Re: [osol-discuss] Mounting Extended partitions logical drives.

2009-08-21 Thread srikalyan
Hi Brian,
 I have used ls --color in .bashrc and it did work when I 
havn't installed any software. But, Once I have installed java, python 2.5.2, 
fuse software, ntfs for mounting ntfs, ls --color did not work. Then I have 
read a blog from one of the sun's employee and he talked about gls and it 
worked no matter whatever you have installed.

Regarding auto mounting  may be I might have put the question in a 
wrong way. In most linux os, the mount all the partitions into media and these 
partitions appear in the second column of the top os main bar. And, inorder to 
mount a drive we just have to click on it. I was hoping this same feature  in 

And, is there any way to download 119 source and build it. As, I 
really don't like running this great OS on a virtual machine.

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Re: [osol-discuss] Mounting Extended partitions logical drives.

2009-08-13 Thread Brian Ruthven - Sun UK

srikalyan wrote:

Hi Everyone.
  I am quite new to opensolaris and very much liking it. I would like to know how to mount extended partition on opensolaris (ext lba). I was using ubuntu before opensolaris and ubuntu use to do it automatically (all you need to do is click the drive). I did install every software which is required for mounting the ntfs drives and I can mount a primary partition on which I have vista. But, I also have windows 7 rc and another partition  which holds all my code for my research in the extended partition. And, I have search a lot but could not find a right solution. 

I think the support you need went into snv_119 with PSARC/2006/379 
"Solaris on Extended partition" (supporting bug: 6644364 "Extended 
partitions need to be supported on Solaris").

However, I don't believe snv_119 is available yet.

My suggestion to opensolaris team is that opensolaris is definitely is going to be a big hit and you guyz need to add few things so that i makes end user lives easy. 
for eg:

preinstall gls (colored ls) and alias it in .bashrc.
I believe this is already there. Admittedly I'm using snv_119 (rather 
than OpenSolaris), but "ls --color" gives me colour output. Adding the 
appropriate alias in .bashrc is probably left as a personal 
configuration rather than out-of-the-box for all users, however, 
somebody may disagree with me there :-)

cd xyz+tab should only point only directories but not files. because it is a cd 
This is a shell thing AFAIK. I use tcsh which can offer completions 
based on command and filetype. From the tcsh man page:

   > complete cd 'p/1/d/'
will tell tcsh to only complete args to the cd command using 
directories. I presume bash has something similar?

preinstall ntfs-3g and auto mount the partition just clicking the drive just 
like ubuntu.
Bug 6819757 integrated ntfsprogs - I've not checked whether these are 
the same as (or behave similarly to) ntfs-3g.
I'm not convinced by the argument to allow automounting of them (this 
implies some heuristics to locate and 'type' each partition), but I 
don't necessarily think it would be a bad thing to do.
[ I've lost track of how experimental the NTFS stuff is, so 
automatically mounting may not be a good idea.]



Brian Ruthven
Solaris Revenue Product Engineering
Sun Microsystems UK
Sparc House, Guillemont Park, Camberley, GU17 9QG

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Mounting Extended partitions logical drives.

2009-08-12 Thread Alexander
I'm experiencing the same trouble.
As I understood, the support for extended partitions is included in 119 build 
of OpenSolaris, however OpenSolaris 09.06 is based on 101b build. There are no 
119 build packages available in IPS repositories, so we should wait or build 
OpenSolaris from latest sources ourself. 
I understand that it's not convenient, and  I'm not happy with this...

> Hi Everyone.
> I am quite new to opensolaris
> and very much liking it. I would like to know how to
> mount extended partition on opensolaris (ext lba).
This message posted from
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] Mounting Extended partitions logical drives.

2009-08-12 Thread srikalyan
Hi Everyone.
  I am quite new to opensolaris and very much liking it. I 
would like to know how to mount extended partition on opensolaris (ext lba). I 
was using ubuntu before opensolaris and ubuntu use to do it automatically (all 
you need to do is click the drive). I did install every software which is 
required for mounting the ntfs drives and I can mount a primary partition on 
which I have vista. But, I also have windows 7 rc and another partition  which 
holds all my code for my research in the extended partition. And, I have search 
a lot but could not find a right solution. 

My suggestion to opensolaris team is that opensolaris is definitely is going to 
be a big hit and you guyz need to add few things so that i makes end user lives 
for eg:
preinstall gls (colored ls) and alias it in .bashrc.
cd xyz+tab should only point only directories but not files. because it is a cd 
preinstall ntfs-3g and auto mount the partition just clicking the drive just 
like ubuntu.

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