Re: Subject: RTF

2001-03-31 Thread aimcompute

Interesting concept... Matching camera & beachwear.  What about a fleshtone
camera so when holding it in your hands people couldn't tell from a

Tanya wrote:

> frankly, I don't give a hoot what my gear looks like.  It could be pink
> green with yellow polkadots and as long as it had the features I needed
> assisted me in taking a good photo, I couldn't care less.

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Subject: RTF

2001-03-31 Thread Tanya & Russell Mayer

Anthony Farr wrote:

"Was RTF invented by a battery manufacturer?  IMO the only merit of RTF is
that it's there.  It astounds me that anyone would seriously use one as
their flash unit of choice.  They are too close to the lens and cannot be
used off-camera or bounced.  Even if they could they would be too weak for
bouncing.  What they do well is to spec up the camera and jack up its price.
I wouldn't even consider one as a back-up if my off-camera unit failed,
there'd be another flashgun in my camera trunk (yes I use one of those big
deep aluminium trunks, they carry heaps and make a good seat, work-surface
or substitute stepladder).

The MZ-S would look much more purposeful and professional without that
pissant little RTF on top!  What prospective MZ-S owner wouldn't have the
$$$s for a decent flashgun, or even a crappy one?  What prospective MZ-S
owner would wish to be seen using such an entry level consumer targeted
gadget on an otherwise professional grade tool?

IMnsHO, RTF is about as useful as tits on a bull."

LOL! Anthony, spoken like a true Aussie!  I agree with your view here to a
certain extent.  However, it is only recently that I have started to take
photography seriously and for the first 6 months-ish of owning my MZ-50, I
just ran around like a crazy woman taking snap shots of everything I could
find, usually with the camera on "program" and always using the flash if it
said I needed to.  I now have two flash guns (albeit crappy Achiever ones
that I am hoping to upgrade to a Pentax 500FTZ and a Metz 45cti (I think
that's the correct model) later this year).  So, I do however, think that
having RTF on all camera bodies can be useful for a number of reasons.

a) as a fill flash when shooting candidly outdoors when your baby runs into
a shadow that you weren't anticipating...

b) for candid "family" snaps eg kids opening xmas presents where you don't
want to be lugging around big heavy gear and would prefer to just pick up
your camera and shoot that cute shot.

c) when you are trying to be inconspicuous but need just that little more
"punch" (and don't want to be "punched!)

There are other reasons but those are just a couple off the top of my head.
Also, cameras such as the MZ-50 aren't aimed towards the pro market,  so the
inclusion of RTF is almost essential in its marketing.

I do understand your point about the MZ-S though, but can only imagine that
it has been included for the consumer who wants to have the "top of the
line" camera to brag to his friends about, but is still just a "happy

Anthony also wrote:

"The MZ-S would look much more purposeful and professional without that
pissant little RTF on top!  "

To be honest Anthony, I am not in photography for "appearances" and quite
frankly, I don't give a hoot what my gear looks like.  It could be pink and
green with yellow polkadots and as long as it had the features I needed and
assisted me in taking a good photo, I couldn't care less.



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