
> Admin wrote:
> >
> > Hello:
> >
> > Well, some progress on my attempts to get the modem up and going.  I
> > switched to XON/XOFF and can now reach the point where the o/s attempts
> > initialize the modem, but then nothing happens.  If I log the answer
> > obtained from the modem, it looks something like:
> >
> > M}W[_mm
> >
> > The initialization string is ATZ.  I tried adding ^M to it, but it did
> > have any effect.  Any suggestions?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Dexter
> Dexter:
> What modem are you trying to connect using what version of Mandrake? And
> how are you trying to do it? (CrystalBall is still in early alpha stage
> -- look for it in Mandrake 10.1.)
> Carroll


I am trying to get a 3Com(us robotics) model 5610 to work under Mandrake
version 8.0.  Below is a copy from an earlier posting today.  Since the
posting below, I have been able to get LM to try and initialize the modem,
but the process is not working properly.


I think I am getting closer to solving my problem, but I am not there yet.
I went out and bought a 3Com 5610 modem.  It is linux compatible, as stated
on the box and in the literature inside the box and the only modem I found
in the three stores I visited which made such a claim.  It also states and I
quote "All 2.3 and higher Linux kernels contain the 3Com Linux modem
drivers."  And as long as the kernel's plug and play (and I assume it is not
referring to the BIOS plug and play) is enabled, it should install without
any problems.  I just installed LM 8.0.  Well, I went ahead and physically
installed the modem, turn the pc on and let LM do its' magic.  The results
were mixed.  It did recognize the modem and it is now listed under hardware
under the proper manufacturer and model number, but it has "unknown" under
the kernel module setting.  I clicked on the configure, and again it has the
proper brand name and model number, but if I click the "OK" tab it tells me
it can't configure a winmodem.  Go figure.

I went ahead and tried to connect to my ISP to see what would happen.  Here
I have some good news and some bad news to report.  The good news:  instead
of getting the "modem is busy" error message I had the "modem is ready"
message.  Very encouraging.  The bad news:  the "modem is ready" message is
quickly followed by a "modem not responding" error message.  I tried using
the different serial ports, but did not have any luck.  Then I followed a
set of instructions to check for modem installation and written by the folks
at 3Com.  Here is what they say:

1.  launch terminal shell
2.  cd /dev <enter>
3.  rm modem <enter>
4.  ln -s ttySX<enter>
5.  type minicom <enter>
6.  if modem initializes, type "AT" <enter> and if everything is ok, i
should get an "OK".

Well, I followed the instructions and i did not get the ok.  Any suggestions
as to what might be going on now?  I am thinking a possible irq conflict,
but I don't know how to check for irq's.  I have not reached the chapter
yet. ;).  If I go to /dev I can see a file by the name of modem ttyS1.  Not
sure what it means, but it seems like the modem is on serial port 2.  I have
an additional device in serial port one (as assigned in windows) which LM
does not recognize and at this time it does not matter, but could it be
creating some sort of conflict.

One more thing, I keep reading of a program called Kppp.  I can't find in my
system to safe my life.  I have checked under installed s/w and under
installable s/w, and I get zip, nada, ought, zippity doo da, for a response.
Any suggestions???

Again, I appreciate the response I have received so far.  I feel like I am
getting closer, but still feel like a ship in the midst of a fog and for
some reason, I also get the feeling there is an iceberg out there with my
name on it.

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