Thanks.  I continue to find the near silence in
the media about this "stealth" vote rather amazing.
It appears that there were three Dems voting no,
Bingaman, Feingold, and Hollings, of whom only
Feingold can be said to be at all on the left.  Of
course one could get cynical and say that it was
an appeal to the non-trivial Serb vote in Milwaukee,
but then Feingold was the only Dem in the Senate to
oppose Byrd's "end the impeachment" motion.
Barkley Rosser
-----Original Message-----
Date: Thursday, March 25, 1999 9:03 PM
Subject: (no subject)

> Barkley Rosser wrote
>  >There was a vote about this in the US Senate, approving
>>it by 58-41.  Somehow in the midst of all its stories the W. Post
>>failed to say who voted how, although obviously this was not
>>party line.  I gather most (if not all) of the 41 were Republicans.
>>But, is there anybody out there who knows what the actual
>>lineup was?
>Here is the vote from the Senate webstite:
>                          (Rollcall Vote No. 57 Leg.)
>March 23, 1999, 7:55 PM
>TITLE: S.Con.Res. 21
>RESULT: Concurrent Resolution Agreed to
>                               YEAS---58
>    Abraham                  Hagel                    Mikulski
>    Akaka                    Harkin                   Moynihan
>    Baucus                   Hatch                    Murray
>    Bayh                     Inouye                   Reed
>    Biden                    Jeffords                 Reid
>    Boxer                    Johnson                  Robb
>    Breaux                   Kennedy                  Rockefeller
>    Bryan                    Kerrey                   Roth
>    Byrd                     Kerry                    Sarbanes
>    Chafee                   Kohl                     Schumer
>    Cleland                  Landrieu                 Shelby
>    Conrad                   Lautenberg               Smith Gordon H
>    Daschle                  Leahy                    Snowe
>    DeWine                   Levin                    Specter
>    Dodd                     Lieberman                Torricelli
>    Dorgan                   Lincoln                  Warner
>    Durbin                   Lugar                    Wellstone
>    Edwards                  Mack                     Wyden
>    Feinstein                McCain
>    Graham                   McConnell
>                               NAYS---41
>    Allard                   Enzi                     Kyl
>    Ashcroft                 Feingold                 Lott
>    Bennett                  Fitzgerald               Murkowski
>    Bingaman                 Frist                    Nickles
>    Bond                     Gorton                   Roberts
>    Brownback                Gramm                    Santorum
>    Bunning                  Grams                    Sessions
>    Burns                    Grassley                 Smith Bob
>    Campbell                 Gregg                    Stevens
>    Collins                  Helms                    Thomas
>    Coverdell                Hollings                 Thompson
>    Craig                    Hutchinson               Thurmond
>    Crapo                    Hutchison                Voinovich
>    Domenici                 Inhofe
>                               NOT VOTING---1
>    Cochran
> K. Mickey

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