[perl #63634] [BUG] repeated take($x) all get the same value

2009-03-04 Thread abhijit mahabal
# New Ticket Created by  "abhijit mahabal" 
# Please include the string:  [perl #63634]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=63634 >

my @y = gather {
my $x = 0;
for 1..5 {
take $x;
say @y;

produces 5.
-- Abhijit

Re: proposal: 404 method

2005-06-20 Thread Abhijit Mahabal

On Mon, 20 Jun 2005, BÁRTHÁZI András wrote:


> Is there a way, to catch, if I call a method, that doesn't exists, to run 
> a default one? I'm thinking about an "error handler" method.

 See all the AUTO subs.

Cool! Where? Is it working currently with Pugs?

Synposis 10...


Abhijit Mahabal  http://www.cs.indiana.edu/~amahabal/

Re: proposal: binding with a function

2005-06-20 Thread Abhijit Mahabal

On Mon, 20 Jun 2005, BÁRTHÁZI András wrote:


I'm still interested in, why "alias" wouldn't be a native Perl 6 term?

I think, there are several reasons for "alias":

I am not arguing against alias, but just wanted to point out something.

- in Perl 6, currently there's no way to create a reference to a
  variable, _with the context of the variable_, too

unless you bind immediately where you declare the original variable:

Some new examples, maybe better than before:

sub kilobytes ($value:) is export {
return $value*1024;
alias kilobytes, kilobyte;

replace the last line with:
  &kilobytes := &kilobyte;

and the scoping is not an issue.

And with synonyms, binding as soon as declaring seems prudent.


Abhijit Mahabal  http://www.cs.indiana.edu/~amahabal/

Re: Ignoring parameters

2005-06-17 Thread Abhijit Mahabal

On Sat, 18 Jun 2005, Damian Conway wrote:

John Siracusa wrote:

 (BTW, I'm not sure where those "./" thingies came from, but it's what
 showed in your message.  I'm assuming it should just be ".")

No. There's now also a unary ./ operator in Perl 6.

Unary . calls a specified method on the current topic.
Unary ./ calls a specified method on the current invocant.

The point being that methods no longer topicalize their invocant. So you need 
to use ./ instead of . to call methods on an implicit invocant.

Er, is it true that methods don't topicalize the invocant nowadays? I had 
thought that they do and one needs the ./ to still talk about the invocant 
if some inner loop stole the $_, and until such stealing occurs .foo() and 
./foo() are the same...



Abhijit Mahabal  http://www.cs.indiana.edu/~amahabal/

Re: ./method

2005-05-15 Thread Abhijit Mahabal
On Sun, 15 May 2005, Juerd wrote:
I do think $__ looks too much like $_.
Yeah, lets drop that idea.
A bit better would be to not have
a "bigger" topic, but a "higher" topic, $-, but the problem with seeing
the invocant as a topic on another level, is that
inconsistency/asymmetry would be introduced between
   method {
   # topic is object
   given 5 {
   # topic is 5
   # "bigger" topic is object, we access it as $__
   given $object {
   # topic is object
   given 5 {
   # topic is 5
   # $object is neither $_ nor $__
By "bigger topic" I did not mean "outer topic"; I was thinking that $__ 
can *only* get bound to an invocant.

You didn't say what you think about ./method; What is your opinion?
I like it. ( I assume you mean:
.method   is always $_.method
./method  is always $?SELF.method )
Yes, I like it a lot!
Abhijit Mahabal  http://www.cs.indiana.edu/~amahabal/

Re: ./method

2005-05-15 Thread Abhijit Mahabal

(Note that "./" and "../" are prefix operators, and unlike ".?", ".*",
".+" and ".=", cannot be used infix. In fact, it requires that "?", "*",
"+" and "=" be thought of as meta-operators to ".", and from now on, to
"./" and "../" as well, so you get "./+method". This isn't as complex as
it looks right now.)
Your opinions please! (I ask those who already responded off-list, to
repeat their opinion here)
Since new syntax is being suggested for these things, here is my 
suggestion, very late in the discussion, but here it is anyway.

$_ is the topic; the "only" problem is that we have two topics here: an 
immediate and a "main" topic. What if a method call binds the invocant to 
*both* $_ and the "bigger topic" $__?

method foo($x){
# invocant accessible by both $__ and $_
for (1..3) {
# invocant accessible by $__ only
.bar(); # called on $_
$__.bat(); # called on the invocant
I like this because things still look a little like a topic. This is not 
better than $o/$O, except that $__ looks more like $_ (but maybe it looks 
too much like $_, and that alone could invalidate this proposal).

Abhijit Mahabal  http://www.cs.indiana.edu/~amahabal/

Re: Junctions of classes, roles, etc.

2005-05-02 Thread Abhijit Mahabal
On Mon, 2 May 2005, [ISO-8859-1] Thomas Sandlaß wrote:
David Storrs wrote:
 Tell me what this does:
 class Tree {  method bark() { die "Cannot instantiate a Tree--it is 
 abstract!" }
 class Birch {  method bark() { return "White, papery" }
 class Oak {  method bark() { return "Dark, heavy" }
 class Dog {
  method bark() { print "Woof, woof!"; return "bow wow" }
Four 'pure' classes so far.

 class AlienBeastie isa Tree isa Dog {}
Here you get an error/warning of a composition time conflict between
&Tree::bark and &Dog::bark.
I don't think so; I had come to the same conclusion before realising that 
we are talking inheritance here, not roles. So no trouble at class 
composition time. Superclasses do not enter the picture while composing.

You'd be right if s/isa/is/ and then s/is/does/, of course.
When you dispatch, what happens would depend upon WALKMETH (according to 
the pseudocode for CALLONE in A12). Usually the first inherited method 
would get called.

TSa (Thomas Sandlaß)

Re: Junctions of classes, roles, etc.

2005-04-30 Thread Abhijit Mahabal
On Sat, 30 Apr 2005, Aaron Sherman wrote:
On Sat, 2005-04-30 at 22:24 +0800, Autrijus Tang wrote:
On Sat, Apr 30, 2005 at 09:13:26AM -0500, Abhijit Mahabal wrote:
I do not see how any auto-threading occurs in that code. It is completely
innocuous in that sense, and I don't think that is what horrified David.
What was troublesome was, I think:
my Str|Int $x;
$x.foo(); # runs two methods and returns a junction
That would be absolutely horrible.
Then tell me what $!.can("chars") returns, assuming that $! is
implemented as an "any" junction of Int and Str values?
If $! were explicitely "Yes"|1, then I agree that it returns false|true.
I believe that in the code you wrote..
$x = ::("Int") | ::("Str")
my ::($x) $y;
$x is a junction, and $y is not a junction. "type", to me, is just a 
sticky note attched to an object. I would not like to see autothreading on 
every junctive sticky. In the code above, if there were a method called 
.type(), then $y.type() would indeed return a junction, but not by running 
two methods and orring their output.

Str|Int is simply the type of "Yes"|1, isn't it?
Hmmm... I am not sure. Maybe the type is just "Junc" or something.
Str|Int is also the type of 7 and of "yes".
Moreover, if the return type of a method is junctive, would you want that 
menthod to autothread too?

Abhijit Mahabal  http://www.cs.indiana.edu/~amahabal/

Re: Junctions of classes, roles, etc.

2005-04-30 Thread Abhijit Mahabal
On Fri, 29 Apr 2005, Brent 'Dax' Royal-Gordon wrote:
David Storrs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Thu, Apr 28, 2005 at 03:28:41PM +0200, Ingo Blechschmidt wrote:
so we had junctions of Code references some days ago, what's with
junctions of Class and Role objects? :)
Could we see some code that shows why this is a good idea?  My initial
reaction is horror; I can very easily see huge numbers of subtle,
hard-to-reproduce bugs coming out of this.  On the other hand, I do
not immediately see major applications...most of what I can see is
things that reduce the amount of code needed, but don't actually
accomplish anything fundamentally new.  What do junctions of
Class|Role objects give us that can't be achieved in other ways?
I'm quite willing to believe that there are such things, but I'm not
coming up with them.
What do you think this is?
   sub foo(Str | Int $bar) { ... }
I believe you mean sub foo(Str^Int $bar){...} ( something that is Int or 
Str but not both). But that, too, just reduces the amount of code and is 
merely a shortcut for:
	multi sub(Str $bar){...}
	multi sub(Int $bar){...}

I do not see how any auto-threading occurs in that code. It is completely 
innocuous in that sense, and I don't think that is what horrified David. 
What was troublesome was, I think:
	my Str|Int $x;
	$x.foo(); # runs two methods and returns a junction

I would like to be able to read the above code to mean:
type X ::= Scalar where Str|Int;
my X $x;  # $x = non int/non string now a runtime error
$x.foo(); # no different from if you had just said my $x
Feel free to tell me I am barking up the wrong tree if that is what I am 


Re: Deletion of members by mixin

2005-04-26 Thread Abhijit Mahabal
On Tue, 26 Apr 2005, Aaron Sherman wrote:
On Tue, 2005-04-26 at 09:58, Abhijit Mahabal wrote:
On Tue, 26 Apr 2005, Aaron Sherman wrote:
It also might be useful for roles to be able to delete members and
methods from a class like so:
role foo {
has $.x;
has not $.y;
But that brings up the issue of who has the final authority. In class
composition, a method defined in the class hides those in the roles, and
in this sense it is the boss on "adding decisions".
So, as you can see, in the case of mixins, the hypothetical:
role z {
has not mymeth;
would, in fact, remove mymeth from $x, and in class composition, it
would remove the method from parents, but not from the class being
declared (as it should not, by my way of thinking).
Assuming that mymeth isn't AUTOMETHed, isn't that equivalent to saying:
role z{
method mymeth([EMAIL PROTECTED]) {...}
Moreover, how does 'has not' work with multis? Does it clobber multi's 
of all signatures? what if you have something like:

class A { multi method foo($x){ something } }
role  B { has not foo; has not die;}
class C is A does B {...}
# the theft of ... for real code does make writing pseudocode harder!
I am just thinking aloud. I do like the proposal at least somewhat, and 
was wondering if it could be used as an aid in refactoring: an easy way to 
comment out methods to see if we have forgotten to change a call 

Abhijit Mahabal  http://www.cs.indiana.edu/~amahabal/

Re: Roles as anonymous and/or closures

2005-04-26 Thread Abhijit Mahabal
On Tue, 26 Apr 2005, Aaron Sherman wrote:
It also might be useful for roles to be able to delete members and
methods from a class like so:
role foo {
has $.x;
has not $.y;
But that brings up the issue of who has the final authority. In class 
composition, a method defined in the class hides those in the roles, and 
in this sense it is the boss on "adding decisions". I like this a lot 
because I think it makes it possible for me to read a class description 
and have a sense of what is going on. With the "has not" proposal, it 
seems that the role would need to be the boss on "deleting decisions". 
Could get pretty confusing!

Abhijit Mahabal  http://www.cs.indiana.edu/~amahabal/

Re: Documentary annotations: $what doc

2005-03-31 Thread Abhijit Mahabal
On Thu, 31 Mar 2005, Luke Palmer wrote:
Chip Salzenberg writes:
I'd like to annotate Perl 6 parameters and other entities using
traits, since that's the best way (I know of) to have them appear
immediately in the text of the program where they are.
Supposing I had a "doc" trait, could I say:
sub f2c (Num $temp doc)>>
Or would I be forced to spell it  doc('stuff')  ?
Well, first you need an `is` somewhere in there. And after that I think
you'll need to do it in doc('stuff') form.  If we did allow doc<>, then
   is doc
But if you are going to use doc('') in a million places, can you not also 
make doc a trait_verb and save a little typing? So:

role doc{
sub *trait_verb:doc($container: $string) {
But what do I apply the role to? perhaps
class Object does doc
sub f2c (Num $temp doc "Temperature in degrees F") {...}
works(I think): trait_verb:doc is a sub, not a method, and so parens are 
not needed.

It works, but that doesn't read too well. We do need a verb there. "docs", 
perhaps? Or "gloss", which is both a noun and a verb?


Re: compile time signature checking

2005-03-03 Thread Abhijit Mahabal
Another edge case: is it legal to have an optional Pair in the 
signature? That is:
	sub foo($x, Pair ?$y, +$z){...}

If yes, what does this parse as:
foo(10, z => 5);
If z => 5 is bound to $y, then $y is almost mandatory. ('almost' because 
we can still say foo(10); ). (and then can we also say foo(10, z => 5, z 
=> 6)? :) That at least has the feature that it can be used to write 
bizarre code like C< sing :e:i:e:i:o > )

If it is bound to $z instead, how do we bind anything to $y 
positionally? Might as well change that to +$y.

It seems to me that an optional Pair is a catastrophe waiting to happen, 
and maybe it should just be illegal (or produce a warning at least)

Sorry if this has been gone over before...

compile time signature checking

2005-03-02 Thread Abhijit Mahabal
I was thinking about how binding of arguments to parameters in a 
sub/method call would happen. Seems to be a darn tricky thing with all 
sorts of potential pitfalls!

I have a few questions. Consider the following piece of code. Are my 
expectations correct?

sub foo($x, $y, *%slurp) { $x + $y }
say "expecting 10:  ", foo(3,7);
say "expecting 10:  ", foo(x => 3, y => 7);
say "expecting 10:  ", foo(y => 7, x => 3);
say "expecting 10:  ", foo :y<7> :x<3>;
my $c = "x"; my $d = "y";
say "compile time error?:  ", foo($c => 3, $d => 7);
say "maybe syntax error? perhaps not  ", foo :$c<3>  :$d<7>;
say "run time error?   ", foo(x => 3, y => 7, $c => 5);
Similarly, what happens here?
class foo{
  has $.x;
  method bar($.x){} # implicit *%_
my $f = foo.new;
my $c = "x";
$f.bar(10, $c => 5); # runtime error?
Finally, does this also mean that defaults may not be applied until run 
time? For example:
sub foo(?$x = 3){...}
foo($c => 5); # $c may be "x", in which case default not needed.


Re: something wrong with argument binding in function calls

2005-03-02 Thread Abhijit Mahabal
A simpler buggy version:

sub g($x, $y){
  say "$x $y";
  h($y, $x);
sub h($x, $y){
  say "$x $y";
g(10, 15);
This prints:
10 15
15 15
Abhijit Mahabal wrote:
the file examples/hanoi.p6 should work correctly, but does not. 
Something is going wrong in the recursion.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] trunk]$ ./pugs examples/hanoi.p6
ndisks = 3
A modified version that also prints out what arguments the function saw 
spews this out:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] trunk]$ ./pugs ../../b2.p6 3
ndisks = 3
Called for 3 discs with A B S
Called for 2 discs with A S S
Called for 1 discs with A S S
Called for 0 discs with A S S
Disk 1 from A to S
Called for 0 discs with S S S
So something is wrong somewhere. Could it be that the function is 
treating its variables not as "my" but something else? That is my guess, 
but that something else is not the perl5 "local" or the perl5 "our" 
because they would not produce this particular error.

I plan to explore this more later today.

something wrong with argument binding in function calls

2005-03-02 Thread Abhijit Mahabal
the file examples/hanoi.p6 should work correctly, but does not. 
Something is going wrong in the recursion.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] trunk]$ ./pugs examples/hanoi.p6
ndisks = 3
A modified version that also prints out what arguments the function saw 
spews this out:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] trunk]$ ./pugs ../../b2.p6 3
ndisks = 3
Called for 3 discs with A B S
Called for 2 discs with A S S
Called for 1 discs with A S S
Called for 0 discs with A S S
Disk 1 from A to S
Called for 0 discs with S S S
So something is wrong somewhere. Could it be that the function is 
treating its variables not as "my" but something else? That is my guess, 
but that something else is not the perl5 "local" or the perl5 "our" 
because they would not produce this particular error.

I plan to explore this more later today.

"foo".say and "foo" .say

2005-03-01 Thread Abhijit Mahabal
I had not realized that "foo".say is valid p6 :)
Is "foo" .say also valid p6? No reason for it not to be valid
Pugs currently works with the non-space version, but barfs at the space 

In general, is this the right place to send pugs bug reports?

Re: parsing ok((2+3)==5)

2005-03-01 Thread Abhijit Mahabal
Autrijus Tang wrote:
On Sun, Feb 27, 2005 at 04:14:34PM -0500, Abhijit Mahabal wrote:
I hunted down the cause of the non-parsing of
 ok((2 + 3) == $five, "== (sum on lhs)");
in 03operator.t, but am not yet up to speed in Haskell to fix it.
Below is the location of the problem.
The error is in Parser.hs, in the blocks for parseApply and 
parseParamList. parseApply eats parens using maybeDotParens, and then 
calls parseParamList, which is also willing enough to gobble more parens.
Thus the following fails to parse: f((2+3),5), but this succeeds: 
f(((2+3), 5)).

...and the solution is to change maybeDotParens into a simple
maybeDot. Much thanks for tracking this down! It's been fixed in 6.0.9.
Hmm. I wonder if that introduces more bugs itself. Is the following legal?
	f ($x)
I know f($x) is legal, and so is f .($x), and space without dot is 
illegal for methods, but I could not find the relevant thing for subs in 
S06 or S12.

In any case, consider the following program. It prints "10" in all four 
lines in the current version of pugs(svn rev 497):

use v6;
  @x[0] + @x[1];
say "Expecting 10: ", f((2+3), 5);
say "Expecting error?  ", f ((2+3), 5);
say "Expecting  10:", f 2+3, 5;
say "Expecting  8.2??: ", f .2+3, 5;
At least getting a 10 on the last line is very surprising for me.


parsing ok((2+3)==5)

2005-02-27 Thread Abhijit Mahabal
I hunted down the cause of the non-parsing of
  ok((2 + 3) == $five, "== (sum on lhs)");
in 03operator.t, but am not yet up to speed in Haskell to fix it.
Below is the location of the problem.
The error is in Parser.hs, in the blocks for parseApply and 
parseParamList. parseApply eats parens using maybeDotParens, and then 
calls parseParamList, which is also willing enough to gobble more parens.
Thus the following fails to parse: f((2+3),5), but this succeeds: 
f(((2+3), 5)).


Re: Classes with several, mostly unused, attributes

2004-12-16 Thread Abhijit Mahabal
Larry Wall wrote:
On Fri, Dec 10, 2004 at 11:05:32AM -0500, Abhijit Mahabal wrote:
: Consider a class (e.g., the hypothetical Geometry::Triangle) that can 
: have several attributes (side1, side2, side3, angle1, ang_bisector1, 
: side_bisector,  altitude1 and so forth), most of which will not be 
: needed for most instances of Geometry::Triangle.

This sounds to me more like a situation where you want to use mixins,
if you're thinking of it as different kinds of triangles.
But more likely, you just want a single private hash attribute that is
manipulated by as many publicly facing methods as you like.  Method
declarations don't cost you anything on a per-object basis unless they're
autogenerated from an attribute.  But a hash attribute autovivifies
just like any ordinary hash variable, and is probably clearer as well
to whoever has to read your code.
So, apart from declaring the methods, I just need to write
.bisector1 = ...;
instead of
$.bisector1 = ...;
Yes, that looks almost as nice as with the $, though perhaps a tad less. 
That leaves the issue of writing several methods that look like:

method bisector1() is rw { return %:att };
Here is an attempt to do this using traits:
role hash_attributes {
  has %:att;
  multi sub trait_auxillary:(hash_attributes $trait,
 Class $container :
$container does hash_attributes;
for @atts -> $att {
&($container)::($att) := method () is rw { return %:att{$att} };
class Geometry::Triangle
  has hash_attributes <== 
  method calculate_sides(){
.side1 = ...;
Does that look about right?
I'd just use a hash attribute.  All other things being equal, go for
simple and standard.
Does it look about standard? (especially the bit using the pipe operator)...

Re: Classes with several, mostly unused, attributes

2004-12-15 Thread Abhijit Mahabal
David Storrs wrote:
On Dec 15, 2004, at 5:36 PM, Abhijit Mahabal wrote:
I think that "slackness-on-demand" is a better policy than 
"strictness-on-demand", but that, again, is just my opinion

Until now, the policy in Perl has always been that it is as slack and 
forgiving as possible, and you have to ask if you want it to be strict 
with you.  I hope that doesn't change.

There should be little reason to complain so long as it is drop-dead 
easy to turn on slackness. S01 says:

# Perl 5 code is not strict by default, while Perl 6 code is. But it 
should be easy to relax with -e or maybe even a bare version number:

perl -e '$x = 1'
#!/usr/bin/perl -e
$x = 1;
v6; $x = 1;
Of course, you can counter that with "there should be little reason to 
complain so long as it is drop-dead easy to turn *strictness* on". But 
in either case, people are going to trip over this, expecting 
one(strictness/slacknesss) but getting the other. In one case (expecting 
slackness, but getting strictness from the compiler) it would be easier 
for the compiler to know that they have in fact tripped.


Re: Classes with several, mostly unused, attributes

2004-12-15 Thread Abhijit Mahabal
David Storrs wrote:
Incidentally, I just want to go on record as saying that the verbosity 
of class declarations in P6 is really starting to skeeve me.  I keep 
reminding myself that these are the edge cases that are being discussed, 
that you don't need all this stuff for the common case (right?) that 
Perl 6 can be pretty much the same easy, succint, fun language that I 
know and love, that sensible defaults will be chosen so that in the 
common case the things I get automatically are the things I wanted 
anyway.  But, occasionally, I still find myself going "eeew...Java."

I have been having the opposite feeling: I rather like the verboseness 
of class declarations, and their self documenting nature. It's not like 
java in that I have the freedom to be as specific or as vague as I want 
to be. I can say C<< has Cat %.foo is shape(Dog) >> if I want to, or 
C otherwise. Except for cases like the hypothetical 
Geometry::Triangle I can live with this, and maybe even in that case, 
because again it is probably a Good Idea. I don't know what happens when 
we have classes for which we do not know all the attributes ahead of 
time, but for that something like AUTOMETH would work.

All this is subjective, of course, and I am fully with you that the 
possibility of being succinct should be open, to the extent that it is, 
er, possible. But there is a Pandora's box here:

 1. When a class is composed, all the roles and the current class are 
meshed together; Clearly, if a role uses an attribute expecting it to be 
a particular type, it must explicitly say so (to avoid clashes with 
other roles or the class). Taciturnity, then, is open only to classes.
 2. It will also be impossible to spot typos in argumentless method 
calls because that could be an undeclared attribute. (of the current 
class or any of its ancestors or roles)
 3. If we use $.foo without declaring it, how would the compiler know 
if it is an object attribute or a class attribute?

I think that "slackness-on-demand" is a better policy than 
"strictness-on-demand", but that, again, is just my opinion


Re: Undeclared attributes

2004-12-10 Thread Abhijit Mahabal
Dave Whipp wrote:
Attributes are declared with C, but also have a unique signil 
C<$.>. So is it strictly necessary to declare them? Or rather, is it 
Cly necessary -- i.e. is the following legal?

no strict;
class Foo {
  method bar {
   say $.a++
For the standard layout, I'd think it'd be good to declare the
attributes, but perhaps not necessary. An object of class C, IIRC, will
just be an object in the parrot sense; doing an C
will cause the attribute to be added to all other objects of that class,
 and to all objects that "is" or "does" that class; That might involve
a whole lot of work.
But maybe you are asking if Perl6 can intuit that you implied an
unwritten C But it could be a C or C or
BTW, should we be able to write pragmas like this:
class Foo isnt strict{...}
class Foo isn't strict{...}

Classes with several, mostly unused, attributes

2004-12-10 Thread Abhijit Mahabal
Consider a class (e.g., the hypothetical Geometry::Triangle) that can 
have several attributes (side1, side2, side3, angle1, ang_bisector1, 
side_bisector,  altitude1 and so forth), most of which will not be 
needed for most instances of Geometry::Triangle.

I know how this can be done in P5. Using the layout "Hash" things are 
easy. How can P6 deal with this, without allocating too much memory to 
things that'd never get used? The layout "P6Hash" could come to the 
rescue, but there is still the issue of syntax:

what exactly does C do? IIRC, in the P6Opaque layout, 
every instance of the class would have space the size of a PMC allocated 
for it. This behavior is not needed for P6Hash, and it should just leave 
attributes alone until they are assigned to (where defaults are also 

In which case, maybe for that layout we can get away without declaring 
all attributes, perhaps? (Since the declaration does nothing except help 
the parser).

I was thinking whether we could do something like this:
class Triangle is layout does autovivify{
  method calculate_bisectors { $.bisector1 = ...;
   # $.bisector1 autovivifies
where it is an error without the autovivify, and only P6Hash supports 


Is object representation "per class" or "per object"?

2004-12-07 Thread Abhijit Mahabal
According to S12, it is possible to supply the object layout to bless(), 
like so:

$object = $class.bless(:CREATE[:repr] :k1($v1) :k2($v2))
But in the section "Introspection", "layout" is a class trait. Does this 
mean that classes have a default layout that can be overriden for 
individual objects?

If the answer is "yes", what is the reason that somebody would want to 
have some objects of the same class as P6Opaque and others as PyDict? I 
can imagine needing to be able to *convert* from one layout to another, 
but then the converted object appears to me to belong to a different class 
(probably in a different language) and then layout should perhaps be an 
adverb for something like convert() or cast()*, instead of for bless().

Another reason for saying that the object laid out differently is a 
different class is that if for whatever reason you want some object either 
as P6Opaque or PyDict then you may also want both representations 
simultaneously, effectively requiring "two objects".

What am I missing? A good example of the need of overriding the default 
class layout will suffice...

* maybe not even then, because we'd be saying
  $current_obj.cast($otherclass), and $otherclass would know it's own
Abhijit Mahabal  http://www.cs.indiana.edu/~amahabal/

Re: specifying the key Type for a Hash

2004-12-06 Thread Abhijit Mahabal
On Mon, 6 Dec 2004, Larry Wall wrote:
Hmm.  Also says maybe you could attach a block to a hash or array to
define what subscripting does.  Hmm.
That's tantalizing. Did you have something like this in mind:
# Count number of accesses to each key
our %counter_hash;
my %hash is subscripted
   -> $subscript { %counter_hash{$subscript}++; %hash{$subscript} };
Or even:
# Provide a "view" of the hash
my %hash is subscripted
   -> $address { %hash{address_to_zipcode($address)}};
so that users can think that they are accessing %hash{"Bloomington, IN"} 
when they are really accessing %hash{47401}.

Or scarier, using MMD-like stuff (I am not even thinking about syntax) we 
get different things based on the signature of the key, giving us the 
ability to differentiate between %hash{$Dog} or %hash{$Vet}.

And pretty soon somebody will define an accessor for the signature 
(SQL_Query $s).

It seems to me that this idea is not very far away from P5 "tying", but I 
may be wrong. If it is not very far away, maybe we can even have:

my %hash is subscripted -> $s{
FETCH {...}
STORE {...}
Crazy stuff. I don't know if it is doable or even desirable, but it sure 
is cool!

Abhijit Mahabal  http://www.cs.indiana.edu/~amahabal/

Re: specifying the key Type for a Hash

2004-12-03 Thread Abhijit Mahabal
On Fri, 3 Dec 2004, Larry Wall wrote:
: None of the synopses have anything like this. S6 talks about the
: types of values, but not keys. Oversight, or is this syntax dead?
S9 talk about it.
Oops. Sorry. So it was oversight after all :)
Abhijit Mahabal  http://www.cs.indiana.edu/~amahabal/

specifying the key Type for a Hash

2004-12-03 Thread Abhijit Mahabal
A6 included examples of syntax for specifying the type of the key for a 

my %pet is Hash(keytype => Str, returns => Cat)
None of the synopses have anything like this. S6 talks about the 
types of values, but not keys. Oversight, or is this syntax dead?

Abhijit Mahabal  http://www.cs.indiana.edu/~amahabal/

Re: But is it intuitive?

2004-09-14 Thread Abhijit Mahabal

On Tue, 14 Sep 2004, Austin Hastings wrote:

> I was thinking about removing files this morning, and realized that I
> wish rm supported inclusion/exclusion.
> In particular, I wanted to remove "* but not Makefile" (since my
> Makefile uses lwp-download to re-fetch the source code, etc.)
> It occurred to me to wonder: can P6's c do the same thing?
> That is, can I say:
>   $my_rex = qr/fo*/ but not 'foo';
>   while (<>) {
> unlink if /$my_rex/;
>   }

The word "junction" came to my mind as I read your mail.

$my_rex = qr/fo*/ & qr:not/foo/;

(I don't think that :not is the option to negate, but there must be some
syntax that works)

I am not saying this is a better way to do it, but just another way that
seems to do the same thing in the same way.

> In general, what needs to be done to support this 'but, used as part of
> a boolean'?


Roles trying to be nice

2004-08-29 Thread Abhijit Mahabal
Traits can be mean, but roles are "guarenteed"(=forced?) to play nice. But
suppose I have a role that wants to play nicer, by ensuring that
incorporating it in some class actually makes sense.

For example, it may want to ensure that the class has $.foo. (*)

I have a few questions:

1: Can this be achieved by a CHECK {} block in the role, that gets run
just before the class composition is over? Or should it be spelled
differently, CHECK {} being the last thing that run before "run-time"?

2: What is the syntax for checking that a class has a variable? In this
case the class does not even really exist when we want to check.

3: If arbitrary things can go into such a CHECK{} block, then the
following two may not mean the same:
does A does B;
does B does A;
Are roles I to play nice, or I to play nice?


(*) The solution "add a C to the role itself, and if the class
has a $.foo, it takes precedence" does not work because $.foo may have
been added by another role.

Abhijit Mahabal  http://www.cs.indiana.edu/~amahabal/

Re: Progressively Overhauling Documentation

2004-08-23 Thread Abhijit Mahabal

On Mon, 23 Aug 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>>OK, there's one non-incremental idea: documentation that you can write
>>in one place and display in some completely different order.  (Shades of
>>literate programming!)  And although there are good reasons for keeping
>>the docs in the same file as the code, there are equal but opposite
>>reasons to keep it separate (if it's all piled up at the end of the file
>>anyway).  What gets presented to the user as "one page" could be bits
>>and pieces from all over the place.
> Literate Programming handles reordering by allowing you to specify a
> hirearchical number as part of each doc piece.

I am not sure I understand *why* you need reordering of documentation.
Literate programming is useful because it reorders *code* while writing
documentation in the intended order. Could somebody provide a concrete
example of the need to reorder documentation?

I was extensively using literate programming for the project I am working
on. But after a while (7000 lines of p5 code, about 50 files) the cost of
maintaining it seemed more than the gain even though I was heavily
preprocessing the code to take the drudgery out, and I have come back to
good ol' POD. I have come to believe that for short nasty pieces of code
(implementing complicated algorithms) LP is a fantastic idea, but for
larger systems that are not exactly "imperative" and have weird control
flow (with hooks and such; or with an event loop of Tk), LP is no

IMHO, for the few people who'd want to use LP, it would be easier and
lazier to hack something like noweb to understand your annotations
(perchance even understand POD :) ) than to make POD jump through hoops.
