Re: jdbc and data_source.xml

2000-07-28 Thread Eric Richardson

Hi Luis,

Here is an example for Oracle.

Eric :-)

Luis Miguel Cubillo wrote:

> Hello I´m Luis Miguel and I new in Orion:
> I need somebody help me to know how configure the data_source.xml for
> any driver
> Thank you very much for your help

Re: How to trap orion shutdown

2000-07-26 Thread Eric Richardson

Hi Vidur,
I don't know if this will help but Servlet.destroy() should be called
on shutdown of the web container.
Eric :-)
Vidur Dhanda wrote:
Is there a way to get a notification when the orion server gets a
shutdown request?  My application needs to do some clean-up prior
server shutdown.

Re: Classpath settings - Ver 1.1.30

2000-07-25 Thread Eric Richardson

Hi Todd,
Do you have an EAR file or directory structure? If you do, I would
put the jars in the
web-app (your WAR inside the EAR) in the WEB-INF/lib directory.
Hope this helps,
Eric :-)
Todd McGrath wrote:
I having problems getting a helper jar in my classpath.  Servlets,
own classes, ejb, jb, all working fine.
here's a code snippet from my servlet:
public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException
    System.setProperty ("awt.toolkit", "com.eteks.awt.PJAToolkit");
    System.setProperty ("java.awt.fonts",
    System.setProperty ("java.awt.graphicsenv",
Here's the error:
Error initializing servlet
java.lang.Error: Could not find class:
    at java.awt.Window.(
    at java.awt.Frame.(
    at java.awt.Frame.(
    at javax.swing.JFrame.(
    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.ta(JAX)
    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.rt(JAX)
I need those com.eteks.java2d.* and com.awt.* classes.
Whenever this servlet is called the System.out.println-> Classpath =
I have read this list and noticed a variety of ways for classpath
settings.  I have tried adding "library path" to orion-application.xml
and "classpath path" to orion-web.xml.
Anything else I can try to get orion to find the classes?
Thanks in advance,

Re: Users groups and roles

2000-07-25 Thread Eric Richardson

Thanks Martin,
I'll take a look.
eric :-)
Martin Mavrov wrote:
The Orion patched Java Pet Store has code that uses
UserManager (orion
security adapter).
- Original Message -
From: Eric Richardson
To: Orion-Interest
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2000 10:38 PM
Subject: Users groups and roles
I understand that orion has a UserManager that can be used instead
of the
principles.xml file.
Is this similar to what Apache does if you set up access via the RDBMS
rather that the file based ones?
Which example uses this and can anyone give me more info about the
schema used etc.
Thanks in advance,
Eric :-)

Users groups and roles

2000-07-24 Thread Eric Richardson

I understand that orion has a UserManager that can be used instead
of the
principles.xml file.
Is this similar to what Apache does if you set up access via the RDBMS
rather that the file based ones?
Which example uses this and can anyone give me more info about the schema
used etc.
Thanks in advance,
Eric :-)

Re: to list admins: please set reply-to header

2000-07-21 Thread Eric Richardson

Good Idea!!!
Robert Krueger wrote:
could the list admins set the reply-to header in the emails the listserver
sends? it would make things easier and is standard behaviour of other
(-) Robert Krüger
(-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
(-) Brüder-Knauß-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
(-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373


2000-07-19 Thread Eric Richardson


David Sierra Fernandez wrote:

> I'm creating a complete web app and I know how to access from my code to
> ,  and  but I want to know how to access
> to a:
>  and  an the differnces in code between them.

init-param is just for the JSP or servlet and accessed via

String ServletConfig.getInitParameter(String)
Enumeration ServletConfig.getInitParameterNames(String)

HttpServlet extends GenericServlet so you could use in a servlet
the methods from GenericServlet the method with the same signature as the
methods above.

These are in relation to this servlet only.

context-param is for the whole web application and is accessed via
String ServletContext.getInitParameter(String)
Enumeration ServletContext.getInitParameterNames(String)

this in JSP is the "application" implicit variable.

Let us know if this is correct.

Eric :-)

> I haven't found any reference in J2EE spec nor Servlets esp.
> Is there any difference between accessing from a servlets or JSP,  or
> accessing from an EJB
> I would appreciate your help. Thanks.
> -
> David Sierra Fern ndez
> Ingeniero Tecnico de Telecomunicaci¢n
> AULA RETECAL (CEDETEL)   Universidad de Valladolid
> Campus Miguel Delibes   E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> 47011 Valladolid (SPAIN)
> --
>  -- Sierr@ --

Re: initial context help

2000-07-18 Thread Eric Richardson

Hi Enrique,
Maybe I can help. I have never done this before but...

Look below.

Enrique Wallace wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm an Orion newbie and was wondering if anyone can tell me how or tell me
> where to find info on how to setup and acquire the initial context for a
> bean.  I have deployed some EJBs successfully (i think), but don't know the
> magic words to get the initial context for them.  I tried the following on a
> standalone java client:
> Hashtable h = new Hashtable();
> Context jndiContext = new InitialContext(h);
> Object obj = jndiContext.lookup("CabinBean");
> CabinHome home = (CabinHome) javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject.narrow(obj,
> CabinHome.class)
> but get this error message:

The following stack traces shows that you client does not have a deployment 
descriptor. Even
application clients run in a J2EE container. In this case you need to supply the 
file below.

It should contain the lookup info for the initial context you put in the following code
Hashtable h = new Hashtable();
Context jndiContext = new InitialContext(h);

After you add the file then the above code could be replaced by

Context jndiContext = new InitialContext();

The DTD for application-client.xml  can be found at

Then to redeploy on another server just the XML file changes.

Hope this helps,

Eric :-)

> javax.naming.NamingException: META-INF/application-client.xml resource not
> found at
> com.evermind.server.ApplicationClientInitialContextFactory.getInitialContext(JAX)
> at javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getInitialContext(Unknown Source)
> at javax.naming.InitialContext.getDefaultInitCtx(Unknown Source)
> at javax.naming.InitialContext.init(Unknown Source)
> at javax.naming.InitialContext.(Unknown Source)
> at com.titan.cabin.Client_1.main(
> how do i use a standalone java client with an application-client.xml file?
> thanks for any help.
> ekw
> Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: useage of context-param in web.xml

2000-07-13 Thread Eric Richardson

Hi Jen,

--From the dtd

--this are parameters that apply to the application scope it looks like
to me

in your app grab the values from the application scope.

Let us know if it works for you.

eric :-)

Jen Hsien Huang wrote:

> what is "context-param" in web.xml?
> how to use it ? can anybody give me a code snip for example.
> Regards.,
> Jen Hsien Huang

Re: Using a Policy File?

2000-07-12 Thread Eric Richardson

Isn't there suppose to be a set policy file for J2EE?
server.policy from J2EE RI is attached. Don't know if it's applicable
or not.
Eric :-)
Tom Wnuk wrote:
I'm trying to use a policy file when starting Orion
and it always fails w/o
ay errors.
The reason I'm trying to use it is because of my problem using JMS where
unable to write to a queue.
Initially, I've set all access to all files using:
grant codeBase "file:C:/orion/-" {
Orion starts to deploy the first bean and then terminated w/o any messages
or errors.
Tom Wnuk
Name: winmail.dat
   winmail.dat    Type: application/ms-tnef
Encoding: base64

// Standard extensions get all permissions by default

grant codeBase "file:${java.home}/lib/ext/-" {

grant codeBase "file:${java.home}/../lib/tools.jar" {

grant codeBase "file:${com.sun.enterprise.home}/lib/classes/" {

// Drivers and other system classes should be stored in this 
// code base.
grant codeBase "file:${com.sun.enterprise.home}/lib/system/-" {

grant codeBase "file:${com.sun.enterprise.home}/public_html/-" {
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "loadLibrary.*";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "accessClassInPackage.*";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "queuePrintJob";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "modifyThreadGroup";
permission "<>", "read,write";
permission "*", "connect";
// "standard" properies that can be read by anyone
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "*", "read";
// set the JSSE provider for lazy authentication of app. clients.
permission "putProviderProperty.JSSE";
permission "insertProvider.JSSE";

grant codeBase "file:${com.sun.enterprise.home}/lib/j2ee.jar" {

// default permissions granted to all domains

grant { 
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "queuePrintJob";

// Additional properties needed RI...
permission "*", "read";
"${com.sun.enterprise.home}${file.separator}-", "read";
permission "${}${file.separator}-", 
permission "${user.home}${file.separator}-", 

// allows anyone to listen on un-privileged ports
permission "*:0-65535", "connect";

// "standard" properies that can be read by anyone
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "*", "read";

// A version of Merant driver needs this permission. 
// permission "<>", "read";
// permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "modifyThreadGroup";

Re: Performance & Scalability Concern

2000-07-05 Thread Eric Richardson

I see that, but that sets the policy of which libraries to use at the server
level. When you have a large codebase then pieces of it and the applications
may use different non-binary compatible versions and this breaks the component
model of J2EE. Except for the J2EE version, each app should be self reliant.
This is what I think anyway.
Eric :-)
Tom Wnuk wrote:
Actually, there is a simple method to turn it off.
>From Magnus Stenman:
"Remove parser.jar and jaxp.jar from the Orion directory and then start
with a -Dxml.parser=xerces switch. This launches Orion using the xerces
parser only. I hope it helps."
I agree, they have stepped outside the spec on this one but maybe the
should be changed.  How does a container process the ejb-jar.xml
file if it
can't load a parser?  Hopefully, they don't have to write another
one just
to conform.  It's one of those gray areas I think.
At least I don't have to 'hack' the jar files and Orion has provided
-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2000 7:25 AM
Subject: Re: Performance & Scalability Concern
Tom Wnuk wrote:
> I just migrated some ejb's from a Weblogic 5.1 installation to Orion.
> version I'm using is whatever was available from the web site about
a week
> ago -- orion.jar dated 6-5-2000, v1.xx.
> Some observations:
> 1.  XML not DOM Level 2
> My beans have used XML from the beginning and I'm using xerces &
> Orion uses parser.jar from Sun which is DOM Level 1 compliant and
> the org.w3.* and org.xml.* packages.  This creates a problem
when my beans
> try and utilize methods that are in DOM Level 2 such as
> and Node.importNode().  My temporary solution was to remove
those classes
> from the parser.jar file, they're then picked up by xerces.jar which
> in the classpath.
IMHO this is a problem in Orion. As far an application is concerned,
should only be able
to see the J2EE classes. Somehow the class loader scheme needs to insulate
from the server classes. In this case XML is not part of the current
and I'm hoping they won't add it. I haven't looked at an future specs
Eric :-)
> 2.  Performance significantly slower
> It's not rocket science, but I clocked the elapsed time it takes
> a round trip from a test client.  Using the same code, Orion
was at least
> slower than WL 5.1 and did not scale well when more clients were
WL 5.1  Orion 1.x
> One client 
> Multiple (3)   
> I could live with 2x slower but when adding more clients it simply
> worse, much worse.   For development purposes no problem,
not ready for
> production use though.
> Also, the only known difference between the two deployments is, the
> driver.  I'm reading/writing to an Oracle 8i database using
a JDBC 2.0
> 2 driver whereas with Orion I'm using JDBC Type 4 (thin driver from
> I'm sure this adds to the response time issue but I can't believe
it's the
> cause of the scalability problem.
> I'm sure there's more tweaking I could do with Orion, but as I'm
> everyone is aware, documentation is hard to find.
> Also, does anyone have any benchmarks using Type 2 vs. Type 4 drivers?
> Please, feedback is welcome.
> I'm evaluating Orion, JBoss, and JRun.  I'm leaning towards
Orion for many
> reasons that I won't go into here but scalability is a 'big' issue.
> Thanks
> Tom
> Tom Wnuk
Name: winmail.dat
>    winmail.dat    Type: application/ms-tnef
Encoding: base64

[Fwd: Re: Performance & Scalability Concern]

2000-07-05 Thread Eric Richardson

Oops, forgot to post to the list.
Sorry Tom.

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Performance & Scalability Concern
Date: Wed, 05 Jul 2000 07:24:32 -0700
From: Eric Richardson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Tom Wnuk wrote:

> I just migrated some ejb's from a Weblogic 5.1 installation to Orion.   The
> version I'm using is whatever was available from the web site about a week
> ago -- orion.jar dated 6-5-2000, v1.xx.
> Some observations:
> 1.  XML not DOM Level 2
> My beans have used XML from the beginning and I'm using xerces & xalan.
> Orion uses parser.jar from Sun which is DOM Level 1 compliant and includes
> the org.w3.* and org.xml.* packages.  This creates a problem when my beans
> try and utilize methods that are in DOM Level 2 such as Document.normalize()
> and Node.importNode().  My temporary solution was to remove those classes
> from the parser.jar file, they're then picked up by xerces.jar which resides
> in the classpath.

IMHO this is a problem in Orion. As far an application is concerned,
should only be able
to see the J2EE classes. Somehow the class loader scheme needs to
insulate the
from the server classes. In this case XML is not part of the current
J2EE spec
and I'm hoping they won't add it. I haven't looked at an future specs on

Eric :-)

> 2.  Performance significantly slower
> It's not rocket science, but I clocked the elapsed time it takes to complete
> a round trip from a test client.  Using the same code, Orion was at least 2x
> slower than WL 5.1 and did not scale well when more clients were added.
> WL 5.1  Orion 1.x
> One client  .4xx.8xx
> Multiple (3).6xx2.xx
> I could live with 2x slower but when adding more clients it simply gets
> worse, much worse.   For development purposes no problem, not ready for
> production use though.
> Also, the only known difference between the two deployments is, the JDBC
> driver.  I'm reading/writing to an Oracle 8i database using a JDBC 2.0 Type
> 2 driver whereas with Orion I'm using JDBC Type 4 (thin driver from Oracle).
> I'm sure this adds to the response time issue but I can't believe it's the
> cause of the scalability problem.
> I'm sure there's more tweaking I could do with Orion, but as I'm sure
> everyone is aware, documentation is hard to find.
> Also, does anyone have any benchmarks using Type 2 vs. Type 4 drivers?
> Please, feedback is welcome.
> I'm evaluating Orion, JBoss, and JRun.  I'm leaning towards Orion for many
> reasons that I won't go into here but scalability is a 'big' issue.
> Thanks
> Tom
> Tom Wnuk
>   Name: winmail.dat
>winmail.datType: application/ms-tnef
>   Encoding: base64

Re: Fix for shutdown issue

2000-06-29 Thread Eric Richardson

I gave it a try and shutdown does work.
linux redhat 6.0
jdk 1.2.2
orion 1.1.4

restart is not so good

 java -jar orion.jar
Orion/1.1.4 initialized
Error starting RMIServer: IO Error: Address already in use
Error starting HttpServer: Address already in use

eric ;-)

Karl Avedal wrote:

> Hello,
> Ok, thanks to Magnus the shutdown issue should now be fixed (in 1.1.4),
> thank you for all of your reports.
> If you do an auto-update now (or download
> and replace your old
> orion.jar) it should work.
> This is not yet an official release and we have not run it through our
> test suites so be advised, it can contain other new bugs. Until we have
> we will not include this jar in the zipped download.
> Regards,
> Karl Avedal

Re: Sessions And SSL

2000-06-29 Thread Eric Richardson

I think you have to generate and load your cert and associated stuff via
the java tools. I did this
once on J2EE reference edition. ASelf generated and signed Cert will work
for testing.

If you want a real site you need to buy a certificate from VeriSign or some
other provider.
You should pick a company that is pre installed in common browsers.

Eric :-)

"Martuza Ferdous (by way of Robert Krueger )" wrote:

> Hi!
> I am fairly New With Orion .. I am Trying to Set up Orion For SSL
> After Following th e How To instruction .. When  I start Orion I get the
> Following error...
> C:\Orion\orion>java -jar orion.jar
> Error starting HttpServer: Unable to intialize SSLServerSocketFactory
> 'com.everm
> ind.ssl.JSSESSLServerSocketFactory': Unrecoverable key error: Cannot
> recover key
> Orion/0.9.6 initialized
> Do You Know what Could cause this error...
> The Jsse, jnet,jcert jar exists in the Orion Folder
> If You could help ...
> Marty

Re: admin.jar problems

2000-06-29 Thread Eric Richardson

Thanks Dave,
I guess port has a default admin port-which obviously is not the web
server port. I guess now that I say this, I seem like a bone head.
I encourage anyone who doesn't know the config file well, to install
orion and set the admin password that way.
java -jar orion.jar -install
I tried restart
java -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost/ admin admin123 -restart
and got this
 java -jar orion.jar
Orion/1.0 (Internal build 3) initialized
Error starting RMIServer: IO Error: Address already in use
I tried shutdown
java -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost/ admin admin123 -shutdown
and bravo, it worked
java -jar orion.jar
Orion/1.0 (Internal build 3) initialized
Shutting down...
I'm not going to try anything else-but thanks for the help.
Eric :-)
Dave Smith wrote:
Trye leaving out the port number.
You need the application name in there for datasources.
java -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost/ admin admin123 -application appName
Dave Smith
Senior Team Leader
Aristocrat Technologies Australia Pty Ltd
-Original Message-
From: Eric Richardson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2000 1:16 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: admin.jar problems
I tried this as well with some problems. Here are the steps I took.
java -jar orion.jar -install
Enter an admin password to use: admin123
Confirm admin password: admin123
Installation done
 java -jar orion.jar
Orion/1.0 (Internal build 3) initialized
java -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost:/ admin admin123 -dataSourceInfo
Error: javax.naming.NamingException: Lookup error: Caught EOFException while reading
stream header; nested exception is:
Caught EOFException while reading
the stream header
 java -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost:/ admin admin123 -shutdown
Error: javax.naming.NamingException: Lookup error: Caught EOFException while reading
stream header; nested exception is:
Caught EOFException while reading
the stream header
Any ideas?
Eric :-)
p.s. Karl, if you see this, hi!

offtopic was Re: admin -shutdown

2000-06-28 Thread Eric Richardson

Karl Avedal wrote:

> Hello Eric,
> Eric Richardson wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > We are evaluating orion for an internal app and our overall opinion is
> > thumbs up.
> > 1. it is really j2ee compliant
> > 2. stable
> > 3. good performance
> > 4. not expensive
> >
> Thank you!
> >
> > If you are using internal or selling there is a risk of course.
> > 1. small company
> > 2. not open source-you can't fix problems yourself(not too many
> > opensource alternatives)
> A brief comment on 2:
> There will be very hard to find any full J2EE implementations that are
> Open Source, since Sun actually forbids us from publishing the source.
> They claim that any J2EE implemetation, even if it's not based on any
> Sun source code uses their intellectual property and can only be shipped
> to J2EE licensees. Theoretically it could be possible to get it
> published under the Sun Community Source Licensing, but that means even
> bigger problems.

I guess I was thinking of the ObjectWeb project. I don't know what
arrangement they
have with Sun but I think they are a long way off-perhaps a year.

> Regards,
> Karl Avedal

Re: admin -shutdown

2000-06-28 Thread Eric Richardson

Did you install to get an admin password?
java -jar orion.jar -install
Eric :-)
p.s. I get a different error-also on linux
David Sierra Fernandez wrote:
I've tried it and I have always the same result:
C:\orion>java -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost:23791 admin 123 -shutdown
Error: java.lang.SecurityException: Invalid username/password for default
C:\orion>java -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost:23791 david sierra -shutdown
Error: java.lang.SecurityException: Invalid username/password for default
C:\orion>java -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost david sierra -shutdown
Error: java.lang.SecurityException: Invalid username/password for default
C:\orion>java -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost/ david sierra -shutdown
Error: java.lang.SecurityException: Invalid username/password for default
What does this funny error mean ??
I think that probably today Karl Avedal and Mike are sick, because the
don't talk clearly to us.
The same happens with fail-over, connection pools and hot deploy, orion
team has ignored my questions about those things because they are not
interested in it. You should answer our questions. I do think that
is a good product but after betting for it, we have to be very sure
we are going to get.
Think about it... Orion team.
    David Sierra Fern ndez
    E.T.S.I. Telecomunicaci¢n
    Universidad de Valladolid   
    Campus Miguel Delibes  
    47011 Valladolid (SPAIN)
 -- Sierr@ --
On Wed, 28 Jun 2000, KirkYarina wrote:
> Have you tried
> java -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost/ admin  -shutdown
> i.e. no port. "/" after localhost?
> Kirk Yarina
> At 09:36 AM 6/28/00 -0500, you wrote:
> >This issue is frustrating to me.  You'd think something as
fundamental as
> >shutting down the server would work--it did in 0.9.  I really
like Orion,
> >but I just can't recommend it to my employer if such fundamental
> >don't work.  Ideally you won't be shutting down the server
very often,
> >however when you are configuring and testing you do it a lot. 
This issue
> >has received a lot of traffic on this list, but I have yet to hear
> >for the Orion Team explain either a) what we're doing wrong to cause
> >error, or b) that it is indeed a bug in the software and it will
be fixed in
> >release 1.x.
> >
> >I understand Orion is hard to beat for the price, but I'd gladly
pay more
> >for a server I can shutdown!
> >
> >Nathan Phelps
> >
> Kirk Yarina

Re: admin -shutdown

2000-06-28 Thread Eric Richardson

We are evaluating orion for an internal app and our overall opinion
is thumbs up.
1. it is really j2ee compliant
2. stable
3. good performance
4. not expensive
If you are using internal or selling there is a risk of course.
1. small company
2. not open source-you can't fix problems yourself(not too many opensource
The worst risk is that you might have to port your j2ee app to another
platform and this platform would be
1. more expensive
2. performance?
If the risks are discussed and documented then I think Orion is a great
bet regardless of the problems.
Also, the team is very responsive to fixing bugs and making the product
better-probably better if you are a customer.
Eric :-)
Juan Pablo Lorandi wrote:
I can't agree more...
BTW, many of us that haven't licensed Orion are evaluating it, and wouldn'
be scared to pay the license just to develop, but to be able to recomend
orion, we must get answers from you guys... some things are so fundamental
and completly unanswered... we can't put our heads on this kind of
-Original Message-
From: Nathan Phelps [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2000 11:36 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: admin -shutdown
This issue is frustrating to me.  You'd think something as fundamental
shutting down the server would work--it did in 0.9.  I really
like Orion,
but I just can't recommend it to my employer if such fundamental features
don't work.  Ideally you won't be shutting down the server very
however when you are configuring and testing you do it a lot. 
This issue
has received a lot of traffic on this list, but I have yet to hear
for the Orion Team explain either a) what we're doing wrong to cause
error, or b) that it is indeed a bug in the software and it will be
fixed in
release 1.x.
I understand Orion is hard to beat for the price, but I'd gladly pay
for a server I can shutdown!
Nathan Phelps
-Original Message-
From: Christian Sell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2000 5:09 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: admin -shutdown
a follow-up to my earlier question on using the -shutdown command to
admin.jar program:
assuming that localhost:8080 is not the port the admin server is listening
on (since its the HTTP port), I roamed through the few docs that exist
came across RMI.XML, where the default RMI server port is listed as
Now, when trying that one (or leaving the port number empty, for that
matter), I get this:
command: "java -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost:23791 admin logos -shutdown"
Error: com.evermind.reflect.UndeclaredExceptionTypeException:
The contents of the log files are not of much help. Most log only contain
stuff like:
28.06.00 11:32 Stopped
28.06.00 11:34 Started
  -Original Message-
  From: Christian Sell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  To: Orion-Interest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Date: Mittwoch, 28. Juni 2000 01:42
  Subject: JSP page compilation classpath?
  I have an application with a JSP page which uses a tag from a
The taglib classes are under WEB-INF/classes as usual. However, when
invoking the JSP page, I get an error saying:
  Error parsing JSP page /jsp/JSPTestTag.jsp line 32
  Tag class com.itsit.wcf.adaptor.jsp.GetComponentTag not found:
  where does Orion look for classes during page compilation??
  Also, I will take another try at the following problem. This
has been
posted by several people a couple of times, but to my knowledge without
answer to date:
  When trying to shutdown the server with the comand "admin.jar
ormi://localhost:8080 admin pwd -shutdown" I get another error message:
  Error: javax.naming.NamingException: Lookup error:
  ion: Caught EOFException while reading the stream header; nested
Caught EOFException while
reading the
  stream header

admin.jar problems

2000-06-28 Thread Eric Richardson

I tried this as well with some problems. Here are the steps I took.
java -jar orion.jar -install
Enter an admin password to use: admin123
Confirm admin password: admin123
Installation done
 java -jar orion.jar
Orion/1.0 (Internal build 3) initialized
java -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost:/ admin admin123 -dataSourceInfo
Error: javax.naming.NamingException: Lookup error:
Caught EOFException while reading the stream header; nested exception is:
Caught EOFException while reading the stream header
 java -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost:/ admin admin123 -shutdown
Error: javax.naming.NamingException: Lookup error:
Caught EOFException while reading the stream header; nested exception is:
Caught EOFException while reading the stream header
Any ideas?
Eric :-)
p.s. Karl, if you see this, hi!

Re: SV: Data integrity using JSP - EJB???? (Urgent)

2000-06-22 Thread Eric Richardson

This is a good idea.
eric :-)
for the answers. As far as using direct Entitybean access this is not anything
i want to do, just because it can hold locs for longer than ai want them
to do. Now I am implementing a model Christophe Hartwig agrees with me
on (thanks for your mail) where i compare last timestamp on update to see
if it match before update. This way i can serve loads of users and still
contain the dataintegrity im after, and keep the locks to a minimum. When
accessing Entity beans directly from a jsp you never know when to release
the lock so i leave that to Stateless session beans where I give out Javabeans
that can be played around with as i like in the jsp (i can forget about
those guys whos browsers crash, those guys who run 4 sessions against the
application and those guys who open the edit page and leaves for lunch
have a nice summer holidays everyone!Klaus

Fra: Eric Richardson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sendt: 22. juni 2000 16:30
Til: Orion-Interest
Emne: Re: Data integrity using
JSP - EJB (Urgent)
Hi Klaus,
If you are displaying a bunch of data on your page, agree with the
approach. Then if someone wants
to change the data, I would suggest having a separate edit page for
that data. In this case I would
use a entity bean directly behind the form.
Did you use CMP entity beans to make your display beans from the session
beans? This is how the pet store
does it. If you do then the entity bean for that row will already be
loaded so asking for it in your edit page
would not be expensive except for all the calls to display the attributes.
Hope this helps,
Eric :-)
This is probably not an Orion spesific, but should
consern anyone who is
using EJB through JSP.
The application I am developing is using JSP for generation a GUI to
Buissiness methods in the Orion server. But i have come into one problem,
data integrity.
Because of performance i never use an Entity bean direcly i use stateless
session beans as factory objects to throw out collections of data to
JSP, and the entity bean generates javabeans so i get out with an average
1-2 calls for a full row retrieve from a database table. The performance
great :) (caching mechanism for CMP beans is just great :).
But recently when implementing the save and create parts of the JSP
application i come into a problem: Transactions.
What do you do? Im thinking about when you retrieve some into for a
page for
editing, you never know when the user is done? he can walk from the
with the data more or less edited (ie lunch) he can just close the
or the like. Or two ppl can do the same thing with the same data and
allmost at the same time.
How do you do locking of data in a safe manner in a J2EE environment
JSP as the GUI???
This has pulled my hair the last few days, but i could not find mutch
in either JTS or JTA spesifications.
Anyone have any good suggestions?
Med vennlig hilsen
Klaus Myrseth
Telenor Mobil AS - Planavdelingen


2000-06-22 Thread Eric Richardson

Kev Palfreyman wrote:
I looking for some advice and if possible specific
examples for this
Background: I have experience of earlier servlets, lots of Java, some
XML/XSLT, lots of HTML.  New to EJB/JSP/Servlets2.2/Orion
>From what I understand, I think I should be able to have a servlet
talk to
some EJB's and dynamically generate XML.  What I don't understand
is how the
correct XSL is chosen to generate either WML or HTML.  The Orion
indicates it is possible, but I cannot find any detail.
Does my servlet have to check the agent type and insert the correct
sheet ref in the XML?  But in this case how do I make the transform
server side?
This is a good suggestion. Tailor the content based on the user agent.
Where would JSP fit into this?
If you have a data bean on a JSP page. You can markup the data in the JSP
page. A JSP page
semantically is a servlet, they are just easier to develop.
Any help or pointers to example code would be really useful.  I've
all over the standards / FAQs but not found anything about this, only
directly generating WML (which is not what I want).
Thanks in advance
Kev Palfreyman

Re: Data integrity using JSP - EJB???? (Urgent)

2000-06-22 Thread Eric Richardson

Hi Klaus,
If you are displaying a bunch of data on your page, agree with the
approach. Then if someone wants
to change the data, I would suggest having a separate edit page for
that data. In this case I would
use a entity bean directly behind the form.
Did you use CMP entity beans to make your display beans from the session
beans? This is how the pet store
does it. If you do then the entity bean for that row will already be
loaded so asking for it in your edit page
would not be expensive except for all the calls to display the attributes.
Hope this helps,
Eric :-)
This is probably not an Orion spesific, but should
consern anyone who is
using EJB through JSP.
The application I am developing is using JSP for generation a GUI to
Buissiness methods in the Orion server. But i have come into one problem,
data integrity.
Because of performance i never use an Entity bean direcly i use stateless
session beans as factory objects to throw out collections of data to
JSP, and the entity bean generates javabeans so i get out with an average
1-2 calls for a full row retrieve from a database table. The performance
great :) (caching mechanism for CMP beans is just great :).
But recently when implementing the save and create parts of the JSP
application i come into a problem: Transactions.
What do you do? Im thinking about when you retrieve some into for a
page for
editing, you never know when the user is done? he can walk from the
with the data more or less edited (ie lunch) he can just close the
or the like. Or two ppl can do the same thing with the same data and
allmost at the same time.
How do you do locking of data in a safe manner in a J2EE environment
JSP as the GUI???
This has pulled my hair the last few days, but i could not find mutch
in either JTS or JTA spesifications.
Anyone have any good suggestions?
Med vennlig hilsen
Klaus Myrseth
Telenor Mobil AS - Planavdelingen

Re: simple(?) directory question

2000-06-20 Thread Eric Richardson

Mike Cannon-Brookes wrote:

> Sure, just set up a virtual directory tag in the default-web-app to point to
> the directory you want on disk. Look at
> (I think that's the right
> URL)
> Your alternative is to set up a whole new web-app by placing a WEB-INF
> directory w/ web.xml file in it, then binding the new web app to /myapp.
> (This is my preference for portability although it probably isn't as quick
> if you don't really know what you're doing)

We use Resin and Orion for Web Apps by putting our files into an EAR
structure(from J2EE). This lets us have 1 line of configuration in two files in
Orion and only one small section in the Resin config file. The resin config
needs to point to the web directory inside the EAR which is expanded. We make
no changes to the app from one system to the other.

Eric :-)

> Cheers,
> Mike
> > -Original Message-
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Matthew Baird
> > Sent: Tuesday, 20 June 2000 10:15
> > To: Orion-Interest
> > Subject: simple(?) directory question
> >
> >
> > I've got an application I developed on a different app server (Resin), and
> > I've had it running on several offer servers, and in each case I
> > haven't had
> > to move .jsp's or class file paths. For development this great, speeds
> > things up immensely. Is there any way of using my current directory
> > structure within Orion? I've been over the documentation, however
> > I find it
> > cryptic in parts and I can't figure out a way to do this.
> >
> > I simply want to map /myapp/ to c:\myapp\
> >
> > is this possible in Orion? It used to be about 6 months ago when
> > I was using
> > an earlier version.
> >
> > thanks,
> > Matthew Baird
> >
> >


2000-06-16 Thread Eric Richardson

Hi David and Karl,
I talked to the J2EE group at Java One about this exact subject and
just sent a message to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] group. I also cross
posted the previous post in this thread as support.
I think other people need to let the J2EE team know about these issues
and the importance for your apps. They can then coordinate with the EJB
and Web container teams on this issue. Hopefully an SPI can be developed
that both containers can use.
Funny how security always comes up last.
Eric :-)
Karl Avedal wrote:
Hello David,
Unfortunately there are still a few things that are not standardized
in J2EE
1.2, especially in the field of security and user management (like
adding users to the server).
For such things, the application server vendor unfortunately has to
their own ways of doing things, and some of our demo applications demonstrate
those features as well. We will try to push for as much as possible
to be
standardized for better portability, and it is happening. For example
OR-mapping was not standardized in EJB1.1 but is/will be in EJB 2.0
and we
have just converted our OR-mapping to match the EJB 2.0 draft (but
will not be
available publically just yet). Of course it'll take some time before
the spec
sorts out every portability issue though.
Karl Avedal
David Sierra Fernandez wrote:
> I tried to deploy ATM example in Sun's J2EE implementation server,
but it
> didn't recognize ear file. I tried to create the ear file mayself
but when
> I tried to include the war and jar files, this last was also not
> as a valid file.
> Then I tried to create both files begining from the .class files
but It
> does not work anyway. For last I tried to compile again the classes
but I
> got the following error:
> Package not
found in
> import
> .
> import*;
>    ^
> Package not
> in impo
> rt.
> import*;
> If the standard file is the jar, Why Orion include especific files
in the
> code? Does this not break the comatibility?
> How I can deploy an Orion application in other servers to test
> performance?
> -
> David Sierra Fern
> E.T.S.I. Telecomunicaci¢n
> Universidad de Valladolid   
> Campus Miguel Delibes  
> 47011 Valladolid
> --
>  -- Sierr@ --

Re: OR mapping

2000-06-12 Thread Eric Richardson

Hi Peter,
You can also try Scott Ambler at
eric :-)

Peter wrote:
 Hi there... Could anyone point me to some good resources on OR

> mapping.
>  How can I use it with orion server ( orion OR-mapping how-to is not
> enough for me :). Some
>  examples would be great.
> Thanx,
> Peter

JSP Parsing Bug FIXED!!

2000-06-02 Thread Eric Richardson

Hi Orion Team,
This problem is fixed in 1.0 Internal build 3

interface Product {}
interface Pet extends Product {}
class PetImpl implements Pet {
The use bean gets the product which is a PetImpl and properly deals
with it!!!
Eric :-)
 Original Message 


JSP Parsing Bug


Wed, 24 May 2000 08:51:59 -0700


Eric Richardson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Orion-Interest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Has anyone else had this problem?
500 Internal Server Error
Error parsing JSP page /pet_db.jsp line 85
Property 'id' in the 'com.ratex.common.Pet' type bean not found
interface Pet extends Product
and product has id property.
Magnus or Karl, any comment?
Eric :-)
p.s.  10rc1 on linux jdk 1.2.2

Re: useBean scope problemed

2000-06-02 Thread Eric Richardson

Hi Magnus,

I'm sorry I didn't respond earlier. We just found out yesterday afternoon that
the Iterate tag issue is not a problem. I didn't recompile it yet for the
three argument method setAttribute, but you said before that you fixed this.

Please close the other setAttribute report for 1.0 internal build 3. This is
not a problem, it just took us a long time to sort it out.

This current problem below confuses me a bit. The resulting code if it made it
thru the parse phase would compile but it doesn't make it thru the parse
phase. I couldn't find anything in the spec that would say this is not an okay
usage but couldn't find anything that says it's okay either.

The main goal in the code was to make the creation of the bean right where I
wanted it(readability, maintainability etc). The BluePrints state this type of
JSP controller is desired and actually they are easy to write and change so I
hope this is allowed.

Thanks for all the help,
Hope to see your team at JavaOne.

Eric :-)

p.s. I guess we may have to discuss this with the Sun Team. Do you want to
forward this message to them?

Magnus Stenman wrote:

> Hi, first off; didnt you get the response to your other mail/report?
> As for the bean the code below looks as if it should fail ("per the spec").
> Bean definitions apply to "the rest of the page" even if of course they can
> only be used within any potential { } they're defined inside. The compiler
> is more or less "dumb" to the java code presented and passes it on as
> templates for the java source so it doesnt not consist of any rules for
> checking scope via parsing it etc. We'll try to hunt down any specifics on
> redefining a bean with the same name + scope in a page and if we can't find
> any in the spec we'll discuss it with Eduardo (JSP 1.1 and 1.2 lead).

> /Magnus Stenman, the Orion team
> > Hi,
> > I'm getting the following error in Orion 1.0rc1. This is the second
> > error I've post so please respond. Both are show stoppers since we have
> > one camp using Resin and this works as well as the previous interface
> > type error I posted. Orion is getting so unfavorable press here in our
> > shop.
> > 
> > 500 Internal Server Error
> >
> > Error parsing JSP page /ordercontrol.jsp line 88
> >
> > Bean 'address' already defined
> > ---
> >
> > Here is the JSP code. It seems I should be able to do this but can't
> > find it in the spec about the scope of objects in the JSP body. The code
> > is part of a control JSP. I don't want to create an Address unless I'm
> > in one of these if statements. Also this is a parse problem so I'm
> > wondering what references from the spec you are using. useBean say
> > create if you can't find it-it doesn't say anything that would lead me
> > to believe you can't do this below.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Eric
> >
> > // 3a. submit account
> > if(action.equals("submitaccount")) {
> > %>
> >> scope="page" />
> >> param="addressaddress1" />
> >> param="addressaddress2" />
> >   
> >
> >> />
> >> param="addresscountry" />
> >
> >> scope="session" />
> >> value="<%=address%>" />
> >   
> >> />
> >> />
> >   
> >   
> >
> >> scope="session" />
> >> />
> >> value="<%=account.getAddress()%>" />
> > <%
> >   String shipTo = request.getParameter("shipto");
> >   if(shipTo != null && shipTo.equals("on")) {
> > // from another place should check to see if it exists
> >
> > application.getRequestDispatcher("/addressform.jsp").forward(request,
> > response);
> > return;
> >   }
> >   else {
> > %>
> > <%
> >
> > application.getRequestDispatcher("/orderreview.jsp").forward(request,
> > response);
> > return;
> >   }
> > }
> > %>
> >
> > <%
> > // 3b. submit address
> > if(action.equals("submitaddress")) {
> >Order order = (Order)session.getAttribute("order");
> > %>
> >> scope="page" />
> >> />
> >> />
> >   
> >   
> >   
> >
> >   
> >> />
> > <%
> >   // from another place should check to see if it exists
> >   application.getRequestDispatcher("/orderreview.jsp").forward(request,
> > response);
> >   return;
> > }
> > %>
> >
> >

Taglibs/Orion Packaging

2000-06-01 Thread Eric Richardson

Still trying to sort out my taglib problems. I'm not sure at this point
what classes I should compile
against. I thought the reference edition, j2ee.jar would make the most
sense. In theory each
server that licenses J2EE should use the same "interfaces" and basic
infrastructure classes. This way statics and other things would all be
the same.
Looking at orion, why are the "javax.jms" and "javax.servlet" packages
put into the orion.jar while all the other J2EE classes provided as separate
Could someone shed some light on this.
Eric :-)

Re: Source XML Error: External entity not found:

2000-05-31 Thread Eric Richardson

Hi Mark,

I have a problem like this in 10 Internal build 3. I have an application that
used a url  http://iron:8080/my.xml
in the default-web-app area to get an XML file. It seems Orion tried to run the
?XSLT? servlet
on it and could not resolve the dtd. The application showed that it tried to
resolve it as
/local/app/orion/default-web-app/my.dtd rather than http://iron:8080/my.dtd

I'm sure this is just me not knowing how to configure orion and the XSLT
servlet but thought it might be helpful.
Eric :-)

"Kaseman, Mark T" wrote:

> I just upgraded to orion 1.0.0.RC2 and when I try to generate an XML
> document from my JSP code I receive the following error
> Source XML Error: External entity not found:  .dtd.
> This same code works fine under orion 1.0.0.RC1.
> Right now I am not sure what the problem/issue is 
> Here is the beginning JSP code:
>  "mtv-sign-on.dtd">
>  class="com.mkaseman.util.JMTVCycle.EieJSPIntMTVSessionCheck" scope="page">
>  class="com.mkaseman.util.JMTVCycle.EieJSPIntMTVRegionsList" scope="page">
> Here is the dtd definition:

Tag lib fails with newest build

2000-05-30 Thread Eric Richardson

We previously used an iterate tag lib but had problems with the three
argument setAttribute method so we hard coded to pageContext.
Code in tag library:
pageContext.setAttribute(name,; //page scope default
This worked great for 1.0rc1
With  (Orion/1.0 (Internal build 3) initialized) we get the following.
java.lang.InstantiationException: Could not find the bean named 'hierarchy'
in the page scope
    at __jspPage3_stores_db_jsp._jspService(
    at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindHttpJspPage.service(JAX)
    at com.evermind.server.http.JSPServlet.service(JAX)
    at com.evermind.server.http.df.o4(JAX)
    at com.evermind.server.http.df.forward(JAX)
Code in JSP page:

<% int i=0; %>

  <% if (i == 0) { %>
  <% }else if (i == 1) { %>
    > <%=hierarchy%>
  <% } %>
  <% i++; %>

Re: Does Orion eliminate RMI? Was: How are database JOINS achieved with EJBs?

2000-05-30 Thread Eric Richardson

Steven Punte wrote:

> > Al Fogleson wrote:
> > > then you start adding all the RMI calls over the network and that adds
> > some load too
> >
> > Well, EJBs will not always be called remotely to start with. A very
> > common scenario is that you write Servlets/JSPs that communicate with
> > EJBs. Usually you will run your Web components and EJBs on the same
> > servr and no RMI calls will be made. Of course though, if you need the
> > remote access it will be used. But that is an overhead you need no
> > matter what technology. Orion's RMI-transport protocol is very
> > optimized.
> I agree with Karl that RMI, even on the same machine, is a significant
> overhead.  Think of CPU consumption to serialized and de-serialize
> member function arguments and return value.
> When ones' client and EJB container are both on the same machine
> and in the same process, CAN Orion bypass the RMI protocol
> here and achieve near optimum performance?

I believe this is what JBoss does. See at

> It would be like having your cake and eating it too, to have both
> the Enterprise architecture and near optimum performance
> in this single server scenario.  :-)
> STeve

Re: JSP Parsing Bug

2000-05-24 Thread Eric Richardson

Hi Anjana,
Good idea but I don't think this is the problem. I needed more info
like the previous message I posted on this subject.
The interface Product has the method getId().
The PetImpl class which is the actual bean on the page
implements Pet which extends Product. (a product taxonomy)
I believe the parser should use introspection to map id to a public
method getId().
It seems the parser is not following the inheritance chain.
The bean call is like this

It does work in Resin.
What is really cool thing is that the controller jsp can check product
types and forward to
the correct view jsp.
It would also compile but the Orion parser prevents it from generating
the java source.
Thanks for the interest.
Eric :-)
"Mistri, Anjana (NOW)" wrote:
checking, is id specified as private or protected?

From: Eric Richardson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2000
4:52 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: JSP Parsing Bug
Has anyone else had this problem?
500 Internal Server Error
Error parsing JSP page /pet_db.jsp line 85
Property 'id' in the 'com.ratex.common.Pet' type bean not found
interface Pet extends Product
and product has id property.
Magnus or Karl, any comment?
Eric :-)
p.s.  10rc1 on linux jdk 1.2.2

JSP Parsing Bug

2000-05-24 Thread Eric Richardson

Has anyone else had this problem?
500 Internal Server Error
Error parsing JSP page /pet_db.jsp line 85
Property 'id' in the 'com.ratex.common.Pet' type bean not found
interface Pet extends Product
and product has id property.
Magnus or Karl, any comment?
Eric :-)
p.s.  10rc1 on linux jdk 1.2.2

Re: Look up a EJB from a JSP?

2000-05-23 Thread Eric Richardson

The first two properties should be able to be put in a properties file such as
usually on the classpath(maybe in the jre/lib directory). This can be read by
the system by the "InputStream Classloader.getResouceAsStream()" method. Orion
should allow for setting this for the system if it's not already loaded for
the client program. You should not have to write this code unless
you want the PROVIDER_URL to be dynamic and not from a property file.

The second two need to be set at runtime coming from the client program as

Hope this helps,
Eric :-)

Tung Bui wrote:

> Hi, as part of my learning, I tried to implement a dynamic page as follow:
> JSP<->Java Bean<->EJB<->JDBC. I got it works as intended however with a
> hack. Within the my Java Bean, in order to look up the EJB bean
> successfully, I have to hard code the context info as follow:
> Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
> "com.evermind.server.ApplicationClientInitialContextFactory");
> env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL,"ormi://localhost/linkcontent");
> env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL,"");
> env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS,"");
> Context ctx = new InitialContext(env);
> Which is not an ideal way. I'm having trouble from figuring out how to set
> these information up so that I do not have to hard code this way. Any idea?
> Thanks,
> Tung

Re: JSPServlet not invoked for *.JSP

2000-05-22 Thread Eric Richardson

I think I misspoke on this one. It seems I was pointing at an older
version on windows.
Can you confirm this was a problem and is fixed?
Eric :-)
Eric Richardson wrote:
When using Netscape 4.7 on windows and the Orion rc1 on windows, if
you have a jsp named foo.jsp then if you call the servlet foo.JSP or FOO.JSP
then the web server only returns source code for the JSP. Netscape on linux
does not exhibit this behaviour.]
If the backend is Orion on linux, it does not have this problem.
I think this is a big problem. Please let me know what to do.

JSPServlet not invoked for *.JSP

2000-05-22 Thread Eric Richardson

When using Netscape 4.7 on windows and the Orion rc1 on windows, if
you have a jsp named foo.jsp then if you call the servlet foo.JSP or FOO.JSP
then the web server only returns source code for the JSP. Netscape on linux
does not exhibit this behaviour.]
If the backend is Orion on linux, it does not have this problem.
I think this is a big problem. Please let me know what to do.

JSP useBean type problem

2000-05-18 Thread Eric Richardson

I think I've found a JSP parsing problem and would like confirmation.

Here is the situation for the classes:

interface Product {
  public String getId();

interface Pet extends Product {
  public double getWeight();

public class PetImpl implements Pet {

  public String getId();
  public double getWeight();

The page has a product of type Product in page scope. We use the
following tag
to get the correct casting of the PetImpl object.

Then we go to use it.



And get the following error.

500 Internal Server Error

Error parsing JSP page /pet_db.jsp line 59

Property 'id' in the 'com.ratex.common.Pet' type bean not found

If I comment out the first get:property then the page will compile and

A Pet is a Product so I believe this may be a bit aggressive in the
parse phase. It works
on Resin FWIW.

Linux RedHat 6.1
Sun jdk1.2.2-001
Orion 1.0rc1

Any insights or help is appreciated.
Eric :-)

Auto Deploy of web app from EAR?

2000-05-09 Thread Eric Richardson

Isn't there some way that a web-app can be deployed by just reading
the application.xml file from the EAR?
Is it because the server can support multiple HTTP sites that the deployment
is ambiguous because it has to know which Web Container to deploy into
or is the problem more subtle?
It would be nice to not have to edit both the server.xml and the default-web-site.xml
file. I guess the
J2EE spoils us but it just deploys to the server directly but it can
be remote too.
Eric :-)


2000-05-08 Thread Eric Richardson

robert wrote:

> Hmm, I haven't tried that. Might be it.
> Does it have to be that www url? Since I don't
> have an internet connection where I'm developing.
> Could I use the 'localhost' url instead?
> /Robert Karlsson
> On Mon, 8 May 2000, Matt Krevs wrote:
> > When I was messing around with WML I remember I got the same error.
> >
> > Are you specifying a doctype for your xml?
> >
> > eg in the orion config files the first 2 lines are
> >
> > 
> >  > runtime 1.2//EN" "">

yes this url could be wml.dtd. The other values need to be correct too.

> >
> > Are you sepcifying the correct url for the 'wml DTD' (It would be something
> > different to the one above)?

Re: Classloaders in orion

2000-05-08 Thread Eric Richardson

Hi Robert,

I have asked too about this because I also use XML and not the same version. I
xmltr2. My problem is that the parser is leaving whitespace between elements
where no whitespace can be according to the DTD. This breaks my code because
apparently I'm using the one built into the application server and it leaves
TEXT elements
between my elements. My workaround is to make sure my XML has no whitespace

In a previous post from Ken Saks on the J2EE team, he said in response to my
questions about
initial context:
from me
>> And then since components are loaded by seperate classloaders so they can
>> loaded and unloaded then what is the classloading scheme for the what I'm
>> the "global" context or is there only one context?

from Ken
>It can be risky to make assumptions about the underlying classloading
>scheme used by an application server.  As a component developer the
>key is to obey the programming restrictions defined in the J2EE specs( e.g.
>Environment chapter of EJB spec).   For example, the use of read/write static
>members in EJB components is discouraged.

Certainly, some restrictions and assumptions have to put in the J2EE spec.
if you want to use your own implementation as your point illustrates? What do

My thought is that this is a very tough problem since the classloading scheme
is so
pervasive in the Java Platform. Sure the application server programmer can
provide their
own classloading scheme but usually there is a parent classloader and the
classloader must
look for classes somewhere when it has exhausted the local jar(s) for the WAR,

EJB Jar, or EAR. My understanding is that the classloaders differ to the
parent for
loading because it normally makes sense but in this case it seems it needs to
from local to global.

Some clarification would be very helpful,
Eric :-)

Robert Krüger wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm still not sure I understand how classloaders are used in orion and
> would like to ask a few things. before tonight I always thought that a
> class that's loaded via the orion.jar classpath has priority over the class
> with the same name loaded from a jar that's specified in a library-path
> element in server.xml (i.e. it's not being loaded at all). that means if I
> do not want to risk interfering with the server I cannot choose my own
> version of xalan, xerces to use in my applications. I just stumbled over a
> case where this obviously behaves differently (the version from the library
> path is taken). Is this version then also used for orion's internal
> parsing, meaning that I risk having strange side effects?
> Is it possible to safely use my own versions of libs that also shipping
> with orion (like xalan, xerces etc.?) in my application code?
> thanks for any clarification.
> robert
> p.s.:a short note on the classloader setup in orion would be a good thing
> to include in the docs as it frequently affects the developer, judging by
> the number of postings on this list that are somehow related to classloader
> issues. I know either magnus or karl once sent a mail to the list
> explaining the basic setup but I cannot find it anymore.
> (-) Robert Krüger
> (-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
> (-) Brüder-Knauß-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
> (-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373

Re: Package private member access between JARs and WARs

2000-05-05 Thread Eric Richardson

Hi Gordon,
This code is valid. Both ctors and the setName method have default
access which
means they can be called by other classes in the same package. The
only thing
that's off limits is the private var.
So I agree and this is strange unless I'm missing something in the EJB
spec. Maybe
someone from Orion will comment.
Eric :-)
Gordon Tyler wrote:
I'm having a problem with Orion that I don't get with
the Sun J2EE RI, regarding the use of package private members in one class
by another class in the same package (i.e. com.x.y) but in different JARs
or WARs.
Say that I have a value class in package com.x.y called
One as part of an EJB JAR:
package com.x.y;
class One
    private String name = null;
    void setName(String newName)
    name = newName;
And a class in the same package com.x.y called Two as
part of a WAR:
package com.x.y;
class Two
    public Two()
    One one =
new One();
These two classes are packaged in their respective EJB
JARs and WARs and deployed as an application.
In Orion, I get an IllegalAccessException on the "one.setName"
line, however other classes in the same EJB JAR as class One don't the
exception when the call setName.
The problem does not occur in the J2EE RI and I have not
found anything in the EJB/J2EE spec that would prohibit this cross-JAR
usage of package private members.
Any thoughts?
--- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" ---
Gordon Tyler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Abraxas IT Services - Component Based Devleopment
Tel: +27-(0)21-6803412
PGP key available on request or finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Official IT Partner to the Two Oceans Marathon"

Re: J2EE SDK Deployment tool

2000-05-03 Thread Eric Richardson

Enterprise Application aRchive. WAR is a Web ...
These are in JAR format with special locations for components.

Hope this helps,

Jim Archer wrote:

> I have a dumb question... Whats an EAR file?
> Thanks...
> Jim
> --On Wednesday, May 03, 2000 11:09 AM +0100 "Robert Keith (UK)"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi Guys,
> >
> > Can I use the J2EE SDK tool to create EAR files and then use these EAR
> > files with Orion?
> >
> > If so can you guys point me in the direction of the docs, or provide some
> > useful tips on doing this.
> >
> > thanx
> >
> > Robert

Re: Looking up a beans properties

2000-04-26 Thread Eric Richardson

I'm also interested in this answer.

I know you can resolve env property conflicts at deploy time to
map server resources to bean resources but is this global or one per
enterprise application?
Eric :-)

p.s. I too would be interested in an answer.


> Gary Albers@TIMEWEB
> 04/25/2000 07:02 PM
> I am using the following code to lookup a property for an EJBean:
>  Context envContext = (Context)(new
> InitialContext()).lookup("java:comp/env");
>  Object myProp = envContext.lookup("myPropName");
> I call this code from the bean itself or it's base class and it works fine.
> What I am trying to understand is how does the lookup know what bean's
> context to look in?
> Why don't I need to specify the bean name?
> What if two different EJBeans had the same property name but with a
> different value,
> how does it know which value to return?
> I would really appreciate any insight on how this aspect of JNDI works.
> TIA,
> Gary

Re: Tag Example Problem

2000-04-25 Thread Eric Richardson

Hi Magnus,
I resolved my problem and think it is a bug. I did recompile with no
Karl wrote me back and suggested from now on if I found what I think
is a bug to copy it to [EMAIL PROTECTED] He said he would add that
to the Web site.
When this call is made in 0.9.6 the bean goes in application scope.
pageContext.setAttribute(name,, PageContext.PAGE_SCOPE);
I changed to the two arg version which for pageContext puts bean in
page scope which
solves the problem temporarily.
Eric :-)
Magnus Rydin wrote:
taglib's probably needs to be recompiled using the latest orion.jar, as
there was a problem with comilers replacing static variables with their
see note on www.orionserver.comI
will update the taglibs in all examples asap.WRMagnus

From: Eric Richardson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: den 18 april 2000 17:12
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Tag Example Problem
I searched the archives and couldn't find anything relevent.
I'm trying to use the tag in some code I have. I pass the
collection but the nested usebean tag cannot find the object in page scope.
500 Internal Server Error
java.lang.InstantiationException: Could not find the bean named 'product1'
in the page scope
    at /product_demo.jsp._jspService(/
    at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindHttpJspPage.service(JAX)
    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.r4(JAX)
    at com.evermind.server.http.JSPServlet.service(JAX)
    at com.evermind.server.http.c9.oh(JAX)
    at com.evermind.server.http.c9.forward(JAX)
    at com.evermind.server.http.dg.b8(JAX)
If I put an object in scope of the correct type it iterates through
the list and prints everything out so I know the collection is fine.
<% pageContext.setAttribute("product1", product);

     <%=product1.getCategory() %> 
     <%=product1.getName() %> 
     <%=product1.getDescription() %> 

I haven't quite figured out the code but it seems it should work correctly. 
Seems like the
setAttribute(...) is not getting called.
  public int doStartTag() {
    if(iterator == null) { //Make sure we have a Iterator
  return SKIP_BODY;
    if(iterator.hasNext()) { //check if we got more
  // add the Bean to the pageContext using
the given name
  return EVAL_BODY_TAG;
    else {
  return SKIP_BODY;
Any help would be appreciated.
Eric :-)

Web App env-entry(s)

2000-04-20 Thread Eric Richardson

Hi All,
In case anyone wondered how to get an env-entry

    Used to find a configuration file

From JSP Page
javax.naming.Context context = new javax.naming.InitialContext();
String filePath = (String)context.lookup("java:comp/env/configFile");

File Path : <%= filePath %>

I was going to post a how do you ? ... but changed it into a how to!
Eric :-)

Re: Missing orion-ejb-jar.xml when using EAR archive

2000-04-18 Thread Eric Richardson

I see,
I saw this somewhere and thought this was cool too. How do you specify the directory 
where the files go?
This is an excellent feature. Before it inserted the files into the EAR. Is this 
automatic in the 1.0rc1 version? I have the 0.96 version.
Eric :-)
Conrad Chan wrote:

> When I deploy an EJB application with tree of class files, Orion will create a 
>subdirectory called orion and store all the stub java classes there with a 
>orion-specific configuration file orion-ejb-jar.xml.  With that configuration file we 
>can specify container-specific information like finder queries etc.
> But when I deploy the EJB application in EAR file, the whole 'orion' sub-directory 
>is not created nor the configuration file.  Hence there is no way I can think of to 
>provide my custom finder queries.
> Conrad
> -Original Message-
> From: Eric Richardson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2000 1:59 PM
> To: Conrad Chan
> Subject: Re: Missing orion-ejb-jar.xml when using EAR archive
> I guess I didn't understand the "Missing" reference whether you were saying it in 
>jest or not.
> I am familar with EARs and WARs.
> Thanks,
> Eric
> Conrad Chan wrote:
> > I use my own makefile to generate EAR file.  As you know EAR is basically a JAR 
>file,  a generic makefile can handle it.
> >
> > Conrad
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Eric Richardson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2000 11:42 AM
> > To: Conrad Chan
> > Subject: Re: Missing orion-ejb-jar.xml when using EAR archive
> >
> > Hi Conrad,
> > I take it this is good? Are there utilities to package into an ear?
> > Eric
> > Conrad Chan wrote:
> >
> > > When I package my application in an ear archive, I realize that there is no 
>orion-ejb-jar.xml file created.  I tried to deploy news and atm apps using their ear 
>archives and the xml file is not created as well.  So how am I supposed to configure 
>my EJB objects when using ear archive?
> > >
> > > P.S.  This is a very promising EJB server! Great work Orion team!
> > >
> > > Conrad

Re: Tag Example Problem ***Possible bug***

2000-04-18 Thread Eric Richardson

I found a workaround.
If in the doStartTag method I change
pageContext.setAttribute(name,, PageContext.PAGE_SCOPE);
Then the tag works on 0.96.
I checked it out and if I use PageContext.PAGE_SCOPE in the taglib I
can retrieve
it from application scope. So I think this is defined wrong and is
a bug.
Is [EMAIL PROTECTED] where bugs should be sent? Couldn't see anything
on Web Site.
Hope this helps,
Eric :-)
Eric Richardson wrote:
Hi Brian,
Brian Cunningham wrote:
it "product" vs "products"?
products is the collection, product is one of the elements of the collection
Product product = (Product) products.get(0);
Then hash as product1. This is called in doStartTag and in doAfterBody
pageContext.setAttribute(name,, PageContext.PAGE_SCOPE);
Bu there must be a problem in the Tag because if I put an object in
the pageContext as below the iterate works and prints out the same object
16 times.(since there are sixteen items in the products Collection. So
the Tag partly works. I'm reading the spec and I will probably put debug
messages in the tag. The only thing I see so far is that the doInitBody
method has been omitted. Don't know if something should be in that tag.
pageContext.setAttribute("product1", product); <-
-Original Message-
Behalf Of Eric Richardson
Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2000
10:12 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Tag Example Problem
I searched the archives and couldn't find anything relevent.
I'm trying to use the tag in some code I have. I pass the
collection but the nested usebean tag cannot find the object in page scope.
500 Internal Server Error
java.lang.InstantiationException: Could not find the bean named 'product1'
in the page scope
    at /product_demo.jsp._jspService(/
    at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindHttpJspPage.service(JAX)
    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.r4(JAX)
    at com.evermind.server.http.JSPServlet.service(JAX)
    at com.evermind.server.http.c9.oh(JAX)
    at com.evermind.server.http.c9.forward(JAX)
    at com.evermind.server.http.dg.b8(JAX)
If I put an object in scope of the correct type it iterates through
the list and prints everything out so I know the collection is fine.
<% pageContext.setAttribute("product1", product);

     <%=product1.getCategory() %> 
     <%=product1.getName() %> 
     <%=product1.getDescription() %> 

I haven't quite figured out the code but it seems it should work correctly. 
Seems like the
setAttribute(...) is not getting called.
  public int doStartTag() {
    if(iterator == null) { //Make sure we have a Iterator
  return SKIP_BODY;
    if(iterator.hasNext()) { //check if we got more
  // add the Bean to the pageContext using
the given name
  return EVAL_BODY_TAG;
    else {
  return SKIP_BODY;
Any help would be appreciated.
Eric :-)

Re: Tag Example Problem

2000-04-18 Thread Eric Richardson

Hi Brian,
Brian Cunningham wrote:
it "product" vs "products"?
products is the collection, product is one of the elements of the collection
Product product = (Product) products.get(0);
Then hash as product1. This is called in doStartTag and in doAfterBody
pageContext.setAttribute(name,, PageContext.PAGE_SCOPE);
Bu there must be a problem in the Tag because if I put an object in
the pageContext as below the iterate works and prints out the same object
16 times.(since there are sixteen items in the products Collection. So
the Tag partly works. I'm reading the spec and I will probably put debug
messages in the tag. The only thing I see so far is that the doInitBody
method has been omitted. Don't know if something should be in that tag.
pageContext.setAttribute("product1", product); <-
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Eric Richardson
Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2000
10:12 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Tag Example Problem
I searched the archives and couldn't find anything relevent.
I'm trying to use the tag in some code I have. I pass the
collection but the nested usebean tag cannot find the object in page scope.
500 Internal Server Error
java.lang.InstantiationException: Could not find the bean named 'product1'
in the page scope
    at /product_demo.jsp._jspService(/
    at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindHttpJspPage.service(JAX)
    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.r4(JAX)
    at com.evermind.server.http.JSPServlet.service(JAX)
    at com.evermind.server.http.c9.oh(JAX)
    at com.evermind.server.http.c9.forward(JAX)
    at com.evermind.server.http.dg.b8(JAX)
If I put an object in scope of the correct type it iterates through
the list and prints everything out so I know the collection is fine.
<% pageContext.setAttribute("product1", product);

     <%=product1.getCategory() %> 
     <%=product1.getName() %> 
     <%=product1.getDescription() %> 

I haven't quite figured out the code but it seems it should work correctly. 
Seems like the
setAttribute(...) is not getting called.
  public int doStartTag() {
    if(iterator == null) { //Make sure we have a Iterator
  return SKIP_BODY;
    if(iterator.hasNext()) { //check if we got more
  // add the Bean to the pageContext using
the given name
  return EVAL_BODY_TAG;
    else {
  return SKIP_BODY;
Any help would be appreciated.
Eric :-)

Tag Example Problem

2000-04-18 Thread Eric Richardson

I searched the archives and couldn't find anything relevent.
I'm trying to use the tag in some code I have. I pass the
collection but the nested usebean tag cannot find the object in page scope.
500 Internal Server Error
java.lang.InstantiationException: Could not find the bean named 'product1'
in the page scope
    at /product_demo.jsp._jspService(/
    at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindHttpJspPage.service(JAX)
    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.r4(JAX)
    at com.evermind.server.http.JSPServlet.service(JAX)
    at com.evermind.server.http.c9.oh(JAX)
    at com.evermind.server.http.c9.forward(JAX)
    at com.evermind.server.http.dg.b8(JAX)
If I put an object in scope of the correct type it iterates through
the list and prints everything out so I know the collection is fine.
<% pageContext.setAttribute("product1", product);

     <%=product1.getCategory() %> 
     <%=product1.getName() %> 
     <%=product1.getDescription() %> 

I haven't quite figured out the code but it seems it should work correctly. 
Seems like the
setAttribute(...) is not getting called.
  public int doStartTag() {
    if(iterator == null) { //Make sure we have a Iterator
  return SKIP_BODY;
    if(iterator.hasNext()) { //check if we got more
  // add the Bean to the pageContext using
the given name
  return EVAL_BODY_TAG;
    else {
  return SKIP_BODY;
Any help would be appreciated.
Eric :-)

Re: problem with orionserevr and jdbc on win95

2000-04-18 Thread Eric Richardson

Hi LynchWu,

You should be able to just drop this oracle library in the orion/lib
Edit the datasources.xml as a shown in a previous post recently and then
it should work.

Eric :-)
LynchWu wrote:

> Hi All
> I met some kind of problem in orionserver. When everything
> is ok in my experiences with Tomcat 3.1b and Oracle JDBC,
> the Orionserver simply can't load the same classes. I've set the
> classpath to include JDBC driver,, just like
> what I have done with Tomcat, but Orionserver keeps reporting
> the ClassNotFound error. What else have I missed?
> I used JDK1.1.8 for Tomcat, and JDK1.2.2 for Orion.
> By the way, I can't skip the jar step in OrionServer's tutorial,
> although I can skip it for Tomcat. Why?
> ==
> Lynch Wu
> Web Engineer
> pAsia Inc. 
> TEL: 886-2-87883033 ext 347
> FAX: 886-2-87881532
> ==

0.96 problems: Was Re: 0.94 and 0.96 problems

2000-04-17 Thread Eric Richardson

Hi Magnus,
Oops I miss stated earlier. To make my code work I have to remove all
whitespace out of the
xml document to make sure extra text nodes are not in the document
Eric Richardson wrote:
Hi Magnus,
Well, I was using the autoupdate version of 0.96 and didn't know that
you released a real version yesterday.
I don't know what you did but now the XML parses correctly with the
version I use and the superclass classloading problem is fixed as well.

In my code I call doc.normalize() and use strict parsing according
to the DTD. When I ask for children, I get the nodes I expect with no #text
nodes between the elements.
It seems the classloader is following the chain somehow and using the
classes supplied by Orion. I put all my libs in WEB-INF/lib including the
xml.jar from the XML-tr2 package.
I can use Orion and ignore this for now but the classloading may be
a problem for others in the future as well.
Any help would be appreciated.
Wow! Thanks a bunch.
Eric :-)
Magnus Stenman wrote:

that be the "real" 0.9.6? Ie the one from the zip linked on the site? If
not then give it a try and let me know how it goes. :) /Magnus
Stenman, the Orion team

- Original Message -


To: Orion-Interest

Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2000 10:43

Subject: 0.94 and 0.96 problems
After three days of work to try and get Orion going for a simple example
using our infrastructure code, I give up.
Here are the details.
1. We use our own XML lib (xml-tr2) to get info from a config file.
This is used by our Persistence layer and connection pool etc.
2. I created a web app with web.xml and also tried it as a real j2ee
app with application.xml
Here are the problems with 0.94
1. Can't load a superclass that is clearly in the jar (stack trace below)
even though the JSP has sucessfully
loaded and instantiated two beans that work.
2. In a web application if classes are included from J2EE (even though
this was a mistake) it causes problems.
Here are the problems with 0.96
1. My XML config file is parsed with included white space which represents
extra Text Nodes. This caused my code not to work here. When all whitespace
is removed from the file my code works again.
Somehow this must not be using xml-tr2.
2. Then nothing happens and the JSP apparently just stops half way
through the service method.
I can only think of one thing-classloader problems. I am not an expert
but application code can't conflict with server code in this way. Otherwise
the system is brittle, libraries used are brittle and ...
To go to J2EE we can't redo everything so our code needs to co-exist
in the system. First, we could take advantage of the build in connection
pools and transactions, and then add EJB and eventually migrate all our
code base to the new architecture J2EE.
I also launched the vm using -verbose and it seems to load everything
until it gets to my scriptlet code. I looked at the generated JSP code
and that looked fine as well. The only thing that's a little different
in our code is that the Persistent class below is abstract. Our code works
in JRun, Resin, Tomcat and older versions of Orion.
Suggestions for Orion
1. Tracing controlled by the developer and other features to help the
users or Open Source.
2. Good luck because I think there must be alot of potential with this
Sorry that I can't get any mileage out of it.

4/11/00 4:49 PM web-app: Started
4/11/00 4:49 PM web-app: Servlet error
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/telesoft/database/Persistent
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native
    at java.lang.Class.forName(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native
    at java.lang.Class.forName(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native
    at java.lang.Class.forName(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at __jspPage0._jspService(
    at com.evermind.server.htt


2000-04-17 Thread Eric Richardson

Hi Sudhir,
Can't help you with this-this is security stuff with orion.

You can create a JSP using
your connection to Oracle to see if it is working. Add the following to your JSP.

javax.naming.Context context = new javax.naming.InitialContext();
javax.sql.DataSource dataSource =
(javax.sql.DataSource) context.lookup("jdbc/OracleDS");
java.sql.Connection conn = dataSource.getConnection();
java.sql.Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
java.sql.ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select table_name from user_tables");
while( {

"Sudhir A." wrote:

> Hi Thanks for your mail,
>  I am bit new to EJB and trying my level best to run the sample applicaion. But 
>i am geeting this error. Can you please help me with this one. Thanks in advance for 
>your help.
> I am not getting the Driver exception any more. I am trying to run the examples. I 
>have made changes to all the necessary changes. Even the table "myproduct" got 
>correctly initialised in the database when i started the server. But when i am trying 
>to run the
> application i am getting the following error.
> E:\ORION\demo\EJB\CART>java -classpath %Classpath%;../../../orion.jar;../../../e
> jb.jar;../../jndi.jar;e:/orion/demo/ejb/product ProductClient
> Communication error: Lookup error: java.lang.SecurityException: Invalid
> username/password
> **
> Just for reference, here is my "data-sources.xml" reference.
>  name="Oracle Datasource"
> class="com.evermind.sql.ConnectionDataSource"
> location="jdbc/OracleDS"
> pooled-location="jdbc/DefaultPooledDS"
> xa-location="jdbc/xa/DefaultXADS"
> ejb-location="jdbc/DefaultEJBDS"
> url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@surya:1521:sid"
> connection-driver="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"
> username="scott"
> password="tiger"
> schema="database-schemas/oracle.xml"
> />
> ***
> Also i made changes server.xml and added these lines.
> Do i need to make any more changes or is there any other place i need to specify 
>User Name and Password.
> Thanks
> sudhir
> --- Eric Richardson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > wrote:
> >Here you are!
> >Eric :-)
> >
> > >  name="Oracle Datasource"
> >  class="com.evermind.sql.ConnectionDataSource"
> >  location="jdbc/OracleDS"
> >  pooled-location="jdbc/DefaultPooledDS"
> >  xa-location="jdbc/xa/DefaultXADS"
> >  ejb-location="jdbc/DefaultEJBDS"
> >  url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@host:1521:sid"
> >  connection-driver="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"
> >  username="user"
> >  password="pass"
> > />
> >"Sudhir A." wrote:
> >
> >> Hi,
> >>   Is there any one who could successfully setup the data source using oracle 8.1
> >>
> >> with the latest version of Orion?
> >>
> >> Please post the Data Source String if possible?
> >>
> >> Thanks
> >> Sudhir
> >>
> >> _
> >> Get email for your site --->
> _
> Get email for your site --->


2000-04-14 Thread Eric Richardson

Here you are!
Eric :-)

"Sudhir A." wrote:

> Hi,
>   Is there any one who could successfully setup the data source using oracle 8.1
> with the latest version of Orion?
> Please post the Data Source String if possible?
> Thanks
> Sudhir
> _
> Get email for your site --->

Re: 0.94 and 0.96 problems

2000-04-12 Thread Eric Richardson

Hi Magnus,
Well, I was using the autoupdate version of 0.96 and didn't know that
you released a real version yesterday.
I don't know what you did but now the XML parses correctly with the
version I use and the superclass classloading problem is fixed as well.
Wow! Thanks a bunch.
Eric :-)
Magnus Stenman wrote:

that be the "real" 0.9.6? Ie the one from the zip linked on the site? If
not then give it a try and let me know how it goes. :) /Magnus
Stenman, the Orion team 

- Original Message -


To: Orion-Interest

Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2000 10:43

Subject: 0.94 and 0.96 problems
After three days of work to try and get Orion going for a simple example
using our infrastructure code, I give up.
Here are the details.
1. We use our own XML lib (xml-tr2) to get info from a config file.
This is used by our Persistence layer and connection pool etc.
2. I created a web app with web.xml and also tried it as a real j2ee
app with application.xml
Here are the problems with 0.94
1. Can't load a superclass that is clearly in the jar (stack trace below)
even though the JSP has sucessfully
loaded and instantiated two beans that work.
2. In a web application if classes are included from J2EE (even though
this was a mistake) it causes problems.
Here are the problems with 0.96
1. My XML config file is parsed with included white space which represents
extra Text Nodes. This caused my code not to work here. When all whitespace
is removed from the file my code works again.
Somehow this must not be using xml-tr2.
2. Then nothing happens and the JSP apparently just stops half way
through the service method.
I can only think of one thing-classloader problems. I am not an expert
but application code can't conflict with server code in this way. Otherwise
the system is brittle, libraries used are brittle and ...
To go to J2EE we can't redo everything so our code needs to co-exist
in the system. First, we could take advantage of the build in connection
pools and transactions, and then add EJB and eventually migrate all our
code base to the new architecture J2EE.
I also launched the vm using -verbose and it seems to load everything
until it gets to my scriptlet code. I looked at the generated JSP code
and that looked fine as well. The only thing that's a little different
in our code is that the Persistent class below is abstract. Our code works
in JRun, Resin, Tomcat and older versions of Orion.
Suggestions for Orion
1. Tracing controlled by the developer and other features to help the
users or Open Source.
2. Good luck because I think there must be alot of potential with this
Sorry that I can't get any mileage out of it.

4/11/00 4:49 PM web-app: Started
4/11/00 4:49 PM web-app: Servlet error
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/telesoft/database/Persistent
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native
    at java.lang.Class.forName(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native
    at java.lang.Class.forName(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native
    at java.lang.Class.forName(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at __jspPage0._jspService(
    at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindHttpJspPage.service(JAX)
    at com.evermind.server.http.JSPServlet.service(JAX)
    at com.evermind.server.http.c1.l_(JAX)
    at com.evermind.server.http.c1.forward(JAX)

0.94 and 0.96 problems

2000-04-12 Thread Eric Richardson

After three days of work to try and get Orion going for a simple example
using our infrastructure code, I give up.
Here are the details.
1. We use our own XML lib (xml-tr2) to get info from a config file.
This is used by our Persistence layer and connection pool etc.
2. I created a web app with web.xml and also tried it as a real j2ee
app with application.xml
Here are the problems with 0.94
1. Can't load a superclass that is clearly in the jar (stack trace below)
even though the JSP has sucessfully
loaded and instantiated two beans that work.
2. In a web application if classes are included from J2EE (even though
this was a mistake) it causes problems.
Here are the problems with 0.96
1. My XML config file is parsed with included white space which represents
extra Text Nodes. This caused my code not to work here. When all whitespace
is removed from the file my code works again.
Somehow this must not be using xml-tr2.
2. Then nothing happens and the JSP apparently just stops half way
through the service method.
I can only think of one thing-classloader problems. I am not an expert
but application code can't conflict with server code in this way. Otherwise
the system is brittle, libraries used are brittle and ...
To go to J2EE we can't redo everything so our code needs to co-exist
in the system. First, we could take advantage of the build in connection
pools and transactions, and then add EJB and eventually migrate all our
code base to the new architecture J2EE.
I also launched the vm using -verbose and it seems to load everything
until it gets to my scriptlet code. I looked at the generated JSP code
and that looked fine as well. The only thing that's a little different
in our code is that the Persistent class below is abstract. Our code works
in JRun, Resin, Tomcat and older versions of Orion.
Suggestions for Orion
1. Tracing controlled by the developer and other features to help the
users or Open Source.
2. Good luck because I think there must be alot of potential with this
Sorry that I can't get any mileage out of it.

4/11/00 4:49 PM web-app: Started
4/11/00 4:49 PM web-app: Servlet error
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/telesoft/database/Persistent
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native
    at java.lang.Class.forName(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native
    at java.lang.Class.forName(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native
    at java.lang.Class.forName(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at __jspPage0._jspService(
    at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindHttpJspPage.service(JAX)
    at com.evermind.server.http.JSPServlet.service(JAX)
    at com.evermind.server.http.c1.l_(JAX)
    at com.evermind.server.http.c1.forward(JAX)

Help Needed 0.94 and EARs

2000-04-11 Thread Eric Richardson

Do you have to have a separate enterprise application to run a web
app in WAR format
on this version of Orion?
Can you use the global-web-application.xml which points to application.xml(doctype
orion-application) or do you have to have application.xml(doctype application
from j2EE)?
Orion folks, do you settings from these "global" config files sort of
provide default setting for applications and web applications that don't
specify settings. are there some rule which can be published? Some of the
new documents help but as you change the server and config files, it's
hard to understand what we need
to know.
Thanks for any help,
Eric :-)

web app setup / classloading problem

2000-04-11 Thread Eric Richardson

I'm trying to set up a web app without a enterprise app.
I copyed default-web-site.xml to eratex-web-site.xml and edited to
change the port. It looks like this minus the header.



I added  to server.xml
I added to application.xml (document-type orion-application) the following
 and put
my app in WAR
layout but not zipped.
This is my web.xml in the WEB-INF dir.

  E-Ratex Web App
  Provides a complete shopping site.
    Used to find the AppConfig configuration

Here are the problems:
1. doesn't find welcome file list when I put http://localhost/eratex
but will find it when I add index.html to the URL.
2. The server seems to find my beans on the JSP page from a JAR file
inside the WEB-INF/lib dir but when it comes to the scriplet code it fails
to load the superclass of Product.
Persistent <-- BaseProduct <-- Product
I check to see if Persistent is in the JAR and it is.
Here is the stack trace.
4/10/00 6:20 PM Started
4/10/00 6:20 PM defaultWebApp: Started
4/10/00 6:20 PM defaultWebApp: Started
4/10/00 6:20 PM eratex: Started
4/10/00 6:21 PM eratex: Servlet error
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/telesoft/database/Persistent
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native
    at java.lang.Class.forName(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native
    at java.lang.Class.forName(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native
    at java.lang.Class.forName(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at __jspPage0._jspService(
    at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindHttpJspPage.service(JAX)
    at com.evermind.server.http.JSPServlet.service(JAX)
    at com.evermind.server.http.c1.l_(JAX)
    at com.evermind.server.http.c1.forward(JAX)
Can the java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError be called for a version problem
in my classes or is the server really not finding my class.
Any help would be really appreciated.

Re: Is CMP is useless?

2000-04-06 Thread Eric Richardson

We also found the performance of Jonas poor for CMP. We currently are
a code generator for our persistence layer and even support of that
without hand coding
is a lot of work. we found CMP very handy but the mapping tools don't
give you the
flexibility of design that you'd have with an ODBMS.
I personally have not gotten Orion to work with EJB. I get stuck on
security for the examples
and I don't have endless time to mess around with it-I wish I could
see the performance you
My question is about the isModified extension. From what I can see this
will work with
any container that supports it with out affecting containers that don't
support it. There was some code
posted (see below)I'm interested in and would like some comment. When
isModified on Jonas, each business method that changed the state of
your bean such as a set method would call setModified(true) thus the container
could call a method on your bean
boolean isModified() to check the state of the bean. Then the container
can avoid a call to the db.
The ejbStore and the ejbLoad methods have to be called according to
the spec but the container
version of these calls can be avoided.
Any comments?
What's going on in this code below?
Eric :-)
> java.lang.String _submitter = object.submitter;
> java.lang.String _text = object.text;
> java.util.Locale _locale = object.locale;
> java.util.Date _date = == null ? null : new
> java.util.Date(;
> java.lang.String _subject = object.subject;
> com.evermind.ejb.NewsItem _parent = object.parent;
> try
> {
> response = object.getText();
> }
> catch(Throwable e)
> {
> ...
> }
> this.dirty = this.dirty || (((_submitter == null) != (object.submitter
> null))
> || (_submitter != null && !_submitter.equals(object.submitter))
> || ((_text == null) != (object.text == null))
> || (_text != null && !_text.equals(object.text))
> || ((_locale == null) != (object.locale == null))
> || (_locale != null && !_locale.equals(object.locale))
> || ((_date == null) != ( == null))
> || (_date != null && !_date.equals(
> || ((_subject == null) != (object.subject == null))
> || (_subject != null && !_subject.equals(object.subject))
> || ((_parent == null) != (object.parent == null))
> || (_parent != null && !_parent.equals(object.parent)));
Robert Hargreaves wrote:
I think your opinion on entity beans may be clouded by your use of Jonas
We used Jonas in our project up until about 3 months ago. The entity
performance in jonas is absoulutely terrible - their development team
admitted to it , something to do with RMI calls. The only way round
it at
that time was to do what you're doing and write a load of SQL code
session beans for handling collection stuff. This would be when iterating
over CMP collections would be too slow. In the end we had two lots
of code,
one slow that used entity bean calls( that we kept but didn't use)
and one
lot fast that used SQL calls.
Then someone mentioned Orion on the Jonas Mailing list, and that the
bean performance was a lot better than Jonas. We tried Orion and got
working (eventually) and were blown away by its performance. In most
the entity bean collection code in Orion would be FASTER than the SQL
session code in Jonas.
Fortunately we kept all the CMP code and we try to steer clear of SQL
statements in any type of EJB - as someone mentioned earlier its not
portable, but also the java compiler or Orion deployment tool will
catch table/column name errors and type errors where as hardcoded SQL
Just my 10 euros.
Rob Hargreaves
-Original Message-
From: Dale Bronk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 05 April 2000 14:54
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: Is CMP is useless?
I do not claim to be an expert in any way, these are just my opinions
my experience.  My experience so far is with Apache, JRun, and
Jonas 1.6 as
the container.  I have not had time yet to get into Orion, but
plan to soon.
The reason I haven't got into Orion yet is I don't have time to jump
in and
battle with it with no real documentation.  I do not like Jonas
either.  It
was chosen by my client because they are really into the free open
Let me know if you think I am way off base as would loved to get other
opinions and maybe learn something new.

Re: Feature question

2000-04-05 Thread Eric Richardson

Hi Dale,
We have the same situation with a bunch of code, generator etc. I'm
planning on making my
stuff look like JNDI, DataSource etc. so my stuff can use resources
if they are available. These
are all interface specifications so if a datasource is available you
can use it if you are in Orion
other wise in JRun you would use your implementations.
Does this make sense? Please let me know if you make progress.
Eric :-)
Dale Bronk wrote:
I have an application that uses Apache, JRun, and
standard JDBC calls (no
EJB) all in the same vm (no distributed objects).  It has it's
own smtp
mailer, connection manager/pooler, etc.  Am I going to have problems
this to Orion since I see that orion uses DataSource, UserManagers,
which I know are EJB things but I am wondering if it will stop me from
my application as is.  I am hoping that I can simply move the
(servlets, jsp, and standard java objects) to Orion and simply have
configure Orion server.xml, etc.

Re: Possible Bug in 0.9.4 Bean Classloading

2000-04-04 Thread Eric Richardson

Hi Dan,
I don't know if it's just your typing but the directory should be WEB-INF/classes.
Hope this helps.
Eric :-)
Dan Winfield wrote:

Guys I have built an
application that has one war file. In the war file are classes located
in the web-inf/classes directory. 0.9.4
autodeploys the app ear and all seems well. However a class not found error
is given for one of the classes that is in the web-inf/classes directory. The
same application deploys on 0.9.1 successfully. What
do you think is wrong? Is there a work around with this? Dan

News App Login problems

2000-03-30 Thread Eric Richardson

I'm trying to deploy and try out the news-app.
I can't log in.
I looked at news-app/META-INF/principles.xml and added a user but this
doesn't help.
What do I need to do?
Eric :-)

Re: Dynamic class loading in servlet

2000-03-17 Thread Eric Richardson

Hi Ted,

Very nice article.

I didn't understand the fine points of this but thought if my user class was
loading a class it should load in the same class loader as loaded my original
class. But apparently it depends on who loaded my original class. All my
classes were managed by Orion.

In JRun it worked fine as

In Orion we had change the above since it didn't work-we used the
Beans.instantiate version of
this as I understand it.
Class.forName("package.class", true, this.getClass().getClassLoader())

Does this indicate a problem with Orion's Classloading scheme?

Eric :-)

Ted Neward wrote:

> If you don't want to use Beans, you can always go with
> Class.forName("package.class", true, this.getClass().getClassLoader())
> However, if you're loaded under the Extension ClassLoader, problems arise
> with this; I wrote a paper on this and how to get around it:
> Orion team: Make sure you get this ClassLoader thing right--BEA/WebLogic
> doesn't, I know for a fact.
> Ted Neward
> Java Instructor, DevelopMentor ( )
> -Original Message-
> From: Eric Richardson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Orion-Interest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Monday, March 06, 2000 8:12 AM
> Subject: Re: Dynamic class loading in servlet
> >Hi,
> >Did you try Beans.instantiate(this.getClass().getClassLoader(),
> >"my.package.Classname") ? This would use the same classloader as servlet
> was
> >loaded in assuming "this" is the servlet? We had to do this going from JRun
> >to Orion and this is a much
> >better way for Servlet 2.2 API.
> >Eric :-)
> >Kit Cragin wrote:
> >
> >> Does anyone know how to load a class at runtime from a servlet within the
> >> Orion environment? I was able to do it using JRun 2.3.3 by getting the
> >> servlet's class loader and instantiating a class based on its name. This
> >> does not seem to work under Orion: I get a ClassNotFoundException.
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >>
> >> Kit
> >

Re: J2EE web layout with Orion..??

2000-03-16 Thread Eric Richardson

Eric Richardson wrote:

The html attachment seemed to get truncated, I'll send the zip/jar
which contains
index.html as a starting point and is more complete.

Re: J2EE web layout with Orion..??

2000-03-16 Thread Eric Richardson

Kevin Duffey wrote:

Here is a little doc I put together that shows the ear layout with some
components from the J2EE demos. As you can see, J2EE puts a app server specific
file into the ears.

When I autodeployed an app into Orion, it inserted the file as you asked but I
had no luck getting any of the J2EE or the Orion EJB examples to work. All the
examples deployed but the orion one didn't let me past a security error which I
posted previously and I didn't even try to get the J2EE stuff to work since I
couldn't get the Orion EJB examples to work.

I general, I have seen no posts that have helped me get the EJB stuff working.
My thought is that if anybody does have it working, they aren't telling.
Probably because it's involved and if you don't know the specs by
heart-especially the xml deployment descriptors, it's hard to do. IMHO

Hope the doc helps you anyway,

> Hi all,
> Ok..I got everything working, but I am lost on one thing. I set up my
> folders as such:
> c:\applications\myapp
> c:\applications\myapp\META-INF
> c:\applications\myapp\META-INF\application.xml
> c:\applications\myapp\www
> c:\applications\myapp\www\WEB-INF
> c:\applications\myapp\www\WEB-INF\classes
> c:\applications\myapp\www\WEB-INF\lib
> c:\applications\myapp\www\WEB-INF\web.xml
> Now, I set up an application in server.xml, and directed the "default" dir
> in default-web-site.xml to point to my applications\myapp\www dir. When I
> run Orion, it auto-deploys, and the pages come up. I found out that
> apparently I am to put a orion-web.xml in the WEB-INF folder as well, and
> that I have to set the  tag in there in order
> for the application to see my root classes dir where I put my base package
> in (expaned..not jarred). What I am confused about is when I start Orion,
> below the META-INF folder it creates a www dir as well, and puts
> orion-web.xml in there. It doesn't put it in META-INF\www\WEB-INF, it puts
> it in META-INF\www. Why is this? Is this how J2EE is supposed to work? I
> thought that when I deploy a .ear or .war, I dont need any server specific
> files in that dir, yet it seems I do with Orion. Does Orion automatically
> add this orion-web.xml into a .war or .ear file if being deployed as well?
> Now, my next thought is that maybe I have something wrong in one of the
> config files. In META-INF/application.xml, I have the display name set to my
> application name (in this example, myapp), and I have
> ../www. When I had it set to just www, I could not get my
> pages to show up.
> If there is any info anyone can give..that would be great. Also, do I need
> to display any .xml config files for you to help you solve this..let me know
> and I'll post it.
> Thanks.

Title: J2EE EAR File Structure


The Enterprise Application Archive (EAR) file is the only file needed to
deploy a J2EE application. It contains all the Enterprise Java Beans (EJB)
JAR files and the Web Application Archive (WAR) files. It also contains
all the Extensible Markup Language (XML) deployment descriptors and other
XML files needed for deployment. The J2EE application server can insert
it's own files as needed that are not part of the J2EE specification.

File structure

The following shows the files in an EAR for the ProductApp released
with the reference edition of J2EE. It has Container Managed Persistance (CMP)
but no web component or client application. These will be shown later in
this document.




The contents of the MANIFEST.MF files contain no special information. The
following is the content of application.xml file.

  Application description

Each server may have server specific configuration file. Follow the
following link to look at the 
sun-j2ee-ri.xml file.
Now we will look at the structure of ejb-jar1813.jar.




Re: Dynamic class loading in servlet

2000-03-08 Thread Eric Richardson

Did you try Beans.instantiate(this.getClass().getClassLoader(),
"my.package.Classname") ? This would use the same classloader as servlet was
loaded in assuming "this" is the servlet? We had to do this going from JRun
to Orion and this is a much
better way for Servlet 2.2 API.
Eric :-)
Kit Cragin wrote:

> Does anyone know how to load a class at runtime from a servlet within the
> Orion environment? I was able to do it using JRun 2.3.3 by getting the
> servlet's class loader and instantiating a class based on its name. This
> does not seem to work under Orion: I get a ClassNotFoundException.
> Thanks,
> Kit

Re: Orion bug for disallowed-field with Oracle

2000-03-03 Thread Eric Richardson

I mentioned this table name too long for oracle thing in a previous post as

Another thing I don't understand is the need for xml document to map
java types to sql column types for specific DBs. DatabaseMetaData and
ResultSetMeta data
gives the types when looking at an existing DB and java.sql.Types gives you
standard type mapping from java to sql. It is the drivers responsibility to
make the mapping
to the database specific column names if they are not ANSI SQL. A good example

for Oracle is that if you specify thru JDBC to create a VARCHAR column the
makes this VARCHAR2(oracle specific) in the database.

To be fair, there are some things that can't be done cross platform and these
things need to be kept somewhere.

Jonas' does CMP without these type mapping files.


Montebove Luciano wrote:

> Found the bug that prevent news-app from working with Oracle.
> When Orion encounter a disallowed-field in a CMP Entity Bean like date for
> Oracle (oracle.xml) change the name of the table field to _name (i.e.:
> _date) but in  Oracle (my version is 8.0.5) _ generate this error:
> Database error: ORA-00911: invalid character
> I solved modifying manually orion-ejb-jar.xml but this is not a comfortable
> solution.
> Couldn't you add a tag in the the database-schemas xmls  to personalize the
> change of field names?
> A similar problem is for table names that with long package names create
> table names too long for Oracle.
> Best Regards
> Luciano Montebove
> Finsiel

Re: Problem running ejbsamples

2000-02-24 Thread Eric Richardson

Hi Karl,

First I'd like to say that I think you are doing a very good job in
general. We've
been experimenting with some apps running Servlet/JSP with very good
We are really interested in getting EJBs running so we can see the
performance of
in particular CMP.  Thinking that the performance should be good since
is running in the same VM.

I included a previous post below. We have alot of installed JSP
and they use the setProperty="*" as below. Is there any reason this doesn't
work? Is it a bug
or left out?

About documentation, the EJB demo is well documented. I followed all the
and I still can't get the CartClient to run. Below is the error. For me,
the configuration files are
very confusing. This is because I'm having a hard time figuring out which
are related to
the server and which are just the ones required in an enterprise app.

Example: A server can have multiple Web sites which can have multiple
applications. Then
the server should just have config for it and each web-site should just
have configuration
for that site. Also server specific config files(non-J2EE) should be easy
to differentiate such as the
orion-application.xml. Here is the structure I have in my head.

config - all server files

site-1 - all site related files including apps running in that site
site-2 - same as above

Now this doesn't make since if the same app is run in multiple sites.

Hope this helps.

Previous post:
Anybody able to get the Orion supplied EJB demo in Orion working? Or any
other J2EE demos such as the Pet Store? I can't get passed the security.

Communication error: Lookup error: java.lang.SecurityException: Invalid

The auto deploy works but the demo had tablenames too long for Oracle(31
characters). I just
modified this in the deployment descriptor to get it to deploy.

We also can't get the following JSP tag to work which should work in JSP
1.1- I checked the spec.

Thanks for any help,
Karl Avedal wrote:

> Hello,
> A brief note about the orion.jar "patches" available on the site.
> These patches are for advanced users and for people who have problems
> with specific bugs in earlier versions. They are not always tested and
> they are not official. Sometimes those jar's will be alot better but
> they can also contain new bugs, so use at your own risk.
> 0.9.2 will very shortly be officially released, we are testing it and
> updating documentation. One of the features is an -install switch to the
> server which will make some initial settings. This will mean fewer steps
> to try the demos and hopefully less hassle for all of you.
> Regards,
> Karl Avedal
> Eric Richardson wrote:
> > Vlad,
> > So I guess a 0.9.2 jar is newer than the 0.9.1g jar I'm using. This
> > may be helpful to the list.
> > Eric
> >
> > Vlad Petric wrote:

Re: Problem running ejbsamples

2000-02-24 Thread Eric Richardson

So I guess a 0.9.2 jar is newer than the 0.9.1g jar I'm using. This
may be helpful to the list.
Vlad Petric wrote:
Did that as instructed, but now I have "Orion/0.9.2
initialized" ?!?
There is something wrong with that webpage 
Thank you,
> Replace the orion.jar with the one on the home page.
> It is an upgrade and the server needs to say 0.9.1g. Okay?
> eric
> Vlad Petric wrote:
> > I am using 0.9.1b, downloaded two days ago. If I don't put ejbsamples,
> > works fine:
> >
> > Auto-deploying D:\orion\default-web-app...
> > Orion/0.9.1b initialized
> >
> > If I put ejbsamples, "Orion/0.9.1b initialized" doesn't appear
> >
> > Thanks again,
> > Vlad
> >
> > Sorry I can't be more help on this but I have no idea.
> >
> > > Eric :-(
> > > p.s. Are you using the 0.9.1b with the replaced jar (on the home
page)so when the
> > > server starts up it shows 0.9.1g?
> > >
> > > Vlad Petric wrote:
> > >
> > > > Thank you, Eric
> > > >
> > > > I did something similar - I have replaced the default data
source in
> > > > data-sources.xml (JDBC connectivity parameters are correct
- I have checked the
> > > > DB connection in Forte) :
> > > >
> > > >  > > > >   name="Krypton data-source"
> > > >   class="com.evermind.sql.ConnectionDataSource"
> > > >   location="jdbc/DefaultDS"
> > > >   pooled-location="jdbc/DefaultPooledDS"
> > > >   xa-location="jdbc/xa/DefaultXADS"
> > > >   ejb-location="jdbc/DefaultEJBDS"
> > > >   url="jdbc:weblogic:mssqlserver4:dragos:1433?db=gce"
> > > >   connection-driver="weblogic.jdbc.mssqlserver4.Driver"
> > > >   username="sa"
> > > >   password=""
> > > >  />
> > > >
> > > > Nothing happened - I get the same errors.
> > > >
> > > > Vlad
> > > >
> > > > > > > > > >
name=" Krypton data-source"
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > />
> > > > > I had a couple of problems due to table name length- previous
post but at
> > > > > least it deployed.
> > > > > That's all I know.
> > > > > Eric :-)
> > > > > p.s. good luck
> > > > >
> > > > > Vlad Petric wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > >  What I did
> > > > > >    -unpacked orion in d:\orion
> > > > > > -copied tools.jar in d:\orion
> > > > > > -added   in
> > > > > > server.xml
> > > > > > -removed deactivated=true from
> > > > > > password="123"> in principals.xml
> > > > > > -set CLASSPATH to
> > > > > > .;d:\orion\orion.jar;d:\orion\ejb.jar;d:\orion\jndi.jar
> > > > > > -ran java -jar orion.jar in d:\orion
> > > > > >
> > > > > > what I get is:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > ===
> > > > > > Auto-deploying ejbsamples...
> > > > > > Auto-deploying usermanager... Error compiling
> > > > > > file:/D:/orion/demo/ejb/usermanage
> > > > > > r/: Error finding a suitable DataSource: No default XADataSource
and no
> > > > > > source s
> > > > > > pecified
> > > > > > Auto-deploying product... Error compiling
> > > > > > file:/D:/orion/demo/ejb/product/: Erro
> > > > > > r finding a suitable DataSource: No default XADataSource
and no source
> > > > > > specified
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Auto-deploying cart... done.
> > > > > > Auto-deploying product... Error initializing server: Error
> > > > > > auto-deploying applic
> > > > > > ation-client at product: No location specified and no suitable
> > > > > > of the t
> > > > > > ype 'Product' found for the ejb-ref MyProduct
> > > > > > ==
> > > > > >
> > > > > > The errors are there because the lack of a suitable DataSource,
> > > > > > course. What puzzels me is the lack of a message telling
me that the
> > > > > > webservice had been started, or something like that.
> > > > > > http://localhost simply
doesn't work.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > I tried the cart demo afterwards. I went to d:\orion\demo\ejb\cart, 
> > > > > > java CartClient, which gives me the following error message:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Communication error: java:comp/ResourceFinder not found
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Then I tried to shutdown the server (I know that theoretically
I should
> > > > > > not need to do this):
> > > > > >
> > > > > > D:\orion>java -jar shutdown.jar ormi:// admin
> > > > > > Error: java:comp/ServerAdministrator not found
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Could someone please tell me what the  have I
done wrong ?
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Vlad Petric

Re: Problem running ejbsamples

2000-02-24 Thread Eric Richardson

Hi Vlad,
The auto deployment compile the beans and creates the wrapper code for the
beans. In addition
it tries to create the associated Database tables. You need a datasource. I
just plugged my
stuff in for Oracle. The first and the last four items are all that I

from data-sources.xml. I cloned the example and made this entry.

I had a couple of problems due to table name length- previous post but at
least it deployed.
That's all I know.
Eric :-)
p.s. good luck

Vlad Petric wrote:

>  What I did
>-unpacked orion in d:\orion
> -copied tools.jar in d:\orion
> -added   in
> server.xml
> -removed deactivated=true from  password="123"> in principals.xml
> -set CLASSPATH to
> .;d:\orion\orion.jar;d:\orion\ejb.jar;d:\orion\jndi.jar
> -ran java -jar orion.jar in d:\orion
> what I get is:
> ===
> Auto-deploying ejbsamples...
> Auto-deploying usermanager... Error compiling
> file:/D:/orion/demo/ejb/usermanage
> r/: Error finding a suitable DataSource: No default XADataSource and no
> source s
> pecified
> Auto-deploying product... Error compiling
> file:/D:/orion/demo/ejb/product/: Erro
> r finding a suitable DataSource: No default XADataSource and no source
> specified
> Auto-deploying cart... done.
> Auto-deploying product... Error initializing server: Error
> auto-deploying applic
> ation-client at product: No location specified and no suitable instance
> of the t
> ype 'Product' found for the ejb-ref MyProduct
> ==
> The errors are there because the lack of a suitable DataSource, of
> course. What puzzels me is the lack of a message telling me that the
> webservice had been started, or something like that.
> http://localhost simply doesn't work.
> I tried the cart demo afterwards. I went to d:\orion\demo\ejb\cart,  ran
> java CartClient, which gives me the following error message:
> Communication error: java:comp/ResourceFinder not found
> Then I tried to shutdown the server (I know that theoretically I should
> not need to do this):
> D:\orion>java -jar shutdown.jar ormi:// admin 123
> Error: java:comp/ServerAdministrator not found
> Could someone please tell me what the  have I done wrong ?
> Vlad Petric

Re: Ann: Orion Application Server 0.9.0 released with full J2EE support

2000-02-23 Thread Eric Richardson

Anybody able to get the Orion supplied EJB demo in Orion working? Or any
other J2EE demos such as the Pet Store? I can't get passed the security.

Communication error: Lookup error: java.lang.SecurityException: Invalid

The auto deploy works but the demo had tablenames too long for Oracle(31
characters). I just
modified this in the deployment descriptor to get it to deploy.

We also can't get the following JSP tag to work which should work in JSP
1.1- I checked the spec.

Thanks for any help,

Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2000 20:25:39 +0100
Reply-To: A mailing list for Enterprise JavaBeans development
Sender:   A mailing list for Enterprise JavaBeans development
From: Magnus Stenman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:  Ann: Orion Application Server 0.9.0 released with full
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

We are proud to announce the availability of Orion 0.9.0.

This version provides an implementation of the full Java 2 Enterprise
Edition specification. This makes it the first commercially available
implementation of the J2EE specification.

Although we have yet to agree with Sun Microsystems on the terms of J2EE

licensing so we can not call it J2EE compliant and this is one of the
reasons for us not calling it Orion 1.0.

Except for this the new version also includes many bugfixes and
enhancements as well as new features:

* Complex OR-mappings for CMP Entity beans (including Collection, Set,
Map mappings)
* Automatic deployment of Enterprise application archives (.ear files)
application hotswap.
* Simplified SSL configuration and native SSL support with
client authorization.
* Simplified XML configuration file formats.
* HTTP tunneling for RMI (for firewalls)

As of now it is available for download and purchase.

You can download a full version at

Magnus Stenman and Karl Avedal
The Orion team

EJB Demo Problems

2000-02-21 Thread Eric Richardson

I'm trying to run the EJB demos and I'm having problems, some of which
I've resolved.
I followed the instructions in demo/ejb/install.txt
The first problem occurred during auto-deployment. Here is the text.
java -jar orion.jar
Auto-deploying ejbsamples...
Auto-deploying product...
Auto-creating table: create table MyProduct (id integer not null primary
key, price float null, name varchar (255) null, description varchar (255)
Auto-deploying cart... done.
Auto-deploying usermanager...
Auto-creating table: create table com_evermind_ejb_EJBUser (username
varchar (255) not null primary key, certificateSerial varchar (100) null,
locale varchar (5) null, description varchar (255) null, password varchar
(255) null, certificateIssuerDN varchar (255) null)
Auto-creating table: create table com_evermind_ejb_EJBUser_groups (value
varchar (255) not null, username varchar (255) not null, primary key (value,
Warning: Error creating table: ORA-00972: identifier is too long
Auto-deploying product... done.
Auto-deploying cart... done.
Orion/0.9.1g initialized
The problem is that the table name   com_evermind_ejb_EJBUser_groups
is too long (31 characters) for Oracle .
Resolution is to edit the demo/ejb/usermanager/orion/orion-ejb-jar.xml
added the table attribute as follows:
    The next is that I can't run the client. The instructions are not quite
correct. The classpath should be ../../../ejb.jar etc instead of ../../ejb.jar
and could use a :. for unix to find the CartClient.
This is the output:
 java -classpath ../../../orion.jar:../../../ejb.jar:../../../jndi.jar:.
Communication error: Lookup error: java.lang.SecurityException: Invalid
Any help on the security issue would be appreciated. BTW, I did modify
principles.xml as specified.