need to rm or mv
> conflicting libraries.  There's an old script still around called
> nv_check.sh that I like to run after the installation of nvidia's drivers
> to remove any conflicts.
> It doesn't change anything, it just tells you what you need to do.
> -s


I saved that little program you sent me to my system, but when I tried to 
run it (from a text "console(?)") but my system apparently didn't recognize 
it as a program.  It couldn't run it for me.

What I think I need to do is figure out how to remove all my nVidia and GL 
stuff as I seem to have mangled it.  Then I need to reinstall it fresh.  I 
would very much like to keep Mandrake Linux 8.1 installed, every time I 
reinstall it sets us back.

I assume that package manager might be able to help me, but I don't know.  I 
really don't want to be forever without 3d/GL routines.  But if my only 
option is yet another reinstall of Mandrake...  I probbably won't do it.  I 
have had no end of trouble with all of this.  I understand a lot (most) of it 
was my fault, not knowing I had to update my BIOS before my system would 
stabalize, trying all kinds of different settings to get it to work, finally 
getting the bios upgraded, then having to work thru my settings over and 
over, finally getting it to stabalize and let me use my 

Somewhere along this path I was able to log into "Mandrake Expert 
Installation Support" or "Mandrake Online" or something-or-other.  I thought 
that was great except I seem to have screwed that up because on subsequent 
reinstalls of Linux I try and it tells me my registration "number" is 
invalid.  I sent a letter to support@mandrakeexpert (whatever it was) and was 
told to send them my #.  About seven reinstalls later it was stable enough to 
use email again so I sent it to them and never even got a reply.  I really 
like the software, but the whole reason I bought ManLin 8.1 Powerpack from 
the Mandrake site was for the install/setup support.  A month later, I still 
don't have it.  The only support of any kind I have ever gotten is from you 
kind folks on this list and from a man named Paul Woodward from the UK.

I realize in the spirit of Linux I should assume that I won't get anything 
from the company that I got my distribution from - but Mandrake is apparently 
a "for-profit" company with stock and such.  They advertise on the site (and 
on the box) installation support.  If I had had such a creature I would have 
been able to use linux this month instead of trying to install/screwing 
up/trying to install/repeat indefinately.  Kind of a dirty way to run a 
company if you ask me.

Tired of pulling my hair out trying to move forward only to fall and slide 
back down the hill on my a**!

Sorry to vent.  My question is buried in there somewhere,
Wes Gregg
Registered Linux User # 252649

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[newbie] KDE Dialogs Too BIG!

2001-12-30 Thread Wes Gregg

Some of my program boxes in KDE are too big.  For example in KDE ~ LooknFeel 
~ Style, I can only see the top part of the box.  I know I can resize it to 
some extent.  I shrank it from the top down as far as it would let me (a good 
bit) and moved the box back to the top of the screen.  It was still too big 
to see the options at the bottom of the screen or the ok/apply/cancel/help 

Means I can't change anything that I _can_ see, as I can't apply them.

This is at 800*600, my highest resolution.

    Wes Gregg
Registered Linux User # 252649

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] nVidia Splash Screen - Yes 3D/OpenGL - No!

2001-12-29 Thread Wes Gregg

> > Is this  repairable without major surgery?  I really am tired of
> > reinstalling, and it seems stable, just primitive (2d) graphics.  I would
> > almost deal with it rather than reinstall (again).
> In your XF86Config-4 did you remember to create the entry
> Load  "glx"  in the moudule section as well as removing load "dri' and
> "glcore" if they exist.

Well, I forgot to add that line, so I went back and did so.  Now it doesn't 
even display the splash screen and it is still a delay with the program title 
on the bar on the bottom of the screen with the busy cursor on it and then 
after a while it is as if I never tried to load the app.

Wes Gregg
Registered Linux User # 252649

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] nVidia Splash Screen - Yes 3D/OpenGL - No!

2001-12-29 Thread Wes Gregg

Hi everyone,

I think I just screwed up installing my nVidia drivers.  I downloaded these 
two files (they are supposed to be compatible, the newer kernel just fixes an 
install issue and something else(?)):


Then I used the following commands to install them:

rpm --rebuild NVIDIA_GLX-1.0-2313.src.rpm
rpm --rebuild NVIDIA_kernel-1.0-2314.src.rpm

rpm -Uvh /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i686/NVIDIA_kernel-1.0-2314.i686.rpm

And then I typed one of these (can't remember):

rpm -Uvh /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i686/NVIDIA_GLX-1.0-2313.i686.rpm
rpm /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i686/NVIDIA_GLX-1.0-2313.i686.rpm

And then changed the reference of "nv" in xf86config-4 to read "nvidia".

I did this from the console (runlevel 3), typed startx and saw the nVidia 
splash screen followed by the gui.  I am not suffering lockups (knock on 
wood), but when I try to load any 3d/GL app (ie Tux Racer, Chromium, the 
mesaGears, the morphing thing, etc.) it acts busy for several seconds like it 
is loading but never starts.  No lockup, just acts like I never tried to run 
the app.  Oh No!

I reread a few things and it seems that was the process for Upgrading, and I 
needed to find the process for Install!  And I am also concerned, I think my 
kernel is the i586 one!  I am using the automatically installed (Mandrake 
Linux 8.1 single processor Powerpack) one that I believe to be

The worse thing is I could have installed the 1541 drivers because before I 
was able to use them to access most of these programs, but I was still having 
hard lockups & I reinstalled.  But I got greedy for the most current version 
(the 20 series supports "GL 1.3" instead of 1.2, I believe).  That is about 
the only feature that I could probbably benefit from, since I have an older 
card, a Diamond Viper V550 16meg TNT AGP - the oldest chipset supported by 
their unified driver.  I don't even know if there are games/apps for the 1.3 
GL.  I doubt anything on the powerpack cds depend on it.  And I am (obviously 
) not ready to download and install my own program/source code yet.  I 
am still working on basic desktop functionallity.

Is this  repairable without major surgery?  I really am tired of 
reinstalling, and it seems stable, just primitive (2d) graphics.  I would 
almost deal with it rather than reinstall (again).

Wes Gregg
Registered Linux User # 252649

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Is This (browser type/function) Available in Linux?

2001-12-28 Thread Wes Gregg


I just remembered that I saw a program once that allowed you to type a 
website address (ie, http://gnttype.org for instance) and tell it how many 
"levels" deep you wanted it to go and it would start downloading complete 
pages to your hard drive for offline browsing.  It would allow the option of 
specifing what type of files to get (html, graphics & sound, etc.) or not as 
the case would be and if you wanted links followed how deep to go in them as 

Since I'm stuck with my 33.6 right now I can usually keep up browsing, but 
I've just discovered that with the multiple desktop option I can have a web 
browser on one, a set of audio apps in another, my email in a third, a card 
game in #4, etc.  And I thought that would be a good program to take 
advantage of this feature.  Plus (since I have a slow [I know, it's all 
realitive - we were so amazed when we figured out how to "overdrive" our 300 
bps/baud modems to 450!] connection) it would be great to pick a site to 
download while I'm sleeping/away from home.

Thanks much,
Wes Gregg
Registered Linux User # 252649

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: Open Source (was Re: [newbie] Recommended office suites? Now OT)

2001-12-28 Thread Wes Gregg
 away as a bugfix.

But this is a Linux forum!  We should I suppose not even be discussing these 
things.  For that I apologize to the group and will keep silent on non-linux 

> May God stand between you and harm in all the empty places through which
> you must walk. -- ancient Egyptian blessing

I like that, can I keep it?

Mandatory (Mandrake) Linux content:  I've tried (I think) all the .mp3 
players in Mandrake (8.1 Powerpack's) /multimedia/sound menu.  Are there any 
others in the Powerpack that aren't on that menu?  Or any good ones that I 
can download and easily install (newbie style)?  I hate to admit it, but I 
really like RealJukebox a lot and would like to find a Linux-based program 
that is more similar to that than the "Winamp" type.

Wes Gregg
Registered Linux User # 252649

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: Open Source (was Re: [newbie] Recommended office suites? Now OT)

2001-12-28 Thread Wes Gregg

> > >> If software were free how could the employees of the software company
> > >> be paid to begin with?

Lots (most?) non-profit organizations' employees draw salaries.

Someone mentioned internet development as an example of "free software" 
helping us all.  I saw the guy that wrote the mailer program that the 
majority of isps use on TechTV a couple of months back.  He didn't seem to 
mind that his "free software" was being used by millions.  Although if he had 
charged $5-$10 for each copy in existance he would surely be a millionaire.  
Of course there are probbably other programs that do the same thing for 
hundreds of dollars.  I for one am glad that they aren't the only option, as 
I live in a small town with dialup only and I can see how we could have been 
severly restricted in internet isps if everything that was available for 


> Red Hat has posted small (and growing) profits over the past few quarters.
> MandrakeSoft is apparently on target to post a profit next year or in 2003.
> Considering that the current economic climate is not conducive to profit
> making, these are not trivial feats. I think the key staff know what the
> GNU/Linux distribution market is like, and they won't be expecting too much
> from their share prices. MandrakeSoft is listed on the Marche Libre
> exchange, which was chosen (AFAICT) for its stability and lack of
> over-speculation, which is the main problem with the NYSE and OTC (AKA
> Nasdaq). Investors here generally tend to be more forgiving and don't
> expect quick, unsustainable profits.

How can one (in the United States) purchase a token amount of Mandrake 
shares (just a couple I am afraid) without going to a stock broker?

> But, as you have said, "the verdict is still out on that". :)

It seems that a lot of the big (for profit) software companies (I'm thinking 
along the lines of Microsoft and Apple here) are like chiropractors.  Their 
entire existance is based on taking people's money to just get them by until 
the next visit (verion).  If they got it right the first time they would all 
go out of business.

Someone said to me, "You don't buy a new car and expect to get a free 
upgrade when the next version comes out, do you?"  But if I bought a new car 
and it "stalled" at least once a day and I had to "restart", well, sure I 
would expect a free upgrade - to a properly working version which is what I 
would have paid for in the first place.  I mean c'mon, why pay a hundred 
dollars (or more) just to be what amounts to a beta (gamma?) tester?!?

Linux, on the other hand, IS free.  If I do find a bug, it probbably 
wouldn't anger me that much to download a newer version.  And since the 
minute you do there are probbably three newer versions out there, it isn't 
like there is a long wait for bugfixes/upgrades.

Microsoft, I hate your OS's (well, I actually LIKED Windows 3.11, and its 
File Manager (don't like to see my files as icons, y'see) - but I really like 
your hardware (mice/keyboards are outstanding and cheap if you don't need the 
absolute newest versions) and games (Flight Simulator, I think I have one of 
the original DOS versions).  It's a shame buying one of their products 
doesn't give you a voice in the direction of development of their company.  
Or maybe its just a shame their stockholders (Hmm, Bill?) don't have to use 
their OS (exclusively).  And BTW, WTF is Windows ME for, anyway?

Just venting/rambliing,
Wes Gregg
Registered Linux User # 252649

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Re: [nVidia on Mandrake]

2001-12-28 Thread Wes Gregg

On Thursday 27 December 2001 05:59 pm, you wrote:

> I agree.  I have an Athlon 1GHz and I've given up trying to use nvidia's
> drivers.  I too have noticed that there seem to be a lot of problems with
> AMD cpus and nvidia drivers.
> Because I have 1152MB RAM I use Mandrake's enterprise kernels.  The 1541
> nvidia drivers for 2.4.8-26mdkenterprise (from muo a couple of months
> back) work fine with that kernel, however supermount is not supported.
> Thus I also have installed (supermount works)
> but have been unsuccessful with any of the nvidia drivers so I'm using
> XFree86-3.3.6-23 without 3D accel for this kernel.

I have read several references that stated we need to only use a (BEEFY) 
AMD-approved power supply.  Especially with the faster/newer AMDs and video 
cards as they draw lots of wattage.  Also with more ram, bigger/faster 
spinning drives, extra pci cards.  I don't _seem_ to have any ps-related 
problems, but I only have a cheap 16meg TNT agp card and one pci card (cheap 
sound) and one isa card (my usr sportster 33.6 voice modem since my 56k pci 
modem uses Conexant's HCF drivers.  They say on their website they will have 
Linux drivers for it by the end of the year but ...).

I assume you've been through the nVidia drivers with a fine-toothed card.  I 
also assume if it is an Abit mobo you have tried turning off AGP to see if 
that takes care of it.  Read a reference that some of their older mobos 
wouldn't work properly with AGP - that they discovered this while developing 
their own nVidia-based video cards.  Apparently it has something to do with 
power, as they say there are a handful of power supplies that overcome this 
problem (somehow).

> I've tried 1541, 2313 and 2314 with rpms, source rpms and compiling from
> the tarballs to no avail.  I also compiled 7 different kernels myself and
> tried each driver with each kernel before I realised I was wasting my time.

> The strange thing is that with most nvidia driver installs it all worked
> just fine and dandy (gears, tuxracer, tuxkart, etc) until I restarted X or
> rebooted then I started getting segmentation faults all over the place.

Hey.  I think I read something about this situation on (possibly) nVidia's 
linux forum.  Could have been Mandrake User forum.  It might have something 
to do with that "depmod a" command, but I don't think so (my memory is 
faultier than my computer's).

> To make matters worse, it appears that my monitor - Philips 107S - causes
> problems so I'm using a generic multisync monitor driver.  The Philips
> drivers that come with LM work but there are errors/problems.

I bought my monitor in 1994 - all I can use are the generic drivers.  Which 
brings to mind something I've been wondering about since my first install at 
the first of the month:

Does anyone know the difference between "Generic SVGA" and "Generic Extended 
SVGA" or whatever it is in the "Generic Monitor" section?

> So until I find a kernel that supports supermount and the nvidia drivers
> work with it, I'll have to boot between these two kernels.  Not that I'm
> complaining...  ; )

I hope you get it all worked out before you get tired of trying.  Another 
question:  My box (Mandrake Linux 8.1 Powerpack) says I have kernels 2.4.8 
and 2.2.19.  But when I installed (over and over) I never saw a place for 
choosing kernels.  It seems I have installed automatically?

> skinky

I'll just have to take your word on that one!  8-P

Wes Gregg
Registered Linux User # 252649

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Re: [nVidia on Mandrake]

2001-12-26 Thread Wes Gregg

> 1)Yes you are using the right Kernel. The OS is listed as a 586 because
> Mandrake by default loads a 'safe' Pentium/AMD/mmx kernel.  You can make
> your own kernel with the simple GUI tools built into Mandrake, but

This is as I thought...  But that would be the first thing I've gotten right 
in a month of trying.

> compiling an AMD Athlon specific kernel has been known to cause problems. 

I've also been seeing hints that the Athlons (rather the mobos they go in) 
might not be the best for an install and forget it Linux.  

> This is NOT a Linux problem.  Some motherboard makers skimp here and there

As I've noticed myself.  I've actually cured a lot of my ills by upgrading 
the bios on my KA7 to current.

> which can cause 'noise' problems.  Feel free to experiment, but I would
> stick with the default kernel for now.

My wife saw that and told me I've done more than enough experimenting on 
this desktop.  She has been waiting since 12/02/01 to actually use Linux.

> 2) Your X_Free version is fine.

Good.  Reassuring.  Thanks.

> 3) You need to download these files: NVIDIA_GLX-1.0-2313.tar.gz AND
> NVIDIA_GLX-1.0-2313.i386.rpm.  You do not need the source file.  You can
> also download the Mandrake RPM files, but I have found that doing a 'make'
> using the above files has worked better for me.

What about 2314?  It is only avail in source, but has been up for a while 
now I think.  I actually have the following files on my system (some in Linux 
since I've reinstalled, and some I actually thought to download in Windows 
partition - they may not be the right ones though) in no particular order:

> Follow the directions on page 22 of the nVidia instruction PDF to install
> the drivers.

I think this is where I got so very confused.  I have these files in a 
directory (/home/wes/NVIDIAfiles) but I can move them to another directory if 
I need to.

>  Then follow the instructions on the PDF on pages 22-23 to
> edit the X-Free config file.

I remember (more or less) doing the config editing when I did the 1541 
drivers in a previouse Mandrake install (all the installs I've done this 
month are really running together.  Just an aside, I ran Windows 3.1 for 7 
years with no reinstall.  Lucky I guess.  Being to simple to run most virus 
programs probbably saved my butt there though.

> The latest nVidia driver version is 1.0-2313.  I haven't tried it yet as I
> have been out of town for the past 3 months.  It is probably ok.  I haven't
> heard of any problems with it.

I've nosed around on nVidia's Linux (etc) forums, lots of people having lots 
of trouble with all of them.  I guess a lot of the people are like me (ie, 
most problems are operator error) but still some seem knowledgable.  I think 
some of the settings in the newer versions have to be tweaked for the 
nicer/newer cards.  Plus like you mentioned, AMD & their mobo's have "issues" 
with this OS.  I am getting the idea that that is causing a lot of the nVidia 
drivers' problems (for people running single or multi AMD cpus that is).

Of course _I_ have an AMD cpu (the old model 650 mHz Athlon).  I am 
remaining cautiously optimistic.  I've thought about going back to the 1541's 
but I can't recall how I installed them and some have issues with them as 
well.  I thought I'd try the newer ones first.

> Feel free to e-mail me if you have any additional questions.

Done and done.  I sure hope you don't come to regret "saying" that.

But thanks in any case,
Wes Gregg
Registered Linux User # 252649 & Lost With No 3d/accelerated gfx

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Lost My nVidia Install Instructions!

2001-12-26 Thread Wes Gregg

On Wednesday 26 December 2001 04:51 pm, you wrote:
> I completely agree on the Desktop issue, they should really begin
> advertising towards a lower common denominator. The Geeks and Gurus out
> there already know what the options are, and know that Mandrake is up
> there w/ the best. If they would start bundleing Star Office or Open
> Office as default on the 2nd CD instead of another popular office sweet
> (COUGH! KoFFICE COUGH!)things would be much better.

Right.  It was purely by chance that I found ManLin8.1PwP.  The only probs I 
had with installation were due to flaky hardware (bad settings, rather old 
bios, me trying to "fix" things that weren't actually broken thinking they 
would take care of my problems, such like that) and resetting when I insisted 
on locking the computer by doing the same silly things over and over.  The 
average user probbably wouldn't have any trouble as long as they did the 
"expert" installation and took their time to read everything.

My version came with StarOffice (only 5.2, but it's a start) and Koffice.  
What is OpenOffice?  I've heard about it but really haven't had time to 
check.  A friend of mine in the UK (Paul Woodward) downloaded StarOffice 6.0 
for me (I only have 28.8 dialup in a "real" modem) and I think sent me the CD 
of it.  I heard 6.0 is a totally different beast (in a good way).

> Guess what... time to recompile the NVIDIA_kernel driver.
> The steps are pretty simple.
> rpm -e --nodeps the NVIDIA_kernel.

I don't think I have the nvidia_kernel installed yet.  This is a FRESH 
install of ManLin8.1.  I did search for & find an uninstalled package of 
nVidia driver but it is OLD, 1012 or something like that.  It remains 

> Download the NVIDIA_kernel-xxx.src.rpm
> Download the System Kernel you want to use, AND it's source.
> Install the System Kernel AND its source.

Err, you mean the kernel AND the GLX?

> rpmbuild --rebuild NVIDIA_kernel-xxx.src.rpm
> goto /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i686 and install the new NVIDIA_kernel-xxx.rpm


> All should be good from there, however you might want to update both
> your NVIDIA_kernel and NVIDIA_GLX to newer versions as well, as 1512 is
> 2 (?) versions old?

No, I had 1541 on a previous install.  I've had to reinstall at least 15 
times (more like 20) and those drivers are long gone.  I haven't reinstalled 
ANY of them yet (because I lost the concise step-by-step directions and I'm 
tired of reinstalling because I got a dot where I meant to have a dash which 
was actually an underscore).  I WANT to install 2314 b/c it seems to have 
been out for a while.  I could probbably go with 2313 and never know the 
difference, and I suppose I could get by with 1541 (I only have a TNT so I am 
not all that clear if the newer versions have any more features for me than 
the older ones.  But I assume they might have bugfixes).

Wes Gregg
Registered Linux User # 252649 and more confused every second!

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Lost My nVidia Install Instructions!

2001-12-26 Thread Wes Gregg

Hello everyone,

I hate doing this, especially a subject that has been discussed so much 
already.  I installed Mandrake Linux 8.1 (Powerpack).  Someone was nice 
enough to send me step-by-step directions for installing the nVidia drivers 
(the glx file and the kernel?).  I sucessfully downloaded the 1541 version 
and installed them.  Then due to lots of other things I had to reinstall (yet 
again, oh I hope this is the last time for a while!) the OS.  Yup, you 
guessed it, I didn't keep a hard copy of the directions, and of course the 
email was wiped by the reinstall.

I am hoping a good samaritan will "talk" me through this one more (last) 
time.  In return I promise not only to PRINT a copy, but to try to help 
someone else when they try to install.

I would like to install the latest "kernel"(?) which is 2314.  I couldn't 
find a 2314 glx file but I read @ nVidia's site that I can use the 2313 - I 
think (sorry, working nights means I've been up about 23 hours).

Anyhow, I've got every form of the "2313" files that I could find for 
Mandrake 8.1 (uni-processor).  I also got both forms of the "2314" file.  I 
think they are both source files, but one is tar?

I was using 1541 and having lockups, but I have determined that they were 
due to a bad setting in my bios causing my soundcard to lock the system.  
IOW, it wasn't happening on GL function, but when it tried to play sounds, 
such as booting into KDE.  I seem to have fixed that one, though.  I can not 
only boot KDE with my sound card installed now - I can play .mp3's while 
browsing with Opera, downloading files, etc.  So I hope that I won't 
encounter any more of the kind of lockups that only a reset switch will cure. 
That's what finally caused me to reinstall this last (actually most of them) 
time, one too many resets corrupted my filesystem or simply enough files that 
I couldn't boot.  I've been going through this all month, first with many 
problems that I couldn't solve no matter what I tried (turned out to need a 
bios upgrade, which caused Win98 to swear I had no sound/video/modem (oops) 
but Linux sure seemed to like it.  Then video, then the soundcard (after the 
reinstall).  So you can see why I fear that I'll screw it up.  I've read 
several ways to do this on the web, but I am getting more confused the more I 
read.  I think that whichever set of files I choose to use I only need two of 
them?  That is how I did the 1541 set.  I know whatever tools I need to 
manipulate/install them are installed on my system (along with 3+gigs of 
other things I have yet to fully explore, WOW!  Matches my Windows partition 
exactly for size, and that includes lots of music cd's I've loaded in as mp3s!

Someone please help me put my desktop out of its misery (by being able to 
finally stay out of Win98SE).

BTW, are there many users out there like my wife and myself - wanting to use 
Mandrake 8.1 as a pure desktop box?  Comparing the useful software 
preinstalled on most new computers against my Powerpack install?  I may never 
actually NEED to buy or download another application again (but I will, there 
are so many out there) if I don't want to.  I would like to see Mandrake 
start a heavy advertising campaign targeting Joe Desktop.

Thanks very much,
Wes Gregg
Registered Linux User # 252649

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] detecting an internal ISA modem

2001-12-23 Thread Wes Gregg

On Wed, 2001-12-12 at 02:32, David wrote:
> Here's how I get my USR ISA Sporster modems to work (I am not 
> good at command line stuffI just use GUI so bear with me) .  

The same for me.  I'm just starting to learn.

> First I disable in the BIOS the Plug and Play (set it to 
> NO/Disabled)option for your system. -- (This MUST be done in order 

I think this is a must in general?

> Second -- I pull off all the jumpers that are on the ISA modem card 
> itself...(figured this out through trial and error)

Turns out those jumpers for configuring the USR Sportsters make the
modem conform to the ISA Plug & Play Standard when we pull them off.

> Then I click the  Then the  and change the 
>  to one of the other settings if dev/modem doesn't work 
> by default. I try one at a time -- going through the first 8 

Mine Is one of the other ones also.  I think we should be figuring out
how to get /dev/modem to point to it (like the mouse should be

Mine missed the "free(*) upgrade to 56k" by one day.  8-(((

So its  s l o w !  Other than that no problems in 3 os's (Windows 3.1 /
98SE / Mandrake Linux 8.1).


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] 3D Graphics cards

2001-12-23 Thread Wes Gregg

On Sat, 2001-12-22 at 08:10, Stewart Taylor wrote:
> 'fraid not, I'll be putting into my other machine which is still using a 
> Diamond Viper 550.
> Stewart
> =_1009026693-11608-1082
> Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
> Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Hi Stewart,

My computer is "still using" a Diamond Viper 550!  I just installed
nVidia's 1541 drivers (I am running the kernel that came with my 8.1 PP
disto and xFree4.whatever).  I am also running Win98SE for some games
(not knowledgable enough to run in Linux... yet!).  Have you any
tips/tricks for this card?  Have you noticed any particular version of
drivers for either os (from diamond/nVidia/etc.) to work best?  Can you
repeatedly play TuxRacer (or Chromiam{sp} at all) without hard-locking
the system?

I'm a total linux newbie running Mandrake 8.1 from the PP boxed edition
(from mandrakestore) with "most" non-server apps installed, wow how many
os's come with 3+ gigs of "extras"?  My "box" is an old (original
style?) Athlon 650 (where can I get faster chips in this style?) on an
Abit KA7, Diamond V550(nVidia RivaTNT 16 meg), "Ensoniq / Creative Labs
PCI sound card which isn't working", 128meg for now, junk 13" monitor
(any way to brighten display in Linux?).

While I'm thinking about it how useful is upgrading from 128meg to 256
or 384 meg (generic pc133 sdram) in Linux?  I'm told this os naturally
takes advantage of (ie, uses all of) available memory).  Wow, I'm
sitting here typing and my hard drive and CD-ROM just spins up!

Wes Gregg

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Sound is Hard Crashing My System (all instances go boom!)

2001-12-22 Thread Wes Gregg

Hi all,

Thanks to this list and a friend I met in a newsgroup (Paul Woodward)
I've gone from being unable to get my system installed correctly/use the
mouse/keyboard/modem/3d video...

To having 8.1 Powerpack installed (3.2 or so gigs worth!), mouse is
rock-solid, keyboard works fine (although I can't seem to find the
command that will allow me to press one of the extra buttons and receive
"mapping information" for it on my system!).  The modem works just fine
(although it is max 31.2kbps).  And I just successfully installed
nVidia's 1541 drivers for my TNT AGP card!  Woo-Hoo!

Now I need to find out how to benchmark it to see how I'm doing. I need
to know the differences between the 1541, 2313, and 2314 and if I can
install any of them with my kernel (, i586 version {computer
is listed as an i686 in info but is an old Athlon 650}) or are they for
different kernels or ??? (still VERY newbie I'm afraid)  Thank goodness
for nVidia's unified driver architecture.  Let's me use this card in
Win98 (I can play DirectX8 & OpenGL games) and now, apparently I've got
OpenGL 3d video in Linux!  Splash screen and everything.  8-D

Unfortunately, any sound crashes my system hard.  IOW, if I've got the
aRtssoundserver set to load with KDE it crashes a few notes into startup
"freezing" on a note and I can't {ctrl-alt-backspace} or switch consoles
or {ctrl-alt-del} or anything - I must hit the reset or power down to
get out of it!

Needless to say I've gotten familliar with the benefits of the various
journalling filesystems in a hurry!  Using reiserFS I seem to be able to
recover with no harm.  I would, of course, rather shut down in the
normal fashion or not at all.  ;-P

I've learned to move files amongst my various partitions, how to create
and size them 

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Crazy Mouse

2001-12-17 Thread Wes Gregg

> I thought this may be an issue with Intellimouse Optical Mice (Mouses?), 
> but you mentioned that it happened with your Logitech mouse also. I own an 
> Intellimouse Explorer which also uses an optical eye. I've seen it display 
> the same behaviors that you've mentioned (including the one on the 
> Linux-Mandrake installation screen.) Basically how I'd describe it is that 
> it looks like someone slides the mouse across the desk as fast as possible, 
> somehow pressing the right mouse button once for ever 5 pixels moved. 
> Sometimes the mouse works after that, sometimes the mouse doesn't work at 
> all after that, sometimes the whole system hangs.

Mine also likes to shoot to the lower left corner of the desktop a 
lot.  Ok, this was of no help to me but may help you.  Assuming you 
are using Xfree4.x, look in /etc/x11/xfreeconfig-4 under the mouse 
area.  It is either called "PS/2", "IMPS/2" (Intellimouse?), 
"ExplorerPS/2" (Intellimouse Explorer?), or "Auto".  Mine is screwy 
as "IMPS/2" but doesn't work at all on the others.  Therefore, and 
since I've stripped my system to just video/mouse/keyboard and it 
still does this tells me to investigate my bios settings (or an update 
to the bios) or perhaps a motherboard driver update (are there such 

Also this didn't help me but it is specific to your mouse so it 
might be just what you need.  Unfortunately I lost the messages, but 
you can search google groups (from google.com) in the newsgroup 
"alt.os.linux.mandrake" for the subject "MS Intellimouse Explorer" 
which told of a couple of specific lines to change/add in XF86Config-4 
for this mouse.  And I _believe_ it referenced a web site dealing with 
it.  The procedure didn't work for me (not exactly the same mouse, it 
is one version older and at least one model down on the ladder) but 
hopefully it can help you.

> I have some good news and some bad news about this though. The good news 
> for us Linux fans is that it's not a Linux or X-Windows problem. I've seen 
> my mouse display this behavior far worse on Windoze 95 and Windoze 98 SE. 

Strange.  With me both mouse and keyboard perform flawlessly 
in Win98(se?).  But of course that's like getting a beautiful date for 
the prom...

...who happens to be your sister.  

> The bad news is that I haven't completely determined what causes this 
> problem. It doesn't happen very often, but it's very annoying when it does.

Is constant in Mandrake Linux for me.

> [My apologies to M$ haters for mentioning M$ and their products so much in 
> this post. It pains me to do so. I received my M$ mice as gifts and ended 
> up using them for that reason.]

Hey, I guess I am among the M$ operating system haters (well, 
dislikers), but I really like my MS Intellimouse Optical and MS 
Internet Keyboard, which I got as a package deal on sale at Sam's 
Club, and it even gets an additional $10 rebate.  Computer Shopper 
rated this mouse well when it came out (& was $54.95!).  They just 
said that the newest Intellimouse (optical, cordless, etc.) was the 
best mouse out there bar none.

BTW, I used to like their Flight Simulator about nine years ago!

> 1. At first I thought it was possible that my mouse pad was "confusing" the 
> optical sensor. Yes I know how silly that sounds, but you have to realize 
> that this is a M$ product. ;) I changed mousepads. The mouse still acted up 
> and I determined that my mousepad was not the culprit.

I read that glass or really shiny white paper could cause 
problems.  Mine works on about anything including my palm and 
pants leg.  Also, I noticed it works about 1/4 inch off of the surface 
as well.  Neat I suppose.  Just wish I could turn off the "taillight" on it 
but I am becomming used to it.

> 2. I then considered that my Intellimouse Explorer was the culprit. I 
> thought maybe I had received a faulty one or that a wire inside was broken. 
> Plugging my old Intellimouse (and updating the settings), I found that the 
> old Intellimouse (the kind with a ball and wheel) displayed the same 
> behavior. I returned to using the optical one. This lead me to believe that 
> my optical mouse was no more glitchy than my non-optical mouse.

I went through the same steps, only my replacement IS my 
intellimouse.  And I think I'll be keeping it if I can straighten things 
out.  It's nice to have five buttons, one wheel, and no ball.  I think the 
extra buttons on the side might be mappable.  I definately read that I 
can map other functions to the 10 extra keys on the MS Internet 
keyboard in Mandrake Linux.

> 3. I considered that my PS/2 mouse port had issues. I was using Windoze 95 
> at the time. I reformatted my hard drive and installed Windoze 98 SE (which 
> I also received as a gift). Windoze 95 did not have USB support. I plugged 
> my optical mouse into the USB port and set it up properly. After a period 
> of time, I found that the mouse di

[newbie] Crazy Mouse

2001-12-16 Thread Wes Gregg


I have installed Mandrake Linux 8.1 (Powerpack) on my system.  
I have a problem with my mouse.  When I try to move the cursor it 
goes crazy.  It likes to go to the lower left of the screen but it may go 
anywhere...  So fast it almost seems to just "appear" there.  Along 
the way it may open menus, move my "menu bar" from along the 
bottom of the screen to the left side.  (How do I put it back along the 
bottom - in Gnome desktop?)

My mouse is a MS Intellimouse Optical.  I am using (well, trying 
to 8-(  ) Xfree86 4.0 so I am looking at xfree86config-4, correct?

It said:
Section "InputDevice"

Identifier "Mouse1"
Driver "mouse"
Option "Protocol" "IMPS/2"
Option "Device" "/dev/mouse" or "/dev/mouse1" or something
(I changed it to "/dev/psaux")
Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"

and the cordmiddle option is "#" so it isn't activated.

I have tried various things including reinstalling approximately 15 
times now.  Nothing changes.  I started out with a logitech 2 button 
mouse and some keyboard.  Was going crazy all over the screen.  
Tried reinstalling.  Nope.  Got the wife to go get a different mouse.  
She came home with the intellimouse packaged with the "MS 
Internet Keyboard."  Still the same behavior.  Exactly the same.  
Goes crazy opens menus moved my task bar to the left crazy.

At one point I got to the mouse screen where I roll the mouse 
wheel to activate.  I did, it worked for up down push wheel push left 
button push right button.  Movement worked.  Ok, complete install 
still crazy.  Two mice two keyboards still crazy.  Crazy.

Surely I'm not the only one in existance that can't get mouse to 
stop being crazy.  What do I need to do that it can't figure out by 
itself?  Is crazy I say!

Must do in Gnome, KDE locks up at screen.  Where blinking 
icon "loading window manager" it stops blinking locked up.  That is 
another problem always in every installation.  Will worry about that 
later, got option #2 Gnome to work.  Mouse crazy in login and 
Gnome.  Crazy.

Help.  Trying to use this "keyboard mouse" emulation is crazy 
too, will start moving and stop but pointer keeps to edge of screen 
then I have to remember what way I was moving and hit that key 
again and then it stops trying to move that way and I can move back. 
 Sometimes different keys act this way.  Noticed I was trying to type 
in my user password and it wasn't working.  Went back to input user 
name to test and sure enough...  All my input was in caps, the #'s 
were in "@#!@%!"!  My shift key was "stuck" so I pressed them and 
retyped user, password fine.  Is there a conflict between my mouse 
and keyboard?  Would explain multiple keyboards/mice exhibiting 
the same problem?  According to the colors on the plugs/ports and 
also the labeling I've got them plugged into the correct ps2 ports.  
And they work fine in Windows98 (as if that's supposed to be any 
colsolation ).

I have the bios configured for Plug & Play OS "OFF" like the 
installation guide that came with ML8.1PP said to.

Wes Gregg

Stuck in Windows where my mouse is a mouse and my 
keyboard is a keyboard and they both work fine.  8-(

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