Re: [newbie] Fw: zip disk drive

2000-08-20 Thread Mark Weaver

Greg Stewart wrote:
> Did everyone receive this message in BIG-5 Chinese characters, or are my
> eyes really that bad?
> --Greg

Hi Greg,

No, your eyes aren't bad. I got the same message. I promptly hit the
 key and sent it to packet hell where it's now being recycled
into packets probably being used to annoy someone in a DOS attack.
Hopefully someone at M$ headquarters!  :)


> à¨?ã°?ä ?å??ä´?ä°?ã¸?ã°?ä ?ä??ä??ä??ã¸?à´?à´? 
> à¨?ã°?â¼?ä ?ä??ä??ä??ã¸?à´?à´?
> ?æ??â??ç¨?æ¤?ç??â??æ??ç^?
> æ¤?ç~?æ??â??à´?à´? in the archives and I really can't seem to find the answer that
> applies to my
> à¨?ç??ç^?æ¼?æ^?æ°?æ??æ´?â??ç??æ¼?â??æ~?æ??ç^?â¸?â??å??æ 
>?æ??â??æ??ç??æ??â¼?æ~?ç??ç??æ??æ^?â??æ??æ¼?æ??ç??â??æ ?æ??ç~?æ??â??â¼?æ??æ??ç~?â¼?æ 
> ç??â??æ¤?ç??â??à´?à´? is now mounted (supermount) but I just do not know how to get 
>my zip
> icon to
> à¨?æ¼?ç??æ??æ¸?â??æ´?ç¤?â??ç¨?æ¤?ç??â??æ??æ¤?ç??æ¬?â¸?â??ä¤?â??æ¬?æ¸?æ¼?ç??â??ç??æ 
>?æ??ç^?æ??â¸?â??ä¤?â??æ ?æ??ç~?
> æ??â??ç??æ ?æ??â??à´?à´? dual system with LinuxMandrake7.0 complete and Windows 95. 
>It is an
> Atapi
> ?æ¤?æ¸?æ¬?â??ä¤?â??æ ?æ??ç~?æ??â??æ¤?ç??â??æ??ç??â??å~?æ~?æ??ç??â??æ~?æ¼?ç^?â??ç??æ 
> à´? suggestions will be appreciated. Thank you.
> ?å??ä´?ä°?ã¸?à´?à´?
> __
> message envoye depuis
> emails (pop)-sites persos (espace illimite)-agenda-favoris (bookmarks)-forums
> Ecoutez ce message par tel ! : 08 92 68 92 15 (france uniquement)

Re: [newbie] Fw: zip disk drive

2000-08-20 Thread Mark Weaver

Greg Stewart wrote:
> =*= Wrote:
> > I am sorry.  I have no idea how to respond to this:
> ^?þ<^@!^@D^@O^@C^@T^@Y^@P^@E^@ ^@H^@T^@M^@L^@
> ^@P^@U^@B^@L^@I^@C^@
> ^@"^@-^@/^@/^@W^@3^@C^@/^@/^@D^@T^@D^@
> Well, if you parse the ^ and the @ you get the following (of course, mine
> arrived in chinese!):

Wow! that's quite a bit of translation you've done there!

Re: [newbie] Fw: zip disk drive

2000-08-18 Thread L. H. LOO

Nothing wrong with your eye-sight. The message is not Big-5, neither is it 
GB2312. I used Cstar2.97 to read it in both codes but *no go*. Cstar will 
"read" Chinese created by Richwin, or TwinBridge or others if one of the 
two codes is used.  The message has Chinese characters but not giving any 
meaning. BTW is it Korean ?

At 18-08-2000 12:21 AM, you wrote:
Did everyone receive this message in BIG-5 Chinese characters, or are my
eyes really that bad?

Re: [newbie] Fw: zip disk drive

2000-08-17 Thread Viktor Pechorin

From: "Marcia Waller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2000 22:30:43 -0700
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2314.1300
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2314.1300

>I am sorry.  I have no idea how to respond to this:

^?þ<^@!^@D^@O^@C^@T^@Y^@P^@E^@ ^@H^@T^@M^@L^@
^@"^@-^@/^@/^@W^@3^@C^@/^@/^@D^@T^@D^@ ^@H^@T^@M^@L^@
^@T^@r^@a^@n^@s^@i^@t^@i^@o^@n^@a^@l^@/^@/^@E^@N^@"^@>^@ ^@
^@<^@H^@T^@M^@L^@>^@<^@H^@E^@A^@D^@>^@ ^@ ^@<^@M^@E^@T^@A^@
^@ ^@<^@M^@E^@T^@A^@
^@n^@a^@m^@e^@=^@G^@E^@N^@E^@R^@A^@T^@O^@R^@>^@ ^@
^@<^@S^@T^@Y^@L^@E^@>^@<^@/^@S^@T^@Y^@L^@E^@>^@ ^@
^@<^@/^@H^@E^@A^@D^@>^@ ^@ ^@<^@B^@O^@D^@Y^@
^@b^@g^@C^@o^@l^@o^@r^@=^@#^@f^@f^@f^@f^@f^@f^@>^@ ^@
^@A^@n^@y^@o^@n^@e^@,^@ ^@I^@ ^@d^@i^@d^@ ^@l^@o^@o^@k^@
^@t^@h^@e^@ ^@z^@i^@p^@ ^@d^@r^@i^@v^@e^@ ^@ ^@ ^@i^@n^@
^@a^@r^@c^@h^@i^@v^@e^@s^@ ^@a^@n^@d^@ ^@I^@
^@c^@a^@n^@'^@t^@ ^@s^@e^@e^@m^@ ^@t^@o^@ ^@f^@i^@n^@d^@
^@a^@n^@s^@w^@e^@r^@ ^@t^@h^@a^@t^@ ^@a^@p^@p^@l^@i^@e^@s^@
^@m^@y^@ ^@ ^@ ^@p^@r^@o^@b^@l^@e^@m^@ ^@s^@o^@
^@T^@h^@e^@ ^@e^@t^@c^@/^@f^@s^@t^@a^@b^@ ^@d^@o^@e^@s^@
^@/^@d^@e^@v^@/^@h^@d^@c^@4^@ ^@i^@n^@ ^@i^@t^@.^@
^@D^@r^@a^@k^@c^@o^@n^@f^@ ^@s^@a^@y^@s^@ ^@i^@t^@ ^@ ^@
^@n^@o^@w^@ ^@m^@o^@u^@n^@t^@e^@d^@


Re: [newbie] Fw: zip disk drive

2000-08-17 Thread Greg Stewart

=*= Wrote:

> I am sorry.  I have no idea how to respond to this:

^?þ<^@!^@D^@O^@C^@T^@Y^@P^@E^@ ^@H^@T^@M^@L^@

Well, if you parse the ^ and the @ you get the following (of course, mine
arrived in chinese!):


Anyone, I did look
the zip drive   in
archives and I
can't seem to find
answer that applies
my   problem so
The etc/fstab does
/dev/hdc4 in it.
Drakconf says it
now mounted

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emails (pop)-sites persos (espace illimite)-agenda-favoris (bookmarks)-forums 
Ecoutez ce message par tel ! : 08 92 68 92 15 (france uniquement)

Re: [newbie] Fw: zip disk drive

2000-08-17 Thread Greg Stewart

Did everyone receive this message in BIG-5 Chinese characters, or are my
eyes really that bad?


਍㰀䴀䔀吀䄀 挀漀渀琀攀渀琀㴀∀䴀匀䠀吀䴀䰀 㔀⸀  ⸀㈀㌀㄀㐀⸀㄀   ∀ 渀愀洀攀㴀䜀䔀一䔀刀䄀吀伀刀㸀ഀഀ
਍㰀䐀䤀嘀㸀㰀䘀伀一吀 昀愀挀攀㴀匀礀猀琀攀洀 猀椀稀攀㴀㈀㸀㰀匀吀刀伀一䜀㸀䐀攀愀爀 䄀渀礀漀渀攀Ⰰ 䤀 搀椀搀 氀漀漀欀 甀瀀 琀栀攀 稀椀瀀 搀爀
椀瘀攀 ഀഀ in the archives and I really can't seem to find the answer that
applies to my
਍瀀爀漀戀氀攀洀 猀漀 昀愀爀⸀ 吀栀攀 攀琀挀⼀昀猀琀愀戀 搀漀攀猀 栀愀瘀攀 ⼀搀攀瘀⼀栀搀挀㐀 椀渀 椀琀⸀ 䄀氀猀漀Ⰰ 䐀爀愀欀挀漀渀昀 猀愀礀
猀 椀琀 ഀഀ is now mounted (supermount) but I just do not know how to get my 
icon to
਍漀瀀攀渀 洀礀 稀椀瀀 搀椀猀欀⸀ 䤀 欀渀漀眀 琀栀愀琀 椀琀 椀猀 猀漀洀攀琀栀椀渀最 䤀 愀洀 洀椀猀猀椀渀最 猀漀洀攀眀栀攀爀攀⸀ 䤀 栀愀瘀
攀 琀栀攀 ഀഀ dual system with LinuxMandrake7.0 complete and Windows 95. It 
is an
਍椀渀琀攀爀渀愀氀 䤀䐀䔀 娀椀瀀 搀爀椀瘀攀⸀ 夀攀猀Ⰰ 䤀 琀栀椀渀欀 䤀 栀愀瘀攀 椀琀 愀猀 嘀昀愀琀 昀漀爀 琀栀攀 昀椀氀攀猀⸀ 䄀渀礀 ഀ
ഀ suggestions will be appreciated. Thank you.

message envoye depuis
emails (pop)-sites persos (espace illimite)-agenda-favoris (bookmarks)-forums 
Ecoutez ce message par tel ! : 08 92 68 92 15 (france uniquement)

Re: [newbie] Fw: zip disk drive

2000-08-17 Thread =*=

I am sorry.  I have no idea how to respond to this:

^?þ<^@!^@D^@O^@C^@T^@Y^@P^@E^@ ^@H^@T^@M^@L^@
^@"^@-^@/^@/^@W^@3^@C^@/^@/^@D^@T^@D^@ ^@H^@T^@M^@L^@
^@T^@r^@a^@n^@s^@i^@t^@i^@o^@n^@a^@l^@/^@/^@E^@N^@"^@>^@ ^@
^@<^@H^@T^@M^@L^@>^@<^@H^@E^@A^@D^@>^@ ^@ ^@<^@M^@E^@T^@A^@
^@ ^@<^@M^@E^@T^@A^@
^@n^@a^@m^@e^@=^@G^@E^@N^@E^@R^@A^@T^@O^@R^@>^@ ^@
^@<^@S^@T^@Y^@L^@E^@>^@<^@/^@S^@T^@Y^@L^@E^@>^@ ^@
^@<^@/^@H^@E^@A^@D^@>^@ ^@ ^@<^@B^@O^@D^@Y^@
^@b^@g^@C^@o^@l^@o^@r^@=^@#^@f^@f^@f^@f^@f^@f^@>^@ ^@
^@A^@n^@y^@o^@n^@e^@,^@ ^@I^@ ^@d^@i^@d^@ ^@l^@o^@o^@k^@
^@t^@h^@e^@ ^@z^@i^@p^@ ^@d^@r^@i^@v^@e^@ ^@ ^@ ^@i^@n^@
^@a^@r^@c^@h^@i^@v^@e^@s^@ ^@a^@n^@d^@ ^@I^@
^@c^@a^@n^@'^@t^@ ^@s^@e^@e^@m^@ ^@t^@o^@ ^@f^@i^@n^@d^@
^@a^@n^@s^@w^@e^@r^@ ^@t^@h^@a^@t^@ ^@a^@p^@p^@l^@i^@e^@s^@
^@m^@y^@ ^@ ^@ ^@p^@r^@o^@b^@l^@e^@m^@ ^@s^@o^@
^@T^@h^@e^@ ^@e^@t^@c^@/^@f^@s^@t^@a^@b^@ ^@d^@o^@e^@s^@
^@/^@d^@e^@v^@/^@h^@d^@c^@4^@ ^@i^@n^@ ^@i^@t^@.^@
^@D^@r^@a^@k^@c^@o^@n^@f^@ ^@s^@a^@y^@s^@ ^@i^@t^@ ^@ ^@
^@n^@o^@w^@ ^@m^@o^@u^@n^@t^@e^@d^@


Re: [newbie] Fw: zip disk drive

2000-08-17 Thread Marcia Waller
ÿþ<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">


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<BODY bgColor=#ffffff>

<DIV><FONT face=System size=2><STRONG>Dear Anyone, I did look up the zip drive 

in the archives and I really can't seem to find the answer that applies to my 

problem so far. The etc/fstab does have /dev/hdc4 in it. Also, Drakconf says it 

is now mounted (supermount) but I just do not know how to get my zip icon to 

open my zip disk. I know that it is something I am missing somewhere. I have the 

dual system with LinuxMandrake7.0 complete and Windows 95. It is an Atapi 

internal IDE Zip drive. Yes, I think I have it as Vfat for the files. Any 

suggestions will be appreciated. Thank you. 


RE: [newbie] Fw: zip disk drive

2000-08-16 Thread Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie] Fw:  zip disk drive

There was an excellent help a while back on this list. Look in the archives and search under "zip" and you should find the answers I used to set up my zip drive. I would give you the data now but am at work on a win machine and don't have the access. Just in case you don't know you can find the archives on the Mandrake webpage that has mail lists, its down near the bottom of the page . If you can't find it come back to this thread and tonight I will dig up the data and put it on the e-mail again.  Dennis

-Original Message-
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Doug McGarrett
Sent:   Wednesday, August 16, 2000 10:44 AM
Subject:        Re: [newbie] Fw:  zip disk drive

If your disk is VFAT, Linux will think the fs is on partition 4.  So you need
to set up your fstab to look for (frinstance) /dev/hdc4.

At 09:40 PM 08/14/2000 -0700, you wrote:
>I had to subscribe again in order to get any of the emails again. Any help
>with the zip drive would be great. I have a dual boot system with Windows 95
>and Linux Mandrake 7.0. I have 2 hard drives and an Atapi internal IDE zip
>drive. It is supermounted but I do not know how to access and use it. Thanks
>for your help. The rest of the needed information for this zip should be
>below.  Marcia
>- Original Message -
>From: Marcia Waller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2000 10:12 PM
>Subject: zip disk drive
>> Dear Anyone, First of all, I have not received any emails from this group
>> for 2 days now. Is anyone else having this problem?
>> Second of all, I finally have my internal  Atapi Zip drive supermounted in
>> Mandrake 7.0 but I cannot access it. I click on the zip icon and I get the
>> same error message that I was always getting-can't find dev/hdc4 in
>> /etc/fstab. How do I create an icon to work with my supermounted zip
>> disk?How do I access my zip with or without an icon?  How do I save files
>> and place them into my zip disk? Any assistance will be appreciated. Thank
>> you very much. Marcia
>> P.S. I am very impressed with how everyone is so helpful here. I have come
>> long way in a short time with Linux because of this group. Thank you.

Re: [newbie] Fw: zip disk drive

2000-08-16 Thread Doug McGarrett

If your disk is VFAT, Linux will think the fs is on partition 4.  So you need
to set up your fstab to look for (frinstance) /dev/hdc4.

At 09:40 PM 08/14/2000 -0700, you wrote:
>I had to subscribe again in order to get any of the emails again. Any help
>with the zip drive would be great. I have a dual boot system with Windows 95
>and Linux Mandrake 7.0. I have 2 hard drives and an Atapi internal IDE zip
>drive. It is supermounted but I do not know how to access and use it. Thanks
>for your help. The rest of the needed information for this zip should be
>below.  Marcia
>- Original Message -
>From: Marcia Waller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2000 10:12 PM
>Subject: zip disk drive
>> Dear Anyone, First of all, I have not received any emails from this group
>> for 2 days now. Is anyone else having this problem?
>> Second of all, I finally have my internal  Atapi Zip drive supermounted in
>> Mandrake 7.0 but I cannot access it. I click on the zip icon and I get the
>> same error message that I was always getting-can't find dev/hdc4 in
>> /etc/fstab. How do I create an icon to work with my supermounted zip
>> disk?How do I access my zip with or without an icon?  How do I save files
>> and place them into my zip disk? Any assistance will be appreciated. Thank
>> you very much. Marcia
>> P.S. I am very impressed with how everyone is so helpful here. I have come
>> long way in a short time with Linux because of this group. Thank you.

Re: [newbie] Fw: zip disk drive

2000-08-15 Thread David M. Kufta

** Reply to message from "Marcia Waller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on
Mon, 14 Aug 2000 21:40:03 -0700

> >I had to subscribe again in order to get any of the emails again. Any help
> >with the zip drive would be great. I have a dual boot system with Windows 95
> >and Linux Mandrake 7.0. I have 2 hard drives and an Atapi internal IDE zip
> >drive. It is supermounted but I do not know how to access and use it. Thanks
> >for your help. The rest of the needed information for this zip should be
> >below.  Marcia
> >- Original Message -
> >From: Marcia Waller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2000 10:12 PM
> >Subject: zip disk drive
> >
> >
> >> Dear Anyone, First of all, I have not received any emails from this group
> >> for 2 days now. Is anyone else having this problem?
> >>
> >> Second of all, I finally have my internal  Atapi Zip drive supermounted in
> >> Mandrake 7.0 but I cannot access it. I click on the zip icon and I get the
> >> same error message that I was always getting-can't find dev/hdc4 in
> >> /etc/fstab. How do I create an icon to work with my supermounted zip
> >> disk?How do I access my zip with or without an icon?  How do I save files
> >> and place them into my zip disk? Any assistance will be appreciated. Thank
> >> you very much. Marcia
> >>
> >> P.S. I am very impressed with how everyone is so helpful here. I have come
> >a
> >> long way in a short time with Linux because of this group. Thank you.
> >>

 Provided supermount has actually mounted the content of the zip drive,
all it should require is that you change directory to where the zip disk
is mounted to access it's content.]

EG: cd /mnt/zip if that's where your zip disk is mounted you shold then
be able to see the contents of the zip disk by using the command ls or
by using Midnight Commander and viewing it's content.

Good luck, hope this helps,

David M. Kufta
Konsult Ltd.

Mandrake Linux 7.1 (2.2.17) / Polarbar Mailer 1.16c
JDK 1.1.8 IBM build l118-2325 (JIT enabled: jitc)

[newbie] Fw: zip disk drive

2000-08-14 Thread Marcia Waller

I had to subscribe again in order to get any of the emails again. Any help
with the zip drive would be great. I have a dual boot system with Windows 95
and Linux Mandrake 7.0. I have 2 hard drives and an Atapi internal IDE zip
drive. It is supermounted but I do not know how to access and use it. Thanks
for your help. The rest of the needed information for this zip should be
below.  Marcia
- Original Message -
From: Marcia Waller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2000 10:12 PM
Subject: zip disk drive

> Dear Anyone, First of all, I have not received any emails from this group
> for 2 days now. Is anyone else having this problem?
> Second of all, I finally have my internal  Atapi Zip drive supermounted in
> Mandrake 7.0 but I cannot access it. I click on the zip icon and I get the
> same error message that I was always getting-can't find dev/hdc4 in
> /etc/fstab. How do I create an icon to work with my supermounted zip
> disk?How do I access my zip with or without an icon?  How do I save files
> and place them into my zip disk? Any assistance will be appreciated. Thank
> you very much. Marcia
> P.S. I am very impressed with how everyone is so helpful here. I have come
> long way in a short time with Linux because of this group. Thank you.