Re: [osol-discuss] place yer bets on who leaves next...

2010-08-23 Thread Mark Bennett
We are sys admins of some Sun muchines we've sold to a customer in the Sun era.
A T5120 with a ZFS mirror, had a disk fault, causing cyclic reset of the 
Our hardware guy ran to the customer, disabled the disk and moved it out of the 
Upon reboot the machine started normally, with the remaining disk.
The customer had Sun Silver support.
We called Oracle support to have a substitution disk (we had no spare part of 
that size):
- 4 hours with a lady trying to find the support contract...
>- Finally we could talk with a technician, whose 1st response to the problem 
>was: >"...why do you run such a shitty hardware? why don't you just change 
>it?" (luckily >we were not in open conversation with the customer..)
>- After sometimes of discussion, they told us they would send a techincian to 
>put >the new disk.2 days later! What if it was a mainboard crash???
>- So, our hardware guy had hard times to convince them we did not need the 
>>technician but just the disk! We can do the work by ourselves!...but they did 
>not >wantdo you think I want an unknown technician to come to my customer 
>and >work on the machine???

>At last, after almost one day, we had Oracle to send us the disk the next day, 
>>and we could resilver the machine

Not much different than my experiences as an HP/Compaq end user over the years, 
even when the part is designated "customer replaceable".

You were lucky to get one so fast. I have waited weeks for a replacement disk - 
no stock available.
I solved the issue by keeping a spares inventory.
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Where too now?

2010-08-16 Thread Mark Bennett
>I feel Sol 11 express will be free to download like the rest of Oracle's apps. 
>I believe >Oracle thinks only enterprise users visit oracle sites,and that 
>makes oracle use the >term "enterprise","enterprise user" in their 
>presentations, while the rest visit >science project distros sites. like 
>mandriva or something;)

If the recent changes to licencing are any guide, I suspect that the express 
version will be a free download, but with restrictions on use.

You can download Solaris 10 for free, but with restricted license terms.

OpenSolaris does not have any restrictions on use.
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] Where too now?

2010-08-13 Thread Mark Bennett
So Oracle has pulled the plug.

That makes for a really black Friday 13th down this end of the planet.

Where too from here ?

Could the community rally togeather and actually release an OpenSolaris 2010 ?

We have the bits that it was to be in 134, but do we have the desire ?

Can the OpenSolaris name remain ?

For a new name .. comOS (community OpenSolaris)

or maybe just a OpenSolaris 2010-comOS

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