Re: Rakudo on Vista

2009-04-06 Thread Ron Blaschke
On 06.04.2009 04:17, Bruce Gray wrote:
> On Apr 5, 2009, at 6:48 PM, Lyle wrote:
>> --snip--
>> There is a problem with the Rakudo Makefile? Help would be very much
>> appreciated...
> Yes, there is a problem. I have duplicated it under MinGW/Win2K, but
> have not fully analyzed it yet.
> Workaround:
> Line 330 of the Makefile reads something like:
> t\harness build\ tools\
> Change all three of line 330's backslashes to forward-slashes, and then
> `mingw32-make` will work. i.e.:
> t/harness build/ tools/

A backslash followed by a line terminator tells make (including variants
like nmake) to continue reading on the next line (line-continuation).
That way, the Makefile doesn't make sense any more.

The easiest workaround to avoid the line-continuation is to add a space
at the end, i.e. t\harness build\ tools\
   ^ space here!

nmake provides a way to escape the line-continuation with ^\ . t\harness build\ tools^\

But the better way would be to get rid of the slashes/backslashes after
the directory names at all.


Re: [perl #52198] [BUG]: Test failures on Win32: t/op/arithmetics.t t/op/sprintf.t t/pmc/complex.t t/pmc/float.t

2008-12-21 Thread Ron Blaschke
James Keenan via RT wrote:
> On Wed Jul 30 16:58:55 2008, wrote:
>> t/op/arithmetics.t
>> t/pmc/complex.t
>> t/pmc/float.t
> For the record, according to our Smolder reports for MSWin32, these 3
> files have tests that are either still TODO-ed out or are failing
> outright on some builds.

There are a number of tests skipped that pass for me on Windows using
VC9.  I'll have to check with MinGW, but many may no longer be relevant.
I'm working on that in /branches/vc9.  Unless I'm mistaken, many issues
came up because of VC7.1's strange floating point handling.


Re: [perl #52198] [BUG]: Test failures on Win32: t/op/arithmetics.t t/op/sprintf.t t/pmc/complex.t t/pmc/float.t

2008-12-21 Thread Ron Blaschke
Will Coleda wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 7:09 PM, James Keenan via RT
>  wrote:
>> Interestingly enough, we are also getting failures on these 4 test files
>> on the OpenBSD Smolder tester:
>> But, AFAICT, the Smolder server doesn't identify the particular tests
>> within the file which are failing.
>> kid51
> Click "Goto first failure". Click "Failed". Click the box of the same
> color as the failed box: You should see the tap output:
> not ok 5 - Float NaN
> #   Failed test 'Float NaN'
> #   at t/compilers/imcc/syn/veracity.t line 113.
> #  got: ''
> # expected: 'NaN is true
> # '
> # Looks like you failed 1 test of 5.

BTW, this happens because atof does not handle the 'NaN' string.  I've
fixed this in /branches/vc9.


Re: [perl #61522] build trouble on win32

2008-12-21 Thread Ron Blaschke
Xiao Yafeng wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 6:56 AM, Ronald Blaschke via RT <
>> wrote:
>>> ..\..\runtime\parrot\library\PGE\Perl6Grammar.pir
>>> --ouput=PGE\builtins_gen.pir PGE\
>>> MAKE : fatal error U1077: '..\..\parrot.exe' : return code
>>> '0xc005'
>>> top.
>>> MAKE : fatal error U1077: 'C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe' : return code '0x2'
>>> top.
>> What version of Parrot is this?  Are you passing any options to 'perl
>>'?  Please also add the Configure output.
> Version is  0.8.2
> Here is output of Configure:
> auto::jit -   Determine JIT capability...Can't spawn
> ".\test_2816.exe":
> Bad file descriptor at lib/Parrot/Configure/ line 85.
> .yes.
> auto::cpu -   Generate CPU specific stuff...Can't spawn
> ".\test_2816.exe
> ": Bad file descriptor at lib/Parrot/Configure/ line 85.
> Can't spawn ".\test_2816.exe": Bad file descriptor at
> lib/Parrot/Configure/Utils
> .pm line 85.
> .done.

The above looks wrong.  There shouldn't be any errors during Configure.
But I don't know what could cause this.  I know this sounds stupid, but
have you tried restarting the system?  Any antivirus program active?


Re: [perl #41243] [TODO] Link on Win32 with Borland C++

2008-12-16 Thread Ron Blaschke
Andrew Whitworth wrote:
> I'll pick up borland and play with it, although I won't get to it
> until the next cycle. I've got a really old version of Turbo C++ 4.52
> left over from school, and free versions of Turbo C++ Explorer are
> available for download. I don't promise any miracles, but at least I
> will be able to prove that some errors still exist or not.
> --Andrew Whitworth
> On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 12:49 AM, Will Coleda via RT
>  wrote:
>> On Thu Jan 11 09:55:40 2007, stmpeters wrote:
>>> On Thu Jan 11 08:57:22 2007, coke wrote:
 Need details.
>>> A recent patch has gotten Parrot to the point that it can be compiled
>>> with Borland C++ on Win32.  Unfortunately, it does not link correctly to
>>> actually create a valid parrot executable.  Additional configuration is
>>> needed to make Borland compile and link Parrot so that it can actually
>>> be run and tested.
>> Without a champion for this compiler, there's not much we can do; Our 
>> current targets for
>> Windows include, as I understand it, cygwin, strawberry perl and its build 
>> system, and recent
>> versions of VisualC++. Borland isn't in our core list for the upcoming 1.0 
>> release.
>> If we do find a Borland champion, they should open a new ticket at 
>> Rejecting this ticket; Regards.

Some time ago, because of this ticket, I tried with Borland C++ 5.5.1
and 5.82, and failed miserably.  But that may just be my bad bcc-foo.
Unless someone's keen for this platform and has access to a fairly new
("within two years") version (is it called C++ Builder now?), I'm not
sure if this is worth pursuing.


Re: [perl #60678] manifest problem on Win32

2008-11-21 Thread Ron Blaschke
Will Coleda wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 4:12 PM, Will Coleda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 3:45 PM, Peter Schwenn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Will Coleda
>>> You can drop this thread if you like.  This is a waste of your time.  What I
>>> need to do is to find someone who is building parrot with XP, Cygwin or
>>> mingw -- who has been through most of what I'm going to encounter.
>> I often build with Strawberry Perl's toolkit on windows with no
>> problem, and we have several active windows developers; I tend to
>> build right out of the repository, though, and not off the releases.
>> At first blush it sounds like the filenames got case-mangled when the
>> package was unzipped. How did you unpack the file?
>> --
>> Will "Coke" Coleda
> As a data point, I just grabbed parrot-0.8.1-tar.gz from CPAN and was
> able to run with no issues using a recent Strawberry
> perl. I'm not seeing the case mangled filenames; they match up with
> what's in the MANIFEST for me.
> Regards.

I second Will's examination.  trunk and the 0.8.1 release tarball
Configure just fine for me as well.  That's Windows XP SP3, Perl 5.10
and VC++ 9.


Re: [perl #54372] [BUG] test failures on win32/msvc

2008-09-11 Thread Ron Blaschke
Will Coleda wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 10:51 PM, James Keenan via RT
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Coke, particle:  Where do we stand on this ticket?
>> thank you very much.
>> kid51
> I haven't touched a win32 build of parrot in some months now, msvc or
> otherwise. Smolder is probably a better place to look for information
> at this point.
> Do we have anyone in the audience building on these tools that can
> give us a more up to date answer?

I haven't seen this using Visual C++ 9.0.  I'll also run a test with
6.0, 7.1 and 8.0.  Is it okay if I close this ticket if nothing special
shows up?  (There are some test failure, but not a serious breakdown
like this.)

Re: [perl #58704] [BUG] t/src/compiler.t failures with VC++ / Win32

2008-09-09 Thread Ron Blaschke
Tim Heckman wrote:
> NotFound wrote:
>> On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 5:23 AM, via RT Tim Heckman
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> # New Ticket Created by  "Tim Heckman"
>>> # Please include the string:  [perl #58704]
>>> # in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue.
>>> # >
>>> link -nologo -nodefaultlib -debug -machine:x86 -debug
>>> t/src/compiler_2.obj src\parrot_config.obj -out:t\src\compiler_2.exe
>>> -Lblib\lib libparrot.lib  kernel32.lib ws2_32.lib msvcrt.lib
>>> oldnames.lib
>>> But, if I run this command using the documented linker option of
>>> /LIBPATH it *still* fails.
>>> link -nologo -nodefaultlib -debug -machine:x86 -debug
>>> t/src/compiler_2.obj src\parrot_config.obj -out:t\src\compiler_2.exe
>>> /LIBPATH:blib\lib libparrot.lib  kernel32.lib ws2_32.lib msvcrt.lib
>>> oldnames.lib
>> What are the error messages in this case?
> It seems to ignore /LIBPATH
> C:\work\parrot>link -nologo -nodefaultlib -debug -machine:x86 -debug
> t/src/c
> ompiler_2.obj src\parrot_config.obj -out:t\src\compiler_2.exe 
> /LIBPATH:blib\lib
> libparrot.lib  kernel32.lib ws2_32.lib msvcrt.lib oldnames.lib
> compiler_2.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _PMCNULL
> t\src\compiler_2.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
> C:\work\parrot>

/LIBPATH adds a path to the library search path, which isn't used here
for libparrot.lib because the path to the library is already specified,
i.e. your F.  Note that there are two
libparrot.lib files: $PARROT_HOME/libparrot.lib, the import library for
the dynamic libparrot.dll, and $PARROT_HOME/blib/lib/libparrot.lib, the
static Parrot library.  Try deleting your $PARROT_HOME/libparrot.lib and
you should see LIBPATH working.

Embedding Parrot on Windows using the DLL is currently broken because
PMCNULL is not properly exported.  That's why you receive the latter
unresolved symbol error.  The static library (in blib/lib) doesn't
suffer from this.


[Link] Deep Dynamic Language Runtime

2008-08-20 Thread Ron Blaschke
A quick overview of Microsoft's Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR).


NCI and Calling Conventions (esp. on Windows)

2008-08-20 Thread Ron Blaschke
AFAICT, Parrot uses function pointers for NCI.  This means NCI uses
whatever calling convention the compiler uses by default.
Unfortunately, there's More Than One Way To Do It.

On Windows, there's the C calling convention (__cdecl), which is usually
used by default by the Visual C++ compiler.  There's also the standard
(__stdcall) and fast (__fastcall) calling convention.  I haven't seen
any use of fastcall, but stdcall is used by the Win32 API.  Using the
wrong calling convention most certainly blows the stack.

I think we need a way to select the calling convention for a function,
similar to, or maybe even part of, the signature.  Also, it would be
good to have a way to select a calling convention when loading a
library, as a calling convention is usually used consistently, and
providing defaults for well known libraries.


Windows Symbol Export/Import

2008-08-09 Thread Ron Blaschke

Currently, PARROT_API is declared similar to this.

#define PARROT_API __declspec(dllimport)
#define PARROT_API __declspec(dllexport)

That is, only import if we're in an extension, otherwise export.  IMHO, 
this isn't quite right.  Export and import should be set depending on 
whether we're compiling libparrot or using it, with the default set to 
using libparrot, for example like so.

#if defined(PARROT_EXPORTS)
#define PARROT_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define PARROT_API __declspec(dllimport)

And then define PARROT_EXPORTS when compiling units that should make its 
way into libparrot.  In Makefile terms that's O_FILES.
This is the one thing I haven't figured out yet.  Does anyone know how 
to set a compiler flag for the O_FILES only?

Any other thoughts on this?


Re: time op inconsistent on Win32

2008-08-07 Thread Ron Blaschke

Jonathan Worthington wrote:


I've just been looking at the time op, and what it returns is somewhat 
platform specific.

* On Win32, it's the number of seconds since January 1, 1601

If I remember correctly, some parts of Windows use 100ns ticks since 
1601 to represent time.  Not sure if computers were in common use in the 
17th century, though.

* In other codepaths, it appears to be the number of seconds since 
January 1, 1970.

I'm thinking we should correct the Win32 version to do the same as the 
others for consistency? Or should we keep these platform specific and 
make code that cares check what OS we are on and work it out (don't like 
this option so much, since we're meant to be abstracting the OS away...)


+1 for using seconds since 1970.  I can adjust this if you guys agree.


Re: YAPC::EU 2008

2008-08-02 Thread Ron Blaschke

Bernhard Schmalhofer wrote:

Jonathan Worthington schrieb:

Allison Randal wrote:

Bernhard Schmalhofer wrote:

We could always do the 12th AND the 16th, just for fun and bonus 
productivity (if everyone isn't exhausted from a day of hacking and 
three days of conference)? ;-)
Patrick and I will be hacking on the 12th and the 16th. If you've not 
seen Copenhagen before, I could forgive you for wanting to spend a day 
enjoying the city rather than hacking though - it's nice! :-)


I've also booked flight and hotel for August 11th to 17th. So I will be 
around on the 12th and the 16th.

I'll be there 11th to 17th as well.

See you,

Re: [perl #56756] [BUG] t\pmc\pmc.t failure on win32

2008-07-10 Thread Ron Blaschke

Will Coleda (via RT) wrote:
# New Ticket Created by  Will Coleda 
# Please include the string:  [perl #56756]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# >

On a win32 build with AS perl and the MS tools, I get the following results:
C:\research\parrot>prove t/pmc/pmc.t
t/pmc/pmcok 4/19
t/pmc/pmcNOK 5#   Failed test 'PMC type check'
#   at t/pmc/pmc.t line 102.
# Exited with error code: 255
# Received:
# All names and ids ok.
# Expected:
# /All names and ids ok/
t/pmc/pmcok 19/19# Looks like you failed 1 test of 19.
Test returned status 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
Failed 1/19 tests, 94.74% okay (less 1 skipped test: 17 okay, 89.47%)
Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
t/pmc/pmc.t1   256191   5.26%  5

Which Parrot and MSVC version?  I'm not seeing this with r29242 using 
Visual C++ 9.0.

$ prove -v t\pmc\pmc.t
ok 1 - newpmc
ok 2 - illegal min newpmc
ok 3 - illegal max newpmc
ok 4 - typeof
ok 5 - PMC type check
ok 6 - find_method
ok 7 - new with a native type
ok 8 - eq_addr same
ok 9 - eq_addr diff
ok 10 - if_null
ok 11 - Random PMCs are singletons
ok 12 - issame
ok 13 # SKIP no instantiate
ok 14 - .const - Sub constant
ok 15 - pmc constant 1
ok 16 - pmc constant 2
ok 17 - pmc constant PASM
ok 18 - logical or, and, xor
ok 19 - new_p_s
All tests successful.
Files=1, Tests=19,  1 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr +  0.00 sys =  0.03 CPU)
Result: PASS


Re: [perl #56484] Re: The long long and The Short of It

2008-06-30 Thread Ron Blaschke

chromatic wrote:

On Monday 30 June 2008 13:00:37 Will Coleda wrote:

# New Ticket Created by  Will Coleda
# Please include the string:  [perl #56484]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue.
# >

Any time we can produce a segfault, that's bad. CC'ing rt to get a ticket.

On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 3:55 PM, Ron Blaschke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Given a regular x86 (GNU/Linux) box, using GCC 4.2.3, should the
following produce a working Parrot, using 64-bit ints?

 perl --intval="long long int" --opcode="long long int"

If fails for me on C while building PGE.

 ../../parrot -o PGE.pbc --output-pbc PGE.pir
 ../../parrot ../../runtime/parrot/library/PGE/Perl6Grammar.pir
--output=PGE/builtins_gen.pir PGE/
 make[1]: *** [PGE.pbc] Segmentation fault
 make[1]: *** Deleting file `PGE.pbc'

The resulting Parrot is partially usable, though.

 $ ./parrot examples/pasm/hello.pasm
 Hello World

Ron, do you get any warning messages during Configure?  I see:

Figuring out how to pack() Parrot's  Unable to find a 
functional packtype for intvalsize.
   'q' failed: Invalid type 'q' in pack at config/auto/ 
line 62.  Unable to find a functional packtype for opcode_t_size.
   'q' failed: Invalid type 'q' in pack at config/auto/ 
line 62.

I'm only seeing this warning during Configure.

Determining some sizes...
Hmm, I see your chosen INTVAL isn't the same size as your pointers.  Parrot
should still compile and run, but you may see a ton of warnings.

But I'm using a "long long" Perl build.  Sorry, forgot to mention that.

$ perl -V:ivtype
ivtype='long long';

There are also plenty of build warnings, such as:

src/headers.c: In function ‘Parrot_destroy_header_pools’:
src/headers.c:912: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size

I suspect that fixing those would fix the segfaults.

I'm getting those too.  Some pieces don't seem to fit together.

On my system, miniparrot crashes; can you provide a backtrace?

Here's the one from the PGE segfault above.

(gdb) backtrace 10
#0  0xb7deba88 in compact_pool (interp=0x8052040, pool=0x8052b60) at 
#1  0xb7debe0d in Parrot_go_collect (interp=0x8052040) at 
#2  0xb7c6aeae in Parrot_dod_ms_run (interp=0x8052040, flags=1) at 
#3  0xb7c6afe6 in Parrot_do_dod_run (interp=0x8052040, flags=1) at 
#4  0xb7c6cdb0 in more_traceable_objects (interp=0x8052040, 
pool=0x8072cd8) at src/gc/smallobject.c:163
#5  0xb7c6ce8a in gc_ms_get_free_object (interp=0x8052040, 
pool=0x8072cd8) at src/gc/smallobject.c:245
#6  0xb7c703a7 in new_pmc_header (interp=0x8052040, flags=1024) at 
#7  0xb7cc05e2 in get_new_pmc_header (interp=0x8052040, base_type=34, 
flags=1024) at src/pmc.c:246

#8  0xb7cc012a in pmc_new (interp=0x8052040, base_type=34) at src/pmc.c:71
#9  0xb7ed0591 in Parrot_PMCProxy_nci_parents (interp=0x8052040, 

Here's one running "parrot examples/shootout/ack.pir".

(gdb) backtrace 10
#0  0xb69c19b5 in memcpy () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
#1  0xb7d14b4b in compact_pool (interp=0x8052040, pool=0x8052b60) at 
#2  0xb7d14e0d in Parrot_go_collect (interp=0x8052040) at 
#3  0xb7b93eae in Parrot_dod_ms_run (interp=0x8052040, flags=1) at 
#4  0xb7b93fe6 in Parrot_do_dod_run (interp=0x8052040, flags=1) at 
#5  0xb7b95db0 in more_traceable_objects (interp=0x8052040, 
pool=0x8072cd8) at src/gc/smallobject.c:163
#6  0xb7b95e8a in gc_ms_get_free_object (interp=0x8052040, 
pool=0x8072cd8) at src/gc/smallobject.c:245
#7  0xb7b993a7 in new_pmc_header (interp=0x8052040, flags=1024) at 
#8  0xb7be95e2 in get_new_pmc_header (interp=0x8052040, base_type=20, 
flags=1024) at src/pmc.c:246

#9  0xb7be912a in pmc_new (interp=0x8052040, base_type=20) at src/pmc.c:71


The long long and The Short of It

2008-06-30 Thread Ron Blaschke
Given a regular x86 (GNU/Linux) box, using GCC 4.2.3, should the 
following produce a working Parrot, using 64-bit ints?

  perl --intval="long long int" --opcode="long long int"

If fails for me on C while building PGE.

  ../../parrot -o PGE.pbc --output-pbc PGE.pir
  ../../parrot ../../runtime/parrot/library/PGE/Perl6Grammar.pir 
--output=PGE/builtins_gen.pir PGE/

  make[1]: *** [PGE.pbc] Segmentation fault
  make[1]: *** Deleting file `PGE.pbc'

The resulting Parrot is partially usable, though.

  $ ./parrot examples/pasm/hello.pasm
  Hello World


Re: [perl #44763] [BUG] Assertion fails if PCRE is not available

2008-06-15 Thread Ron Blaschke

James Keenan via RT wrote:

This is what I'm getting on Linux where says that I do not
have PCRE:

$ prove -v t/library/pcre.t t/examples/library.t 

ok 1 # SKIP no pcre-config
ok 1 - examples/library/getopt_demo.pir
ok 2 - examples/library/md5sum.pir
ok 3 # SKIP no pcre-config
not ok 4 - ncurses_life.pir # TODO ncurses_life.pir not testable yet
#   Failed (TODO) test 'ncurses_life.pir'
#   at t/examples/library.t line 77.
All tests successful.
Files=2, Tests=5,  0 wallclock secs ( 0.00 usr  0.00 sys +  0.11 cusr 
0.03 csys =  0.14 CPU)

Result: PASS

Ron, what are you getting now on Windows?

Sorry, should have been more specific.  The key here is to make PCRE.dll 
disappear when Parrot tries to load it.  The tests now check for PCRE 
("SKIP no pcre-config"), so you don't even get to this point.

But r28376 seems to handle this gracefully as well, instead of the 
failed assertion deep in the guts.  Closing this ticket.

$parrot examples\library\pcre.pir ab a
Failed to load libpcre
current instr.: 'parrot;PCRE;init' pc 99 (library/pcre.pir:106)
called from Sub 'parrot;PCRE;main' pc 244 (examples\library\pcre.pir:39)


Re: Renaming Plumhead

2008-06-14 Thread Ron Blaschke

Bernhard Schmalhofer wrote:
"Plumhead", from *P*lum*h*eaded *P*arakeet, is the current name of the 
PHP on Parrot implementation.

As "Plumhead" is a stupid name, cotto proposed to rename to "Pharrot".
"Pharrot" is definitly nicer than "Plumhead", but maybe too close to 
Parrot. Furthermore it changes

the 'P' sound that is common to PHP and Parrot to an 'F' sound.

The last time "Pharrot"' was used as a project name, it was renamed to 

So I'm still open for an alternative. If no better suggestion turns up, 
I'll rename to 'Pharrot' after

the June release.

Off the top of my head, I think "Pharrot" isn't a bad choice.  Maybe 
written as "Pherrot?"  As an alternative, maybe "Phoebe" or "PHoePe?" ;-)


Re: I need Windows OpenGL headers for study/testing

2008-05-28 Thread Ron Blaschke

Geoffrey Broadwell wrote:

On Wed, 2008-05-28 at 21:30 +0200, Ron Blaschke wrote:

Geoffrey Broadwell wrote:
I guess you are right.  I have changed it as you suggested.  Now 
Configure says:

Generating OpenGL bindings...In OpenGL header 'C:/Program 
Files/Microsoft SDKs/Windows/v6.1/Include/gl/GLU.h', prototype 
'gluErrorUnicodeStringEXT', can't handle type 'wchar_t*'; original 

   const wchar_t* APIENTRY gluErrorUnicodeStringEXT ( GLenum errCode);

In OpenGL header 'C:/Program Files/Microsoft 
SDKs/Windows/v6.1/include/gl/GLU.h', prototype 'gluErrorUnicodeStringEXT',

can't handle type 'wchar_t*'; original prototype:
   const wchar_t* APIENTRY gluErrorUnicodeStringEXT ( GLenum errCode);

In OpenGL header 'C:/Program Files/Microsoft 
SDKs/Windows/v6.1/include/gl/GLU.h', prototype 'gluErrorUnicodeStringEXT',

can't handle type 'wchar_t*'; original prototype:
   const wchar_t* APIENTRY gluErrorUnicodeStringEXT ( GLenum errCode);

OK, I know what's causing this (no typemap entry for 'wchar_t*', as the
error indicates).  Not sure about best NCI type type to match this to --
it really wants to be a native Parrot string with encoding UCS2, I
believe, but I don't know how to do that off the top of my head, and I
need to run now.

I'll ruminate on this later -- though if you wanted to try skipping over
it and see what else goes wrong later on, just put a typemap in
config/gen/ for wchar_t => 'void', and it will just pretend
wchar_t* is a void buffer.

Workaround looks good.  Build is okay, F 
runs fine.


Re: I need Windows OpenGL headers for study/testing

2008-05-28 Thread Ron Blaschke

Geoffrey Broadwell wrote:

On Wed, 2008-05-28 at 20:39 +0200, Ron Blaschke wrote:


In other words, let's assume the *parent* of the /gl/ directory will be
in the include path list, and force to only glob the /gl/ child of that
parent.  The original version would also glob all the files in the
parent itself, which is causing the problem you see.

I guess you are right.  I have changed it as you suggested.  Now 
Configure says:

Generating OpenGL bindings...In OpenGL header 'C:/Program 
Files/Microsoft SDKs/Windows/v6.1/Include/gl/GLU.h', prototype 
'gluErrorUnicodeStringEXT', can't handle type 'wchar_t*'; original 

  const wchar_t* APIENTRY gluErrorUnicodeStringEXT ( GLenum errCode);

In OpenGL header 'C:/Program Files/Microsoft 
SDKs/Windows/v6.1/include/gl/GLU.h', prototype 'gluErrorUnicodeStringEXT',

can't handle type 'wchar_t*'; original prototype:
  const wchar_t* APIENTRY gluErrorUnicodeStringEXT ( GLenum errCode);

In OpenGL header 'C:/Program Files/Microsoft 
SDKs/Windows/v6.1/include/gl/GLU.h', prototype 'gluErrorUnicodeStringEXT',

can't handle type 'wchar_t*'; original prototype:
  const wchar_t* APIENTRY gluErrorUnicodeStringEXT ( GLenum errCode);



Re: I need Windows OpenGL headers for study/testing

2008-05-28 Thread Ron Blaschke

Geoffrey Broadwell wrote:

On Tue, 2008-05-27 at 21:16 +0200, Ron Blaschke wrote:

[Answers to all my questions]

Forgot to mention, I sent in a new patch a few hours ago incorporating
all of the OpenGL Win32/MSVC portability fixes to RT 54868:

Can you give that latest patch a try, and let me know what breaks?

I've applied the patch against a clean r27888 and got:

Generating runtime/parrot/includedone.

Generating OpenGL bindings...
step gen::opengl died during execution: 'GLOBAL_LOGGER_NAME' is defined 
as 'GLOBAL_LOGGER_NAMEW', but no 'GLOBAL_LOGGER_NAMEW' has been defined 
at config/gen/ line 403.

 at line 66

Generating NCI signature listdone.

The platform is Windows XP, Visual C++ 9.0, Windows SDK 6.0, GLUT 3.7.


Re: I need Windows OpenGL headers for study/testing

2008-05-27 Thread Ron Blaschke

Geoffrey Broadwell wrote:

On Tue, 2008-05-27 at 11:29 +0200, Ron Blaschke wrote:

OK, I'll generate the Win32 header list from $ENV{Include}.  What is
that set to on your system, so I know what to expect?

Mine currently is:

INCLUDE=C:\usr\include;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 
9.0\VC\INCLUDE;C:\Program Files\Microsoft 
SDKs\Windows\v6.1\include;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 
9.0\VC\Include;C:\Program Files\Microsoft 
SDKs\Windows\v6.1\Include;C:\Program Files\Microsoft 
SDKs\Windows\v6.1\Include\gl;;C:\Program Files\Subversion 
1.4\include;C:\Program Files\ICU\icu-3.8\include;C:\Program 

I guess the two important parts are to ignore empty elements (multiple 
semicolons in the middle or at the end) and to make sure it works with 
spaces.  "C:\usr\include" is the place I put headers of smaller 
libraries, not any system default.

Hmmm.  That brings up several questions/thoughts:

1. It looks like I need to add filtering of empty elements, as you said,
but since I'm dealing with globs I doubt the current situation will
actually break things for you.


2. I haven't tried dealing with spaces, but according to the docs
CORE::glob() will do the Wrong Thing.  I'll switch that over to

Sounds good.

3. I see that you've got 'Include' and 'INCLUDE' for the name of the
environment variable.  Which one is correct, or is %ENV case insensitive
on Windows?

The environment is case insensitive on Windows too.  Perl will get the 
right one either way.  In C<%ENV> the keys are normalized to all 
uppercase.  Usually, the names are all uppercase in the environment as 
well, for example INCLUDE, LIB, PATH.  Others are mixed case, e.g.

WindowsSdkDir=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.1\

Probably depends which MS developer wrote the stuff.

4. Is the 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.1\Include\gl'
entry always going to be there if the SDK is installed?  In other words,
should my globs assume that "$PATH/*.h" will be valid, or do I need to
search for "$PATH/gl/*.h" as well?

I think it's safer to search C<$INCLUDE/gl/*.h> as well.  I never 
noticed the gl directory before, it might be a recent addition.

Using the Visual Studio 2008 (Express) Command Prompt I get:

INCLUDE=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 
9.0\VC\ATLMFC\INCLUDE;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 
9.0\VC\INCLUDE;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.1\include;

Visual Studio and the Windows SDK feel like different beasts, only by 
accident sharing a similar compiler. ;-)

5. For that matter, what happens in Perl on Windows when a path has a
mix of forward and backward slashes?  If this is broken, is it safe to
convert them all to forward slashes?  Is "C:/Foo/Bar" valid in Windows

Perl can handle it, other programs often as well.  Not sure about the 
Windows API itself, but I think not.  I usually prefer using File::Spec.

Let me know if I can help in any other way.  I'm also on #parrot, but 
somewhat infrequently.

What is your nick?  Mine is japhb.

Sorry, forgot to mention.  It's Ron.  ;-)


Re: I need Windows OpenGL headers for study/testing

2008-05-25 Thread Ron Blaschke

Hi Geoffrey,

I managed to get the F running on Windows 
XP SP3, VC++ 9.0, using Parrot r27789.  There are glitches involved, 
though.  I'll just explain what I did.

First I checked the OpenGL install on my box.  I have the "Windows SDK 
for Windows Server 2008 and .NET Framework 3.5" installed which contains 
the necessary OpenGL headers and libs.  It's installed at CFiles\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.1>.  The relevant files are:


The DLLs are:


I added GLUT [1] (glut.h, glut32.lib and glut32.dll), as it wasn't present.

Then I hacked F and F to 
look for these files.

win32_nongcc=> 'opengl32.lib glu32.lib glut32.lib'

To answer question 1., the location of the headers depends on the used 
installation and version.  I don't think there's an easy way to specify 
an absolute file glob.  On the bright side, there are the environment 
variables C, C and C, containing a semicolon 
separated list of directories that are searched by the compiler and linker.

After that I modfied F to look for 
the relevant DLLs by adding the following to the relevant sections.

push libnames, 'opengl32'
push libnames, 'glu32'
push libnames, 'glut32'

Interestingly, when saying C instead of C it 
seems like one needs to specify the full path to the library.

Things get a bit more interesting with F.  First, 
I needed to modify the link directive in F to:

$(LIBGLUTCB_SO): $(LIBPARROT) $(SRC_DIR)/glut_callbacks$(O)
@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@ $(SRC_DIR)/glut_callbacks$(O) $(ALL_PARROT_LIBS)

Note the missing C<@ncilib_link_extra@> and the replacement of 
C<$(C_LIBS)> with C<$(ALL_PARROT_LIBS)>.
C<@ncilib_link_extra@> contains the directive to export test symbols 
from libnci, which are not present with the callback library, leading to 
a link error.  I needed to replace C with C 
because the callback contains references to libparrot.

Finally, I added the following to F.


And did a C on the file.

After all this hard work I called C 
and enjoyed the triangle to rotate, and rotate, and rotate (still 
wondering when it'll stop...)



Geoffrey Broadwell wrote:

Thanks to tetragon++, I've now got OpenGL header parsing (mostly)
working on both Debian Linux/i386 and Mac OS X 10.5.  Now I need headers
for Windows to continue the porting work.

For each of MSVC, MinGW, and cygwin, I need:

1. Path globs [1] for all OpenGL headers, in the form
   '/path/to/dir1/*.h', '/path/to/dir2/*.h'

2. A tarball or zip archive of all of these headers

Any volunteers who can send me the above for one or more of the Windows
compiler environments?

Thanks in advance!


[1] No really, I need the full path globs.  I'm actually parsing the
headers myself, not just trying to get C code to compile.  :-)

Re: [perl #42699] r18304 Test failures on NexentaOS (GNU/OpenSolaris)

2008-04-22 Thread Ron Blaschke

chromatic via RT wrote:

On Sunday 13 April 2008 10:34:22 Ronald Blaschke via RT wrote:

Here's the result of r26955.

Failed Test   Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
 t/examples/shootout.t   13  332820   13  65.00%  1 3 6-11 14-15
17-19 t/op/trans.t 1   256221   4.55%  14
t/pmc/os.t   1   256151   6.67%  9

The details of the failed tests are as follows.

# Failed test (t/examples/shootout.t at line 108)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 139]
# Received:
# Expected:
# Ack(3, 7) = 1021

I'm skipping the remaining output of t/examples/shootout.t.  All
segfaults, I think.

Which processor?  Can you post a backtrace?  (If it's Sparc, I think I know 
what the problem is.  If it's not Sparc... well, let's hope the problem is 

Sorry for the late response.  It's an x86.  Here's a backtrace of r27131.

Starting program: parrot -Oc -Cj examples/shootout/ack.pir
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x086180c0 in ?? ()
(gdb) backtrace
#0  0x086180c0 in ?? ()
#1  0x0811db2f in cgp_core (cur_op=0x8624e0c, interp=0x8407ac0) at 
#2  0x081def52 in runops_cgp (interp=0x8407ac0, pc=0x862854c) at 
#3  0x081df19a in runops_int (interp=0x8407ac0, offset=3) at 

#4  0x080e3f99 in runops (interp=0x8407ac0, offs=3) at src/inter_run.c:104
#5  0x080e4239 in runops_args (interp=0x8407ac0, sub=0x86057c0, 
obj=0x846fa08, meth_unused=0x0, sig=0x83594e7 "vP",

ap=0x804795c "[EMAIL PROTECTED]") at src/inter_run.c:230
#6  0x080e437d in Parrot_runops_fromc_args (interp=0x8407ac0, 
sub=0x86057c0, sig=0x83594e7 "vP") at src/inter_run.c:299
#7  0x080db56a in Parrot_runcode (interp=0x8407ac0, argc=1, 
argv=0x8047a58) at src/embed.c:941
#8  0x081928af in imcc_run_pbc (interp=0x8407ac0, obj_file=0, 
output_file=0x0, argc=1, argv=0x8047a58)

at compilers/imcc/main.c:781
#9  0x08193340 in imcc_run (interp=0x8407ac0, sourcefile=0x8047b51 
"examples/shootout/ack.pir", argc=1, argv=0x8047a58)

at compilers/imcc/main.c:1069
#10 0x080d54c5 in main (argc=1, argv=0x8047a58) at src/main.c:61

I think it's JIT related?


Re: [perl #52198] [BUG]: Test failures on Win32: t/op/arithmetics.t t/op/sprintf.t t/pmc/complex.t t/pmc/float.t

2008-03-29 Thread Ron Blaschke

chromatic wrote:

On Friday 28 March 2008 11:55:30 James Keenan via RT wrote:

Am confused.  What diagnostic output beyond 'prove -v' are you referring

For example...

ok 1 - take the negative of a native integer
ok 2 - take the absolute of a native integer
ok 3 - add native integer to native integer
ok 4 - subtract native integer from native integer
ok 5 - multiply native integer with native integer
ok 6 - divide native integer by native integer
not ok 7 - turn a native number into its negative

... diagnostic output missing right here...

ok 8 - take the absolute of a native number

The test expected the output:


Obviously it received something else.  What did it receive?

As far as I know, Visual C++ is a bit shaky on the arithmetic side with 
regards to +/- 0.0.  For example, the constant C<-0.0> is turned into 
C<0.0>.  One has to revert to hacks like C<-1.0 * 0.0>, if I recall 

not ok 7 - turn a native number into its negative
#   Failed test 'turn a native number into its negative'
#   at t\op\arithmetics.t line 210.
#  got: '0.00
# 0.00
# -123.456789
# 123.456789
# 0.00
# 0.00
# -123.456789
# 123.456789
# '
# expected: '-0.00
# 0.00
# -123.456789
# 123.456789
# -0.00
# 0.00
# -123.456789
# 123.456789
# '

not ok 157 - [%.0g] C99 standard mandates minus sign but C89 does not 
skip: MSWin32 VMS hpux:10.20 openbsd netbsd:1.5 irix actual: >0<

not ok 48 - sinh of complex numbers
#   Failed test 'sinh of complex numbers'
#   at t\pmc\complex.t line 1647.
#  got: '
# sinh(0-2i)
#   got 0.00-0.909297i
#   not -0.00-0.909297i
# sinh(0+2i)
#   got 0.00+0.909297i
#   not -0.00+0.909297i
# done
# '
# expected: 'done
# '

not ok 23 - neg 0
#   Failed test 'neg 0'
#   at t\pmc\float.t line 547.
#   '0'
# doesn't match '/^-0/
# '


Re: PARROT_ASSERT considerations

2008-03-11 Thread Ron Blaschke

Andy Lester wrote:

On Mar 11, 2008, at 2:43 PM, Ron Blaschke wrote:

It ties pointers to INTVALs, which I guess it shouldn't.

As I read the mail, it seems like the only problem we have is in casting 
the pointer to an int to find its truthiness.  I'd say use the !!(x) and 
be done with it.  The PARROT_ASSERT_POINTER() idea gives me the willies 
because of checking for hardcoded magic values.

I think you are right.  Checking for magic values is useful as a local 
modification only, when looking for a specific bug.


Re: PARROT_ASSERT considerations

2008-03-11 Thread Ron Blaschke

Leopold Toetsch wrote:

Am Dienstag, 11. März 2008 20:43 schrieb Ron Blaschke:

Parrot_assert(INTVAL condition, ARGIN(const char *condition_string),
 ARGIN(const char *file), unsigned int line)

PARROT_ASSERT is used to assert pointers too, for example in src/string.c:

What about making Parrot_assert a macro too, or probably simpler fixing 
PARROT_ASSERT for the ! NDEBUG case:

#define PARROT_ASSERT(x) \
  do { \
if (!x) \
  Parrot_confess(#x, __FILE__, __LINE__) \
  } \
  while (0)

- untested - just an idea.


I like it, but I'd rather have you guys make the call.

I'm bringing this up because VC++ has the option to check if a cast 
looses information (C<-RTCc> Convert to smaller type checks), which I 
hope to help me with getting Parrot working on Windows x64.

I've just looked up how C's assert is implemented in two libraries.

glibc 2.7

# define assert(expr)  \
  ((expr)  \
   ? __ASSERT_VOID_CAST (0)  \
   : __assert_fail (__STRING(expr), __FILE__, __LINE__, __ASSERT_FUNCTION))

Windows SDK 6.0

#define assert(_Expression) (void)( (!!(_Expression)) || 
(_wassert(_CRT_WIDE(#_Expression), _CRT_WIDE(__FILE__), __LINE__), 0) )


PARROT_ASSERT considerations

2008-03-11 Thread Ron Blaschke

PARROT_ASSERT is currently defined as:

#ifdef NDEBUG
#  define PARROT_ASSERT(x) ((void)0)
#  define PARROT_ASSERT(x) Parrot_assert((INTVAL)(x), #x, __FILE__, 



Parrot_assert(INTVAL condition, ARGIN(const char *condition_string),
ARGIN(const char *file), unsigned int line)

PARROT_ASSERT is used to assert pointers too, for example in src/string.c:

string_length(SHIM_INTERP, ARGIN(const STRING *s))

return s->strlen;

The cast from all kinds of stuff, including pointers, to INTVAL bothers 
me a bit.  It ties pointers to INTVALs, which I guess it shouldn't.

One way to improve this (for certain values of improvement) is to change 

#  define PARROT_ASSERT(x) Parrot_assert((!!(x)), #x, __FILE__, __LINE__)

Independent of this, pointer assertions should probably be explicit, to 
show what condition is actually asserted.


Or maybe PARROT_ASSERT should have friends, like PARROT_ASSERT_PTR to 
assert pointers?  This might do additional checks, like 0xdeadbeef or 
"-1" pointer.  This may be a bit far fetched, though.

Parrot_assert_ptr(void *ptr, ARGIN(const char *condition_string),
ARGIN(const char *file), unsigned int line)
if (ptr == NULL || ptr == -1 || ptr == 0xdeadbeef)
Parrot_confess(condition_string, file, line);

What do you think?


Re: Scheduler, Timer and DOD

2008-03-09 Thread Ron Blaschke

chromatic wrote:

On Saturday 08 March 2008 07:31:08 Ron Blaschke wrote:

I've been looking into a failure of F on Windows,
but I don't think the problem is limited to that platform.

$ prove t\dynoplibs\myops.t
t\dynoplibs\myops..6/10 #   Failed test 'three alarm'
#   at t\dynoplibs\myops.t line 118.
# Exited with error code: 255
# Received:
# alarm1
# alarm2
# alarm3
# Expected:
# /alarm1
# alarm2
# alarm3/

The test output is good, but the error code is 255.  Actually, the test
exits with an access violation.

After stepping through things a couple of times with a debugger I think
the cause for this is that through the final DOD run (Parrot_exit ->
Parrot_really_destroy -> Parrot_do_dod_run) the scheduler is destroyed
*before* the last task.

When the task is finally destroyed, the scheduler is already 0xdeadbeef.
  Here's the final stack trace.


At this line in Parrot_cx_delete_task.

 VTABLE_delete_keyed_int(interp, interp->scheduler, tid);

That's as far as I got.  I don't know enough about the DOD details to
make a good guess on the cause.  Maybe both scheduler and task are
determined to be not-reachable, but the destruction sequence is not

The destruction sequence is not ordered, so if a task happens to have a PMC 
header created prior to the scheduler's PMC header, then this problem will 
occur.  (We reuse PMC headers, so this can happen in not-easily-deterministic 

Making the scheduler a constant PMC would likely fix this, but then anything 
to which the scheduler points also has to be constant.

It might be possible to finish the scheduled tasks prior to destroying all 

Not sure if I'm going into the wrong direction here, but can't this 
happen with any PMC?  Say I write my own scheduler and task PMCs, 
working similarly?  Or any other PMCs where destroy calls out to another 

I guess this depends on the contract of destroy.  If destroy may not 
call out to any other PMC, a special case for the scheduler is fine, 
because it really is special.
If destroy may call out there needs to be additional or different 
handling, to ensure the referenced object is not collected first.  In 
that case, it sounds akin to finalizers in a JVMisch, CLRisch senes.
With all the fun border cases, like a PMC resurrecting, for example by 
registering itself at a live PMC.
At least this last issue seems to be covered by PDD 17 by "...make sure 
that you don't leave any references to it in any Parrot structure by the 
end of the method."
In this sense, Cscheduler> in Timer counts as a reference, and 
doesn't follow the rule.  Or does it?  I'm confused.


Re: Scheduler, Timer and DOD

2008-03-09 Thread Ron Blaschke

James E Keenan wrote:

Ron Blaschke wrote:


I've been looking into a failure of F on Windows, 
but I don't think the problem is limited to that platform.

$ prove t\dynoplibs\myops.t
t\dynoplibs\myops..6/10 #   Failed test 'three alarm'
#   at t\dynoplibs\myops.t line 118.
# Exited with error code: 255

A friend on Win32 reported a failure in this test on March 1, but the 
only output presented was:

t/dynoplibs/myops.t(Wstat: 256 Tests: 10 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  5
  Non-zero exit status: 1

I was unable to reproduce the error on either Darwin or Linux.

Interesting, I haven't seen this one either, even on Windows.  But I 
guess everything goes on Murphy XP.  Do you know if there's a ticket for 


Scheduler, Timer and DOD

2008-03-08 Thread Ron Blaschke


I've been looking into a failure of F on Windows, 
but I don't think the problem is limited to that platform.

$ prove t\dynoplibs\myops.t
t\dynoplibs\myops..6/10 #   Failed test 'three alarm'
#   at t\dynoplibs\myops.t line 118.
# Exited with error code: 255
# Received:
# alarm1
# alarm2
# alarm3
# Expected:
# /alarm1
# alarm2
# alarm3/

The test output is good, but the error code is 255.  Actually, the test 
exits with an access violation.

After stepping through things a couple of times with a debugger I think 
the cause for this is that through the final DOD run (Parrot_exit -> 
Parrot_really_destroy -> Parrot_do_dod_run) the scheduler is destroyed 
*before* the last task.

When the task is finally destroyed, the scheduler is already 0xdeadbeef. 
 Here's the final stack trace.


At this line in Parrot_cx_delete_task.

VTABLE_delete_keyed_int(interp, interp->scheduler, tid);

That's as far as I got.  I don't know enough about the DOD details to 
make a good guess on the cause.  Maybe both scheduler and task are 
determined to be not-reachable, but the destruction sequence is not ordered?


Re: Eclipse

2008-02-29 Thread Ron Blaschke

Andy Lester wrote:
Anyone out there using Eclipse?  I figure there might be value in its 
ability to handle large codebases all at once.

Any pointers for startup and using the existing parrot project?

I know Eclipse a bit from Java development.  You'd probably want to 
start with "Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers" or "Eclipse Classic" from 
.  If I got this right, all packages 
contain the core platform and a set of default plugins, though you can 
always change your mind what plugins you want later on.  I usually start 
out with "Eclipse Classic."  C/C++ support lives in the CDT plugin 
.  See also 

For Subversion integration I use Subclipse 
.  For Perl there's EPIC 
, though I have never used it.  Plugins 
can be installed by opening Help -> Software Updates, adding the Update 
URL as Remote Site and select the plugins you want.

Eclipse projects live in a workspace, which also contains all settings. 
 I usually just create a workspace directory in my home directory and 
make Eclipse use it by default.  You can change your mind with File -> 
Switch Workspace or the "-data " option on the command line.  Maybe 
you want a separate Parrot workspace for all Parrot related projects.

Add the project with File -> New -> Project.  Give it a name and select 
your Parrot directory as Location.

Workspaces are usually rebuild on change, but you can stop this by 
unchecking Project -> Build Automatically.

The project settings are stored in .project and .settings in the project 

That's all I can think of right now.


Re: [perl #47978] [C99] [IMCC] double free

2008-02-23 Thread Ron Blaschke

chromatic wrote:

On Thursday 29 November 2007 20:34:17 Will Coleda wrote:

On feather, languages/c99 (et al.) fail with:

$ make
../../parrot -o src/CPP_PGE2AST.pbc --output-pbc src/CPP_PGE2AST.pir
*** glibc detected *** ../../parrot: double free or corruption
(fasttop): 0x0823e328 ***

running this through gdb, I get:

#0  0xb7f41402 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
#1  0xb6f77a85 in raise () from /lib/i686/nosegneg/
#2  0xb6f794e1 in abort () from /lib/i686/nosegneg/
#3  0xb6faf7dc in __libc_message () from /lib/i686/nosegneg/
#4  0xb6fb7755 in _int_free () from /lib/i686/nosegneg/
#5  0xb6fbb270 in free () from /lib/i686/nosegneg/
#6  0xb7e75ad5 in read_macro (valp=0xbfc40c4c, interp=0x804f008,
 yyscanner=0x8235678) at compilers/imcc/imcc.l:888
#7  0xb7e71d71 in yylex (valp=0xbfc40c4c, yyscanner=0x8235678,
 at compilers/imcc/imcc.l:385
#8  0xb7e6b85d in yyparse (yyscanner=0x8235678, interp=0x804f008)
 at compilers/imcc/imcparser.c:2598
#9  0xb7e7856a in compile_to_bytecode (interp=0x804f008,
 sourcefile=0xbfc41bb5 "src/CPP_PGE2AST.pir",
 output_file=0xbfc41b94 "src/CPP_PGE2AST.pbc") at compilers/imcc/
#10 0xb7e788f6 in imcc_run (interp=0x804f008,
 sourcefile=0xbfc41bb5 "src/CPP_PGE2AST.pir", argc=1,
 at compilers/imcc/main.c:1060
#11 0x0804896d in main (argc=1, argv=0xbfc40ec4) at src/main.c:62

compilers/imcc/imcc.l:888 seems to be where it goes off the rails..

IANACP, but there seems to be several calls to 'free(valp->s)' in
that function that aren't careful about not freeing that pointer more
than once.

I think this is the same as "[perl#51104][BUG] bad pointer! segfaults 
are bad!".

The issue seems to be caused by languages/c99/src/preamble, where:

.local $iter_loop:

Consider this test program.

$cat m.pir
.macro test
.local $iter_loop:

$ parrot -o m.pbc --output-pbc m.pir
compilers/imcc/imcc.l:992: failed assertion 'valp->s'

(Remove the colon and it parses again.)

I could track it down as far as read_macro in imcc.l, where line 1015
does not fill valp, and returns the token MACRO.

c = yylex(valp, yyscanner, interp);


Re: [perl #51104] [BUG] bad pointer! segfaults are bad!

2008-02-23 Thread Ron Blaschke

Jerry Gay (via RT) wrote:
# New Ticket Created by  Jerry Gay 
# Please include the string:  [perl #51104]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# >

during the build of languages/c99, specifically:
  ..\..\parrot.exe -o src\CPP_PGE2AST.pbc --output-pbc src\CPP_PGE2AST.pir

msvcr80.dll!strlen(unsigned char * buf=0x0400)  Line 81 Asm

libparrot.dll!read_macro(YYSTYPE * valp=0x0017fb8c, parrot_interp_t

* interp=0x03ab1248, void * yyscanner=0x03be5ec0)  Line 991 + 0xb
bytes   C
libparrot.dll!yylex(YYSTYPE * valp=0x0017fb8c, void *
yyscanner=0x03be5ec0, parrot_interp_t * interp=0x03ab1248)  Line 425 +
0x11 bytes  C
libparrot.dll!yyparse(void * yyscanner=0x03be5ec0, parrot_interp_t *
interp=0x03ab1248)  Line 2601 + 0x14 bytes  C
libparrot.dll!compile_to_bytecode(parrot_interp_t *
interp=0x03ab1248, const char * const sourcefile=0x03ab1219, const
char * const output_file=0x03ab11f8)  Line 951 + 0xd bytes  C
libparrot.dll!imcc_run(parrot_interp_t * interp=0x03ab1248, const
char * sourcefile=0x03ab1219, int argc=1, const char * *
argv=0x03ab11c8)  Line 1051 + 0x11 bytesC
parrot.exe!main(int argc=1, const char * * argv=0x03ab11c8)  Line 56
+ 0x15 bytesC
parrot.exe!__tmainCRTStartup()  Line 586 + 0x17 bytes   C
[Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for

at line 990 in imcc.l, valp is uninitialized. it's full of bad
pointers. i haven't tracked down why. any help?

I think this is the same as "[perl#47978][C99][IMCC] double free".

The issue seems to be caused by languages/c99/src/preamble, where:

.local $iter_loop:

Consider this test program.

$cat m.pir
.macro test
.local $iter_loop:

$ parrot -o m.pbc --output-pbc m.pir
compilers/imcc/imcc.l:992: failed assertion 'valp->s'

(Remove the colon and it parses again.)

I could track it down as far as read_macro in imcc.l, where line 1015 
does not fill valp, and returns the token MACRO.

c = yylex(valp, yyscanner, interp);


What are the constraints for INTVAL?

2008-02-21 Thread Ron Blaschke


I'm trying to get an intuition how Parrot uses the basic data types, 
with an eye on INTVAL and opcode_t, what their limits and relationships are.
Given a regular 32-bit x86 box, should it be possible to use Parrot with 
a 16-bit short, or a 64-bit long long, intval?  The same question for 

One constraint seems to be:

Invoking Parrot to generate runtime\parrot\include\config.fpmc --cross 
your fingers
.\miniparrot.exe config_lib.pasm > 
src\pmc_freeze.c:645: failed assertion 'sizeof (opcode_t) == sizeof 


Many thanks,

Re: Quick config/auto/ Question

2008-02-12 Thread Ron Blaschke

James E Keenan wrote:

Ron Blaschke wrote:
"l" is documented as:

l   A signed long (32-bit) value.

I'm not expert in this, so let me ask:  Where is this documented other 
than 'perldoc -f pack'?

Yes, that's where it's documented.  Am I missing something obvious here?


Quick config/auto/ Question

2008-02-11 Thread Ron Blaschke

I noticed the following in

sub _set_ptrconst {
my ($conf, $ptrsize, $intsize, $longsize) = @_;
if ( $intsize == $ptrsize ) {
$conf->data->set( ptrconst => "u" );
elsif ( $longsize == $ptrsize ) {
$conf->data->set( ptrconst => "ul" );
else {
warn <<"AARGH";  Unable to find an integer type that fits a pointer.

The first condition is good, but I don't think the second ($longsize == 
$ptrsize) is.  "l" is documented as:

l   A signed long (32-bit) value.

So, this only works okay if $longsize is 4, or am I missing something? 
Shouldn't it better be like this?

sub _set_ptrconst {
my ($conf, $ptrsize) = @_;
if ( $ptrsize == 2 ) {
$conf->data->set( ptrconst => "us" );
elsif ( $ptrsize == 4 ) {
$conf->data->set( ptrconst => "ul" );
elsif ( $ptrsize == 8 ) {
$conf->data->set( ptrconst => "uq" );
else {
warn <<"AARGH";  Unable to find an integer type that fits a pointer.


Re: [perl #50622] "nmake test" bug?

2008-02-07 Thread Ron Blaschke

jerry gay wrote:

On Feb 7, 2008 5:38 AM, via RT Ted Neward


Interestingly, a parrot.exe process is left running, even after Ctrl-C'ing
the console window in which the tests are running. Could very well be a
configuration problem, would love to know how to correct it if it is.

it seems that parrot thinks you have postgres libraries installed. do
you? you don't need them to run parrot (i don't have them installed on
my windows system.) so, you can work around the problem by taking
those libs out of your path, so parrot's configure won't find them. of
course, that won't fix the problem, it just works around it.

i (or someone else, please!) will have to install postgres libs in an
environment and configure/build/test parrot to reproduce this
behavior. this may take some time. if you intend to work with parrot
and postgres specifically, where this integration would be important,
let us know so we can bump up the priority.

This is with r25584, WinXP, VC9, PostgreSQL 8.3.

Without PostgreSQL, eveythings skipped, as expected.

$ parrot t/library/pg.t
ok 1 #skip skipped
ok 2 #skip skipped
ok 42 #skip skipped
ok 43 #skip skipped

With PostgreSQL (that is, adding ...\PostgreSQL\8.3\bin to PATH):

$ parrot t/library/pg.t
ok 1 - load_bytecode
ok 2 - load_bytecode Pg
ok 3 - Pg class exists
Method 'connectdb' not found for invocant of class 'Pg'
current instr.: 'main' pc 67 (t/library/pg.t:48)


Re: Let's use snprintf()

2008-02-06 Thread Ron Blaschke

Andy Lester wrote:

On Feb 5, 2008, at 1:17 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

(He sent this to me directly by mistake)

snprintf is problematic on older Solaris systems, for one.  At least
through 2.7 (2.8?) it's not included in any lib. So other apps needed to
test and bring in their own version.

This is covered in the ticket that exists already, it turns out:

Short version: We'll need to make a snprintf() wrapper around sprintf() 
that ignores the length argument for the systems that don't support it.  
I'd rather ignore the length and pass on through to sprintf() than to 
have a parallel implementation.  Ignoring the length parameter leaves 
those platforms without snprintf() exactly where they are today.

I'm wondering if we should aim for "TR 24731: Extensions to the C 
Library Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces" [1].  I kind of like the 
idea, but uncertain how much it caught on yet (or will).



Re: Anyone has perl 1 docs?

2008-01-14 Thread Ron Blaschke

Klaas-Jan Stol wrote:

On Jan 14, 2008 5:57 PM, Mark J. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Jan 14, 2008 11:29 AM, Ron Blaschke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

jesse wrote:

I don't believe Perl 1 was ever ported to Windows.

Well, actually it kinda was. ;-)

Cool!  So where's that patch you mentioned?   The attachment doesn't
seem to have made it into the archive there...

Sorry, didn't realize attachments don't make it over the news gateway.

I just got things working on cygwin; in perl.h there's a #define of sprintf,
as sprintf(), which needs to be changed into:

sprintf(char *dest, char * const format, ...)

This worked for me on cygwin; didnt' try yet on win xp 32.

Great, glad you've got it working!

I have attached the patch that worked for me way back then.  This is for 
Cygwin only, too.

diff -u -r perl-1.0_16.orig/perl.h perl-1.0_16/perl.h
--- perl-1.0_16.orig/perl.h 2002-12-19 00:44:14.0 +0100
+++ perl-1.0_16/perl.h  2005-11-06 11:21:04.0 +0100
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
 char *sprintf();
-int sprintf();
+/* int sprintf(); */
 /* A string is TRUE if not "" or "0". */
diff -u -r perl-1.0_16.orig/perl.y perl-1.0_16/perl.y
--- perl-1.0_16.orig/perl.y 2002-12-19 00:44:14.0 +0100
+++ perl-1.0_16/perl.y  2005-11-06 11:36:22.0 +0100
@@ -16,6 +16,16 @@
 #include "util.h"
 #include "INTERN.h"
 #include "perl.h"
+ARG *l(ARG *,...);
+ARG *mod_match(int, ARG *, ARG *);
+ARG *addflags(int, int , ARG*);
+ARG *hide_ary(ARG *);
+ARG *make_list(ARG *);
+ARG *listish(ARG *);
+ARG *cval_to_arg(char *);
+ARG *cmd_to_arg(CMD *);
 char *tokename[] = {
diff -u -r perl-1.0_16.orig/perly.c perl-1.0_16/perly.c
--- perl-1.0_16.orig/perly.c2002-12-19 00:44:14.0 +0100
+++ perl-1.0_16/perly.c 2005-11-06 11:31:42.0 +0100
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 char *filename;
 char *e_tmpname = "/tmp/perl-eXX";
 FILE *e_fp = Nullfp;
-ARG *l();
+ARG *l(ARG *, ...);
 register int argc;

Re: Anyone has perl 1 docs?

2008-01-14 Thread Ron Blaschke

jesse wrote:

If only Perl1 source would compile, then it'd be
easier, but it doesn't compile on windows (xp) and can't get it working on
cygwin either.

That sounds like the sort of situation where VMWare Player and, say, an
ubuntu or redhat virtual machine might come in really handy. I don't
believe Perl 1 was ever ported to Windows.

Well, actually it kinda was. ;-)


Chain Smoker

2007-12-12 Thread Ron Blaschke
I've started to hack up a little script to chain smoke Parrot.  It's
quite simple, all it currently does is:

for each test configuration
* copy (a hopefully clean) 'trunk' to a smoke directory

* wipe the environment and replace with a controlled one (mostly
Path, Include, Lib and http_proxy, but could contain anything

* perl

* $make

* $make smoke

* $make languages-smoke

* delete the temporary smoke directory

The current configurations are:
  Visual C++ 6.0, 7.1, 8.0, 9.0 and
  (MinGW) GCC 3.4.2, 4.2.1
no dependencies (i.e., no ICU, no GMP, ...)
both "regular" and "--optimized"

Next I'd like to add all optional dependencies as another build
configuration dimension, probably bundled together into a smoke chamber
to isolate them from my remaining system.

If someone is interested in this, or if you have an idea how to make it
more useful, please let me know.

As a first result, it seems like Parrot r23791 fails to build using
Visual C++ 6.0 or 7.1, optimized.

..\..\parrot.exe -o PGE.pbc --output-pbc PGE.pir
..\..\parrot.exe ..\..\runtime\parrot\library\PGE\Perl6Grammar.pir
--output=PGE\builtins_gen.pir PGE\
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '..\..\parrot.exe' : return code '0xc005'
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe' : return code '0x2'


Re: [perl #46937] [PATCH] Parenthesis spacing patch (win32)

2007-10-27 Thread Ron Blaschke
Applied, thanks!  (r22519)

Re: [perl #44291] [PATCH] Fix for suncc

2007-10-15 Thread Ron Blaschke
Ron Blaschke wrote:
> Joshua Isom wrote:
>> On Oct 13, 2007, at 7:20 AM, Ron Blaschke wrote:
>>> Attached patch should fix computed goto on Solaris with the Sun C
>>> compiler.
> [snip]
>>> Could someone please review the patch if I got it right, and maybe test
>>> it on other computed goto platforms?
>> Just to clarify, you did reenable CGP in compilers/imcc/main.c,
>> correct?  It's been disabled for a while.
> Bummer, no I did not.  I thought everything was connected to Configure's
> --cgoto.  Thanks for noticing, Joshua.
> chromatic, thanks for giving it a spin.  Since it's working for you I
> guess it'll work on Solaris as well, but I'll verify on Monday.  This
> time, the right way.

I've revised the patch a bit (r22073 introduced an incompatible change)
and tested it against r22101.

$make testC

All tests successful (1 subtest UNEXPECTEDLY SUCCEEDED), 8 tests and 242
subtests skipped.
Passed TODO  Stat Wstat TODOs Pass  List of Passed
t/op/debuginfo.t21  8
Files=222, Tests=4816, 995 wallclock secs (439.78 cusr + 369.99 csys =

Index: lib/Parrot/OpTrans/
--- lib/Parrot/OpTrans/   (revision 22101)
+++ lib/Parrot/OpTrans/   (working copy)
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
 return "if ($addr == 0)
   return 0;
_reg_base = (char*)interp->ctx.bp.regs_i;
-   goto **(cur_opcode = opcode_to_prederef(interp, $addr))";
+   goto **(void **)(cur_opcode = opcode_to_prederef(interp, $addr))";
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
 sub goto_offset {
 my ( $self, $offset ) = @_;
-return "goto **(cur_opcode += $offset)";
+return "goto **(void **)(cur_opcode += $offset)";
 =item C
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
 sub goto_pop {
 my ($self) = @_;
-return "goto **(opcode_t *)(cur_opcode = opcode_to_prederef(interp,
+return "goto **(void **)(cur_opcode = opcode_to_prederef(interp,
Index: lib/Parrot/Ops2c/
--- lib/Parrot/Ops2c/   (revision 22101)
+++ lib/Parrot/Ops2c/   (working copy)
@@ -588,7 +588,7 @@
 # endif
 _reg_base = (char*)interp->ctx.bp.regs_i;
-goto **cur_opcode;
+goto **(void **)cur_opcode;

Re: [perl #44291] [PATCH] Fix for suncc

2007-10-13 Thread Ron Blaschke
Joshua Isom wrote:
> On Oct 13, 2007, at 7:20 AM, Ron Blaschke wrote:
>> Attached patch should fix computed goto on Solaris with the Sun C
>> compiler.
>> Could someone please review the patch if I got it right, and maybe test
>> it on other computed goto platforms?
> Just to clarify, you did reenable CGP in compilers/imcc/main.c,
> correct?  It's been disabled for a while.

Bummer, no I did not.  I thought everything was connected to Configure's
--cgoto.  Thanks for noticing, Joshua.

chromatic, thanks for giving it a spin.  Since it's working for you I
guess it'll work on Solaris as well, but I'll verify on Monday.  This
time, the right way.


Re: [perl #44291] [PATCH] Fix for suncc

2007-10-13 Thread Ron Blaschke
Attached patch should fix computed goto on Solaris with the Sun C compiler.

All tests successful (7 subtests UNEXPECTEDLY SUCCEEDED), 11 tests and
621 subtests skipped.
Passed TODO Stat Wstat TODOs Pass  List of Passed
t/src/intlist.t44  1-4
t/src/io.t 33  16-17 19
Files=349, Tests=7904, 1398 wallclock secs (668.38 cusr + 455.97 csys =
1124.35 CPU)

Could someone please review the patch if I got it right, and maybe test
it on other computed goto platforms?

Index: lib/Parrot/Ops2c/
--- lib/Parrot/Ops2c/   (revision 22065)
+++ lib/Parrot/Ops2c/   (working copy)
@@ -588,7 +588,7 @@
 # endif
 _reg_base = (char*)interp->ctx.bp.regs_i;
-goto **cur_opcode;
+goto **(void **)cur_opcode;
Index: lib/Parrot/OpTrans/
--- lib/Parrot/OpTrans/   (revision 22065)
+++ lib/Parrot/OpTrans/   (working copy)
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
 return "if ($addr == 0)
   return 0;
_reg_base = (char*)interp->ctx.bp.regs_i;
-   goto **(cur_opcode = opcode_to_prederef(interp, $addr))";
+   goto **(void **)(cur_opcode = opcode_to_prederef(interp, $addr))";
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
 sub goto_offset {
 my ( $self, $offset ) = @_;
-return "goto **(cur_opcode += $offset)";
+return "goto **(void **)(cur_opcode += $offset)";
 =item C
--- PLATFORMS   (revision 22065)
+++ PLATFORMS   (working copy)
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
 sol8-sparc-ccB--- -   -   -Y/412 ?  
 sol10-sparc-cc_5.8   BY-- Y   Y   YY/9   ?  
 sol10-sparc-gcc_4.0.2BY-- Y   Y   YY/9   ?  
-sol10-x86-cc_5.9  4   --- -   -   YY*4   ?  
-sol11-x86-cc_5.8  --- -   -   -  Y/121*4 ?  
+sol10-x86-cc_5.9  4   --- -   -   YY ?  
+sol11-x86-cc_5.8  --- -   -   -  Y/121   ?  
 opensolaris-x86-gcc_4.0.3 4   YY? ?   ?   YY/3   ?  
 tru64-alpha-compaq_c6.5   8   ??? Y   ?   YY/2   ?  
 win32-x86-cygwin_1.5.21   --- -   -   -- -  
@@ -71,7 +71,6 @@
 *2 some tests fail intermittently when building x86 on xeon processor
 *3 t/stm/basic_mt.t occasionally hangs. kill it for tests to complete. 
1 other test fails. 7 unexpected todos succeed.
-*4 You must run with --cgoto=0, see RT#44291
 The following configurations are also working on x86/linux (and possibly
 other platforms):

Re: welcome ron to the company of parrots

2007-09-08 Thread Ron Blaschke
jerry gay wrote:
> i've just given ron blaschke (aka ron or rblasch) a commit bit. please
> join me in welcoming him to the core committers. over the last few
> years, ron has submitted many high-quality patches, and has always
> been willing to share his knowledge of windows-based programming.

Many thanks!

> ron has told me privately that he plans to migrate the windows vista
> source to parrot. we look forward to a future where parrot acts as the
> virtual machine for an operating system, particularly one so loved and
> respected by all.

The code name for this is Windows Vienna, in honor of this year's
YAPC::EU.  This is a considerable effort, but should be out by
Christmas.  Share the love!


Re: mod_perl6 update

2007-09-08 Thread Ron Blaschke
Jeff Horwitz wrote:
> It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to the world's first
> mod_perl6 handlers!  They are run using Parrot's Perl6 compiler on top
> of mod_parrot, and are compiled on the fly the first time a handler is
> called.  Each handler is passed an [Apache;RequestRec] object
> instantiated by mod_parrot, and the handlers can call methods on that
> object from Perl6 land.

Wow, very cool!  It's been a while since a counter got me addicted like


Some Thoughts on Windows Linking and Loading

2007-09-05 Thread Ron Blaschke
Linking and loading is arguably one of the more difficult things on
Windows.  I'd like to let you know about how some of the things work.  I
think this is important because there are still some issues with that we
need to sort out.  Not sure if I get everything right here, so please
feel free to correct me.

Let's start with loading.  When Windows loads an executable it also
checks the import directory of the image.  There's one entry for each
DLL.  Windows searches for DLLs as described in [1] and loads the image,
if possible at the preferred load address.  If not possible the DLL is
relocated.  This means the location of the DLL is not fixed, and the
code needs to deal with this.  Windows uses an Import Address Table
(IAT) for this.  There's one entry for each imported symbols and all
access is done indirectly through this table.  If the DLL needs to be
relocated only the IAT needs to be updated.

This is not important here, but there are actually two tables.  An
Import Address Table (IAT) and an Import Name Table (INT).  If a symbol
is to be resolved by name it first searches the Import Name Table for
the name and then uses the index for the Import Address Table.

Now to compiling and linking.  Visual C++ uses two declarations, for
exporting symbols from a DLL and importing from one.

__declspec(dllexport) void f();

This tells the compiler to pass a directive to the linker (/LINK option)
that f should be exported.

__declspec(dllimport) void f();

This tells the compiler to resolve symbols through the Import Address
Table.  When f is called the compiler generates an indirect call through
the IAT instead of a simple, direct call.  Similar for data access.

So, when compiling code for a DLL you need to decorate it with
dllexport.  When using it you need to decorate it with dllimport.

When linking a DLL the linker creates the DLL and an import library
(.lib).  All information that's needed for linking against the DLL is in
the import library.

void f();

It's also possible to call functions which are not declared with
dllimport.  That's possible because for each exported function the
linker creates a little magic, a stub function that makes a jump through
the Import Address Table.  This only works for functions, though, and
adds overhead of the indirection.  On the other hand, this way the
compiler does not, and need not, know if the function is just another
function in another compilation unit, a function in a static library or
in a DLL, when compiling the function call.

One convention that is used to get the declaration right goes like this:

#ifdef _EXPORTS
#define _API __declspec(dllexport)
#define _API __declspec(dllimport)

Whenever a source file is compiled that should be part of the DLL it's
compiled with -D_EXPORTS.  Users of the library just need to
make sure they don't declare _EXPORTS.

So, why is this relevant for Parrot?
Currently it looks like this in F

#define PARROT_API __declspec(dllimport)
#define PARROT_DYNEXT_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
#define PARROT_API __declspec(dllexport)

PARROT_IN_EXTENSION is only defined in extensions (dynop, dynpmc).  As
you can see, the default is dllexport, which users and embedders will
use.  This is not a problem for functions, as the stubs will be used, as
described above.  But this doesn't work for data, and for example shows
during F tests.

error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _PMCNULL
t\src\compiler_2.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals



Re: [perl #44967] Using a freed variable (Coverity CID 98)

2007-09-04 Thread Ron Blaschke
I've had another look at this.  Here's what I think is going on.

The relevant output is:

Event use_after_free: Using freed pointer "(ins)->next"
Also see events: [alias][freed_arg]

493  for (ins = unit->instructions; ins; ins = ins->next) {

Event alias: aliasing "(ins)->next" with "ins2"
Also see events: [freed_arg][use_after_free]

512  for (ins2 = ins->next; ins2; ins2 = ins2->next) {

Event freed_arg: Pointer "ins2" freed by function "subst_ins" [model]
Also see events: [alias][use_after_free]

536  subst_ins(unit, ins2, tmp, 1);

The key here is the "model."  While Coverity's model captures the
C quite correctly, I don't think it recognizes the pointer update
in the double linked list, which is done in C, as important.

Coverity probably sees something like the following in the inspected code:

Instruction *ins, *ins2;
for (ins = unit->instructions; ins; ins = ins->next) {
ins2 = ins->next;

So, it's a false positive.


Re: [perl #43191] [BUG] Parrot doesn't build on Solaris: cannot dereference non-pointer type

2007-09-04 Thread Ron Blaschke
Bernhard Schmalhofer via RT wrote:
> On Di. 12. Jun. 2007, 22:38:24, rblasch wrote:
>> I tried to smoke r18926 on Solaris but failed because of tons of "cannot
>> dereference non-pointer type" errors.
> Ronald, can you still verify this with svn HEAD ?

Yes, still a problem with HEAD.  I should have read PLATFORMS more
carefully, though, because it's already known.

sol11-x86-cc_5.8  --- -   -   -  Y/121*4 ?
*4 You must run with --cgoto=0

That is, it won't compile with C because computed
gotos are determined but don't seem to compile as used in the ops.
C compiles just fine.


Re: [perl #45109] [Lisp] Breakage when an unused PMC is removed

2007-09-02 Thread Ron Blaschke
Bernhard Schmalhofer wrote:
> Ron Blaschke via RT schrieb:
>> In all three sections a value is loaded into a register and then set as
>> an attribute on an object.
>> In the first hunk only the used register is changed from 0x12 to 0x13.
>> In the second hunks it's register 0x11 to 0x12.
>> With hunk three it's getting interesting because only the first
>> occurrence changes from 0x13 to 0x11.  set_attribute still uses 0x13,
>> which is wrong I think.
>> In the end, the wrong (Sub) value is put into the object's attribute
>> because the wrong register is used.  The error that comes up later is
>> not because the arguments are wrong, but because the wrong sub is called.
>> Can anyone tell if I'm on the right track?
> Yes, I can see the pattern. One possibility to verify this, is to add a
> 'dummy_5' PMC.
> I'd expect three hunks again, but the third hunk should than conform to
> the two first hunks.

Here's what happens if ".local pmc dummy_5" is added, compared to the
current repository version with ".local pmc dummy_[1-4]".

--- lisp.pbc.workaround 2007-09-01 17:02:22.0 +0200
+++ lisp.pbc.workaround22007-09-02 20:24:32.0 +0200
@@ -1445,7 +1445,7 @@
  116b:  0262 0006 008f
  116e:  02bb 0003 0045new_p_sc
  1171:  032f 0019 01a2set_p_pc
- 1174:  02a6 0003 0047 0019
+ 1174:  02a6 0003 0047 0011
  1178:  02bb 001a 0035new_p_sc
  117b:  0336 001a 015dset_p_sc
  117e:  0024 000d set_args_pc

> Is this a register allocator bug?

Not sure yet.  I think I've found the source that corresponds to the
opcodes.  It's C in F.

#.macro FUNCTION(F,L)
#.F = new "LispFunction"
116e:  02bb 0003 0045new_p_sc
== new, P3, constant 0x45 ("LispFunction")

#.const .Sub _func = .L
1171:  032f 0019 01a2set_p_pc
== set P25, ???

#setattribute .F, "body", _func
1174:  02a6 0003 0047 0019setattribute_p_sc_p
== setattribute P3, constant 0x47 ("body"), P25

# but when this go bad:
1174:  02a6 0003 0047 0011setattribute_p_sc_p
== setattribute P3, constant 0x47 ("body"), P17

The constants (0x45 and 0x47) are indexes into the constant pool.

# 69:
FLAGS=> 0x61100,
CHARSET  => 3961080,
SIZE => 12,
DATA => 'LispFunction'
} ],

# 71:
FLAGS=> 0x61100,
CHARSET  => 3961080,
SIZE => 4,
DATA => 'body'
} ],

The situation in the previous posting was this.

#.macro FUNCTION(F,L)
#.F = new "LispFunction"
1030:  02bb 0003 0045new_p_sc
== new, P3, constant 0x45 ("LispFunction")

#.const .Sub _func = .L
1033:  032f 0013 01b2set_p_pc
== set P19, ???

# or:
1033:  032f 0011 01b2set_p_pc
== set P17, ???

#setattribute .F, "body", _func
1036:  02a6 0003 0047 0013setattribute_p_sc_p
== setattribute P3, constant 0x47 ("body"), P19


I'm currently trying to understand the code well enough to step through
this with a debugger when the instructions are generated.


Re: [perl #45109] [Lisp] Breakage when an unused PMC is removed

2007-09-02 Thread Ron Blaschke
Bernhard Schmalhofer (via RT) wrote:
> # New Ticket Created by  Bernhard Schmalhofer 
> # Please include the string:  [perl #45109]
> # in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
> # >
> In languages/lisp/system.pir there are 4 unused PMCs declared.
> Removing one of them breaks Lisp.
> Here  is an example session:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/devel/Parrot/repos/parrot/languages/lisp$ svn diff
> Index: system.pir
> ===
> --- system.pir  (Revision 20981)
> +++ system.pir  (Arbeitskopie)
> @@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
>  .local pmc dummy_1
>  .local pmc dummy_2
>  .local pmc dummy_3
> -.local pmc dummy_4
>  _init_reader_macros( package )
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/devel/Parrot/repos/parrot/languages/lisp$ ../../parrot 
> lisp.pbc t/arithmetics_1.l
> wrong number of arguments to %GET-OBJECT-ATTRIBUTE
> current instr.: '_error' pc 2065 (read.pir:194)
> called from Sub '_get_object_attr' pc 7321 (system.pir:12)
> called from Sub '_setq' pc 14048 (cl.pir:941)
> called from Sub '_load' pc 7021 (system.pir:436)
> called from Sub '_common_lisp' pc 17015 (lisp.pir:77)
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/devel/Parrot/repos/parrot/languages/lisp$ uname -a
> Linux clou 2.6.20-16-386 #2 Thu Jun 7 20:16:13 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/devel/Parrot/repos/parrot/languages/lisp$ cat /etc/issue
> Ubuntu 7.04 \n \l
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/devel/Parrot/repos/parrot/languages/lisp$ 
> My guess is that this is GC-related, but I haven't verified or falsified 
> that yet.

I've had a first look at this and I think it's a problem in the compiler.

Here's a disassembly comparison between the current version, with the
workaround, and a version without ".local pmc dummy_4," as in the diff

--- lisp.pbc.workaround 2007-09-01 17:02:22.0 +0200
+++ lisp.pbc.bad2007-09-01 17:02:05.0 +0200
@@ -1308,8 +1308,8 @@
  0fc1:  0025 0015
  0fc3:  0262 0006 0177
  0fc6:  02bb 0003 0045new_p_sc
- 0fc9:  032f 0012 01c0set_p_pc
- 0fcc:  02a6 0003 0047 0012
+ 0fc9:  032f 0013 01c0set_p_pc
+ 0fcc:  02a6 0003 0047 0013
  0fd0:  02bb 001a 0035new_p_sc
  0fd3:  0336 001a 0168set_p_sc
  0fd6:  0024 000d set_args_pc
@@ -1325,8 +1325,8 @@
  0ff6:  0025 0015
  0ff8:  0262 0006 008f
  0ffb:  02bb 0003 0045new_p_sc
- 0ffe:  032f 0011 01c4set_p_pc
- 1001:  02a6 0003 0047 0011
+ 0ffe:  032f 0012 01c4set_p_pc
+ 1001:  02a6 0003 0047 0012
  1005:  02bb 001a 0035new_p_sc
  1008:  0336 001a 0169set_p_sc
  100b:  0024 000d set_args_pc
@@ -1342,7 +1342,7 @@
  102b:  0025 0015
  102d:  0262 0006 008f
  1030:  02bb 0003 0045new_p_sc
- 1033:  032f 0013 01b2set_p_pc
+ 1033:  032f 0011 01b2set_p_pc
  1036:  02a6 0003 0047 0013
  103a:  02bb 001a 0035new_p_sc
  103d:  0336 001a 0161set_p_sc

In all three sections a value is loaded into a register and then set as
an attribute on an object.

In the first hunk only the used register is changed from 0x12 to 0x13.
In the second hunks it's register 0x11 to 0x12.

With hunk three it's getting interesting because only the first
occurrence changes from 0x13 to 0x11.  set_attribute still uses 0x13,
which is wrong I think.

In the end, the wrong (Sub) value is put into the object's attribute
because the wrong register is used.  The error that comes up later is
not because the arguments are wrong, but because the wrong sub is called.

Can anyone tell if I'm on the right track?


Re: [perl #45109] [Lisp] Breakage when an unused PMC is removed

2007-09-02 Thread Ron Blaschke
Bernhard Schmalhofer (via RT) wrote:
> # New Ticket Created by  Bernhard Schmalhofer 
> # Please include the string:  [perl #45109]
> # in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
> # >
> In languages/lisp/system.pir there are 4 unused PMCs declared.
> Removing one of them breaks Lisp.
> Here  is an example session:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/devel/Parrot/repos/parrot/languages/lisp$ svn diff
> Index: system.pir
> ===
> --- system.pir  (Revision 20981)
> +++ system.pir  (Arbeitskopie)
> @@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
>  .local pmc dummy_1
>  .local pmc dummy_2
>  .local pmc dummy_3
> -.local pmc dummy_4
>  _init_reader_macros( package )
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/devel/Parrot/repos/parrot/languages/lisp$ ../../parrot 
> lisp.pbc t/arithmetics_1.l
> wrong number of arguments to %GET-OBJECT-ATTRIBUTE
> current instr.: '_error' pc 2065 (read.pir:194)
> called from Sub '_get_object_attr' pc 7321 (system.pir:12)
> called from Sub '_setq' pc 14048 (cl.pir:941)
> called from Sub '_load' pc 7021 (system.pir:436)
> called from Sub '_common_lisp' pc 17015 (lisp.pir:77)
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/devel/Parrot/repos/parrot/languages/lisp$ uname -a
> Linux clou 2.6.20-16-386 #2 Thu Jun 7 20:16:13 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/devel/Parrot/repos/parrot/languages/lisp$ cat /etc/issue
> Ubuntu 7.04 \n \l
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/devel/Parrot/repos/parrot/languages/lisp$ 
> My guess is that this is GC-related, but I haven't verified or falsified 
> that yet.

I've had a first look at this and I think it's a problem in the compiler.

Here's a disassembly comparison between the current version, with the
workaround, and a version without ".local pmc dummy_4," as in the diff

--- lisp.pbc.workaround 2007-09-01 17:02:22.0 +0200
+++ lisp.pbc.bad2007-09-01 17:02:05.0 +0200
@@ -1308,8 +1308,8 @@
0fc1:  0025 0015 get_results_pc
0fc3:  0262 0006 0177
0fc6:  02bb 0003 0045new_p_sc
0fc9:  032f 0012 01c0set_p_pc
0fcc:  02a6 0003 0047 0012
0fc9:  032f 0013 01c0set_p_pc
> + 0fcc:  02a6 0003 0047 0013   
> setattribute_p_sc_p
>   0fd0:  02bb 001a 0035new_p_sc
>   0fd3:  0336 001a 0168set_p_sc
>   0fd6:  0024 000d set_args_pc
> @@ -1325,8 +1325,8 @@
>   0ff6:  0025 0015 get_results_pc
>   0ff8:  0262 0006 008f
> callmethodcc_p_sc
>   0ffb:  02bb 0003 0045new_p_sc
> - 0ffe:  032f 0011 01c4set_p_pc
> - 1001:  02a6 0003 0047 0011   
> setattribute_p_sc_p
> + 0ffe:  032f 0012 01c4set_p_pc
> + 1001:  02a6 0003 0047 0012   
> setattribute_p_sc_p
>   1005:  02bb 001a 0035new_p_sc
>   1008:  0336 001a 0169set_p_sc
>   100b:  0024 000d set_args_pc
> @@ -1342,7 +1342,7 @@
>   102b:  0025 0015 get_results_pc
>   102d:  0262 0006 008f
> callmethodcc_p_sc
>   1030:  02bb 0003 0045new_p_sc
> - 1033:  032f 0013 01b2set_p_pc
> + 1033:  032f 0011 01b2set_p_pc
>   1036:  02a6 0003 0047 0013   
> setattribute_p_sc_p
>   103a:  02bb 001a 0035new_p_sc
>   103d:  0336 001a 0161set_p_sc

Re: [perl #44967] Using a freed variable (Coverity CID 98)

2007-09-01 Thread Ron Blaschke
Paul Cochrane wrote:

I've had a chance to look at this and the implementation looks quite
good to me.

There's one thing that still bothers me.  The snipped output is:

> Event alias: aliasing "(ins)->next" with "ins2"
> Also see events: [freed_arg][use_after_free]
> At conditional (1): "ins2 != 0" taking true path
> 512   for (ins2 = ins->next; ins2; ins2 = ins2->next) {
> Event freed_arg: Pointer "ins2" freed by function "subst_ins" [model]
> Also see events: [alias][use_after_free]
> 536   subst_ins(unit, ins2, tmp, 1);

There's "Also see events: [freed_arg][use_after_free]" and there's a
line saying "Event freed_arg: ..."

Then there's "Also see events: [alias][use_after_free]" and a line
saying "Event alias: ..."

This makes we wonder if there's any line saying "Event use_after_free:
..." in the report?


Re: [perl #44967] Using a freed variable (Coverity CID 98)

2007-08-27 Thread Ron Blaschke
Paul Cochrane wrote:
> On 27/08/07, Ron Blaschke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Paul Cochrane wrote:
>>> On 26/08/07, chromatic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> On Sun, Aug 26, 2007 at 11:14:11AM -0700, Paul Cochrane wrote:

>>> Ok, I'll just tell the Coverity thing to ignore that particular warning.
>> Just curious, but could you please post the exact wording of the warning?
> Sure.  I'll have to piece this together a bit from the various pieces
> of info from the web app output, so please, bear with me.
> Warning:
> File: compilers/imcc/optimizer.c
> Function: constant_propagation
> Description: Using freed pointer "(ins)->next"

Many thanks Paul.  The error message talks about "(ins)->next".  There
are two of those in constant_propagation.  Coverity does not show line
numbers, does it?  Is there any way to dump the sequence of statements
that triggers the error report?

line 593:
for (ins = unit->instructions; ins; ins = ins->next) {

line 612:
for (ins2 = ins->next; ins2; ins2 = ins2->next) {

I don't have time right now to wrap my brain around this right now, but
I'd like to think this through before dismissing it.  The two loops with
C and C do make me a bit uncomfortable, if it's a false
positive I'd really like to know why.  But don't let me hold you up on
this, continue as you see fit.


Re: [perl #44967] Using a freed variable (Coverity CID 98)

2007-08-27 Thread Ron Blaschke
Paul Cochrane wrote:
> On 26/08/07, chromatic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Sun, Aug 26, 2007 at 11:14:11AM -0700, Paul Cochrane wrote:
>>> The variable ins2 is freed by the call to subst_ins() but is then
>>> later assigned to later in the if-block.  Um, this isn't a good idea
>>> is it?  The variable shouldn't be freed in subst_ins() I don't think,
>>> so shouldn't we instead have the line:
>>> subst_ins(unit, ins2, tmp, 0);
>>> (where setting the argument to 0 means *not* freeing the variable).
>>> Is this the right thing to do?  Just wanted to ask the opinion of our
>>> resident gurus before I went and broke something...
>> free() takes a pointer and frees the memory pointed at.  The variable itself 
>> is
>> just a storage location for that pointer.  Maybe reusing the variable name is
>> confusing to humans, but I don't see any particular trouble for the computer
>> here.
> Ok, I'll just tell the Coverity thing to ignore that particular warning.

Just curious, but could you please post the exact wording of the warning?


Re: Current win32 linking issues: Summary

2007-08-22 Thread Ron Blaschke
Mark Glines wrote:
> On Tue, 21 Aug 2007 13:08:05 +0200
> Ron Blaschke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> The win32 skippage will need to be removed again, once the PMCNULL
>>> symbol is exported correctly from libparrot.dll.
>> Not adding the skip on the other t/src tests will cause them to
>> fail.  I think it would be best to skip them all, or none of them.
> I agree.  If we can't find a quick fix to get the tests to pass, I can
> clean things up to make them consistent (all-failing or all-skipped)
> before the release.  I don't have a preference which route we take.
>> Don't know if its a problem if they fail.  I don't have a problem with
>> failures as they tell me there's something that needs attention.

> True.  Well, these issues do need attention, so maybe they *should*
> fail. :)

Jerry mentioned yesterday that there shouldn't be any failures for a
release, which makes sense as it would only upset users.  Maybe there
should be a ticket for the failures then?  Or an environment variable
like PARROT_PORTER which makes all tests fail that are skipped because
they are broken, not because the feature is not supported on the platform?

> 1.  Do you have any ideas for how we need to decorate PMCNULL so it
> gets exported by the dll? PARROT_API doesn't seem to be sufficient.  I
> think maybe its because its a variable, not a function.
> 2.  Do you have any preference on how we fix up the Parrot::Config stuff
> so we can put "libparrot.lib" on the link command-line for win32, in the
> t/src/ tests?
> Sorry to ask so many questions, but I'm a linux geek, and utterly
> clueless about win32...

Many thanks for helping with the t/src issues, I'm glad you jumped on
the Windows train.  Some things work differently on Windows and Visual
C++, especially the linking and loading part, with symbol
exports/imports on the very top.

One great way to find out about compiled objects, libraries and
executables is the COFF/PE Dumper (dumpbin), which shows details about
the binary image.  Another fine tool is the Dependency Walker (depends),
which exactly shows you which libraries would be loaded, including their
full path, what symbols they export and which they import.

Please don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions.  Depending on
$job workload it might take some time before I can get back to you, though.


Re: Need JIT help please - JIT broken with optimized build on Windows (VC)

2007-08-22 Thread Ron Blaschke
Paolo Molaro wrote:
> On 08/16/07 Ron Blaschke wrote:
>>> This optimization reaches likely back to times, when the opcode engine was 
>>> designed. It's saving one interpreter push statement [1] per JIT calling 
>>> one 
>>> external function, and I've always thought of it as a very cool (and valid) 
>>> thingy, when I first realized, why the interpreter is the second argument 
>>> in 
>>> opcode functions ;)
>> I think it's a really cool idea, too.  I'd like to have a way to disable
>> it, though, to measure its effect, and maybe to "work around" compilers
>> like VC (at least until a better solution comes around).
> The optimization done by the parrot jit is invalid for the x86 C calling
> convention: the area of memory containing the passed arguments
> can be used as scratch space by the called function.
> If you can make sure it's not harmful that way you could still use it
> when calling parrot's own jitted functions which could use a different
> calling convention, but it is wrong when interoperating with other code
> (gcc can generate the same issues, so it's not just VC).

Many thanks for your help.  I couldn't find detailed descriptions of the
x86 C calling convention, which also talk about this.  But as nobody
explicitly says you can reuse it, I guess it's undefined and should be


Re: Current win32 linking issues: Summary

2007-08-21 Thread Ron Blaschke
Hi Mark,

Mark Glines wrote:
> On Mon, 20 Aug 2007 18:37:05 -0700
> Mark Glines <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Jerry added a workaround in r20641, declaring a local variable
>> PMCNULL within the test code, to get it to pass.  Unfortunately, this
>> workaround causes Darwin to fail with the message "ld: multiple
>> definitions of symbol _PMCNULL".
> Quick followup: in r20750, I reverted this portion of r20641.  The test
> passes again on Darwin, and is skipped again on win32. (I kept the
> typo fixes in compiler.t, and I didn't revert r20641's changes to the
> other test files.)
> The win32 skippage will need to be removed again, once the PMCNULL
> symbol is exported correctly from libparrot.dll.

Not adding the skip on the other t/src tests will cause them to fail.  I
think it would be best to skip them all, or none of them.

Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
t\src\atomic.t 4  1024 44 100.00%  1-4
t\src\basic.t  3   768 33 100.00%  1-3
t\src\exit.t   1   256 11 100.00%  1
t\src\extend.t15  384016   15  93.75%  1-15
t\src\hash.t  11  281611   11 100.00%  1-11
t\src\io.t17  435220   17  85.00%  1-15 18 20
t\src\list.t   2   512 22 100.00%  1-2
t\src\sprintf.t3   768 33 100.00%  1-3
t\src\string.t 2   512 32  66.67%  2-3
1 test and 1 subtest skipped.
Failed 9/11 test scripts, 18.18% okay. 58/67 subtests failed, 13.43% okay.

Don't know if its a problem if they fail.  I don't have a problem with
failures as they tell me there's something that needs attention.

Jerry, any way I can help with this?


Re: Need JIT help please - JIT broken with optimized build on Windows (VC)

2007-08-15 Thread Ron Blaschke
Leopold Toetsch wrote:
> Am Mittwoch, 15. August 2007 20:05 schrieb Ron Blaschke:
>> Visual C++ seems to optimize quite heavily, and it looks like it reuses
>> the memory on the stack where arguments are passed for local variables.
>> mov dword ptr [ebp+0Ch],edx
> All I know about intel calling convs would summarize this as a nasty compiler 
> bug, not an optimization. This statement is clearly overwrting a stack frame 
> location, which doesn't belong to the called subroutine.

I took this for granted too until today.  Now that I think about it I'm
wondering...  The caller copies the values in and is responsible for
free(3)ing, but does it also own the data?
What about code that assumes it owns the local variable that represents
the argument.

void f(int x)
/* x is mine, and mine alone */
x = ...;

> This optimization reaches likely back to times, when the opcode engine was 
> designed. It's saving one interpreter push statement [1] per JIT calling one 
> external function, and I've always thought of it as a very cool (and valid) 
> thingy, when I first realized, why the interpreter is the second argument in 
> opcode functions ;)

I think it's a really cool idea, too.  I'd like to have a way to disable
it, though, to measure its effect, and maybe to "work around" compilers
like VC (at least until a better solution comes around).

For the given example, VC uses the memory available for the local
variable C, and the remaining data fits into the reserved stack
and the registers too, avoiding to allocate memory on the stack for the
local variables.  This would probably involve a C and , which is likely more lightweight than pushing the C on the
stack, making the latter probably the better optimization in this case

> [1] well at least for ancient architectures like x86, which don't have 
> register calling convs for parts of the arguments

For Windows there's __fastcall, which would use ECX and EDX for the
first two int or smaller values, but I think it's rarely used

> Great analysis of the problem BTW,
> thanks,
> leo

Many thanks,

Need JIT help please - JIT broken with optimized build on Windows (VC)

2007-08-15 Thread Ron Blaschke

JIT is currently broken on x86 Windows using optimized Visual C++ builds.

Here's the reason why.  Hopefully someone more familiar with the JIT can
pick this up.

04e45c9a 68f06fe604  push4E66FF0h
04e45c9f e8370a1c0b  call_Parrot_set_returns_pc
04e45ca4 83c404  add esp,4
04e45ca7 68f86fe604  push4E66FF8h
04e45cac e8e6481c0b  call_Parrot_returncc
04e45cb1 83c404  add esp,4

Both functions(C and C) take
C as arguments.

The stack top contains a pointer to the interpreter, C<4E66FF0h> and
C<4E66FF8h> are pointers to the opcodes.

As you can see, the code is heavily optimized.  The pointer to the
interpreter is kept on the stack as it should stay the same, only the
opcode is exchanged.  *should* is the key word here.

Visual C++ seems to optimize quite heavily, and it looks like it reuses
the memory on the stack where arguments are passed for local variables.

mov ebp,esp

At this point, the stack looks like so.

* stack frame pointer save (ebp+0h)
* return address (ebp+4h)
* cur_opcode (ebp+8h)
* interp (ebp+Ch)

mov eax,dword ptr [ebp+0Ch]
mov ecx,dword ptr [eax]

ecx now contains interp.

mov esi,dword ptr [ebp+8]
mov edx,dword ptr [esi+4]
mov edi,dword ptr [ecx+58h]
mov edx,dword ptr [edi+edx*4]
mov edx,dword ptr [edx+8]
mov dword ptr [eax+0E8h],esi
mov edi,dword ptr [ecx+3Ch]
mov dword ptr [ebp+0Ch],edx

I won't decode above in detail here, but it's the following code.

opcode_t * const _this = CUR_OPCODE;
parrot_context_t *ctx;
PMC *ccont;
PMC *signature = $1;
INTVAL argc;
opcode_t *src_indexes, *dest_indexes;

interp->current_returns = _this;
ctx = CONTEXT(interp->ctx);
ccont = ctx->current_cont;

Notice the last mov.  This means ccont reuses the memory previously used
by interp.  That's why returncc does not receive the correct interp.


Re: [Win32] There's a new compiler in town (sort of)

2007-08-09 Thread Ron Blaschke
Hi Joshua,

Joshua Hoblitt wrote:
> Can you submit a patch for the PLATFORMS file? 

Here it is.


Re: [Win32] There's a new compiler in town (sort of)

2007-08-07 Thread Ron Blaschke
Hi Andy,

Andy Lester wrote:
> On Aug 7, 2007, at 10:25 AM, Andy Armstrong wrote:
>> This any use?
> Beautiful.  Sure looks like it.

There are a bunch of different editions available.  Each edition
contains a different compiler with a different feature set!  This is
really annoying, actually.

Here's a feature overview:

If you need help with the setup let me know.  I'm running Visual C++
2005 Express, I guess there's little difference.


Re: [Win32] There's a new compiler in town (sort of)

2007-08-07 Thread Ron Blaschke
jerry gay wrote:
> On 8/7/07, Ron Blaschke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Microsoft is working on the next iteration of their compiler, Visual C++
>> 9.0, currently in Beta2.
>> Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 15.00.20706.01
>> for 80x86
>> The current setup is:
>> Visual Studio 2008 Beta2
>> Subversion 1.4.4
>> Perl 5.8.8
>> Parrot r20516
>> It builds right out of the box.  Here's the test summary.
>> All tests successful, 25 tests and 627 subtests skipped.
>> Files=307, Tests=7233, 944 wallclock secs ( 0.00 cusr +  0.00 csys =
>> 0.00 CPU)
> excellent news! would you also report on an optimized build? in the
> past, we've had problems with msvc compiling in different behavior wrt
> -0.0 support in optimized builds.

Looks quite good, nothing unexpected.  file_metadata.t fails because I
did another svn up which brought in t/configure/024-version.t with wrong
Subversion properties.  shootout.t fails as usual with optimized Win32

Failed Test  Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
t/distro/file_metadata.t3   768 43  75.00%  1-3
t/examples/shootout.t  10  256020   10  50.00%  1 3 7-10 14-15 17-18
25 tests and 627 subtests skipped.
Failed 2/308 test scripts, 99.35% okay. 13/7235 subtests failed, 99.82%
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe' : return code '0xff'

> i'll likely install this beta myself someday soon and test things out
> similarly on x86_64.



[Win32] There's a new compiler in town (sort of)

2007-08-07 Thread Ron Blaschke
Microsoft is working on the next iteration of their compiler, Visual C++
9.0, currently in Beta2.

Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 15.00.20706.01
for 80x86

The current setup is:

Visual Studio 2008 Beta2
Subversion 1.4.4
Perl 5.8.8
Parrot r20516

It builds right out of the box.  Here's the test summary.

All tests successful, 25 tests and 627 subtests skipped.
Files=307, Tests=7233, 944 wallclock secs ( 0.00 cusr +  0.00 csys =
0.00 CPU)


ctags - confused

2007-08-05 Thread Ron Blaschke
Jerry noticed that some symbols are missing with ctags, for example

This happens for me too with ctags 5.6 on Win32, but other versions or
platforms could suffer from the same problem.

$ ctags --version
Exuberant Ctags 5.6, Copyright (C) 1996-2004 Darren Hiebert
  Compiled: Jul 30 2006, 16:12:20
  Addresses: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Optional compiled features: +win32, +regex, +internal-sort

The issue is that ctags gets confused by definitions like these.

... foo(MACRO(...))

ctags indexes C instead of C.

Here's an example:

// test.c
f1(void *ptr)

f2(NULLOK(void *ptr))

f3(NULLOK(void *ptr1), NOTNULL(void *ptr2))
// end

$ ctags -f- test.c
NOTNULL test.c  /^f3(NULLOK(void *ptr1), NOTNULL(void *ptr2))$/;"   f
NULLOK  test.c  /^f2(NULLOK(void *ptr))$/;" f
f1  test.c  /^f1(void *ptr)$/;" f

My current workaround for this is to grep tags directly for the symbol,
like so:

$ grep mem_sys_free tags
NULLOK  .\src\gc\memory.c   /^mem_sys_free(NULLOK(void
*from))$/;"  f


Re: [perl #44213] docs/faq.pod - fix L pod abuse

2007-08-03 Thread Ron Blaschke
Will Coleda via RT wrote:
> Seems like a pretty straightforward patch, but isn't the L<> syntax 
> used currently proper? Is there a particular pod reader we're trying 
> to make happy?

I tripped over this recently too.

>From perlpod:

*   "L"

Links to an absolute URL. For example,
"L". But note that there is no
corresponding "L" syntax, for various reasons.

Re: Odd Memory Corruption

2007-07-06 Thread Ron Blaschke
chromatic wrote:
> In theory, this patch should apply and run cleanly.  It doesn't.
> Thus, something somewhere pokes into memory it shouldn't.
> Any ideas?  Alternately, any comments on this analysis?

I think adding memory checks is a brilliant idea, especially because
memory is sometimes recycled with GC, thus malloc/free checks being less
useful.  The bug where a PMC was still used while already being put on
the free list, and aggravated by the fact that the free list pointer is
put at the same address as the data comes into mind.

I really like what Microsoft has done with their memory guards.

The Structure of a Page Heap Block

It would be great if someone could have a look at patches 43432 and
43529.  They might be memory relevant too.


Optimized Build Failures on Win32

2007-06-30 Thread Ron Blaschke
Parrot fails with an optimized build on Win32, Visual C++.  Here are a
few random observations, not sure if they are pointing to the problem or
are merely side effects.

It seems like the failures only affect JIT execution.  I'm only seeing
this with some shootout tests during C, as those are setting
it.  Always using the JIT execution (C) makes a whole
lot of other tests fail too.

$ nmake test
Failed Test   Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of
t/compilers/imcc/imcpasm/optc.t 40 1024043   40  93.02%  1-7 11-43
t/compilers/imcc/reg/alloc.t 6  1536116  54.55%  1-2 4-7
t/compilers/imcc/reg/spill.t 6  1536 96  66.67%  3 5-9
t/compilers/imcc/syn/bsr.t   2   512122  16.67%  8-9
t/compilers/imcc/syn/const.t 6  1536346  17.65%  1-3 6-7 31
t/compilers/imcc/syn/file.t  5  1280135  38.46%  4 6 8-9 13
t/compilers/imcc/syn/labels.t1   256 61  16.67%  6
 (1 subtest UNEXPECTEDLY SUCCEEDED), 21 tests and 601 subtests skipped.
Failed 112/307 test scripts, 63.52% okay. 1001/6979 subtests failed,
85.66% okay.

A short program that shows one failure is this.

.sub main :main
.local pmc stdout
stdout = getstdout
print "before say\n"
stdout.say("Hello World!")
print "after say\n"

$ parrot test.pir
before say
Hello World!
after say

$ parrot -j test.pir
before say
Hello World!

Parrot segfaults shortly after executing Parrot_callmethodcc_p_sc in
this example, which is F C, that is the C method call.

Now, callmethodcc translates into F and compiling
just this source file without optimization (I know, compiling with
different flags is a thing one should avoid) makes the problem go away,
or at least hide really well.

$ parrot -j test.pir
before say
Hello World!
after say

$ nmake test
Failed Test  Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
t/distro/file_metadata.t3   768 43  75.00%  1-3
t/doc/pod.t 1   256 11 100.00%  1
 (1 subtest UNEXPECTEDLY SUCCEEDED), 21 tests and 601 subtests skipped.
Failed 2/307 test scripts, 99.35% okay. 4/6979 subtests failed, 99.94% okay.

Something similar can be seen with MinGW.  Parrot compiled with C<-Os>.

$ runtests t\examples\shootout.t
Test Summary Report
t\examples\shootout.t (Wstat: 2048 Tests: 20 Failed: 8)
  Failed tests:  3, 6-10, 17-18
  Tests skipped: 13
  Non-zero exit status: 8
Files=1, Tests=20, 19 wallclock secs ( 0.00 cusr +  0.00 csys =  0.00 CPU)

F without C<-Os>.

$ runtests t\examples\shootout.t
All tests successful.

Test Summary Report
t\examples\shootout.t (Wstat: 0 Tests: 20 Failed: 0)
  Tests skipped: 13
Files=1, Tests=20, 16 wallclock secs ( 0.00 cusr +  0.00 csys =  0.00 CPU)


Re: [perl #43187] [BUG] MinGW (build) busted?

2007-06-25 Thread Ron Blaschke
chromatic wrote:
> On Sunday 24 June 2007 04:48:19 Ron Blaschke wrote:
>> Thanks for picking this up.  The problem was caused by C<#pragma once>
>> which MinGW GCC 3.4.2 seems to choke on.  There was some discussion on
>> the list ("Removing #pragma") too.
> It looks like r18945 should have fixed the problem; can you confirm?

Yep, MinGW gcc doesn't segfault with r18945.


Re: [perl #43187] [BUG] MinGW (build) busted?

2007-06-24 Thread Ron Blaschke
chromatic wrote:
> On Tuesday 12 June 2007 22:28:26 Ron Blaschke wrote:
>> I tried to build r18933 and received the following error message:
>> ...
>> src\global_setup.c
>> src\interpreter.c
>> In file included from src\interpreter.c:38:
>> ./include/parrot/oplib/core_ops.h:1: internal compiler error:
>> Segmentation fault
>> Please submit a full bug report,
>> with preprocessed source if appropriate.
>> See> for instructions.
>> mingw32-make: *** [src\interpreter.o] Error 1
>> FWIW, the last successful smoke seems to be r18881 on 2007-06-08. [1]
> Sorry for the delay.  Can you provide a backtrace?

Thanks for picking this up.  The problem was caused by C<#pragma once>
which MinGW GCC 3.4.2 seems to choke on.  There was some discussion on
the list ("Removing #pragma") too.


Re: [perl #39426] [BUG] Can't build with cygwin.

2007-06-17 Thread Ron Blaschke
Paul Cochrane wrote:
>> Paul Cochrane wrote:
>> >> Without the manual setting of PATH before building?
>> >
>> > With the manual PATH setting.  There are several tickets for cygwin
>> > not building in RT; are they all related?  Is there something like a
>> > hints file where the information about the PATH can be set so that
>> > cygwin builds out of the box?
> Cygwin is building for me without the PATH setting as of r19022.  Are
> other people seeing this behaviour as well?  If so, can we get rid of
> the (three or four) "parrot isn't building on cygwin" tickets in RT?

Doesn't work for me either.

Invoking Parrot to generate runtime/parrot/include/config.fpmc --cross
your fingers
./miniparrot.exe config_lib.pasm > runtime/parrot/include/config.fpmc
make: *** [runtime/parrot/include/config.fpmc] Error 53

Do you have an installed Parrot?  Try C< which -a libparrot.dll >.


Re: [perl #41569] t/distro/file_metadata.t fails on win32

2007-06-17 Thread Ron Blaschke
Paul Cochrane wrote:

> I couldn't get your patch to apply cleanly and so hacked it in by
> hand.  I'm attaching a new patch to this email (which is quite
> possibly identical to yours) so that you can give it a quick test.  If
> all is happy, then I'll commit the change and close the ticket.

I locally applied it to r19058 and works fine.

$ prove t/distro/file_metadata.t
t/distro/file_metadata# Collecting svn:mime-type attributes...
# Collecting svn:keywords attributes...
t/distro/file_metadataok 2/4# Collecting svn:eol-style attributes...
# Collecting svn:eol-style attributes...
All tests successful.
Files=1, Tests=4, 30 wallclock secs ( 0.00 cusr +  0.00 csys =  0.00 CPU)

> Thanks heaps for your help!

Many thanks for cleaning this up!


Re: [perl #41569] t/distro/file_metadata.t fails on win32

2007-06-12 Thread Ron Blaschke
Paul Cochrane wrote:
>> > But if we convert what MANIFEST provides (i.e. Unix directory
>> > separators) into whatever the current platform needs (i.e. what
>> > canonpath() does) then it should agree with whatever svn spits out.
>> > Or am I missing something?
>> No, that's exactly what I think needs to be done.  In the patch
>> canonpath is used with the result of the svn execution only.  That's not
>> enough.  @manifest_files would need to be changed too, otherwise it
>> contains the file names with forward slashes from MANIFEST.  There's
>> also a regex $lf_files_regexp that seems to filter files, and the part
>> that uses it would need to be aware of the changed separator, too.
>> > Essentially my patch is just a less fragile version of the patch you
>> > submitted to get this test to work on Windows.  (at least, I don't
>> > think I'm changing the functionality that much).
>> I simple changed the backward slashes to forward slashes, thus forward
>> slashes everywhere.
> Which was what *I* intended to do with my patch, but after staring at
> it long enough, I realised that's not what *it* was saying!  :-)
> Ooops.

Oh, I see.  Sorry I didn't get this right.

> I'd like to avoid converting the entire MANIFEST from Unix to Windows
> directory separators just so that we can have the hash we're
> generating in t/distro/file_metadata.t  has consistent keys;
> converting to explicitly Unix should be enough (and converting the
> whole MANIFEST would make the test even slower than it already is).
> Even more so considering that there is a ticket in RT trying to get
> rid of MANIFEST.  Anyway, attached is another patch, which hopefully
> does the right thing now.  If everyone's happy with the patch, I'll
> apply and commit it to trunk.
> Ron, would it be ok if you could check the patch to see if it works on
> Win32?  Thanks heaps in advance.

There's one piece missing:  You'd need to splitdir/catdir $directories
too, otherwise it's left as-is.

I have attached a modified patch, and prove-ed it works with r18945 on

Index: t/distro/file_metadata.t
--- t/distro/file_metadata.t(revision 18945)
+++ t/distro/file_metadata.t(working copy)
@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@
 use Test::More;
 use File::Basename qw( fileparse );
-use File::Spec::Functions qw( catfile );
+use File::Spec::Functions qw( catfile splitpath splitdir );
+use File::Spec::Unix;
 use Parrot::Config;
 use Parrot::Revision;
 use ExtUtils::Manifest qw( maniread );
@@ -270,13 +271,22 @@
 # This RE may be a little wonky.
 if ( $result =~ m{(.*) - (.*)} ) {
-my ( $file, $attribute ) = ( $1, $2 );
+my ( $full_path, $attribute ) = ( $1, $2 );
-# file names are reported with backslashes on Windows,
-# but we want forward slashes
-$file =~ s!\\!/!g if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
+# split the path
+my ( $volume, $directories, $file ) = 
+splitpath $full_path;
+my @directories = splitdir $directories;
-$results{$file} = $attribute;
+# put it back together as a unix path (to match MANIFEST)
+$full_path = File::Spec::Unix->catpath( 
+# store the attribute into the results hash
+$results{$full_path} = $attribute;

Re: [perl #41569] t/distro/file_metadata.t fails on win32

2007-06-11 Thread Ron Blaschke
Paul Cochrane wrote:
> On 11/06/07, Ron Blaschke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> jerry gay wrote:
>> > On 6/11/07, Paul Cochrane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >> On 09/03/07, chromatic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >> > On Friday 09 March 2007 05:00, Ron Blaschke wrote:
>> >> >
>> >> > > Attached patch replaces the backslashes with slashes on Windows.
>> >> >
>> >> > Would using File::Spec be less fragile?
>> >>
>> >> I've attached a patch which uses File::Spec instead of replacing one
>> >> set of slashes with another.  Comments welcome!  :-)
>> >>
>> > good idea.
>> >
>> > instead of breaking up the path and reconstructing it separately
>> > (since the individual components of the path aren't used anywhere
>> > else,) how about using 'canonpath' to clean up the path in one step.
>> > something like:
>> >
>> >if ( $result =~ m{(.*) - (.*)} ) {
>> >my $file = canonpath $1;
>> >my $attribute = $2;
>> >
>> ># and add to the results hash
>> >$results{$file} = $attribute;
>> >}
>> I may be missing something here, but I think the problem was that the
>> file name sets in MANIFEST and those reported by svn must match up, but
>> didn't because of the file separator.  MANIFEST uses forward slashes,
>> File::Spec those of the current platform, which probably brings you back
>> to square one.
> But if we convert what MANIFEST provides (i.e. Unix directory
> separators) into whatever the current platform needs (i.e. what
> canonpath() does) then it should agree with whatever svn spits out.
> Or am I missing something?

No, that's exactly what I think needs to be done.  In the patch
canonpath is used with the result of the svn execution only.  That's not
enough.  @manifest_files would need to be changed too, otherwise it
contains the file names with forward slashes from MANIFEST.  There's
also a regex $lf_files_regexp that seems to filter files, and the part
that uses it would need to be aware of the changed separator, too.

> Essentially my patch is just a less fragile version of the patch you
> submitted to get this test to work on Windows.  (at least, I don't
> think I'm changing the functionality that much).

I simple changed the backward slashes to forward slashes, thus forward
slashes everywhere.  But canonpath does on Win32:

$ perl -MFile::Spec::Functions=canonpath
-e "print canonpath 'some\file.t'"

$ perl -MFile::Spec::Functions=canonpath
-e "print canonpath 'some/file.t'"

Here are the test results with the patch applied on Win32:

$ prove t\distro\file_metadata.t
#  svn ps svn:eol-style 'LF' examples/shootout/takfp.pir.output;
#  svn ps svn:eol-style 'LF' t/compilers/pge/p5regex/re_tests;
#  svn ps svn:eol-style 'LF' t/library/perlhist.txt;
#  svn ps svn:eol-style 'LF' t/op/sprintf_tests;
# '
# expected: ''
# Looks like you failed 4 tests of 4.
Test returned status 4 (wstat 1024, 0x400)
DIED. FAILED tests 1-4
Failed 4/4 tests, 0.00% okay
Failed Test  Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
t\distro\file_metadata.t4  1024 44 100.00%  1-4
Failed 1/1 test scripts, 0.00% okay. 4/4 subtests failed, 0.00% okay.


Re: [perl #41569] t/distro/file_metadata.t fails on win32

2007-06-11 Thread Ron Blaschke
jerry gay wrote:
> On 6/11/07, Paul Cochrane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On 09/03/07, chromatic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > On Friday 09 March 2007 05:00, Ron Blaschke wrote:
>> >
>> > > Attached patch replaces the backslashes with slashes on Windows.
>> >
>> > Would using File::Spec be less fragile?
>> I've attached a patch which uses File::Spec instead of replacing one
>> set of slashes with another.  Comments welcome!  :-)
> good idea.
> instead of breaking up the path and reconstructing it separately
> (since the individual components of the path aren't used anywhere
> else,) how about using 'canonpath' to clean up the path in one step.
> something like:
>if ( $result =~ m{(.*) - (.*)} ) {
>my $file = canonpath $1;
>my $attribute = $2;
># and add to the results hash
>$results{$file} = $attribute;

I may be missing something here, but I think the problem was that the
file name sets in MANIFEST and those reported by svn must match up, but
didn't because of the file separator.  MANIFEST uses forward slashes,
File::Spec those of the current platform, which probably brings you back
to square one.

If you decide for File::Spec you should also canonicalize
@manifest_files, I guess.


Re: [perl #39426] [BUG] Can't build with cygwin.

2007-06-06 Thread Ron Blaschke
Paul Cochrane wrote:
>> Without the manual setting of PATH before building?
> With the manual PATH setting.  There are several tickets for cygwin
> not building in RT; are they all related?  Is there something like a
> hints file where the information about the PATH can be set so that
> cygwin builds out of the box?

Some time ago I proposed a patch to change some of the library stuff for
Windows platforms.  Part of this was to put all binaries into a single
directory, often the preferred location and way to handle dependencies
on Windows.


Re: odbc.lib still linked?

2007-05-20 Thread Ron Blaschke
Klaas-Jan Stol wrote:

> recently a patch was supplied and applied for odbc32.lib being linked into
> parrot.
> This file is not needed for Parrot, but it seems it is still linked (at
> least, here on my machine, winxp).
> \parrot\library\PAST-pm.pbc
>C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe -e "chdir shift @ARGV;system 'nmake',
> '-nologo', @A
> RGV; exit $? >> 8;" compilers\json
>link -out:.\pbc_merge.exe  src\pbc_merge.obj  src\parrot_config.obj
> lib
> parrot.lib  oldnames.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib
> winspool.libcomdlg32
> .lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib netapi32.lib
> uuid.libws2_3
> 2.lib mpr.lib winmm.lib version.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib msvcrt.lib
> -nologo
> -nodefaultlib -debug -machine:x86  -debug
> Check the second last line...
> Should it be there?

>From your command line you seem to refer to Visual C++, but patch 42950
looks like it's intended for MinGW.

For Visual C++ the libraries are pulled in from your Perl
(see perl -V:libs).


Re: Limiting Exported Symbols on GCC

2007-04-12 Thread Ron Blaschke

Nicholas Clark wrote:

On the other hand, we've managed very well in Perl 5 with the flag data in
embed.fnc and generating the annotated headers programmatically.

Interesting.  I quite like this.

Nicholas Clark


Re: Limiting Exported Symbols on GCC

2007-04-12 Thread Ron Blaschke

Nicholas Clark wrote:

On Thu, Apr 12, 2007 at 04:56:15PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Thu, Apr 12, 2007 at 09:13:14AM -0500, Steve Peters wrote:

On Thu, Apr 12, 2007 at 01:37:24PM +0200, Ron Blaschke wrote:
While poking the GCC documentation I found that there's a feature 
available to limit the exported symbols (with GCC >= 3.3).  Maybe worth 
It's probably a design decision.  If there's an option to limit the 
exported symbols or make all available, which one should be taken?

This can be done by adding C<-fvisibility=hidden> to CFLAGS and setting 
PARROT_API to C<__attribute__ ((visibility("default")))>.

I think that we need to tread very carefully with adding additional 
gcc-isms to Parrot, lest we break compatibility with additional compilers
even further.  If Parrot will run everywhere, we need to think about 
working more towards ANSI and POSIX compliance.

I think that the same effect can be achieved using a linker script (although
I don't know much about them), in wich case you are not depending on a 
compiler feature.

I thought the same, but I've never seen clear documentation as to how to do it.

Just to elaborate a bit further on what I did: There's a macro called 
PARROT_API (see F) which is used to tag all 
symbols to be exported.  On Win32 it expands to C<__declspec(dllexport)> 
to export the symbol (see F), for others 
to nothing.  For my test I defined it as C<__attribute__ ((visibility 


Re: [Proposed PATCH] Change libparrot Names and Locations

2007-04-12 Thread Ron Blaschke

jerry gay wrote:

On 4/12/07, Ron Blaschke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Attached is a proposed patch to change the libparrot names and locations
for Windows.  I have tested the changes for "core" Parrot on Win32
Visual C++, Cygwin GCC, MinGW GCC and Ubuntu GCC.

this looks fabulous. thank you for providing your strategy, and the
detailed references. however, there are some minor problems.

Thanks!  Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.

Index: tools/build/
+sub usage {
+my ($arg) = @_;
+print "Missing argument: $arg\n";
+print "usage: ln_rel_sf  \n";
+print "target  existing destination of link\n";
+print "source  link source to be created\n";
+exit 1;
+my ($target, $source) = @ARGV;
+if (!defined $target) {
+if (!defined $source) {

the above logic misses the case where there are too many arguments.
i notice you haven't provided tests, either--that's not a reason for
rejection, just a note that we need to enter a CAGE ticket to write
some after applying this.

True, I should really improve this.

-# If we are building shared, need to include dynamic 
libparrot.lib, otherwise

+# If we are building shared, need to include dynamic 
parrot.lib, otherwise

 # the static libparrot.lib.

this code section and this comment in particular interests me. it
shows me that the name of the dynamic lib is different than the static
lib. this reminds me of some time ago when static/dynamic builds of
parrot were overhauled, allowing either type to be built. i always
wondered if we could build *both*. do you think this patch gets us
closer to building both static and dynamic parrot in the same build?

The patch doesn't change that.  Previously, the static library was built 
at F, the import library at F (no 
blib/lib here!).  Now it's F and 
F, respectively.

11.04.2007  20:5819.226.530 libparrot.lib
11.04.2007  19:43 2.685.438 parrot.lib

Both libraries get built during make, but I'm not sure if libparrot is 
usable.  Are we talking about a statically linked parrot.exe?  I can 
look into this if you like.


Limiting Exported Symbols on GCC

2007-04-12 Thread Ron Blaschke
While poking the GCC documentation I found that there's a feature 
available to limit the exported symbols (with GCC >= 3.3).  Maybe worth 
It's probably a design decision.  If there's an option to limit the 
exported symbols or make all available, which one should be taken?

This can be done by adding C<-fvisibility=hidden> to CFLAGS and setting 
PARROT_API to C<__attribute__ ((visibility("default")))>.

If you're trying this, prepare to kill io_4 quickly while t/src/io.t is 
running, as it would print "16777215:" for a very, very long time 
(there's already a ticket for this).  The following is r18140 on Ubuntu, 
using GCC 4.1.2.

>prove t/src/io.t
t/src/iook 15/20# 'cc  -L/usr/local/lib -Wl,-E  t/src/io_16.o 
src/parrot_config.o -o t/src/io_16 -Wl,-rpath=/home/rb
lasch/src/parrot/trunk/blib/lib -Lblib/lib -lparrot -lpthread -lm 
-L/usr/lib  -licuuc -licudata -lpthread -lm -ldl -lm -

lpthread -lcrypt -lrt -lgmp -lreadline -lncurses' failed with exit code 1
# Failed to build 't/src/io_16': t/src/io_16.o: In function `the_test':
# t/src/io_16.c:31: undefined reference to `PIO_make_offset'
# collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

# Failed test (t/src/io.t at line 506)
t/src/ioNOK 16# 'cc  -L/usr/local/lib -Wl,-E  t/src/io_17.o 
src/parrot_config.o -o t/src/io_17 -Wl,-rpath=/home/rbla
sch/src/parrot/trunk/blib/lib -Lblib/lib -lparrot -lpthread -lm 
-L/usr/lib  -licuuc -licudata -lpthread -lm -ldl -lm -lp

thread -lcrypt -lrt -lgmp -lreadline -lncurses' failed with exit code 1
# Failed to build 't/src/io_17': t/src/io_17.o: In function `the_test':
# t/src/io_17.c:46: undefined reference to `PIO_make_offset'
# collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

# Failed test (t/src/io.t at line 538)
t/src/ioNOK 17# 'cc  -L/usr/local/lib -Wl,-E  t/src/io_18.o 
src/parrot_config.o -o t/src/io_18 -Wl,-rpath=/home/rbla
sch/src/parrot/trunk/blib/lib -Lblib/lib -lparrot -lpthread -lm 
-L/usr/lib  -licuuc -licudata -lpthread -lm -ldl -lm -lp

thread -lcrypt -lrt -lgmp -lreadline -lncurses' failed with exit code 1
# Failed to build 't/src/io_18': t/src/io_18.o: In function `the_test':
# t/src/io_18.c:33: undefined reference to `PIO_STDOUT'
# collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

# Failed test (t/src/io.t at line 593)
t/src/ioNOK 18# 'cc  -L/usr/local/lib -Wl,-E  t/src/io_19.o 
src/parrot_config.o -o t/src/io_19 -Wl,-rpath=/home/rbla
sch/src/parrot/trunk/blib/lib -Lblib/lib -lparrot -lpthread -lm 
-L/usr/lib  -licuuc -licudata -lpthread -lm -ldl -lm -lp

thread -lcrypt -lrt -lgmp -lreadline -lncurses' failed with exit code 1
# Failed to build 't/src/io_19': t/src/io_19.o: In function `the_test':
# t/src/io_19.c:29: undefined reference to `pio_stdio_layer'
# collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

# Failed test (t/src/io.t at line 628)
t/src/iook 20/20# Looks like you failed 9 tests of 20.
Test returned status 9 (wstat 2304, 0x900)
DIED. FAILED tests 2-4, 6-7, 16-19
Failed 9/20 tests, 55.00% okay
Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
t/src/io.t 9  2304209  45.00%  2-4 6-7 16-19
Failed 1/1 test scripts, 0.00% okay. 9/20 subtests failed, 55.00% okay.


[Proposed PATCH] Change libparrot Names and Locations

2007-04-12 Thread Ron Blaschke
Attached is a proposed patch to change the libparrot names and locations 
for Windows.  I have tested the changes for "core" Parrot on Win32 
Visual C++, Cygwin GCC, MinGW GCC and Ubuntu GCC.

Minor Changes

* libparrot_(static|shared) now contains the path to the library, not 
the library name.  This lines up better with the F, too.

-LIBPARROT_STATIC= @blib_dir@/@libparrot_static@
+LIBPARROT_STATIC= @libparrot_static@

* Ordered arguments for linking miniparrot and parrot.  For some reason 
Cygwin's gcc doesn't reorder them.

* Removed reference to F, file doesn't exist

Now for the real changes:


One key difference between Visual C++ and GCC (or better PE and ELF?) is 
that the link-time library and runtime library are different files, 
though I guess this is somewhat comparable to ELF's soname?

Visual C++ uses two libraries for dynamic linking: library.lib for 
linking (import library), library.dll during runtime (DLL).  The base 
name doesn't have to be the same, to you can have a F and a 
library.dll must be found in the DLL search order, usually it's best to 
put it into the same directory as the executable.  There's no prefix.

There's no versioning scheme, but if multiple versions are expected it's 
best to include the number in the name.  For example, F 
(Microsoft Visual C++ C Runtime Library 8.0) or F.

Dynamic-Link Library Search Order

Win32 / Visual C++

The static library is now at F, the import 
library at F.  The DLL is now at 

Win32 / Cygwin

Cygwin is a mix between Windows and UNIX, which shows here too.  The 
static library is now at F.  The import library is 
at F, the DLL at F 
(yes, that's a 'cyg' prefix here).

Cygwin User's Guide - Building and Using DLLs

ld and WIN32 (cygwin/mingw)

Win32 / MinGW (GCC)

The static library is F, the import library 
F and the DLL F.


ld and WIN32 (cygwin/mingw)

make test
There are some test failures, but I don't think they are related to the 

Ubuntu (r18140)
Failed Test  Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
t/configure/01-options.t  255 6528033   48 145.45%  10-33
8 tests and 577 subtests skipped.
Failed 1/275 test scripts, 99.64% okay. 24/6768 subtests failed, 99.65% 

Visual C++ 8.0 (r18140)
All tests successful, 21 tests and 592 subtests skipped.
Files=275, Tests=6767, 43030 wallclock secs ( 0.00 cusr +  0.00 csys = 
0.00 CPU)

MinGW (r18120)
Failed TestStat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
t/op/arithmetics.t1   256261   3.85%  7
t/op/sprintf.t  3081   0.32%  157
t/pmc/complex.t  15  384053   15  28.30%  38-49 51-53
t/pmc/float.t 1   256421   2.38%  23
23 tests and 594 subtests skipped.
Failed 4/275 test scripts, 98.55% okay. 18/6714 subtests failed, 99.73% 

Cygwin (r18140)
Failed Test   Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
t/codingstd/cppcomments.t   ??   ??   %  ??
t/op/trans.t 1   256211   4.76%  13
t/pmc/os.t   2   512152  13.33%  6 9
t/stm/runtime.t  1   256 51  20.00%  4

Index: ext/Parrot-Embed/Build.PL
--- ext/Parrot-Embed/Build.PL   (revision 18140)
+++ ext/Parrot-Embed/Build.PL   (working copy)
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
 $vars{Cflags} .= ' -I' . catdir( ($updir) x 2, 'include' );
-$vars{Libs}   .= $^O =~ /Win32/ ? ' ..\..\libparrot.lib' : " -L$libp";
+$vars{Libs}   .= $^O =~ /Win32/ ? ' ..\..\parrot.lib' : " -L$libp";
return @vars{qw( Cflags Libs )};
Index: tools/build/
--- tools/build/ 0)
+++ tools/build/ 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use File::Spec;
+use File::Basename;
+sub usage {
+my ($arg) = @_;
+print "Missing argument: $arg\n";
+print "usage: ln_rel_sf  \n";
+print "target  existing destination of link\n";
+print "source  link source to be created\n";
+exit 1;
+my ($target, $source) = @ARGV;
+if (!defined $target) {

Re: Current State of Building Parrot on Cygwin

2007-04-02 Thread Ron Blaschke

chromatic wrote:

On Sunday 01 April 2007 07:15, Ron Blaschke wrote:

As recently discussed it is currently necessary to include the absolute
path to F in the environment variable PATH.  This should be
done before trying to built parrot, otherwise one gets a broken
F and F.  One
needs a "make clean" or remove *both* files before trying again.  Make
sure to "export" the PATH changes, not just only "set" them, and use the
absolute path, not the relative (otherwise building some libs will fail
later on.)

Is it possible to pass flags to the linker that hint at a path to  That's how the Linux version works anyway.

And that's quite convenient.  Haven't seen anything similar on Windows, 


Re: Current State of Building Parrot on Cygwin

2007-04-02 Thread Ron Blaschke

Steve Peters wrote:

On Sun, Apr 01, 2007 at 04:15:24PM +0200, Ron Blaschke wrote:
As recently discussed it is currently necessary to include the absolute 
path to F in the environment variable PATH.  This should be 
done before trying to built parrot, otherwise one gets a broken 
F and F.  One 
needs a "make clean" or remove *both* files before trying again.  Make 
sure to "export" the PATH changes, not just only "set" them, and use the 
absolute path, not the relative (otherwise building some libs will fail 
later on.)

I was beginning to think that was the problem with Cygwin.  With Perl 5,
the build process keeps all the Perl library in the same directory with
executable.  This seems to make things much easier for Windows, since 
DLL's need to be on the PATH on Windows (including Cygwin).  Once I

reboot into Windows, I'll see what I can do to help make this more automatic.

See my "Link'n'Load on Windows" post for more thoughts.  If you're 
interested, here's how Windows loads DLLs.

Dynamic-Link Library Search Order


Re: Current State of Building Parrot on Cygwin

2007-04-02 Thread Ron Blaschke

Eric Hanchrow wrote:

"Ron" == Ron Blaschke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Ron> If you see this error
Ron> the file has Windows line endings

Dare I suggest that parrot not be so fussy about line endings?

I second that. ;)  Actually, both things are supposed only as 
workarounds until fixed, to get Parrot fly on Cygwin again, if only with 
a broken wing.


Current State of Building Parrot on Cygwin

2007-04-01 Thread Ron Blaschke


As recently discussed it is currently necessary to include the absolute 
path to F in the environment variable PATH.  This should be 
done before trying to built parrot, otherwise one gets a broken 
F and F.  One 
needs a "make clean" or remove *both* files before trying again.  Make 
sure to "export" the PATH changes, not just only "set" them, and use the 
absolute path, not the relative (otherwise building some libs will fail 
later on.)

If you see this error

> make runtime/parrot/library/Crow.pbc
./parrot.exe -o runtime/parrot/library/Crow.pbc
error:imcc:syntax error, unexpected $end
in file 'runtime/parrot/library/Crow.pir' line 146
make: *** [runtime/parrot/library/Crow.pbc] Error 1

the file has Windows line endings, usually because checked out with 
Windows' Subversion.  Get the Cygwin version and a clean checkout.


Link'n'Load on Windows

2007-04-01 Thread Ron Blaschke


I currently looking at some issues on Windows.

1) Linking

There are a few symbols not exported which cause link errors in tests. 
I'll provide a patch to export them.

2) Loading

On Windows it's usually best to put the applications and libraries in 
the same directory, but libparrot is mostly built in blib/lib.  There's 
a hack for MSWin32, though:

#CONDITIONED_LINE(win32):LIBPARROT_SHARED  = @libparrot_shared@

I'd like to change libparrot_shared and libparrot_static to include the 
full path, i.e. include build_dir, and simplify above in the Makefile. 
Actually, I got confused by the difference of libparrot_shared 
(Configure) and LIBPARROT_SHARED (Makefile).  For Windows (native and 
Cygwin) I'd like to build the libraries near F, for everyone 
else it stays in blib/lib.

Would these changes be ok?


Re: [perl #37997] r10604 build failure on Cygwin

2007-03-30 Thread Ron Blaschke

Eric Hanchrow wrote:

I think it's relevant to note that I'm using the native Win32
subversion client, and hence most of my files are in DOS format:
carriage-return/linefeed at the end of each line.  If I convert that
file's line endings to Unix format (plain line-feeds) it works.

You're right, that's the missing piece.  If, after a successful build, I 
delete F, unix2dos Crow.pir and try to 
build Crow.pbc again I get the same error.

> make runtime/parrot/library/Crow.pbc
./parrot.exe -o runtime/parrot/library/Crow.pbc
error:imcc:syntax error, unexpected $end
in file 'runtime/parrot/library/Crow.pir' line 146
make: *** [runtime/parrot/library/Crow.pbc] Error 1


Re: [perl #37997] r10604 build failure on Cygwin

2007-03-30 Thread Ron Blaschke

chromatic wrote:

On Friday 30 March 2007 07:35, Ron Blaschke wrote:

Not 100% on this, but I think one or two of the stm tests hang, too.

t/pmc/stmlog.t, test 2?

No, I think this one's fine.  More like t/stm/queue.t test 2 and 
t/stm/runtime.t test 4.  Actually, t/stm/queue.t sometimes seems to work 
(see cygwin smokes).


Re: [perl #37997] r10604 build failure on Cygwin

2007-03-30 Thread Ron Blaschke

Paul Cochrane wrote:

Sorry, I guess there was some mental PATH overloading going on.  Try
adding the absolute path to F to PATH.

 export PATH=/path/to/parrot/blib/lib:$PATH

And then "make."

I tried this (although, I appended the blib path to PATH, not sure if
that makes a difference) and parrot builds, but it fails a whole heap
of tests, and gets to t/src/io.t and eventually runs out of memory.
Attached is the 'make test' output of parrot from r17829.

The first libparrot.dll in PATH is used, so unless you've got an 
installed Parrot it shouldn't matter.

I'm getting the same test results.  That's the current state of Parrot 
on Cygwin.  See http://smoke.parrotcode/org/smoke section i386-cygwin-gcc.

Actually, you can't smoke parrot without user intervention. 
F seems to consume an infinite amount of memory, or at least 
tries to.  Haven't look into the details yet, but I think one test 
creates an executable io_4.exe which doesn't stop printing results, 
which cause the out of memory situation.  I usually just kill io_4.exe. 
 (I know, that's a bad thing, but that's what bad people do.)

Not 100% on this, but I think one or two of the stm tests hang, too.


Re: [perl #37997] r10604 build failure on Cygwin

2007-03-30 Thread Ron Blaschke

Ron Blaschke wrote:

Paul Cochrane wrote:

I don't know if it's of much help, but I too am getting the Cygwin
build barfing when miniparrot goes to build

I think that's actually a good sign.  Try adding the absolute path to 
F and try again.  If this is working please see my previous 
post in this thread about library loading.

Sorry, I guess there was some mental PATH overloading going on.  Try 
adding the absolute path to F to PATH.

export PATH=/path/to/parrot/blib/lib:$PATH

And then "make."


Re: [perl #37997] r10604 build failure on Cygwin

2007-03-29 Thread Ron Blaschke

Joshua Gatcomb wrote:

On 3/28/07, Ron Blaschke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Joshua Gatcomb wrote:

If you could hang out on #parrot ( when myself, Jonathan,
particle, etc are around - it would go a long way towards getting a
reproduceable test case that can be correctly articulated as to the nature
of the problem.  A few years ago I used to build parrot on cygwin daily and
opened several tickets that years later I was asked if were still
applicable.  I am not interested in repeating the past.

Yes, that's bad.

Despite having GMP and bc installed Configure.PL doesn't find them.
I am interested in knowing why this is but I doubt it has anything to do
with the problem.

GMP I don't know, but bc is explicitly disabled on all but selected 
platforms.  I have enabled it on my box a few days ago and will submit a 
patch to add cygwin if it causes no problems.  Also, the message should 
say "skipped on this platform" or something similar, instead of "no."

Here is the tail end of my make output:

Don't know if this is any help, but I'm seeing the exact output if I 
remove C<-lparrot> while linking miniparrot.


Re: [perl #37997] r10604 build failure on Cygwin

2007-03-29 Thread Ron Blaschke

Paul Cochrane wrote:

I don't know if it's of much help, but I too am getting the Cygwin
build barfing when miniparrot goes to build

I think that's actually a good sign.  Try adding the absolute path to 
F and try again.  If this is working please see my previous 
post in this thread about library loading.



Re: [perl #37997] r10604 build failure on Cygwin

2007-03-28 Thread Ron Blaschke

Joshua Gatcomb wrote:

On 3/26/07, Ron Blaschke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Not sure about the details of this issue, but r17772 seems to build fine
on Cygwin.

Really?  No one on #parrot has been able to get parrot to work on Cygwin 
for months.

Interesting, didn't know about this.

The reason has changed since this specific ticket but if you 
have a working cygwin build can you please share more details such as:

Could you, or someone else, please add the error message to the ticket, 
or create a new one?  Maybe I can help with that.

It's a fairly standard Windows XP SP2 box with Cygwin, everything up to 
date.  I have tried to install everything optional (like ICU), too.

There's one important thing to remember.  Although Cygwin may look 
UNIXish, shared libraries are linked and loaded the Windows (DLL) Way.
IIRC, binaries on (some) UNIXish platforms remember their link paths, so 
if you don't move the library the referrer can still find and load it. 
Not so with Windows.  A linked application just remembers the library 
name, and the usual Windows DLL lookup applies.

On Window, which means MSWin32, not Cygwin, this is handled by copying 
libparrot.dll into the root directory, where parrot.exe lives.  For 
Cygwin I added the blib/lib directory to the PATH.  Which reminds me I 
should really submit a patch for resolving this.  Maybe just copy the 
lib, like on "real" Windows.

Actually, if parrot can't find libparrot.dll it receives the exception 
0xc135, which is Windows' way to say "DLL not found."

perl -V

Summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 8 subversion 7) configuration:
osname=cygwin, osvers=1.5.18(0.13242), 
uname='cygwin_nt-5.1 inspiron 1.5.18(0.13242) 2005-07-02 20:30 i686 
unknown unknown cygwin '
config_args='-de -Dmksymlinks -Duse64bitint -Dusethreads 
-Uusemymalloc -Doptimize=-O3 -Dman3ext=3pm -Dusesitecustomi

hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
usethreads=define use5005threads=undef useithreads=define 

useperlio=define d_sfio=undef uselargefiles=define usesocks=undef
use64bitint=define use64bitall=undef uselongdouble=undef
usemymalloc=n, bincompat5005=undef
cc='gcc', ccflags ='-DPERL_USE_SAFE_PUTENV -fno-strict-aliasing 
-pipe -I/usr/local/include',

cppflags='-DPERL_USE_SAFE_PUTENV -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe 
ccversion='', gccversion='3.4.4 (cygming special) (gdc 0.12, using 
dmd 0.125)', gccosandvers=''

intsize=4, longsize=4, ptrsize=4, doublesize=8, byteorder=12345678
d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=12
ivtype='long long', ivsize=8, nvtype='double', nvsize=8, 
Off_t='off_t', lseeksize=8

alignbytes=8, prototype=define
  Linker and Libraries:
ld='ld2', ldflags =' -s -L/usr/local/lib'
libpth=/usr/local/lib /lib /usr/lib
[EMAIL PROTECTED] win32-x86-cygwin_1.5.24> perl -V
Summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 8 subversion 7) configuration:
osname=cygwin, osvers=1.5.18(0.13242), 
uname='cygwin_nt-5.1 inspiron 1.5.18(0.13242) 2005-07-02 20:30 i686 
unknown unknown cygwin '
config_args='-de -Dmksymlinks -Duse64bitint -Dusethreads 
-Uusemymalloc -Doptimize=-O3 -Dman3ext=3pm -Dusesitecustomi

hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
usethreads=define use5005threads=undef useithreads=define 

useperlio=define d_sfio=undef uselargefiles=define usesocks=undef
use64bitint=define use64bitall=undef uselongdouble=undef
usemymalloc=n, bincompat5005=undef
cc='gcc', ccflags ='-DPERL_USE_SAFE_PUTENV -fno-strict-aliasing 
-pipe -I/usr/local/include',

cppflags='-DPERL_USE_SAFE_PUTENV -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe 
ccversion='', gccversion='3.4.4 (cygming special) (gdc 0.12, using 
dmd 0.125)', gccosandvers=''

intsize=4, longsize=4, ptrsize=4, doublesize=8, byteorder=12345678
d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=12
ivtype='long long', ivsize=8, nvtype='double', nvsize=8, 
Off_t='off_t', lseeksize=8

alignbytes=8, prototype=define
  Linker and Libraries:
ld='ld2', ldflags =' -s -L/usr/local/lib'
libpth=/usr/local/lib /lib /usr/lib
libs=-lgdbm -ldb -lcrypt -lgdbm_compat
perllibs=-lcrypt -lgdbm_compat
libc=/usr/lib/libc.a, so=dll, useshrplib=true, libperl=libperl.a
  Dynamic Linking:
dlsrc=dl_dlopen.xs, dlext=dll, d_dlsymun=undef, c

[perl #37997] r10604 build failure on Cygwin

2007-03-26 Thread Ron Blaschke
Not sure about the details of this issue, but r17772 seems to build fine 
on Cygwin.

Here's the output of "make test" on my box.

Failed Test  Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
t/codingstd/c_code_coda.t   1   256 21  50.00%  1
t/codingstd/c_indent.t  2   512 22 100.00%  1-2
t/codingstd/cppcomments.t  ??   ??   %  ??
t/codingstd/tabs.t  1   256 11 100.00%  1
t/codingstd/trailing_space.t1   256 11 100.00%  1
t/op/trans.t1   256211   4.76%  13
t/pmc/iterator.t2   512432   4.65%  42-43
t/pmc/os.t  2   512152  13.33%  6 9
t/src/compiler.t1   256 61  16.67%  1
t/src/extend.t 12  307216   12  75.00%  1-12
t/src/intlist.t 4  1024 44 100.00%  1-4
t/src/io.t  9  2304209  45.00%  2-4 6-7 16-19
t/stm/runtime.t 2   512 52  40.00%  2 4
8 tests and 577 subtests skipped.
Failed 13/270 test scripts, 95.19% okay. 39/6675 subtests failed, 99.42% 


Re: [perl #41569] t/distro/file_metadata.t fails on win32

2007-03-09 Thread Ron Blaschke

chromatic wrote:

On Friday 09 March 2007 05:00, Ron Blaschke wrote:

Attached patch replaces the backslashes with slashes on Windows.

Would using File::Spec be less fragile?

The problem basically boils down to matching a list of MANIFEST (UNIX?)
files with the (native file name, attribute) output of svn.  Not sure
how well specified the svn propget output is to begin with.

One way to make things more robust is to take the file names returned by
svn, make sure they are relative, parse them with File::Spec and put
them together with File::Spec::Unix.  That is, use the MANIFEST format
as canonical paths.

Another solution would be to pull every file name, from the initial list
and the Subversion output, through File::Spec->canonpath.


Re: [perl #41569] t/distro/file_metadata.t fails on win32

2007-03-09 Thread Ron Blaschke

Will Coleda wrote:
I expect the first two to pass, but metadata is often often overlooked 
on commits.

The last one is a new test, not everything has been updated yet. (And 
I'm not sure it *can* be without breaking windows).

Should be passing the second test again as of r17398.

Thanks for your help.  I have attached the patch to make the test work 
on Windows.  The problem is that Subversion reports file names with 
backslashes, but the code expects forward slashes.  For example:

>svn propget svn:eol-style t/distro/*
t\distro\file_metadata.t - native
t\distro\manifest.t - native
t\distro\manifest_skip.t - native
t\distro\test_file_coverage.t - native

Attached patch replaces the backslashes with slashes on Windows.

Here's what I get for r17405.

>prove t\distro\file_metadata.t
t\distro\file_metadata# Collecting svn:mime-type attributes...
# Collecting svn:keywords attributes...
t\distro\file_metadataok 1/3# Collecting svn:eol-style attributes...
All tests successful.
Files=1, Tests=3, 12 wallclock secs ( 0.00 cusr +  0.00 csys =  0.00 CPU)

Index: t/distro/file_metadata.t
--- t/distro/file_metadata.t(revision 17405)
+++ t/distro/file_metadata.t(working copy)
@@ -172,9 +172,6 @@
-plan skip_all => 'RT #41569 - this test is broken on win32'
-if $^O eq 'MSWin32'; 
 unless ( $Parrot::Revision::current or `svk ls .` ) {
 plan skip_all => 'not a working copy';
@@ -231,7 +228,12 @@
 # This RE may be a little wonky.
 if ( $result =~ m{(.*) - (.*)} ) {
-$results{$1} = $2;
+my ($file, $attribute) = ($1, $2);
+# file names are reported with backslashes on Windows,
+# but we want forward slashes
+$file =~ s!\\!/!g if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
+$results{$file} = $attribute;

[perl #41569] t/distro/file_metadata.t fails on win32

2007-03-08 Thread Ron Blaschke


Could someone please tell me the expected result of 
t/distro/ at revision 17389?  After looking into bug 
#41569 I'm getting the following on Windows (XP, SP2, VC++ 8.0, Subversion).

>prove t/distro/file_metadata.t

t/distro/file_metadata# Collecting svn:mime-type attributes...
t/distro/file_metadataok 1/3# Collecting svn:keywords attributes...

t/distro/file_metadataNOK 2# Failed test 
(t/distro/file_metadata.t at l

#  got: '
# languages/APL/MAINTAINER (Author Date Id Revision)
# languages/BASIC/MAINTAINER (Author Date Id Revision)
# languages/HQ9plus/MAINTAINER (Author Date Id Revision)
# languages/PIR/MAINTAINER (Author Date Id Revision)
# languages/WMLScript/MAINTAINER (Author Date Id Revision)
# languages/Zcode/MAINTAINER (Author Date Id Revision)
# languages/abc/MAINTAINER (Author Date Id Revision)
# languages/amber/MAINTAINER (Author Date Id Revision)
# languages/befunge/MAINTAINER (Author Date Id Revision)
# languages/bf/MAINTAINER (Author Date Id Revision)
# languages/c99/MAINTAINER (Author Date Id Revision)
# languages/cardinal/MAINTAINER (Author Date Id Revision)
# languages/dotnet/MAINTAINER (Author Date Id Revision)
# languages/ecmascript/MAINTAINER (Author Date Id Revision)
# languages/lazy-k/MAINTAINER (Author Date Id Revision)
# languages/lisp/MAINTAINER (Author Date Id Revision)
# languages/lua/MAINTAINER (Author Date Id Revision)
# languages/ook/MAINTAINER (Author Date Id Revision)
# languages/parakeet/MAINTAINER (Author Date Id Revision)
# languages/parrot_compiler/MAINTAINER (Author Date Id Revision)
# languages/perl6/MAINTAINER (Author Date Id Revision)
# languages/pheme/MAINTAINER (Author Date Id Revision)
# languages/punie/MAINTAINER (Author Date Id Revision)
# languages/pynie/MAINTAINER (Author Date Id Revision)
# languages/scheme/MAINTAINER (Author Date Id Revision)
# languages/tcl/runtime/builtin/auto_execok.pir (Author Date Id Revision)
# languages/tcl/runtime/builtin/auto_load.pir (Author Date Id Revision)
# languages/tcl/runtime/builtin/exec.pir (Author Date Id Revision)
# languages/tcl/runtime/builtin/fconfigure.pir (Author Date Id Revision)
# languages/tcl/runtime/builtin/glob.pir (Author Date Id Revision)
# languages/tcl/runtime/builtin/interp.pir (Author Date Id Revision)
# languages/tcl/runtime/builtin/trace.pir (Author Date Id Revision)
# languages/tcl/runtime/builtin/update.pir (Author Date Id Revision)
# languages/unlambda/MAINTAINER (Author Date Id Revision)
# languages/urm/MAINTAINER (Author Date Id Revision)
# src/pmc/metaattribute.pmc (Author Date Id Revision)
# src/pmc/metaclass.pmc (Author Date Id Revision)
# src/pmc/object.pmc (Author Date Id Revision)
# '
# expected: ''
# Collecting svn:eol-style attributes...

t/distro/file_metadataNOK 3# Failed test 
(t/distro/file_metadata.t at l

#  got: '
# examples/shootout/ack.pir.output (native)
# examples/shootout/binarytrees.pir.output (native)
# examples/shootout/fannkuch.pir.output (native)
# examples/shootout/fasta.pir.output (native)
# examples/shootout/knucleotide.pir.input (native)
# examples/shootout/knucleotide.pir.output (native)
# examples/shootout/nbody.pir.output (native)
# examples/shootout/nsieve-bits-2.pir.output (native)
# examples/shootout/nsieve-bits.pir.output (native)
# examples/shootout/nsieve.pir.output (native)
# examples/shootout/partialsums-2.pir.output (native)
# examples/shootout/partialsums.pir.output (native)
# examples/shootout/pidigits.pir.output (native)
# examples/shootout/recursive-2.pir.output (native)
# examples/shootout/recursive.pir.output (native)
# examples/shootout/regexdna.pir.input (native)
# examples/shootout/regexdna.pir.output (native)
# examples/shootout/revcomp.pir.input (native)
# examples/shootout/revcomp.pir.output (native)
# examples/shootout/spectralnorm.pir.output (native)
# examples/shootout/sumcol.pir.input (native)
# examples/shootout/sumcol.pir.output (native)
# examples/shootout/takfp.pir.output (native)
# languages/APL/MAINTAINER (native)
# languages/BASIC/MAINTAINER (native)
# languages/HQ9plus/MAINTAINER (native)
# languages/PIR/MAINTAINER (native)
# languages/WMLScript/MAINTAINER (native)
# languages/Zcode/MAINTAINER (native)
# languages/abc/MAINTAINER (native)
# languages/amber/MAINTAINER (native)
# languages/befunge/MAINTAINER (native)
# languages/bf/MAINTAINER (native)
# languages/c99/MAINTAINER (native)
# languages/cardinal/MAINTAINER (native)
# languages/dotnet/MAINTAINER (native)
# languages/ecmascript/MAINTAINER (native)
# languages/lazy-k/MAINTAINER (native)
# languages/lisp/MAINTAINER (native)
# languages/lua/MAINTAINER (native)
# languages/lua/lib/alarm.pir (native)
# languages/lua/t/alarm.t (native)
# languages/lua/t/package.t (native)
# languages/lua/t/regex.t (native)
# languages/lua/t/rx_captures (native)
# languages/lua/t/rx_charclass (native)
# languages/lua/t/rx_metachars (native)
# languages/ook/MAINTAINER (native)
# languages/parakeet/MAINTAINER (native)
# languages/pa

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