Subject: Re: Gerald's crass comment....

2001-05-04 Thread Tanya & Russell Mayer

Gerald also wrote:

"I am probably as far as a man can be from being a disgusting pig.  This is
most offensive character attack I have ever experienced here.  And it was
uncalled for."

Sorry Gerald, I forgot to respond to this in my last post.  I just wanted to
point out that I did not say that you WERE a "disgusting pig"- I said that
you were acting like one when you posted that comment and there is a big
difference!  Although from the description that Shel wrote, I gotta
wonder ;-)


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Subject: Re: Gerald's crass comment....

2001-05-04 Thread Tanya & Russell Mayer

Treena wrote:

"I ... respectfully disagree. I took that comment in a humorous manner as
way of making a point. Reminds me of a rather colorful relative, actually. I
basically got a chuckle out of it and went on. There's been worse posted on
the PDML, and I'm sure in the future I'll be responsible for some of it. :)
I didn't really have a problem with it."

Fair enough, Treena! :-)  I guess it was the context that really annoyed me
mostI just don't us to be made to feel like this is a "boys club" as
photography already generally is in everyday life.  Sure sexist jokes can be
funny, but really do we all need to be reminded about this type of stuff
here?  .Ah, anyways, I don't want to digress even further here, and
it is late in these parts so I won't go into it any more, let's just agree
to disagree and leave it at thatUs girls gotta stick together you know!
heehee ;-)

Chris wrote:

"I'll have you know that that is an extremely rude and insensitive
comment.  I know a lot of very polite and friendly drunks who talk about
non-sexual subjects.  So there!"

Really? Not in this hemisphere! If you can even find a drunk that CAN talk
in the pubs in outback Australia (where I am so lucky to be located), he/she
will be doing one of a number of things:

1.  Trying to bum a cigarette from you or asking you for a dollar to add to
the one he/she already has so as to buy another beer.

2. Talking about football or saying "show us yer tits!", "wanna root?"
(Aussie colloquialisms, not my words!)

3.  Grabbing said "tits" or getting a "handful of arse".

Needless to say, I don't go to the pub much these days


Gerald wrote:

"Fairy, I truly am sorry you were offended by my

H(in my best impersonation of my mother voice): You are forgiven,
JUST this once! ;-)

"Seriously, Tanya, you are right about one thing, this isn't a pub (though
the blood alcohol content of some posters might lead one to think that), but
at the same time this is also not a monastery.  And certainly I hope you
don't think my comment was directed at you personally or as any general
attack on females.  "

Of course I know this place is not a monastery Gerald, I mean geez, I have
had people emailing me asking what colour sarong I am wearing on any given
I also know that you were not directing that comment towards me or "as a
attack on females" and that it was meant as tongue-in-cheek.  I just felt
that it was
used out of context and was something that was totally unnecessary.  I mean
we are trying to put a point across about respecting each other and
peoples' feelings when a comment such as that is posted?!? (And I did say WE
there are more than just myself who are posting on "my side of the fence" -
Tom C,
for example).

"It is you, not "we", who is talking about tact and consideration on this
thread.  I started this thread as a defense of not needing to care much
about tact and consideration with PUG comments.  After having read other's
viewpoints on it, I still hold the same opinion.  Certainly some folks are
more graceful with criticism than others, but that shouldn't mean the blunt
person's thoughts are no less valid than yours, their character no more a
target of attack than yours, and their right to speak openly and freely no
more impugnable than yours."

I do not know WHERE the idea that I feel that my thoughts are more valid
somebody elses just because I may choose to endow them with a little tact
have possibly been conveyed.  I have never, and will never lay claim to such
a fact.
Actually , I feel that MY offering a genuine technical critique of anyone's
work would
be TOTALLY invalid, as I am too inexperienced and lacking in technical
knowledge to
offer anything that they probably wouldn't already know, and probably better
than I.
I have never alluded that Shel's comments (or anybody elses for that matter)
were less valid
than mine, that he deserves an attack of character more than I would or that
he has less of
a right to speak freely than I do.  I am totally dumbfounded by the thought.
Shel obviously
has many years of training and experience and his comments would obviously
be taken very
seriously and with deep consideration, and this is my point exactly.  He is
obviously well
respected and as such, being just a little more subtle,would ensure that he
is continued to be
and that people do welcome his thoughts and appreciate his taking the time
to partake in sharing his
knowledge with them. He has the opportunity to pass on his great eye and
talent in a way
that truly can inspire and encourage people rather than deflate and
discourage them,
I just don't see why it is so hard to do this. I'd be truly honoured and
humbled to be in
such a position.

Aaack, what's a little water under the bridge, hope we can all be friends
again after all is said
and done here! (*smiles sweetly through her eyelashes, as the introduction
of Louis Armstrong's
"What A Wonderful