Re: [newbie] RPM failures NOW: K. I. S.= S

2001-07-18 Thread John Rigby

Hi Sridhar & folks,

On Thu, 19 Jul 2001 14:39, you manipulated electrons to produce:
> On Thu, 19 Jul 2001 13:01, John Rigby wrote:
> > Hi Sridhar & folks,
> >
> > Well put, Sidhar, but missing the key point:
> > "Use" as distinct from "support."
> I would argue that GNU/Linux has _better_ support than does
> Windows. There are far more fora for GNU/Linux such as this list
> and web sites like With Windows, the main way to
> get support is to pay for it (and you pay through the nose). In
> GNU/Linux, you can either pay someone like MandrakeSoft or
> LinuxCare for support or get free support as I have just mentioned. 

 I meant at the "interface". What the user wants/needs is my 
old Menu.- or today's equivalent. 
The support capability of the *ux command line is phenomenally better 
than M$ product. 
But there is confusion out there in *directions* in Linuxland. 

It is extremely hard to write a training manual for someone totally 
alien.  I went knutz doing it in places where the locals used to 
steal  lightbulbs and nail them to rafters and wait for them to light 
up and the next day we had to teach them how to maintain Caterpillar 
Dozers ( the other Dozers!)

The user of today - the target market has not changed:
1.He/she wants to get on the internet. ( Why comes later)
2. He wants to write a letter
3. She wants a *simple* accounts pack
4. He wants some games
5. Most of all he wants to send emails.

He does not want to be told:
"Oh you want a printer now do you?"
"Oh you want a cable for it, now?" 

Remember, the vast mass of prospects out there do not even realise 
that you need a separate Printer. 
I spent years running a  regional internet help group and was never 
dismayed when people would ring me up and say they "bought a computer 
and the guy came and plugged it in, but now tells me I need a printer 
and a modem and a phone line for it all!!"
Some people think it works like a tv/phone - you  just start it up 
and talk into it and see pictures. 
Most common complaint? "You mean I gotta learn to type, too?"
** Adam Osborne sent me a Hard Disk for all the help I gave 
them with my Menu. It was the talk of the town! Worth about $10,000 
in todays dollars. 
> Osborne! Now there's a company that brings back memories! I almost
> bought a machine from them back in 1994. After numerous delivery
> delays, I cancelled my order and got my money back -- only about a
> month before they went bust for good (and were later bought by
> Gateway). I think the most innovative thing they came up with was
> their portable computer -- AFAIK the first production portable
> computer ever built. 
** Actually the BIG thing was that it was the first machine 
to come with bundled Software. It could actually work straight out of 
the box! 
He went broke from honesty!  He announced that the new model was 
going to come out in 3 months with an amazing number of extras. 
So... everyone cancelled their orders and waited. 
It was manufacturing problems and lack of marketing knowhow that did 
him in.  But it was not understanding marketing that finished him 
>> Internet years) for momentum to build. Despite this, look at all
> the progress we've made. in general) has taken great strides on
> the desktop in recent years, and has continued to outpace its
> closed-source competition. It is only a matter of time before it
> becomes useable by all (if it isn't already).

*** Oh, it is already!!
The thing people keep missing is that  Doze comes PRE-INSTALLED. 
It invariably used to come with  Microsoft Works.
All the hassles happened with the suckers that were selling the 

My aim is to help make it easier. My advice to Linux world is simple:
Stop selling the software! Start selling INEXPENSIVE solutions that 
Unless the box is sold directly with a standardised package running 
on it,  Big Bill *will* win.

BUT for the upgraders from Doze - and this is the main market for now 
-  what is needed is a SIMPLE standardised Distro without millions of 
options.  There should be ONE suite coming from Mandrake as an ENTRY 
1 Browser
1. Office Suite
1. Set of known Utilities 

Easy!  Easy for everyone concerned.


Re: [newbie] RPM failures

2001-07-18 Thread John Rigby

Hi Sridhar,
Thanks again for your help!
 But what I'm trying to do is avoid the command-line wherever 
possible and use the long-awaited friendly gui. 
Especially as I will have to teach it to a lot of utter computer 
novices in the not distant future.  
I personally already have enough troubles with the Unix-zone and I've 
been playing with PC's since before most of our readers were born! 
My first uni assignment was counting out an allocation of Punch Cards 
to run/debug a fortran compilation.  ( We were only allowed a certain 
number of cards!!)

> > It does show up as installed, it just doesn't start.
> > It did not add itself to the Desktop Menu.
> This is normal. Only Mandrake apps will add themselves to the menu,
> since Mandrake uses its own menu system.
> > I am attempting to start it from the Konq File Manager Directory.
> As I said before, go to a console and type "hpbuilder". You can
> make an icon to do this if you want.

> This isn't Windows (thank god!) -- things work differently here.
> RPM packaging takes care of installing and uninstalling, so a user
> doesn't normally have to look in the programme directories. The RPM
> would've installed an executable somewhere in your PATH. All you
> have to do is type the executable name from a command line -- in
> this case "hpbuilder".

> I don't have a Lexmark printer, but I would say that you need to
> configure your printer with CUPS afterwards. Try pointing your web
> browser to http://localhost:631/ to configure your printer.
> > APPARENTLY RPM also will not install over an existing program.
> > Worse, it  won't tell you that it is not listing under
> > "installable" because of this. It simply doesn't show up under
> > Pack Mgr search.
> You need to 'upgrade' not 'install', if an older package exists.

> You shouldn't need to look for anything. You should just be able to
> type the programme executable's name (often this is just the name
> of the app) at a command line. Look at its documentation (often in
> /usr/doc/appname, /usr/local/doc/appname or /usr/lib/doc/appname)
> for details.
> > On this mornings bootup, I suffered the same problem again with
> > SCREEM. I downloaded the fixes as advised, reinstalled SCREEM and
> > it seemed to work ok, yesterday.
> > This AM it froze on startup ( why it was starting up resident I
> > do not know)  and would not be killed - leaving the same white
> > block in centre screen left over from its "splash" . To remove it
> > I had to delete SCREEM again.
> You can kill (stronger than a normal close) the app. Load up xkill
> and click on the app you want to kill. Or you can issue a "killall
> " from the command line.
> > Cheers,
> >
> > John
> >
> > Fablor now Webhosting?? What on earth for??  Info here:
> > (it's only an Autoresponder)  :-)



Fablor now Webhosting?? What on earth for??  Info here: 
(it's only an Autoresponder)  :-)

Re: [newbie] RPM failures

2001-07-17 Thread John Rigby

> I don't get what you're trying to do here. How are you searching?
> If its installed, you should be able to type the relavant command
> (IIRC, it's "hpbuilder") to load the app. 

* I suspect it has something to do with WINE and how it 
is all supposed to startup as well.
I have not learned yet how to start it from docs available:
vis: does one start WINE in some way first?
It does show up as installed, it just doesn't start.
It did not add itself to the Desktop Menu.
I am attempting to start it from the Konq File Manager Directory. 

> It did start life as TopPage, a WinDOS app. Winelib was used to
> port it to GNU/Linux. It works quite well, so there's nothing to be
> afraid of.

** IF I can ever get to it !  :-)
> > But where has IglooFTP gone, as well??

* I found it. It also did not add itself to the Menu. 
What I have learned from MANUAL searching painfully, dir by dir, is 
that some install packages install wherever they like - not in the 
origin dir and often in strange places. 
Some go to /root, some to odd sub-dirs. 
Igloo went to root/user/local/igloo.

Example is trying to install Official Lexmark Printer Drivers:
An odd message comes up under RPM saying "delete package under 
It appears to have installed - but doesn't.  My Printer still says 

APPARENTLY RPM also will not install over an existing program. Worse, 
it  won't tell you that it is not listing under "installable" because 
of this. It simply doesn't show up under Pack Mgr search.

Sometimes adding a new source works, sometimes it does not. This I 
learned by deduction and cross-checked with some amazement to be so. 
Thus, yet another problem in getting an install done, to look for.
On this mornings bootup, I suffered the same problem again with 
SCREEM. I downloaded the fixes as advised, reinstalled SCREEM and it 
seemed to work ok, yesterday.
This AM it froze on startup ( why it was starting up resident I do 
not know)  and would not be killed - leaving the same white block in 
centre screen left over from its "splash" . To remove it I had to 
delete SCREEM again.



Fablor now Webhosting?? What on earth for??  Info here: 
(it's only an Autoresponder)  :-)

Re: [newbie] RPM failures

2001-07-17 Thread Romanator

John Rigby wrote:
> Hi Sridah,
> On Tue, 17 Jul 2001 16:08, you manipulated electrons to produce:
> >
> >
> > What do you mean by "the program is nowhere to be seen"? The RPM is
> > installed, right? Try this from a command line:
> >
> >   rpm -q packagename
> ** Yup - says same as the GUI Manager: is installed!!??
> BUT no search finds it, either in RPM or Dir or Desktop start.
> >
> > Which particular IBM WebSphere app are you installing? "WebSphere"
> > refers to a family of apps. If you are installing the HomePage
> > Builder, you need IBM's own Wine package (as described on their web
> > site). Also, you can't use this app if you have XFree 4.x (you need
> > 3.x or lower).
> Unfortunately, IBM chose not to display this clearly
> > on their site, so I had to find out the hard way. To find out your
> > version of X, type "X -version" at a command line.
> *** Xfree 3.3.6  as supplied with my "new" M8 Powerpak.
> So, does this mean I should upgrade Xfree anyway?
> As this means really that HPBuilder is really a Windoze program, I'm
> no longer THAT keen!!
> I thought it was the other way around. I understood it started life
> as  TopPage(?) and was bought by IBM and ported to Doze!
> But where has IglooFTP gone, as well??
> --
> Cheers?
> John
> Fablor now Webhosting?? What on earth for??  Info here:
> (it's only an Autoresponder)  :-)

Try opening a console window. Type in: su and then your password. Type
in: updatedb and press the [enter] key.
Sit back, as this can take several minutes.
In response to upgrading XFree, you do not have to upgrade all the time.
Some cards work poorly with the higher version of XFree.
In my case, I am sticking with 3.3.x

Registered Linux User #179293
"su is not the root of your problem
but the start of a new journey"

Re: [newbie] RPM failures

2001-07-17 Thread Romanator

Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
> On Tue, 17 Jul 2001 15:42, John Rigby wrote:
> > Hi folks,
> > No wonder so many people do give up on Linux! :-)
> > I have downloaded for the second time ( in case of error) the IBM
> > WEbsphere package and attempted to install it.
> >
> > All of the responses are fine all the way EXCEPT that the program is
> > nowhere to be seen. Yet if I try to install again I'm told it is
> > there.  If I uninstall I can then re-install and go around the same
> > rosebush!
> What do you mean by "the program is nowhere to be seen"? The RPM is
> installed, right? Try this from a command line:
>   rpm -q packagename
> Replace "packagename" with the name of the IBM package (without the
> ".x86.rpm" on the end). If it is installed, it should say so.
> Which particular IBM WebSphere app are you installing? "WebSphere" refers to
> a family of apps. If you are installing the HomePage Builder, you need IBM's
> own Wine package (as described on their web site). Also, you can't use this
> app if you have XFree 4.x (you need 3.x or lower). Unfortunately, IBM chose
> not to display this clearly on their site, so I had to find out the hard
> way. To find out your version of X, type "X -version" at a command line.
> --
> Sridhar Dhanapalan.
> "There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
> LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."

> -- Jeremy S. Anderson


I have included the instructions including where you can find the wine
rpm for hpbuilder below:

   IBM WebSphere Homepage Builder for Linux
  Version 4.0 for Evaluation
Release Note
   (README  File)

  Licensed Materials - Property of IBM (C) COPYRIGHT IBM Corp. 2000.
  All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use,
  duplication or disclosure restricted.

Thank you for your interest in IBM WebSphere Homepage Builder for Linux.

The free trial period of  WebArt  Designer,  Web  Animator,  and  File 
program will expire 60 days  after installation.  The number  of sample
files is
limited.  The  full  version  of  this  product contains many more
sample files,
multimedia tutorial,  online  user's guide, and the pdf version of
user's  guide
for printing.

  Note) IBM WebSphere Homepage Builder is formerly known as IBM

1. IBM WebSphere Homepage Builder for Linux

 Version 4.00   2000/Jul

 IBM  WebSphere  Homepage  Builder  is  a Web page authoring and design
 program suitable for both experts and  beginners  without  any  HTML 
 or programming skills.  It  contains all the tools necessary for
creating a Web
 page, including WebArt Designer  which lets you create logos and
buttons, and a
 Web  Animator  which  lets  you create animated GIF files in just a few

2. Features

  * Personalize  your  own  logos and  hot link buttons with a medley of
  * Move effortlessly through each step, guided by an Interactive
  * Type  in  text,  drag  and drop graphics, build frames, identify
links, and
more! It's easy! 
  * Select over 200 graphics, images and sounds from the huge built-in
  * Cut and paste documents, spreadsheets, tables and text into your

  * Create lifelike animations from still pictures and graphics.
  * Design your site with over 40 built-in templates, or start creating
it from
  * Personalize  your  site  with  pictures  from  digital  cameras ,
or images in .bmp or .tiff format. 
  * Electrify  each  page  with  the  latest  Web  technology -
Cascading Style
Sheets, Java applets, and Dynamic HTML. 
  * Enhance  the  impact  of  your  site  with  exciting  special 
effects  and
multimedia features.

  * Preview each page on the Web - while you build your site.
  * Automatically check for spelling errors and broken links.
  * Upload your Web pages to the Internet with easy, interactive file
  * Keep in touch with your viewers through on-line forms and
  * Update your site and add new pages as often as you like.
3. Minimum System Requirements

 The machine on which you install Homepage Builder must meet the
 system requirements:

* Pentium (166 MHz or more recommended)
* Memory:   64 megabytes or more is recommended
* Disk space: Required disk space will vary depending on the package
to be

   Package name  Package sizeRequired disk space
hpbuilder-4.0-1  30 MB   64 MB

Re: [newbie] RPM failures

2001-07-17 Thread Romanator

John Rigby wrote:
> Hi folks,
> No wonder so many people do give up on Linux! :-)
> I have downloaded for the second time ( in case of error) the IBM
> WEbsphere package and attempted to install it.
> All of the responses are fine all the way EXCEPT that the program is
> nowhere to be seen. Yet if I try to install again I'm told it is
> there.  If I uninstall I can then re-install and go around the same
> rosebush!
> It has also happened with IglooFTP just now, so it isn't a faulty IBM
> D/load.
> And this is the easy stuff!
> I haven't started on the fact that my soundcard is recognised and no
> sound at all.
> My printer was bought especially for Linux compatability and it half
> works ( Lexmark Z32)
> I have RT$%#$%%M and tried MANY times to solve these things
> myself
> I have noted many errors in the destructions which I am notarising to
> forward when I finally get through it all, especially the problems
> with bug-fixes that Newbies certainly would not be expecting to
> require before the install would work!
> With all of this in mind, I would like to ask the other REAL Newbies
> ( non-commandliners) on the list to send me the "gotchas" that caught
> them when starting out and I will put them into a report for Mandrake
> to help others along the way.
> It can be done! We can escape that other one!  AND take others with
> us!   :-)
> Meanbwhile, any help on the above greatly appreciated - I opened my
> expanded mouth and said " No worries - I'll just switch over to Linux
> (Mandrake - the easy one!) over the weekend and get the new Site up
> in a flash... "
> --
> Cheers,
> John
> Fablor now Webhosting?? What on earth for??  Info here:
> (it's only an Autoresponder)  :-)

Hello John,

WebShpere gets installed in /opt folder. Ensure that you install
WebSphere as root from the console window. My copy is working very well.
After installing it, open a console and type in: hpbuilder -e
Press the [enter] key. Give it a few moments start up.

Registered Linux User #179293
"su is not the root of your problem
but the start of a new journey"

Re: [newbie] RPM failures

2001-07-17 Thread Alan Shoemaker

John Rigby wrote:

> But where has IglooFTP gone, as well??

JohnIglooFTP-PRO installs in the /usr/local directory.  
It's executable resides in /usr/local/IglooFTP-PRO/bin, but 
there's also a simlink in the /usr/local/bin (which is in 
your path) directory called IglooFTP-PRO, so all you need to 
do to execute it is to type:


at a console window command line or at the minicli (alt-f2 
brings up the minicli which is analogous to the run option in 
windows).  I'll bet you didn't know what the executable (and 
its simlink) was called.  Remember to pay attention to the 
uppercase and lowercase part of the spelling. :)

Re: [newbie] RPM failures

2001-07-17 Thread John Rigby

Hi Sridah,

On Tue, 17 Jul 2001 16:08, you manipulated electrons to produce:
> What do you mean by "the program is nowhere to be seen"? The RPM is
> installed, right? Try this from a command line:
>   rpm -q packagename

** Yup - says same as the GUI Manager: is installed!!?? 
BUT no search finds it, either in RPM or Dir or Desktop start.

> Which particular IBM WebSphere app are you installing? "WebSphere"
> refers to a family of apps. If you are installing the HomePage
> Builder, you need IBM's own Wine package (as described on their web
> site). Also, you can't use this app if you have XFree 4.x (you need
> 3.x or lower). 
Unfortunately, IBM chose not to display this clearly
> on their site, so I had to find out the hard way. To find out your
> version of X, type "X -version" at a command line.

*** Xfree 3.3.6  as supplied with my "new" M8 Powerpak.
So, does this mean I should upgrade Xfree anyway?
As this means really that HPBuilder is really a Windoze program, I'm 
no longer THAT keen!! 
I thought it was the other way around. I understood it started life 
as  TopPage(?) and was bought by IBM and ported to Doze!

But where has IglooFTP gone, as well??



Fablor now Webhosting?? What on earth for??  Info here: 
(it's only an Autoresponder)  :-)

Re: [newbie] RPM failures

2001-07-16 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Tue, 17 Jul 2001 15:42, John Rigby wrote:
> Hi folks,
> No wonder so many people do give up on Linux! :-)
> I have downloaded for the second time ( in case of error) the IBM
> WEbsphere package and attempted to install it.
> All of the responses are fine all the way EXCEPT that the program is
> nowhere to be seen. Yet if I try to install again I'm told it is
> there.  If I uninstall I can then re-install and go around the same
> rosebush!

What do you mean by "the program is nowhere to be seen"? The RPM is 
installed, right? Try this from a command line:

  rpm -q packagename

Replace "packagename" with the name of the IBM package (without the 
".x86.rpm" on the end). If it is installed, it should say so.

Which particular IBM WebSphere app are you installing? "WebSphere" refers to 
a family of apps. If you are installing the HomePage Builder, you need IBM's 
own Wine package (as described on their web site). Also, you can't use this 
app if you have XFree 4.x (you need 3.x or lower). Unfortunately, IBM chose 
not to display this clearly on their site, so I had to find out the hard 
way. To find out your version of X, type "X -version" at a command line.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
"There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

[newbie] RPM failures

2001-07-16 Thread John Rigby

Hi folks,
No wonder so many people do give up on Linux! :-)
I have downloaded for the second time ( in case of error) the IBM 
WEbsphere package and attempted to install it. 

All of the responses are fine all the way EXCEPT that the program is 
nowhere to be seen. Yet if I try to install again I'm told it is 
there.  If I uninstall I can then re-install and go around the same 

It has also happened with IglooFTP just now, so it isn't a faulty IBM 

And this is the easy stuff! 
I haven't started on the fact that my soundcard is recognised and no 
sound at all. 
My printer was bought especially for Linux compatability and it half 
works ( Lexmark Z32)

I have RT$%#$%%M and tried MANY times to solve these things 
I have noted many errors in the destructions which I am notarising to 
forward when I finally get through it all, especially the problems 
with bug-fixes that Newbies certainly would not be expecting to 
require before the install would work! 

With all of this in mind, I would like to ask the other REAL Newbies 
( non-commandliners) on the list to send me the "gotchas" that caught 
them when starting out and I will put them into a report for Mandrake 
to help others along the way.

It can be done! We can escape that other one!  AND take others with 
us!   :-)  

Meanbwhile, any help on the above greatly appreciated - I opened my 
expanded mouth and said " No worries - I'll just switch over to Linux 
(Mandrake - the easy one!) over the weekend and get the new Site up 
in a flash... "



Fablor now Webhosting?? What on earth for??  Info here: 
(it's only an Autoresponder)  :-)