Re: [Re: [[newbie] CorelPHOTOPAINT9 Install]]

2001-03-30 Thread donald hinds

Ammon Cooke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I downloaded,

WHERE ???  I used many search engines, I checked Corel & Mandrakes sites for

 after you unzip to a separate folder then 
Navigate:  dists\redhat\i386\fonttastic-glibc-2.1-2000.


At 03:06 PM 3/29/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>Where did you get FontTastic? I installed PP9.0 from 2 sources (download &
>and all I get when i try to run it some error it can't initialize FontTastic
>(and I can't find any such files).
>   Don
> This may not be the right place to ask, but I thought someone 
> here said
>something about having installed PhotoPaint on their machine.  I can't
>install FontTastic, the RPM Manager tells me, "file etc/init.d from install
>of fonttastic-glibc-2.1- conflicts with file from package
>initscripts-5.27-37mdk".  How do I get it to work??
>Don Hinds - photo, motorcycle, misc.
>Get free email and a permanent address at

Don Hinds - photo, motorcycle, misc.

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Re: [[newbie] CorelPHOTOPAINT9 Install]

2001-03-29 Thread donald hinds

Where did you get FontTastic? I installed PP9.0 from 2 sources (download & CD)
and all I get when i try to run it some error it can't initialize FontTastic
(and I can't find any such files).


This may not be the right place to ask, but I thought someone here said 
something about having installed PhotoPaint on their machine.  I can't 
install FontTastic, the RPM Manager tells me, "file etc/init.d from install 
of fonttastic-glibc-2.1- conflicts with file from package 
initscripts-5.27-37mdk".  How do I get it to work??


Don Hinds - photo, motorcycle, misc.

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[newbie] Help? HELP! USB ports

2001-03-29 Thread donald hinds

How do you tell HardDarke or Linux to look on the USB ports for devices? 

  I have a supported (ZOOM USB) modem ( LM-7.2 sees my TWO USB 

  When I run HardDrake to install a modem, it gives me options of Serial,
ISDN  and so forth, but not USB.

  What file to I change (and how do I change it) so the USB will be an option 
for the modem?

  thanks if you can help, Don

Don Hinds - photo, motorcycle, misc.

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Re: [[newbie] Can't mount CDRom / CDWriter]

2001-03-21 Thread donald hinds

Supermount is FLAKY

/dev/hda2 / ext2 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
/mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom   supermount   fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom   0 0
/dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom iso=9660
(or just iso9660 without the =)

/mnt/cdrom2 /mnt/cdrom2   supermount   fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom2   0 0
/dev/cdrom2 /mnt/cdrom2 iso=9660

/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy   supermount   fs=vfat,dev=/dev/fd0   0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/windows vfat user,exec,umask=0  0 0
none /proc proc defaults  0 0
/dev/hda5 swap swap defaults 0 0

I also did the same for floppy


Don Hinds - photo, motorcycle, misc.

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[newbie] Help? USB ports

2001-03-15 Thread donald hinds

How do you tell HardDarke or Linux to look on USB ports for devices? 

  I have a supported (ZOOM USB) modem ( LM-7.2 sees my TWO USB

  When I run HardDrake to install a modem, it gives me options of Serial,
  and so forth, but not USB.

  What file to I change (and how do I change it) so the USB will be an option
  for the modem?

  thanks if you can help, Don

I have a supported (ZOOM USB) modem ( LM-7.2 sees my TWO USB

When I run HardDrake to install a modem, it gives me options of Serial, ISDN
and so forth, but not USB.

What file to I change (and how do I change it) so the USB will be an option
for the modem?

thanks if you can help,   Don

Get free email and a permanent address at

Don Hinds - photo, motorcycle, misc.

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[newbie] Help? USB ports

2001-03-15 Thread donald hinds

How do you tell HardDarke or Linux to look on USB ports for devices?

I have a supported (ZOOM USB) modem ( LM-7.2 sees my TWO USB

When I run HardDrake to install a modem, it gives me options of Serial, ISDN
and so forth, but not USB.

What file to I change (and how do I change it) so the USB will be an option
for the modem?

thanks if you can help,   Don

Don Hinds - photo, motorcycle, misc.

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[newbie] Help? USB modem

2001-03-13 Thread donald hinds

I have a supported (ZOOM USB) modem ( LM-7.2 sees my TWO USB

When I run HardDrake to install a modem, it gives me options of Serial, ISDN
and so forth, but not USB.

What file to I change (and how do I change it) so the USB will be an option
for the modem?

thanks if you can help,   Don

Don Hinds - photo, motorcycle, misc.

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Re: [[newbie] Linux PDA: would you use one?] Not based on . . .

2001-03-09 Thread donald hinds

I wouldn't based on my experience with LM-7.2. I can only boot in graphical
mode, even FAILSAFE crashes with a Kernel Panic. I can't install a USB (model
supported by modem, can't install Wordperfect 8 (2 CDs &
download tried), I can install Corel Photopaint 9 (1 CD and one download
tried), but it won't run (fonttastic is missing).

And no one knows any answers as to why any or all of these things fail.

One might presume a Linux PDA has a good Linux installed, but what of 3rd
party applications? Who is going to get those working when they fail?


Just curious, if it was affordable would y'all go for a linux PDA over a
palm or ce PDA?  I wonder if running linux on PDA would make it a lot more
customizable and more extensible than the other PDA OSs on the market?

I've been looking for a PDA that was more than just a glorified organizer.
I don't care about storing 5 years worth of appointments or 100,000 email
addresses.  I want a PDA to be general purpose computing device.  I want my
PDA to be a thin client to my linux server so I can turn the coffee maker on
and pull up my MP3 playlist from my couch.

Don Hinds - photo, motorcycle, misc.

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Re: [[newbie] Trident Blade MVP4?]

2001-03-05 Thread donald hinds

On my Compaq 7470 it uses 8M shared of 64K RAM for video, so I used the 
mem=56M  in my setup and it works fine. I can't tell you exactly where, it is
at home.


Jon Doe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Does anyone have any links on info about getting LM 7.2 working with the 
Trident Blade MVP4?

Don Hinds - photo, motorcycle, misc.

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Re: [[newbie] the fonttastic problem]

2001-02-21 Thread donald hinds

I got it from the Corel Website AND from a Linux Format magazine CD. There is
one GZ file and when opened doesn't have a fonttastic rpm anywhere.  I'll look
again, but I'm fairly sure I'm right.



hi.  i had the same problem with photopaint / fonttastic.
the fonttastic RPM is in your photopaint files.  there are 2 of them.  a 2.0
and a 2.1 i think.  for some reason yours, like mine, did not install. 
install the newer of the RPMs.  you may have to use the overwrite files
option.  i did.  after that you should be ok.

i notice you say it's not in with your photopaint files.  that is odd.  where
did you get photopaint?  mine is the set of install files downloaded from
corels web site.

Adrian Smith
'de telepone dude
Telecom Dept.
x 7042

>>> donald hinds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 7:42:09 AM 2/20/01 >>>

"And finally, check the archives of this list for the problems associated
with the "fontastic install".  I recall someone posting the solution to
this within the past month.  I seem to recall someone posting a
difficulty with WP8 fairly recently, too--I didn't pay much attention
since I've installed it on 7.0 and 7.1 and then never used it."

That was me, and I followed their links (which were good). The LM help page
the one that says to install the 'fonttastic...rpm'  from the install CD, and
since it is a Mandrake page one assumes the Mandrake CD, but fonttastic isn't
on any of my 8 Mandrake CDs (I have LM 7.2, 6.5 CDs and LM utilities CD set
too). It's not on either of the CDs  that have WP8, nor the CD with Corel

 Mandrake seems to be hoplessly lost. 


Don Hinds - photo, motorcycle, misc. 

Get free email and a permanent address at 

Don Hinds - photo, motorcycle, misc.

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[newbie] cheap Linux books

2001-02-20 Thread donald hinds

If you are in N.E. and want some cheap Linux books, two places to look.

 Building 19 (20 stores) has computer books for 50c (yes, the 400+ page Linux

  Ocean State Job Lot (many stores), $6.99 (sometimes $4.99) and many of them
include a CD, like the Wordperfect-8 for Linux book.


Don Hinds - photo, motorcycle, misc.

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Re: [[newbie] Finding mandrake 6]

2001-02-20 Thread donald hinds

If you are in N.E. and there is an Ocean State Job Lot store nearby look in 
there. Some of them have boxed sets of Mandrake 6.5 for $5.99. I know the one
in North Quincy Mass had some.


I'm looking for a version of mandrake 6 (later the better, but not 7) to
download and install.  Umm, where should I be looking?

Don Hinds - photo, motorcycle, misc.

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Re: [Re: [newbie] It's all LUCK, and mine was BAD]

2001-02-20 Thread donald hinds

"petzhouse private" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Welcome to linux. This is what linux is all about (stress.)

You can use an easy reset technique that lets you start again. (NOTE: A very 
bad idea would be to get another distro. I have tried eight gazilion 
(actually 3) and sadly this is the easiest to use...

The easy reset technique is as follows:

1. Delete your current Linux mandrake system and reinstall linux

2. Complain to the computer who makes your modem and ask about linux 
support. A likely response is "We don't support it." (followed by the 
representative hanging up on you.)

3. Get a new modem that says all over the box things like "Supports linux" 
and "Tested with linux" and even "Comes with linux."

4. Find out that the company dosn't provide technical suport for using the 
modem with linux.

5. Go to and type in your question (As soon as you press 
submit the site goes down. I have tried this numeras times.)

6. Have a nervious breakdown

I have gone through all these steps myself except for with a USB ethernet 
card. (The "linux supported"(false advertising)was a non-USB one where you 
have to break your back and open the computer.

Hope this helps.

You are right, Compaq doesn't support Linux, except the iPaq palm-sized
computer. Talk about backwards thinking...

I could use a serial modem (I have them), but my serial port is for the Palm
(one serial, 2 USB). So I want to use the USB modem like I do in Windows.  All
the files are there, but I can't find WHAT FILE to tell LM Linux that the
modem is on the USB port and not on the serial port.


Don Hinds - photo, motorcycle, misc.

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Re: [Re: [newbie] It's all LUCK, and mine was BAD]

2001-02-20 Thread donald hinds

"And finally, check the archives of this list for the problems associated
with the "fontastic install".  I recall someone posting the solution to
this within the past month.  I seem to recall someone posting a
difficulty with WP8 fairly recently, too--I didn't pay much attention
since I've installed it on 7.0 and 7.1 and then never used it."

That was me, and I followed their links (which were good). The LM help page is
the one that says to install the 'fonttastic...rpm'  from the install CD, and
since it is a Mandrake page one assumes the Mandrake CD, but fonttastic isn't
on any of my 8 Mandrake CDs (I have LM 7.2, 6.5 CDs and LM utilities CD set
too). It's not on either of the CDs  that have WP8, nor the CD with Corel

 Mandrake seems to be hoplessly lost. 


Don Hinds - photo, motorcycle, misc.

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[newbie] It's all LUCK, and mine was BAD

2001-02-18 Thread donald hinds

I put in a standard LM-7.2 setup from a 4 CD set. 

First it took two weeks to figure out what was wrong in fstab so I could mount
the CDROM (and Mandrakesoft couldn't help), and finding a place to  put
mem=56K so the shared video ram would work.

Still no one can tell me how to use a USB modem. The kernel supports it, my
modem is listed as a supported modem (linux-usb org), LM-7.2 put in a huge
amount of USB files and recognized two USB ports.

I still get a Aieee kernel panic, swapper no syncing error if I boot in
anything but graphical mode.

Corel Photo loads but won't run because Fonttastic is missing. The MAndrake
help page give directions to install it from the Install CD, but it is not on
the Install CD.

Corel WP-8 won't install, not from the Wbesite, not from two differenct CD's,
one of them a Mandrake 6.5 CD.

Windows may crash a lot, but at least it WORKS in between crashing. What good
is Linux not crashing, if you can't get anything working?

I'm new to Linux, but not to computers. I do tech support for modems. I can
follow instructions, but when it says (man 8 mount) to look in
/linux/fs/filesystems.c for a list of supported filesystems, when /linux/fs
directory doesn't exist how can you do anything???
When it tells you to load 'fonttastic rpms' from the Install CD and it
doesn't exist what can you do???


Don Hinds - photo, motorcycle, misc.

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[newbie] Fontastic - Corel Photo

2001-02-09 Thread donald hinds

I loaded Corel PhotoPaint from the CD included with the Brit Linux magazine. 
I installs fine, but when I run it it says it can't find the 'path for
Fontastic'  fonts.

Any Ideas?  I've searched the WWWeb for 'linux fontastic' and come up with


Don Hinds - photo, motorcycle, misc.

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Re: [[newbie] mounting cd rom ]

2001-02-02 Thread donald hinds

7.2 is kinda buggy with the CDROM. If it mounts OK, then you can use it. 
In Terminal login to root ('su' then password), then 'umount cdrom' to unmount
it, swap the CD then 'mount /mnt/cdrom' and you can read the new one.


hi, i was wondering how you can tell if your cd rom is mounted or not.  i 
have mandrake 7.2 complete installed over windows with lnx4win.  if i load a 
cd into the cd rom while in windows, and than boot into linux, i am able to 
read the cd.  if i am already in linux, and put a cd in , i get errors, and 
it won't let me read the cd.  how would i be able to tell if the cd rom is 
mounted, and if it isn't, how would i go about doing that.  thanks for 
you're help.
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Don Hinds - photo, motorcycle, misc.

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[newbie] kernel panic - swapper

2001-02-01 Thread donald hinds

> I can boot graphically, but NSB or Failsafe it gets to something about the
> SWAPPER end then
> Aieee kernel Panic
> ...
> in sync swapper not syncing
> and the computer totally locks up.
> Any help out there?

Don Hinds - photo, motorcycle, misc.

Get free email and a permanent address at

Re: [[newbie] cdrom problem]

2001-01-31 Thread donald hinds

I've had to change my fstab line.  This seems to to work at the start of the

/dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom 
instead of
/mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
no 'fs=is09660,'   just 'iso9660 '

Sorry I can't recall the entire line. It is at home.


> Hello  to everybody.  Thanx for your help, you guys saved my a** couple
> of times here.  Have a problem with CD rom .  I am running LM 7.0.  I
> have Matshita CDRW 7585 and ATAPI 48x cd rom.  My burner somehow my
> burner is a default cdrom drive and the problem with this is I can not
> run cd's on it.  Every time i try it gives me following error mesage
> "Could not list directory contents file:/mnt/cdrom/."   The strange
> thing is it was reading the disks during the instalation.  If anybody
> could help it would be super.
> --
> life sucks

Don Hinds - photo, motorcycle, misc.

Get free email and a permanent address at

[newbie] swapper not syncing

2001-01-29 Thread donald hinds

I can boot graphically, but NSB or Failsafe it gets to something about the
SWAPPER end then

Aieee kernel Panic
in sync swapper not syncing

and the computer totally locks up.

Any help out there?


Don Hinds - photo, motorcycle, misc.

Get free email and a permanent address at

Re: [[newbie] Xfree86 4.0.2 Help Request]

2001-01-29 Thread donald hinds

Which version did you install?  

I tried the XFree86 RPM on the Mandrake site and it says it is missing files. 
Since I installed LM 7.2 from a CD, and am upgrading with a Mandrake RPM, how
can it be missing files???  They should either already be there, or be in the


> After installing Xfree 86 4.0.2 onto Mandrake 7.2 and running Xfree86 
> -configure, I am able to startx.  However, after I power down or reboot the

> system, the server will not start and has some issue with 'finding fonts'. I

> install all the minimum packages, plus the extras.  However, I am not 
> backing up prior to install, or moving any files following the XFree86 
> -configure command.  Is there anything I am missing following this that is 
> causing my Xserver to crash on reboot? Any help would be greatly 
> appreciated.
> Regards,
> Geoff Sanders
> San Diego, CA
> _
> Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

Don Hinds - photo, motorcycle, misc.

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Re: [newbie] Problem with USB modem Set up

2001-01-24 Thread Donald Hinds  shows USB modems and has a list of supported modems,
but I don't know enough Linux yet to install mine either (ZOOM 2986L)


>Hi everyone :)
>I am totally new to linux, I've recently installed mandrake 7.2 almost everything
got installed correctly but my usb modem.
>It is a rebaged ACER from Ambient technologies inc modem. Drake hardware manager
has found it but i can't find which device to point my /dev/modem link to, is
that because there is no device driver evalible for it yet ? I've tryed ttyUSB0,
ttyUSB1 etc..
>I really would like to free myself from windows. 
>FREE! The World's Best Email Address
>Reserve your name now at

Re: [newbie] Appending to Grub

2001-01-23 Thread Donald Hinds

It seems Grub reads the lilo.conf file?  That is where I set my 'append "mem=56M"'
(8M gets used for video) and it fixed my video problems. KDE (etc) shows 56M


>Does anyone have an idea how to append a line in Grub to inform the kernel
that there is actually more system RAM than actually being is being reported?

>I know how to do this in Lilo, however Grub eludes me.

[newbie] fs fs=iso9660 not supported by kernel

2001-01-22 Thread Donald Hinds

I'm getting that error when I try to 
mount /mnt/cdrom
same for the floppy.  (MD 7.2) The same error occurs during the graphical boot

In 'filesystems' the list of devices is correct. Any other file I can check?


[newbie] fs fs=iso9660 not supported by kernel

2001-01-21 Thread Donald Hinds

I've been having more CDROM problems. MD7.2  First I had to change /dev/cdrom
to /dev/scd0 in fstab.  Then I could run the CD and ran the Madrake Update CD.

Then in KDE I was getting Permisson denied' (permission was set) amd somehow
I fixed that in ROOT mode.  But Now I cannot mount cdrom, I get the above error.
Same for floppy and 'windows' partitions. the file 'filesystems' shows cdrom,
frloop etc.

Any ideas what file to fix?


Re: [newbie] Unable to see cdrom

2001-01-21 Thread Donald Hinds

If it is a R/RW CDROM then try /dev/scd0  instead of /dev/cdrom in fstab, but
leave the /mnt/cdrom alone


>I installed version 7.2 from cdrom. 
>It is an ide reader only. 
>/etc/fstab includes the line:- 
>/mnt/cdrom supermount fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom 0 0
>I am trying to use the install cd because it is requested by DrakConf
>when I am trying to install an extra ethernet card, however it fails to
>find the cdrom. 
>If I type:- 
>I get:- 
>/mnt/cdrom: Input/output error 
>If I try to access /Root/mnt/cdrom from Konqueror I get:- 
>unable to
>You do not have access rights to this location.
>I would be very grateful if anyone can help me.
>Mike Baker aka [RaG]Pixie[MwG]
>Frag Fest LAN Parties
>" eudora="autourl">www.fragfest.f2s." eudora="autourl">com

Re: [newbie] Help! new 7.2 system has gotten abominably slow

2001-01-21 Thread Donald Hinds

I've had that happen when I couldn't do a clean re-boot. Once it comes up enough
to [ctrl][alt][f2]   then [ctrl][alt][del] to shut down  & re-boot normally
everything is OK.

I wish I knew what causes it so I could fix it. 

Or better, how can I boot into the 'user' screen, where you pick a user and
GUI instead of into Gnome or KDE?


>On Sunday 21 January 2001 16:27, you wrote:
>> It started yesterday, after there was a power failure.
>> Its a dual PIII - 600 with 1/2 gb SDRAM and dual UW SCSI with dual UW 5.4

>> ms Barracuda drives.  The video is a Creative Labs Savage4 with 32 mb.
>> No, it can't be slow!!!   Without running X its horribly slow. 
>> With X, its unbelievably slow.
>> Without X, if I bring up pine, its 2 MINUTES for the screen to come up!!!

>> startx takes 10 MINUTES to come up.  The tips wizard is 15 MINUTES later.

>> The drives are barely being hit.  The NIC isn't flashing.  There are no
>> error messages on the screens except the 2nd NIC failing at boot (which I

>> expect, until I connect it to the cable modem, in the meantime, its just
>> station on my internal home LAN).  It seems like pine runs at normal speed

>> (comparatively) once its up.  pico seems to come up fine by itself.
>> Am I at another reload?  Any suggestions how to diagnose?  I shut it down,

>> powered back up, and when that didn't fix it, I rebooted and ran full tests

>> on the drives, checked the BIOS setup.  Then I tried windoze 98 and it runs

>> fine.  Shutdown is quick, too, for some reason...
>> Help!
>> BobC
>Well, you might want to try top or ktop to see the process that is hogging

>the cpu, but most likely it will be less trouble to reload the system (as in

>reinstall).  Something got clobbered (we hope it isn't hardware) which other

>processes are waiting for completion of.

Re: [newbie] Partitions and drive letters

2001-01-19 Thread Donald Hinds

Mandrake 7.2 handles this very well. I have a WinME 20G HD and partitioned 5G
for Linux with 7.2 partition manager.


>Dave! If you install Linux on C:\ and Windows 98 is on it, you'll lose 
>Windows98 ! If Linux re-writes your MBR (Master Boot record), there's an 
>excellent chance you'll lose the partition info for all the other partitions.

>I think you need to exercise caution here. Are you trying to wipe out Windows

>in the process?? make sure you back up everything on ALL partitions!
>dan laBine
>On Fri, 19 Jan 2001, you wrote:
>> I have a single drive partitioned into 4 with my current OS (Win98se)
>> residing in C:\.  Among the options in the install is one to take over part

>> of C:\ for Linux.  If I do this, what will happen to the assigned drive
>> letters of D:\, E:\ and F:\, CD-ROM and CD-RW; will it reassign them with

>> new drive letters?