Re: U.S. politics in Linux? Was: Re: [Fwd: Re: [newbie] Which isbetter:KDE or Gnome?]

2003-01-10 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sat, 2003-01-11 at 04:31, Kelley Jernigan wrote:
> What a lot of nonsence. If it were about oil the Best thing the USA could do 
> is lift all of the sanctions. Then the US could have all the Iraqi oil it 
> wanted to buy.

You might want to read up on "The War in Iraq" as covered by MSNBC - it
certainly is about oil - one of the major contributing factors to the
entire scheme of the conflict.

Sat Jan 11 09:30:01 EST 2003
  9:30am  up 11:41,  3 users,  load average: 0.58, 0.42, 0.30
|____  | kuhn media australia|
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|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  |"| |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;"""/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`' " " | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
* linux user:267497 * RH 7.3+ * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

And as we stand on the edge of darkness
Let our chant fill the void
That others may know

In the land of the night
The ship of the sun
Is drawn by
The grateful dead.
-- Tibetan "Book of the Dead," ca. 4000 BC.

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Re: U.S. politics in Linux? Was: Re: [Fwd: Re: [newbie] Which isbetter:KDE or Gnome?]

2003-01-09 Thread Robin Turner
Damn - it looks like my last post didn't get through (OpenOffice froze 
KDE!). To reiterate in brief - let's take the US politics argument 
offlist - come and flame me at , where 
there are plenty of controversial posts on the Iraq situation!

Sir Robin

"Do unto others what you would like others to do unto you. And have fun 
doing it."
- Linus Torvalds

Robin Turner
Bilkent University
Ankara 06533

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Re: U.S. politics in Linux? Was: Re: [Fwd: Re: [newbie] Which isbetter:KDE or Gnome?]

2003-01-09 Thread Brandon Vanderberg
> Some people may have hurt your feelings - well that's sad. But your country is 
> going to _kill_ people - not just hurt their feelings. 
> Is it better to kill than to cope with opposing views and maybe discover that 
> you are wrong?
Nice post. I'm sure there will be sweeping policy changes and a flood of
apologies issued from Washington very soon.

Until then, can we drop the subject at least on this list? It's getting
real old.
Pretty please?
I'll be your best friend. ;)

Feel free to contact me personally and flame my government to your
heart's content. I'm also on the #Mandrake-offtopic IRC channel at


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Re: U.S. politics in Linux? Was: Re: [Fwd: Re: [newbie] Which isbetter:KDE or Gnome?]

2003-01-07 Thread Lyvim Xaphir
On Tue, 2003-01-07 at 18:04, Dennis & Sue wrote:

Well, Dennis & Sue, all I can say is that you've got your shite
together. You got's my vote, I'll be watching email from this address
much closer in the future.

Btw, see what you think about this:

Strategy of appeasement = NaziDrake



P.S.  Funny how, during the last WW, the Allied symbol was a star, which
is the same symbol as Mandrake carries now.  Conversely, if the beloved
European appeasement strategy had been brought to fruition with Hitler,
we would have a swastika symbol instead.

Interesting how history impacts everything.  Like Mandrake.

> I have patiently waited for this ridiculous diatribe to die off. I have 
> "listened" as you people have insulted MY country, MY President, My people. 
> Now, I've had enough, And I'm going to have MY say. Some probably won't like 
> what I have to say, How unfortunate for you. I have not enjoyed much of what 
> you have said.
> > It has nothing to do with weapons of mass destruction, that's an excuse.
> Really ? Let's go back to June 7,1981 When Israel blew up a Iraqi nuclear 
> reactor. The world screamed for their blood once again. The Israeli's claimed 
> that it was a preemptive strike. Menachem Begin spoke "The Iraqi's were 
> preparing atomic bombs to drop on the children of Israel"," Another holocaust 
> would have happened in the history of the Jewish people". " Never again, 
> NEVER AGAIN"! "Tell your freinds, Tell anybody you meet, we shall defend our 
> people  with all the means at our disposal". Their critics would hear none of 
> that, No it was just the hateful agressive Jews at it again, Just haters, 
> probably Conservatives too. A  U.N. sanction was demanded by Secretary 
> General Chedli Klibi, of the Arab League.  The Russians lined up with the 
> Arabs,As did the British, screaming for  vengence, Screaming for sanctions. 
> The U.N. condemned the Israeli attack. Days later, Israel began releasing 
> documents, Here is some of what was released : 13 feet beneath the reactor, 
> The Iraqi's had been maintaining a secret installation for use in developing 
> an atomic weapon. They had stockpiled 200 tons of natural plutonium . They 
> were indeed developing weapons of mass destruction. That is an undisputable 
> FACT. Not an opinion, not a feeling, not an emotional let's all just get 
> along and pretend it's ok, a FACT.

Kernel  2.4.18-6mdk Mandrake Linux  8.2
Enlightenment 0.16.5-11mdkEvolution  1.0.2-5mdk
Registered Linux User #268899

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Re: U.S. politics in Linux? Was: Re: [Fwd: Re: [newbie] Which isbetter:KDE or Gnome?]

2003-01-07 Thread Robin Turner
Lyvim Xaphir wrote:

On Tue, 2003-01-07 at 04:20, John Richard Smith wrote:

Our Prime minister Tony Blair is way out on a limb.There is little support
for an Iraqi war.

Let me tell you something. Your prime minister has more balls than all
the leaders in Europe put together and multiplied by 10x.  He's well
thought of in the United States, almost a hero even.  He's what I call a
real leader.  You guys are lucky as hell to have him.

I promised myself I would not contribute the slew of OT posts here, but 
I couldn't resist.  For my recently-posted thoughts on Blair and the 
Gulf, see

Sir Robin the Unblair

"Do unto others what you would like others to do unto you. And have fun 
doing it."
- Linus Torvalds

Robin Turner
Bilkent University
Ankara 06533

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Re: U.S. politics in Linux? Was: Re: [Fwd: Re: [newbie] Which isbetter:KDE or Gnome?]

2003-01-07 Thread Lyvim Xaphir
On Tue, 2003-01-07 at 04:20, John Richard Smith wrote:
> Our Prime minister Tony Blair is way out on a limb.There is little support
> for an Iraqi war.

Let me tell you something. Your prime minister has more balls than all
the leaders in Europe put together and multiplied by 10x.  He's well
thought of in the United States, almost a hero even.  He's what I call a
real leader.  You guys are lucky as hell to have him.


Kernel  2.4.18-6mdk Mandrake Linux  8.2
Enlightenment 0.16.5-11mdkEvolution  1.0.2-5mdk
Registered Linux User #268899

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Re: U.S. politics in Linux? Was: Re: [Fwd: Re: [newbie] Which isbetter:KDE or Gnome?]

2003-01-07 Thread John Rye
On Mon, 06 Jan 2003 14:22:19 -0600
Todd Franklin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What gets me is that the whole Iraq thing is over the oil.  There's 
> still no conclusive proof that they have "weapons of mass
> destruction," but we know for sure they have vast amounts of oil.  In
> fact, the Bush administration has already divided it up amongst the
> oil companies. 
>  (primarily american I'm sure)  It makes me want to puke.  We know
>  North 
> Korea is making weapons-grade plutonium right now, but since there's
> no oil there, the Bush administration has decided  to use "diplomacy" 
> instead of bombing them.  Hmm double standard?  And what ever happened
> to Bin Laden anyway?  Why haven't they gotten him?  Most advanced 
> military in the world can't find one guy?  We've got sattelites that
> can find oil miles deep, but can't find one terrorist in a cave! 
> GR! Sorry about the rant, but here I sit in the midwestern US, I
> was layed off in April 02 and I can't find a job, my unemployment has
> been cut off, the economy is going to hell, and this f***ing moronic 
> administration is slowly taking away our rights.  Pretty soon the only
> US constitutional right left will be to own a gun so we can blow our
> own heads off.

I very seldom comment on threads such as this (although I do enjoy the

While there are some subscribers who have some difficulty with these
postings, I believe they do have some merit.


I sit here in the deep South Pacific watching and observing ..

I have become increasingly frustrated with all the BS over "Weapons of
Mass Destruction" mostly perpetuated by a news media which seems to
longer bother to analyse the outpourings of political speechwriters!

There is only one "Weapon of Mass Destruction" and to my almost certain
knowledge that weapon was last used in August of 1945!!

To include biological warfare systems in that definition is wrong,
erroneous, incorrect and just plain silly!!

These are certainly weapons of terror, (and should certainly be
outlawed), however their usefulness in reality is doubtful.

The 'agent' being used has to be able to 'hang about' .. Think about
this ... You have to deliver a 'biological agent' by some means ... now
you have to 'release' it ... now it has to 'hang about' for a while sos
it can 'effect' a significant proportion of the target population ..

So then, what about the effects of wind, heat, cold etc on these

So what about our own natural immunities and the ability of our own
immune systems to neutralise these 'foreign bodies' in our systems.

I'm not biological scientist, but my general understanding of the
effectiveness of all Natures' viruses, bugs etc is that they are able to
replicate themselves inside of very narrow environmental margins.

These 'biological weapons' are subject to the same environmental
constraints as Natures' are!!

And bear in mind that when these types of weapon where used during WW1
(1914-18) that there were as many casualties inflicted on the
'deliverers' as on the 'receivers' regardless of which 'side' was
delivering or receiving.

There is a very good article on this issue at:

It deserves some consideration by all of us.



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Re: U.S. politics in Linux? Was: Re: [Fwd: Re: [newbie] Which isbetter:KDE or Gnome?]

2003-01-07 Thread John Richard Smith
Milos Prudek wrote:

John Richard Smith wrote:

Our Prime minister Tony Blair is way out on a limb.There is little 
for an Iraqi war.

I think that this list is intended for discussion about Mandrake Linux.

While I appreciate your opinion and actually agree with most points, 
in my opinion this list is not appropriate to discuss politics.


That is quite correct , I tend to agree , but people are very worried 
about this
situation, little scope to discuss these things really exists, and in 
this instance
at least , here is an opportunity .

John Richard Smith

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Re: U.S. politics in Linux? Was: Re: [Fwd: Re: [newbie] Which isbetter:KDE or Gnome?]

2003-01-07 Thread Milos Prudek

John Richard Smith wrote:

Our Prime minister Tony Blair is way out on a limb.There is little support
for an Iraqi war.

I think that this list is intended for discussion about Mandrake Linux.

While I appreciate your opinion and actually agree with most points, in 
my opinion this list is not appropriate to discuss politics.

Milos Prudek

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Re: U.S. politics in Linux? Was: Re: [Fwd: Re: [newbie] Which isbetter:KDE or Gnome?]

2003-01-07 Thread John Richard Smith
Our Prime minister Tony Blair is way out on a limb.There is little support
for an Iraqi war.

It has nothing to do with weapons of mass destruction, that's an excuse.
It has everything to do with the American Governments Middle East Foreign
Policy, which is stimulating terrorism, and has been for some time, and an
invasion of Iraq right now will confirm in the minds of evey Arab just
how much they have to fear.

The middle east is the worlds oil well, invading Iraq at this time and under
current circumstances is a 10 year blue touch paper to ww3 with china.

Todd Franklin wrote:

What gets me is that the whole Iraq thing is over the oil.  There's 
still no conclusive proof that they have "weapons of mass 
destruction," but we know for sure they have vast amounts of oil.  In 
fact, the Bush administration has already divided it up amongst the 
oil companies.  (primarily american I'm sure)  It makes me want to 
puke.  We know North Korea is making weapons-grade plutonium right 
now, but since there's no oil there, the Bush administration has 
decided  to use "diplomacy" instead of bombing them.  Hmm double 
standard?  And what ever happened to Bin Laden anyway?  Why haven't 
they gotten him?  Most advanced military in the world can't find one 
guy?  We've got sattelites that can find oil miles deep, but can't 
find one terrorist in a cave!  GR!
Sorry about the rant, but here I sit in the midwestern US, I was layed 
off in April 02 and I can't find a job, my unemployment has been cut 
off, the economy is going to hell, and this f***ing moronic 
administration is slowly taking away our rights.  Pretty soon the only 
US constitutional right left will be to own a gun so we can blow our 
own heads off.


John Richard Smith

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