Re: [newbie] I'm Locked Out!

2002-03-26 Thread mooseman

On March 24, 2002 09:21 pm, you wrote:
> On Sunday 24 March 2002 09:28 pm, you wrote:
> > *shrugs* Whatever guy.
> >
> > Ya i'll tone it down just was excited & having fun
> >
> > in the event you still don't like my posts, don't read em.
> >
> > I'm just enjoying myself & if I sound 14, oh well...Sorry that bugs you.
> >
> > Femme
> Well, I've noticed that you respond to just about every thread there is,
> and many many times you say, "well, I can't help" or "I don't know, but"
> what is the weather like in Australia or something equally as relevant; and
> I wonder, 'why is she even posting then'.   Or you butt in and ask what is
> something that you would be better off googling about.  You have been
> getting on my nerves too.  You act like this is the femmelist or something.
>  And yeah, I too was shocked to see a professed newbie - who can't really
> help - posting on the expert list.  I realize you're all proud of yourself
> and all getting linux up and running - but who the hell can't get mandrake
> 8.x going?  We're not impressed with you.
> -s

speak for yourself.
i find it refreshing to have someone enthusiastic posting whether things are 
going good or bad. 

glad to know that you are enjoying the community spirit. 8^P


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Re: [newbie] AGP

2002-03-22 Thread mooseman

i have run kde on 4mb cards. not agp, pci cards and even some oldy-moldy 
1&2mb isa cards.
you have to play with xconfig to get settings that will work. some stuff is 
not very attractive, but it will work.
at least it did with kde2.0

what card type are you running? what version of xfree86 server? what version 
of kde?

you may just have to go to older xserver. 3.3.6 instead of 4.x i am not 
familiar with xserver newer than 4.0.3 and some cards were not ported from 
3.3.6 in that release. seems to me that the LM8.0 setup allowed you to choose 
between 3.3.6 and 4.0.3

newer version i believe has an entirely different list of cards that work and 
don't work. but i don't have first hand experience with that.

anyways, get back to us on your card specs and versions etc.


On March 22, 2002 09:30 pm, you wrote:
> On Friday 22 March 2002 18:06, Sujeet Akula opened a hailing frequency and
> transmitted:
> > I just realised that my old sh*tbox computer couldn't run the KDE for
> > mandrake 8.0 because it has 6MB or less of AGP RAM! I use on
> > my new computer and it is pretty much dedicated to what its doing(
> > ) Does anyone know how i can run a low quality
> > KDE of mandrake so that i can use the GUI with out having to upgrade my
> > old 'pooter?
> do you need KDE?  i am not sure what video RAM ICE or Enlightenment need,
> but they are lighter.  also have you tried very sparten (800x640 low color
> res) settings?
> i didn't know KDE had a minimum video RAM so i may know nothing at all, but
> i thought i would ask

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Re: [newbie] I need your suggestions

2002-03-20 Thread mooseman

i personally on a 486-8mb ram, no HDD only floppy have had better success 
with freesco than LRP.

LRP is htpp://


On March 20, 2002 10:05 am, you wrote:
> On Thu, 21 Mar 2002, Mandrake Newbie wrote:
> > >[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > >
> > >Get the source and  compile it.
> >
> > I'm sorry for asking a very newbie question again but how can I compile
> > the source of SNF if my hard disk drive is "fresh"?
> Someone recently posted a URL for source.
> In your case you will have to install some kind of a Linux distro, maybe LM
> 7.X, then compile it.???
> Having looked at the issues for a while, I don't think SNF is the thing for
> a 486. I would get LRP on an IDE flash disk.
> search google for LRP Linux Router Project
> --
> Gerald Waugh

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Re: [newbie] OT,How to zing like the best. RE: Was: How to bestsupport Mandrake

2002-03-20 Thread mooseman

On March 20, 2002 12:18 am, you wrote:
> john rigby wrote:
> > Ahhh,
> > Is anyone home with you two? Hellooo?
> >
> > The reason that my comms are in Doze is because - **like femme** and a
> > zillion others - the Mandrake installs fail!!.
> Don't drag me into this horseshit you've got going here John.  I don't
> care to be a part of it.  Thx.  I don't enjoy struggling but I do to
> *learn*.  I find it does educate & enlighten my pea-sized intelligence.
> > I will wait and see what other bad news appears like Femmes re 8.2.  
> > (Sigh) like most people most of my things now will tend to be USB
> > like most of the world except the M8.2 distro??
> >
> > Sadly,
> >
> > John
> My issues with 8.2 aren't necessarily the last ones to be heard of...nor
> are they likely the last ones I'll have.  That said, it's been a day
> since 8.2 was released!  So... I hate to inform your
> arrogant/ill-informed ass but frankly there will be bugs that were
> missed.
> Wake up, don't be such a wet noodle.
> Femme

you go girl! ;-)


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Re: [newbie] OT - PC building help

2002-03-18 Thread mooseman

just thought i would add my two cents...

i run an abit bp6 dual machine.
it is very stable now that i removed my piece of @#$$% HP cd burner.
but, while i was fighting with it, i had some similar weird symptoms you 
mention, like if i edited the bios settings, generally the machine would hang 
after save and exit. needing a power reset.
every once in awhile, if i have had it turned off (doesn't happen often), 
when i start it up by power on, it won't boot until i give it a reset then 
away it goes.

i think this is specific to this mb, but something related to the video card 
not initialising correctly.

things for you to check: are you running the most current revision of the 
bios? your power supply is stable and delivering the correct voltages? what 
size of supply are you running? i too have heard of the AMD chips being 
somewhat hungry and sensitive to dirty power.

i know i haven't helped much other than i feel for you brother! been there, 
done that. made me crazy for awhile too.

good luck! :-)


On March 18, 2002 10:48 am, you wrote:

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Re: [newbie] Shame we live in diff countries and all

2002-03-13 Thread mooseman

alright, i am in...

telkwa, bc, canada.

it was 30c here, minus 30c that is. but now a balmy -10c
fine spring weather indeed!

light snow this year. only have two feet right now.


Quoting "Henry B. Wangle Jr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Guy, Arkansas  USA
> Presently 40F slightly cloudy, 
> Tomorrow just wait it will change

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Re: [newbie] Minimizing the cult factor

2002-03-10 Thread mooseman

good point about the qwerty keyboard.

i guess i didn't fully explain what i mean about the menus changing.

in winxp (and i think 98se, w2k etc), the entire programs menu changes and 
stuff moves around based on your useage.
in kde (unless you are running a significantly different version than me) the 
kpanel has a specific area where it has a quick list of K-stuff you use (at 
least it is supposed to).

i am a creature of habit, and i hate it when things move behind my back, so i 
don't like my menus constantly changing. i know it sounds trivial, but it is
just one instance when "big brother" thinks they know best about what i need 
and want. i will admit to being a control freak. there is very little that i 
like to automagically happen unless of course i was the one who told the 
automagic to happen.

on a side note about the kpanel not remembering the console programs you use 
most often, i suppose you could write a script that keeps track of that and 
updates the panel if you wanted to.

oh ya, i had to dig around a fair bit on the ms site to find out how to turn 
off that lousy menu rearranging garbage (#$%#$%$#%^%^!!!) ;-)
you have to add some things in the registry. btw, if anyone who finds 
themselves dual-booting or whatever and also wants to turn it off, let me 
know and i will post the link. 

so, i guess my big beef, the menu thing is just a symptom, is about choice. i 
chose linux because _I_ get to decide what it looks like or what things go on 

anyways, i think i have just proved dvorak's point about the fanatism. oh 



On March 10, 2002 01:54 pm, you wrote:
> On Sunday 10 March 2002 21:09, mooseman wrote:
> > "The steadiest player" ??!!!???
> > read that: he who has run down, bought out or otherwise cut the throat
> > of. and/or he who has the biggest FUD department.
> >
> > besides that, jazziness (ie:media hype) should not be the determining
> > factor of which OS you use. a product stands on its own merits, not the
> > colour of the minute media 'jazziness'.
> Unfortunately, the reverse is often the case.  Why do you think we're still
> using qwerty keyboards?
> > some of the reasons why i switched are: system stability, security, i
> > hate features like user tracking (remembering which menu items i click
> > most often),
> Actually, KDE does that, it just has a very weird idea about what programs
> I use (presumably because it tracks the programs I open from the menu,
> rather than icons or the command line - in other words the programs I use
> least!).
> Robin

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Re: [newbie] Minimizing the cult factor

2002-03-10 Thread mooseman

"The steadiest player" ??!!!???
read that: he who has run down, bought out or otherwise cut the throat of. 
and/or he who has the biggest FUD department.

besides that, jazziness (ie:media hype) should not be the determining factor 
of which OS you use. a product stands on its own merits, not the colour of 
the minute media 'jazziness'.

some of the reasons why i switched are: system stability, security, i hate 
features like user tracking (remembering which menu items i click most 
often), the big $$ for buggy software, versions marked by the year, oh ya 
stability, market stifling practices, oh ya, stability.


On March 10, 2002 07:43 am, you wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 10, 2002 at 11:34:55AM +0100, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
> > Good Sunday all !
> >
> > Just happened to come across an article in "PC Magazine" by the
> > legendary John C. Dvorak. I find it highly relevant for us here on the
> > list, so I'll take the liberty to consume quite some bandwith and quote
> > him in length. If you'll read the article directly, here it is :
> >,2997,s=1500&a=23172,00.asp
> Legendary?! Only in his own mind. He's a M$ shill, you want an unbiased
> opinion from him?!
> Indeed, thinking that Linux needs PhotoShop, man what do you think the
> GIMP does? Clearly not well researched as the only thing PhotoShop does
> that GIMP doesn't yet is CYMK colour - that's coming though.
> BTW the link would have sufficed.
> > Please forgive me for taking your time folks !

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[newbie] cd-rw thoughts?

2002-03-09 Thread mooseman

i have decided to upgrade my old and buggy (HP7100i) cd-rw drive.

have looked at the yamaha's, sony's, and the plextor's

anyone have opinions for best results using  LM8.x?

i have a preference for the yamaha. one thing always catches me on the spec 
sheets, it seems that yamaha is almost the only drive out there using 8mb 

my current drive (philips in hp-markings) is well known on the net as being a 
total piece of crap, and i have the coasters to prove it. ;-)
so, i don't want to end up with another piece of crap. all the reviews i 
found, of course, go on about performance in the winblows world. i could care 
less how well devices perform in billys sandbox. or the software they are 
bundled with.

i am thinking no less than a 20x cd-r, not really too fussy since my current 
drive is 2x (yes 2x. i have had it for awhile)

anyways, if anyone had opinions, or experiences they wanted to sway me 
towards or away from a particular type.

many thanks,


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Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie] VMware newsgroup

2002-01-31 Thread mooseman

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i downloaded the files,
rpm -Uvh vmware-blah.rpm

then i ran the
answered the questions and from there i just started vmware in X, installed 
guest OS.

perhaps it is something to do with your kernel version.
for once, something just worked without compiling or other hassles for me. ;-)
i am running 2.4.3-20smp LM8.0

i did have to install as root. 


On Thursday 31 January 2002 23:15, you wrote:
> --  Forwarded Message  --
> Subject: Re: [newbie] VMware newsgroup
> Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 23:13:32 -0500
> From: Marcia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Wednesday 30 January 2002 01:23 pm, you wrote:
> > X-RebelTech Is Here:
> > MIME-Version: 1.0
> > Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
> >
> > hope you don't mind the direct reply
> > although i can't help you with the knode issue,
> >
> > i am running vmware2.04 on lm8.0
> > no problems. was a snap to install.
> >
> > what sort of problems are you experiencing?
> >
> > FWIW, i did an eval of vm3.0. i will be sticking with 2.04. i don't need
> > the new things like winxp guest os etc. and i found 2.04 to be more
> > stable and faster.
> >
> > moose.
> Thank you for your information. I do not remember exactly what error
> messages I was getting now. I will have to try installing soon to see what
> happens. Did you have to install the kernel module patches first? I had to
> but then it still did not install completely. Is it because I have 8.1?
> What exactly did you do to get yours installed if you do not mind me
> asking. Thank you for your help.
> Sincerely,
> Marcia
> ---

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Re: [newbie] OpenOffice

2002-01-26 Thread mooseman

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i wouldn't count on rolling the 6beta out on 50 machines.
it will be fantastic when it is release grade, but i couldn't use it to do 
anything serious because it crashed too often.

my two cents.

On Saturday 26 January 2002 13:55, you wrote:
> shane wrote:
> > staroffice is still free, it is (i think from reading the posts) simply
> > that one of the minor differences between staroffice and openoffice is
> > open offices support for the S3 chip.
> >
> > i don't think you can find 6 beta anymore, and 5.2 is not as nice, but
> > you
> you can still fine 6.0 beta here:
> or here:
> or here:
> Mike

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Re: [newbie] Driver ISA network card

2002-01-13 Thread mooseman

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have you tried the NE2000 driver?
so long as you know the card settings for irq and base address, it will 
probably work.
i have one right now in my machine because i can't get the 8139 based pci 
card to work reliably.

at the very least, you have nothing to lose by trying it. it will work or not.

good luck.

On Sunday 13 January 2002 15:06, you wrote:
> Hallo!
> As part of a group who are promoting linux i'm installing Mandrake 7.0 (or
> 7.1) on 2 dual pentium-75 64Mb to be used for internet access.
> The problem i have is that no realtek 8029 driver appears in the list of
> available drivers... how can i make linux use this network card?  8-?
> Thanks in advance  ;)

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Re: [newbie] SMC1244TX netcard and 8139too = randomly rebooting computer

2002-01-10 Thread mooseman

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ok, here is output of /proc/pci and /proc/interrupts

PCI devices found:
  Bus  0, 
device   0, function  0:  
  Host bridge: Intel 
Corporation 440BX/ZX - 82443BX/ZX Host bridge (rev 3).
  Master Capable.  Latency=32.
  Prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xd000 [0xd3ff].
  Bus  0, device   1, function  0:
PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 440BX/ZX - 82443BX/ZX AGP bridge (rev 3).
  Master Capable.  Latency=64.  Min Gnt=136.
  Bus  0, device   7, function  0:
ISA bridge: Intel Corporation 82371AB PIIX4 ISA (rev 2).
  Bus  0, device   7, function  1:
IDE interface: Intel Corporation 82371AB PIIX4 IDE (rev 1).
  Master Capable.  Latency=32.
  I/O at 0xf000 [0xf00f].
  Bus  0, device   7, function  2:
USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82371AB PIIX4 USB (rev 1).
  IRQ 19.
  Master Capable.  Latency=32.
  I/O at 0xd000 [0xd01f].
  Bus  0, device   7, function  3:
Bridge: Intel Corporation 82371AB PIIX4 ACPI (rev 2).
  IRQ 9.
  Bus  0, device  13, function  0:
Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139 (rev 16).
  IRQ 17.
  Master Capable.  Latency=32.  Min Gnt=32.Max Lat=64.
  I/O at 0xd400 [0xd4ff].
  Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xd800 [0xd8ff].
  Bus  0, device  19, function  0:
Unknown mass storage controller: Triones Technologies, Inc. HPT366 (rev 
  IRQ 18.
  Master Capable.  Latency=120.  Min Gnt=8.Max Lat=8.
  I/O at 0xd800 [0xd807].
  I/O at 0xdc00 [0xdc03].
  I/O at 0xe000 [0xe0ff].
  Bus  0, device  19, function  1:
Unknown mass storage controller: Triones Technologies, Inc. HPT366 (#2) 
(rev 1).
  IRQ 18.
  Master Capable.  Latency=120.  Min Gnt=8.Max Lat=8.
  I/O at 0xe400 [0xe407].
  I/O at 0xe800 [0xe803].
  I/O at 0xec00 [0xecff].
  Bus  1, device   0, function  0:
VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc 3D Rage IIC AGP (rev 122).
  IRQ 16.
  Master Capable.  Latency=32.  Min Gnt=8.
  Prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xd600 [0xd6ff].
  I/O at 0xc000 [0xc0ff].
  Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xd500 [0xd5000fff].

   CPU0   CPU1
  0:23158772344890IO-APIC-edge  timer
  1:   7440   7306IO-APIC-edge  keyboard
  2:  0  0  XT-PIC  cascade
  3:  58439  59132IO-APIC-edge  serial
  4: 170444 171140IO-APIC-edge  serial
  7:   9524   9301IO-APIC-edge  MS Sound System
 14: 22  5IO-APIC-edge  ide0
 15:  3  1IO-APIC-edge  ide1
 17:   2400   2534   IO-APIC-level  eth0
 18:  61588  62072   IO-APIC-level  ide2
NMI:  0  0
ERR:  0
MIS:  0

many thanks!

On Thursday 10 January 2002 06:57, you wrote:
> post output of (in a text console, as root, without the quotes) "cat
> /proc/interrupts" and "cat /proc/pci"
> On Thursday 10 January 2002 00:02, you wrote:
> > X-RebelTech Is Here:
> > MIME-Version: 1.0
> > Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
> >
> > hi all,
> >
> > i am still having problems with this network card. i don't think it is
> > some other hardware issue with this machine since it has been very stable
> > with a 10mbps ne2000 isa card for almost a year.
> >
> > so, installed the smc1244 which seems to have a realtek 8139C chip in it.
> > thanks to D.M on this list, i was able to get the card working, but i am
> > having random reboots now. when i try to do things like print across the
> > network or access a remote file. works most of the time, but every now
> > and then, i am left staring at my POST screen and hearing the RAM check
> > count.
> >
> > i have been able to acquire and compile (finally) the D Becker RTL8139
> > driver, but can't insmod it. it throws a number of unresolved symbols
> > such as: rtl8139.o: unresolved symbol __netdev_watchdog_up
> > rtl8139.o: unresolved symbol eth_type_trans
> > and the list goes on.
> > i was at was able to compile and insmod pci-scan.o.
> > searched the mailing list archives about this error. saw a number of
> > other people had same problem. but no answers posted. too obvious? well,
> > not to me.
> >
> > i can't get anywhere with the newer versions of 8139too. there are no
> > compiling instructions that i could find.
> > if i try gcc -DMODULE -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O6 -c 8139too.c
> > it throws:
> > 8139too.c:101:28: linux/compiler.h: No such file or directory
> > 8139too.c:110:23: linux/mii.h No such file or dire

Re: [newbie] SMC1244TX netcard and 8139too = randomly rebooting computer

2002-01-10 Thread mooseman

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ok, well i got a pair of them in a box with a seemingly nice 10/100 switch.
i will try the other card after i run some diags.


On Thursday 10 January 2002 10:36, you wrote:
> On Wednesday 09 January 2002 21:02, you wrote:
> > X-RebelTech Is Here:
> > MIME-Version: 1.0
> > Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
> >
> > hi all,
> >
> > i am still having problems with this network card. i don't think it is
> > some other hardware issue with this machine since it has been very stable
> > with a 10mbps ne2000 isa card for almost a year.
> >
> > so, installed the smc1244 which seems to have a realtek 8139C chip in it.
> > thanks to D.M on this list, i was able to get the card working, but i am
> > having random reboots now.
> That is a classic sign of a BAD network card.  I spent weeks
> troubleshooting the exact problem that you are having--including the random
> reboots.  When I replaced the card with an identical one, the reboots went
> away, and I've had no more problems.  BTW, my bad card was in a Windows
> machine.  Your card manufacturer may have a test utility (probably DOS) 
> for the card--if so, you may want to run it.
> e.

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[newbie] more 8139too...

2002-01-05 Thread mooseman

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hi all,

i don't suppose that anyone can offer help for compiling a newer version of 
the 8139too netcard driver?

i have the 0.9.15 version installed on my system. it mostly works but i have 
been having some flakiness. according to the release notes, version 0.9.22a 
is the latest and greatest and it fixes a number of things that could be what 
i am experiencing.

however, i have no experience at compiling linux drivers.
i extract all the files that came with the .gz file from sourceforge.
it has a makefile, but if i cd to the dir that i have extracted to and do a 
make in that dir, it complains about can't find some linux header files.

i have all the source installed on my machine. i don't know if i should try 
to hack the makefile or the 8139too.c file to try and get it to find all the 
right files and dirs it needs or if there is an easier way.
setting some ENVs or something.

i have tried as both my username and as root. no solution to either.

any thoughts?
anyone have a pre-build version?

i am running LM8.0 Kernel 2.4.3-20mdksmp

many thanks, 

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Re: [newbie] Question - school ... . SKIDLEY! -> Happy B-Day Dude!

2002-01-03 Thread mooseman

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On Thursday 03 January 2002 19:00, you wrote:
> On Thu, 3 Jan 2002, RCN Mail wrote:
> > I need to do a project for my statistics class and thought this place
> > would be perfect for it. I need 50 people to answer this and it would be
> > greatly appreciated.
> 1. How many hours a week do you spend online? [~40]
> 2. What is your age? [29] today actually! :)
> 3. Sex? M/F [M]
> 4. What type of Internet connection do you have? [dialup 56k]
> 5. How many computers do you own? [2]
> > This is for a Elementary Statistics course for a project I am doing. It's
> > a wintersession course and I need to collect this information ASAP. I
> > need a total of 50 people to respond.
> >
> > Thanks again if you decide to answer these questions.

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Re: [newbie] trouble installing rlt8139 netcard driver...

2001-12-28 Thread mooseman

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Many Thanks Dennis!
got 'er beat.
that insmod was exactly the missing link for me.

do i need to add it to any of my rc.local files so that it will reload on 
next reboot?


On Thursday 27 December 2001 17:16, you wrote:
> On Thursday 27 December 2001 11:19, you wrote:
> > X-RebelTech Is Here:
> > MIME-Version: 1.0
> > Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
> >
> > hi all,
> > i got a smc1244 10/100 netcard and it came with the rlt8139 driver, but i
> > am having no success installing the driver.
> >
> > when i attempt to compile as per the instructions that came with the
> > card, errors are thrown regarding a driver should never attempt to use
> > kernel-headers, system headers.
> >
> > when i run linuxconf and try to select my card, the driver shows up but
> > almost all the other cards show (inst) before the name. which i assume
> > means driver installed or at least available.
> >
> > i had a look at the source of the driver in comparison to another driver
> > and they look pretty much the same in the includes etc.
> >
> > so, i don't know how to proceed. from other postings, it seems that this
> > should be a pretty easy card to install. i must be missing something.
> >
> > ideas?
> >
> > moose.
> if you have LM 8.1 (not sure about earlier versions) go to a console and
> type in  "insmod 8139too" and see if it finds the driver already installed
> by the OS.  If it does it will tell you already installed or it will
> install it, then type " ifup eth0" and you should have a functioning
> ethernet card. Previous without the quotes of course.  HTH

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Re: [newbie] trouble installing rlt8139 netcard driver...

2001-12-27 Thread mooseman

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yes, the card is found by the bios, at boot time. it finds a free IRQ which i 
am certain is not used by anything else. because my previous card was old ISA 
that i manually locked to IRQ10. when i released that IRQ, the new card took 
it up automagically. i am using an abit BP6 mainboard, it has a pretty decent 
soft setup in the bios.
i should have mentioned i am running LM8.0 2.4.3-20smp

harddrake finds new hardware on boot but locks up when trying to configure 
the card. so, then i decided to try to manually add it via linuxconf.
that is where i noticed most other cards in the list of available card types 
had the (inst) before the name of the driver. i assume this means Installed. 
as in the driver is already built in to the kernel?

i was trying to compile the driver because that is what the instructions that 
came with the card told me to do. to build the .o file.
funny thing is that none of the other NIC drivers that i found on my HD were 
.o files they all were .c

i would gladly use the mandrake drivers. heck, i don't actually care who 
supplies the driver. ;-)


On Thursday 27 December 2001 15:05, you wrote:
> I use the cards in a few of my Mandrake boxes. Mandrake 8.1 should have
> seen it the first time the system booted - and a new hardware found
> message should have been on the screen.
> Did you get that message?  While I'm asking ... does the BIOS see the
> card?  What type of motherboard? and other hardware are you using?
> Answer to those questions might help.
> FWIW: I use the drivers supplied by Mandrake and don't roll my own.
> Layne
> On Thu, 2001-12-27 at 11:19, mooseman wrote:
> > X-RebelTech Is Here:
> > MIME-Version: 1.0
> > Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
> >
> > hi all,
> > i got a smc1244 10/100 netcard and it came with the rlt8139 driver, but i
> > am having no success installing the driver.
> >
> > when i attempt to compile as per the instructions that came with the
> > card, errors are thrown regarding a driver should never attempt to use
> > kernel-headers, system headers.
> >
> > when i run linuxconf and try to select my card, the driver shows up but
> > almost all the other cards show (inst) before the name. which i assume
> > means driver installed or at least available.
> >
> > i had a look at the source of the driver in comparison to another driver
> > and they look pretty much the same in the includes etc.
> >
> > so, i don't know how to proceed. from other postings, it seems that this
> > should be a pretty easy card to install. i must be missing something.
> >
> > ideas?
> >
> > moose.
> >
> >
> > =_1009480632-11608-1973
> > Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
> > Go to

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[newbie] lm sensors....

2001-11-15 Thread mooseman

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has anyone using abit bp6 noticed that the voltage values shown while using 
lm sensors and gkrellm are weird?

do i just have to figure out the multipliers? is this normal for every board?

for example, the -12 doesn't show anything remotely close to -12. i actually 
measured it and it is pretty much dead on, so not a problem that way, just a 
matter of setting it up i suppose.

my board had the winbond W83781d chip detected.

any thoughts?

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[newbie] i killed all my menu items....

2001-10-21 Thread mooseman

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i ran menudrake and it killed all my menu items on my kbutton and the
is there a quick way to restore them back to the default?

i am running LM8.0 and KDE 2.1.1, X4.01



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Re: [newbie] Mixing 168 and 72 pin RAM

2001-09-11 Thread mooseman

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it would likely vary per the motherboard.
most motherboards that i have used or seen don't even allow mixing of the two 
they have had a jumper to select one or the other.
maybe do a search at the motherboard homeworld ( to see if 
anyone can answer it.

on the other hand, if you have 72 pin ram handy, stuff it in and see for 
yourself... what kind of machine is it? cpu?



On Tuesday 11 September 2001 08:49, you wrote:
> My motherboard is currently holding the maximum amount of SDRAM (the 168
> pin stuff, in case I've got the wrong acronym) that it can (128 MB in
> two sockets, each of which can only handle 64 MB).  There are sockets on
> board such that I could add some of the older (72 pin?) RAM, maybe as
> much as another 64 MB.
> I've assumed that doing so will make all the RAM as slow as the old 72
> pin stuff, and thus is probably not worth trying (although I do have
> some 16 MB strips around).  Anybody know for sure what would happen?
> Aside: the manual for the motherboard says mixing the two types of RAM
> is possible (as long as I don't populate the first slots for both types)
> but not recommended.
> Thanks,
> Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] test box took 5.75 hours to load mandrake..

2001-07-26 Thread mooseman

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where did your cd come from?
was it downloaded and then burnt from a winblows box?
in the past i have had things like that happen when i got a cd that was 
written using packet writing (ie: direct cd). a lot of older cdroms don't 
like packet technology and will either barf right away or slug away at it and 
read the disc _really slow_

just a thought anyways.

On Thursday 26 July 2001 16:29, you wrote:
> It was Fri, 27 Jul 2001 01:12:27 +0800 when Franki wrote:
> Hi Frank.
> That amount of time is definitely NOT normal. On my old P/II-400 (128Mb) it
> took about 45 minutes. On a 200mhz it will take some longer but never 6
> hours. Perhaps someone else can shed light on the problem though.
> Paul
> >I just did an install on a test box I have here,, the box details are:
> >
> >CPU: Pentium Pro 200,
> >RAM: 64mb EDO.
> >MB:  FX Chipset.
> >Harddisks:  4.3 gig Maxtor, and 1.03 gig Seagate.
> >CDROM:   24speed IDE Sony.
> >Video:   S3 Virge 2mb.
> >I did a total install of Mandrake 7.2, and it just finished copying files,
> >it took nearly 6 hours.
> >
> >is that normal??
> --
> The universe is ruled by letting things take their course.
> It cannot be ruled by interfering.
> -Chinese proverb
> - Registered Linux User 174403
>  Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.5.1
> ** - when you care **

Re: [newbie] curious ....

2001-06-29 Thread mooseman

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i _am_ jealous of your new machine 1.4gig. i can hear more than one Tim 
Taylor grunt right now!
sounds sweet!

On Saturday 30 June 2001 03:48, you wrote:
> Rita:
> > I would *love to see a product that will give a lot of people a
> > highly usable alternative to M$, because I dislike their
> > tactics.
>     I rebuilt my system this morning. It was a Pentium III-450 oc'd to
>  600. Now with a different motherboard, cpu and sound chip, it's an AMD
>  Athlon 1.4gig.  I booted it for the first time into Mandrake 8.0
>  (+cooker), overclocked to 1470, on the drive that was runnin Mandrake
>  in the old system.  Not even a burp.  Only thing I had to do was run
>  harddrake to config the new integrated sound chip. Found that I could
>  reliably run 'mprime's torture test at 1.55 gig without raisin the
>  default voltages and stay below 50C under heavy load with the cpu.
>    WinSUX, OTOH, wouldn't boot into anything but failsafe (even at the
>  default 1.4g). It kept search'n for new hardware, install it, ask to be
>  rebooted,  over an over  well this went on for more than a dozen
>  times till it finally got it halfway right enough to boot to a normal
>  desktop.  I was on the fence of even putting winBLOWS on this new
>  system, now I'm sorry I did. I'm gonna miss Flight Sim 2000, but I'm
>  fixin to just delete Windoze off that drive altogether and make some
>  more room for the Penguin. BTW, still no sound in WinSUX, and there's
>  still much to reconfigure  If I bother.
>    Who cares if Billy gets split?  People who're savvy enough to
>  realize Windoze SUX?   or the vast masses that'll support Winblows
>  jus 'cause they don't know any thing better?  Whether Billy had won or
>  lost yesterday wouldn'a made any diference with his flock. I believe
>  they get what they deserve.  Everyday, many people get the kind'a
>  winblows experience I gave above.  Most don't know or care that
>  Winblows is the culprit, they'll use it anyhow.

Re: [newbie] Mandrake linux with windows me, help...

2001-06-27 Thread mooseman

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while i agree with a lot of what you said regarding windows and hardware 
issues and the support that is out there, i don't agree with the viable 
this would be perhaps true if you never used it or installed any software on 
my experience with umpteen hundred win machines around here is that after 12 
months of operation, you are on borrowed time before weird issues start to 
crop up.
however, if you never install any of MS other software like office, or 
upgrade IE, and just use software that follows the rules of not F-**ing with 
the OS then it runs a LOT longer without problems.

anyways, i guess my rant is OT.
so, i should end my part.


On Tuesday 26 June 2001 18:00, you wrote:
> On Tuesday 26 June 2001 04:44 pm, Jason Guidry wrote:
> > Should be able to resize your windows partition and then install on
> > the remaining space.  Make sure the windows partition is defragd and
> > healthy or it will give you problems.
> >
> > If that doesn't work, then try partition magic and resize.
> >
> > Or, what I really recommend is backing everything up and wipe the
> > whole disk clean and start over.
>I agree. Before you attempt to resize active partitons it's only
> prudent to back up everything you want or can't afford to loose. So why
> resize? Wipe and start over, replace your data from the backups.
> >   .  This way you can reinstall windows with minimum
> > pain.  All operating systems, but especially windows, experience
> > "bit-rot" which will slow sown your system, and will only be fixed by
> > re-installing regularly (3-6 months depending on use).
>bit-rot ??  I sort'a kind'a think that's a myth, ala urban legend.
> Windoze, even the bug laden W95 can be kept viable indefinitely. Most
> of the problems Winblows users have are user, and lately win-hardware
> problems. The first one is that they never want to, or do learn how to
> properly maintain the OS. Most believe they don't or shouldn't have to.
>   Just like Linux, administration of the OS is the users responsibility.
> I also tend to agree with those who've posted on another thread that
> there's just as many resources for user support for Winblows as there
> is for Linux. Most windoze users just don't seek it out tho. Also, with
> either, or any OS for that matter, hardware knowledge is paramount.
>   Users don't know, or wanna admit, that they or their hardware is the
> problem, so it gets blamed on the OS.

Re: [newbie] Motherboard monitoring...

2001-06-26 Thread mooseman

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yes, i get a ton of listings for i2c in that dir.
i also get a bunch in /dev rather than /proc

i added the lines in rc.local and modules.conf at the end, so that sounds ok.

yes, i am running smp.
pretty cool, actually, i am quite pleased with the way linux handles it too!
i tried w2Krap and NT4, they pretty much suck.

perhaps i will ask in expert then...
thanks for the help!


On Tuesday 26 June 2001 16:47, you wrote:
> On Tuesday 26 June 2001 06:02 pm, mooseman wrote:
> > I was following this thread, and i did what you had suggested,
> > installed the rpm, ran sensors-detect, added the suggested lines to
> > my rc.local and modules.conf, but i don't seem to get any further. is
> > there a correct place to add them? or just at the end?
>   The lines for rc.local should go at the very end, with modules.conf
> it doesn't matter, but I put 'em at the end.
> > there are no devices added in /proc. typing sensors at the shell
> > prompt gets me, 'Can't access /proc file' as my username or as su
> > gkrellm runs good showing my cpu useage, but i don't get any
> > temperatures or anything.
>does 'locate i2c' show a sh!+load of i2c modules in
>   /lib/modules/2.4.3-20mdk/kernel/drivers/i2c/  ?
> > just as a help, i am using an abit bp6 with two 525's
> > LM8, kernel 2.4.3-20
>does 'two 525's mean SMP?  I don't believe dual proccessors are
> supported for monitoring. Sorry, but I don't have anything more than
> that recollection, I've never used SMP.
>You might wanna repost your question on the expert list asking about
> SMP monitoring ?

[newbie] xcdroast question

2001-06-15 Thread mooseman

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i am trying to setup xcdroast.

i installed all the packages suggested by that mandrake email newsletter.
everything installed ok. i can get all the status on my drive and such so i 
think the hardware end is ok.
i  did the suggested (by xcdroast) chown and chmod for the persmissions and 
ownership, but then i run xcdroast i get

"GTK warning: this process is currently running as setuid or setgid. this is 
not a supported use of GTK+. you must create a helper program"

i have fooled around with different permissions, but i can't get anywhere.

anyone seen this? anyone have a suggestion?

many thanks,


[newbie] xcdroast question

2001-06-15 Thread mooseman

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i am trying to setup xcdroast.

i installed all the packages suggested by that mandrake email newsletter.
everything installed ok. i can get all the status on my drive and such so i 
think the hardware end is ok.
i  did the suggested (by xcdroast) chown and chmod for the persmissions and 
ownership, but then i run xcdroast i get

"GTK warning: this process is currently running as setuid or setgid. this is 
not a supported use of GTK+. you must create a helper program"

i have fooled around with different permissions, but i can't get anywhere.

anyone seen this? anyone have a suggestion?

many thanks,


[newbie] kups paper size...

2001-06-14 Thread mooseman

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i have a problem with printing from my lm8 pc.
i can print ok, but for some reason, my printer keeps throwing a page size 
error. it seems that it is being told to use A4 paper.
we don't use A4 around here.
every place i could find in Kups admin and in start office, and in the 
printer icon on my desktop all seem to say letter rather than A4, but every 
document i print, i have to go to the printer and tell it to ignore the error 
and continue.

any ideas?


[newbie] mounting a win2k NTFS partition

2001-06-02 Thread mooseman

anyone know if i can mount a W2Krap NTFS partition in LM8?
i don't know if it is the same as NT4 NTFS or not.

i have decided to dump my w2krap OS. it is simply too fragile. but i have a 
bunch of stuff on those partitions that i want to keep

now, if i can get my PPP to work, i am away to the races

any thoughts, comments or suggestions appreciated


RE: [newbie] AOpen Modem

2001-06-01 Thread mooseman

have you tried to find it on
they have quite a list and will tell you the status that they know of.


At 01:13 PM 01-06-01 -0700, you wrote:
>I am not sure. It think it is a controller modem or
>--- "Williams, Kris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is this a WinModem or a Hardware Modem?
> >
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From:   OOzy Pal [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > Sent:   Friday, June 01, 2001 2:11 PM
> > > Subject:[newbie] AOpen Modem
> > >
> > > Hello
> > >
> > > When I got my system, it came with a free AOpen
> > PCI
> > > Winmodem FM56-PM. Before I go and buy a new Linux
> > > compatible modem, I want to make sure that this
> > modem
> > > won't work with linux. Does any one have any
> > > experience in running this modem under linux. See
> > > modem specs and link below:
> > >
> > > Model: FM56-PM
> > > Solution: Conexant single chip
> > > Controllerless V.90
> > > Modem/Fax (Kbps) : 56K / 14.4K
> > > V.90: YES
> > > ASVD: NO
> > > Caller lD/TAM: YES / YES
> > > PnP: YES
> > > Bus: PCI 2.1
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > =
> > > Regards,
> > > OOzy
> > >
> > > What is the purpose of life?
> > >
> > > __
> > > Do You Yahoo!?
> > > Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail
> > - only $35
> > > a year!
>What is the purpose of life?
>Do You Yahoo!?
>Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail - only $35
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