Stan wrote:

"Yes Tanya - I wasn't very clear in my comments, but in a back-handed way it
was complimentary. I agree with Mark's comments (which I alluded to) about
the marvelous shot you had on your page recently. ..."

Thanks Stan, MUCH appreciated!!

"If you are so blessed as to
be able to produce such a wonderful image, why denigrate it? No work
involved you say? Just luck you say? Nonsense.
I will grant that sometimes people get lucky. But people who seem to be
consistently lucky probably have something else going for them, like talent.
It wasn't luck that had you recognize the moment, that caused you to compose
and frame the shot the way you did, that led you to pick that frame from
among the 35 others on the roll, . . .

You and Shel both seem to belong to the old Puritan School of Photography
and Life: "if you don't work hard for what you get, then what you get is
nothing but a gift from the devil! You must work!" {Corollary: if you use an
auto-focus lens, a built-in light meter, a motor drive, and/or color film
processed by someone else then you haven't worked hard enough to "deserve" a
good image.}"

Point taken, I just sometimes feel that with so much yet to learn, I don't
know that I could honestly view anything I have thus far produced as a true
"work of art".  I guess I will soon learn to accept thse things as time
progresses and I thankyou for trying to teach me!

(who REALLY needs some sleep now!)

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