re: Checking to see if field has data in it before passing it routine

2005-07-23 Thread druid
found it
If I clicked save button before I entered data

size = StrLen(name)+1+ StrLen(level)+1+ StrLen(expFld)+1+ StrLen(desc)+1+
   StrLen(mItems)+1+ StrLen(startz)+1+ StrLen(heritage)+1+ StrLen(citytask)+1+
   StrLen(sabatoge)+1+ StrLen(repet)+1+ StrLen(access)+1+ StrLen(freeport)+1+
   StrLen(qeynos)+1+ StrLen(complete)+1+ StrLen(comment)+1+ StrLen(spoints)+1+

would end up with null lengths for some of the StrLen
It manifested itself by cutting off the first 4 characters

So i added this in the 
case frmOpenEvent:
// Repaint form on open
form = FrmGetActiveForm();
StrCopy(heritage, "NO");  
StrCopy(citytask, "NO");  
StrCopy(sabatoge, "NO");  
StrCopy(complete, "NO");  
StrCopy(access, "NO");  
StrCopy(freeport, "NO");  
StrCopy(qeynos, "YES");
StrCopy(repet, "NO");
StrCopy(desc, "NONE");
StrCopy(comment, "NONE");
StrCopy(name, "NONE");
StrCopy(npc, "NONE");
StrCopy(level, "0");
StrCopy(spoints, "0");

to be sure all of it had a value incase the record was saved
with out the user putting data in
However what I really want to do it not allow a save unless
all fields are completed

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Re: windows console application

2005-07-23 Thread Layne Lund
I agree.  If you are interested in doing console programming with
C/C++ using the Eclipse IDE, it looks like contains plugins to do so. 
You probably need to download the full version of Eclipse rather than
using the one that ships with the PalmOS Developer Suite.

Depending on your current knowledge of C/C++, using a full IDE may be
more than you should tackle at the moment.  I would suggest
downloading a command-line compiler and editing your code with a good
text editor.  There are many free command-line compilers available for
Windows.  I'm out of touch on this, so I suggest you google.  For a
text editor, I like TextPad (

If you need more help with these tools, you should post on an
appropriate forum for each one.  I believe that the Eclipse website
has forums specifically for that IDE.



On 7/17/05, Mike Hodkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Need to walk before running.  I need to brush up on C/C++ before diving into
> Palm.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Layne Lund" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Palm Developer Forum" 
> Sent: Sunday, July 17, 2005 2:54 PM
> Subject: Re: windows console application
> I'm sure you can, but what does that have to do with Palm development?
>  This mailing list is for developing applications for PalmOS, not
> Windows.
> Layne
> On 7/17/05, Mike Hodkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is it possible to create a stand alone Windows console C/C++ executable
> > with Eclipse 1.2?
> > --
> > For information on using the PalmSource Developer Forums, or to
> > unsubscribe, please see
> >
> --
> For information on using the PalmSource Developer Forums, or to unsubscribe,
> please see
> --
> For information on using the PalmSource Developer Forums, or to unsubscribe, 
> please see

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please see

Re: Using Palm databases

2005-07-23 Thread Layne Lund
On 7/23/05, will rogers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Layne,
> Since no one else seems to be helping out I'll give you my two cents.
> >
> >1) My first question is that at the moment, I am using a temporary
> >Field to display text for debugging purposes.
> Jürgen Wind's suggestion about "HostTrace" calls and Reporter is good.
> I've used them for solving some very tricky problems.
> We also use terribly simple functions like the
> ones below to pop up a dialog box holding
> "printf-like" information. Very simple, but
> effective. You do have to hit the OK button (and
> define the resource for the dialog). Alos, if
> your code is timing sensitive, you may have to
> result to something else or be very quick on the
> OK button.
> /***/
> /* Debug Functions */
> /***/
> void
> DbgAlert (const Char *formatStr, ...)
> {
>   va_list args;
>   Chartext[128];
>   va_start (args, formatStr);
>   StrVPrintF (text, formatStr, args);
>   FrmCustomAlert (DbgDlgAlert, text, "", "");
>   va_end (args);
> }

I don't think I would have been able to come up with that myself, but
now that you show it, it is a very obvious solution.  Perhaps the
biggest hurdle for me is finding the standard C equivalents in the
PalmOS SDK.  I would have never thought to look for StrVPrintF() as
the PalmOS version of vprintf().  Thanks for the suggestion.  I'll
have to use it when I need to debug my code.

> char *
> FmtError (Err err)
> {
>   chartext[64];
>   return (SysErrString (err, text, 64));
> }

Again, this looks like a handy debugging function.  I'll need to look
at the PalmOS reference to check what SysErrString() returns.  It
looks like it might return a pointer to the array passed in.  Is that
correct?  If so, there may be some memory issues here since the array
is allocated on the stack as a local variable.  At least, that's how
it would work with C on a desktop system.  I doubt that the Palm does
anything different when it comes to local variables.  Anyway, I'll
look into it further.

> /***/
> /* End Debug Functions */
> /***/
> Examples:
> 1) A simple use like:
> will just pop up the dialog to tell you where you are in code flow.
> 2) You can get more complex if you like:
> DbgAlert("FwIsInterfaceUp:\n error: %x\n, driver %x\n, interface: %x",
>   error, driverIsUp, interfaceIsUp);
> The newlines (\n) can make it more readable.
> 3) The "FmtError()" function takes and error code and returns a string.
> Really helpful for debugging system calls:
> error = SysLibFind(.)
> DbgAlert("SysLibFind error: %s", FmtError(error));
> This can save a lot of time and frustration looking up error codes.
> >
> >2) As I said earlier, I'm using a Table control on my main form.  I
> >know that I need to use a database to make the data persistent once
> >the user enters anything.  What common practices are used when reading
> >and writing with a database?  For example, I see at least two options:
> >a) declare a global DmOpenRef and keep the database open during the
> >whole lifetime of my app or b) have a local DmOpenRef in each of the
> >functions that access the database and then open and close the
> >database each time.  I think I prefer the later for several reasons.
> >First, I dislike global variables and avoid them when I can.  Second,
> >I will only use resources (memory, i/o connections, etc.) as
> >necessary.  Is this the common approach?
> Either one is fine. I am like you, I like to avoid globals.
> (probably comes from my past wrestling with large old complex FORTRAN 
> programs)
> The good news is that the overhead on a memory-based system like this
> is trivial in comparison to a disk-based system.
> Opening a DB, reading and writing, and closing
> can all be done in a local context with no
> appreciable delay.
> I wrote some test programs to open and close a DB
> 10,000 times and divided the results by 10,000.
> The results of a open/close sequence was
> negligible. That being said, the newer NVRAM
> devices do have some issues in terms of speed and
> caching. Look in this group and the
> PalmSource/PalmOne sites (whitepapers) for more
> info.
> >
> >3)  If I use approach (b) that I described above, then what is a
> >graceful way to deal with errors from the database?  For example, I
> >have a MainFormInit() function that is called when the main form's
> >event handler recieves a frmOpenEvent.  The primary purpose of this
> >MainFormInit() is to initialize the Table control in my app, which
> >means I need to load som

Re: Using Palm databases

2005-07-23 Thread Layne Lund
On 7/23/05, Jürgen Wind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Layne,
> Layne Lund schrieb:
> > I posted the following message to the mailing list over a week ago,
> > but have not received any responses yet.  I am particularly interested
> > in what anyone has to say about question #2.  I look forward to any
> > responses anyone has.
> >
> > Thank you,
> >
> > Layne
> >
> > On 7/16/05, Layne Lund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >>I am writing some software for PalmOS that uses a Table control and I
> >>some questions.  I will greatly appreciate any help that you care to
> >>provide.  First, I should mention that I am developing with prc-tools.
> >> I am using pilrc to create the resources for the app.
> >>
> >>1) My first question is that at the moment, I am using a temporary
> >>Field to display text for debugging purposes.  I know a little about
> >>gdb and can use it when necessary.  However, occassionally, I just
> >>want to see the value of a variable without going through all the
> >>trouble of launching gdb and setting breakpoints.  In a desktop app, I
> >>would usually add printf() or cout statements.  Can I do anything
> >>similar with PalmOS?  I think it would be great if I can launch POSE
> >>or a simulator from the command line and use printf() or cout to print
> >>output to the console.  I know this won't be any good once I am
> >>testing on an actual device, but for the early stages of development,
> >>this seems like a good idea.  Is there any support for this?
> >>
> At least on Windows, the easiest thing is to use the PalmOS Reporter in
> conjunction the PalmOS Emulator or the Simulators with the HostTrace*
> calls. They work like printf.

Thanks for the suggestion.  Is PalmOS Reporter available for Linux?  I
apologize that I didn't mention that I am using Linux for development.


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Re: Checking to see if field has data in it before passing it routine

2005-07-23 Thread Chris Tutty
From: "druid" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I tried you code change and it does work
> Now for the wierd thing
> I added this
>StrCopy(text, "UNKNOWN");
>   }
> now if I dont fill in any of the fields and it writes this to
> the record, the very first field has the first three characters
> cut off
> "OWN","UNKNOWN","Select","",
Hmm, that's the first four characters which is significant because
it's the size of a long int, suggesting that a char pointer has been
offset by one (stack corruption, mishandled pointer or something
strange about the way the constant is being stored).  It's
difficult to say why this might work for good data and fail for
the constant.  

Try checking to see if the data *before* the first field has been 
overwritten (generally requiring some work with the debugger
or a hex editor).  You want to know whether the full text has been
written to an address four bytes before the start of the field or
whether the start of the constant is wrong by four bytes but the
data has been written to the wrong location.  There are some
compiler settings for how constants are handled but I wouldn't
have thought they'd cause this sort of problem.

Chris Tutty

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Re: Checking to see if field has data in it before passing it routine

2005-07-23 Thread Chris Tutty
From: "druid" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> The problem is I need to know what is in fldName before I try 
> and use GetFieldData and if the contents or the field is NULL
> not do the call to the GetFieldData routine
Nope, I think you're doing the right thing bu checking for NULL 
data within the function.  This means that the function is safe
regardless of what's passed to it.  You just need to check the
fldP for null and I think the function as written is fine.

Chris Tutty

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Re: Checking to see if field has data in it before passing it routine

2005-07-23 Thread Chris Tutty
From: "Jonathan King" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Here is a simple way to do what you are doing.
> static void GetFieldData( UInt16 fld, Char *text )
> {
> FormPtr frm = FrmGetActiveForm();
> FieldPtrfldP = FrmGetObjectPtr(frm,
> FrmGetObjectIndex(frm,fld));
> if(FldGetTextLegnth(fldP))>
which needs to be:
if(fldP  && FldGetTextLegnth(fldP))
if the point about the field itself being null is to be handled,
but since the code already tests the field handle for NULL
the only other thing you're doing is checking for an empty
string which, from memory, StrCopy will handle acceptably
so I'm not sure that this code adds much and...

> {
> StrCopy(text, FldGetTextPtr(fldP);
... you're not testing the FldGetTextPtr() return value for
null and, as far as I'm aware, this can return null so your
code is more fragile than the original druid proposed.

> > -Original Message-
> > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:bounce-449914-
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of druid
> > Sent: Friday, July 22, 2005 8:53 PM
> > To: Palm Developer Forum
> > Subject: Checking to see if field has data in it before passing it
> routine
> >
> >  I need to check to see if the field has data in it before I pass it
> to
> > GetFieldData.
> > What is the best way to do that and assign a text value to name
> > if the field is NULL
> >
> >
> > GetFieldData( fldName, name );
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > static void GetFieldData( UInt16 fld, Char *text )
> > {
> > FormPtr frm = FrmGetActiveForm();
> > FieldPtrfldP = FrmGetObjectPtr(frm,
> FrmGetObjectIndex(frm,fld));
> >
> > MemHandle hText = FldGetTextHandle(fldP);
> > if (hText)
> > {
> >   MemPtr *pMem = MemHandleLock( hText );
> >   StrCopy( text, (Char*)pMem );
> >   MemHandleUnlock( hText );
> > }
> > }
> > --
> > For information on using the PalmSource Developer Forums, or to
> > unsubscribe, please see
> --
> For information on using the PalmSource Developer Forums, or to
unsubscribe, please see

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re: Checking to see if field has data in it before passing it routine

2005-07-23 Thread druid
I tried you code change and it does work
Now for the wierd thing

I added this

static void GetFieldData( UInt16 fld, Char *text )
FormPtr frm = FrmGetActiveForm();
FieldPtr fldP = FrmGetObjectPtr(frm, FrmGetObjectIndex(frm,fld));

   StrCopy(text, FldGetTextPtr(fldP));
   StrCopy(text, "UNKNOWN");

now if I dont fill in any of the fields and it writes this to
the record, the very first field has the first three characters
cut off


however if I actualy put data into the field

"this is a test","21","Fair","test desc","good","A Gnoll 
Cave","YES","NO","NO","NO","NO","NO","YES","NO","test comment","2","NPC 

this all is ok
now it only does this for the very first field all the others get the full word 

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Re: copy protect my application

2005-07-23 Thread Rob

set the copy protect bit in the application.
that'll work for at least 2 seconds.

On Wed, 20 Jul 2005 19:18:54 -0600, Dustin Litchfield  

I am trying to figure out how to copy protect my application so it can't  
be beamed from one handheld to another.  I have figured out how to copy  
protect a database record, but not an application.  Anyone know how to  
do this?

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Readonly files on LifeDrive

2005-07-23 Thread Jan Slodicka

could anybody explain the role of readonly attribute for the LifeDrive
databases? Looks like the DBs that were marked originally with this attr are
pre-installed in RAM after hard reset. Relying on this attribute seems to be
risky as there are applications using it for different purposes.

The questions:
How can we safely get the list of pre-installed databases?
Where is the data source for these databases located? (Just curious.)

With best regards,
Jan Slodicka

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Re: An idea for a freeware that might help with NVFS

2005-07-23 Thread Jan Slodicka
Resco Locker is out on our web. We did not add the sources mainly because
there is nothing to learn from them. (Plus we would have to pay more
attention concerning what can be published.)

Looks like it helps for some instable apps (e.g. OKey, TextPlus, ClipPro),
for the others not. (Fonts4OS5 partially, PiLoc not.)

If somebody has any idea what to improve, we can do it. (It is a freeware,
we don't have any financial interest on it. Plus we shall add clear
acknowledgement for anybody's contribution.)

Best regards,
Jan Slodicka

- Original Message - 
From: "Matthew Bevan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Palm Developer Forum" 
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2005 7:43 PM
Subject: Re: An idea for a freeware that might help with NVFS

> On July 19, 2005 09:20 am, Jan Slodicka wrote:
> > Costs 12 USD, we would do it for free.
> Then do it for free - competition is always good!  Making it open-source
> would give a good complex example of the intracices of programming
> NVFS, which, as you can tell, some developers need help with.
> -- 
> Matthew Bevan, Systems Administrator
> Top Floor Computer Systems Ltd.
> -- 
> For information on using the PalmSource Developer Forums, or to
unsubscribe, please see

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RE: Checking to see if field has data in it before passing it routine

2005-07-23 Thread Jonathan King
Here is a simple way to do what you are doing.

static void GetFieldData( UInt16 fld, Char *text )
FormPtr frm = FrmGetActiveForm();
FieldPtrfldP = FrmGetObjectPtr(frm,

StrCopy(text, FldGetTextPtr(fldP);

> -Original Message-
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:bounce-449914-
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of druid
> Sent: Friday, July 22, 2005 8:53 PM
> To: Palm Developer Forum
> Subject: Checking to see if field has data in it before passing it
>  I need to check to see if the field has data in it before I pass it
> GetFieldData.
> What is the best way to do that and assign a text value to name
> if the field is NULL
> GetFieldData( fldName, name );
> static void GetFieldData( UInt16 fld, Char *text )
> {
> FormPtr frm = FrmGetActiveForm();
> FieldPtrfldP = FrmGetObjectPtr(frm,
>MemHandle hText = FldGetTextHandle(fldP);
>   if (hText)
>   {
> MemPtr *pMem = MemHandleLock( hText );
> StrCopy( text, (Char*)pMem );
> MemHandleUnlock( hText );
> }
> }
> --
> For information on using the PalmSource Developer Forums, or to
> unsubscribe, please see

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Re: Using Palm databases

2005-07-23 Thread Baxter
Keep in mind that closing and opening the database take time - and
performance is important on a Palm.

Personally, I keep most of my databases open all the time - unless it's one
that only gets used occasionally.

Sometimes globals are appropriate for an app.

Data Collectors a specialty

"Layne Lund" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> 2) As I said earlier, I'm using a Table control on my main form.  I
> know that I need to use a database to make the data persistent once
> the user enters anything.  What common practices are used when reading
> and writing with a database?  For example, I see at least two options:
> a) declare a global DmOpenRef and keep the database open during the
> whole lifetime of my app or b) have a local DmOpenRef in each of the
> functions that access the database and then open and close the
> database each time.  I think I prefer the later for several reasons.
> First, I dislike global variables and avoid them when I can.  Second,
> I will only use resources (memory, i/o connections, etc.) as
> necessary.  Is this the common approach?

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Re: Checking to see if field has data in it before passing it routine

2005-07-23 Thread druid
since fldName is a non database assigned field
this means its NULL i think
So I need to check it for that before I use the GetFieldData
the name length is set to 255 when its declared so passing the 
nameLen would always be 256
and it is NULL because nothing has been assigned
Char name[256];
The problem is I need to know what is in fldName before I try and use 
GetFieldData and if the contents or the field is NULL
not do the call to the GetFieldData routine

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Re: Checking to see if field has data in it before passing it routine

2005-07-23 Thread druid
Also that means that I will need to check the strlen of the field
before I pass the info, because were getting a field
then putting it into Char name[256];
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Re: Checking to see if field has data in it before passing it routine

2005-07-23 Thread druid
First im concerned that the field is not NULL, in other words
when the form is opened, the field exists with nothing in it.
If I have if figured correctly that is NULL
if all contents are removed from the field that means the fields
contents are NULL
Im concerned that both situations are handled
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RE: Using SndStreamCreate to record sampled sound

2005-07-23 Thread Eric Cloninger
Thanks for the link.  I tried adapting that code to my situation and I still
get a quick return from SndStreamCreate.  The simulator doesn't pass the
call through to my PC microphone but it's nice to dream.  However, on my T|C
with an attached mic, it also doesn't work.  This has to work somehow

> -Original Message-
> From: Stadin, Benjamin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Friday, July 22, 2005 3:19 PM
> To: Palm Developer Forum
> Subject: re: Using SndStreamCreate to record sampled sound
> I Never did that, but here is some code that was posted to this list
> 70200.html
> The trick might be to put a nilEvent in the form event handler
> case nilEvent:
> CheckSoundCallback();
> break;
> Regards
> Benjamin Stadin

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Re: Using Palm databases

2005-07-23 Thread Roger Stringer

Subject: Re: Using Palm databases
From: Layne Lund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2005 15:36:18 -0700

I posted the following message to the mailing list over a week ago,
but have not received any responses yet.

Sometimes you just aren't going to get a response, and your original post 
was written in such a way to minimize your chances of getting a response.

The tricks on maximizing your chances of a response include:

1) Keep it short

2) Keep it specific

3) Ensure your question shows you've tried to solve the problem yourself
Including books, FAQ's, the KB and the archives

4) Try to pose a problem that people might find interesting to solve

Note:  Often by doing (1) through (3), you may resolve the issue before 
needing to post.

Roger Stringer
Marietta Systems, Inc. (

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Re: Pop-up lists - incremental search

2005-07-23 Thread Jürgen Wind
Marianella Diaz schrieb:
> Hi guys,
> I've a Pop-up list with the incremental search attribute set with
> LstGlueSetIncrementalSearch, but it don't works... it crash... :(
> I'm using in my list LstSetListChoices(lstP, NULL, 24);
> Can I do this? :(

How should this work ?

If you use LstSetListChoices(lstP, NULL, 24), you are using your custom
draw function for drawing the entries. PalmOS has no idea of the
contents and can't provide you with incremental search. I actually have
never used the incremental search before, but I would imagine this...


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Re: Using Palm databases

2005-07-23 Thread Jürgen Wind
Hi Layne,

Layne Lund schrieb:
> I posted the following message to the mailing list over a week ago,
> but have not received any responses yet.  I am particularly interested
> in what anyone has to say about question #2.  I look forward to any
> responses anyone has.
> Thank you,
> Layne
> On 7/16/05, Layne Lund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I am writing some software for PalmOS that uses a Table control and I
>>some questions.  I will greatly appreciate any help that you care to
>>provide.  First, I should mention that I am developing with prc-tools.
>> I am using pilrc to create the resources for the app.
>>1) My first question is that at the moment, I am using a temporary
>>Field to display text for debugging purposes.  I know a little about
>>gdb and can use it when necessary.  However, occassionally, I just
>>want to see the value of a variable without going through all the
>>trouble of launching gdb and setting breakpoints.  In a desktop app, I
>>would usually add printf() or cout statements.  Can I do anything
>>similar with PalmOS?  I think it would be great if I can launch POSE
>>or a simulator from the command line and use printf() or cout to print
>>output to the console.  I know this won't be any good once I am
>>testing on an actual device, but for the early stages of development,
>>this seems like a good idea.  Is there any support for this?

At least on Windows, the easiest thing is to use the PalmOS Reporter in
conjunction the PalmOS Emulator or the Simulators with the HostTrace*
calls. They work like printf.


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Re: Converter for PC/AT keyboard?

2005-07-23 Thread Alan J. McFarlane

In article news:[EMAIL PROTECTED], Larry Johnson wrote:

I have a scenario where my client would rather have a cheap, fullsize
PC/AT keyboard; rather than the wireless fold-up.

Do you know of any converter cable/box and palm software to allow a
Zire31, for example, to be physically connected and take input from a
PC/AT keyboard?

There's this one from SiteCom,  It 
uses IrDA rather than directly connected but it would seem to fit your 

Alan J. McFarlane
Please follow-up in the newsgroup for the benefit of all.

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please see

how to program to realize the UI like Textplus

2005-07-23 Thread holycom
how to realize the UI like Textplus(
how to program to show dynamic pop-up list or table like Textplus

Thank you!
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