Re: $_ defaulting for mutating ops

2005-11-04 Thread Rob Kinyon
> $ perl -le '$u=1; ($y=$u*=5)++; print $y'
> 6

It's interesting to note that this parse (due to precedence) as
($y=($u*=5))++, not (($y=$u)*=5)++

This is important for overloaded operators (which are going to become
much easier to do in Perl6). The importance arises if Perl6 allows
assignment to be overloaded like Ruby does. If it does, then the two
expressions aren't guaranteed to be identical as they are now in


Re: $_ defaulting for mutating ops

2005-11-04 Thread Michele Dondi

On Fri, 4 Nov 2005, TSa wrote:

 "derived" from C. But Perl's C<++> already allows an extended syntax wrt 
 that of those other languages, that is: I'm not really sure, but I don't 


Actually I'm not sure if Perl 6 allows

 ($u *= 5)++;

Since I wrote "already", I was referring to Perl5...

because the return value of *= is the rvalue 5 and *not* $u as
an lvalue. Correct me if I'm wrong. Otherwise how would the
expanded form

...but I don't have the slightest idea whether Perl6 will allow it or not. 
OTOH I feel like asking _why_ should it not? I mean: why "should" the 
return value of *= be the rvalue 5 and not $u as an lvalue, which would 
still return its new rvalue in rvalue context and be assignable in lvalue 

behave when extented by yet another assignment

 ($y = $u = $u * 5)++; # $y++ or $u++

I think $y++ since it has been assigned the return value of the expression 
$u = ... which happens to be 5.

and recollapsed as

 ($y = $u *= 5)++;

 say $y; # 6?

it is definitely so in Perl5:

$ perl -le '$u=1; ($y=$u*=5)++; print $y'

At that stage you could drop the application to x and store the resulting
action in another variable C := (A * B) for later application. Writing the
above with Perl6 sigils would come out as

&A * &B * $x;

and then

&C = &A * &B;

Would not this be a sort of currying, thinking of this as a ternary 
operator that takes &A, &B and $x?

is a calculated code object just like

$y = $a * $b;

is a calculated value. This is what I would call first class operators!

But it depends on what C<*> is here. If that instead of being a 
multiplication of matrices which is (a somewhat specialized composition 
law but essentially boils down to a) composition of function, were a 
generic composition of functions, then yes: I'd like an easy enough form 
of syntactic sugar for that.

I remember having asked something akin to this in the context of what I 
would have considered a very natural syntax for doing something (but 
$Larry seemed to disagree) which implied map()ping a list of scalars into 
a list of closures to 'chain' (reduce?) them with a composition operator.

Briefly: ouch, This is what I would call first class operators too!

Whoa! That is too weird! I asked around among the math
faculty here and it turns out that _every one's_ wife 
is married to a mathematician!

- Dave Rusin in sci.math, "Re: Genetics and Math-Ability"

Re: $_ defaulting for mutating ops

2005-11-04 Thread TSa


Michele Dondi wrote:
And yes: there are lots of languages having (e.g.) a ++ operator, mostly 
"derived" from C. But Perl's C<++> already allows an extended syntax wrt 
that of those other languages, that is: I'm not really sure, but I don't 
think that in C you can do (the equivalent of) C<($u*=5)++> - not that 
you need it that often, granted! But it is "backwards" compatible with 
the "standard" usage.

Actually I'm not sure if Perl 6 allows

  ($u *= 5)++;

because the return value of *= is the rvalue 5 and *not* $u as
an lvalue. Correct me if I'm wrong. Otherwise how would the
expanded form

  ($u = $u * 5)++;

behave when extented by yet another assignment

  ($y = $u = $u * 5)++; # $y++ or $u++

and recollapsed as

  ($y = $u *= 5)++;

  say $y; # 6?

Now letting aside other reasons why the proposal should not be accepted, 
if it where, it would not be disruptive of current behavior.

I think there is a much deeper running unresolved issue in Perl 6 as
of now: the underspecified execution model and how it relates to the
type and OO system!

I personally would like to see something akin to adjoined operators
in mathematics. As in matrix multiplication where

  A * B * x

with A and B matrizes and x a vector. The idea is that you don't start
from the vector but pre-multiply A and B. That is the associativity is

 (A * B) * x

At that stage you could drop the application to x and store the resulting
action in another variable C := (A * B) for later application. Writing the
above with Perl6 sigils would come out as

 &A * &B * $x;

and then

 &C = &A * &B;

is a calculated code object just like

 $y = $a * $b;

is a calculated value. This is what I would call first class operators!

BTW, I see junctions beeing a prime example of the above. And handling
them through a data (non & sigiled) variable would prevent their magic
to come forth unintentional. As a nice side effect the importance of
the & sigil would be increased.

Re: $_ defaulting for mutating ops

2005-11-04 Thread Michele Dondi

On Wed, 2 Nov 2005, Rob Kinyon wrote:

I think the difference comes from the Principle of Least Surprise. The
various operators being discussed in this thread are all operators
which are in languages that have common use - C, C++, Java, the .Net
stack, etc. Regexen and the various built-ins are generally considered
to be Perl-specific, so if they're weird, this is just a Perl-ism. The
PoLS doesn't apply.

I still don't buy the argument. At least in principle PoLS does apply for 
a newbie may be surprised to know that certain operators act implicitly on 
$_ and certain other don't.

And yes: there are lots of languages having (e.g.) a ++ operator, mostly 
"derived" from C. But Perl's C<++> already allows an extended syntax wrt 
that of those other languages, that is: I'm not really sure, but I don't 
think that in C you can do (the equivalent of) C<($u*=5)++> - not that you 
need it that often, granted! But it is "backwards" compatible with the 
"standard" usage.

Now letting aside other reasons why the proposal should not be accepted, 
if it where, it would not be disruptive of current behavior. You could 
have $_++ *and* bare ++. And newbies learn early enough that $_ is the 
implicit topicalizer in Perl; moreover ++ will still look intuitively 
enough like the incrementing op. So I think it won't be that difficult for 
them to understand what's going on, the biggest remaining doubt being 
whether it's ++$_ or $_++. But that's just, say, a clpmisc or PM post away 
and anyway it will be in the docs (no, I know it won't, but that's not the 

Yes, from a consistency point of view, ALL operators should default to
$_ or some other sensible item ($*STDIN for <>, etc). However, the
PoLS does need to guide our decisions.

Hmmm, it's so difficult for me to keep up with P6, but I *think* <> has 
been phased out in favour of prefix unary C<=>.

you look around what do you see?
I'll tell you what I see is a world belonging to me
- Pennywise, "Living For Today".

Re: $_ defaulting for mutating ops

2005-11-04 Thread Michele Dondi

On Wed, 2 Nov 2005, John Williams wrote:

surprises including operandless operators. Including mutating operandless
operators. What is s/// after all? Or is there a good reason for an
asymmetry between different classes of operators?

Well, s/// is a term, for one thing.

It is not so much an operator, as it is a subroutine with really strange
syntax, and the side-effect of changing the $_ variable.  You need to use
an operator to get it to affect a different variable.

While others have pointed out that this is not that much of a difference 
from a strictly technical pov, I'll say that this is a good point! But 
since I _still_ like the proposal, differently from the person who made it 
in the first place, maybe consistency could be re-gained allowing the 
smart match operator to perform esoteric forms of mutation, e.g.

$var ~~ ++;  # Ouch, and how 'bout $var++ instead?  ;-)

At least this would help in the direction of curing the fear that P6 won't 
be just as suited for obfuscation as P5 is...

I agree with Tore; it's sort of a Zen question.
   If you have to ask, it means you won't understand the answer.
   If you know enough to understand the answer, you won't need the question.
- Joe Smith in clpmisc, "Re: Perl neq Python"

Re: syntax-variants, RPN (was: Re: $_ defaulting for mutating ops)

2005-11-03 Thread Rob Kinyon
On 11/3/05, Michele Dondi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 2 Nov 2005, Ruud H.G. van Tol wrote:
> >>
> >
> > I understand that Perl6 allows blocks with changed/enhanced syntax, so
> > it is or will become possible (to add it) as if it was in the core
> > language.
> > Do I understand that right? Something as simple as a 'use RPN' in a
> > block? (assuming that someone created such an RPN-pre-processor
> > or -compiler)
> Indeed this is what that we all know. Of course the possibility of doing
> so will depend on the possiblity of building up suitable RPN syntax
> consistent with the rest of the syntax.

If Perl6 is parseable by Perl6, then wouldn't you be able to
completely throw out the default Perl6 syntax and create your own,
completely unrelated syntax? I don't know ... maybe you have PGE::Ruby
that would throw out the P6 grammar and give you Ruby's grammar within
the block. Then, it's just a matter of describing what PGE::RPN does -
what it adds, what it removes, and what it modifies.

In my opinion, if you use a grammar extension, ALL bets are off within
that scope until you've read the documentation. Literally anything and
everything can happen, if the author deemed it so. It's a source
filter-like construct that doesn't suck because source filter-like
constructs are part of the spec.


Re: $_ defaulting for mutating ops

2005-11-03 Thread Michele Dondi

On Thu, 3 Nov 2005, Sam Vilain wrote:

That being said, there are probably other more pressing reasons that ops
should not accept $_ as default; I would guess, for a start, it makes
determining semantics very difficult.  Does  ++; mean &postfix:<++> or
&prefix:<++> ?

If we had it, I think we would be more interested in it for incrementing 
$_ than for its return value, so it wouldn't make such a huge difference. 
However I find myself using $var++ much more often than ++$var, and I'm 
biased to think this is the general situation: if it is actually so, then 
the choice should fall on the former. If my impression is just a personal 
artifact... oh, don't mind!

Billy: I'm scared Poncho.
Poncho: Bullshit! You ain't afraid of no man!
Billy: There's something out there waiting for us, and it ain't no man.
We're all gonna die.
- Predator (1987)

Re: syntax-variants, RPN (was: Re: $_ defaulting for mutating ops)

2005-11-03 Thread Michele Dondi

On Wed, 2 Nov 2005, Ruud H.G. van Tol wrote:

I understand that Perl6 allows blocks with changed/enhanced syntax, so
it is or will become possible (to add it) as if it was in the core
Do I understand that right? Something as simple as a 'use RPN' in a
block? (assuming that someone created such an RPN-pre-processor
or -compiler)

Indeed this is what that we all know. Of course the possibility of doing 
so will depend on the possiblity of building up suitable RPN syntax 
consistent with the rest of the syntax.

E' molto piu' facile affrontare il lutto, il disonore e la perdita della
propria anima - che questo tipo di fame prolungata.
- Joseph Conrad, "Cuore di Tenebra".

Re: $_ defaulting for mutating ops

2005-11-02 Thread Juerd
Sam Vilain skribis 2005-11-03 11:01 (+1300):
> Does  ++; mean &postfix:<++> or &prefix:<++> ?

I no longer think $_ defaulting for mutating ops is a good idea, but to
answer your question, read the original post: all these would imply the
LHS, so that makes ++ postfix.


Re: $_ defaulting for mutating ops

2005-11-02 Thread Sam Vilain
On Wed, 2005-11-02 at 09:03 -0500, Rob Kinyon wrote:
> I think the difference comes from the Principle of Least Surprise. The
> various operators being discussed in this thread are all operators
> which are in languages that have common use - C, C++, Java, the .Net
> stack, etc. Regexen and the various built-ins are generally considered
> to be Perl-specific, so if they're weird, this is just a Perl-ism. The
> PoLS doesn't apply.
> Yes, from a consistency point of view, ALL operators should default to
> $_ or some other sensible item ($*STDIN for <>, etc). However, the
> PoLS does need to guide our decisions.

I think the PoLS should be applied firstmost and foremost to a person
who is learning the language without any preconceptions of how previous
languages work.  The logical building blocks of how the language works
should build on each other; the fewer exceptions relative to *those
foundations* the better.

Specifically, catering for the preconceptions of how the language
behaves as a whole to those trained in lower order languages like you
mention (though is .net a language?) should probably be avoided.

That being said, there are probably other more pressing reasons that ops
should not accept $_ as default; I would guess, for a start, it makes
determining semantics very difficult.  Does  ++; mean &postfix:<++> or
&prefix:<++> ?


Re: $_ defaulting for mutating ops

2005-11-02 Thread Sam Vilain
On Wed, 2005-11-02 at 11:46 -0700, John Williams wrote:
> It is not so much an operator, as it is a subroutine with really strange
> syntax, and the side-effect of changing the $_ variable.  You need to use
> an operator to get it to affect a different variable.

operators _are_ subroutines.  There is no difference.

 multi sub *infix:<*> (Set $one, Set $two) returns Set {


Re: $_ defaulting for mutating ops

2005-11-02 Thread John Williams
On Wed, 2 Nov 2005, Michele Dondi wrote:
> On Fri, 28 Oct 2005, John Williams wrote:
> > But IMHO the reduction in typing for this relatively minor issue is not
> > really worth the surprise to newbies at seeing operandless operators.
> I don't buy that argument as newbies are already exposed to all sorts of
> surprises including operandless operators. Including mutating operandless
> operators. What is s/// after all? Or is there a good reason for an
> asymmetry between different classes of operators?

Well, s/// is a term, for one thing.

It is not so much an operator, as it is a subroutine with really strange
syntax, and the side-effect of changing the $_ variable.  You need to use
an operator to get it to affect a different variable.

It looks funny no matter how much you squint your eyes.  Not that that is
a bad thing of course, but I don't think it should be used as an example
for operators to follow.

~ John Williams

syntax-variants, RPN (was: Re: $_ defaulting for mutating ops)

2005-11-02 Thread Ruud H.G. van Tol
Michele Dondi:
> Ruud H.G. van Tol:

>> Or RPN-like:
>>  $x #= 2* 1+ 3/;
> Being a big fan of RPN myself (and considering it quite natural), I'd
> appreciate very much such a feature. I had asked myself about RPN
> features in P6, albeit in a probably unreasonable fashion:

I understand that Perl6 allows blocks with changed/enhanced syntax, so
it is or will become possible (to add it) as if it was in the core
Do I understand that right? Something as simple as a 'use RPN' in a
block? (assuming that someone created such an RPN-pre-processor
or -compiler)

Grtz, Ruud

Re: $_ defaulting for mutating ops

2005-11-02 Thread Rob Kinyon
On 11/2/05, Michele Dondi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, 28 Oct 2005, John Williams wrote:
> > But IMHO the reduction in typing for this relatively minor issue is not
> > really worth the surprise to newbies at seeing operandless operators.
> I don't buy that argument as newbies are already exposed to all sorts of
> surprises including operandless operators. Including mutating operandless
> operators. What is s/// after all? Or is there a good reason for an
> asymmetry between different classes of operators?

I think the difference comes from the Principle of Least Surprise. The
various operators being discussed in this thread are all operators
which are in languages that have common use - C, C++, Java, the .Net
stack, etc. Regexen and the various built-ins are generally considered
to be Perl-specific, so if they're weird, this is just a Perl-ism. The
PoLS doesn't apply.

Yes, from a consistency point of view, ALL operators should default to
$_ or some other sensible item ($*STDIN for <>, etc). However, the
PoLS does need to guide our decisions.


Re: $_ defaulting for mutating ops

2005-11-02 Thread Michele Dondi

On Fri, 28 Oct 2005, John Williams wrote:

But IMHO the reduction in typing for this relatively minor issue is not
really worth the surprise to newbies at seeing operandless operators.

I don't buy that argument as newbies are already exposed to all sorts of 
surprises including operandless operators. Including mutating operandless 
operators. What is s/// after all? Or is there a good reason for an 
asymmetry between different classes of operators?

=> (But it is impossible to even imagine an operating-system which would
=> not crash before the sun has burned all of its hydrogen, let alone not
=> crash before the end of the universe.)
I find it hard to imagine an operating system which would not crash 
before the end of the week

- Gerry Myerson in sci.math

Re: $_ defaulting for mutating ops

2005-11-02 Thread Michele Dondi

On Fri, 28 Oct 2005, Ruud H.G. van Tol wrote:

Or RPN-like:

 $x #= 2* 1+ 3/;

Being a big fan of RPN myself (and considering it quite natural), I'd 
appreciate very much such a feature. I had asked myself about RPN features 
in P6, albeit in a probably unreasonable fashion:

[about penis-enlargement spam]
Suppose you (applies to male readers only!) had taken advantage
of every offer of the above type received, and all had worked as claimed.
Estimate how long it would be.
- Derek Holt in sci.math (slightly edited)

Re: $_ defaulting for mutating ops

2005-10-28 Thread Luke Palmer
On 10/28/05, Ruud H.G. van Tol <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> John Williams:
> > ($x *=2) += 1;
> Or  ($x *= 2) ++;
> Maybe the comma should be taught a new trick:
>   $x *= 2, ++, /= 3;
> meaning
>   $x = (($x * 2) + 1) / 3;
> Or RPN-like:
>   $x #= 2* 1+ 3/;

Oh, gee, why don't we just go with:

(/ 3) . (+ 1) . (* 2) $ x

Probably because it's not helping readability anymore... at all.

I do like section notation.  That is, in Haskell:

map (+3) list

Is equivalent to:

map { $_ + 3 } list

However, I don't think we have any syntax left for it.  Section
notation greatly improves readability in some specific cases, but it
would mean breaking out a new pair of bracketing operators, because
otherwise we get term/operator confusion  (which is probably the case
for Juerd's proposal in general, too).

Because of the syntax issues, it's probably best to keep the status
quo on this one.


Re: $_ defaulting for mutating ops

2005-10-28 Thread Ruud H.G. van Tol
John Williams:

> ($x *=2) += 1;

Or  ($x *= 2) ++;

Maybe the comma should be taught a new trick:

  $x *= 2, ++, /= 3;


  $x = (($x * 2) + 1) / 3;

Or RPN-like:

  $x #= 2* 1+ 3/;

Grtz, Ruud

Re: $_ defaulting for mutating ops

2005-10-28 Thread Rob Kinyon
> But IMHO the reduction in typing for this relatively minor issue is not
> really worth the surprise to newbies at seeing operandless operators.



Re: $_ defaulting for mutating ops

2005-10-28 Thread John Williams
On Tue, 25 Oct 2005, Juerd wrote:
> For comparison, here is the same code snippet again. First with, and
> then without explicit $_.
> With:
> given ($subject) -> $_ {
> $_ ~~ s/foo/bar/;
> $_++;
> $_ x= 2;
> $_ ~= "!";
> }
> Without:
> given ($subject) {
> s/foo/bar/;
> ++;
> x= 2;
> ~= "!";
> }
> I think the latter is more elegant, without reducing legability or
> maintainability. I also think that the code is immediately obvious, even
> to people coming from Perl 5, who never read this thread.

I don't really agree with your method of addressing the issue. When I have
been annoyed by this issue it is because I can write $x = $x * 2 as

$x *= 2;

which is elegant, but $x = $x * 2 + 1 requires two statements when using

$x *= 2;
$x += 1;

which is probably less elegant than the original $x = $x ... form.

One could cascade those with extra parens...

($x *=2) += 1;
(($_ += 1) x= 2) ~= "!";

If one were to change the associativity of the meta operators such that
the parens were not needed the result would be very similar to your
example, minus a few semicolons.

$_ += 1
   x= 2
   ~= "!";

however, I would definitely want someone other than myself to ponder the
implications of mucking with associativity like that.

But IMHO the reduction in typing for this relatively minor issue is not
really worth the surprise to newbies at seeing operandless operators.

~ John Williams

Re: $_ defaulting for mutating ops

2005-10-25 Thread Larry Wall
On Tue, Oct 25, 2005 at 02:51:35PM +0200, Juerd wrote:
: For comparison, here is the same code snippet again. First with, and
: then without explicit $_.
: With:
: given ($subject) -> $_ {
: $_ ~~ s/foo/bar/;
: $_++;
: $_ x= 2;
: $_ ~= "!";
: }
: Without:
: given ($subject) {
: s/foo/bar/;

Already the default.

: ++;

Can already use .++ there.  That's because you can already use . on
any postfix operator, and since any . form defaults to $_, you get
.++ for free.  I'll let you have .-- as well.  And .! if you define
factorial.  :-)

It would be possible to extend . to allow any infix plus its right argument
to be treated as a postfix, presuming there wasn't already a postfix of
that name.  However...

: x= 2;

That might validly parse as assignment to an lvalue sub: x() = 2;
Unfortunately .x= 2 doesn't work either, since we also have lvalue
methods.  Actually, x=2 should parse as x(=2), since a list operator
always expects a term next.  Yes, we *could* throw all the infix
operators into the prefix pot and match them under longest-token, but
the basic problem with the proposal is rampant term/operator confusion.
What should the lexer do when it sees a statement starting with


Those could get away with

./= 2
.%= 2
.*= 2
.+= 22

But then you're only saving a character (and maybe a space) over $_.

: ~= "!";

That would validly parse as


: I think the latter is more elegant, without reducing legability or
: maintainability. I also think that the code is immediately obvious, even
: to people coming from Perl 5, who never read this thread.

I think you're relying on those people using whitespace to dwym,
but unfortunately people chunk things differently from computers.
And most people will be uncomfortable if the computer uses whitespace
to guess, more so because it's doing lookahead to find that whitespace.
And are you ready to disallow patterns that start with '='?

And basically I don't think people want to mutate $_ with math operators
all that often--and if they do want to, they probably don't.  :-)


Re: Pronouns ["Re: $_ defaulting for mutating ops"]

2005-10-25 Thread Larry Wall
On Tue, Oct 25, 2005 at 05:26:32PM +0200, Juerd wrote:
: Michele Dondi skribis 2005-10-25 17:17 (+0200):
: > Hmmm... maybe you're right that $__ is too huffmanized (and hence 
: > confusing) but $OUTER::_ is somewhat too few...
: for (1..9) -> $n {  # ought to be more than enough
: eval qq[
: macro prefix:<\$_$n> { "\${ "OUTER::" x $n }_" }
: ];
: }

That can't work as is.  A macro's syntactic effect is always limited to
a particular lexical scope, which is by default the lexical scope
of the declaration.  You'll need to find some way of installing it
into the currently compiling lexical scope, which is going to resemble
something more like:

for (1..9) -> $n {  # ought to be more than enough
COMPILING::{"&term:<\$_$n>"} := macro { "\${ "OUTER::" x $n }_" };

Also, $_ has to be a term, not a prefix, or the next thing will
be expected to be a term rather than an operator.  But probably
it shouldn't be a macro anyway, since you could just alias $_1 to
$OUTER::_ etc. directly:

for (1..9) -> $n {  # ought to be more than enough
COMPILING::{"\$_$n"} := COMPILING::("OUTER::" x $n)::<$_>;

maybe with something to catch the case of too many OUTERs.


Re: $_ defaulting for mutating ops

2005-10-25 Thread Juerd
Sebastian skribis 2005-10-25  9:17 (-0700):
> > I think it'd be great if +=, ~=, +&=, ++, etc, could all assume $_ on
> > their LHS when there is no obvious operand.
> It'd be nice to have these, but is it something that can wait? I
> wouldn't mind if more effort was spent on other pieces if this can be
> easily done in the future

It can wait, in theory, but implementing this should be trivial for the
people doing implementation.

One problem with waiting until after the first release is that there
will very quickly be code that works with 6.0.1, but not with 6.0.0, if 
what you're waiting for is a small thing to implement...

Things that can wait are usually very non-trivial, and have little
impact on the rest of the language.


Re: $_ defaulting for mutating ops

2005-10-25 Thread Sebastian
> I think it'd be great if +=, ~=, +&=, ++, etc, could all assume $_ on
> their LHS when there is no obvious operand.

It'd be nice to have these, but is it something that can wait? I
wouldn't mind if more effort was spent on other pieces if this can be
easily done in the future

- sebastian

Re: Pronouns ["Re: $_ defaulting for mutating ops"]

2005-10-25 Thread Michele Dondi

On Tue, 25 Oct 2005, Juerd wrote:

   for (1..9) -> $n {  # ought to be more than enough
   eval qq[
   macro prefix:<\$_$n> { "\${ "OUTER::" x $n }_" }

And then you can use $_1 .. $_9. I think $_1 is much clearer than $__,
but I think neither is needed in the standard language.

Can I beg to differ any more? (Implicit answer: no, I can't!)

The trouble with engineers is that given the problem of knocking down
a stack of 100 bricks, they will start at the top, and work all
day removing them one at a time, while the mathematician will, after
a momemt's thought, remove the bottom brick and be done with it.
The "trouble" part, is having to brook the noise of the engineer
boasting about how much harder he worked while one is trying to
think about the next problem.
- Bart Goddard in sci.math

Re: Pronouns ["Re: $_ defaulting for mutating ops"]

2005-10-25 Thread Juerd
Michele Dondi skribis 2005-10-25 17:17 (+0200):
> Hmmm... maybe you're right that $__ is too huffmanized (and hence 
> confusing) but $OUTER::_ is somewhat too few...

for (1..9) -> $n {  # ought to be more than enough
eval qq[
macro prefix:<\$_$n> { "\${ "OUTER::" x $n }_" }

And then you can use $_1 .. $_9. I think $_1 is much clearer than $__,
but I think neither is needed in the standard language.


Re: Pronouns ["Re: $_ defaulting for mutating ops"]

2005-10-25 Thread Mark Reed

On 2005-10-25 11:17 AM, "Michele Dondi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I find $__ confusing, and prefer $OUTER::_, which already exists.
> Hmmm... maybe you're right that $__ is too huffmanized (and hence
> confusing) but $OUTER::_ is somewhat too few...

What's confusing about $__ is that it looks too much like $_.  In my font,
for instance, there's no gap - it's just a longer underline, which is far
too subtle a difference...

Re: Pronouns ["Re: $_ defaulting for mutating ops"]

2005-10-25 Thread Michele Dondi

On Tue, 25 Oct 2005, Juerd wrote:

Michele Dondi skribis 2005-10-25 17:05 (+0200):

Now, one that I've sometimes desired is a "two level" $_, i.e. a variable,
say, $__ referring to the _second next_ enclosing lexical scope. I am
aware that in this vein one may ask a third analogue and so on, but let's
face it: $_ already covers 95% of cases, my hypothetical var would cover I
guess a remaining 4.5% of cases, and who cares for the rest? E.g.:
for @vert {
  put_point $_, $__ for @horiz;

I find $__ confusing, and prefer $OUTER::_, which already exists.

Hmmm... maybe you're right that $__ is too huffmanized (and hence 
confusing) but $OUTER::_ is somewhat too few...


A question out of curiousity: who is this Green of Green's functions?
Is he the same person of Green's theorem? :)

Yes. He was also an early environmentalist; hence the current
phrases "green" this and "green" that...
- David C. Ullrich in sci.math, "Re: Who is Green?"

Re: Pronouns ["Re: $_ defaulting for mutating ops"]

2005-10-25 Thread Juerd
Michele Dondi skribis 2005-10-25 17:05 (+0200):
> Now, one that I've sometimes desired is a "two level" $_, i.e. a variable, 
> say, $__ referring to the _second next_ enclosing lexical scope. I am 
> aware that in this vein one may ask a third analogue and so on, but let's 
> face it: $_ already covers 95% of cases, my hypothetical var would cover I 
> guess a remaining 4.5% of cases, and who cares for the rest? E.g.:
> for @vert {
>   put_point $_, $__ for @horiz;
> }

I find $__ confusing, and prefer $OUTER::_, which already exists.


Pronouns ["Re: $_ defaulting for mutating ops"]

2005-10-25 Thread Michele Dondi

On Tue, 25 Oct 2005, Juerd wrote:

Reducing line noise isn't my goal, though. I feel that the implicit
defaulting to $_ makes Perl a more natural and elegant language, and
would like this principle being extended to these operators.

Indeed, both the implicit defaulting to $_ AND the availability of $_ 
itself. Which occasionally makes me desire even more pronouns. After all 
in a natural language like English we have 'it', 'them', 'we', etc... now 
it's obvious that

(i) we can't hope nor desire a full correspondence,
(ii) there _already_ are some analogues of _some_ of the above, but
 somewhat more limited in usefulness wrt $_.

Now, one that I've sometimes desired is a "two level" $_, i.e. a variable, 
say, $__ referring to the _second next_ enclosing lexical scope. I am 
aware that in this vein one may ask a third analogue and so on, but let's 
face it: $_ already covers 95% of cases, my hypothetical var would cover I 
guess a remaining 4.5% of cases, and who cares for the rest? E.g.:

for @vert {
  put_point $_, $__ for @horiz;

Note: I am aware that P6 will already provide other ways to do it, but 
this is not in contrast with Perl's TMTOWTDI-ness. I expect it to be 
useful enough in nested {map,grep}'s.

you look around what do you see?
I'll tell you what I see is a world belonging to me
- Pennywise, "Living For Today".

Re: $_ defaulting for mutating ops

2005-10-25 Thread Michele Dondi

On Tue, 25 Oct 2005, Rob Kinyon wrote:

On 10/25/05, Juerd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I think it'd be great if +=, ~=, +&=, ++, etc, could all assume $_ on
their LHS when there is no obvious operand.


Especially bare ++ would be useful, I think.

Did you post this specifically to anti-address the fear that P6 will
be more line-noise-ish than P5? :-p

No, to address the fear that P6 won't be just as suitable for 
{obfuscation,golfing} as P5 is and that it would spoil those cultures.

Incidentally I think it'd be great too.

Free software, not just Linux, is a major problem for Microsoft.
It's a big mistake thinking they don't understand free software, or its mechanics. 
They understand it all too well, and they don't like it - not one little bit!

- Eddy Macnaghten

Re: $_ defaulting for mutating ops

2005-10-25 Thread Juerd
Rob Kinyon skribis 2005-10-25  8:37 (-0400):
> Did you post this specifically to anti-address the fear that P6 will
> be more line-noise-ish than P5? :-p

No. Leaving out $_ is one of the important features in *reducing* line
noise. We're all very used to seeing it, but to most people it is just
two more non-alphanumeric characters.

Reducing line noise isn't my goal, though. I feel that the implicit
defaulting to $_ makes Perl a more natural and elegant language, and
would like this principle being extended to these operators.

For comparison, here is the same code snippet again. First with, and
then without explicit $_.


given ($subject) -> $_ {
$_ ~~ s/foo/bar/;
$_ x= 2;
$_ ~= "!";


given ($subject) {
x= 2;
~= "!";

I think the latter is more elegant, without reducing legability or
maintainability. I also think that the code is immediately obvious, even
to people coming from Perl 5, who never read this thread.


Re: $_ defaulting for mutating ops

2005-10-25 Thread Rob Kinyon
On 10/25/05, Juerd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think it'd be great if +=, ~=, +&=, ++, etc, could all assume $_ on
> their LHS when there is no obvious operand.
> This clashes with &prefix:<=>, but that's nothing a space cannot fix.
> Same for lvalue subs called x or xx (or X or XX).
> my $subject = "foo foo foo";
> given ($subject) {
> s/foo/bar/;  # "bar foo foo"
> ++;  # "bar foo fop"
> x= 2;# "bar foo fopbar foo fop"
> ~= "!";  # "bar foo fopbar foo fop!"
> }
> Especially bare ++ would be useful, I think.

Did you post this specifically to anti-address the fear that P6 will
be more line-noise-ish than P5? :-p


$_ defaulting for mutating ops

2005-10-25 Thread Juerd
I think it'd be great if +=, ~=, +&=, ++, etc, could all assume $_ on
their LHS when there is no obvious operand.

This clashes with &prefix:<=>, but that's nothing a space cannot fix.
Same for lvalue subs called x or xx (or X or XX).

my $subject = "foo foo foo";
given ($subject) {
s/foo/bar/;  # "bar foo foo"
++;  # "bar foo fop"
x= 2;# "bar foo fopbar foo fop"
~= "!";  # "bar foo fopbar foo fop!"

Especially bare ++ would be useful, I think.
