Re: [newbie] This is a linux mailing list -- some people pay for email access by volume

2001-09-16 Thread Mohammed Arafa

wow u guys are gettin it cheap
dialup for me is about 0.10LE/3 minutes of 6LE/hr at the current exchange
rate of about 4.27Le/USD thats about 1.4USD


- Original Message -
From: "Paul" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2001 3:55 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] This is a linux mailing list -- some people pay for
email access by volume

> > Out of curiosity, I would be interested in having some ideas about:
> >
> >* how many people (what regions of the world) have to pay a "metered"
> > rate for their Internet access
> Most people in Europe that do not have access to ADSL or Cable internet
> me). Using a phone line already costs money, local phone calls are charged
> between $0.60 and $1.00 per hour (as far as I know)
> > What I mean is that the US is not a place where, AFAIK, anyone should
> > have such a problem.
> Correct. In the US. I am in the Netherlands, paying an ISDN line (about
> US$ 30 a month), my ISP ($15 a month) and the local phone charges of $.60
> per hour. No charge on the amount of bandwidth I use unless I take things
> extremes. But with these charges, taking the extreme route is not what I
> aiming at. I don't even download things > 8 megs. Only downloading my mail
> and usenet messages (offline) costs me around $100 per month, not counting
> the costs of the ISDN line. (I used mailfilter to toss spam etc. off the
> server before downloading, but that took about as long as downloading
> and then let procmail take care of things.)
> Expensive enough, me thinks...  I hope this satisfies part of your
> Paul

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RE: [newbie] This is a linux mailing list

2001-09-14 Thread Mark Stewart


>   This list is for the people by the people and if we as a
> whole want to allow
> off topic conversations, then we should allow it. If not, we shouldn't.

Actually this is a list that is hosted, operated and paid for by Mandrake.
They set it up and contribute to it for the purpose of helping people use
Linux. It is not a democratic forum. That the management at Mandrake hasn't
taken people off the list (I could be wrong about that but haven't seen much
evidence to suggest it) suggests they are okay with the list being used to
discuss other matters. I respect that decision but I would respect them just
as much if they were to remove people who consistently ignored the list's

> Either way, we need to remain respectful of each other and not let our
> emotions get the best of us. I've seen several postings come through that
> were nothing more than attacks on other members of the list. That
> is uncalled
> for.

Totally agree with that.

>   We all have (or at least we all should have) a delete key
> as well as most of
> us have filters that can block messages (to some extent) that we
> don't wish
> to receive. I don't mind receiving emails about other topics. I
> joined the
> list to offer assistance on any subjects that I am familiar with
> as I have
> often struggled with Linux over the last 18 months since my first
> installation. I have worked through a lot of problems and have
> had along the
> way and I'd like to help others. But that help doesn't have to end with
> Linux. We are all human. We all feel pain, sorrow, loss, etc.
> Most of us feel
> very bad about what happened recently and the impact that the events will
> have on the families directly affected as well as our nation and
> the world.
> We need to be able to express ourselves when the need arises
> without worrying
> about which list we are posting too or whether the topic is
> relevant. If I
> receive a post that I don't care about, I can hit the delete key and it's
> gone, end of story (I don't as I always keep everything just in
> case I want
> to refer back).
>   I suggest that before anyone gets offended to the poing of
> leaving the list,
> we have a show of hands, or in this case a show of posts as to
> who wants to
> allow other postings, and who does not. I'll start by saying that I am in
> favor of allowing off topic postings as long as they do not flood
> the list. A
> few here and there don't hurt anything. We are here for Mandrake
> Linux but
> there are other things to life and sometimes we need to discuss
> those other
> things.

I have pretty much the same feelings except that at this point I think the
WTC-threads have gone way over the line in terms of volume. I understand and
agree with your point about wanting to discuss things with people you know
and trust. It seems to me that it would be more productive and less noisy to
use another list (like the one civileme setup on Yahoo's eGroups) for that
purpose. You wouldn't have so many people complaining and you could actually
get to the heart of the matter instead of defending your right to post here.

Just a thought. I'll be using my delete button in the meantime.


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Re: [newbie] This is a linux mailing list

2001-09-14 Thread Gary Traffanstedt

I think the argument of whether or not various topics should be allowed in 
this list or not has gotten a bit out of hand. Lets quickly look at both 
sides and see if we can come to a conclusion. 

First we have those that want to post about seemingly unrelated topics. 
Should this be allowed? The argument has been made that some people have to 
pay for access and should be spared the undue burden of paying for time to 
download messages of a non-relevant topic. While this may be a good reason, 
it's being argued by the wrong person/people. I have not read a single post 
from someone who is on a pay per minute/hour type account and who feels 
burdened by this. By allowing posts of an unrelated nature we do run the risk 
of this becoming an open forum to discuss anything and everything. There are 
better places for discussing unrelated topics if it's ongoing.
Second we have those who wish to post about seemingly unrelated topics in 
this list for several reasons, one of them being that they feel comfortable 
with those that frequent this list. Trajedy affects different people in 
different ways. Some need to quietly reflect and work through it on their 
own. Others need to talk to someone, anyone about what has happened. We each 
have our own way of coping with sorrow and loss. Once you have been on a 
mailing list for a while, it starts to become familiar and you feel safe 
within the list. You build friendships and you start to know one another. You 
feel safe discussing things with other members of the list that you wouldn't 
want to discuss with strangers so rather than go to a different list and 
discuss these things with strangers, you discuss them here among friends.
This list is for the people by the people and if we as a whole want to allow 
off topic conversations, then we should allow it. If not, we shouldn't. 
Either way, we need to remain respectful of each other and not let our 
emotions get the best of us. I've seen several postings come through that 
were nothing more than attacks on other members of the list. That is uncalled 
We all have (or at least we all should have) a delete key as well as most of 
us have filters that can block messages (to some extent) that we don't wish 
to receive. I don't mind receiving emails about other topics. I joined the 
list to offer assistance on any subjects that I am familiar with as I have 
often struggled with Linux over the last 18 months since my first 
installation. I have worked through a lot of problems and have had along the 
way and I'd like to help others. But that help doesn't have to end with 
Linux. We are all human. We all feel pain, sorrow, loss, etc. Most of us feel 
very bad about what happened recently and the impact that the events will 
have on the families directly affected as well as our nation and the world. 
We need to be able to express ourselves when the need arises without worrying 
about which list we are posting too or whether the topic is relevant. If I 
receive a post that I don't care about, I can hit the delete key and it's 
gone, end of story (I don't as I always keep everything just in case I want 
to refer back).
I suggest that before anyone gets offended to the poing of leaving the list, 
we have a show of hands, or in this case a show of posts as to who wants to 
allow other postings, and who does not. I'll start by saying that I am in 
favor of allowing off topic postings as long as they do not flood the list. A 
few here and there don't hurt anything. We are here for Mandrake Linux but 
there are other things to life and sometimes we need to discuss those other 


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Re: [newbie] This is a linux mailing list

2001-09-14 Thread Rog

On Fri, 14 Sep 2001 10:52:30 -0500, you wrote:

>How many of your Mandrake customers are dead or maimed?  How many potential
>Mandrake business customers responsible for the re-building of IT
>infrastructure have you just alienated?  Does the death of  more than five
>thousand souls not transend the fact that this is a Linux mailing list?
>These are unprecedented events and you should take that into consideration.
>This affects all countries, all peoples of the world and Mandrake Linux is
>NOT more important.  I do agree there may be forums set-up to discuss these
>issues, but any  place to communicate is appropriate and proper.
>If you have noticed, the original purpose of the list is proceeding as
>normal, so what is the big deal?
>You allow other OT topics such as Bill Gates is Satan and XP can be cracked.
>What do these have to do with your customers learning how to use your
>product?  Not one damned thing, yet you and others defend the right for such
>inappropriate postings.
>It seems to me that given your experiences you would understand, obviously
>you do not!  This is a world forum to discuss things which affect Linux and
>Mandrake, is it not?  Don't you think these past few days affect Linux &
>Blacklist me if you like, I'm not sure I want to associate with someone like
>you any further.
>Good day and open your mind!

Thats the part that really gets me - off topic, long ranging threads
that don't mean shit can be discussed for weeks...but this, well, no!

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Re: [newbie] This is a linux mailing list -- some people pay for email access by volume

2001-09-14 Thread Tim Holmes

Really, just to respond to the  here, this is a problem that a lot
of ISPs run into.

Here's a basic run down of why.

Some ISPs don't use very advanced equipment.  And even those that do,
there are always issues of software and of telecommunications isssues.

Some small town ISPs are, for lack of a better comment, cheap bastards.
They purchase 33.6 bps modems, and have them flash upgraded to whatever
standard they need.  So when you dial into your ISP, you're getting one
of these cheap modems.

Now, when a customer logs on, and then decides they've had their fill of
all things Internet, the modem doesn't kill the call.  So there's a
modem there, that could be used, but is not!

National average, for a dialup session is between 25 and 35 minutes.
Yes there are those people that spend hours upon hours on the Internet,
but across the board, you can say that most people spend 30 minutes on

So as an ISP admin, you come across busy signals for users, or some
other issue(Such as percieved paranoia by the ISP in your case Randy.),
they kill the call to allow others to dial in.

Even on more "advanced" equipment, the same problem comes into play.
My day job is to monitor the worlds largest dialup network.  (One of our
customers, and our largest customers is AOL.)  We have 3Com cards in
modem racks around the world that cost anywhere from $10,000 to $5,000
EACH.  Some of these modem cards have 24 modems, some of them have 4
modems on them.  The code itself is pretty good, and there are some
customers that have hours they spend on line with no problems.  But at
the same time, there are other problems such as code, or errors on the
circuit that give incorrect information and a call appears to be a hung
call.  Where the call is no longer there, but the circuit and/or modem
thinks it's still being used.

So to combat that, a lot of local ISPs just do resets of modems after a
certain time.  Some of them do it via a script, some actually go and do
it manually.  And for these local ISPs, if you antagonize the owner or
company, they my seek you our and drop your call.  (I've known this to

As far as your hardware causing a disconnect, it is possible.  For
example, V.90 has a "bug" that when downloading large email attachments,
it may take a piece of the data, and confuse it as a disconnect singal.
When you're downloading saying a 1Mb email message, and your modem tries
to renegotiate the speed, it may get 10 digits of data, then pause.
Well those last 3 digits may be seen as a disconnect command, and then
do so.

There's also the issue of line noise.  This is harder to prove, but it's
very possible and does happen quite often.  Right behind my house runs a
major highway, with semis of all sizes flying by.  Hitting a bump in the
road, and a semi's bouncing and vibration can shake a telephone pole and
create line noise.  The only problem is, that's a draw back of analog
signals, and it's hard to prove unless it was being monitored at the
exact moment.

So the information you were given, does hold some truth to it, but I
more suspect, that in your instance, your ISP may have been irritated
with your call and is doing this purposely. :0)

Hope that clears things up a little for ya.
T. Holmes
"Real Men Use Vi!"

  1:55pm  up 4 days,  5:41,  6 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
| (Except that my ISP has changed his rules since I signed up, and now
| considers that if I remain connected for more than 4 to 12 hours (I
| forget the exact rules), I am "hanging", and he takes it upon himself to
| disconnect me.  I can reconnect, but he seems to have his watchful eye
| on me -- since I found out about the change in policy (I wasn't
| notified), and when I called to find out what the problem was, I was
| told that this policy was on the contract I signed (it isn't), and since
| that phone call I'm quite certain I get disconnected more often than I
| did before that phone call.  (I should start a collection of logs, but
| they claim that not all of the disconnections come from them -- some of
| them might be from the phone company or other causes (my hardware?  I
| don't think so).  Anyway, I didn't mean to get into that, but if anyone
| knows how I can determine the cause of a disconnection not at my end of
| the phone line, please let me know.)  
| Here is a page I've started for the purpose of assembling information
| about metered access to the Internet (or email).
| Thanks,
| Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] This is a linux mailing list -- some people pay for email access by volume

2001-09-14 Thread Charles A. Punch

Randy Kramer wrote:

(Except that my ISP has changed his rules since I signed up, and now
considers that if I remain connected for more than 4 to 12 hours (I
forget the exact rules), I am "hanging", and he takes it upon himself to
disconnect me.  I can reconnect, but he seems to have his watchful eye
on me -- 

I used to get that kind of treatment from AOL, but I changed to 
earthlink, when I got serious about Linux and have never had that 
problem since. Another thing that struck me as strange, was that AOL 
gave me about 3 numbers and when I complained about waiting too l,ong to 
comnect, they gave me 3 more. Earthlink gave me just one number and I 
have never had a long wait to connect or been cut off. I hope this don't 
sound like a commercial, but I gotta tell it like it is. About  the 
discussion of inappropriate topics, I feel that we should try to get 
along with each other first, before we start trying to save the world. I 
would like to see everyone on this list try to respect each other a 
little more. Some already are, but the majority are not.


Registered Linux user #217118

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RE: [newbie] This is a linux mailing list

2001-09-14 Thread James S Bear

I think this is because most people know more about Windows than LInux.  I know
I do.  If somebody has a question to ask and I know the answer(and I had the
time to read e-mail that day), I answer it.  
Quoting John W <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>   Yes this is a Linux mailing list. I am often amazed at how many Linux 
> questions go unanswered and how much time is spemt helping people 
> with  general windows questions. I have voiced my opinions about this and 
> the answer I was given, "Do you have a delete key"?
> So if you are not happy with the attacks on the USA use your delete key and
> your filters!!!
> John

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Re: [newbie] This is a linux mailing list

2001-09-14 Thread Don Wilson


How many of your Mandrake customers are dead or maimed?  How many potential
Mandrake business customers responsible for the re-building of IT
infrastructure have you just alienated?  Does the death of  more than five
thousand souls not transend the fact that this is a Linux mailing list?

These are unprecedented events and you should take that into consideration.
This affects all countries, all peoples of the world and Mandrake Linux is
NOT more important.  I do agree there may be forums set-up to discuss these
issues, but any  place to communicate is appropriate and proper.

If you have noticed, the original purpose of the list is proceeding as
normal, so what is the big deal?
You allow other OT topics such as Bill Gates is Satan and XP can be cracked.
What do these have to do with your customers learning how to use your
product?  Not one damned thing, yet you and others defend the right for such
inappropriate postings.

It seems to me that given your experiences you would understand, obviously
you do not!  This is a world forum to discuss things which affect Linux and
Mandrake, is it not?  Don't you think these past few days affect Linux &

Blacklist me if you like, I'm not sure I want to associate with someone like
you any further.

Good day and open your mind!

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Re: [newbie] This is a linux mailing list -- some people pay foremail access by volume

2001-09-14 Thread Matt Greer

on 9/14/01 9:58 AM, Randy Kramer at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Matt Greer wrote:
>> Actually that's not true. Here in Chicago local calls cost by the minute, as
>> much as 9 cents per minute. This is probably true of New York and LA as
>> well, but I don't know for sure.
> Matt,
> Thanks for the reply!
> So in Chicago, you can't pay a (slighly (or significantly?)) higher rate
> to get unlimited local calls?

There's a plan where you can pay a fee (I think it's $10/month) then all
calls are ten cents per call.

The cost of the local call depends on distance. Close calls are 5
cents/call. The longest distance is the 9 cents/minute I said previously.
The plan above makes all calls ten cents regardless of distance.

My problem was I never found any isp within the 5 cents/call range where I
live. The best I could find was 5 cents/minute.

But no matter what you do, there's no unlimited calls at a fixed rate. At
least there wasn't, I haven't had a phone in a little over a year now.

I'll dig on Ameritech's site and see if I can find the rates.


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Re: [newbie] This is a linux mailing list -- some people pay for email access by volume

2001-09-14 Thread Randy Kramer

Matt Greer wrote:
> Actually that's not true. Here in Chicago local calls cost by the minute, as
> much as 9 cents per minute. This is probably true of New York and LA as
> well, but I don't know for sure.


Thanks for the reply!

So in Chicago, you can't pay a (slighly (or significantly?)) higher rate
to get unlimited local calls?

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] This is a linux mailing list -- some people pay foremail access by volume

2001-09-14 Thread Matt Greer

on 9/14/01 8:55 AM, Paul at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Most people in Europe that do not have access to ADSL or Cable internet (like
> me). Using a phone line already costs money, local phone calls are charged
> between $0.60 and $1.00 per hour (as far as I know)
>> What I mean is that the US is not a place where, AFAIK, anyone should
>> have such a problem.

Actually that's not true. Here in Chicago local calls cost by the minute, as
much as 9 cents per minute. This is probably true of New York and LA as
well, but I don't know for sure.

I have a cable modem and cell phone and it's actually cheaper than having a
standard phone line and dial up internet access.


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Re: [newbie] This is a linux mailing list -- some people pay for email access by volume

2001-09-14 Thread Paul

> Out of curiosity, I would be interested in having some ideas about:
>* how many people (what regions of the world) have to pay a "metered"
> rate for their Internet access

Most people in Europe that do not have access to ADSL or Cable internet (like
me). Using a phone line already costs money, local phone calls are charged
between $0.60 and $1.00 per hour (as far as I know)

> What I mean is that the US is not a place where, AFAIK, anyone should
> have such a problem.

Correct. In the US. I am in the Netherlands, paying an ISDN line (about
US$ 30 a month), my ISP ($15 a month) and the local phone charges of $.60
per hour. No charge on the amount of bandwidth I use unless I take things to
extremes. But with these charges, taking the extreme route is not what I am
aiming at. I don't even download things > 8 megs. Only downloading my mail
and usenet messages (offline) costs me around $100 per month, not counting
the costs of the ISDN line. (I used mailfilter to toss spam etc. off the
server before downloading, but that took about as long as downloading everything
and then let procmail take care of things.)

Expensive enough, me thinks...  I hope this satisfies part of your curiosity.

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Re: [newbie] This is a linux mailing list -- some people pay for email access by volume

2001-09-14 Thread Randy Kramer

Tim Holmes wrote:
> But why are people a) complaining about it, b) messages like this
> suddenly being posted?  It takes less time to delete an email then it
> does to compose a message in complaint saying that you want something
> done on the list about a certain topic.

This message is intended to be carefully neutral about this thread, and
is intended to only remind us all that some people do not have unlimited
bandwidth but must pay by the minute (or something similar) for their
connection time.  Hence receiving unwanted messages costs them money.

I don't know how much, I don't know whether it is a burden, but
filtering does not solve the problem (unless they can set up one of the
more modern approaches to filtering which I think exist and which I
think can delete mail on their ISP's server before it is sent to them.

Out of curiosity, I would be interested in having some ideas about:

   * how many people (what regions of the world) have to pay a "metered"
rate for their Internet access
   * to how many people in each region that might be a burden
(presumably no existing metered rates would impact Bill Gate's usage of
the Internet)
   * are there really filters that work at an ISP, and can someone who
is not using Linux make use of them

However, I'm not proposing that lots of people post messages to this
group answering the question  -- it will just add to the problem.  Maybe
I'll start a wiki page for collecting such information, and maybe the
approach should be to do it by exception.  

What I mean is that the US is not a place where, AFAIK, anyone should
have such a problem.  AFAIK, almost anywhere in the US, people can
arrange to get a phone line with unlimited local usage at a reasonable
rate ($15 to $40/month?), find an ISP within the local calling area, and
get an unlimited usage ISP dial up account for a reasonable rate ($12 to

(Except that my ISP has changed his rules since I signed up, and now
considers that if I remain connected for more than 4 to 12 hours (I
forget the exact rules), I am "hanging", and he takes it upon himself to
disconnect me.  I can reconnect, but he seems to have his watchful eye
on me -- since I found out about the change in policy (I wasn't
notified), and when I called to find out what the problem was, I was
told that this policy was on the contract I signed (it isn't), and since
that phone call I'm quite certain I get disconnected more often than I
did before that phone call.  (I should start a collection of logs, but
they claim that not all of the disconnections come from them -- some of
them might be from the phone company or other causes (my hardware?  I
don't think so).  Anyway, I didn't mean to get into that, but if anyone
knows how I can determine the cause of a disconnection not at my end of
the phone line, please let me know.)  

Here is a page I've started for the purpose of assembling information
about metered access to the Internet (or email).


Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] This is a linux mailing list

2001-09-14 Thread Rog

On Fri, 14 Sep 2001 06:49:17 -0400, you wrote:

>Rog and everone else that cannot find the "delete" key.
>Please do not abandon this list, and do not ask to be killefiled or otherwise 
>put your heads in the sand. world wide co-operation and "humanization" is 
>almost the only way we have to prevent the types of tragedies we are living 
>thru. I KNOW you all knew that at one point without even discussing it. true 
>we do NEED to keep this focused on Mandrake Linux as our tool to have a 
>chance to offer human kindness to individuals world wide. if we close 
>ourselves off, we have a much more difficult time making others realize we 
>are as human and caring as they are. 
>That said, the delete key can be found on most keyboard right below the 
>insert key, and to the right of the carriage return or enter. (you know, the 
>one you use in M$winder$ [along with the Ctrl and Alt keys] to fix a 


I am not one of those who cannot find my "delete" key. I live 10
minutes outside the city - I can see the rubble. My girlfriend lives
on 12th street, I have not been able to get to her (I'm hoping today I
can get her into Jersey), and today was only the second time we were
able to speak since it happened. I have countless friends in the city,
including a handful that work on Wall Street, all of whom fortunately
are accounted for. Most of whom saw the second plane hit. Most of whom
lost friends. I can't understand the motivation to banish people from
the list for posting about this...when I suggested that the
mandrakesoft clown who started the blacklisting talk killfile me, it
was because I simply have no need to speak to him, ever. I don't have
a problem with it being posted about here - like any other social
group (which is what lists like this are, regardless of the stated
topic), I can't imagine it not being discussed.



>On Friday 14 September 2001 00:49, you had thoughts to the concept of:
>> On Thu, 13 Sep 2001 16:15:03 +0200 (CEST), you wrote:
>> >FYI, I'll take a look at the list tomorrow, and blacklist everyone who is
>> >still talking about politics there. You are still welcome to discuss what
>> >happened in one of these threads:
>> Just curious - do you run this list? You've said twice how you'll
>> "blacklist" anyone still discussing it tomorrow as though you have the
>> ability to have us thrown off the list. If you are just talking about
>> killfiling people, please killfile me now, as I have no need for
>> discussion with you, about Linux or anything else.
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; name="message.footer"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

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Re: [newbie] This is a linux mailing list

2001-09-14 Thread etharp

Rog and everone else that cannot find the "delete" key.
Please do not abandon this list, and do not ask to be killefiled or otherwise 
put your heads in the sand. world wide co-operation and "humanization" is 
almost the only way we have to prevent the types of tragedies we are living 
thru. I KNOW you all knew that at one point without even discussing it. true 
we do NEED to keep this focused on Mandrake Linux as our tool to have a 
chance to offer human kindness to individuals world wide. if we close 
ourselves off, we have a much more difficult time making others realize we 
are as human and caring as they are. 
That said, the delete key can be found on most keyboard right below the 
insert key, and to the right of the carriage return or enter. (you know, the 
one you use in M$winder$ [along with the Ctrl and Alt keys] to fix a 

On Friday 14 September 2001 00:49, you had thoughts to the concept of:
> On Thu, 13 Sep 2001 16:15:03 +0200 (CEST), you wrote:
> >FYI, I'll take a look at the list tomorrow, and blacklist everyone who is
> >still talking about politics there. You are still welcome to discuss what
> >happened in one of these threads:
> Just curious - do you run this list? You've said twice how you'll
> "blacklist" anyone still discussing it tomorrow as though you have the
> ability to have us thrown off the list. If you are just talking about
> killfiling people, please killfile me now, as I have no need for
> discussion with you, about Linux or anything else.

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RE: [newbie] This is a linux mailing list

2001-09-13 Thread Franki

I think the post in question was from one of the mandrake team...

and as much as I sympathise with the situation, I agree with them...

It is to easy to get into huge arguements about percieved right and wrong...
and it really achives nothing except for alot of bad feeling...

All the messages about prayer and good will are fine I guess, but when you
debating right and wrong, then its time to go back to linux problems.

I don't think anyone has been unsympathetic, but they have probably seem
this sort
of thing before, people get emotional, and rightly or otherwise, start
defending their
positions... which leads to arguements, (which we sore the start of in the
last couple
of days)

and name calling and all the other stuff...  none of which helps..

So they try to move people on... its not a bad thing, and at least Civilme
was nice enough to
start another mailing list for the people wanting to talk about it..

No need to be offended by it.

just my thoughts..



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Rog
Sent: Friday, 14 September 2001 12:50 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] This is a linux mailing list

On Thu, 13 Sep 2001 16:15:03 +0200 (CEST), you wrote:

>FYI, I'll take a look at the list tomorrow, and blacklist everyone who is
>still talking about politics there. You are still welcome to discuss what
>happened in one of these threads:

Just curious - do you run this list? You've said twice how you'll
"blacklist" anyone still discussing it tomorrow as though you have the
ability to have us thrown off the list. If you are just talking about
killfiling people, please killfile me now, as I have no need for
discussion with you, about Linux or anything else.

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Re: [newbie] This is a linux mailing list

2001-09-13 Thread Rog

On Thu, 13 Sep 2001 16:15:03 +0200 (CEST), you wrote:

>FYI, I'll take a look at the list tomorrow, and blacklist everyone who is
>still talking about politics there. You are still welcome to discuss what
>happened in one of these threads:

Just curious - do you run this list? You've said twice how you'll
"blacklist" anyone still discussing it tomorrow as though you have the
ability to have us thrown off the list. If you are just talking about
killfiling people, please killfile me now, as I have no need for
discussion with you, about Linux or anything else.

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RE: [newbie] This is a linux mailing list

2001-09-13 Thread John W

  Yes this is a Linux mailing list. I am often amazed at how many Linux 
questions go unanswered and how much time is spemt helping people 
with  general windows questions. I have voiced my opinions about this and 
the answer I was given, "Do you have a delete key"?
So if you are not happy with the attacks on the USA use your delete key and 
your filters!!!


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Re: [newbie] This is a linux mailing list

2001-09-13 Thread Bill R

On Thursday 13 September 2001 08:53 am, you wrote:
> on 9/13/01 8:15 AM, Charles A Edwards at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >> -Original Message-
> >> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> >> Denis HAVLIK
> >>
> >>
> >> Hi, folks
> >>
> >> While I do agree that recent airplane flights which missed
> >> their intended
> >> destinations and bumped in WTC and pentagon ARE extremely interesting
> >> subjects for discussion, it is time to remind you that this is a
> >> LINUX-MANDRAKE related mailing list.
> >
> > But I find your above comment trivializing the terrorist
> > attack and the death of what now looks to be more than 6000
> > people as being patently offensive
> Denis' comment was simply immature, and of course very offensive as well.
> That's the kind of thing that people hide behind their computers to say.
> Matt

Offensive, rude, inconsiderate and just plain mean spirited.  

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RE: [newbie] This is a linux mailing list

2001-09-13 Thread Charles A Edwards

> -Original Message-
> From: Denis HAVLIK [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 10:15 AM
> To: Charles A Edwards
> Subject: RE: [newbie] This is a linux mailing list

> Charles,
> Your ignorance makes me sick.
> FYI, I come from a country which suffered in a very filthy 
> war in 90-s,
> Several percents of the population were killed, and ca 20-30% of the
> people were forced to flee their homes (most never returned). In
> fact, war has been so bad that no one has the guts to do a population
> census yet.
> Family of my wife has been terorised for years, their possesions were
> taken away, they were denied right to work (and thus earn a 
> living), and
> only providence saved her father from death - simply because 
> they refused
> to go away from a town where they were born and lived all their life.
> The rest of her family is today either dispersed all over the 
> world (only
> her parents stayed where they were), or dead.
> My family was luckier (they lived on a "right" place for our 
> nationality):
> they had to go trough a period of dispair and luck of money, 
> but none of
> them was physically in danger except for my oncel.
> Still, I never insisted on discussing that in a linux mailing list ,
> simply because this is not appropriate place to do it.

I was not discussing the Events on this list.
I was addressing the comment that YOU, a Mandrakesoft
employee, made regrading said events.

True, I knew nothing of your history so of that then 
yes I, by definition am ignorant.

But being apprised of said history it make your comment 
" that recent airplane flights which missed their intended
destinations and bumped in WTC and pentagon"
even more macabre.

You made this comment, not I or someother who wished to 
provoke this discussion.
If what I said, to you showed sickening ignorance, what,
with your history, do your words show of you.

Your point as to the purpose of this list and the actions
you would take starting tomorrow were complete unto themself.
They did not require the preface which I found objectionable.

Do me one favor.
Read your post again.
Not as you wrote it, but as someone such as I who has been 
deeply affected by the events would read it.
If you find nothing with which someone might take umbrage
so be it.
Nothing more need be said.

   Charles A Edwards

Forever never goes beyond tomorrow. 
And for too many there are now no tommorows.


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RE: [newbie] This is a linux mailing list

2001-09-13 Thread Denis HAVLIK

On Thu, 13 Sep 2001, Charles A Edwards wrote:

+ I was not discussing the Events on this list.
+ I was addressing the comment that YOU, a Mandrakesoft
+ employee, made regrading said events.
+ True, I knew nothing of your history so of that then
+ yes I, by definition am ignorant.
+ But being apprised of said history it make your comment
+ " that recent airplane flights which missed their intended
+ destinations and bumped in WTC and pentagon"
+ even more macabre.

Ah, you mean that? Well, a war makes you somewhat cynical, that's the way
to keep the sanity. Sorry for that, I do care about people who lost their
lives, I just don't have a habit of expressing it very loudly.


Dr. Denis Havlik
Mandrakesoft   ||| e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Community (@ @)(private: [EMAIL PROTECTED])

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RE: [newbie] This is a linux mailing list

2001-09-13 Thread Denis HAVLIK

On Thu, 13 Sep 2001, Charles A Edwards wrote:

+ Denis
+ I agree that this is a linux list and that there are better
+ forums for the discussion of the events of 9/11/2001 and as
+ such I have reframed from making any comments, till now.
+ But I find your above comment trivializing the terrorist
+ attack and the death of what now looks to be more than 6000
+ people as being patently offensive.


Your ignorance makes me sick.

FYI, I come from a country which suffered in a very filthy war in 90-s,
Several percents of the population were killed, and ca 20-30% of the
people were forced to flee their homes (most never returned). In
fact, war has been so bad that no one has the guts to do a population
census yet.

Family of my wife has been terorised for years, their possesions were
taken away, they were denied right to work (and thus earn a living), and
only providence saved her father from death - simply because they refused
to go away from a town where they were born and lived all their life.
The rest of her family is today either dispersed all over the world (only
her parents stayed where they were), or dead.
My family was luckier (they lived on a "right" place for our nationality):
they had to go trough a period of dispair and luck of money, but none of
them was physically in danger except for my oncel.

Still, I never insisted on discussing that in a linux mailing list ,
simply because this is not appropriate place to do it.

Mandrakesoft mailing lists are to an extent open for non-related
discussions, but at the moment when people start complaining about
never-ending discussions which aren't related to linux I'm required to
put an end to it.

FYI, I'll take a look at the list tomorrow, and blacklist everyone who is
still talking about politics there. You are still welcome to discuss what
happened in one of these threads:

Dr. Denis Havlik
Mandrakesoft   ||| e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Community (@ @)(private: [EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Re: [newbie] This is a linux mailing list

2001-09-13 Thread Matt Greer

on 9/13/01 8:15 AM, Charles A Edwards at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> -Original Message-
>> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
>> Denis HAVLIK

>> Hi, folks
>> While I do agree that recent airplane flights which missed
>> their intended
>> destinations and bumped in WTC and pentagon ARE extremely interesting
>> subjects for discussion, it is time to remind you that this is a
>> LINUX-MANDRAKE related mailing list.

> But I find your above comment trivializing the terrorist
> attack and the death of what now looks to be more than 6000
> people as being patently offensive

Denis' comment was simply immature, and of course very offensive as well.
That's the kind of thing that people hide behind their computers to say.


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