Re: [newbie] Linux Apps - Firewalls

2003-08-29 Thread Bryan Phinney
On Friday 29 August 2003 11:34 am, rikona wrote:
> Hello Bryan,
> Thursday, August 28, 2003, 3:46:20 PM, you wrote:
> BP> Requires some hardware but this is doable.  Simply run a proxy
> BP> server on a dedicated machine, in the router or ipchains using
> BP> netfilter, allow only that  machine's IP to initiate http traffic
> BP> on port 80 and then all the local  machines have to be configured
> BP> to use the proxy server.  Now, local machines  can't surf at will,
> BP> they must go through the proxy server and you can make  the port
> BP> of that whatever you want.
> If I understand you, each local machine would have to use a non-80
> port to surf, with the translation done by the proxy. I'm then
> assuming, say, Mozilla would have to be set up to use a non-80 port to
> get to the proxy. Otherwise any app on the machine could use port 80.
> You are, in effect, blocking port 80 from any local machine. Is this
> correct?

Yes, pretty much exactly the way that a corporate proxy server works.  You 
can't get any traffic out on port 80 with any application.  You have to 
specify a proxy server, say port 8080 or 8118.  The proxy server sits on that 
port and accepts traffic, sends it out to the Internet and routes the packets 
back to you when they come back.  The only applications that can get out are 
ones that use the proxy server.

On the proxy server, or with a router, you basically run a firewall and 
disallow all traffic on port 80 from all IP addresses except the proxy 
server.  So, no one else can send anything out or get anything in on port 80 
unless they go through the proxy server.  You can even set it up and install 
it from a CD only distribution, so no changes, no rootkits or anything else 
is possible because a reboot restores the system right back.

Benefits include being able to restrict some sites for everyone, being able to 
filter out harmful traffic like java, banner ads, etc., and finally caching.  
Because the proxy server serves all requests, if you have already requested 
something and five minutes later someone else requests the same thing, it 
gets pulled from the proxy cache, speeding up surfing for some people in some 

> Windows users are giving us a glimpse of the future, should linux be
> used by the masses. I'm just trying to get ready. :-))) Also, much of
> the functionality is for privacy, not just security.

Well, you can pretty much make your own browser as private as you want, so I 
am not sure that the proxy adds that much.  Admittedly, I run a proxy server 
on my own computer but it is a local one called privoxy.  It filters out the 
worst of the garbage on the web, including pop-ups, pop-unders, redirects, 
some banner ads, known scumvertiser cookies, etc.  So, I do understand the 
desire to increase privacy and security, I just think that a dedicated proxy 
and cutting off port 80 access is overkill for that.

> BP> Open Source apps make it very difficult to create little one off
> BP> scumware applications, trojans too.
> As linux gets more popular, some deviant will take an app, add some
> malware, and create easy-to-get-and-use or otherwise attractive lures
> to get people to load it. Apparently this has already been done for
> some 'reputable' distribution apps in linux. Some folks are inherently
> evil.

I haven't heard of any, however, penetration is still going to be difficult 
given the requirement for almost all Linux apps to release the source code.  
People DO look at the source code.  Granted, I am not a developer myself, but 
I am very active in the community (forums, message boards, etc.) and am 
likely to see something.  I constantly see people hashing apart code within 
the community, discussing it, pointing people to improvements, etc.  

Just a for instance.  An anonymous proxy service in Germany was recently 
contacted by Federal Police there and asked to monitor traffic from a 
suspected criminal.  They served a subpoena, etc.  The group running the 
service released a patch that included code to monitor this one specific 
connection.   Within 24 hours, someone had dissected the patch and noticed 
the suspect code and Usenet was all abuzz about how the service had been 
compromised and they were installing monitors in the software.  This all 
happened within the last week or two weeks.  It is a lot easier to sneak 
stuff in with proprietary closed source.  Open source, even the lack of 
actual posted open source when it is expected, automatically raises the red 
flags and is likely to hamper any suspect apps from being distributed.  For 
those that pay attention.

There was a highly recognized ftp site that was compromised and they matched 
all the code back to the original contributors to make sure that there were 
no compromised pieces of code floating around.  From what I heard, nothing 
was touched.  Again, if someone is going to install software without being 
fairly sure, including checking md5 sums, etc., then they are boun

Re: [newbie] Linux Apps - Firewalls

2003-08-29 Thread John Richard Smith
Frankie wrote:

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of John Richard Smith
Sent: Friday, 29 August 2003 9:40 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Linux Apps - Firewalls
HaywireMac wrote:


On Fri, 29 Aug 2003 20:10:43 +0800
"Frankie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:


Disabling cookies outright is generally a bad idea..
I prefer to block any cookies with expiry dates that are over a week
in the future.
Also, I block any cookies coming from domains different from the page
you are on.
If you disable all cookies, many interactive pages will not work
properly if at all, like shopping carts, and many other similiar
I also set any cookies from doubleclick and the other spam/add
organisations to blocked.

Actually, that's something I've never really thought about. What are the
potential dangers with cookies, besides someone knowing what sites I
visit. I don't visit any porn sites, so no chance of embarassment, not
that I'd give a rat's ass anyway, but what other threats are there?


Isn't it a way in for virus writers to get inside your protection
systems ?
How safe is a cookie directory ?
And in anycase why do we want to let other folk plant things on our hard
Sure some email stores insist on having cookies enabled ,else they will
not let you shop. Hard luck for them, go some place else, that do let
you sho without enabling cookies.


Cookies are pretty safe as far as what anyone can use them for.. mozilla
doens't even have a cookie directory, it has a cookie file where it stores
all cookies.
If you have an app that you log into.. a cookie is the most common way for
the application can tell you have logged in.. without the cookie you will
have to reenter your username and password at each step.
There are ways to code around it, but cookies are still hugely favored for
this sort of thing.
And if you don't allow cross domain cookies, there is not much spying you
can do with them either.


I see, so A cookie directory or file is a kind of firewall in itself, no 
risk some malignant virus writer can get in and use the cookie file as a 
base to go do things to your OS and generally reek havoc then ?


John Richard Smith

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Re[2]: [newbie] Linux Apps - Firewalls

2003-08-29 Thread rikona
Hello John,

Friday, August 29, 2003, 6:39:56 AM, you wrote:

JRS> Isn't it a way in for virus writers to get inside your protection
JRS> systems ?

If you have an OS problem, as does M$ with their infamous buffer
overruns, then yes. (Ignoring social hacking, of course.) Otherwise,
the 'virus' is limited to what can be done in, say, javascript.

JRS> How safe is a cookie directory ?

The dir is OK, as are the contents, from a security view. From a
privacy view, it might have a great deal of info about you. Users who
do nothing about cookies and surf for years may have HUGE quantities
of cookies. One could learn quite a lot about you from analyzing those
cookies. Such detailed dossiers are worth money.

JRS> And in anycase why do we want to let other folk plant things on
JRS> our hard  drive.

In general, we don't.

JRS> Sure some email stores insist on having cookies enabled ,else
JRS> they will  not let you shop. Hard luck for them, go some place
JRS> else, that do let  you sho without enabling cookies.

Cookies are very likely required for almost all shopping. Keeping a
cookie for a short shopping session is probably not a high risk - just
get rid of it when you're done. In Opera, for example, you can flush
all cookies automatically at the end of a session.

This assumes a trustworthy site, of course. Some merchants can't
resist the extra income from selling your info, though. Beware of
cookies on supposedly secure pages, for example. JS can read your
personal info and send it back to the advertiser, and the merchant
collects a fee. Advertisers are especially interested in this because
it provides a 'face' to the 'non-personal' info in your huge cookie
collection - now they know exactly whose name to put on the dossier.


 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: [newbie] Linux Apps - Firewalls

2003-08-29 Thread rikona
Hello HaywireMac,

Friday, August 29, 2003, 5:20:17 AM, you wrote:

H> I wholeheartedly agree with your perspective, esp. the idea that
H> you have to differentiate between something like a firewall *app*
H> and a real firewall, one that cannot be compromised like any other
H> app.

Is an apple better than an orange?

Again let me suggest that it is not an either/or situation. They are
both useful for different tasks and capabilities and should be used
together. Each can do things the other can't. Think through the
advantages of using both tools and you might see the utility of having
both. The combo can be much more effective than either by itself.


 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: [newbie] Linux Apps - Firewalls

2003-08-29 Thread rikona
Hello HaywireMac,

Thursday, August 28, 2003, 5:13:16 PM, you wrote:

>> As I understand it. There is nothing to stop a virus reconfiguring
>> ZoneAlarm so it is undetected.

H> Exactly.

But this is an OS problem, not a ZA problem. Let's give discredit where
it's due. :-)


 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: [newbie] Linux Apps - Firewalls

2003-08-29 Thread rikona
Hello Bryan,

Thursday, August 28, 2003, 3:46:20 PM, you wrote:

BP> Requires some hardware but this is doable.  Simply run a proxy
BP> server on a dedicated machine, in the router or ipchains using
BP> netfilter, allow only that  machine's IP to initiate http traffic
BP> on port 80 and then all the local  machines have to be configured
BP> to use the proxy server.  Now, local machines  can't surf at will,
BP> they must go through the proxy server and you can make  the port
BP> of that whatever you want.

If I understand you, each local machine would have to use a non-80
port to surf, with the translation done by the proxy. I'm then
assuming, say, Mozilla would have to be set up to use a non-80 port to
get to the proxy. Otherwise any app on the machine could use port 80.
You are, in effect, blocking port 80 from any local machine. Is this

Interesting idea - I'd like to make sure I understand it.

BP> Personally, I think that this level of security appears to be wildly 
BP> overrated.  It appears, to me, that someone is trying to solve a Windows 
BP> problem in Linux.

Windows users are giving us a glimpse of the future, should linux be
used by the masses. I'm just trying to get ready. :-))) Also, much of
the functionality is for privacy, not just security.

BP> First, if you are installing applications that you are unsure of,
BP> you have far  greater security issues than simply whether some
BP> malware is phoning home.

In general, agreed.

BP> Open Source apps make it very difficult to create little one off
BP> scumware applications, trojans too.

As linux gets more popular, some deviant will take an app, add some
malware, and create easy-to-get-and-use or otherwise attractive lures
to get people to load it. Apparently this has already been done for
some 'reputable' distribution apps in linux. Some folks are inherently

BP> Second, a lot of this debate is modified by the "kind" of threat
BP> that we want  to guard against.  The SoBig.F and other types of
BP> worms do not use port 80 to  communicate, in most cases they have
BP> built in smtp or IRC servers that can  broadcast.  You need some
BP> mechanism that can initiate its own connection and  traffic, not
BP> something that would be fighting with the browser to send
BP> packets.  In short, they run their own services so that they do
BP> not have to  depend on the user to initiate communication.

Agreed. Recent malware is increasingly using this technique -
unfortunately too easy to do in M$ virusware.

BP> Creating a new service, in the Linux environment,

BP> And, there are still many ways to guard against that

Agreed - it is comfortingly harder.

BP> If the application is a scumware (advertisement sort), it would inevitably be 
BP> installed as part of the browser, so a plugin for Mozilla, Netscape, etc.

That's why i don't like the idea of plugins - a foot in the door for
the let-anything-do-anything approach that causes so many problems
with M$. But it is not inevitable...

BP> It  won't be a standalone application because it needs to monitor
BP> http traffic so  that it can track usage for delivering ads.  That
BP> is its sole value.

Not necessarily. There is money to be made in selling information
about people. Even if logged on as just a user, I'd guess all your
personal is there - email, contact lists, on-line banking info,
history files of where you surfed, tax info, calendars, cookie files,
perhaps even some info about account names and passwords. Snoopware
might like to collect this and send it 'back home'. There's more than
just ads. Just putting a name and address onto an extensive cookie
history is worth a lot.

These are more like privacy issues rather than 'security'.  If you
want to address both, you should use different tools and techniques.
It is a different problem.

BP> If it is installed as a plugin, like most scumware in IE, then the
BP> app-aware firewall is useless because it would  already have
BP> permission to phone home as part of Mozilla or whatever browser
BP> it is part of.

True. Good ol Javascript is ready to snoop on you.

BP> So, if I were going to create something of this nature, I can't do it open 
BP> source because someone would rat me out almost immediately, provided I could 
BP> even get someone to install it, for even good applications it takes time to 
BP> build recognition in the Linux community.

Perhaps the scenario is to take the open source code and add some more
open source code for snooping, etc, and distribute the package. And,
no, the author of this malware is not likely to publish the code, open
source or not.

BP> with all of the different flavors of Linux and the fact that we
BP> still don't even have a  common installation package mechanism, I
BP> don't think it is very likely.

One of the most attractive ways to distribute malware is to package
supposedly known code for all these versions. "See how much trouble
I've saved you - it's ready to go in YOUR rpm." Looks attractive t

Re: [newbie] Linux Apps - Firewalls

2003-08-29 Thread Bryan Phinney
On Friday 29 August 2003 06:35 am, John Richard Smith wrote:

> Bryan,
> Can I ask you a question,
> Am I paranoid for not wanting to enable cookies ?
> you know, from the security point of view ?
> John

Not wanting to have cookies enabled does not make you paranoid, but that 
doesn't mean that you aren't.  ;-}

Since a lot of sites do offer content that relies on cookies to work and there 
is some convenience factor involved in having cookies, I do enable them on my 
machine but have Opera discard them after each browser session.  That way, I 
gain the convenience of having the content and session persistence that 
cookies deliver but at the same time, there is no possibility of long-term 
tracking of my surfing habits.

I consider it a moderate middle-road.

Bryan Phinney
Software Test Engineer

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Re: [newbie] Linux Apps - Firewalls

2003-08-29 Thread HaywireMac
On Wed, 27 Aug 2003 21:55:48 -0700
Russ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> Hi All,
> Thanks for the responses.

Hell, this is the best thread we've had in a long time, thank *you* for
starting it!

Registered Linux user #282046
Life can be so tragic -- you're here today and here tomorrow.

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Re: [newbie] Linux Apps - Firewalls

2003-08-29 Thread John Richard Smith
HaywireMac wrote:

On Fri, 29 Aug 2003 20:10:43 +0800
"Frankie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

Disabling cookies outright is generally a bad idea..
I prefer to block any cookies with expiry dates that are over a week
in the future.
Also, I block any cookies coming from domains different from the page
you are on.
If you disable all cookies, many interactive pages will not work
properly if at all, like shopping carts, and many other similiar
I also set any cookies from doubleclick and the other spam/add
organisations to blocked.

Actually, that's something I've never really thought about. What are the
potential dangers with cookies, besides someone knowing what sites I
visit. I don't visit any porn sites, so no chance of embarassment, not
that I'd give a rat's ass anyway, but what other threats are there?

Isn't it a way in for virus writers to get inside your protection systems ?
How safe is a cookie directory ?
And in anycase why do we want to let other folk plant things on our hard 
Sure some email stores insist on having cookies enabled ,else they will 
not let you shop. Hard luck for them, go some place else, that do let 
you sho without enabling cookies.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Linux Apps - Firewalls

2003-08-29 Thread HaywireMac
On Thu, 28 Aug 2003 18:46:20 -0400
Bryan Phinney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> Sorry for the long message, I get carried away sometimes.  ;-}

No problemo, I enjoyed every minute of it, and gained a greater
understanding of security along the way.

I wholeheartedly agree with your perspective, esp. the idea that you
have to differentiate between something like a firewall *app* and a real
firewall, one that cannot be compromised like any other app.

ZoneAlarm and it's like are probably the best the average windows user
can do, excepting of course the installation of a dedicated firewall
and/or proxy, but not everybody has an extra box just lying around.

For anyone that does, I highly recommend that you start tinkering. You
do *not* need big-shot hardware, and old P90 like I have will do the
trick quite nicely, and in some cases you don't even need to have a
harddrive in it. There are floppy-based distros like BBIAgent, which I
use and has never let me down (SYN flood and spoofing protection, full
stealth mode for the truly paranoid, where even pings and/or ICMP
requests are ignored/dropped, and of course port forwarding so only
the ports you specify are even visible). For more robust sol'ns (HD
reqr'd), there is of course Mandrake, which you can configure as a
dedicated firewall, but there are lighter and more specified sol'ns like
Smoothwall, ClarkConnect, etc.

The other advantage to having a dedicated firewall/router/NAT is that it
manages your internet connection and LAN for you, so you never have to
worry about configuring your PPPoE or whatever connection, they do it
for you, and they automagically hand out network configurations to all
your clients, so no messing with DNS, IP, etc.

Registered Linux user #282046
Nothing is as simple as it seems at first
Or as hopeless as it seems in the middle
Or as finished as it seems in the end.

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Re: [newbie] Linux Apps - Firewalls

2003-08-29 Thread HaywireMac
On Fri, 29 Aug 2003 20:10:43 +0800
"Frankie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> Disabling cookies outright is generally a bad idea..
> I prefer to block any cookies with expiry dates that are over a week
> in the future.
> Also, I block any cookies coming from domains different from the page
> you are on.
> If you disable all cookies, many interactive pages will not work
> properly if at all, like shopping carts, and many other similiar
> scripts.
> I also set any cookies from doubleclick and the other spam/add
> organisations to blocked.

Actually, that's something I've never really thought about. What are the
potential dangers with cookies, besides someone knowing what sites I
visit. I don't visit any porn sites, so no chance of embarassment, not
that I'd give a rat's ass anyway, but what other threats are there?

Registered Linux user #282046
Execute every act of thy life as though it were thy last.
-- Marcus Aurelius

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Re: [newbie] Linux Apps - Firewalls

2003-08-29 Thread Anne Wilson
On Friday 29 Aug 2003 12:46 pm, Sharrea Day wrote:

> Not that ZA can really help much in those situations.  Clicking on
> the link merely ran the script as the one-and-only user on Win98SE.
>  I feel much safer in Linux browsing the web as user (not root) -
> although sometimes I wonder why, when the most important stuff on
> my system in MY DATA. Couldn't give a sh*t 'bout the system, it can
> be restored, my data can't. At least the stuff that hasn't been
> backed up.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining - I LOVE LINUX!
I do feel that the stress on linux security is sometimes misguided.  
Like you, I feel my data is the most important bit, and that's the 
part that a virus could trash if it could get in.  I know it still 
has to get in, but once in it could run as user, I guess.  When you 
combine that with the fact that linux is so stable that we forget the 
need for regular backups, it's time to worry.

Under windows I had a rigid backup routine.  Now I am careless, and it 
can be weeks in between.  And I'll bet I'm not alone.

> Oh now paranoia is creeping in... off to do a much overdue
> backup...  I swear I'm getting lazier.

Yup - me too.  I'll do one today.


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RE: [newbie] Linux Apps - Firewalls

2003-08-29 Thread Frankie
>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of John Richard Smith
>Sent: Friday, 29 August 2003 6:36 PM
>Subject: Re: [newbie] Linux Apps - Firewalls
>Bryan Phinney wrote:
>>On Thursday 28 August 2003 03:14 pm, rikona wrote:
>>Hey, if I was running a bank with no vault, no security guard in
>the building,
>>no alarms and no way to stop someone from walking out with the
>money, and the
>>only security that I did have was a locked door, it would be a VERY BIG,
>>THICK DOOR.  I mean, if you are only going to build one wall
>between you and
>>the enemy, it is probably going to be a pretty big wall.
>>Sorry for the long message, I get carried away sometimes.  ;-}
>Can I ask you a question,
>Am I paranoid for not wanting to enable cookies ?
>you know, from the security point of view ?


Disabling cookies outright is generally a bad idea..
I prefer to block any cookies with expiry dates that are over a week in the
Also, I block any cookies coming from domains different from the page you
are on.

If you disable all cookies, many interactive pages will not work properly
if at all, like shopping carts, and many other similiar scripts.

I also set any cookies from doubleclick and the other spam/add
organisations to blocked.



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Re: [newbie] Linux Apps - Firewalls

2003-08-29 Thread Sharrea Day
On Fri, 29 Aug 2003 10:46, Heather/Femme wrote:
> Seen all this.  ZA got smart, it generates an encrypted sig file for
> itself now.  Makes sure it can't be compromised either... and it is not
> easily killed in newer versions.  Sides, that kind of attack is pretty
> sophisticated & the avg ZA user won't be affected.  Yes its possible it
> will get thru...but if you see ZA isn't in your tray anymore wouldn't
> you be suspicious?  I know I would.

Sure hope ZA is a lot smarter these days.

Two years ago my Win system was compromised simply by clicking a link on a 
web page in IE.  ZA was disabled but still showing as active in the system 
tray, the packet sniffer I had running crashed and the AV app was totally 
fsckd.  A file containing web passwords was emptied and a pretty 
screensaver was installed which kept appearing every minute.  That was the 
day I decided to see what this Linux was all about and I've never looked 
back since.

Not that ZA can really help much in those situations.  Clicking on the link 
merely ran the script as the one-and-only user on Win98SE.  I feel much 
safer in Linux browsing the web as user (not root) - although sometimes I 
wonder why, when the most important stuff on my system in MY DATA.  
Couldn't give a sh*t 'bout the system, it can be restored, my data can't.  
At least the stuff that hasn't been backed up.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not 
complaining - I LOVE LINUX!

Oh now paranoia is creeping in... off to do a much overdue backup...  I 
swear I'm getting lazier.

Help Microsoft stamp out piracy - give Linux to a friend today

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Re: [newbie] Linux Apps - Firewalls

2003-08-29 Thread John Richard Smith
Bryan Phinney wrote:

On Thursday 28 August 2003 03:14 pm, rikona wrote:


Hey, if I was running a bank with no vault, no security guard in the building, 
no alarms and no way to stop someone from walking out with the money, and the 
only security that I did have was a locked door, it would be a VERY BIG, 
THICK DOOR.  I mean, if you are only going to build one wall between you and 
the enemy, it is probably going to be a pretty big wall.

Sorry for the long message, I get carried away sometimes.  ;-}



Can I ask you a question,

Am I paranoid for not wanting to enable cookies ?

you know, from the security point of view ?


John Richard Smith

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Linux Apps - Firewalls

2003-08-29 Thread John Richard Smith
Bryan Phinney wrote:

On Thursday 28 August 2003 03:14 pm, rikona wrote:


Hey, if I was running a bank with no vault, no security guard in the building, 
no alarms and no way to stop someone from walking out with the money, and the 
only security that I did have was a locked door, it would be a VERY BIG, 
THICK DOOR.  I mean, if you are only going to build one wall between you and 
the enemy, it is probably going to be a pretty big wall.

Sorry for the long message, I get carried away sometimes.  ;-}



Can I ask you a question,

Am I paranoid for not wanting to enable cookies ?

you know, from the security point of view ?


John Richard Smith

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Linux Apps - Firewalls

2003-08-29 Thread HaywireMac
On Thu, 28 Aug 2003 21:59:29 +0100
Derek Jennings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> As I understand it. There is nothing to stop a virus reconfiguring
> ZoneAlarm so it is undetected. 


Registered Linux user #282046
An idea is not responsible for the people who believe in it.

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Re[2]: [newbie] Linux Apps - Firewalls

2003-08-29 Thread rikona
Hello Oliver,

Thursday, August 28, 2003, 3:38:54 PM, you wrote:

OM> The shortcoming I have found with ZoneAlarm comes with virtual
OM> machine or interpreted apps. e.g. you grant access rights to
OM> java.exe, perl.exe,  python.exe etc, and then *any* Java, Python
OM> or Perl program you run can  get through your firewall

Yep! Virtual is a big hazard, especially if taken to the M$ extreme. I
don't like the trend for apps to get too permissive in what they
allow. Nice features sometimes, but it increases the risk too.


 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: [newbie] Linux Apps - Firewalls

2003-08-28 Thread rikona
Hello HaywireMac,

Thursday, August 28, 2003, 3:07:24 PM, you wrote:

>> If all an intruder can see is my router ip, how can it compromise
>> my system?

H> It cannot, it must see open ports to access. This is the classic "the
H> only truly secure computer is one that is locked in a room with no
H> outside access". If all your ports are closed, he would have to get in
H> with a trojan, a file you bring in yourself and execute.

H> This why real security uses more than one defense tactic: firewall
H> so your ports are protected, IDS to look for known or suspicious
H> hacker activity, and Trojan detection.

Actually, the app-aware FW is just another tool too. It should not
really be used by itself, but as an additional line of defense behind
a stand-alone FW such as in a router. The two kinds of FW's are for
different purposes and are complementary, and should be used together
for best results. Especially good if you are interested in privacy.


 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: [newbie] Linux Apps - Firewalls

2003-08-28 Thread rikona
Hello Derek,

Thursday, August 28, 2003, 1:59:29 PM, you wrote:

DJ> As I understand it. There is nothing to stop a virus reconfiguring
DJ> ZoneAlarm so it is undetected.

True - but this is a problem with the OS letting just about anything
do anything to anything. :-) ZA is at the mercy of a poor OS design

DJ> I may be wrong but I believe there is also nothing In Windows to stop a virus 
DJ> simply bypassing the IP stack and using raw sockets to send packets to the 
DJ> interface around the firewall.

Again true. See the above comment. Especially with the M$ decision to
use raw sockets in XP. Yech! They are really asking for it. OTOH, it
might be M$ wanting to do something sneaky themselves. Hmmm...

DJ> To do the same thing under Linux the virus would have to be running as root, 
DJ> and of course we *never* run as root do we?

When linux becomes as popular as Win, we'll have about as many running
as root as we now do running admin. :-) LOTS of them, no doubt. Many
XP users I've talked with don't even know what admin means, and don't
care either. Beware the unwashed masses :-)

DJ> As for a Linux app aware firewall try this one 

Thanks for the pointer. It looks like a service-based FW, not an
app-aware FW. Looks like the usual stand-alone FW, not a 'personal'
one on the same computer. This would make it even harder to be
app-aware. It will stop some service(by some app) if it doesn't obey
the rules of the service, but if it does follow the service rules, it
looks as though any app using the service correctly would go through.

Still searching

Thank you,
 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[6]: [newbie] Linux Apps - Firewalls

2003-08-28 Thread rikona
Hello HaywireMac,

Thursday, August 28, 2003, 1:27:50 PM, you wrote:

>> Well, it would have to be in the exact same location and have the
>> same md5 signature - pretty difficult disguise. :-)

H> ZoneAlarm cannot do this, AFAIK.

I haven't used ZA for quite a while, but I believe the latest version
does this. Other free firewalls certainly CAN do this.


 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: [newbie] Linux Apps - Firewalls

2003-08-28 Thread rikona
Hello Heather/Femme,

Thursday, August 28, 2003, 1:21:31 PM, you wrote:

HF> for a free firewall its the best one out there for a windows
HF> computer IMO.  Anything better costs $1000 per liscence
HF> (Checkpoint anyone?) & is very hard to configure.

I prefer Kerio to ZA myself - used to use ZA but like the flexibility
and control of Kerio. It DOES require some knowledge to set it up
properly though, and this is why the masses will not likely be using
it well. ZA is probably best for the masses - just install it and use

Thank you,
 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[4]: [newbie] Linux Apps - Firewalls

2003-08-28 Thread rikona
Hello HaywireMac,

Thursday, August 28, 2003, 1:17:32 PM, you wrote:

H> Like I said earlier in the thread, the prob with "app awareness" is
H> that a lot of trojans will either:

H> a) disguise themselves as the trusted app, say IE, or Mozilla, by
H> overwriting the executable.

H> b) embed themselves in the executable itself, difficult, but it has been
H> done.

VERY tough to get the same md5 for either a or b.


 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [newbie] Linux Apps - Firewalls

2003-08-28 Thread Heather/Femme
On Thu, 2003-08-28 at 14:59, Derek Jennings wrote:

> As I understand it. There is nothing to stop a virus reconfiguring ZoneAlarm 
> so it is undetected. 
> I may be wrong but I believe there is also nothing In Windows to stop a virus 
> simply bypassing the IP stack and using raw sockets to send packets to the 
> interface around the firewall.
> To do the same thing under Linux the virus would have to be running as root, 
> and of course we *never* run as root do we?
> As for a Linux app aware firewall try this one
> (I have not tried it)
> derek

Seen all this.  ZA got smart, it generates an encrypted sig file for
itself now.  Makes sure it can't be compromised either... and it is not
easily killed in newer versions.  Sides, that kind of attack is pretty
sophisticated & the avg ZA user won't be affected.  Yes its possible it
will get thru...but if you see ZA isn't in your tray anymore wouldn't
you be suspicious?  I know I would.

ZA Defender,
Femme :)

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Re: [newbie] Linux Apps - Firewalls

2003-08-28 Thread Heather/Femme
On Thu, 2003-08-28 at 14:24, HaywireMac wrote:
> On Thu, 28 Aug 2003 20:13:45 +0100
> Anne Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:
> > I fail to see the joke, too.  When I used to run it I used the on-line
> > 
> > checkers, and got nothing back but my router address.  What joke?
> Because it is *on* the machine it is trying to protect. You
> compromise the machine with a trojan, you compromise ZoneAlarm.
> Sorry, maybe joke was too harsh a word, but as I've stated, ZoneAlarm
> will not protect you as well as a dedicated firewall, or even as well as
> Shorewall, simply because it is not designed to deal with sophisticated
> attacks like trojans that can execute code on your system, thereby
> negating any protection ZoneAlarm would have presumably offered.
> Shorewall/IPTables offers a far more robust and subtle level of
> protection because it can actually read the header info of incoming and
> outgoing packets. AFAIK, ZoneAlarm cannot.

it is designed against trojans.  it blocks all traffic in & out by
default..and writes a signature for each app.  if the apps compromised &
tries to connect again, the sig is different.  Won't let it out
automatically, it stops it & asks if you want to let it.  Usually thats
good enough to alert a user to look twice at it.

is it the best out there? no. Is it still good against trojans & Shit?
IMO Yes.  Try an compromise a ZA'ed system.  You won't get far w/out
alot of effort...and that keeps out the majority of the crackers.


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Re: [newbie] Linux Apps - Firewalls

2003-08-28 Thread Anne Wilson
On Thursday 28 Aug 2003 9:24 pm, HaywireMac wrote:
> On Thu, 28 Aug 2003 20:13:45 +0100
> Anne Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:
> > I fail to see the joke, too.  When I used to run it I used the
> > on-line
> >
> > checkers, and got nothing back but my router address.  What joke?
> Because it is *on* the machine it is trying to protect. You
> compromise the machine with a trojan, you compromise ZoneAlarm.
> Sorry, maybe joke was too harsh a word, but as I've stated,
> ZoneAlarm will not protect you as well as a dedicated firewall, or
> even as well as Shorewall, simply because it is not designed to
> deal with sophisticated attacks like trojans that can execute code
> on your system, thereby negating any protection ZoneAlarm would
> have presumably offered.
> Shorewall/IPTables offers a far more robust and subtle level of
> protection because it can actually read the header info of incoming
> and outgoing packets. AFAIK, ZoneAlarm cannot.

If all an intruder can see is my router ip, how can it compromise my 


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Re: Re[4]: [newbie] Linux Apps - Firewalls

2003-08-28 Thread HaywireMac
On Thu, 28 Aug 2003 11:54:45 -0700
rikona <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> Well, it would have to be in the exact same location and have the same
> md5 signature - pretty difficult disguise. :-)

ZoneAlarm cannot do this, AFAIK.
> H> Or "infects" Mozilla?
> Same md5? Not likely.
> The need to do some kind of check like this is probably why app-aware
> is not done in linux - it's not in iptables. There may be good
> historical reasons too.
> H> ZoneAlarm is a joke, but it's better than *no* joke I guess, except
> H> in the sense it might give one a false sense of security.
> I prefer other FW's, but I'm curious as to what's so bad about it?

For reasons I've already stated. You need a combination of tools for
true security: Firewall, IDS, and Trojan detection.

Again, tho, with great emphasis, it's better than nothing.

Registered Linux user #282046
For good, return good.
For evil, return justice.

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Re: [newbie] Linux Apps - Firewalls

2003-08-28 Thread HaywireMac
On Thu, 28 Aug 2003 20:13:45 +0100
Anne Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> I fail to see the joke, too.  When I used to run it I used the on-line
> checkers, and got nothing back but my router address.  What joke?

Because it is *on* the machine it is trying to protect. You
compromise the machine with a trojan, you compromise ZoneAlarm.

Sorry, maybe joke was too harsh a word, but as I've stated, ZoneAlarm
will not protect you as well as a dedicated firewall, or even as well as
Shorewall, simply because it is not designed to deal with sophisticated
attacks like trojans that can execute code on your system, thereby
negating any protection ZoneAlarm would have presumably offered.

Shorewall/IPTables offers a far more robust and subtle level of
protection because it can actually read the header info of incoming and
outgoing packets. AFAIK, ZoneAlarm cannot.

Registered Linux user #282046
It does not do to leave a live dragon out of your calculations.

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Re: [newbie] Linux Apps - Firewalls

2003-08-28 Thread Heather/Femme
On Thu, 2003-08-28 at 13:13, Anne Wilson wrote:
> On Thursday 28 Aug 2003 7:54 pm, rikona wrote:
> > H> ZoneAlarm is a joke, but it's better than *no* joke I guess,
> > except H> in the sense it might give one a false sense of security.
> >
> > I prefer other FW's, but I'm curious as to what's so bad about it?
> >
> I fail to see the joke, too.  When I used to run it I used the on-line 
> checkers, and got nothing back but my router address.  What joke?

> Anne

for a free firewall its the best one out there for a windows computer
IMO.  Anything better costs $1000 per liscence (Checkpoint anyone?) & is
very hard to configure.

Shrugs just my own 3 also blocks ads & stuff inthe pro
version.  Simple, effective.  REminds me alot of Bastille FW.


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Re: Re[2]: [newbie] Linux Apps - Firewalls

2003-08-28 Thread HaywireMac
On Thu, 28 Aug 2003 12:14:00 -0700
rikona <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> Some things, like app-awareness, seem to be better in the Win FW's.

Like I said earlier in the thread, the prob with "app awareness" is that
a lot of trojans will either:

a) disguise themselves as the trusted app, say IE, or Mozilla, by
overwriting the executable.

b) embed themselves in the executable itself, difficult, but it has been

Registered Linux user #282046
One learns to itch where one can scratch.
-- Ernest Bramah

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Re[2]: [newbie] Linux Apps - Firewalls

2003-08-28 Thread rikona
Hello Derek,

Thursday, August 28, 2003, 9:38:41 AM, you wrote:

>> Besides, I know next to nothing about various types of connections
>> and whatnot. So trying to set this firewall up manually would be a
>> disaster. ZoneAlarm was quick and easy "Do you want this program to
>> access the net? yes or no" nuff said.

DJ> The Firewall GUI in Mandrake Control Centre could not be easier.
DJ> On or Off!

Russ may be referring to the app-aware access. You can disable port
80, on the fly, for some unknown app that is requesting access, but
continue to surf on 80 with, say, Mozilla. Mozilla goes through,
denied app does not, even though it is the same port. How can do you
do this in Mandrake?

DJ> They all work, and are all better than any Windows firewall.

Being a paranoid type, :-) I'm trying to understand why it is better.
Some Win FW's seem to be pretty good. Granted the OS has many
problems, but why is just the FW better? Some things, like
app-awareness, seem to be better in the Win FW's.

Thank you,
 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [newbie] Linux Apps - Firewalls

2003-08-28 Thread Anne Wilson
On Thursday 28 Aug 2003 7:54 pm, rikona wrote:
> H> ZoneAlarm is a joke, but it's better than *no* joke I guess,
> except H> in the sense it might give one a false sense of security.
> I prefer other FW's, but I'm curious as to what's so bad about it?
I fail to see the joke, too.  When I used to run it I used the on-line 
checkers, and got nothing back but my router address.  What joke?

> H> If you have shorewall installed (I don't so I can't check), go
> into H> Webmin and look, I'll betcha dollars to donuts that you can
> assign H> application "awareness" of some kind, but...see above.
> I do have shorewall, and there isn't [I'll send the address for the
> dollars :-)]. AFAIK, you can't even do this with hand coding of
> iptables, and thus no front end would be able to do it either.

I know you have been looking for this for a while, so I assume that 
you haven't made much progress?


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Re[2]: [newbie] Linux Apps - Firewalls

2003-08-28 Thread rikona
Hello Anne,

Thursday, August 28, 2003, 12:13:45 PM, you wrote:

>> AFAIK, you can't even do this with hand coding of iptables, and
>> thus no front end would be able to do it either.

AW> I know you have been looking for this for a while, so I assume that 
AW> you haven't made much progress?

Unfortunately, no. I like this capability a lot, and think it is quite
good for protecting individual computers, both in the privacy and
security senses. I'm hoping the linux community adds this (or the
handles to make this work) to iptables in future versions. In the
meantime, I keep hoping to find an expert who knows how to do it in
the current versions.

Thank you,
 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[4]: [newbie] Linux Apps - Firewalls

2003-08-28 Thread rikona
Hello HaywireMac,

Thursday, August 28, 2003, 8:16:59 AM, you wrote:

H> Trojans are better checked with chkrootkit (sp?) anyway, IMHO.

That's a good way, but you may not know it until you do the check.
Besides, suppose the trojan is inside a program you thought you
wanted? YOU installed it not knowing it would 'call home'. If it calls
home on 80, it will go right through your firewall. Not all intrusions
are break-ins.

The app-aware approach alerts you the moment anything tries to do an
access, and would catch the above. The app-aware approach also alerts
you to snoopware. Protecting privacy is not necessarily the same as

H> The problem with this so-called application awareness in something
H> like ZoneAlarm is: what if the Trojan disguises itself as Mozilla?

Well, it would have to be in the exact same location and have the same
md5 signature - pretty difficult disguise. :-)

H> Or "infects" Mozilla?

Same md5? Not likely.

The need to do some kind of check like this is probably why app-aware
is not done in linux - it's not in iptables. There may be good
historical reasons too.

H> ZoneAlarm is a joke, but it's better than *no* joke I guess, except
H> in the sense it might give one a false sense of security.

I prefer other FW's, but I'm curious as to what's so bad about it?

H> If you have shorewall installed (I don't so I can't check), go into
H> Webmin and look, I'll betcha dollars to donuts that you can assign
H> application "awareness" of some kind, but...see above.

I do have shorewall, and there isn't [I'll send the address for the
dollars :-)]. AFAIK, you can't even do this with hand coding of
iptables, and thus no front end would be able to do it either.

Thank you,
 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [newbie] Linux Apps - Firewalls

2003-08-28 Thread Derek Jennings
On Thursday 28 Aug 2003 5:55 am, Russ wrote:
> Hi All,
> Thanks for the responses.
> I tried "https://localhost:1"; but the connection was refused.

You need to install the webmin package first.

> Besides, I know next to nothing about various types of connections and
> whatnot. So trying to set this firewall up manually would be a disaster.
> ZoneAlarm was quick and easy "Do you want this program to access the
> net? yes or no" nuff said.

The Firewall GUI in Mandrake Control Centre could not be easier.
On or Off!

> Before I asked I did do a search for firewall programs. There are many.
> I was looking at Firestarter and Guarddog. Each seem to want Gnome or
> KDE. Are these required simply to configure but still works while logged
> into the other (KDE or Gnome)?

You can use either under KDE or Gnome. Firestarter is prettier and has a nice 
wizard. They are both in the 'Contrib' section of Mandrake mirrors. Go here and follow the instructions to add a 
Contrib urpmi software source (add  'update, 'plf' and 'Texstar' sources too 
while you are there)
Your Mandrake Control Centre Software Manager will then have access to 
hundreds of online packages including Firestarter and GuardDog.

> Is one better than the other? or is it six of one and half a dozen of
> the other? Any other possible candidates?

They all are just front ends for the same firewall function built into the 
Linux kernel. They all work, and are all better than any Windows firewall.

> I am on a cable modem with a router that connects 2 computers to the
> modem (if that matters)
> Thanks for any help
> Russ


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Re: Re[2]: [newbie] Linux Apps - Firewalls

2003-08-28 Thread HaywireMac
On Thu, 28 Aug 2003 07:53:49 -0700
rikona <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> I don't think you can get this with ANY configuration in Mandrake
> because, as I understand it, iptables is NOT application-aware as are
> several firewalls for Windoze. IMHO, this is a great oversight in
> protecting individual computers from 'calling home', as trojans or
> snoopware might do.

Trojans are better checked with chkrootkit (sp?) anyway, IMHO. The
problem with this so-called application awareness in something like
ZoneAlarm is: what if the Trojan disguises itself as Mozilla? Or
"infects" Mozilla? ZoneAlarm is a joke, but it's better than *no* joke I
guess, except in the sense it might give one a false sense of security.

> OTOH, I might have missed how to or what can do this. If so, perhaps
> one of our experts can tell me how to do it. Briefly, for example, I
> would like ONLY Opera and Mozilla to be able to use port 80 out, and
> to alert me if anything else tries to use this port. How can I do
> that?

If you have shorewall installed (I don't so I can't check), go into
Webmin and look, I'll betcha dollars to donuts that you can assign
application "awareness" of some kind, but...see above.

Registered Linux user #282046
Remember, Grasshopper, falling down 1000 stairs begins by tripping over
the first one.
-- Confusion

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Re[2]: [newbie] Linux Apps - Firewalls

2003-08-28 Thread rikona
Hello Russ,

Wednesday, August 27, 2003, 9:55:48 PM, you wrote:

R> Besides, I know next to nothing about various types of connections
R> and  whatnot. So trying to set this firewall up manually would be a
R> disaster.

I would agree. If you can't find a good front end, it would be better
to try to track down a pre-configured set of 'rules' with liberal
comments, and, if the comments are well done for beginners, adjust
them for your particular situation.

R> ZoneAlarm was quick and easy "Do you want this program to access
R> the  net? yes or no" nuff said.

I don't think you can get this with ANY configuration in Mandrake
because, as I understand it, iptables is NOT application-aware as are
several firewalls for Windoze. IMHO, this is a great oversight in
protecting individual computers from 'calling home', as trojans or
snoopware might do.

OTOH, I might have missed how to or what can do this. If so, perhaps
one of our experts can tell me how to do it. Briefly, for example, I
would like ONLY Opera and Mozilla to be able to use port 80 out, and
to alert me if anything else tries to use this port. How can I do

R> Before I asked I did do a search for firewall programs. There are
R> many.  I was looking at Firestarter and Guarddog. Each seem to want
R> Gnome or  KDE. Are these required simply to configure but still
R> works while logged  into the other (KDE or Gnome)?

I believe these are all just front ends for iptables, the actual
'guts' built into the kernel that does the firewalling. As such I
don't think they would have to run to get 'firewalling', but please
correct this if not true (I'm still rather newbie-ish).

R> Is one better than the other? or is it six of one and half a dozen of 
R> the other? Any other possible candidates?

They are all just ways of translating between desired firewall
behaviors expressed in a comprehensible language (German, English,
etc) and the iptables syntax (an initially incomprehensible language
you would have to learn to get iptables to work). Many times, Linux
users will insist that everyone learn these new 'languages', but wide
acceptance will depend on how easy it is to get desired functionality
WITHOUT having to learn these new 'languages'.

I think a good set of iptables with EXTENSIVE comments FOR BEGINNERS
might be one of the best ways to get a good firewall.

R> I am on a cable modem with a router that connects 2 computers to the 
R> modem (if that matters)

Might your router have a 'real' firewall? If so, it matters a lot. :-)
You might already be well protected if it does.

 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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