After quite a bit of feedback on the first beta, I'm pleased to announce the second beta. Get it from:

Or soon, a CPAN near you.

Changes for 0.050_02    Fri Dec 10 15:03:39 CET 2004

* Move CPANPLUS::Dist::(Deb|Ports) to it's on repository
* Fix error when Test::Reporter is unavaliable
* Various spelling fixes
* Added CPANPLUS::Hacking pod with instructions how to hack on
* Added an environment variable 'PERL5_CPANPLUS_IS_RUNNING' which
will be set to the current process id, so subprocesses can
recognize that they are running under CPANPLUS
* Some wordings have changed for the setup, to make things a bit
* Add 'do we have test::reporter support' probing code (used in
test suite)
* Add Mail::Send as a prerequisite for test::reporter support
* Don't attempt to actually send test reports from our test suite
-- Test::Reporter doesn't do that itself either, we might have
failed tests due to Test::Reporter rather than ourselves
* Mention 'bundle::cpanplus::test::reporter' which has all the
modules needed to have test::reporter support enabled
* Improved accuracy for core module detection logic and errors
* More support for connecting to remote machines using
CPANPLUS::Daemon (not yet released, but will be soon)
* Add extra clean up arguments to our own Makefile to remove temp
* Extensive overhaul of CPANPLUS::Dist::Build to get Module::Build
support working properly (lots of workarounds for bugs in the M::B
API -- we now bundle a custom patched M::B (0.26061) to cope)
* Module::Build now accepts buildflags
* Seperate inc path for installers (defacto only Module::Build
right now)
* Update various bundled modules like Object::Accessor, IPC::Cmd,
* Smarter loading of bundled modules
* Various speed optimizations
* 't --force' can send a new test::report now
* Don't force current installer format onto prereqs, unless it's
explicitly requested
* Make the default shell be aware when it's running in noninteractive
mode, making sure it makes no suggestions with require interactivity
* Add a message about where the module was extracted to in verbose mode


Jos Boumans

        "Whenever you find you are on the side of the majority,
        it is time to pause and reflect." - Mark Twain


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