2003-06-01 Thread Fred
> I was gonna say M4.0 200, but you may be right.  4.0 200 of some
> sort, would be my guess...

Perhaps.  It just seemed to me that the diaphragm ring, which shows
knurled ridges all the way around (without a gap for the numerals)
looks "K-ish" to me.  (My K 135/2.5 and my K 200/2.5 look that way.)

Of course, I'm missing the point of the entire photograph - ...


Re: OT: The problems of E.T. (was Re: pentax smc 15mm A turned into Star Trek Thread)

2003-06-01 Thread Fred
> If they're anything like us, and why not, the chances are great
> for disaster... One of us would end up being destroyed or the
> planet seriously crippled.

Heck, this doesn't even require two species...  (Look no further
than Terra Firma.)


A few PUG thoughts

2003-06-01 Thread frank theriault
This month I want to critique all images - being a small gallery, this
would be the month to do it .  Before I do that, however, does
anyone else find that this is a very odd month?  Not a bad month at all,
quite the contrary, the usual high quality of images is there.  But
there seems a far different mood than usual - I guess it was the
Synchronicity theme or something?

Other than two images, the gallery is devoid of humanity!  At that, all
we have is Facit's self-portrait, and he's looking at a computer screen,
and Bill's doggie class, and the humans seem completely disinterested
(in the camera at least) bystanders.  No interaction at all!

Why would this be?  The theme?  The time of the year? (are we more
reflective in the spring?).  Did the Synchronicity theme change our
collective mood?  I'm puzzled.


"The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The
pessimist fears it is true." -J. Robert

Re: AF400T flash and other 6x7 ??

2003-06-01 Thread brooksdj
  Thanks Bruce.
This one came wth choice #3
Duly noted and recorded.: )

> Dave,
> For future reference, the flash has a plug-in where you hook up the
> type of cord you want.  There are three types:
> 1) Cord that hooks up to TTL  for LX or 67II
> 2) Cord that hooks up to X synch terminal - 67 body or LS lens
> 3) Cord that has a hot shoe attachment to put on any camera hotshoe.
> HTH,
> Bruce


2003-06-01 Thread frank theriault
I was gonna say M4.0 200, but you may be right.  4.0 200 of some sort, would
be my guess...


Fred wrote:

> That Asahi "bottle" looks maybe like the K 200/4 to me...  (???)
> Fred

"The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist
fears it is true." -J. Robert


2003-06-01 Thread Fred
> As I recall, Caveman's June shot was of the lens in the 6-pack of ASAHI?
> What lens WAS that, by the way? A 70-210 zoom maybe?

That Asahi "bottle" looks maybe like the K 200/4 to me...  (???)


RE: MPDML and Kodak HDC (was: Lens choices)

2003-06-01 Thread Bill Sawyer
Nice images, Mark.  How about supplying details such as lens, film, and how
you got so close...

-Original Message-
From:   Mark Cassino [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   May 30, 2003 10:22 PM
Subject:RE: MPDML and Kodak HDC (was: Lens choices)

I got back my slides today - here is another shot from the nature center
(one of two slides I took before switching to faster film):

And while we're at it, a couple of birds from yesterday and today:

The warblers are a challenge and I can;t seem to get close enough - though
a pair of tussling males actually zoomed between me and the camera this
morning (could feel the air off their wings!)

Re: OT: The problems of E.T. (was Re: pentax smc 15mm A turned into Star Trek Thread)

2003-06-01 Thread Keith Whaley
It seems the general feeling is one of the strangers' disposition being
benign. I don't believe that.
If they're anything like us, and why not, the chances are great for disaster...
One of us would end up being destroyed or the planet seriously crippled.
I don't trust our own government, why should/would I trust an off-worlder's?


Fred wrote:
> > If you think about it. If in fact evolution is a random series of
> > advancement of a species, what are the chances of developing to an
> > intellectual scale at least as high as ours, developing opposable
> > thumbs necessary for tool use, create a society that develops and
> > innovates new,complex tools (machines) etc., etc.
> I'm not sure I'm so eager to have the universe populated with
> species such as ours (the most dangerous - and easily the most
> destructive - species on this planet we call "ours")...
> Fred

Re: OT: The problems of E.T. (was Re: pentax smc 15mm A turned into Star Trek Thread)

2003-06-01 Thread Herb Chong
the Drake equation has a lot of problems with estimating a few of its parameters. the 
last parameter is how long a time a civilization with the technology for interstellar 
communications is able to support the technology to actually send a message and to 
listen and hear one.

- Original Message - 
From: "Keith Whaley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, June 01, 2003 07:40
Subject: Re: OT: The problems of E.T. (was Re: pentax smc 15mm A turned into Star Trek 

> I think you mean, more strictly, "it's postulated there may well be
> quite a few intelligent life forms out there."
> Anyhow, thanks for the clue. I'll look it up.

Re: OT: The problems of E.T. (was Re: pentax smc 15mm A turned into Star Trek Thread)

2003-06-01 Thread frank theriault
I'm not a Sci Fi fan at all.  I'm even less of a Star Trek fan (sorry, guys), so
I haven't been following this thread at all.  But, I did read your post, Butch,
and you do pose some interesting questions, to which I have a few random

First, one of the things that pisses me off about much sci fi that has to do
with ET's is that aliens always bear such a striking resemblence to us!
Air-breathing bipeds with two arms, a body, a head, a facial constellation
~very~ similar to ours.  Whatever the chances of other intelligent life evolving
elsewhere, I'd say chances are it would look ~nothing~ like us.

But, back to the question at hand.  I'd say that you're limiting yourself
somewhat, Butch.  You're assuming (it seems to me) that in order to be
intelligent, life has to follow a similar evolution to us.  Why does all life
have to be carbon based?  Just because we can't imagine any other way?  Why does
all life have to evolve from the sea?  Is there no other way to manipulate
materials into tools but with opposable thumbs?

I'm sure there is life out there, somewhere.  Probably lots of it.  Some of it
is likely intelligent.  Whether it's intelligent enough to travel or communicate
across the cosmos is another question;  we've only begun to overcome those
barriers in the last 1/2 century, so who knows where anyone else is.  But, I'm
guessing that the chances of intelligent life looking anything like us is pretty
slim.  I'm also guessing that they'e getting pissed of due to yet another delay
in the introduction of their favourite dslr...  


Butch Black wrote:

> Given the Star trek thread am I the only one with reservations that mankind
> will ever find another space faring species? If you think about it. If in
> fact evolution is a random series of advancement of a species, what are the
> chances of developing to an intellectual scale at least as high as ours,
> developing opposable thumbs necessary for tool use, create a society that
> develops and innovates new,complex tools (machines) etc., etc. For instance;
> what if life never leaves the sea?  You might get a species as intelligent
> as mankind but would never discover the use of fire, necessary for metal
> working. So either evolution follows a yet undiscovered set of rules, life
> on Earth was "seeded" by another species or the chance of another "mankind"
> is miniscule at best.
> Personally, I believe we will find evidence of life (organic matter) outside
> of Earth if not in our lifetime, then in our children's. I'm betting on
> either bacteria on Mars or life in liquid water on Europa. The romantic in
> me would like to believe in other human like species, but I'm not betting on
> it.
> What do others think. And to keep it semi on topic, do you think we will
> find extraterrestrial life before Pentax releases their digital SLR? :)

"The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist
fears it is true." -J. Robert

Re: K135/2.5 vs FA 135/2.8 (was Re: Vivitar 135/2.3 lens ?)

2003-06-01 Thread Fred
>> The K 135/2.5 is also one of only three Pentax lenses that have
>> the same optical design (according to lens element diagrams) -
>> the K 135/2.5, the K 200/2.5, and the A* 200/2.8.
>> (Note that it's not just the "6 elements in 6 groups"
>> configuration that they share - it's also that their optical
>> diagrams are virtually identical.)  (The K 200/4, as a
>> contrasting example, also has a "6/6" formula, but has a
>> different optical diagram.)

> I just visited Boz's site and it mentions a 5-5 design for the K
> 200/4 (which is also a nice lens I'd say), so I suspect that Fred
> is reffering  to the A 200/4 (which is one of the lenses that I
> don't hear much about,  it's not very popular or rare or
> something).

Oops - thanks for the correction, Valentin.  Yes, it's the A 200/4
and not the K 200/4.

Sometimes I don't let the facts stand in the way of a good
exposition - .


Re: OT: The problems of E.T. (was Re: pentax smc 15mm A turned into Star Trek Thread)

2003-06-01 Thread Fred
> If you think about it. If in fact evolution is a random series of
> advancement of a species, what are the chances of developing to an
> intellectual scale at least as high as ours, developing opposable
> thumbs necessary for tool use, create a society that develops and
> innovates new,complex tools (machines) etc., etc.

I'm not sure I'm so eager to have the universe populated with
species such as ours (the most dangerous - and easily the most
destructive - species on this planet we call "ours")...



2003-06-01 Thread Keith Whaley
Yeah, I was looking at May. Woops!
As I recall, Caveman's June shot was of the lens in the 6-pack of ASAHI?
What lens WAS that, by the way? A 70-210 zoom maybe?
I'm sure that has been discussed too, but I've dumped all those old
messages by now...

Nicely done, Caveman!


frank theriault wrote:
> Keith,
> Are you looking at June PUG?  Wasn't Caveman's umbrella shot a month or two
> ago?
> If I recall, the umbrella (or as the French say, "parapluie") you refer to
> says "merde, ils pleut", which means "sh**, it's raining".
> But, you're right, it was a good catch by Val.
> cheers,
> frank
> Keith Whaley wrote:
> > Hi Frank,
> >
> > I'll be brief...
> > In case you mean the yellow umbrella shot, my French is poor, and I
> > don't know "PLEUT."
> > ( I suppose I could say I don't know merde, but unfortunately I do!  )
> > Anyhow, I think 'PLEUT' might be idiomatic, and it's not in my very old
> > F/E - E/F dictionary.
> > Help?
> >
> > I could take a wild guess and say it's a form of"S***'s coming (or
> > raining) down"  or "S*** happens?"
> >
> > Anyhow, I agree, good catch by Val...
> >
> > keith
> >
> > frank theriault wrote:
> > >
> > > I was just scrolling though the photos in this month's PUG (a big thanks
> > > to Adelheid, BTW ).  I've decided to not look at the thumbs, but go
> > > through image by image.  The first several were very interesting, but
> > > very subdued.  Interesting designs and patterns, but no people.
> > >
> > > Then, I hit Caveman's!  I need go no further.  I have seen the pic of
> > > the month.  It can not be beaten.  I love it.
> > >
> > > Thanks, Val.
> > >
> > > Now, back to the rest of PUG.  I'll come back with "real" reviews
> > > later...
> > >
> > > ciao,
> > > knarf

RE: the first pentax screwmount shot on digital??????

2003-06-01 Thread Paul Ewins
I'm looking forward to hanging the *ist-D off the end of my SMCT 500/4.5
and 300/4. Not that I have a choice, I can't justify the dollars for the
k mount versions.

Paul Ewins
Melbourne, Australia 

-Original Message-
From: J. C. O'Connell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
It's nice to know that I'm not the only person
on the planet wanting to use M42 lenses ( especially
the Pentax Takumars ) on a DSLR.



2003-06-01 Thread frank theriault

Are you looking at June PUG?  Wasn't Caveman's umbrella shot a month or two

If I recall, the umbrella (or as the French say, "parapluie") you refer to
says "merde, ils pleut", which means "sh**, it's raining".

But, you're right, it was a good catch by Val.


Keith Whaley wrote:

> Hi Frank,
> I'll be brief...
> In case you mean the yellow umbrella shot, my French is poor, and I
> don't know "PLEUT."
> ( I suppose I could say I don't know merde, but unfortunately I do!  )
> Anyhow, I think 'PLEUT' might be idiomatic, and it's not in my very old
> F/E - E/F dictionary.
> Help?
> I could take a wild guess and say it's a form of"S***'s coming (or
> raining) down"  or "S*** happens?"
> Anyhow, I agree, good catch by Val...
> keith
> frank theriault wrote:
> >
> > I was just scrolling though the photos in this month's PUG (a big thanks
> > to Adelheid, BTW ).  I've decided to not look at the thumbs, but go
> > through image by image.  The first several were very interesting, but
> > very subdued.  Interesting designs and patterns, but no people.
> >
> > Then, I hit Caveman's!  I need go no further.  I have seen the pic of
> > the month.  It can not be beaten.  I love it.
> >
> > Thanks, Val.
> >
> > Now, back to the rest of PUG.  I'll come back with "real" reviews
> > later...
> >
> > ciao,
> > knarf
> >
> > --
> > "The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The
> > pessimist fears it is true." -J. Robert
> > Oppenheimer

"The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist
fears it is true." -J. Robert

Re: OT: The problems of E.T. (was Re: pentax smc 15mm A turned into Star Trek Thread)

2003-06-01 Thread Keith Whaley
I just did look it up. Thanks.

Redoing the existing formula's default parameters to some a bit less
optimistic, I come up with 200 possible communicating life forms within
OUR galaxy... The downloaded formula says 2400. I'm less optimistic.

The chief complicating factor, it seems to me, is the absolutely
incredible number of planetary bodies out there and the distances involved...
Akin, perhaps, to locating any of 200 particular grains of sand on your
favorite beach?
The magnitude of the task is mind-boggling!

Yeah, I know, that's why SETI exists, still...


Nick Zentena wrote:
> On May 31, 2003 11:59 pm, Butch Black wrote:
> > Given the Star trek thread am I the only one with reservations that mankind
> > will ever find another space faring species? If you think about it. If in
> Somebody did a series of statiscal estimates on this years ago. Basically
> turns out that quite a few intelligent life forms are likely out there. Look
> up Drake equation.
> Nick

Re:Household items to use as test subject for MACRO?

2003-06-01 Thread collinb
The last batch of flowers you gave your wife.
Good for testing films and labs as well.

- Original Message -
From: "J. C. O'Connell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Any ideas for some small ( 3"-5" size ) objects
 that I might find around the house which would have
 extremely fine details suitable for testing the
 lenses' resolution capability? I'm drawing a blank...

Re: OT: The problems of E.T. (was Re: pentax smc 15mm A turned into Star Trek Thread)

2003-06-01 Thread Keith Whaley

Nick Zentena wrote:
> On May 31, 2003 11:59 pm, Butch Black wrote:
> > Given the Star trek thread am I the only one with reservations that mankind
> > will ever find another space faring species? If you think about it. If in
> Somebody did a series of statiscal estimates on this years ago. Basically
> turns out that quite a few intelligent life forms are likely out there. Look
> up Drake equation.
> Nick

I think you mean, more strictly, "it's postulated there may well be
quite a few intelligent life forms out there."
Anyhow, thanks for the clue. I'll look it up.

keith whaley


2003-06-01 Thread Keith Whaley
Hi Frank,

I'll be brief...
In case you mean the yellow umbrella shot, my French is poor, and I
don't know "PLEUT."
( I suppose I could say I don't know merde, but unfortunately I do!  )
Anyhow, I think 'PLEUT' might be idiomatic, and it's not in my very old
F/E - E/F dictionary.

I could take a wild guess and say it's a form of"S***'s coming (or
raining) down"  or "S*** happens?"

Anyhow, I agree, good catch by Val...


frank theriault wrote:
> I was just scrolling though the photos in this month's PUG (a big thanks
> to Adelheid, BTW ).  I've decided to not look at the thumbs, but go
> through image by image.  The first several were very interesting, but
> very subdued.  Interesting designs and patterns, but no people.
> Then, I hit Caveman's!  I need go no further.  I have seen the pic of
> the month.  It can not be beaten.  I love it.
> Thanks, Val.
> Now, back to the rest of PUG.  I'll come back with "real" reviews
> later...
> ciao,
> knarf
> --
> "The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The
> pessimist fears it is true." -J. Robert
> Oppenheimer

Re: The problems of E.T. (was Re: pentax smc 15mm A turned into Star Trek Thread)

2003-06-01 Thread Steve Larson
I think we will at least develop warp drive before Pentax releases a DSLR.
Steve Larson
Redondo Beach, California

- Original Message - 
From: "Butch Black" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, May 31, 2003 8:59 PM
Subject: OT: The problems of E.T. (was Re: pentax smc 15mm A turned into
Star Trek Thread)

> Given the Star trek thread am I the only one with reservations that
> will ever find another space faring species? If you think about it. If in
> fact evolution is a random series of advancement of a species, what are
> chances of developing to an intellectual scale at least as high as ours,
> developing opposable thumbs necessary for tool use, create a society that
> develops and innovates new,complex tools (machines) etc., etc. For
> what if life never leaves the sea?  You might get a species as intelligent
> as mankind but would never discover the use of fire, necessary for metal
> working. So either evolution follows a yet undiscovered set of rules, life
> on Earth was "seeded" by another species or the chance of another
> is miniscule at best.
> Personally, I believe we will find evidence of life (organic matter)
> of Earth if not in our lifetime, then in our children's. I'm betting on
> either bacteria on Mars or life in liquid water on Europa. The romantic in
> me would like to believe in other human like species, but I'm not betting
> it.
> What do others think. And to keep it semi on topic, do you think we will
> find extraterrestrial life before Pentax releases their digital SLR? :)

Re: OT: The problems of E.T. (was Re: pentax smc 15mm A turned into Star Trek Thread)

2003-06-01 Thread Nick Zentena
On May 31, 2003 11:59 pm, Butch Black wrote:
> Given the Star trek thread am I the only one with reservations that mankind
> will ever find another space faring species? If you think about it. If in

Somebody did a series of statiscal estimates on this years ago. Basically 
turns out that quite a few intelligent life forms are likely out there. Look 
up Drake equation.



2003-06-01 Thread Steve Larson
So, is Pentax beer any good? ;) Great shot BTW!
Steve Larson
Redondo Beach, California

- Original Message - 
From: "Caveman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, May 31, 2003 10:35 PM

> We all win, Frank, every month we submit to PUG. Thanks for the kind
> comment ;-) BTW, I worked hard for that one, you must see the film roll
> ;-) in the beginning I had a new sixpack of Asahi beer, but on the last
> shots you may notice that all the bottles were empty ;-) it was a fun
> project ;-)
> frank theriault wrote:
> > I was just scrolling though the photos in this month's PUG (a big thanks
> > to Adelheid, BTW ).  I've decided to not look at the thumbs, but go
> > through image by image.  The first several were very interesting, but
> > very subdued.  Interesting designs and patterns, but no people.
> >
> > Then, I hit Caveman's!  I need go no further.  I have seen the pic of
> > the month.  It can not be beaten.  I love it.
> >
> > Thanks, Val.
> >
> > Now, back to the rest of PUG.  I'll come back with "real" reviews
> > later...
> >
> > ciao,
> > knarf
> >
> > --
> > "The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The
> > pessimist fears it is true." -J. Robert
> > Oppenheimer
> >
> >
> >

Re: Opinions wanted: Sigma 24/2.8 super wide II

2003-06-01 Thread whickersworld

- Original Message -
From: "Rob Brigham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 9:07 AM
Subject: RE: Opinions wanted: Sigma 24/2.8 super wide II

I would second this.  I researched this lens because I was
considering it second hand.  The build of these lenses is
shall we say, and I would not be keen to buy one which has
been dropped
- certainly not if it has been self-fixed, who knows what
gremlins may
be lurking.  It is however a fine lens optically.  The only
problem is
flare as Alan says.  You need to consider its use.  For me
just needed the extra flare control that SMC gives and I
went for the
FA*24, which is financially a whole different ballgame.


You chose well.  The Sigma might be sharp, but it has
*extreme* barrel
distortion which is obvious in many types of shot, not just



Re: Got a little pentax ^_^

2003-06-01 Thread Heiko Hamann
Hi Katrin,

on 31 May 03 you wrote in pentax.list:

>I already wondered where to put it because the bags are all sooo
>expensice and most are too big... but there aren't any altoids tins
>in germany...

You can get an Altoids tin in Germany, too. But they are quite seldom.  
But you can also use a Ricola tin (available in pharmacies). Another  
idea: look for a leather box for a card game.

You can also concentrate on taking pictures without thinking about the  
menu too much: I have set the AF to "spot" as it is faster and the speed  
to 50 in order to reduce the noise. The last step is to say the camera,  
that it shall keep this setting after switching  off (memory or  
"Speicher" setting). The rest of the menu settings is OK.

If you want really good print, then try I was amazed  
by my first digicam results. And more information, tips and Optio-fans  
can be found here: It's in German but  
international users are welcome and will be answered in English.

Cheers, Heiko

Re: OT: Barn Owl at 1000 ISO

2003-06-01 Thread Cotty
>I'd say that was quite a deliberate kick in the shins after my possom story 
>last week. You're simply no good, are you?!  

Who needs IS ? ;-)

Actually, a few nights ago, we were chatting to our neighbours over (yet
another) drink and I had  the same combo with me, hoping the owl would
show (he's a local). He did and I rested on a fence post shooting a dozen
frames, this well beyond sunset. They were all either too far away or too

HOWEVER, I am going to give it a proper try in reasonable light (he flies
readily during the day) sometime soon. My neighbour has told me of his
route, and my best bet is beside a summer house which he flies past
within 30 feet. I'll try leaning on the summer house - the tripod will be
too restrictive. Will post result but don't hold your breath!


||   (O)   |  People, Places, Pastiche
Free UK Mac Ads

Re: another 31 Limited question

2003-06-01 Thread Rob Studdert
On 1 Jun 2003 at 0:31, Alan Chan wrote:

> I have found the hood/front section (not the focus ring) of my 31 has a 
> little bit of wobble (about 0.5-1mm), similar to the FA100/2.8. However, 
> other samples that I have seen in a local shop were firm without wobble. 
> Since I cannot peek inside the construction of my 31, I was wondering if 
> anyone's 31 share the same characteristic. Could it be something to do with the
> precision of the helical? Or something is loosen inside? I remember Pal once
> mentioned that the front section of his first 31 fell off (but my memory is not
> good). Anyone?

Mine wobbles a little too. Not to worry I doubt it's been the source of any of 
my photographic disasters. If you want a nice solid set of higher performance 
lens consider the Leica M series.

Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

another 31 Limited question

2003-06-01 Thread Alan Chan
I have found the hood/front section (not the focus ring) of my 31 has a 
little bit of wobble (about 0.5-1mm), similar to the FA100/2.8. However, 
other samples that I have seen in a local shop were firm without wobble. 
Since I cannot peek inside the construction of my 31, I was wondering if 
anyone's 31 share the same characteristic. Could it be something to do with 
the precision of the helical? Or something is loosen inside? I remember Pal 
once mentioned that the front section of his first 31 fell off (but my 
memory is not good). Anyone?

Alan Chan
STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*

Re: OT: Barn Owl at 1000 ISO

2003-06-01 Thread Bruce Rubenstein
I'm impressed.



My son pointed out his location just as he took off from
collecting a field mouse. The sun had set already and the camera was left
on ISO 100, which clearly wouldn't be enough. I spun the dial around to
1000, and swung the lens about - just managed a couple of frames before
he vanished over a hedge. I'd say he was about 150 yards away. So here's
full frame and a crop/blow-up at 1000 ISO

It's late so I'm off to bed. Catch up tomorrow. TTFN.



2003-06-01 Thread Caveman
We all win, Frank, every month we submit to PUG. Thanks for the kind 
comment ;-) BTW, I worked hard for that one, you must see the film roll 
;-) in the beginning I had a new sixpack of Asahi beer, but on the last 
shots you may notice that all the bottles were empty ;-) it was a fun 
project ;-)

frank theriault wrote:
I was just scrolling though the photos in this month's PUG (a big thanks
to Adelheid, BTW ).  I've decided to not look at the thumbs, but go
through image by image.  The first several were very interesting, but
very subdued.  Interesting designs and patterns, but no people.
Then, I hit Caveman's!  I need go no further.  I have seen the pic of
the month.  It can not be beaten.  I love it.
Thanks, Val.

Now, back to the rest of PUG.  I'll come back with "real" reviews
"The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The
pessimist fears it is true." -J. Robert

Re: K135/2.5 vs FA 135/2.8 (was Re: Vivitar 135/2.3 lens ?)

2003-06-01 Thread Caveman
I just visited Boz's site and it mentions a 5-5 design for the K 200/4 
(which is also a nice lens I'd say), so I suspect that Fred is reffering 
to the A 200/4 (which is one of the lenses that I don't hear much about, 
it's not very popular or rare or something).

Fred wrote:
The K 135/2.5 is also one of only three Pentax lenses that have the
same optical design (according to lens element diagrams) - the K
135/2.5, the K 200/2.5, and the A* 200/2.8.
(Note that it's not just the "6 elements in 6 groups" configuration
that they share - it's also that their optical diagrams are
virtually identical.)  (The K 200/4, as a contrasting example, also
has a "6/6" formula, but has a different optical diagram.)

Re: OT: a very bad week!-was: good things come in threes

2003-06-01 Thread Peter Alling
Well I'm having a bad week too, but nothing compared to yours or
Franks for that matter.  Hope things get better, (and they catch the
scum that  desecrated your life, though that seems unlikely).
At 12:46 AM 5/31/2003 -0400, you wrote:
Bad weekend here -- last weekend.  Bad enough that I've spent
the whole week in denial, not wanting to say it, hoping that
I've imagined the whole thing and miraculously all will be
right again when I next open my eyes.
Migraine on Sunday with the worst pain I've ever experienced
(I was actually wondering if I had a means of suicide at hand
that would take less time than waiting for the medicine to
take effect -- it was that bad) wasn't enough:
My camera bag got stolen.

Doesn't compare to some things that can go wrong -- and I
don't want to accidentally get into the "whose pain is
worse" game -- but it's got me pretty low.
A bunch of tools I had come to count on.  A bunch of nifty
things I'd gotten attached to.  At least one borrowed item
and at least one gift -- and I haven't wanted to deal with
telling the folks those came from.  (There's a shame
factor involved -- gee, I couldn't even manage to hang on
to what I was given... probably not reasonable for me to
think that way, but since when do emotions reliably conform
to reason?)  A whole mess of gear I was lucky to have gotten
ahold of in the first place and can't afford to replace.
I'm not sure yet whether my homeowner's insurance covers it
or not.  (Technically renter's insurance.)  It was taken
out of the trunk of my car.
Fortunately it didn't have all four K-mount bodies in it --
two were in a separate, smaller bag.  Nor any of the screwmount
gear (except the screw-to-K adaptor).  Unfortunately, well
I already wrote the bad-news part.
I've been compiling a list, with serial numbers, and plan
on making the rounds of nearby pawn shops.  The police are
supposed to distribute a list to pawn shops and check up on
them, but I don't think they actually bother.
So between one thing and another, I haven't been feeling
extra talkative lately.
Anyhow, that's the news.  Probably talk more when I start
getting over this latest setback.  Right now, I'm thinking
that maybe I should never take my cameras out of the house,
lest someone steal the rest of them.  But they won't do me
a Hell of a lot of good if I keep them in a vault and never
use them, will they?
-- Glenn
Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend.
Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.  --Groucho Marx

OT: The problems of E.T. (was Re: pentax smc 15mm A turned into Star Trek Thread)

2003-06-01 Thread Butch Black
Given the Star trek thread am I the only one with reservations that mankind
will ever find another space faring species? If you think about it. If in
fact evolution is a random series of advancement of a species, what are the
chances of developing to an intellectual scale at least as high as ours,
developing opposable thumbs necessary for tool use, create a society that
develops and innovates new,complex tools (machines) etc., etc. For instance;
what if life never leaves the sea?  You might get a species as intelligent
as mankind but would never discover the use of fire, necessary for metal
working. So either evolution follows a yet undiscovered set of rules, life
on Earth was "seeded" by another species or the chance of another "mankind"
is miniscule at best.

Personally, I believe we will find evidence of life (organic matter) outside
of Earth if not in our lifetime, then in our children's. I'm betting on
either bacteria on Mars or life in liquid water on Europa. The romantic in
me would like to believe in other human like species, but I'm not betting on

What do others think. And to keep it semi on topic, do you think we will
find extraterrestrial life before Pentax releases their digital SLR? :)

Re: OT: a very bad week!-was: good things come in threes

2003-06-01 Thread ernreed2
Sorry to hear it, Glenn.

Re: AF400T flash and other 6x7 ??

2003-06-01 Thread Bruce Dayton


For future reference, the flash has a plug-in where you hook up the
type of cord you want.  There are three types:
1) Cord that hooks up to TTL  for LX or 67II
2) Cord that hooks up to X synch terminal - 67 body or LS lens
3) Cord that has a hot shoe attachment to put on any camera hotshoe.



Saturday, May 31, 2003, 5:48:37 AM, you wrote:

bcin>Thanks Brother Bruce.
bcin> I was looking at one that just closed.It had the bracket and a battery,but the 
bcin> was to some sort of hot shoe adaptor and the seller was unsure if it offered a 
bcin> fit to the LS lens.As im just getting into the BH'd, i layed off for now.It went 
for about
bcin> $250 US   

bcin> Dave

bcin> > Brother Dave,
>> I recently purchased 2 AF400T's on ebay.  One had the bracket for the
>> 67 and the other had a Quantum Battery 2.  Each cost me about $100. in
>> KEH bargain shape.
>> Bruce
>> Wednesday, May 28, 2003, 8:57:22 PM, you wrote:
>> bcin> Can any one give me an idea what these are worth these
bcin> day's??
>> bcin> Also,i have noticed outer bayonet and inner bayonet extension tubes.Whats the
>> bcin> difference,or what 
>> bcin> would be a good recommendation to get the 90mmf2.8 ls closer to the bugs and
bcin> flowers.
>> bcin> Finally ordered a strap.My left arm is getting tired.: )
>> bcin> Trying another chrome roll today.
>> bcin> New Brother Dave

Re: Vivitar 135/2.3 lens ?

2003-06-01 Thread Fred
> I use once and also the Pentax 135mm 2.5 lens to photo same
> subject on  same film by changing lens on camera.  The Vivitar is
> OK, but the colors produced by Pentax lens were more saturate less
> washed out.   Cannot comment on the sharpness because didn't check
> that.  Also, the  Pentax handled for me better - the feeling of
> focus was more smooth.

I agree that SMC beats VMC - no surprises there.  It is hard to beat
the color saturation of most of the Pentax primes that I have ever
used.  In particular, the K 135/2.5 and the A* 135/1.8 both have
stronger colors than does the VS1 135/2.3 (which is still a good
lens, optically, nonetheless).

However, I have to disagree on the handling/focusing, where I can
find no fault with the VS1 135/2.3, compared to the other two lenses
above (except that it focuses "backward", as do all of the VS1
lenses - ).  The focusing (in my sample, anyway) is just as
"buttery smooth" as in the Pentaxes.


Re: Household items to use as test subject for MACRO?

2003-06-01 Thread Mark Cassino
I'll second Frank's recommendation re paper money.  The engraved details 
are very find and consistent so you can check for corner 
sharpness.  There's also neat graphics hidden in the bills.


At 04:11 PM 5/31/2003 -0400, you wrote:
I just got a macro lens I'd like to test with flash
indoors ( Dont feel like chasing flowers & besides
they blow in the wind ).
Any ideas for some small ( 3"-5" size ) objects
that I might find around the house which would have
extremely fine details suitable for testing the
lenses' resolution capability? I'm drawing a blank...

J.C. O'Connell  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
My Business references & Websites:
- - - - - - - - - -
Mark Cassino
Kalamazoo, MI
- - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - 

Re: AF400T flash and other 6x7 ??

2003-06-01 Thread brooksdj
   Thanks Brother Bruce.
I was looking at one that just closed.It had the bracket and a battery,but the 
was to some sort of hot shoe adaptor and the seller was unsure if it offered a proper
fit to the LS lens.As im just getting into the BH'd, i layed off for now.It went for 
$250 US   


> Brother Dave,
> I recently purchased 2 AF400T's on ebay.  One had the bracket for the
> 67 and the other had a Quantum Battery 2.  Each cost me about $100. in
> KEH bargain shape.
> Bruce
> Wednesday, May 28, 2003, 8:57:22 PM, you wrote:
> bcin> Can any one give me an idea what these are worth these
> bcin> Also,i have noticed outer bayonet and inner bayonet extension tubes.Whats the
> bcin> difference,or what 
> bcin> would be a good recommendation to get the 90mmf2.8 ls closer to the bugs and
> bcin> Finally ordered a strap.My left arm is getting tired.: )
> bcin> Trying another chrome roll today.
> bcin> New Brother Dave

Re: OT: Barn Owl at 1000 ISO

2003-06-01 Thread jerome

I'd say that was quite a deliberate kick in the shins after my possom story 
last week. You're simply no good, are you?!  
   - jerome

Cotty (basically) wrote:

> I got a shot that jerome would've had no 
> chance at with film
> Cheers,
>   Cotty

Re: pentax smc 15mm A

2003-06-01 Thread Peter Alling
What really bothers me about space battles is the close quarters they
take place in.  Imagine WWII battle ships trading broadsides at 17th
century navel battle distances.  Now take space ships armed with
thermo-nuclear warheads lobbing them at that distance.  Sheesh.
At 04:05 PM 5/31/2003 -0400, you wrote:
Fred commented:
> Even more astounding to me (and this is true not just of Star Trek
> but is true of any sci-fi show or movie that I can think of) is that
> it's a universe in which every spaceship approaches every other
> spaceship ~rightside-up~ !!!
I've got a mental list of things to do/not-do ifwhen I ever
make a science fiction movie.  Having ships approach each
other in "funny" orientations is near the top of the list.
But it's worse than that:  most battles mimick either naval
battles -- the ships in this huge 3-d space maneuver more or
less as though they were on a flat surface -- or a really
simplified approach to airplane combat -- they maneuver in
three dimensions, but it's clear that the director is still
thinking in terms of _reference_ to some invisible "down".
The most obvious exception to this that comes to mind felt
more like a submarine situation (and, in fact, was from
Star Trek), where the Enterprise "dropped" below the plane
that another ship (uh, Romulans?) was searching in, inside
some sort of cloud, then "rose up" behind the other ship
after it had passed "overhead".  It was notable for being,
at the time, one of the few examples of 3-D maneuvering in
a large-ship space battle (as opposed to fighter-scale
dogfights), but _also_ for making it clear that the
_characters_ were _explicitly_ locked into the same "it's
like a naval battle" mentality that the writers and
director were.
(ISTR some passing shots in one or more of the Star Wars
movies having large ships pass at odd angles, but I'm not
-- Glenn
Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend.
Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.  --Groucho Marx

Re: pentax smc 15mm A

2003-06-01 Thread Peter Alling
Special orientation devices.

At 03:24 PM 5/31/2003 -0400, you wrote:
>> Of course, in a universe where everybody speaks English anything
>> is possible.
> Oh, you noticed that, huh?  

Even more astounding to me (and this is true not just of Star Trek
but is true of any sci-fi show or movie that I can think of) is that
it's a universe in which every spaceship approaches every other
spaceship ~rightside-up~ !!!
Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend.
Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.  --Groucho Marx

Re: OT: a very bad week!-was: good things come in threes

2003-06-01 Thread jcoyle
Glenn, sorry to hear about your loss, and I really hope that you either get
an insurance payout or that you are able to recover them.

It's no consolation, but I have had camera gear stolen from both my car and
my home, so you really can't leave it anywhere!

John Coyle
Brisbane, Australia

- Original Message - 
Sent: Saturday, May 31, 2003 2:46 PM
Subject: Re: OT: a very bad week!-was: good things come in threes

> Bad weekend here -- last weekend.  Bad enough that I've spent
> the whole week in denial, not wanting to say it, hoping that
> I've imagined the whole thing and miraculously all will be
> right again when I next open my eyes.
> Migraine on Sunday with the worst pain I've ever experienced
> (I was actually wondering if I had a means of suicide at hand
> that would take less time than waiting for the medicine to
> take effect -- it was that bad) wasn't enough:
> My camera bag got stolen.
> Doesn't compare to some things that can go wrong -- and I
> don't want to accidentally get into the "whose pain is
> worse" game -- but it's got me pretty low.
> A bunch of tools I had come to count on.  A bunch of nifty
> things I'd gotten attached to.  At least one borrowed item
> and at least one gift -- and I haven't wanted to deal with
> telling the folks those came from.  (There's a shame
> factor involved -- gee, I couldn't even manage to hang on
> to what I was given... probably not reasonable for me to
> think that way, but since when do emotions reliably conform
> to reason?)  A whole mess of gear I was lucky to have gotten
> ahold of in the first place and can't afford to replace.
> I'm not sure yet whether my homeowner's insurance covers it
> or not.  (Technically renter's insurance.)  It was taken
> out of the trunk of my car.
> Fortunately it didn't have all four K-mount bodies in it --
> two were in a separate, smaller bag.  Nor any of the screwmount
> gear (except the screw-to-K adaptor).  Unfortunately, well
> I already wrote the bad-news part.
> I've been compiling a list, with serial numbers, and plan
> on making the rounds of nearby pawn shops.  The police are
> supposed to distribute a list to pawn shops and check up on
> them, but I don't think they actually bother.
> So between one thing and another, I haven't been feeling
> extra talkative lately.
> Anyhow, that's the news.  Probably talk more when I start
> getting over this latest setback.  Right now, I'm thinking
> that maybe I should never take my cameras out of the house,
> lest someone steal the rest of them.  But they won't do me
> a Hell of a lot of good if I keep them in a vault and never
> use them, will they?
> -- Glenn

OT: Barn Owl at 1000 ISO

2003-06-01 Thread Cotty
Gotta have something as an antidote to all this Star Trek nonesense ;-)

It's been very hot here (UK) for a few days - temps hitting 30c and today
was just such a day. This evening we were getting ready to stroll down to
the river and I happened to glimpse a barn owl flying around the field
next to the house. Having vowed not to do wildlife ad hoc, but having had
the best part of a bottle of plonk, I jumped up and yelled at my lad to
keep an eye on him. I was out into the garden as fast as I could,
desperately trying to fit a long zoom combo onto the digi (details on web
page). My son pointed out his location just as he took off from
collecting a field mouse. The sun had set already and the camera was left
on ISO 100, which clearly wouldn't be enough. I spun the dial around to
1000, and swung the lens about - just managed a couple of frames before
he vanished over a hedge. I'd say he was about 150 yards away. So here's
full frame and a crop/blow-up at 1000 ISO

It's late so I'm off to bed. Catch up tomorrow. TTFN.


||   (O)   |  People, Places, Pastiche
Free UK Mac Ads

Re: pentax smc 15mm A

2003-06-01 Thread T Rittenhouse
Well there have been a few exceptions. There have even been a couple where
the planet was above the spaceship (from the crews point of view). There may
have even been one where the spaceships could not stop on a dime, turn
around, and go the other direction instantly ingoring the laws of motion,
inertia, orbital mechanics, etc. (I would love to have a patent on THAT
technology). Oh well, maybe they really mean "fictional science" rather than
"science fiction". Then there was that "after the bomb movie" on TV. You
remember that one, don't you? The one where all technology was gone, before
the animals died of radiation poisoning.


- Original Message -
From: "Fred" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, May 31, 2003 3:24 PM
Subject: Re: pentax smc 15mm A

> >> Of course, in a universe where everybody speaks English anything
> >> is possible.
> > Oh, you noticed that, huh?  
> Even more astounding to me (and this is true not just of Star Trek
> but is true of any sci-fi show or movie that I can think of) is that
> it's a universe in which every spaceship approaches every other
> spaceship ~rightside-up~ !!!
> Fred

Re: OT: MacOS 9.1 X-server?

2003-06-01 Thread Nick Zentena
 Okay I missed the first message and the last time I used a Mac Reagan was in 
office so take it easy on me.

That doesn't work for you?

BTW my Mac with finder 0.9 [or was that 0.89] still likely works-)))

Re: AF400T flash and other 6x7 ??

2003-06-01 Thread Bruce Dayton
Brother Dave,

I recently purchased 2 AF400T's on ebay.  One had the bracket for the
67 and the other had a Quantum Battery 2.  Each cost me about $100. in
KEH bargain shape.


Wednesday, May 28, 2003, 8:57:22 PM, you wrote:

bcin> Can any one give me an idea what these are worth these 
bcin> Also,i have noticed outer bayonet and inner bayonet extension tubes.Whats the
bcin> difference,or what 
bcin> would be a good recommendation to get the 90mmf2.8 ls closer to the bugs and 

bcin> Finally ordered a strap.My left arm is getting tired.: )
bcin> Trying another chrome roll today.

bcin> New Brother Dave

Re: OT: MacOS 9.1 X-server?

2003-06-01 Thread T Rittenhouse
Well, lots o' luck!

AFAIK, the graphical interface is integral to Mac OS (Mac OS X, is not a MAC
product, but BSD with a MAC name), it is even more locked in than WINDOWS.
If you want to use X11 on your MAC, methinks (used that word just for you,
Glenn) you will have to use some form of Unix on the MAC. Probably the best
way is to set it up DUAL-BOOT so you can use your MAC programs too.


Re: *Ist D Delay in AP

2003-06-01 Thread collinb
Talk about advance warning!



Page 5, Amateur Photographer, 7 June 2003


Re: pentax smc 15mm A

2003-06-01 Thread Herb Chong
the excuse is that the letters pass for Naval Construction Contract. is it a good one?

- Original Message - 
From: "T Rittenhouse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, May 31, 2003 13:57
Subject: Re: pentax smc 15mm A

> I have always wondered why a interstellar warship in the far future would
> have a US Commercial Aircraft Registration number from the 1930's?  Is it an
> inside joke, or something?

Re: pentax smc 15mm A

2003-06-01 Thread Keith Whaley
Cotty asks:

"...(you want more?)"

Only if you're up to it, Cot!


Cotty wrote:
> >>>Subject: pentax smc 15mm A
> >>>
> >>>
>  After what serial number does it become the A version thanks
> >>>NCC 1701
> >>>WW
> >>
> >>C> It's a lens Jim, but not as we know it
> >That's illogical!
> >
> >
> >Bruce
> >
> >
> I'm sure my warped sense of humour didn't phase him. The lens is the real
> McCoy. I'm sure I've seen one Dunkirk way somewhere, though it was so
> small, so tiny, Sulu. When it talked, it Spock very quietly as small
> lenses do. About the same time I saw a three-wheeled cycle so I made out
> a trike order but when it arrived a friend said nay, sell. (ouch) My
> friend was from Yorkshire, eeh bah gum lad. He asked if I was shooting
> lith, eeh, um? He followed the Sun God, what was his name? Oh you know,
> ummm... ah: Whew Hoo! Ra! (you want more?)
> Cheers,
>   Cotty
> ___/\__
> ||   (O)   |  People, Places, Pastiche
> ||=|
> _
> Free UK Mac Ads

Re: pentax smc 15mm A

2003-06-01 Thread Cotty
>>>Subject: pentax smc 15mm A
 After what serial number does it become the A version thanks
>>>NCC 1701

>>C> It's a lens Jim, but not as we know it

>That's illogical!

I'm sure my warped sense of humour didn't phase him. The lens is the real
McCoy. I'm sure I've seen one Dunkirk way somewhere, though it was so
small, so tiny, Sulu. When it talked, it Spock very quietly as small
lenses do. About the same time I saw a three-wheeled cycle so I made out
a trike order but when it arrived a friend said nay, sell. (ouch) My
friend was from Yorkshire, eeh bah gum lad. He asked if I was shooting
lith, eeh, um? He followed the Sun God, what was his name? Oh you know,
ummm... ah: Whew Hoo! Ra! (you want more?) 


||   (O)   |  People, Places, Pastiche
Free UK Mac Ads

OT: MacOS 9.1 X-server?

2003-06-01 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This is way off topic, but I know there are other Mac users
here, and I figured maybe somebody besides me isn't using 
MacOS X yet.

Anyone know a halfway decent, cheap or free, X11 server for
a PowerMac running MacOS 9.1?  It's kind of hard to search
the web for these days, 'cause any search with "Mac" and "X"
in it turns up a lot of hits for pages about MacOS X, and 
even if I specify "X11" or "X WIndows", since that's included
in MacOS X, again, that's what most of the hits are for.

I was just given a PowerMac 7500/100, which replaces the
PowerMac 7200/75 that no longer boots.  (I'm still hoping
to get the 7200 running again, give it a new name and IP
address, and put it in another room.)  Now I'm adding 
software and concocting evil plans involving the video
input on the back.

-- Glenn

Re: pentax smc 15mm A

2003-06-01 Thread T Rittenhouse
I have always wondered why a interstellar warship in the far future would
have a US Commercial Aircraft Registration number from the 1930's?  Is it an
inside joke, or something?


- Original Message -
From: "collinb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, May 31, 2003 6:37 AM
Subject: Re: pentax smc 15mm A

> What an enterprising fellow you are.
> CB
> >- Original Message -
> >From: KANGA
> >Subject: pentax smc 15mm A
> >
> >
> > > After what serial number does it become the A version thanks
> > >
> >NCC 1701
> >WW

Re: OT: a very bad week!-was: good things come in threes

2003-06-01 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thanks for the sympathy, folks.  (One thing I knew was that
folks here would understand how I'm feeling.)

Cotty wrote:
> Saddened to read of your loss. Nothing one can say except chin up old
> boy, it could have been worse. Really.

Yes, it could've been.  In a great many different ways.
And eventually I'll get to where I'm looking at it in
that sort of perspective.  Right now I'm still pretty
mopey about it.  The rational part of me knows that 
since I'm not dead, I'll get past this, and hey, "it's
only _stuff_".  The emotional part hasn't quite caught
up yet.

> Besides, once you get past the shit (which you will), and pop out the
> other side (which you will), you'll have the best excuse ever for us
> giving you more than a little enabling ;-)

:-)  Yeah ... if my insurance covers any of it -- otherwise
I don't have any money to spend on replacing or upgrading
the lost gear.  :-(

> Have a drink from me.

As soon as I stop having these migraines, there's a bottle
of Mackesson Triple Stout and a bottle of Yuengling Porter
in my fridge.  

Frank Theriault wrote:
> I share your grief!  In fact, as you said, it isn't a contest, but it
> sounds like your last week or so is worse than mine.  I only have one
> bike frame to replace.  And, well, let's not talk about the girlfriend,
> but, whatever.

I've had breakups that felt worse than this, so I wasn't about
to directly compare who had the worst week.  (In fact, I share
experiences others have described about "irreplacable" lovers.
*sigh*  If I hadn't been so scared of moving to a country where
I didn't speak the language yet, around 1986, I'd be in Austria
now, and probably married.)

> But a whole bag full of stuff?  OUCH!

Yah.  Nearly full.  The KX and K2 plus a couple of lenses and
one flash were elsewhere.  (And the screwmount gear and some
of the longest lenses live in other bags.)

Gonna go try to distract myself with other things for a while.
Like the Mac a friend gave me (the weekend wasn't _all_ bad;
it just had this overwhelmingly bad chunk in the middle).

-- Glenn

Re: OT: a very bad week!-was: good things come in threes

2003-06-01 Thread T Rittenhouse
Sorry to hear this, Glenn. Hopefully, your renters insurance will cover the


OT: A couple of good Windows Scanning Tools

2003-06-01 Thread Mark Cassino
A couple of interesting scanning related utilities that resolved some 
Windows annoyances for me -

This little utility refreshes SCSI connections, so if your scanner is not 
on when you boot, you can get at it without rebooting.  It works with my 
older Adaptec card which would not refresh  from the device manager:

And for scanners that have only Twain drivers and no stand alone utility, 
this little twain client lets you run the driver like a stand alone:

Cheers -

- - - - - - - - - -
Mark Cassino
Kalamazoo, MI
- - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - 

Re: PUG "June" is open

2003-06-01 Thread Caveman
Thank you Adelheid for the great work.

And, hehe, I notice I have a fellow caveman  ;-)

Adelheid v. K. wrote:
Hi *,

the June PUG is ready to go.

Last Synchronicity month but with great pics.


PUG "June" is open

2003-06-01 Thread Adelheid v. K.

Hi *,

the June PUG is ready to go.

Last Synchronicity month but with great pics.



About resizing your pics:

To make the procedure easier I am going to resize them without further
notice - but if somebody is unhappy with the result, please send me one
you like better in the proper size and I'll swap it on the server. I
hope this is a fair deal.

pentax-discuss-d Digest V03 #362

2003-06-01 Thread EktarEd

Content-Type: text/plain

pentax-discuss-d Digest Volume 03 : Issue 362

Today's Topics:
  Thanks and one question left (Was:Re  [ =?iso-8859-2?Q?Artur_Led=F3chowski? ]
  Re: OT: a very bad week!-was: good t  [ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
  RE: 135 macro for 6x7 ??  [ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
  Re: Who else has admired the eclipse  [ David Dixon <[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
  Re: Provia 100F "bluish" color cast   [ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
  Re: Provia 100F "bluish" color cast   [ "Herb Chong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ]
  Re: Delivery of *ist/*istD in USA [ "Roland Mabo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
  Re: slow list?[ frank theriault <[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
  Re: OT: a very bad week!-was: good t  [ frank theriault <[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
  Re: OT: a very bad week!-was: good t  [ frank theriault <[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
  *Ist D Delay in AP[ Cotty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ]
  Re[2]: Who else has admired the ecli  [ Alin Flaider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ]
  Re[3]: Who else has admired the ecli  [ Alin Flaider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ]
  sorry for the idiot questions on the  [ "KANGA" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ]
  Re: pentax smc 15mm A [ Bruce Dayton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ]
  Re: OT: a very bad week!-was: good t  [ Caveman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ]
  OT: a very bad week!-was: good thing  [ "Mike Ignatiev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ]
  Re: MX Repair recommendations - PLEA  [ Harold Owen <[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
  RE: interesting gig   [ "Leonard Paris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ]
  Re: sorry for the idiot questions on  [ Fred <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ]
  Re: slow list?[ Keith Whaley <[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
  Re: OT: a very bad week!-was: good t  [ Keith Whaley <[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
  Re: OT: a very bad week!-was: good t  [ Caveman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ]
  Re: Who else has admired the eclipse  [ Mark Cassino <[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
  Re: sorry for the idiot questions on  [ Caveman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ]
  Re: *Ist D Delay in AP[ Keith Whaley <[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]


Date:   Sat, 31 May 2003 13:30:16 +0200
From: =?iso-8859-2?Q?Artur_Led=F3chowski?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Thanks and one question left (Was:Re: Some technical questions (may be silly))
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Many thanks, guys, for your answers to my technical questions. Now I know
what I need except for one question that has left:

> 3) bellows unit III, macro focus rail III, copy stand III (and IIIp) -
> does the "III" mean? Is it somethink like, say, Mk. III or something?

Any ideas on the above?
Thanks once again


Date: Sat, 31 May 2003 07:48:05 US/Eastern
Subject: Re: OT: a very bad week!-was: good things come in threes

> > 
> > The always modest Brendan... Say, you got some flak
> > on usefilm lately, 
> > didn't you ? ;-) You asked for it ;-)
> > 
> > cheers,
> > caveman

Got some from Val too Brendan,but he was nice. lol
Thanks Cave.


Date: Sat, 31 May 2003 07:35:31 US/Eastern
Subject: RE: 135 macro for 6x7 ??

> > Subject: Re: 135 macro for 6x7 ??
> > 
> > 
> > > Any idea of the used value these days.
> > > 
> > 
> They seem to go for $300-$450 on ebay.
> I paid $400 for mine (mint) there but I have
> definitely seen some of them sell for less.

   Thanks Bill and JCO.
I never think to look at KEH's site,which i just did. They seem to be between 
to $375
(excellent).I think i might have to hold off for a bit.Just cannot seem to scare up the
funds right now.
Although i did find a strap at Harrysproshop in Toronto for $54 Canadaian(the deluxe
one,not the 
skinny one).

WW, the ebay seller confirmed its a 1:3 ratio,and said he got some nice pictures from 
macro.Thanks for the info.



Date: Sat, 31 May 2003 12:48:36 +0100
From: David Dixon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Who else has admired the eclipse?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I too made the effort - here in Durham (N.E. England), we got a 
theoretical maximum of about 92% eclipsed at sun-rise.  For once, it was 
beautifully cloud free, but heavy haze meant that the sun slowly 
appeared a few minutes after sunrise, as a deep red, thin crescent.  My 
site was a few minutes walk from home, with the sun rising between the 
towers of Durham Cathedral - the same viewpoint as one of my PUG 

Re: Who else has admired the eclipse?

2003-06-01 Thread Keith Whaley
Absolutely right! 
Thanks for sharing that!

keith whaley

Mark Cassino wrote:
> At 01:04 PM 5/31/2003 +0300, Alin Flaider wrote:
> >   This is particularly addressed to our friends in the northern Europe
> >   who were in the position to see and photograph this annular sun
> >   eclipse in all its beauty.
> Ran into this earlier this morning:
> Pretty stunning!
> - MCC
> - - - - - - - - - -
> Mark Cassino
> Kalamazoo, MI
> - - - - - - - - - -
> Photos:
> - - - - - - - - - -

Re: OT: a very bad week!-was: good things come in threes

2003-06-01 Thread Keith Whaley
Big grin...
I never said I was all that wise.
But, it is all perspective, isn't it... I was out for experiencing what
I considered "the fine life." 
I was lucky enough to have her to accompany me. A perfect companion for
a short time.

Nevertheless, a very good call, Caveman... good pickup.
I'll have to break out that old Genesis disc, if I can find it...  


Caveman wrote:
> Keith Whaley wrote:
> > That's almost word for word a decent description of the irreplaceable
> > memory I carry around with me... It lasted over 3 years (and about
> > $40,000) I figure... 
> "Some men never listen,
> Others never learn,
> But why this man did as he did
> Only he will ever know.
> He knew he was walking
> Into a waiting trap,
> Neatly set up for him
> With a bait so richly wrapped.
> So he went inside there to take on what he found,
> But he never escaped them, for who can escape what he desires?"
> Genesis, "The Lady Lies"

Re: sorry for the idiot questions on the 15mm

2003-06-01 Thread Caveman
Since it was Friday evening. I suspect some Aussie wine was at fault ;-)

Fred wrote:
it became qute obvious after i posted how easy it is to tell
lol :-)

Well, as long as you can "lol", it's OK - .


Re: Who else has admired the eclipse?

2003-06-01 Thread Mark Cassino
At 01:04 PM 5/31/2003 +0300, Alin Flaider wrote:

  This is particularly addressed to our friends in the northern Europe
  who were in the position to see and photograph this annular sun
  eclipse in all its beauty.

Ran into this earlier this morning:

Pretty stunning!


- - - - - - - - - -
Mark Cassino
Kalamazoo, MI
- - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - 

Re: OT: a very bad week!-was: good things come in threes

2003-06-01 Thread Caveman
Keith Whaley wrote:
That's almost word for word a decent description of the irreplaceable
memory I carry around with me... It lasted over 3 years (and about
$40,000) I figure... 

"Some men never listen,
Others never learn,
But why this man did as he did
Only he will ever know.
He knew he was walking
Into a waiting trap,
Neatly set up for him
With a bait so richly wrapped.
So he went inside there to take on what he found,
But he never escaped them, for who can escape what he desires?"
Genesis, "The Lady Lies"

Re: *Ist D Delay in AP

2003-06-01 Thread Keith Whaley

Cotty wrote:
> 'A delay in delivery of parts has held back the launch of Pentax's
> digital SLR flagship - the Pentax *ist D - until late summer,
> 'The 6.1-megapixel interchangeable lens camera - first unveiled at PMA
> earlier this year - was expected out in July (see AP News 22 March).
> 'In a statement, Pentax said: ' Due to a delay in the delivery of some
> components, the product launch has been pushed back until late August.'
> 'Features expected to be on board the *ist D include a new 16-segment
> metering system and 11-point autofocus sensor (SAFOX VIII). Armoury
> includes a top shutter speed of 1/4000sec, continuous shooting at around
> 2.7 frames per second and a high speed flash sync at 1/150sec.
> 'The statement concludes: 'Pentax apologises for any inconvenience this
> delay may cause for those who have shown interest in the new *ist D,
> including our customers, business partners, dealers and press.

And I apologize for not waiting for the introduction, and also for
purchasing a 5 MP Olympus C-5050 instead! Or is that in lieu of?
Yes, it is.
And I've got to tell ya, that is _one_ impressive camera!

I still have the Pentaxii I'm planning to keep, but will be
putting up some lenses and a spare body or three in the 
coming weeks.

No, I'm keeping the MX.   And the K1000. And the .  

keith  <== not abandoning a platform, just getting a 
new digital camera... 
> 'We will make every effort to bring this camera to the market at the
> earliest possible date and prove that its outstanding characteristics
> will have been worth the wait.' '
> Page 5, Amateur Photographer, 7 June 2003
> Cheers,
>   Cotty

Re: OT: a very bad week!-was: good things come in threes

2003-06-01 Thread Keith Whaley
That's almost word for word a decent description of the irreplaceable
memory I carry around with me... It lasted over 3 years (and about
$40,000) I figure... 

Back then, I had some money to spare. Today I have quite considerably
less, but in truth, money can't buy memories like that.

Oh, and BTW, I was single all the time I was squiring this young lady
all over town, spending money like the mad fool I was...   Ahhh, yes...  


frank theriault wrote:
> Hey, Keith, here's what I'm thinking.  It's probably best that your
> current/last/present wife never know about the "irreplaceable" one.  I think
> you'd want to ensure that.  You should send me some insurance, just to make sure
> she doesn't find out, if you know what I mean.  You must have some nice lenses
> or bodies for that purpose.  I could use a nice tripod, too.
> Problem is the ~whole freaking list knows now~ so you'll have a lot of insurance
> premiums to pay, if you want us all to shut up!  
> Seriously, I've got an irreplaceable one, too (don't we all?).  A middle aged
> guy's dream.  I was 43, she was 27, and stunningly beautiful.  And, smart, too
> (she was an architect).  Still can't figure out what she saw in me, but it was
> fun while it lasted.  It had no future - in fact we both knew that when it
> started, but man, what a roller coaster ride for 6 months!  
> cheers,
> frank snipped and computer purged!  

Re: slow list?

2003-06-01 Thread Keith Whaley

frank theriault wrote:
> OTOH, talked to a very pretty red head that I've been eyeing for a couple
> of months at the local cafe.  And, most important, I have my kids here this
> weekend, which puts everything into perspective.
> Life is indeed good.

Uhhh, what SORT of perspective does that juxtaposition bring to mind, Frank?


P.S. Glad the third thing was merely a glass coffee container!

> cheers,
> frank
> Ann Sanfedele wrote:
> > frank theriault wrote:
> >
> > > It seems to be taking an hour or more for my posts to come through.
> > > Anyone else having this problem, or are the gods merely picking on me
> > > this week? - like they haven't done enough!  
> > >
> > > cheers,
> > > frank
> > >
> >
> > YOu're just hoping for an easy third thing :)
> > annsan

Re: sorry for the idiot questions on the 15mm

2003-06-01 Thread Fred
> it became qute obvious after i posted how easy it is to tell
> sorry
> lol :-)

Well, as long as you can "lol", it's OK - .


Re: OT: a very bad week!-was: good things come in threes

2003-06-01 Thread Caveman
frank theriault wrote:

Still can't figure out what she saw in me, but it was
fun while it lasted.
Must have been the bunny ears ;-)


Re: pentax smc 15mm A

2003-06-01 Thread Bruce Dayton
That's illogical!


Saturday, May 31, 2003, 1:18:24 AM, you wrote:

>>Subject: pentax smc 15mm A
>>> After what serial number does it become the A version thanks
>>NCC 1701

C> It's a lens Jim, but not as we know it

C> Cheers,
C>   Cotty

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C> ||   (O)   |  People, Places, Pastiche
C> ||=|
C> _
C> Free UK Mac Ads

sorry for the idiot questions on the 15mm

2003-06-01 Thread KANGA
it became qute obvious after i posted how easy it is to tell
lol :-)

Re[3]: Who else has admired the eclipse?

2003-06-01 Thread Alin Flaider
David wrote:

DD> I too made the effort - here in Durham (N.E. England), we got a 
DD> theoretical maximum of about 92% eclipsed at sun-rise.  For once, it was 
DD> beautifully cloud free, but heavy haze meant that the sun slowly 
DD> appeared a few minutes after sunrise, as a deep red, thin crescent.  My 
DD> site was a few minutes walk from home, with the sun rising between the 
DD> towers of Durham Cathedral - the same viewpoint as one of my PUG 
DD> submissions:

   I just pictured the crescent between the towers and wow, this must
   be a breath taking shot. Looking forward to see it.
   Servus,   Alin

Re[2]: Who else has admired the eclipse?

2003-06-01 Thread Alin Flaider
Bob wrote:

BW> The first I knew about this eclipse was when I woke this morning to
BW> hear it being discussed on the radio.

   Oh, now I realize my yesterday post regarding the eclipse didn't
   make it. It happened to me quite a few times lately, and reading
   the list sparsely doesn't help spotting the lost messages.

   Servus,  Alin :o((

*Ist D Delay in AP

2003-06-01 Thread Cotty
'A delay in delivery of parts has held back the launch of Pentax's
digital SLR flagship - the Pentax *ist D - until late summer,

'The 6.1-megapixel interchangeable lens camera - first unveiled at PMA
earlier this year - was expected out in July (see AP News 22 March).

'In a statement, Pentax said: ' Due to a delay in the delivery of some
components, the product launch has been pushed back until late August.'

'Features expected to be on board the *ist D include a new 16-segment
metering system and 11-point autofocus sensor (SAFOX VIII). Armoury
includes a top shutter speed of 1/4000sec, continuous shooting at around
2.7 frames per second and a high speed flash sync at 1/150sec.

'The statement concludes: 'Pentax apologises for any inconvenience this
delay may cause for those who have shown interest in the new *ist D,
including our customers, business partners, dealers and press.

'We will make every effort to bring this camera to the market at the
earliest possible date and prove that its outstanding characteristics
will have been worth the wait.' '

Page 5, Amateur Photographer, 7 June 2003


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