[newbie] kernel updates and upgrading and so on

2004-09-11 Thread Hans-Cees Speel

I have installed mandrake community 10.0 on my laptop dell inspiron 8600.

However, I want to update several things. One is the kernel, because the apci 
settings I need are not in the 10.0 kernel.

What will work:

- setting the urpmi to cooker or something, or 10.0 official release and updating to  
a newer kernel

I never really understood if you can just switch from community 10.0 to 10.0 official 
to cooker and so on by urpmi? Will things go wrong?

Also the rpm's on the internet of 10.0 community do not seem to change when 
security holes and so on are found. Is that correct? SAhould I use 10.0 offical for 

- downloading latest 2.6xx kernel source from kernel.org or somewhere and 
compiling that? Will things go wrong if I do that?

If I would update by using a recent kernel source by Linus, must I also re-compile 
kde, or my nvidia drivers and so on?

Hope someone can explain this a bit.


Hans-cees Speel @ http://www.hanscees.com
Trees @ http://www.bomengids.nl

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[newbie] kernel updates...

2001-12-03 Thread Eric Caron

Ok, so I did try to update the kernel using mandrake-update.  Everything
went well (or so I thought) until I rebooted my machine.  A lot of things
were missing in the new kernel, such as mounting fat drives and networking.
Is there any way to restore these features?  Do I need to re-install or
venture into the wonderful world of kernel compilation (although that would
be a new domain to explore for me).  Fortunately, I downloaded the source of
the kernel too, so I can recompile if need be.

I'd like to be up to date on this, but I'm very newbie in the area of kernel
modules and kernel compilation.  I checked out kernel.org, but there are no
informations regarding the actual compiling part, just an archive of

Any help on this topic would be appreciated.


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[newbie] Kernel updates

2001-02-16 Thread Andrew Lazarewicz


Been having a few problems with kernel updates and patches required for Win4Lin
install, and r/w access to hpfs disks.  Questions:

1.  What is a good info source about kernels & how they work in Linux -- I
understand the fundamentals of kernels, but I don't know where they are located,
how to address multiple kernels, labels (for different entry points)?

2.  Does a patch create a new kernel, in addition to the old, or replace the

3.  Mandrake Linux 7.2.17-21mdk on an i586 (Macmillan Mandrake Complete, off
the shelf two weeks ago) is read only on HPFS (OS/2) disks, I understand that
there are updates to the kernel that will allow read/write for HPFS disks?  

4.  I'm trying to upgrade (3) so that Win4Lin will work.  Can't find any rpm
files, and the patches are stalling due to file they can't find.  The
instructions are good for easy installs, but do not help when there is a problem.

5.  Kernels are labeled i386, i586, i686 -- I presume, that relates to chip
architecture.  I have a Pentium I / 233 MHz chip, which I believe is i586.  Must
I use i586 only?  Can I use i386 or i686?

Thank you!  - Andy Lazarewicz

Re: [newbie] Kernel updates -- Compiled, but not taking...

1999-11-30 Thread M Thompson

Type the following as root and let us know what you get:
#cd /proc/ide

The above should tell you what ide devices are installed.  You can then 
input the device name into the following, "fdisk -l /dev/" 
and that will tell you what partitions reside on that ide device.

Maybe someone else has more insight.  Is your drive a SCSI drive?  That will 
definitely change things.


>Subject: [newbie] Kernel updates -- Compiled, but not taking...
>Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1999 14:40:18 -0500 (EST)
>Hiya folks,
>Relatively quick (I hope) question about kernel updates on a Mandrake 6.1
>machine. I've been playing with Linux for a couple years, and have
>recently stopped using Slackware in favor of Mandrake (with which I am
>very impressed!) I'm in a position to encourage the use of Linux at
>several technology departments within Cornell, but in order to do so, I'm
>trying to get a better handle on it myself.
>My problem is with kernel updates. Previously (with Slackware) I would
>download source, compile it, and overwrite vmlinuz with the image that
>I'd compiled. I do that now, and my /boot partition shows vmlinuz
>pointing to the 2.2.13-22mdk kernel, as well as the system map and module
>info also pointing to the new versions, but as soon as I reboot, it drops
>back to the old version. I can't seem to get it to accept the new one,
>even after re-running lilo and editing by hand lilo.conf.
>I went into linuxconf to play around with the lilo configurations, and
>hit a major roadblock. My linux partition is the secondary master
>(/dev/hdc1 -- boot, hdc2 -- root, hdc3 -- swap), and so the 'root
>partition' option under the lilo conf is /dev/hdc2. This works. My
>machine dual boots perfectly between Linux and Win98. However, if I go
>into the config and try to add a new kernel to lilo, or even to look at
>the one that's there, it refuses to 'accept' even the options /that
>already are in place/ because '/dev/hdc2 is not a valid linux partition'.
>I've tried every other hdc partition, just /dev/hdc, and just /. It won't
>accept anything. According to the help, the drop-down menu displays a
>list of partitions there, but it doesn't.
>I tried running Helios on a machine at one of the technology offices here
>at Cornell, and encountered the same problem. That machine has only one
>hard disk (though, for no good reason, it's the secondary master), and
>Mandrake refuses to accept any setting as the 'root' partition for LILO;
>it won't accept any kernel upgrades (at least, not in the fashion I'm
>accustomed to) either.
>Has anyone else encountered this? I tried looking through the FAQ, and
>changed my LILO boot mode to linear (because my linux disk is a Maxtor
>IDE 5 gig drive and reports itself oddly to Linux, even though it works
>fine in BIOS) but that didn't matter.
>Thanks very much, in advance -- I have several people here oooing and
>aaahing over Mandrake, which has been up for two weeks on our network,
>unlike our student lab machines, that crash every couple hours (one guess
>what OS they're running...)
>-Samuel Knowlton
>Johnson Graduate School of Management
>Technology Services
>Cornell University

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[newbie] Kernel updates -- Compiled, but not taking...

1999-11-29 Thread swk8

Hiya folks,

Relatively quick (I hope) question about kernel updates on a Mandrake 6.1 
machine. I've been playing with Linux for a couple years, and have 
recently stopped using Slackware in favor of Mandrake (with which I am 
very impressed!) I'm in a position to encourage the use of Linux at 
several technology departments within Cornell, but in order to do so, I'm 
trying to get a better handle on it myself.

My problem is with kernel updates. Previously (with Slackware) I would 
download source, compile it, and overwrite vmlinuz with the image that 
I'd compiled. I do that now, and my /boot partition shows vmlinuz 
pointing to the 2.2.13-22mdk kernel, as well as the system map and module 
info also pointing to the new versions, but as soon as I reboot, it drops 
back to the old version. I can't seem to get it to accept the new one, 
even after re-running lilo and editing by hand lilo.conf. 

I went into linuxconf to play around with the lilo configurations, and 
hit a major roadblock. My linux partition is the secondary master 
(/dev/hdc1 -- boot, hdc2 -- root, hdc3 -- swap), and so the 'root 
partition' option under the lilo conf is /dev/hdc2. This works. My 
machine dual boots perfectly between Linux and Win98. However, if I go 
into the config and try to add a new kernel to lilo, or even to look at 
the one that's there, it refuses to 'accept' even the options /that 
already are in place/ because '/dev/hdc2 is not a valid linux partition'. 
I've tried every other hdc partition, just /dev/hdc, and just /. It won't 
accept anything. According to the help, the drop-down menu displays a 
list of partitions there, but it doesn't.

I tried running Helios on a machine at one of the technology offices here 
at Cornell, and encountered the same problem. That machine has only one 
hard disk (though, for no good reason, it's the secondary master), and 
Mandrake refuses to accept any setting as the 'root' partition for LILO; 
it won't accept any kernel upgrades (at least, not in the fashion I'm 
accustomed to) either.

Has anyone else encountered this? I tried looking through the FAQ, and 
changed my LILO boot mode to linear (because my linux disk is a Maxtor 
IDE 5 gig drive and reports itself oddly to Linux, even though it works 
fine in BIOS) but that didn't matter. 

Thanks very much, in advance -- I have several people here oooing and 
aaahing over Mandrake, which has been up for two weeks on our network, 
unlike our student lab machines, that crash every couple hours (one guess 
what OS they're running...)

-Samuel Knowlton
Johnson Graduate School of Management
Technology Services
Cornell University