Re: [osg-users] Qt5 QMdiArea

2015-08-18 Thread Émeric MASCHINO
BTW, sorry to notice only now that you were explicitely talking about
Qt5 in the thread title...


2015-08-18 16:53 GMT+02:00 Vincent Majorczyk :
> Hi Émeric,
> thank you for your reply, I forgot to write that I'm trying this on Linux. 
> Maybe it is an incompatibility problem.
>> I've added the ViewerWidget class, inheriting from QWidget and
>> encompassing the OSG root node, viewer and rendering thread (I'm no
>> more using a QTimer) as member attributes.
> I think the main difference between my implementation and yours is the use of 
> thread.
>> ViewerWidget::createGraphicsWindow creates the osgQt::GraphicsWindowQt
>> as in osgviewerQt example.
> I didn't change this method.
>> ViewerWidget::addViewWidget creates the OSG view, initializes the
>> manipulator, scene graph and camera configuration (as in osgviewerMFC
>> example),
> My class works if I use a QWidget (or a QStackedWidget) as container, but not 
> if I use QMdiArea or QTabWidget. So I doubts the problem come from 
> manipulator, scenegraph or camera configuration.
> I would like try with the thread instead of QTimer. What is the library you 
> used (QThread, OpenThread, std/C++11 , pthread, boost ...) ?  How did you 
> proceed? with Qt5 and OSG Threads, the multithreading model doesn't work:
>> Qt5 is currently crashing and reporting "Cannot make QOpenGLContext current 
>> in a different thread" when the viewer is run multi-threaded, this is 
>> regression from Qt4.
> Vincent[/code]
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Re: [osg-users] Qt5 QMdiArea

2015-08-18 Thread Émeric MASCHINO
Hi Vincent,

> thank you for your reply, I forgot to write that I'm trying this on Linux. 
> Maybe it is an incompatibility problem.

You're welcome. Actually, the same code run without a problem on the
same PC dual-booting Windows 7 Professional and Fedora 21.

> My class works if I use a QWidget (or a QStackedWidget) as container, but not 
> if I use QMdiArea or QTabWidget. So I doubts the problem come from 
> manipulator, scenegraph or camera configuration.
> I would like try with the thread instead of QTimer. What is the library you 
> used (QThread, OpenThread, std/C++11 , pthread, boost ...) ?  How did you 
> proceed? with Qt5 and OSG Threads, the multithreading model doesn't work:
>> Qt5 is currently crashing and reporting "Cannot make QOpenGLContext current 
>> in a different thread" when the viewer is run multi-threaded, this is 
>> regression from Qt4.

OK, I think I get your point.

I'm not using Qt5, but Qt 4.8.6 at the moment.

My rendering thread inherits from OpenThread (I have a set of various
base classes, shared among various viewer implementations, ranging
from Qt, MFC or FireBreath plug-in).

I have no problem with Qt4 multithreading on Windows, nor on Linux,
unless you omit to specify the Qt::AA_X11InitThreads attribute:

int main(int argc, char *argv[])


QApplication app(argc, argv);
app.setOrganizationName("EOS imaging");

MainWindow mainWin;

#if defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN)
return app.exec();


> Vincent[/code]
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Re: [osg-users] View volume image on web

2015-05-21 Thread Émeric MASCHINO
Hi Clement,

If by volume, you mean voxels, then you're out of luck, as OpenGL ES,
which WebGL relies upon, lacks of 3D texture support [1]. This is
something WebGL 2.0 is supposed to solve. In the meantime, there seems
to be a trick involving GLSL [2] but I didn't look deep into the

BTW, how did you use WebGL with OSG? I know of OSG.JS [3], a
JavaScript reimplementation of OSG API aiming to develop WebGL
applications, but that's a totally different project.



2015-05-21 4:30 GMT+02:00  :
> Hi,
>I saved my volume image data as dds format by using osgDB::writeImage 
> method.  Does anyone know any method to be able to show dds image on webpage? 
>  I tried webgl and it does not work.  I am not sure whether webgl supports 
> volume rendering or not.  Thanks.
> Regards,
> Clement
> ___
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Re: [osg-users] StatsHandler missing numbers

2015-04-17 Thread Émeric MASCHINO
Hi Andreas,

What release of Intel drivers are you running?

I recently experienced issues with an application on various Dell
notebooks and Intel NUC barebones (all HD4000-based) where texts
printed with glRasterPos3 were not displayed at all with driver
release 8.x. Upgrading to release 9.x (from Dell and Intel websites)
solved the issue. I didn't found anything clear w.r.t. this problem in
the Intel drivers changelogs though.

It's noteworthy that the application I was referring to isn't
OSG-related (plain OpenGL) and was running on Windows 7 (not 8.1), but
who knows!


2015-04-16 19:56 GMT+02:00 Andreas Schreiber :
> Hi,
> same thing happens.
> If it starts in fullscreen the cow modell seems broken. Its part wise 
> transparent...
> If I try making a screenshot, the screenshot is totally fine.
> You must think that I'm crazy...
> If I press "s" for the stats in fullscreen the cow modell is shown normally 
> =).
> In fullscreens they are drawn in a bright gray color.
> In window mode you only see the zeros, the others are missing or to bright.
> I must have the newest drivers, but I look at them.
> ...
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Andreas
> --
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Re: [osg-users] Offscreen rendering (e.g. pbuffer) and event processing

2015-02-05 Thread Émeric MASCHINO
Hi Robert,

> Thanks for spotting to typo.  I hadn't noticed this before, and it hadn't
> been reported either.  I am fixing this and will get it checked in once my
> clean build has completed.

My first major contribution to the OSG community ;-)

> As for implementing an off screen viewer functionality using a pbuffer.  I
> haven't ever tried this on contemplated it.  It should be possible to mimic
> traditional window events by injecting them into the EventQueue, and you've
> spotted passing on the appropriate window size will be required.   I can't
> provide any specific advice though as you are already further down the road
> of trying something I haven't done yet :-)

OK, thanks for feedback.

For completeness, you'll also had to override
ViewerBase::checkEvents() if you want to leverage on viewer's
on-demand run scheme. Indeed, the Viewer and CompositeViewer
implementations only check for events from devices and windows. With
an off-screen viewer, you won't get any window, only views for which
you need to take care of setting a graphics contexts as I proposed

For a CompositeViewer-inherited off-screen viewer, checkEvents() looks like:

bool OffscreenViewer::checkEvents()
if (CompositeViewer::checkEvents())
return true;

Views views;

// Check events from any views
for (Views::iterator vitr = views.begin();
vitr != views.end();
if ((*vitr)->getEventQueue() && 
return true;

return false;

Hope this helps,

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Offscreen rendering (e.g. pbuffer) and event processing

2015-02-04 Thread Émeric MASCHINO

I should have said that I was drawing the viewer in a pixel buffer in
my other question [1], that now leads to this one...
I'm streaming the pixel buffer data and displaying/manipulating the
scene in/from a webpage.
The offscreen viewer obviously hasn't any window, nor associated event queue.
I would like to forward the keyboard/mouse inputs emitted by the
JavaScript code in my webpage, so that I can leverage upon the OSG
manipulators (namely, trackball).

At the moment, I'm doing the following:


These operations are normally performed when initializing a
GraphicsWindow, e.g. in GraphicsWindowWin32::init() and are thus
missing when initializing a pbuffer, in e.g. PixelBufferWin32::init().

The syncWindowRectangleWithGraphcisContext (ever noticed the
misspelling?) was the missing thing for me in [1]. Thus, the
GUIEventAdapter created when processing an event in the EventQueue had
its _Xmin, _Xmax, _Ymin, _Ymax, _windowWidth and _windowHeight had
their default values.

So, am I adding correctly an event queue to an offscreen viewer/view this way?


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[osg-users] Sending fake mouse events to a TrackballManipulator? (again)

2015-02-02 Thread Émeric MASCHINO

I need to simulate mouse inputs for a basic test application.
Following Robert's advice [1], I'm injecting mouse events to the event
queue of the viewer's application.
My implementation is very similar to the one in
But a mouse drag (independently of the mouse button: left, middle,
right; don't understand why) rotates the scene around the axis
perpendicular to the display (Oz I presume). And there seems to be a
huge threshold somewhere, as the scene is rotated several times while
I'm dragging the mouse very slightly.
To sum up, I'm getting no 3D rotation, nor panning or zooming, only
flat 2D rotation around the Oz axis. Does this strange behavior
suggest something obvious that I'm missing?

If helpful, my code looks like this:

void transformMouseXY(float& x, float& y)
assert(g_viewer.valid());   // g_viewer is a global

if (g_viewer->getEventQueue()->getUseFixedMouseInputRange())
osgGA::GUIEventAdapter* eventState =

// SCREEN_WIDTH and SCREEN_HEIGHT are two constant unsigned 
x = eventState->getXmin() +
y = eventState->getYmin() +

void inputProc(unsigned int MessageID, const void* Data)

osgGA::EventQueue* queue = g_viewer->getEventQueue();

double eventTime = queue->getTime();

switch (MessageID)
float mx = ((unsigned int*)Data)[0];
float my = ((unsigned int*)Data)[1];
transformMouseXY(mx, my);
queue->mouseButtonPress(mx, my, 1, eventTime);
float mx = ((unsigned int*)Data)[0];
float my = ((unsigned int*)Data)[1];
transformMouseXY(mx, my);
queue->mouseButtonPress(mx, my, 2, eventTime);
float mx = ((unsigned int*)Data)[0];
float my = ((unsigned int*)Data)[1];
transformMouseXY(mx, my);
queue->mouseButtonPress(mx, my, 3, eventTime);
float mx = ((unsigned int*)Data)[0];
float my = ((unsigned int*)Data)[1];
transformMouseXY(mx, my);
queue->mouseButtonRelease(mx, my, 1, eventTime);
float mx = ((unsigned int*)Data)[0];
float my = ((unsigned int*)Data)[1];
transformMouseXY(mx, my);
queue->mouseButtonRelease(mx, my, 2, eventTime);
float mx = ((unsigned int*)Data)[0];
float my = ((unsigned int*)Data)[1];
transformMouseXY(mx, my);
queue->mouseButtonRelease(mx, my, 3, eventTime);
float mx = ((unsigned int*)Data)[0];
float my = ((unsigned int*)Data)[1];
transformMouseXY(mx, my);
queue->mouseMotion(mx, my, eventTime);




osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] compositeView in multithreaded Win32 MFC MDI application

2015-01-30 Thread Émeric MASCHINO

> It is an app in OSG examples, named osgviewerMFC, that demonstrates almost 
> exactly what I need.
> The app doesn't use CompositeView class. And things are much simpler then.

Yep, there's no really problem replacing the Viewer by a
CompositeViewer in the osgviewerMFC example, except for the
StatsHandler that's messing the focus of the osgViewer::Views attached
to the CompositeViewer, as you'll probably discover.

But where things are really becoming funny is when trying to play
efficiently with the osgViewer::Views attached to the CompositeViewer,
when in a MFC context (read "context" here as "general application
context", not as "graphics context").

Ideally, I would like not to have one Viewer per CView as in the cOSG
class of the osgviewerMFC example, but one CompositeViewer shared by
all the CViews of the active CChildFrame/opened CDocument. As an
attempt, I thus put the CompositeViewer, OSG root node/group and
render thread in the CChildFrame class, but couldn't get this to run
smoothly (have a look at, most notably my
two last comments about inserting a CSplitterWnd).

Performance-wise, I don't know if this makes sense, but I also tried
putting a unique CompositeViewer (and render thread) in the CWinApp,
holding the osgViewer::Views of the various CViews of the various
opened CChildFrames/CDocuments. I obviously kept the OSG root
nodes/groups in the CChildFrames (keeping them in the the CDocuments
may have been more appropriate). Not better: random crashes IIRC,
potentially thread-related.

If you have other MFC/OSG architectures in mind to share, welcome, as
it seems we're only a few in this boat ;-)

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Oldie, but goodie... Aero themes and OpenGL/MFC

2015-01-19 Thread Émeric MASCHINO

> I think you will find that not many people really dug into using MFC with
> OSG ( as you can tell by the deafening silence on the forum on these topics)

Yes, indeed...

> I am using a separate CMFC_OSG_MDIView for each CView. I am not sure why you
> see that would be a problem. It does mean a separate Camera and separate
> osgViewer::Viewer etc for each CView but as you can share
> ,osg::Group/osg::Geometry objects as needed between scene graphs, I am not
> sure why this would have any downside.

OK, there's the difference. You're still using an osgViewer::Viewer
instance per CMFC_OSG_MDIView, while on my side, I was trying to use
one osgViewer::CompositeViewer to manage all the osgViewer::View
inheriting the CMFC_OSG_MDIView window data.

> The big difference between what I do and the OSG MFC examples is that
> - I am single threaded

I'm running a separate render thread.

> I found that the osg threading mechanism seemed to be flawed, as I had 4 osg
> threads using 100% of the CPU even when the app was idle. Perhaps I was
> missing something. But it seems fundamental that , for example, the cull
> thread is always running and never sleeping. Great for real-time games, not
> so much for applications that need to be 'nice'.

Could it be that you're using continuous rendering (default option)
rather than on-demand rendering? You can change this with
The drawback is that you'll thus have to override the MFC stack to
trigger osgViewer::View::requestRedraw() when required (e.g. OnSize).

> - I then completely bypass the viewer OSG event handler and handle all
> events using the standard MFC event mechanism. That is I handle OnPaint,
> OnKeyDown,OnLButtonDown etc etc and do what is needed. For example, in my
> OnDraw(CDC *cdc) I call viewer()->frame(); I had to do a couple of funky
> things to get this to work properly  . I can give you more details if you
> want to go that way.

I see. In this case, the above on-demand rendering trick won't work as
ViewerBase::run() performs various tests in order to determine if
osgViewer::ViewerBase::frame() should be called to redraw the display.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Oldie, but goodie... Aero themes and OpenGL/MFC

2015-01-19 Thread Émeric MASCHINO

2015-01-09 23:58 GMT+01:00 Andrew Cunningham :
> Hi,
> I finally got around to resolving these MFC/Aero issues using the following .

> Hope someone finds this helpful

While I didn't hit the Aero issue you're talking about (I'm still on
Windows XP), this post remains helpful as I'm getting performance
issue with a similar MFC/OSG application.

By contrast with the osgviewerMFC example where the cOSG class (that
makes the glue between OSG and MFC) is a component of the view
(CMFC_OSG_MDIView), I imagine that in your situation, this cannot be
the case, as each view of your CSplitterWnd would otherwise have it's
own OSG viewer/scene graph, right? I also imagine that you're using a
CompositeViewer rather than a Viewer instance to manage the OSG part
of your different CSplitterWnd views? Where did you put the instance
of this CompositeViewer, as a member variable of the child frame?

In my application, I'm relying upon a CompositeViewer, a member
variable of the child frame. This child frame also has a CSplitterWnd
member variable. Each view of the CompositeViewer inherits the window
data from the CSplitterWnd view's HWND. With this architecture, the
performances are far from stellar. Basically, the framerate is divided
by the number of views. If it does matter, I'm using a separate render
thread for each CompositeViewer. Since there's one CompositeViewer per
child frame, there's in fact one distinct CompositeViewer by opened
document. I don't know if it's the optimum architecture. For the
records, I've also tried one unique CompositeViewer and render thread
at the application level, shared by all the child frames/opened
documents, but I was getting random crashes. But that's another story,
back to the performance problem. Do you also notice performance issue
with your application? I don't know where it comes from, maybe context
switching as each view of the CompositeViewer inherit a different
graphics context from the CSplitterWnd view? I've discarded the
CSplitterWnd as the cause, as I'm getting the same kind of performance
drop simply replacing the Viewer in the osgviewerMFC example with a
CompositeViewer holding two views of the same scene graph.

For completeness, I've also looked at the osgviewerQt example that
makes use of a CompositeViewer, each view also having it's own
graphics context. I'm not seeing any performance problem there on the
same PC.


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[osg-users] MFC example flickering: OnEraseBkgnd not called

2014-11-24 Thread Émeric MASCHINO

Did you noticed that CMFC_OSG_MDIView::OnEraseBkgnd in the
osgviewerMFC example is never called, hence leading to flickering?
This is with OSG 3.2.1.
I don't know when this regression was introduced, as it seems that
OnEraseBkgnd was correctly working with OSG 2.x [1].
I can however tell you that it relates to the inherited window data.
Indeed, simply commenting the traits->inheritedWindowData = windata;
line in cOSG::InitCameraConfig in MFC_OSG.cpp file makes
CMFC_OSG_MDIView::OnEraseBkgnd being called again. But of course, the
OSG rendering will be wrong.


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Re: [osg-users] Handling double precision data: node's meta-data or plugin data or what?

2014-11-04 Thread Émeric MASCHINO
Hi Mike,

2014-11-04 8:22 GMT+01:00 Mike Connell :
> 1 Read your data into a Vec3Darray - as doubles
> 2 Decide upon a local origin - "best" may be the centroid of your data, but
> the first point is somewhat quicker to find.
> 3 Subtract the local origin from all the points in your array - they are now
> still doubles, but each is a much smaller number which can be accurately
> represented by a float
> 4 Build a osg::Geometry with a Vec3Array for vertices, using your translated
> points
> 5 Put the Geometry under an osg::MatrixTransform, set the MT translation to
> your local origin
> return the MT

OK, now I understand.

> You *can* keep the original Vec3DArray if you want, but you probably don't
> need to, you'd have to compare the values there against the values of (local
> origin+p) to see if the difference is a problem for you, I doubt it will be.

Indeed, I think that I can safely discard the double precision data
once reduced in floats and decorated by the MatrixTransform.
Furthermore this approach has the advantage of keeping only one vertex
array "copy" in memory.

Many thanks for the clarification,

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Handling double precision data: node's meta-data or plugin data or what?

2014-11-03 Thread Émeric MASCHINO
Hi Robert,

2014-10-31 14:50 GMT+01:00 Robert Osfield :
> If you really do need to handle double data then the best way is to load it
> in doubles then post process the loaded subgraph to convert the double data
> to floats in the way that is appropriate for that data - such as decorating
> subgraphs with MatrixTransform and convert the osg::Geometry's Vec3dArray in
> world coords to a Vec3Array in local coordinates.

Well, this is where I'm lost ;-)

Say I'm loading my data as double. My reader will thus store these
data as Vec3dArray in the osg::Geometry::_vertexArray member variable
of the geometry attached to the returned osg::Node.

Now, I need to transform these double data as float for rendering. So,
you create an osg::MatrixTransform node, attach it the osg::Node
returned by the reader and create yet another osg::Node, also attached
to the same osg::MatrixTransform node, but with an
osg::Geometry::_vertexArray containing the data as float in a

Or is there only one osg::Node (the one returned by the loader, still
attached to an osg::MatrixTransform node) with two vertex arrays: the
osg::Geometry::_vertexArray member variable with the data as float for
rendering, and yet another Vec3dArray with the data as double, stored
as osg::Node's UserDataContainer (since an osg::Geometry can't hold
two vertex arrays)?

> If you want good rendering performance you'll need to convert to float
> arrays at somepoint so after loaded is typically the best time.

I'm OK with this, this is how the conversion procedure takes place
that puzzles me.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Handling double precision data: node's meta-data or plugin data or what?

2014-10-31 Thread Émeric MASCHINO

I did some experiments today.

While the FBX/DAE plugin is indeed able to read/write data in double
precision, rendering them with OSG outputs the dreaded warning message
about TriangleFunctor not supporting Vec3d* vertex arrays.

In fact, the osgDB::Options::PrecisionHint is only used by the FBX/DAE
plugin to either create a Vec3Array or a Vec3dArray to attach to the
osg::Geometry::_vertexArray member variable, nothing more. And in the
case osgDB::Options::PrecisionHint has DOUBLE_PRECISION_VERTEX bit,
you'll hit the TriangleFunctor warning above, as my custom


2014-10-30 21:30 GMT+01:00 Émeric MASCHINO :
> Robert,
> I think I get your point, but just to be sure.
> Dealing with double precision data involves:
> - the native data (double precision), stored in an osg::Vec3dArray,
> attached to an osg::Geometry object,
> - the data reduced to floats, stored in the _vertexArray member
> variable of the osg::Geometry object for rendering,
> - attaching the osg::Geode to an osg::MatrixTransform (double
> precision), so that both the double precision data in the
> osg::Vec3dArray and the simple precision data in
> osg::Geometry::_vertexArray are affected by the same transformation
> matrix.
> Did I understand correctly?
>  Émeric
> 2014-10-30 18:35 GMT+01:00 Émeric MASCHINO :
>> Hi Robert,
>>> For instance for GIS whole world databases the usual way to manage things is
>>> to load the data in doubles then transform to a local origin and reduce any
>>> vertex data from doubles to floats in the process and store this data in
>>> straight osg::Vec3Array in an osg::Geometry.  You then place the object in
>>> the correct world space by decorating the subgraph with a Transform
>>> (typically a MatrixTransform) that places the local origin in it's correct
>>> world position and orientation.
>> So data are duplicated? There's the original dataset in double
>> precision and a transformed one in single precision?
>>> If you look at osgEarth and
>>> VirtualPlanetBuilder this is how they manage whole earth databases,
>>> maintaining floats where OpenGL hardware requires it, but using double
>>> MatrixTransforms and the use of double ModelView Matrices in the OSG cull
>>> traversal that ensures maintenance of precision as long as possible before
>>> one finally has to copy the data to OpenGL.
>> Thanks for the pointer.
>> Unfortunately, osgEarth is such a huge beast to reverse-engineer! And
>> their Coordinates Systems git page [1] isn't that much informative
>> about the implemented architecture in this regard.
>> I was wondering, since both the FBX/DAE plugin is able to handle
>> double precision data, isn't there a -maybe- similar mechanism in
>> straight OSG that allows for rendering a FBX/DAE mesh? Or is the
>> double to float reduction internally handled by the plugin?
>>  Émeric
>> [1] 
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Handling double precision data: node's meta-data or plugin data or what?

2014-10-30 Thread Émeric MASCHINO

I think I get your point, but just to be sure.

Dealing with double precision data involves:
- the native data (double precision), stored in an osg::Vec3dArray,
attached to an osg::Geometry object,
- the data reduced to floats, stored in the _vertexArray member
variable of the osg::Geometry object for rendering,
- attaching the osg::Geode to an osg::MatrixTransform (double
precision), so that both the double precision data in the
osg::Vec3dArray and the simple precision data in
osg::Geometry::_vertexArray are affected by the same transformation

Did I understand correctly?


2014-10-30 18:35 GMT+01:00 Émeric MASCHINO :
> Hi Robert,
>> For instance for GIS whole world databases the usual way to manage things is
>> to load the data in doubles then transform to a local origin and reduce any
>> vertex data from doubles to floats in the process and store this data in
>> straight osg::Vec3Array in an osg::Geometry.  You then place the object in
>> the correct world space by decorating the subgraph with a Transform
>> (typically a MatrixTransform) that places the local origin in it's correct
>> world position and orientation.
> So data are duplicated? There's the original dataset in double
> precision and a transformed one in single precision?
>> If you look at osgEarth and
>> VirtualPlanetBuilder this is how they manage whole earth databases,
>> maintaining floats where OpenGL hardware requires it, but using double
>> MatrixTransforms and the use of double ModelView Matrices in the OSG cull
>> traversal that ensures maintenance of precision as long as possible before
>> one finally has to copy the data to OpenGL.
> Thanks for the pointer.
> Unfortunately, osgEarth is such a huge beast to reverse-engineer! And
> their Coordinates Systems git page [1] isn't that much informative
> about the implemented architecture in this regard.
> I was wondering, since both the FBX/DAE plugin is able to handle
> double precision data, isn't there a -maybe- similar mechanism in
> straight OSG that allows for rendering a FBX/DAE mesh? Or is the
> double to float reduction internally handled by the plugin?
>  Émeric
> [1] 
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Handling double precision data: node's meta-data or plugin data or what?

2014-10-30 Thread Émeric MASCHINO
Hi Robert,

> For instance for GIS whole world databases the usual way to manage things is
> to load the data in doubles then transform to a local origin and reduce any
> vertex data from doubles to floats in the process and store this data in
> straight osg::Vec3Array in an osg::Geometry.  You then place the object in
> the correct world space by decorating the subgraph with a Transform
> (typically a MatrixTransform) that places the local origin in it's correct
> world position and orientation.

So data are duplicated? There's the original dataset in double
precision and a transformed one in single precision?

> If you look at osgEarth and
> VirtualPlanetBuilder this is how they manage whole earth databases,
> maintaining floats where OpenGL hardware requires it, but using double
> MatrixTransforms and the use of double ModelView Matrices in the OSG cull
> traversal that ensures maintenance of precision as long as possible before
> one finally has to copy the data to OpenGL.

Thanks for the pointer.

Unfortunately, osgEarth is such a huge beast to reverse-engineer! And
their Coordinates Systems git page [1] isn't that much informative
about the implemented architecture in this regard.

I was wondering, since both the FBX/DAE plugin is able to handle
double precision data, isn't there a -maybe- similar mechanism in
straight OSG that allows for rendering a FBX/DAE mesh? Or is the
double to float reduction internally handled by the plugin?


osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Handling double precision data: node's meta-data or plugin data or what?

2014-10-30 Thread Émeric MASCHINO

I have to deal with double precision data files.

By contrast to what's stated in [1], it seems to me that osg::Geometry
can be passed double precision vertex data. At least in OSG 3.2.1 that
may have fixed things since then. Allright. Great. But e.g.
osgUtil::SmoothingVisitor fails to compute the normals of such vertex
data, as osgUtil/SmoothingVisitor.cpp explicitely dynamic_casts vertex
data as osg::Vec3Array*, probably because a TriangleFunctor (that
doesn't seem to support anything else than osg::Vec3Array) is

Now, reading in [2], [3] and the DAE/FBX readers source code, it
appears that handling double precision data is a reality. At least for
serialization. But what I'm missing is how to render them actually? I
don't understand how the conversion from double to simple precision
data is done for rendering. I don't seem to find any
duplicated-with-different-precision-vertex-data in the DAE/FBX
readers. BTW, [3] also mentions the newly (at the time) introduced
osgDB::Options::PrecisionHint thing that is only used by the DAE/FBX
to decide whether serialize the vertex data in osg::Vec3Array or
osg::Vec3dArray. But nothing about rendering.

I was thus wondering of maintaining my double precision vertex data as
node's meta-data. So I read the brilliant discussion and PDF file [4]
that seems to have led to the introduction of the UserDataContainer in
core OSG. But here again, I'm coming short of determining if that's
the right way to do so, as this API is only used to serialize
presentation settings by the Present3D plugin. And while I'm thinking
at "externalizing" my double precision data as meta-data (hence
duplicating them with simple precision data for rendering), why not
pass them as a separate object as plugin data? But here too, the
examples using the {set|get}PluginData API are scarce: namely the DAE
(once again) and FFmpeg plugins.

In short:
- how do you deal with double precision data?
- how do you deal with any non-standard data (well, not related to
geometry data)? How do you decide whether to use UserDataContainer to
store them as meta-data in nodes or as plugin data?

Thanks gurus,


osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] OSG 3.2.1 OpenEXR plug-in incorrectly links against Release zlib.lib in Debug target

2014-09-29 Thread Émeric MASCHINO

On Windows platform, the OSG 3.2.1 OpenEXR plug-in incorrectly links
against both the Debug and Release version of zlib[d].lib in Debug

Looking at src\osgPlugins\exr\CMakeLists.txt, shouldn't the directive
at ln. 5 simply read:


rather than:


SETUP_PLUGIN seems to already add the correct zlib[d].lib dependence.


osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] OSG 3.2.1 DICOM plug-in incorrectly links against Release zlib.lib in Debug target

2014-09-29 Thread Émeric MASCHINO

On Windows platform, the OSG 3.2.1 DICOM plug-in incorrectly links
against both the Debug and Release version of zlib[d].lib in Debug

Looking at src\osgPlugins\dicom\CMakeLists.txt, shouldn't the
directive at ln. 8 simply read:


rather than:


SETUP_PLUGIN seems to already add the correct zlib[d].lib dependence.


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OSG 3.2.1 osgviewerWX not showing up in Visual Studio solution and proposal to remedy the situation

2014-09-29 Thread Émeric MASCHINO
Hi Robert,

Indeed, you've made the changes in rev. 12838 but the logs aren't that
explicit ;-)

Anyway, I've checked that without the guard, both de Debug and Release
versions of osgviewerWX[d]:
- successfully build;
- link only against Debug or Release libraries (including the wxWidgets ones);
- run flawlessly.

Maybe was it a transient problem with an old wxWidgets release? For
records, I'm building against wxWidgets 3.0.1.


2014-09-25 13:40 GMT+02:00 Robert Osfield :
> Hi Émeric,
> My guess is that check against build type had to be added to work around
> problems under Windows with mixing release and debug libraries in the
> context of WxWidgets.  Have a check of the svn logs for the submission that
> added this workaround, it might give some more insight to why it exists.
> Robert.
> On 25 September 2014 12:19, Émeric MASCHINO 
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Even though I've correctly set up my wxWidgets environment, the
>> osgviewerWX example isn't added to my OSG 3.2.1 Visual Studio
>> solution.
>> Looking at the examples\CMakeLists.txt file, I've noticed that
>> osgviewerWX inclusion is guarded against wxWidgets_FOUND (obviously)
>> but also against CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE (with a further check that it equals
>> to "Release"). Strangely enough, it appears that CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE
>> isn't defined when I'm generating the Visual Studio solution/projects
>> file with cmake-gui (at least for the Release|x64 target), so
>> osgviewerWX is never included in my OSG 3.2.1 solution.
>> Is this CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE guard really necessary? Indeed, osgviewerWX
>> should be able to build both in Debug and Release targes, as permitted
>> by the CMake's wxWidgets_USE_REL_AND_DBG variable.
>> I thus propose to simply remove the guard in the
>> examples\CMakeLists.txt file from:
>> ENDIF()
>> ENDIF()
>> to:
>> IF   (wxWidgets_FOUND)
>> ENDIF()
>> BTW, this will be consistent with the other osgviewer examples (GLUT,
>> What's your opinion?
>> Chhers,
>>  Émeric
>> ___
>> osg-users mailing list
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] OSG 3.2.1 osgviewerWX not showing up in Visual Studio solution and proposal to remedy the situation

2014-09-25 Thread Émeric MASCHINO

Even though I've correctly set up my wxWidgets environment, the
osgviewerWX example isn't added to my OSG 3.2.1 Visual Studio

Looking at the examples\CMakeLists.txt file, I've noticed that
osgviewerWX inclusion is guarded against wxWidgets_FOUND (obviously)
but also against CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE (with a further check that it equals
to "Release"). Strangely enough, it appears that CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE
isn't defined when I'm generating the Visual Studio solution/projects
file with cmake-gui (at least for the Release|x64 target), so
osgviewerWX is never included in my OSG 3.2.1 solution.

Is this CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE guard really necessary? Indeed, osgviewerWX
should be able to build both in Debug and Release targes, as permitted
by the CMake's wxWidgets_USE_REL_AND_DBG variable.

I thus propose to simply remove the guard in the
examples\CMakeLists.txt file from:



IF   (wxWidgets_FOUND)

BTW, this will be consistent with the other osgviewer examples (GLUT,

What's your opinion?


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OSG deployment on Windows

2014-09-25 Thread Émeric MASCHINO
OK, this is now clear with what Farshid also explained me in the other post.



2014-09-24 22:29 GMT+02:00 Chris Hanson :
> I just move the osgPlugins folder into the folder where the executable and
> top-level OSG DLLs are found. All seems to work without any fuss.
> On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 1:04 PM, Émeric MASCHINO 
> wrote:
>> Hi Chris,
>> Are you then also putting the required plug-ins in the same folder and
>> no more in a separate osgPlugins-X.Y.Z folder?
>> Cheers,
>>  Émeric
>> 2014-09-24 19:59 GMT+02:00 Chris Hanson :
>> > I deploy my applications with their own local copy of OSG in the same
>> > folder
>> > as the main application executable. I typically have a dozen different
>> > versions and flavors of OSG on my computer at once so OSG_ROOT becomes
>> > irrelevant.
>> >
>> > On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 11:39 AM, Émeric MASCHINO
>> >  wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Hi Farshid,
>> >>
>> >> Correct, but what about the plug-ins and examples? They aren't
>> >> installed in OSG_ROOT\bin. So if you only copy the DLLs in
>> >> OSG_ROOT\bin, when trying to load a plug-in (installed in
>> >> OSG_ROOT\bin\osgPlugins-X.Y.Z) or running an example (installed in
>> >> OSG_ROOT\shared\OpenSceneGraph\bin) that requires an external DLL,
>> >> this last one will thus be searched in the PATH, with the risk of
>> >> finding a similarly named DLL elsewhere in the filesystem before
>> >> reaching the expected on in OSG_ROOT\bin. How do you manage this
>> >> situation on your own?
>> >>
>> >> Cheers,
>> >>
>> >>  Émeric
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> 2014-09-24 19:12 GMT+02:00 Farshid Lashkari :
>> >> > Hi Émeric,
>> >> >
>> >> > Placing the external libraries in OSG_ROOT\bin should work as long as
>> >> > the
>> >> > main executable is also in OSG_ROOT\bin. Windows should first search
>> >> > for
>> >> > DLLs in the same folder as the executable before searching in PATH.
>> >> > So
>> >> > there
>> >> > is no need to add your application to PATH, or worry about
>> >> > conflicting
>> >> > DLLs
>> >> > in PATH. I've deployed my application like this for years and never
>> >> > had
>> >> > any
>> >> > issues.
>> >> >
>> >> > Cheers,
>> >> > Farshid
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> > On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 10:03 AM, Émeric MASCHINO
>> >> >  wrote:
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Hi,
>> >> >>
>> >> >> What's the best practice regarding OSG deployment on Windows?
>> >> >> Indeed,
>> >> >> several plug-ins depend on external libraries. Is it best to put the
>> >> >> required DLLs in OSG_ROOT\bin\osgPlugins-X.Y.Z or rather in
>> >> >> OSG_ROOT\bin, thus ensuring that OSG_ROOT\bin is in the PATH so that
>> >> >> the plug-ins can find them?
>> >> >>
>> >> >> With this last approach, there's only one copy of each DLL shared by
>> >> >> the OSG applications, plug-ins and examples. The drawback is that if
>> >> >> a
>> >> >> similarly named DLL is found in the PATH before reaching
>> >> >> OSG_ROOT\bin,
>> >> >> an incorrect DLL may be loaded.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> By contrast, copying the required DLLs in
>> >> >> OSG_ROOT\bin\osgPlugins-X.Y.Z may also require copying them in
>> >> >> OSG_ROOT\bin as well as in OSG_ROOT\share\OpenSceneGraph\bin.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Any advice on what's better?
>> >> >>
>> >> >>  Émeric
>> >> >> ___
>> >> >> osg-users mailing list
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> > ___
>> >> > osg-users mailing list
>> >> 

Re: [osg-users] OSG deployment on Windows

2014-09-24 Thread Émeric MASCHINO
OK, thanks for the clarification Farshid.

Yes, I was using exactly the same structure. But I didn't knew that
the OSG plug-ins were first looking for their dependencies is
OSG_ROOT\bin before relying upon the PATH. I thought that, when not
found in the OSG_ROOT\bin\osgPlugins-X.Y.Z folder, the required DLLs
were searched for in the PATH.


2014-09-24 20:03 GMT+02:00 Farshid Lashkari :
> Hi Émeric,
> I'm assuming OSG_ROOT refers to the install folder of your OSG based
> application. The plug-ins should go into OSG_ROOT\bin\osgPlugins-X.Y.Z. OSG
> will automatically prepend the "osgPlugins-X.Y.Z\" path when attempting to
> load "osgdb_*.dll" plugins.
> For example, let's say I install my application into the "C:\MyApp\" folder.
> Here is how I organize the files:
> "C:\MyApp\bin\" contains:
>  - Executables (.exe)
>  - OSG library files (osg.dll, osgDB.dll, osgUtil.dll, ...)
>  - External dependencies (zlib1.dll, libxml2.dll, ...)
> "C:\MyApp\bin\osgPlugins-X.Y.Z\" contains:
>  - All OSG reader/writer plugins (osgdb_*.dll)
> Any executable launched from the "C:\MyApp\bin\" folder, will automatically
> load dependencies from that folder before searching PATH. When attempting to
> load a reader/writer plugin, OSG will automatically look in
> "C:\MyApp\bin\osgPlugins-X.Y.Z\". If any of those plugins have external
> dependencies, they will be loaded from "C:\MyApp\bin\", before searching in
> This should allow multiple OSG based applications using different versions
> to be installed on the system without conflicts.
> Hope this clears it up.
> Cheers,
> Farshid
> On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 10:39 AM, Émeric MASCHINO
>  wrote:
>> Hi Farshid,
>> Correct, but what about the plug-ins and examples? They aren't
>> installed in OSG_ROOT\bin. So if you only copy the DLLs in
>> OSG_ROOT\bin, when trying to load a plug-in (installed in
>> OSG_ROOT\bin\osgPlugins-X.Y.Z) or running an example (installed in
>> OSG_ROOT\shared\OpenSceneGraph\bin) that requires an external DLL,
>> this last one will thus be searched in the PATH, with the risk of
>> finding a similarly named DLL elsewhere in the filesystem before
>> reaching the expected on in OSG_ROOT\bin. How do you manage this
>> situation on your own?
>> Cheers,
>>  Émeric
>> 2014-09-24 19:12 GMT+02:00 Farshid Lashkari :
>> > Hi Émeric,
>> >
>> > Placing the external libraries in OSG_ROOT\bin should work as long as
>> > the
>> > main executable is also in OSG_ROOT\bin. Windows should first search for
>> > DLLs in the same folder as the executable before searching in PATH. So
>> > there
>> > is no need to add your application to PATH, or worry about conflicting
>> > DLLs
>> > in PATH. I've deployed my application like this for years and never had
>> > any
>> > issues.
>> >
>> > Cheers,
>> > Farshid
>> >
>> >
>> > On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 10:03 AM, Émeric MASCHINO
>> >  wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Hi,
>> >>
>> >> What's the best practice regarding OSG deployment on Windows? Indeed,
>> >> several plug-ins depend on external libraries. Is it best to put the
>> >> required DLLs in OSG_ROOT\bin\osgPlugins-X.Y.Z or rather in
>> >> OSG_ROOT\bin, thus ensuring that OSG_ROOT\bin is in the PATH so that
>> >> the plug-ins can find them?
>> >>
>> >> With this last approach, there's only one copy of each DLL shared by
>> >> the OSG applications, plug-ins and examples. The drawback is that if a
>> >> similarly named DLL is found in the PATH before reaching OSG_ROOT\bin,
>> >> an incorrect DLL may be loaded.
>> >>
>> >> By contrast, copying the required DLLs in
>> >> OSG_ROOT\bin\osgPlugins-X.Y.Z may also require copying them in
>> >> OSG_ROOT\bin as well as in OSG_ROOT\share\OpenSceneGraph\bin.
>> >>
>> >> Any advice on what's better?
>> >>
>> >>  Émeric
>> >> ___
>> >> osg-users mailing list
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > ___
>> > osg-users mailing list
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> ___
>> osg-users mailing list
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OSG deployment on Windows

2014-09-24 Thread Émeric MASCHINO
Hi Chris,

Are you then also putting the required plug-ins in the same folder and
no more in a separate osgPlugins-X.Y.Z folder?



2014-09-24 19:59 GMT+02:00 Chris Hanson :
> I deploy my applications with their own local copy of OSG in the same folder
> as the main application executable. I typically have a dozen different
> versions and flavors of OSG on my computer at once so OSG_ROOT becomes
> irrelevant.
> On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 11:39 AM, Émeric MASCHINO
>  wrote:
>> Hi Farshid,
>> Correct, but what about the plug-ins and examples? They aren't
>> installed in OSG_ROOT\bin. So if you only copy the DLLs in
>> OSG_ROOT\bin, when trying to load a plug-in (installed in
>> OSG_ROOT\bin\osgPlugins-X.Y.Z) or running an example (installed in
>> OSG_ROOT\shared\OpenSceneGraph\bin) that requires an external DLL,
>> this last one will thus be searched in the PATH, with the risk of
>> finding a similarly named DLL elsewhere in the filesystem before
>> reaching the expected on in OSG_ROOT\bin. How do you manage this
>> situation on your own?
>> Cheers,
>>  Émeric
>> 2014-09-24 19:12 GMT+02:00 Farshid Lashkari :
>> > Hi Émeric,
>> >
>> > Placing the external libraries in OSG_ROOT\bin should work as long as
>> > the
>> > main executable is also in OSG_ROOT\bin. Windows should first search for
>> > DLLs in the same folder as the executable before searching in PATH. So
>> > there
>> > is no need to add your application to PATH, or worry about conflicting
>> > DLLs
>> > in PATH. I've deployed my application like this for years and never had
>> > any
>> > issues.
>> >
>> > Cheers,
>> > Farshid
>> >
>> >
>> > On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 10:03 AM, Émeric MASCHINO
>> >  wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Hi,
>> >>
>> >> What's the best practice regarding OSG deployment on Windows? Indeed,
>> >> several plug-ins depend on external libraries. Is it best to put the
>> >> required DLLs in OSG_ROOT\bin\osgPlugins-X.Y.Z or rather in
>> >> OSG_ROOT\bin, thus ensuring that OSG_ROOT\bin is in the PATH so that
>> >> the plug-ins can find them?
>> >>
>> >> With this last approach, there's only one copy of each DLL shared by
>> >> the OSG applications, plug-ins and examples. The drawback is that if a
>> >> similarly named DLL is found in the PATH before reaching OSG_ROOT\bin,
>> >> an incorrect DLL may be loaded.
>> >>
>> >> By contrast, copying the required DLLs in
>> >> OSG_ROOT\bin\osgPlugins-X.Y.Z may also require copying them in
>> >> OSG_ROOT\bin as well as in OSG_ROOT\share\OpenSceneGraph\bin.
>> >>
>> >> Any advice on what's better?
>> >>
>> >>  Émeric
>> >> ___
>> >> osg-users mailing list
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > ___
>> > osg-users mailing list
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> ___
>> osg-users mailing list
> --
> Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere.
> Training • Consulting • Contracting
> 3D • Scene Graphs (Open Scene Graph/OSG) • OpenGL 2 • OpenGL 3 • OpenGL 4 •
> GLSL • OpenGL ES 1 • OpenGL ES 2 • OpenCL
> Digital Imaging • GIS • GPS • osgEarth • Terrain • Telemetry • Cryptography
> • Digital Audio • LIDAR • Kinect • Embedded • Mobile • iPhone/iPad/iOS •
> Android
> @alphapixel (775) 623-PIXL [7495]
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OSG deployment on Windows

2014-09-24 Thread Émeric MASCHINO
Hi Farshid,

Correct, but what about the plug-ins and examples? They aren't
installed in OSG_ROOT\bin. So if you only copy the DLLs in
OSG_ROOT\bin, when trying to load a plug-in (installed in
OSG_ROOT\bin\osgPlugins-X.Y.Z) or running an example (installed in
OSG_ROOT\shared\OpenSceneGraph\bin) that requires an external DLL,
this last one will thus be searched in the PATH, with the risk of
finding a similarly named DLL elsewhere in the filesystem before
reaching the expected on in OSG_ROOT\bin. How do you manage this
situation on your own?



2014-09-24 19:12 GMT+02:00 Farshid Lashkari :
> Hi Émeric,
> Placing the external libraries in OSG_ROOT\bin should work as long as the
> main executable is also in OSG_ROOT\bin. Windows should first search for
> DLLs in the same folder as the executable before searching in PATH. So there
> is no need to add your application to PATH, or worry about conflicting DLLs
> in PATH. I've deployed my application like this for years and never had any
> issues.
> Cheers,
> Farshid
> On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 10:03 AM, Émeric MASCHINO
>  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> What's the best practice regarding OSG deployment on Windows? Indeed,
>> several plug-ins depend on external libraries. Is it best to put the
>> required DLLs in OSG_ROOT\bin\osgPlugins-X.Y.Z or rather in
>> OSG_ROOT\bin, thus ensuring that OSG_ROOT\bin is in the PATH so that
>> the plug-ins can find them?
>> With this last approach, there's only one copy of each DLL shared by
>> the OSG applications, plug-ins and examples. The drawback is that if a
>> similarly named DLL is found in the PATH before reaching OSG_ROOT\bin,
>> an incorrect DLL may be loaded.
>> By contrast, copying the required DLLs in
>> OSG_ROOT\bin\osgPlugins-X.Y.Z may also require copying them in
>> OSG_ROOT\bin as well as in OSG_ROOT\share\OpenSceneGraph\bin.
>> Any advice on what's better?
>>  Émeric
>> ___
>> osg-users mailing list
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] OSG deployment on Windows

2014-09-24 Thread Émeric MASCHINO

What's the best practice regarding OSG deployment on Windows? Indeed,
several plug-ins depend on external libraries. Is it best to put the
required DLLs in OSG_ROOT\bin\osgPlugins-X.Y.Z or rather in
OSG_ROOT\bin, thus ensuring that OSG_ROOT\bin is in the PATH so that
the plug-ins can find them?

With this last approach, there's only one copy of each DLL shared by
the OSG applications, plug-ins and examples. The drawback is that if a
similarly named DLL is found in the PATH before reaching OSG_ROOT\bin,
an incorrect DLL may be loaded.

By contrast, copying the required DLLs in
OSG_ROOT\bin\osgPlugins-X.Y.Z may also require copying them in
OSG_ROOT\bin as well as in OSG_ROOT\share\OpenSceneGraph\bin.

Any advice on what's better?

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Override DICOM plug-in CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS

2014-09-24 Thread Émeric MASCHINO

Building OSG 3.2.1 DICOM plug-in on a Windows XP x64 PC with Visual
Studio 2010 fails at link with the following error:

67>osgDB.lib(osg100-osgDB.dll) : error LNK2005: "public: void __cdecl
std::basic_ifstream >::`vbase
(??_D?$basic_ifstream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QEAAXXZ) already
defined in dcmimgle.lib(didispfn.obj)
67>osgDB.lib(osg100-osgDB.dll) : error LNK2005: "public: __cdecl
>::basic_ifstream >(char const
*,int,int)" (??0?$basic_ifstream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QEAA@PEBDHH@Z)
already defined in dcmimgle.lib(didispfn.obj)
67> Creating library
and object 
: fatal error LNK1169: one or more multiply defined symbols found

This error was reported 3 years ago, without much interest [1].

Contrarily to what's regularly erroneously stated here and there, this
error has _nothing_ to deal with CRT configuration mismatch (the
dreaded /MT[d] vs. /MD[d] compiler settings). In such situation, you
generally get a warning about trying to add /NODEFAULTLIB:MSVCRT flag.
This _isn't_ the case here and I've double-checked that both my OSG
and DCMTK builds are using the same settings. And indeed, it's
identical: /MD[d].

This error has to deal with mixing both osgDB {i|o}fstream with STL
ones, as correctly explained in [2] and [3].

There seems to be a consensus as considering this issue a Visual
Studio 2010/2012 (what about 2013?) bug [4] and a well known
work-around is to pass /FORCE:MULTIPLY to the linker. Simply doing so
in the osgdb_dicom.vcxproj project file is obviously lost each time
CMake is invoked. A cleaner solution would be to add this flag through
the CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS of osgdb_dicom's CMakeLists.txt file, as
in VirtualPlanetBuilder [5]. I've thus updated osgdb_dicom's
CMakeLists.txt file to read as:

IF (WIN32)
=> I've added
# Overcome Visual Studio 2010 error LNK2005:
basic_ifstream symbols already defined in dcmingle.lib (didispfn.obj)
=> End of work-around

However, it seem's that the default CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS
/machine:x64 is overriding customization, as osgdb_dicom linker
settings only shows /machine:x64. I've checked that the updated
CMakeLists.txt file was taken into account using an output message.

Am I missing something obvious here and is there a way to prevent such
an override? Or alternatively, is there a work-around for the Visual
Studio 2010 work-around?



osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OSG 3.2.1 QuickTime plug-in doesn't compile on Windows

2014-09-24 Thread Émeric MASCHINO
Hi Robert,

> Apple likes moving the goal posts on all it's API which makes it difficult
> to compile on all variants of their API's all the time.

I've no problem with this. I only wanted to be sure that the breakage
with the QuickTime plug-in on Windows is under control and expected.

As for the OpenVRML plug-in. While the Visual Studio plug-ins webpage
contains outdated information (hence my other post with a step-by-step
OpenVRML plug-in HOWTO), a quick look at OSG SVN logs clearly states
that the codebase was updated to work with OpenVRML 0.18.x and no more

I can't find the same explicit log for the QuickTime plug-in.
Something saying "QuickTime SDK deprecated by ...".

> Under Windows you can use the native directshow plugin or the ffmpeg plugin.

Does it mean that both the QuickTime and Xine plug-ins are deprecated
on Windows? It seems to me that the FFmpeg plug-in provides the
missing bits.

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] OSG 3.2.1 QuickTime plug-in doesn't compile on Windows

2014-09-23 Thread Émeric MASCHINO

Just to be sure: is it expected that the OSG 3.2.1 QuickTime plug-in
doesn't compile on Windows (lots of errors in MacTypes.h for example)
with the latest QuickTime 7.3 SDK for Windows?

Am I right to suppose that the codebase has been updated to build on
OS X with today's QuickTime/QTKit, but since Apple killed the plug on
Windows [1], the QuickTime plug-in doesn't compile anymore there?

Is thus FFmpeg the way to go on Windows (and Linux) for .mov samples
for example?



osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OpenVRML plug-in HOWTO

2014-09-23 Thread Émeric MASCHINO
Hi Jordi,

Well, how can I edit this page? The only available option that I can
see in the ribbon are either print or send email. Maybe editing is
restricted to OSG maintainers/contributors?


2014-09-23 12:05 GMT+02:00 Jordi Torres :
> Hi Émeric,
> It would be nice if you could update this documentation at the website (
> ).
> Thanks.
> 2014-09-23 11:59 GMT+02:00 Émeric MASCHINO :
>> Hi,
>> For those lost souls trying to build the OpenVRML plug-in on Windows,
>> here's how I did it with OSG 3.2.1. Hope this helps, as I was
>> desperately looking for such informations the passed days ;-)
>> First, the informations at [1] are completely outdated. By contrast to
>> what's stated there, OpenVRML 0.14.x is no more relevant at all, even
>> on Windows. OpenVRML 0.18.x is the way to go. So, to build the
>> OpenVRML plug-in, you need to build OpenVRML first. For this, the
>> Boost C++ Libraries are required. And OpenVRML's default build
>> configuration also has dependencies on libpng and FreeType.
>> I've successfully built OpenVRML 0.18.9 against Boost 1.55.0, libpng
>> 1.6.13 and FreeType 2.5.0 on a Windows XP x64 PC using the Visual
>> Studio 2010 Professional IDE. I'm assuming here (i) that your OSG root
>> _build_ folder is C:\OpenSceneGraph and (ii) that you've correctly set
>> up and/or built Boost, libpng and FreeType. Here are the steps:
>> - Download OpenVRML 0.18.9 source code openvrml-0.18.9.tar.gz from
>> - Extract openvrml-0.18.9.tar.gz somewhere; say in C:\openvrml-0.18.9
>> folder;
>> - Get the following missing project files from
>> and copy them to:
>>   - src/local/libopenvrml-dl/openvrml-dl.vcxproj:
>> C:\openvrml-0.18.9/src/local/libopenvrml-dl/openvrml-dl.vcxproj;
>>   - src/node/x3d-interpolation/x3d-interpolation.vcxproj:
>> C:\openvrml-0.18.9/src/node/x3d-interpolation/x3d-interpolation.vcxproj;
>>   - src/script/javascript.vcxproj:
>> C:\openvrml-0.18.9/src/script/javascript.vcxproj;
>> - Remove any entry Windows7.1SDK
>> from the project files;
>> - Remove any entry >
>> Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='{Debug|Release}|x64'">C:\Boost\include\boost-1_43;$(IncludePath)
>> from the project files;
>> - Fix the x64 platform settings of all projects files, copying from
>> the Win32 section. Most were incorrectly created as Applications
>> rather than DLLs!
>> - Go to C:\openvrml-0.18.9 and open OpenVRML.sln solution;
>> - Add $(BOOST_ROOT) to additional include directories of all projects;
>> - Add $(BOOST_ROOT)\lib{32|64}-msvc-10.0 to additional library
>> directories of all projects;
>> - Add /bigobj compiler option to Debug|x64 configuration of openvrml
>> DLL project to work around fatal error C1128;
>> - Ensure that input libraries of openvrml DLL project is set to
>> shlwapi.lib;XmlLite.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies) for all
>> targets/platforms;
>> - Ensure that input libraries of vrml97 DLL project is set to
>> libpng16[d].lib;freetype250[_D].lib;%(AdditionalDependencies) for all
>> targets/platforms and that additional library directories are properly
>> set;
>> - Build the vrml97 and x3d-* DLL projects. The openvrml DLL and
>> openvrml-dl static library projects are automatically built as
>> dependencies;
>> - Copy the headers from C:\openvrml-0.18.9\src\libopenvrml hierarchy
>> to C:\OpenSceneGraph\3rdParty\include\openvrml, replicating the
>> hierarchy, as well as the resulting openvrml.lib library files to
>> OpenSceneGraph\3rdParty\lib and openvrml.dll DLL files to
>> OpenSceneGraph\3rdParty\bin;
>> - Add OPENVRML_DIR environment variable, pointing to
>> C:\OpenSceneGraph\3rdParty;
>> - Update
>> OpenSceneGraph\OpenSceneGraph-3.2.1\src\osgPlugins\vrml\CMakeLists.txt
>> file to build against OpenVRML 0.18.x:
>>   - add references to Boost: add ln. 1-3:
>>   - remove references to antlr and regexp libraries: delete ln. 9-21
>> and ln. 23-24;
>>   - add OPENVRML_USE_DLL preprocessor definition: add ln. 31:
>> Final result should be:

[osg-users] OpenVRML plug-in HOWTO

2014-09-23 Thread Émeric MASCHINO

For those lost souls trying to build the OpenVRML plug-in on Windows,
here's how I did it with OSG 3.2.1. Hope this helps, as I was
desperately looking for such informations the passed days ;-)

First, the informations at [1] are completely outdated. By contrast to
what's stated there, OpenVRML 0.14.x is no more relevant at all, even
on Windows. OpenVRML 0.18.x is the way to go. So, to build the
OpenVRML plug-in, you need to build OpenVRML first. For this, the
Boost C++ Libraries are required. And OpenVRML's default build
configuration also has dependencies on libpng and FreeType.

I've successfully built OpenVRML 0.18.9 against Boost 1.55.0, libpng
1.6.13 and FreeType 2.5.0 on a Windows XP x64 PC using the Visual
Studio 2010 Professional IDE. I'm assuming here (i) that your OSG root
_build_ folder is C:\OpenSceneGraph and (ii) that you've correctly set
up and/or built Boost, libpng and FreeType. Here are the steps:
- Download OpenVRML 0.18.9 source code openvrml-0.18.9.tar.gz from;
- Extract openvrml-0.18.9.tar.gz somewhere; say in C:\openvrml-0.18.9 folder;
- Get the following missing project files from and copy them to:
  - src/local/libopenvrml-dl/openvrml-dl.vcxproj:
  - src/node/x3d-interpolation/x3d-interpolation.vcxproj:
  - src/script/javascript.vcxproj:
- Remove any entry Windows7.1SDK
from the project files;
- Remove any entry C:\Boost\include\boost-1_43;$(IncludePath)
from the project files;
- Fix the x64 platform settings of all projects files, copying from
the Win32 section. Most were incorrectly created as Applications
rather than DLLs!
- Go to C:\openvrml-0.18.9 and open OpenVRML.sln solution;
- Add $(BOOST_ROOT) to additional include directories of all projects;
- Add $(BOOST_ROOT)\lib{32|64}-msvc-10.0 to additional library
directories of all projects;
- Add /bigobj compiler option to Debug|x64 configuration of openvrml
DLL project to work around fatal error C1128;
- Ensure that input libraries of openvrml DLL project is set to
shlwapi.lib;XmlLite.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies) for all
- Ensure that input libraries of vrml97 DLL project is set to
libpng16[d].lib;freetype250[_D].lib;%(AdditionalDependencies) for all
targets/platforms and that additional library directories are properly
- Build the vrml97 and x3d-* DLL projects. The openvrml DLL and
openvrml-dl static library projects are automatically built as
- Copy the headers from C:\openvrml-0.18.9\src\libopenvrml hierarchy
to C:\OpenSceneGraph\3rdParty\include\openvrml, replicating the
hierarchy, as well as the resulting openvrml.lib library files to
OpenSceneGraph\3rdParty\lib and openvrml.dll DLL files to
- Add OPENVRML_DIR environment variable, pointing to C:\OpenSceneGraph\3rdParty;
- Update OpenSceneGraph\OpenSceneGraph-3.2.1\src\osgPlugins\vrml\CMakeLists.txt
file to build against OpenVRML 0.18.x:
  - add references to Boost: add ln. 1-3:




  - remove references to antlr and regexp libraries: delete ln. 9-21
and ln. 23-24;
  - add OPENVRML_USE_DLL preprocessor definition: add ln. 31:


Final result should be:



IF (WIN32)





 end var setup  ###
SETUP_PLUGIN(vrml vrml)

Check you CMake configuration and build the OpenVRML plug-in:
- OPENVRML_INCLUDE_DIR: C:/OpenSceneGraph/3rdParty/openvrml;
- OPENVRML_LIBRARY: C:/OpenSceneGraph/3rdParty/lib/openvrml.lib;
I didn't use OpenVRML Debug library in the end (see Notice below) so

Now, for runtime, OpenVRML requires some environment variables and
data or the OpenVRML plug-in won't work at all:
- Copy the resulting openvrml.dll DLL from
C:\openvrml-0.18.9\{Win32|x64}\{Debug|Release}\bin to e.g.
%OSG_ROOT%\bin; I'm assuming her

Re: [osg-users] osgViewerQT example question

2014-09-23 Thread Émeric MASCHINO

Are you talking about the old osgviewerQT [1] or the newer osgviewerQt [2]?


I remember having problem with the old one, but not with osgviewerQt.

BTW, are you running OSG on Linux or Windows?


2014-09-22 18:10 GMT+02:00 Nick Modly :
> Hi,
> I'm looking at extending the osgViewerQT example by being able to add items 
> to the QGraphicsView (by setting a QGraphicsScene and adding items to that). 
> These items include some QT controls that need to be embedded in the window 
> with transparency enabled.
> When I simply create the scene and add the controls (using a 
> GraphicsProxyWidget), the view begins flickering black and white and the log 
> prints "QGLContext::makeCurrent(): Failed." over and over. It seems like QT 
> and OSG are fighting over the context. I've heard that you can get around 
> this by subclassing the QGraphicsScene and doing your OSG rendering in the 
> drawBackground() method, storing and retrieving the context before/after, but 
> I'm not exactly sure what that means - calling frame() there?
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Nick
> --
> Read this topic online here:
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgscreencapture yields invalid pixel format error on Windows with --pbuffer argument

2014-08-21 Thread Émeric MASCHINO
2014-08-21 18:52 GMT+02:00 Robert Osfield :
> It may also be nothing to do with the OSG itself, but an issue with the
> drivers.  I can't really help further I as don't have a Windows system or
> Windows expertise.

That's why I've tested on two different Windows versions (XP and 7),
three different graphics cards (Quadro 3450/4000 SDI, Quadro 410 and
HD Graphics 2500) from two different manufacturers (NVIDIA and Intel).
IMHO, that's too much coincidences for a driver issue only.

Thanks for your advice Robert, but what others are thinking about
this? Windows crowd, aren't you hitting this issue too?

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgscreencapture yields invalid pixel format error on Windows with --pbuffer argument

2014-08-21 Thread Émeric MASCHINO
Hi Robert,

2014-08-19 16:37 GMT+02:00 Robert Osfield :
> Hi Émeric,
> It would be worth comparing the src/osgViewer/GraphicsWindowWin32.cpp in
> 3.2.1 to 3.0.1 to see if there are any differences that might help.
> In general when debugging it's best to compile the OSG source code so you
> step through the code and make revisions to see they help.  Using the latest
> OSG will also help with general bug fixes as well make it easier to pick up
> any fixes that are required to address the problem you experience.

Just tried with locally-compiled OSG 3.2.1 source code: exact same
issue on Windows XP/7, with same hardware as previously :-(

Do you think it's worth trying out the current OSG developer release
source code? I've rather tried OSG 3.2.1 because it's the current
stable release so had good hopes of getting something building
successfully ;-)

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgscreencapture yields invalid pixel format error on Windows with --pbuffer argument

2014-08-19 Thread Émeric MASCHINO
Hi Robert and the list,

2014-08-18 21:51 GMT+02:00 Robert Osfield :
> You don't say what OS version, OSG version, hardware and drivers you are
> using.  Could you please provide this so that others might be able to get a
> better idea of what type of system you are working with, and if they have
> the same allow them to recreate the problem.

Good catch, but I have the strong impression that this is a Windows
(OSG 3.0.1 only?) problem. Here's why.

I'm experiencing this issue on a Windows XP system sporting a NVIDIA
Quadro 3450/4000 SDI display adapter (display drivers version a.k.a. ForceWare 91.85) with OSG 3.0.1 (I'm using the
prebuilt VS2010 x64 binaries by AlphaPixel as a solid reference for
people wanting to try).

I'm _not_ having this issue on the exact same hardware with Fedora 20
(Linux), NVIDIA drivers version 303.123 and the Fedora-provided OSG
3.2.1 packages.

Back on Windows, I'm _still_ having this issue with a totally
different hardware: a Windows 7 system sporting a NVIDIA Quadro 410
display adapter (display drivers version, still with
AlphaPixel's OSG 3.0.1 x64 VS2010 binaries.

The above Windows 7 system comes with a Core i3-3220 CPU that embeds a
Intel HD Graphics 2500 display adapter. Removing the NVIDIA adapter to
use the Intel one (drivers version yields the same

I don't have a system with an AMD display adapter, so can't test further.

As you can see, all the tests on Windows are failing. It's noteworthy
that I don't have OSG 3.2.1 readily available on Windows at the
moment, so can't say if the problem lies in the Windows implementation
or only in the OSG 3.0.1 Windows implementation.

Are there people with Radeon display adapters wanting to try if
they're hitting this issue with AlphaPixel's binaries?
Are there people with OSG 3.2.1 built on Windows wanting to try if
they're still hitting this issue?


osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] osgscreencapture yields invalid pixel format error on Windows with --pbuffer argument

2014-08-18 Thread Émeric MASCHINO

Does anybody successfully ran the osgscreencapture example on Windows
when passing e.g. --pbuffer 1280 1024 cessna.osg as arguments? With
such arguments, you render both in a P-Buffer and a viewer window. But
I'm recording the following error in the console:

Pixel buffer has been created successfully.
Windows Error #2000: Win32WindowingSystem::OpenGLContext() - Unable to restore c
urrent OpenGL rendering context. Reason: The pixel format is invalid.

Select GL_BGRA read back format
Window size 1280, 1024
Reading window usig glReadPixels, with a double buffer PixelBufferObject.
Allocating image
Generating pbo 0
Generating pbo 2
fps = 60.256, full frame copy = 2.9919ms rate = 438.09 Mpixel/sec, 1671.2 Mb/sec
 time for memcpy = 2.4892ms  memcpy speed = 2008.6 Mb/sec
fps = 59.804, full frame copy = 2.9196ms rate = 448.93 Mpixel/sec, 1712.5 Mb/sec
 time for memcpy = 2.4642ms  memcpy speed = 2029 Mb/sec
Press any key to continue...

Please note that this issue only surfaces when rendering both in a
P-Buffer and a viewer window. There's no problem when passing
--pbuffer-only 1280 1024 cessna.osg (rendering in P-Buffer only, no
viewer window) or simply cessna.osg (rendering in viewer window only).

I've tracked down the problem to line 716:

pbuffer = osg::GraphicsContext::createGraphicsContext(traits.get());

It's noteworthy that pbuffer is valid, as alluded to earlier in the
console logs.

It's a different issue than the one reported in There,
multithreading problems were triggering the same error, but with
--pbuffer-only, whereas I've no problem with this configuration. I've
nevertheless tried the proposed workarounds, without a success.

I've also looked at the osgautocapture example, but there's no
scenario leading to render both in a P-Buffer and a viewer window, so
now invalid pixel format error there. However, I don't understand how
the following test (line 233) can be true:

if (viewer.getCamera()->getGraphicsContext() &&
viewer.getCamera()->getGraphicsContext()->getTraits()) {

When rendering in a P-Buffer,
viewer.getCamera()->getGraphicsContext()->getTraits() always returns
NULL on my system.

Any thought?


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] how to integrate osg into qt window?

2014-05-20 Thread Émeric MASCHINO

Have a look at Wang Rui's excellent osgRecipes repository, more
particularly osg_qt example:

There was an error where a new camera was incorrectly created rather
than retrieved from the viewer. This has been fixed in the above
provided URL.

Hope this helps,


2014-05-20 18:11 GMT+02:00 sunpeng :
> I've read examples/osgviewerQt, and written codes:
> int main(int argc, char *argv[])
> {
> QApplication a(argc, argv);
> Window window1;
> osgViewer::Viewer* viewer = new osgViewer::Viewer();
> osg::Group* root = new osg::Group();
> osg::Node* node = new osg::Node();
> node = osgDB::readNodeFile("cow.osg");
> root->addChild(node);
> osgUtil::Optimizer optimizer ;
> optimizer.optimize(root) ;
> viewer->setSceneData(root);
> viewer->setCamera(new osg::Camera());
> osg::Camera* camera = viewer->getCamera();
> osgQt::GraphicsWindowQt* gw = dynamic_cast(
> camera->getGraphicsContext() );
> osgQt::GLWidget* widget1 = gw ? gw->getGLWidget() : NULL;
> widget1->setGeometry( 100, 100, 800, 600 );
> QGridLayout* grid = new QGridLayout();
> grid->addWidget( widget1, 0, 0 );
> window1.setLayout(grid);
> viewer->realize();
> return a.exec();
> }
> but it seems
> gw is null, i just want create osg widget( such as osgQt::GraphicsWindowQ ),
> and integrate into QT, how to write codes?
> Thanks!
> peng
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OSG with opensource AMD/NVIDIA Linux driver

2014-05-12 Thread Émeric MASCHINO
2014-04-25 18:40 GMT+02:00 Émeric MASCHINO :
> I was aware that the opensource drivers aren't on par with the closed
> ones w.r.t. OpenGL specifications and driver optimizations, but I
> didn't knew that what has been implemented there wasn't correct. From
> the wiki page [1], Mesa should complies with OpenGL 3.3. Isn't there a
> testsuite to ensure correct compliance?
> [1]

Well, reading Rich Geldreich's blog today (Things that drive me nuts
about OpenGL) [1], it seems there's indeed no practical testing from
the Khronos group to ensure driver's OpenGL conformance:

"This indicates to me that Khronos needs to be more proactive at
testing and validating the drivers. GL needs the equivalent of the
WHQL process." (taken from #25)

Interesting reading BTW, with #19 dealing with OpenGL compatibility
and OpenGL "profiles" as recently introduced in OSG.


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Obsolete osg-users archive search index?

2014-05-01 Thread Émeric MASCHINO
Hi Paul,

> FYI, osg-users posts have been reflected to a Google Group for at least the
> past six years, so you should just be able to search using Google. The group
> is here:
> I hope people find this helpful.

That's great news, thanks for pointing this out.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Obsolete osg-users archive search index?

2014-05-01 Thread Émeric MASCHINO
Hi Robert,

I'm not a mailman sysadmin at all, but the note says that the index
should be refreshed every 24 hours. Is this something hardcoded in
mailman or can't find no reference to 24 in the mailman configuration

BTW, does Saturday, 17 Mar 2012 12:16:45 PDT more or less coincide
with the server move?


2014-05-01 16:51 GMT+02:00 Robert Osfield :
> Hi Emeric et. al,
> Curious, I have never noticed that the fact the search index isn't
> updated regularly.  I don't recall anyone else highlighting this
> either so I guess we've all just overlooked it.  I have just had a
> search through the mailman admin pages and can't find any controls for
> how often the search index is updated.  I wonder if this went astray
> when we moved the mailman server over to dreamhost.
> I have to admit I'm not a mailman expert.  Thoughts from others?
> Robert.
> On 1 May 2014 14:48, Émeric MASCHINO  wrote:
>>  Hi,
>> The osg-users Archives state:
>> Note:The archive search index was last rebuilt at Saturday, 17 Mar
>> 2012 12:16:45 PDT. Any postings after that will not be found by a
>> search. Index rebuild is usally done once every 24 hours for this
>> list. You can use a "View by date" link below to access more recent
>> postings.
>> Is this note still accurate?
>> If yes, I'm so sorry for having asked to the list questions that may
>> have been answered since March 17th, 2012.
>> If so, isn't there a way to update the search index?
>> Thanks,
>>  Emeric
>> ___
>> osg-users mailing list
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Obsolete osg-users archive search index?

2014-05-01 Thread Émeric MASCHINO

The osg-users Archives state:

Note:The archive search index was last rebuilt at Saturday, 17 Mar
2012 12:16:45 PDT. Any postings after that will not be found by a
search. Index rebuild is usally done once every 24 hours for this
list. You can use a "View by date" link below to access more recent

Is this note still accurate?

If yes, I'm so sorry for having asked to the list questions that may
have been answered since March 17th, 2012.

If so, isn't there a way to update the search index?


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OSG with opensource AMD/NVIDIA Linux driver

2014-04-25 Thread Émeric MASCHINO
2014-04-25 15:03 GMT+02:00 Jan Ciger :
> The open source drivers don't have yet the feature parity with the
> proprietary ones. Many things simply don't work or are buggy - I am
> actually surprised that you have got even that far.

I was aware that the opensource drivers aren't on par with the closed
ones w.r.t. OpenGL specifications and driver optimizations, but I
didn't knew that what has been implemented there wasn't correct. From
the wiki page [1], Mesa should complies with OpenGL 3.3. Isn't there a
testsuite to ensure correct compliance?

For the depth peeling example, only features of OpenGL fixed pipeline
are used, so I'm really surprised it works that bad if Mesa is
supposed to complies with OpenGL 3.3.


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Blending and hiding/showing a triangle face of the model

2014-01-27 Thread Émeric MASCHINO
Hi Nick,

Thanks for the pointers.

> although they are right in the book about colors being vertex attributes I
> think You can achieve the effect You are after by using osg::Material and
> adjusting the alpha and then use a proper Blending Function. Have a look at
> osghud example it has blended quad on top of the screen.

If I'm not mistaken, osg::Material is part of a node's StateSet,
that's only available starting at the Geode or Geometry level.
So, altering the blending function there will impact all the triangle
faces of my model, not only the selected one.

> If You want to show/hide then probably the best is to use setNodeMask on
> Your osg::Geode containing the osg::Geometry

Here again, since setNodeMask is only available starting at the Geode
level, this would require that I put all the individual triangle faces
of the model in separate Geodes in order to individually show/hide
Indeed, I don't know beforehand which triangle face will be selected
by the end-user.

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Calling a ReaderWriter plugin from an other one

2014-01-24 Thread Émeric MASCHINO

I've written a ReaderWriter plugin that read a custom file format.
If you had a quick look at my previous post, you know that the models
described in such files can be regionalized.
Some of these models are regionalized thanks to topological
informations provided by yet other complementary files (same names,
just different extensions).
At the moment, when I load such models that can be decorated (as I
have the strong impression that the eponymous design pattern can be
applied here) by regions, I rely upon osgDB::Registry to look for a
ReaderWriter able to load the region informations files.
So to summarize, I have a ReaderWriter A that directly ask support
(through osgDB::Registry) of a ReaderWriter B in order to create a
regionalized Geode object.
Is it clean to make such a link between ReaderWriters or is there a
better solution?


osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Geometry topology serialization

2014-01-24 Thread Émeric MASCHINO

The OpenSceneGraph 3.0 Beginner's Guide states that "OSG doesn't
support algorithmic topology functionalities at present, probably
because it seems a little weird for a rendering API to implement
I'm fine with this.
Now, I've written a ReaderWriter plugin to read a custom file format
that encompasses such topological informations, e.g. triangle/quad
indices of the geometry defining regions on the model.
Is osg::Object::set/getUserData adequate to serialize such topological
informations in order to later display them (e.g. displaying regions
of the model with different colors) or am I better developping my own
I've seen the osgUtil::EdgeCollector in OSG documentation, but it
seems to do the reverse, i.e. extract topological informations of a
geometry (edges, vertices, triangles) whereas I know them beforehand.
And this won't tell what's the best practice to later store the
results of osgUtil::EdgeCollector.


osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Blending and hiding/showing a triangle face of the model

2014-01-24 Thread Émeric MASCHINO

In the OpenSceneGraph 3 Cookbook is explained how to highlight the
selected triangle face of a model.
This is performed by creating a new triangle Geode that overlaps the
selected triangle face.
As outlined in the book: "Maybe you are still looking for a way to
change the face's color to highlight it. Unfortunately it is
impossible to modify the face color in OpenGL because color is in fact
a vertex attribute. Shaders may help represent a specified face with a
different color or transparency, but it seems to make a mountain out
of a molehill in this recipe."
Now, this is what I'm looking for, so I need to make this mountain in
order to display the selected triangle face as a transparent surface.
Are there any pointers on how to achieve this with a shader as
anticipated in the book? Or is there yet another solution?
Rather than blending the selected triangle face, suppose that I want
to hide/show it, would I use the same technique than for blending it
or not?


osg-users mailing list