Re: [newbie] This is getting way out of hand

2003-02-19 Thread Lyvim Xaphir
On Mon, 2003-02-17 at 12:13, Greg Meyer wrote:

> On Monday 17 February 2003 10:29 am, Rifza Adriansyah wrote:
> > palestinians use suicidal bombs, it is called terorists but If
> > Israeli F-16 jetfighters bomb palestinian houses, it is just called
> > self-defence. Well, everyone has owned opinion. I can't do something
> The difference being that if there were no suicide bombings, there would be no 
> retaliations by Isreal.  I'm not sure how you can equte the two, although 
> based on what you say, apparently many people do.  
> If I punch someone in the arm, I expect him to punch me back.  I would bet 
> that if the suicide bombings stopped, so would the retaliations.  

You are exactly right on this issue.  This pretty much sums it up.

> > to make this earth is safe, peace, prosperous to everyone alone. I
> > think if we respect each other, make fair judges about something, we
> > can live in this planet happily or we should leave this planet and
> > build new human civilization in planet Mars :-).
> We can't do that, there are no more space shuttles :-)

There are Atlantis and Discovery.  You were joking here, right?

> - -- 
> Greg


Kernel  2.4.21pre4-1mdk   Mandrake Cooker 9.1
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Re: [newbie] This is getting way out of hand

2003-02-18 Thread Jose
On Monday 17 February 2003 06:52 am, Robert Wideman wrote:
> As the person who started this thread...How did it go from RIAA to
> Iraq? Rob

So you are the troublemaker!

Just kidding. It was a fun thread to argue about, but way off topic.

Still, it was a nice break, so I guess thanks are in order.

Registered Mandrake, Redhat and SuSE user
Children - the most commonly transmitted sexual disease

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Re: [newbie] This is getting way out of hand

2003-02-17 Thread robin
Robert Wideman wrote:

As the person who started this thread...How did it go from RIAA to Iraq?

All roads lead to Baghdad.

Sir Robin

" Like these cutters, and hackers, who will take the wall of men, and 
picke quarrells."
- G. Pettie

Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] This is getting way out of hand

2003-02-17 Thread Greg Meyer
Hash: SHA1

On Monday 17 February 2003 10:29 am, Rifza Adriansyah wrote:

> palestinians use suicidal bombs, it is called terorists but If
> Israeli F-16 jetfighters bomb palestinian houses, it is just called
> self-defence. Well, everyone has owned opinion. I can't do something

The difference being that if there were no suicide bombings, there would be no 
retaliations by Isreal.  I'm not sure how you can equte the two, although 
based on what you say, apparently many people do.  

If I punch someone in the arm, I expect him to punch me back.  I would bet 
that if the suicide bombings stopped, so would the retaliations.  

> to make this earth is safe, peace, prosperous to everyone alone. I
> think if we respect each other, make fair judges about something, we
> can live in this planet happily or we should leave this planet and
> build new human civilization in planet Mars :-).

We can't do that, there are no more space shuttles :-)

- -- 
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] This is getting way out of hand

2003-02-17 Thread Rifza Adriansyah
Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 16 February 2003 14:59, Aaron wrote:
> I don't live in the US but if the United States relays on the UN
> and doesn't do what it needs to there may be no country at all. I
> wish The Americans and Pres. Bush the strength to do whats right
> because the opinion of Jihad (Muslim holy war) is indeed the end of
> western Civilization as we know it.

Many people in my country don't agree about the war towards Iraq. They 
said Iraq is not a threat to world but Iraq is a threat towards 
Israel. They think US Govt is unfair in Middle East Conflict. If 
palestinians use suicidal bombs, it is called terorists but If 
Israeli F-16 jetfighters bomb palestinian houses, it is just called 
self-defence. Well, everyone has owned opinion. I can't do something 
to make this earth is safe, peace, prosperous to everyone alone. I 
think if we respect each other, make fair judges about something, we 
can live in this planet happily or we should leave this planet and 
build new human civilization in planet Mars :-).

- -- 
Rifza Adriansyah

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Re: [newbie] This is getting way out of hand

2003-02-17 Thread Dennis & Sue
Personally, I agree with the french. More inspectors are necessary.
And Mr. Bush, although has not publicly announced his agreement, None the less  
continues to demonstrate it by sending more and more "inspectors" to iraq.
Within 30 days, There will be approximately 250,000 " inspectors" milling 
through iraq unfettered as they look under every rock, and into every 
So it would appear that the peace at all costs crowd will be appeased.

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Re: [newbie] This is getting way out of hand

2003-02-16 Thread Russ
Hi Jose,

I did not start this thread nor do I intend to continue with it on this list
since this is not what this list is for. I simply felt compelled to respond.
I get tired of American bashing. Anyway, I do disagree with you, but I would
like to comment on a couple of your points on the way out.

- Original Message -

It is this attitude, this "we are superior to you so we will do what we
want" ...snip

That statement is bull. We were attacked and the threat is there. Arrogance
is a world wide problem and crosses boundries. Americans do not have a
corner on the market for feeling superior.

Say what you will, but even with the Bimbo scandal, Clinton did a better
job at handling our world affairs.

You've got to be kidding. The mad bomber ah. I did not agree with him on
that either. He was wrong. An embarrasment to us all. As I said, all
govenments make mistakes, ours lasted 8 years.


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Re: [newbie] This is getting way out of hand

2003-02-16 Thread Jose
> Why terrorism? Is that just something like "comunism" or "evil" that
> you can tack on something you don't like?
> (Russ)
> It was terrorism that murdered several innocent American lives, that
> is why. Note we went after military targets when we retaliated.
> -

The US is using Terrorism, like they used to use "Freedom of the seas." 
If they are bigger and stronger than their target, they will attack (as 
in Iraq). If they are not, they won't (as in North Korea).

I don't like what happen on 9/11, in fact, being a native New Yorker, I 
hate it, but it does not give us the right to impose our will on other, 
smaller countries.

> Nice expression "helping hand" like "bathroom" for "toilet" or so.
> You could also say "killing hundreds of thousands".
> (Russ)
> We have given them plenty of oportunities to comply. They chose not
> to. Also, I was unaware that Iraq had hundreds of thousands of
> military personel. Thats got to be one grand army.
> ---

We have also given Russia, China and North Korea the same and they have 
not. But being the super bullies we are, we pick a smaller country to 
jump on. If this were really about terrorism, North Korea would be a 
prime target as would Saudi Arbia, since our own intelligence reports 
indicate their is a link there.

> The point is not that Saddham is an bad guy - because he is. But he
> cannot do
> anything now.
> (Russ)--
> We are makeing sure of that.

No, lets be truthful here. We are making sure that we are first in line 
for his oil. We claim that he is not disarming, but the UN inspectors 
who are on the scene claim he is do his part. We are ignoring the 
evidence and are going in to secure the oil fields.

> You just cannot go around and point a finger at somebody and kill
> him. Every country did something wrong and the US is by far not the
> least among those, but you behave like you are free of guilt. Isn't
> there something in a book about pointing and throwing and such?
> (Russ)-
> I think Powell did a good job of presenting our case before the UN. I
> think I stated from the beginning that our Government was not
> perfect. Me thinks you are misapplying that statement from "The Book"
> and besides, it condones the death penalty.
> --

Powell did nothing. He showed a couple of photographs which the UN 
inspectors said were nothing! They were there, on site, not thousands 
of feet up in the air.  Plus don't forget the last couple of time we 
used photos to based an attack, lets see, we bombed a milk factory and 
a pharmaceutical plant. 

As Americans, who motto is "presumed innocent until found guilty" 
shouldn't we be willing to give the inspections a chance? Especially, 
since our intelligence (CIA, Special Forces, etc) has been less than 
stellar lately. I just find it hard to believe that anyone can look at 
two pictures obivously taken from great distance and say "I don't care 
what the inspectors saw, we have these pictures!"

> Are we allowd to attack you if you attack Iraq without UN support?
> (Russ)-
> That is up to you. I hope you don't mind if we stick up for our own
> interests though, like we are doing for terrorism.
> ---

It is this attitude, this "we are superior to you so we will do what we 
want" that has caused so much anti american sentiment thru out the 
world. Some americans are rallying with the president on this, never 
mind that taxes are going up, that he and Chenney had a hand in the 
Enron scandal that wiped out so many retirement plans, that our 
homeless population is growing, that the ederly have to choose between 
eating cat food or buying medicine or that our children are receiving a 
sub par education forcing businesses to look out of the country for 
technical workers. No, never mind all of that, lets attack a third 
world country and show the world how superior we are.

> What really interests me is:
> Does the american PEOPLE (in percents of the total population please)
> support
> war? With UN resolution? Or even without and thus violating UN law
> themselves...
> (Russ)--
> Yes, seems to me I heard the poll numbers like this (don't quote me
> though) - 80% with UN approval, 60% without.

The numbers are about right, but according to CNN they are dropping. It 
seems that Blix's last report jolted some out of their blind faith in 
the current administration.

> Because NO population of any country in Europe does. (well I am not
> totally sure about Britain).  What I have read so far is that about
> 80% of the people
> in western Europe are against US war on Iraq, about 70% in eastern
> Europe. In
> turkey it is something like 93%!
> (Russ)---
> To each his own.

This should scare you. The US is too dependent on world trade. 

As an American and a Republican (who did not

Re: [newbie] This is getting way out of hand

2003-02-15 Thread Aaron
I missed most of this thread but read it with interest.

The interest is because of the lack of point.

The point is whether there is ultimately absolute right and wrong or just different 
Islam especially radical Islam holds that killing others is an obligation if they 
refuse to accept their religon.

They have a goal and are ready to use what ever means. The choice is to call their way 
an opinion or evil. I choose the evil label based on the Judeo/christian
concept of good and evil. With real evil giving in only increases its strength. The UN 
is made up of a host of nations who are not democracies and many of whom support Jihad.
The UN has not proven itself a bastion of freedom and democracy. 

Sometime read the Arab press and you will get a clear idea who the enemy is.

I don't live in the US but if the United States relays on the UN and doesn't do what 
it needs to there may be no country at all.
I wish The Americans and Pres. Bush the strength to do whats right because the opinion 
of Jihad (Muslim holy war) is indeed the end of western Civilization as we know it.


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Re: [newbie] This is getting way out of hand

2003-02-15 Thread Russ
Hi All,

Just got back from out of town. I was in a hurry when I wrote my first email
this morning and yes I did mean Civil War (boy is my face red).

More comments below:

- Original Message -

> there are many other parts to consider, Terrorism being the top (Slavery
> was only part of the issues in the Revolutionary war yet I learned in
> school that that was all it was about. Wars are not that simple.).

Why terrorism? Is that just something like "comunism" or "evil" that you can
tack on something you don't like?

It was terrorism that murdered several innocent American lives, that is why.
Note we went after military targets when we retaliated.

> If Iraq
> refuses to comply, then Bush will give him a helping hand. As with many
> Americans, he has my support.

Nice expression "helping hand" like "bathroom" for "toilet" or so. You could
also say "killing hundreds of thousands".

We have given them plenty of oportunities to comply. They chose not to.
Also, I was unaware that Iraq had hundreds of thousands of military
personel. Thats got to be one grand army.

The point is not that Saddham is an bad guy - because he is. But he cannot
anything now.

We are makeing sure of that.

You just cannot go around and point a finger at somebody and kill him. Every
country did something wrong and the US is by far not the least among those,
but you behave like you are free of guilt. Isn't there something in a book
about pointing and throwing and such?

I think Powell did a good job of presenting our case before the UN. I think
I stated from the beginning that our Government was not perfect. Me thinks
you are misapplying that statement from "The Book" and besides, it condones
the death penalty.

Are we allowd to attack you if you attack Iraq without UN support?

That is up to you. I hope you don't mind if we stick up for our own
interests though, like we are doing for terrorism.

What really interests me is:
Does the american PEOPLE (in percents of the total population please)
war? With UN resolution? Or even without and thus violating UN law

Yes, seems to me I heard the poll numbers like this (don't quote me
though) - 80% with UN approval, 60% without.

Because NO population of any country in Europe does. (well I am not totally
sure about Britain).  What I have read so far is that about 80% of the
in western Europe are against US war on Iraq, about 70% in eastern Europe.
turkey it is something like 93%!

To each his own.


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Re: [newbie] This is getting way out of hand

2003-02-15 Thread et
On Saturday 15 February 2003 04:50 pm, Glenn wrote:
> Please fill me in.  What support did the U.S. government provide to the
> IRA? Not disputing it, but this is the first I've heard of government
> support to the IRA.  Individual Irish ex-patriates in the U.S., yes, but
> not government support.
he,,, I would like to take this oppertunity to invite all discussions not 
relating to GNU-Linux and the Mandrake Distrubition to the new MANDRAKE-OT 

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RE: [newbie] This is getting way out of hand

2003-02-15 Thread Robert Wideman
>> Another thing, when is america going to compensate the families
>> of those who
>> died in the terrorist attacks in england at the hands of the IRA which
>> america supported, funded  and supplied military weapons to for
>> decades???

When is Germany and the Axis powers from WWII going to compensate the entire
world for what they did?
Might want to think about that one first.


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RE: [newbie] This is getting way out of hand

2003-02-15 Thread Glenn

Did you mean the Civil War, by any chance?

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Russ
Sent: Saturday, February 15, 2003 13:43hrs
Subject: Re: [newbie] This is getting way out of hand

Hi All,

Due to the high volume of mail, I rarely read every post. I pick the ones I
think might interest me and go from there. I happened to stumble onto this
post as well as some of the earlier ones dealing with Iraq. Although I do
not support everything the Government does (I doubt anyone can say that
about any Government). I will say that I support President Bush in his
efforts to weed out terrorism and those who sponsor it. Iraq happens to be a
huge sponsor (those who would disagree are delusional). Iraq has broken,
what was it now - 17 - different UN decisions. Oil may play a part but there
are many other parts to consider, Terrorism being the top (Slavery was only
part of the issues in the Revolutionary war yet I learned in school that
that was all it was about. Wars are not that simple.). If Iraq refuses to
comply, then Bush will give him a helping hand. As with many Americans, he
has my support.


- Original Message -
On Saturday 15 February 2003 02:22 am, you wrote:
> On Sat, 2003-02-15 at 13:46, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
> > On Saturday 15 February 2003 01:29 am, Stephen Kuhn
> > wrote:
> >
> > 
> >
> > > No such thing as protection that can't be broken.
> >
> > 
> >
> > Correct, Stephen. The governments break their own
> > constitutions on a daily basis.
> >
> > Kaj Haulrich.
> My ex-country - for a prime example...
> For all that they've portrayed in the media and to the
> American public, they've finally stated that it's oil
> after all. They've already made contracts and promises
> to natural resource companies, promises to Russia about
> maintaining oil contracts and honouring old contracts -
> it's done. It doesn't matter who says what, they're
> going in, they're going to take what they want, and
> that's that.
> So much for democracy - and it's really sad that the US
> public doesn't know the reality of what's going on, the
> reality of Afghanistan, and the reality of who their
> government is composed of.
> The war in Iraq may not be WW3, but it's going to start
> it.
> If the rest of the world starts to condemn the US - and
> the rest of the world bands together, then what power
> does the US have any more? I wonder if it will get to
> that point...
> ...sorry for rambling on...just really saddened by the
> current trend in the US for companies to rule the nation
> instead of the people ruling the nation...
> Gosh, Australia ain't so bad after all...

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RE: [newbie] This is getting way out of hand

2003-02-15 Thread Glenn

Please fill me in.  What support did the U.S. government provide to the IRA?
Not disputing it, but this is the first I've heard of government support to
the IRA.  Individual Irish ex-patriates in the U.S., yes, but not government

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Andrew Scotchmer
Sent: Saturday, February 15, 2003 15:41hrs
Subject: Re: [newbie] This is getting way out of hand

If Iraq refuses to
> comply, then Bush will give him a helping hand. As with many Americans, he
has my support.
> Russ

It has been said by politicians on both sides of the atlantic that bush and
blair will go to war even without UN supportHang On, one reason we are
having to use military might is because Iraq does not comply wih the UN but
then we will ignore the UN so as to go to war with Iraq for the exact same
reasons.   This is getting complicated.

Another thing, when is america going to compensate the families of those who
died in the terrorist attacks in england at the hands of the IRA which
america supported, funded  and supplied military weapons to for decades???


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Re: [newbie] This is getting way out of hand

2003-02-15 Thread Andrew Scotchmer
If Iraq refuses to
> comply, then Bush will give him a helping hand. As with many Americans, he
has my support.
> Russ

It has been said by politicians on both sides of the atlantic that bush and
blair will go to war even without UN supportHang On, one reason we are
having to use military might is because Iraq does not comply wih the UN but
then we will ignore the UN so as to go to war with Iraq for the exact same
reasons.   This is getting complicated.

Another thing, when is america going to compensate the families of those who
died in the terrorist attacks in england at the hands of the IRA which
america supported, funded  and supplied military weapons to for decades???


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RE: [newbie] This is getting way out of hand

2003-02-15 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2003-02-16 at 07:22, Robert Wideman wrote:
> >> If Iraq refuses to
> >> comply, then Bush will give him a helping hand. As with many 
> >> Americans, he
> >> has my support.
> Nuc IRAQ, NUC Iraq, Nuc IRAQ.
> Rob

If the world weren't so dependent on fossil fuels, then we'd not have
terrorism, we'd not have the Middle East issue, we'd not have most of
the social unrest...the list goes on...

Sun, 16 Feb 2003 08:30:00 +1100
  8:30am  up 15:20,  4 users,  load average: 0.43, 0.27, 0.21
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  |"| |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;"""/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`' " " | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * RH 8.0 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

The co-locator cannot verify the frame-relay gateway to the ISDN server.

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RE: [newbie] This is getting way out of hand

2003-02-15 Thread Robert Wideman
>> If Iraq refuses to
>> comply, then Bush will give him a helping hand. As with many 
>> Americans, he
>> has my support.

Nuc IRAQ, NUC Iraq, Nuc IRAQ.


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Re: [newbie] This is getting way out of hand

2003-02-15 Thread David E. Fox
> are many other parts to consider, Terrorism being the top (Slavery was only
> part of the issues in the Revolutionary war yet I learned in school that

Slavery an issue of the Revolutionary War? Where did *you* go to


> Russ

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Re: [newbie] This is getting way out of hand

2003-02-15 Thread Russ
Hi All,

Due to the high volume of mail, I rarely read every post. I pick the ones I
think might interest me and go from there. I happened to stumble onto this
post as well as some of the earlier ones dealing with Iraq. Although I do
not support everything the Government does (I doubt anyone can say that
about any Government). I will say that I support President Bush in his
efforts to weed out terrorism and those who sponsor it. Iraq happens to be a
huge sponsor (those who would disagree are delusional). Iraq has broken,
what was it now - 17 - different UN decisions. Oil may play a part but there
are many other parts to consider, Terrorism being the top (Slavery was only
part of the issues in the Revolutionary war yet I learned in school that
that was all it was about. Wars are not that simple.). If Iraq refuses to
comply, then Bush will give him a helping hand. As with many Americans, he
has my support.


- Original Message -
On Saturday 15 February 2003 02:22 am, you wrote:
> On Sat, 2003-02-15 at 13:46, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
> > On Saturday 15 February 2003 01:29 am, Stephen Kuhn
> > wrote:
> >
> > 
> >
> > > No such thing as protection that can't be broken.
> >
> > 
> >
> > Correct, Stephen. The governments break their own
> > constitutions on a daily basis.
> >
> > Kaj Haulrich.
> My ex-country - for a prime example...
> For all that they've portrayed in the media and to the
> American public, they've finally stated that it's oil
> after all. They've already made contracts and promises
> to natural resource companies, promises to Russia about
> maintaining oil contracts and honouring old contracts -
> it's done. It doesn't matter who says what, they're
> going in, they're going to take what they want, and
> that's that.
> So much for democracy - and it's really sad that the US
> public doesn't know the reality of what's going on, the
> reality of Afghanistan, and the reality of who their
> government is composed of.
> The war in Iraq may not be WW3, but it's going to start
> it.
> If the rest of the world starts to condemn the US - and
> the rest of the world bands together, then what power
> does the US have any more? I wonder if it will get to
> that point...
> ...sorry for rambling on...just really saddened by the
> current trend in the US for companies to rule the nation
> instead of the people ruling the nation...
> Gosh, Australia ain't so bad after all...

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Re: [newbie] This is getting way out of hand

2003-02-15 Thread Kaj Haulrich
On Saturday 15 February 2003 10:54 am, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:

> We're not in that line of heritage, are we?

Certainly not, Lyvim ! 

Kaj Haulrich.
Powered by Linux- Mandrake 9.0
Registered Linux user # 214073 at
Source :  my 100 % Microsoft-free personal computer.

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Re: [newbie] This is getting way out of hand

2003-02-15 Thread Lyvim Xaphir
On Fri, 2003-02-14 at 23:30, Kaj Haulrich wrote:

> Stephen, aren't we getting off the trail (thread) here ?
> The original post was about privacy. My reply was just a 
> frustrated remark about governments not respecting the 
> civil rights of their own citizens.
> I live in a country where various governments don't give a 
> shit about the individual citizen. But they don't kill us.
> They just want to control us. They use M$ software. 
> Accordingly, they can't.
> Now, I don't condemn the the U.S. - In fact I envy them. 
> Only I don't understand their attitude towards the M$ 
> fascism. Does M$ *own* the American judges ?

Good question, Kaj.  IT people in the US are wondering that very same

But I think what happened was that the current administration cut a deal
with M$; Gates was going out personally at one time to speak with
senators  on a one to one basis in order to lobby support for his
"cause".  So lobby money probably bought them out of their fix with the

I'm a republican, of course.  And for the most part, I think this
administration has been the best that America has ever had.  (at the
risk of starting even more OT.)  But there is this M$ thing, and it is
the one thing I have been most dissatisfied with with regard to our
leadership.  Microsoft should not have gotten away with being a
monopoly; especially after 9 states expressed their extreme discontent
with the supreme court ruling.  Little ms peacenik Kotar-Kotelly screwed
things up royally.  She was definitely in somebody's side pocket.

I mean, how many judges did they go through before they finally got one
that was a suck-up?

> Nevertheless,  I'm old enough to remember Adolph. I'm 
> ashamed on behalf of the German government.

We're not in that line of heritage, are we?
> Kaj Haulrich.


Kernel  2.4.21pre4-1mdk   Mandrake Cooker 9.1
Enlightenment 0.16.5-12mdkEvolution 1.2.2-1mdk
Registered Linux User #268899

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Re: [newbie] This is getting way out of hand

2003-02-14 Thread Kaj Haulrich
On Saturday 15 February 2003 02:22 am, you wrote:
> On Sat, 2003-02-15 at 13:46, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
> > On Saturday 15 February 2003 01:29 am, Stephen Kuhn
> > wrote:
> >
> > 
> >
> > > No such thing as protection that can't be broken.
> >
> > 
> >
> > Correct, Stephen. The governments break their own
> > constitutions on a daily basis.
> >
> > Kaj Haulrich.
> My ex-country - for a prime example...
> For all that they've portrayed in the media and to the
> American public, they've finally stated that it's oil
> after all. They've already made contracts and promises
> to natural resource companies, promises to Russia about
> maintaining oil contracts and honouring old contracts -
> it's done. It doesn't matter who says what, they're
> going in, they're going to take what they want, and
> that's that.
> So much for democracy - and it's really sad that the US
> public doesn't know the reality of what's going on, the
> reality of Afghanistan, and the reality of who their
> government is composed of.
> The war in Iraq may not be WW3, but it's going to start
> it.
> If the rest of the world starts to condemn the US - and
> the rest of the world bands together, then what power
> does the US have any more? I wonder if it will get to
> that point...
> ...sorry for rambling on...just really saddened by the
> current trend in the US for companies to rule the nation
> instead of the people ruling the nation...
> Gosh, Australia ain't so bad after all...

Stephen, aren't we getting off the trail (thread) here ?

The original post was about privacy. My reply was just a 
frustrated remark about governments not respecting the 
civil rights of their own citizens.

I live in a country where various governments don't give a 
shit about the individual citizen. But they don't kill us.
They just want to control us. They use M$ software. 
Accordingly, they can't.

Now, I don't condemn the the U.S. - In fact I envy them. 
Only I don't understand their attitude towards the M$ 
fascism. Does M$ *own* the American judges ?

Nevertheless,  I'm old enough to remember Adolph. I'm 
ashamed on behalf of the German government.

Kaj Haulrich.
Powered by Linux- Mandrake 9.0
Registered Linux user # 214073 at
Source :  my 100 % Microsoft-free personal computer.

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Re: [newbie] This is getting way out of hand

2003-02-14 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sat, 2003-02-15 at 02:05, Robert Wideman wrote:
> Corporations Targeted in Download Fight
> Friday February 14, 2003 - [ 02:27 PM GMT ]   Print this Article
> Topic - Multimedia
> Read article at -
> The Recording Industry Association of America and the Motion Picture
> Association of America are sending a six-page brochure this week to Fortune
> 1000 corporations with suggested policies _ including a sample memo to
> workers warning them against using company computers to download songs and
> movies. The brochure also carries a clear threat: Stop workers from stealing
> copyrighted materials or be sued.
> V1134.AP-Illegal-Downloa.html

Isn't this the way the world is moving, though? Companies, above all,
can literally move the public. People no longer count, but copyrights
can change the world.

Overall, this is going to do nothing to stop pirates. Nothing. It's only
going to make the game more complex.

Besides, they're just whinging about lost profits that they shouldn't
even really be making anyways. It's just the "I want more!" attitude -
and no matter what they do to stop piracy, pirates are going to come up
with one better.

No such thing as protection that can't be broken.

Sat, 15 Feb 2003 12:25:00 +1100
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 linux user:267497 * RH 8.0 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

This is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.  And now you know why.

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[newbie] This is getting way out of hand

2003-02-14 Thread Robert Wideman
Corporations Targeted in Download Fight
Friday February 14, 2003 - [ 02:27 PM GMT ]   Print this Article
Topic - Multimedia
Read article at -

The Recording Industry Association of America and the Motion Picture
Association of America are sending a six-page brochure this week to Fortune
1000 corporations with suggested policies _ including a sample memo to
workers warning them against using company computers to download songs and
movies. The brochure also carries a clear threat: Stop workers from stealing
copyrighted materials or be sued.

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