Re: [ANNOUNCE] Test::Warn::None 0.02

2003-07-03 Thread Fergal Daly
On Wednesday 02 July 2003 00:25, Adrian Howard wrote:
> On Monday, June 30, 2003, at 02:07  pm, Fergal Daly wrote:
> The footer doesn't indicates that the correct number of tests ran 
> (that's the plan's job), it just shows that a test script completed 
> without error.

I think that would be useful.

> So a noplan test might look like
>ok 1
>ok 2
># fin
> a planned test with an extension might look like
>ok 1
>ok 2
>ok 3
># fin

but what if your script outputs

   ok 1
   ok 2
   # fin

there is no way to know that there's an extension missing. It might sound 
unlikely that this would happen but take the Test::NoWarnings module and say 
it works by extending the plan at the end and say for some reason it's buggy 
or even that you forgot the use it. There'd be no way to know that the END 
block didn't run.

There's a good chance that when writing scripts people will naturally bundle 
the plan extension and the tests together as a unit, possibly even in a 
subroutine which makes it even easier for the whole things to be silently 

The purpose of the plan is to declare in advance how many tests will run, so 
that if an error in your script or some exceptional circumstances cut the 
test short, you will find out. The reason plans are effective is because they 
are declared very early, before anything has a chance to go wrong. If the 
plan is changeable then when the script finishes you have know way of knowing 
if the plan was changed the correct number of times.

The current situation is bullet proof, if a test is missed the plan will be 
wrong, end of story The only way to make extensions just as bullet proof is 
to predeclare your extensions too, so your plan becomes x tests and y 

> To be honest, I'm not sure that having a global plan at the test script 
> level gives you that much benefit.
> I like planned tests, but a manually maintained global plan is a 
> maintainence nightmare if you have a large number of tests, or if the 
> number of tests is runtime dependant.

Absolutely, that's the big problem with plans they are too difficult. That's 
the problem arbitrarily nested sub blocks (each with their own plan) solve. A 
global plan is hard to maintain because the plan is far away from the tests. 
By using blocks, each with their own plan, things are much easier, if you add 
a test to a block, you just need to update the plan for the block, that's it, 
no changes required anywhere else.

It allows the testing equivalent of structured programming, local changes do 
not require global mainteance. I rarely use plans at the moment because I 
write a lot of scripts like this

foreach my $thing (@things)


sub do_some_complicated_test

so the plan is number of elements in @things X number of tests in the 
subroutine + other tests. A royal pain to maintain. If I could do this

use Test::More tests => 3;

block(tests => 20);
foreach my $thing (@things)


sub do_some_complicated_test
block(tests => 3);

that makes my plan a doddle to maintain.

> I've  not noticed any problems now that I use Test::Class for most of 
> my test code. I still plan the number of tests executed - I just do it 
> at the method-level rather than the test-script level.

I'm not familiar with it although it looks nice. I'm guessing that Test::Class 
calculates your global plan for you? One advantage to the block approach over 
extensions or autoplanners is that you will know exactly which block ran too 
many or too few tests, whereas with a global plan, you just know that 
somewhere something went wrong, maybe you go hunting for it, maybe you "fix" 
the plan.

> That would work, but you face the problem of having an evil 
> internal-error causing your script to exit early without getting any 
> output from earlier tests. You also lose user feedback for long test 
> sequences (you only find out that test 2 failed after all 276000 test 
> run).

Absolutely, that idea was just thrown out for discussion. There's another one 
percolating but it's not quite there yet, it goes something like

plan 1..3
plan .1 1..5
ok .1.1
ok .1.2
ok .1.3
plan .1.4 1..2
ok .1.4.1
ok .1.4.2
ok .1.5
ok .2
ok .3

Which is compatible with the current TH protocol (which is why all the test 
numbers are preceeded by .s) but a newer TH could figure it out. It doesn't 
depend on indentation, so tests can be carried out in any old order, allowing 
the cross-cutting AOP tests you mentioned and it also caters for wacky 
threaded scripts too.

> Being able to extend the plan seems a simpler solution to

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Test::Warn::None 0.02

2003-07-01 Thread Adrian Howard
On Monday, June 30, 2003, at 02:07  pm, Fergal Daly wrote:

On Wednesday 25 June 2003 20:15, Adrian Howard wrote:
Add an explicit "test script finished" footer?
But how does the footer-adder know that the correct number of tests 
ran. You
would need to declare a plan to run x additional extensions at which 
you're doing sub-plans.
The footer doesn't indicates that the correct number of tests ran 
(that's the plan's job), it just shows that a test script completed 
without error.

So a noplan test might look like

  ok 1
  ok 2
  # fin
a planned test with an extension might look like

  ok 1
  ok 2
  ok 3
  # fin
and a test with a failed extension might look like

  ok 1
  ok 2
  # some ghastly error that caused an early exit and no error code on 

and Test::Harness would pick up the lack of a "# fin" as indicating a 
premature exit. Most early exits would be caught via the bogus exit 
value anyway. Having an explicit "script complete" footer would only 
catch a few odd cases.

Of course if we carry on much longer we're going to end up with T::H 
and T::B having to do nasty version checks to make sure they're talking 
the same protocol :-)

I suppose I'm thinking of things from the I messed up my test script 
point of
view rather than my test script died unexpectedly. Exit codes should 
the died unexpectedly stuff. A correct plan is good for catching the
programmer errors but is a pain to maintain.
To be honest, I'm not sure that having a global plan at the test script 
level gives you that much benefit.

I like planned tests, but a manually maintained global plan is a 
maintainence nightmare if you have a large number of tests, or if the 
number of tests is runtime dependant.

I've  not noticed any problems now that I use Test::Class for most of 
my test code. I still plan the number of tests executed - I just do it 
at the method-level rather than the test-script level.

That's why I liked the previous suggestions about being able to extend 
plans. It seemed a nice simple way to get the security of being able to 
have micro-plans without having to worry about the global plan count.

(not that we couldn't do it your way too).

I have some vague thoughts that there are some potentially cute things
that you could do with extended plans that would be hard to do with
sub-blocks/plans (e.g. any sort of test that cross-cuts several test
scripts in an AOPish sort of way - checking that test data has 
to a state of grace for example).
I guess that can be solved by controlling the timing of the output. I 
think there's a need for the results of test 1 to be printed before 
out test 2, except maybe when the tests are being run by the developer.
That would work, but you face the problem of having an evil 
internal-error causing your script to exit early without getting any 
output from earlier tests. You also lose user feedback for long test 
sequences (you only find out that test 2 failed after all 276000 test 

Being able to extend the plan seems a simpler solution to me.


Re: [ANNOUNCE] Test::Warn::None 0.02

2003-06-30 Thread Fergal Daly
On Wednesday 25 June 2003 20:15, Adrian Howard wrote:
> Add an explicit "test script finished" footer?

But how does the footer-adder know that the correct number of tests ran. You 
would need to declare a plan to run x additional extensions at which point 
you're doing sub-plans.

I suppose I'm thinking of things from the I messed up my test script point of 
view rather than my test script died unexpectedly. Exit codes should catch 
the died unexpectedly stuff. A correct plan is good for catching the 
programmer errors but is a pain to maintain.

> I have some vague thoughts that there are some potentially cute things 
> that you could do with extended plans that would be hard to do with 
> sub-blocks/plans (e.g. any sort of test that cross-cuts several test 
> scripts in an AOPish sort of way - checking that test data has returned 
> to a state of grace for example).

I guess that can be solved by controlling the timing of the output. I don't 
think there's a need for the results of test 1 to be printed before carrying 
out test 2, except maybe when the tests are being run by the developer.

The patch I submitted almost allows that to work. Each block gets a 
Test::Builder object and whenever a block is finalised, it finalises all of 
it's sub blocks, so you could delay output until finalisation time. So, 
imagine that Test::Builder objects don't output anything until they are 
finalised, they just collect results quietly. You create an AOP block at the 
top level (ie a sub-block of the root Test::Builder). Then you do all your 
AOP tests using this Test::Builder::Block object. At the end, when all other 
tests are finished and output, your AOP test block will dump out it's 


Re: Renaming modules (was Re: [ANNOUNCE] Test::Warn::None 0.02)

2003-06-29 Thread Michael G Schwern
On Sat, Jun 28, 2003 at 10:13:06PM +0100, Fergal Daly wrote:
> On Saturday 28 June 2003 02:51, Michael G Schwern wrote:
> > When I merged Test::Simple with Test::More I left a Test-More tarball lying
> > around containing a Makefile.PL which simply died saying "download
> > Test-Simple instead".
> That's OK for a merge (or you could have an empty archive with a dependency on 
> Test::Simple so can be happy.)
> I don't think dieing is a good idea for a rename or a deprecation. It's 
> probably a good thing to die when a developer gets your module but if a user 
> gets it to satisfy a dependency then it shouldn't fail. Is there a way to 
> know if Makefile.PL is being run by

There's no need, won't pick up the old named module.  All it 
contains is a Makefile.PL and a MANIFEST.  Perhaps a README.  There is no 
.pm files for the CPAN indexer to pick up on. shouldn't 
even pick up on it.  The only way a user could find that tarball is to 
manually download it from CPAN.  Its just a hollow dummy.  There's no other 
reason someone would download the dummy.

To make it clear, what you would do is release a Test-Warn-None-0.05.tar.gz
which contained a Makefile.PL which died with a message about having been
renamed to Test::NoWarnings and to download Test-NoWarnings instead.  That's
for the folks still downloading modules by hand.

For those using the CPAN shell or modules having dependencies on the old
name (Test::Warn::None), Test-NoWarnings could contain all the normal stuff
plus a Test::Warn::None which is a thin wrapper around Test::NoWarnings so 
backwards compat is maintained.  It also means that CPAN will index this
tarball as having Test::Warn::None in it so when the CPAN shell tries to
install Test::Warn::None it downloads Test-NoWarnings.

Optionally, you could put a warning about using Test::NoWarnings when 
Test::Warn::None starts up.

The Test::Warn::None wrapper might look like this:

package Test::Warn::None;
use Test::NoWarnings;
@ISA = qw(Test::NoWarnings);

sub import {
@_ = ('Test::NoWarnings', @_);
goto Test::NoWarnings->can('import'); 


Simply fooling Test::NoWarnings->import into thinking it was called.

It's Crack Cocaine time!

Re: Renaming modules (was Re: [ANNOUNCE] Test::Warn::None 0.02)

2003-06-28 Thread Paul Johnson
On Sat, Jun 28, 2003 at 10:13:06PM +0100, Fergal Daly wrote:

> Is there a way to 
> know if Makefile.PL is being run by

Not as far as I know, but Jos tells me that there should be some way in
the next version of CPANPLUS.

My personal itch that this would scratch is to be able to specify
prerequisites if they can be easily satisfied, and just to output a
message if the installation is manual and the prerequisites are not
essential.  (Yes, I know that doesn't make sense.)

Paul Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Renaming modules (was Re: [ANNOUNCE] Test::Warn::None 0.02)

2003-06-28 Thread Fergal Daly
On Saturday 28 June 2003 02:51, Michael G Schwern wrote:
> When I merged Test::Simple with Test::More I left a Test-More tarball lying
> around containing a Makefile.PL which simply died saying "download
> Test-Simple instead".

That's OK for a merge (or you could have an empty archive with a dependency on 
Test::Simple so can be happy.)

I don't think dieing is a good idea for a rename or a deprecation. It's 
probably a good thing to die when a developer gets your module but if a user 
gets it to satisfy a dependency then it shouldn't fail. Is there a way to 
know if Makefile.PL is being run by That way you could release 
My-Module-0.40_please-use-My-Better-Module-instead.tgz. This would have docs 
telling developers to use My::Better::Module instead and it would die for 
perl Makefile.PL but compile fine with or

perl Makefile.PL --i_really_want_this

It would be good to be able to signal to the CPAN indexer that a module has 
been superceeded by another.


Re: [ANNOUNCE] Test::Warn::None 0.02

2003-06-28 Thread Michael G Schwern
On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 08:39:39PM +0100, Fergal Daly wrote:
> Test::NoWarnings sounds good to me. What is the correct etiquette for 
> abandoning a namespace? Just delete the files with PAUSE or should I leave a 
> pointer behind? Not too important with this module but I'm just curious,

When I merged Test::Simple with Test::More I left a Test-More tarball lying
around containing a Makefile.PL which simply died saying "download
Test-Simple instead".

Is there an airport nearby or is that just my tae-kwon-do taking off?

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Test::Warn::None 0.02

2003-06-28 Thread Michael G Schwern
On Wed, Jun 25, 2003 at 07:09:26PM +0100, Fergal Daly wrote:
> I just thought of a big problem with plan extensions. If the script silently 
> eat's itself just before you extend the plan, then you don't know that 
> anything went wrong.

It would have to also exit normally.  That is rare.

Is there an airport nearby or is that just my tae-kwon-do taking off?

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Test::Warn::None 0.02

2003-06-25 Thread Adrian Howard

On Wednesday, June 25, 2003, at 07:09  pm, Fergal Daly wrote:

On Wednesday 25 June 2003 17:49, Adrian Howard wrote:
The thread from the start of May about having optional / extendable
plans supported by Test::Harness would seem to be a good match for 
feature.[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg01883.html (Plan is
I just thought of a big problem with plan extensions. If the script 
eat's itself just before you extend the plan, then you don't know that
anything went wrong.
Add an explicit "test script finished" footer?

The problem is that counting the number of tests in a script is usually
somewhere between awkward and impossible. Extendable plans make the 
go away but they also make some of the benefits of plans go away too.

Subblocks and subplans accomplish the same thing without any loss of

I like the idea of sub-blocks/plans too (I still aim to tidy up 
Test::Block when the free time fairy next visits :) but I think the 
problems with extending plans can be overcome.

I have some vague thoughts that there are some potentially cute things 
that you could do with extended plans that would be hard to do with 
sub-blocks/plans (e.g. any sort of test that cross-cuts several test 
scripts in an AOPish sort of way - checking that test data has returned 
to a state of grace for example).

Anyway, food for thought.


Re: [ANNOUNCE] Test::Warn::None 0.02

2003-06-25 Thread Fergal Daly
On Wednesday 25 June 2003 17:49, Adrian Howard wrote:
> The thread from the start of May about having optional / extendable 
> plans supported by Test::Harness would seem to be a good match for this 
> feature.
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg01883.html (Plan is 
> Test::Warn::None could then just extend the plan in the END block with 
> no worries about mucking up existing plans.

I forgot about that stuff.

I just thought of a big problem with plan extensions. If the script silently 
eat's itself just before you extend the plan, then you don't know that 
anything went wrong.

The problem is that counting the number of tests in a script is usually 
somewhere between awkward and impossible. Extendable plans make the symptoms 
go away but they also make some of the benefits of plans go away too.

Subblocks and subplans accomplish the same thing without any loss of 

Of course that still doesn't solve the problem of END block plans but at least 
now all the tests in an END block can be grouped together with their own 
subplan and you only need to add 1 to the overall plan.

It also makes skip and todo blocks very easy too, as long as all the tests to 
be skipped are in a sub-block then it's as if you're just skipping 1 test.

> (Nice module BTW - and my vote is for Test::NoWarnings as the name :-)

Thanks. I did decide to Test::NoWarnings but then I thought again. I think I'm 
going to roll my own version of Test::Warn (maybe Test::Warnings). Three main 

- Test::Warn has a lot of dependencies - Array::Compare, Test::Exception, 
Sub::Uplevel, Tree::DAG_Node (!), File::Spec

- I want to capture the warnings in more detail

- I have no job! I may as well be gainfully unemployed.

When it's done, maybe I can persuade Janek Schleicher to inegrate it into 


Re: [ANNOUNCE] Test::Warn::None 0.02

2003-06-25 Thread Adrian Howard
On Tuesday, June 24, 2003, at 07:53  pm, Michael G Schwern wrote:

On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 12:07:19PM +0100, Fergal Daly wrote:
Consider the following.

use Test::More;
use Test::Warn::None;
plan tests => 42;
To make this work I'd have to overhaul the internal Test::Builder 
system to allow Test::Warn::None to say "I'm going to add an extra 
please remember this fact".  I can be convinced its worth it.
It seems like a good idea to me. Are there any other modules that 
would use
Potentially, but I can't think of anything at the moment.
The thread from the start of May about having optional / extendable 
plans supported by Test::Harness would seem to be a good match for this 
feature.[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg01883.html (Plan is 

Test::Warn::None could then just extend the plan in the END block with 
no worries about mucking up existing plans.

(Nice module BTW - and my vote is for Test::NoWarnings as the name :-)


Re: [ANNOUNCE] Test::Warn::None 0.02

2003-06-24 Thread Rafael Garcia-Suarez
Michael G Schwern wrote in :
> On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 02:04:25PM -0500, Andy Lester wrote:
>> All this "make sure no warnings fired" is good thinking.  But why not 
>> roll it into Test::Harness, and make it switch selectable?  It's 
>> really T::H that we want keeping an eye on this, right?
> No, its definately a test feature.  Much easier to set up (no MakeMaker
> muckery), finer granularity (can be done on a per test file basis rather
> than a whole suite) and can distinguish between warnings and diagnostic
> output (ie. warn() vs diag() vs print STDERR).
> Besides, Test::Harness can't portably trap STDERR.  If you can figure out
> a way to do it that would solve lots of problems.
> If you want to do it to a whole test suite, PERL5OPT=-MTest::Warn::None comes
> to mind.

Provided that all test scripts are written with a
Test::Warn::None-compatible plan().

Don't use color combinations that cause problems for people with color
blindness in its various forms. -- W3C, HTML 4.01 Specification, 6.5.1

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Test::Warn::None 0.02

2003-06-24 Thread Rafael Garcia-Suarez
Michael G Schwern wrote in :
> On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 01:36:52PM +0200, Rafael Garcia-Suarez wrote:
>> BTW, what about modules that define their own category of warnings
>> (via warnings::register) ? It'd be useful to have a module to ease
>> testing for warnings presence/absence on certain conditions.
> There's Test::Warn, but I don't think it does anything special with
> registered warning classes.

It doesn't support them for now, according to the docs.

>> (Avoiding to span perl interpreters at each test would be a bonus.)
> I don't quite understsand what "spanning perl interpreters" means.

qx// (like lib/warnings.t in the perl core)

Is it any wonder the world's gone insane, with information come to be
the only real medium of exchange ? -- Thomas Pynchon, Gravity's Rainbow

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Test::Warn::None 0.02

2003-06-24 Thread Michael G Schwern
On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 02:04:25PM -0500, Andy Lester wrote:
> All this "make sure no warnings fired" is good thinking.  But why not 
> roll it into Test::Harness, and make it switch selectable?  It's 
> really T::H that we want keeping an eye on this, right?

No, its definately a test feature.  Much easier to set up (no MakeMaker
muckery), finer granularity (can be done on a per test file basis rather
than a whole suite) and can distinguish between warnings and diagnostic
output (ie. warn() vs diag() vs print STDERR).

Besides, Test::Harness can't portably trap STDERR.  If you can figure out
a way to do it that would solve lots of problems.

If you want to do it to a whole test suite, PERL5OPT=-MTest::Warn::None comes
to mind.

"Congratulations, you're a thieving bastard... Now give me back my pants."
"That's MISTER Pants!"
-- Ian's Adventures In Morrowind

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Test::Warn::None 0.02

2003-06-24 Thread Michael G Schwern
On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 01:36:52PM +0200, Rafael Garcia-Suarez wrote:
> BTW, what about modules that define their own category of warnings
> (via warnings::register) ? It'd be useful to have a module to ease
> testing for warnings presence/absence on certain conditions.

There's Test::Warn, but I don't think it does anything special with
registered warning classes.

> (Avoiding to span perl interpreters at each test would be a bonus.)

I don't quite understsand what "spanning perl interpreters" means.

It's Yellowing Laudanum time!

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Test::Warn::None 0.02

2003-06-24 Thread Michael G Schwern
On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 12:07:19PM +0100, Fergal Daly wrote:
> > Consider the following.
> > 
> > use Test::More;
> > use Test::Warn::None;
> > plan tests => 42;
> > 
> > To make this work I'd have to overhaul the internal Test::Builder planning
> > system to allow Test::Warn::None to say "I'm going to add an extra test,
> > please remember this fact".  I can be convinced its worth it.
> It seems like a good idea to me. Are there any other modules that would use 
> it?

Potentially, but I can't think of anything at the moment.


Re: [ANNOUNCE] Test::Warn::None 0.02

2003-06-24 Thread Michael G Schwern
On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 12:37:36PM +0100, Fergal Daly wrote:
> Also how about calling it Test::Warn::Auto? I'm not particularly happy with 
> None,

Test::Warn::Auto doesn't say anything about its main purpose: to ensure
that you have no warnings.  Instead it documents an implementation detail,
that the check for no warnings is automatic.

I like Test::Warn::None or some variation on it.  Or even Test::NoWarnings.
Doesn't have to sit in the Test::Warn namespace.

You're the sickest teenager I've ever set my wallet on.

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Test::Warn::None 0.02

2003-06-24 Thread Fergal Daly
On Tuesday 24 June 2003 20:31, Michael G Schwern wrote:
> If you want to do it to a whole test suite, PERL5OPT=-MTest::Warn::None 
> to mind.

That's cool, I never saw that before.

It's also a pretty convincing argument for an "I'm going to add an extra test" 
method in Test::Builder,


Re: [ANNOUNCE] Test::Warn::None 0.02

2003-06-24 Thread Fergal Daly
On Tuesday 24 June 2003 19:55, Michael G Schwern wrote:
> I like Test::Warn::None or some variation on it.  Or even Test::NoWarnings.
> Doesn't have to sit in the Test::Warn namespace.

Test::NoWarnings sounds good to me. What is the correct etiquette for 
abandoning a namespace? Just delete the files with PAUSE or should I leave a 
pointer behind? Not too important with this module but I'm just curious,


Re: [ANNOUNCE] Test::Warn::None 0.02

2003-06-24 Thread Fergal Daly
On Tuesday 24 June 2003 20:04, Andy Lester wrote:
> All this "make sure no warnings fired" is good thinking.  But why not 
> roll it into Test::Harness, and make it switch selectable?  It's 
> really T::H that we want keeping an eye on this, right?

...except how does Test::Harness know the difference between a diagnostic and 
and a warning that began with "#"? Or indeed the difference between something 
printed on STDOUT and something that came out via warn or the 'warnings' 


Re: [ANNOUNCE] Test::Warn::None 0.02

2003-06-24 Thread Andy Lester
All this "make sure no warnings fired" is good thinking.  But why not 
roll it into Test::Harness, and make it switch selectable?  It's 
really T::H that we want keeping an eye on this, right?

Andy Lester => [EMAIL PROTECTED] => => AIM:petdance

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Test::Warn::None 0.02

2003-06-24 Thread Fergal Daly
On Tuesday 24 June 2003 19:56, Michael G Schwern wrote:
> I don't quite understsand what "spanning perl interpreters" means.

Neither did I until just now. I think it's the fact that forks will cause the 
END to run multiple times. It would be nice if Test::Builder gave a method to 
give us access to $Original_Pid. I suppose I can track it myself though,


Re: [ANNOUNCE] Test::Warn::None 0.02

2003-06-24 Thread Fergal Daly
On Tuesday 24 June 2003 12:36, Rafael Garcia-Suarez wrote:
> +1 for ::Auto.
> BTW, what about modules that define their own category of warnings
> (via warnings::register) ? It'd be useful to have a module to ease
> testing for warnings presence/absence on certain conditions.
> (Avoiding to span perl interpreters at each test would be a bonus.)

I think Test::Warn is what you want although I haven't really explored it,


Re: [ANNOUNCE] Test::Warn::None 0.02

2003-06-24 Thread Rafael Garcia-Suarez
Fergal Daly wrote:
> Also how about calling it Test::Warn::Auto? I'm not particularly happy with 
> None,

+1 for ::Auto.

BTW, what about modules that define their own category of warnings
(via warnings::register) ? It'd be useful to have a module to ease
testing for warnings presence/absence on certain conditions.
(Avoiding to span perl interpreters at each test would be a bonus.)

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Test::Warn::None 0.02

2003-06-24 Thread Fergal Daly
On Tuesday 24 June 2003 12:04, Tels wrote:
> > It IS obsolete. I DOES call it from an END block ;-)
> Uh - *hides in a corner for the rest of the day*

It happens to the best of us.

I've updated the docs to make this more clear.

Also how about calling it Test::Warn::Auto? I'm not particularly happy with 


Re: [ANNOUNCE] Test::Warn::None 0.02

2003-06-24 Thread Tels


On 24-Jun-03 Fergal Daly carved into stone:
> On Tuesday 24 June 2003 11:37, Tels wrote:
>> Actually, I can see that Test::Warn::None could make the no_warnings()
>> line
>> obsolete by calling this automatically in an END block. So:
> It IS obsolete. I DOES call it from an END block ;-)

Uh - *hides in a corner for the rest of the day*



- -- 
 Signed on Tue Jun 24 13:04:19 2003 with

 perl -MDev::Bollocks -le'print Dev::Bollocks->rand()'
 conveniently industrialize bleeding-edge technologies  You have the freedom to run any code. Yet.   My current Perl projects

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: When cryptography is outlawed, bayl bhgynjf jvyy unir cevinpl.


Re: [ANNOUNCE] Test::Warn::None 0.02

2003-06-24 Thread Fergal Daly
On Tuesday 24 June 2003 11:22, Michael G Schwern wrote:
> > >> use Test::More::None;
> Typo?


> > 
> > Can't nowarings() call Test::More::plan_add(1) or something like this?
> > 
> Consider the following.
> use Test::More;
> use Test::Warn::None;
> plan tests => 42;
> To make this work I'd have to overhaul the internal Test::Builder planning
> system to allow Test::Warn::None to say "I'm going to add an extra test,
> please remember this fact".  I can be convinced its worth it.

It seems like a good idea to me. Are there any other modules that would use 


Re: [ANNOUNCE] Test::Warn::None 0.02

2003-06-24 Thread Fergal Daly
On Tuesday 24 June 2003 11:37, Tels wrote:
> Actually, I can see that Test::Warn::None could make the no_warnings() line
> obsolete by calling this automatically in an END block. So:

It IS obsolete. I DOES call it from an END block ;-)


Re: [ANNOUNCE] Test::Warn::None 0.02

2003-06-24 Thread Tels


On 24-Jun-03 Michael G Schwern carved into stone:
> On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 10:59:43AM +0200, Tels wrote:
>> > On Mon, Jun 23, 2003 at 05:49:06PM +0100, Fergal Daly wrote:
>> > Good idea.  Too bad about the plan calculation hackery necesssary. :(
>> Can't nowarings() call Test::More::plan_add(1) or something like this?
> Consider the following.
> use Test::More;
> use Test::Warn::None;
> plan tests => 42;
> To make this work I'd have to overhaul the internal Test::Builder
> planning system to allow Test::Warn::None to say "I'm going to add an
> extra test, please remember this fact".  I can be convinced its worth it.

IIUC, we have:

# manual way
use Test::More;
use Test::Warn::None;

  plan => tests 1 + 1; # one extra for no warnings
ok ()



# automatic way (not yet)
use Test::More;
use Test::Warn::None;
  plan tests => 1;
ok (...);

Neither the manual way nor the automatic way can be "fooled", except that
you remove the "use Test::Warn::None" line. (Either way would
screem if the no_warnings() would no longer be called). So as a vivid plan
user, I would be for the way that requires less typing.

Actually, I can see that Test::Warn::None could make the no_warnings() line
obsolete by calling this automatically in an END block. So:

# fully automatic way, washes your socks and makes coffee
use Test::More;
use Test::Warn::None;
BEGIN { plan tests => 1; }
ok (...);

(use Test::Warn::None qw/auto/ or something might also work if you
don't want to change the interface)

As to the "overhaul": wouldn't one extra variable with the "extra tests do
plan for" be enough? Sorry, I probably assume to much simplicity behind
the scenes :)

I would like this, because I plan to use Test::Warn on more than one 20+
test-scripts testsuite, and I could even see how this could be added to the
core which has even more scripts :)

Best wishes,

Te"feels bad for just wanting more features without any contribution"ls

- -- 
 Signed on Tue Jun 24 12:36:15 2003 with

 perl -MDev::Bollocks -le'print Dev::Bollocks->rand()'
 continuously deploy efficient functionalities  You have the freedom to run any code. Yet.   My current Perl projects

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: When cryptography is outlawed, bayl bhgynjf jvyy unir cevinpl.


Re: [ANNOUNCE] Test::Warn::None 0.02

2003-06-24 Thread Michael G Schwern
On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 10:59:43AM +0200, Tels wrote:
> > On Mon, Jun 23, 2003 at 05:49:06PM +0100, Fergal Daly wrote:
> >>  I'm looking for comment or suggestions about this new module. It's 
> >> independent of and complementary to Test::Warn. It tests that your test 
> >> script didn't emit any warnings. Just add
> >> 
> >> use Test::More::None;


> >> to the top your test script, update your plan (if you've got one) and
> >> that's 
> >> it. You'll get an extra test, executed after your script ends checking 
> >> whether there were any warnings. If there were you'll get a full run
> >> down of 
> >> them including a stack trace.
> > 
> > Good idea.  Too bad about the plan calculation hackery necesssary. :(
> Can't nowarings() call Test::More::plan_add(1) or something like this?

Consider the following.

use Test::More;
use Test::Warn::None;
plan tests => 42;

To make this work I'd have to overhaul the internal Test::Builder planning
system to allow Test::Warn::None to say "I'm going to add an extra test,
please remember this fact".  I can be convinced its worth it.

Life is like a sewer.  What you get out of it depends on what you put into it.
- Tom Lehrer

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Test::Warn::None 0.02

2003-06-24 Thread Tels


On 23-Jun-03 Michael G Schwern carved into stone:
> On Mon, Jun 23, 2003 at 05:49:06PM +0100, Fergal Daly wrote:
>>  I'm looking for comment or suggestions about this new module. It's 
>> independent of and complementary to Test::Warn. It tests that your test 
>> script didn't emit any warnings. Just add
>> use Test::More::None;
>> to the top your test script, update your plan (if you've got one) and
>> that's 
>> it. You'll get an extra test, executed after your script ends checking 
>> whether there were any warnings. If there were you'll get a full run
>> down of 
>> them including a stack trace.
> Good idea.  Too bad about the plan calculation hackery necesssary. :(

Can't nowarings() call Test::More::plan_add(1) or something like this?



- -- 
 Signed on Tue Jun 24 10:43:41 2003 with

 perl -MDev::Bollocks -le'print Dev::Bollocks->rand()'
 widespreadedly supply compelling partnerships  You have the freedom to run any code. Yet.   My current Perl projects

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: When cryptography is outlawed, bayl bhgynjf jvyy unir cevinpl.


Re: [ANNOUNCE] Test::Warn::None 0.02

2003-06-24 Thread Michael G Schwern
On Mon, Jun 23, 2003 at 05:49:06PM +0100, Fergal Daly wrote:
>   I'm looking for comment or suggestions about this new module. It's 
> independent of and complementary to Test::Warn. It tests that your test 
> script didn't emit any warnings. Just add
> use Test::More::None;
> to the top your test script, update your plan (if you've got one) and that's 
> it. You'll get an extra test, executed after your script ends checking 
> whether there were any warnings. If there were you'll get a full run down of 
> them including a stack trace.

Good idea.  Too bad about the plan calculation hackery necesssary. :(

Me? A robot? That's rediculous! For one thing, that doesn't compute at all!

[ANNOUNCE] Test::Warn::None 0.02

2003-06-23 Thread Fergal Daly
I'm looking for comment or suggestions about this new module. It's 
independent of and complementary to Test::Warn. It tests that your test 
script didn't emit any warnings. Just add

use Test::More::None;

to the top your test script, update your plan (if you've got one) and that's 
it. You'll get an extra test, executed after your script ends checking 
whether there were any warnings. If there were you'll get a full run down of 
them including a stack trace.

If there are parts of your script that should be emitting warnings then you 
should be using Test::Warn to capture them, the 2 modules should play nicely 

Full docs below.


Test::Warn::None - Make sure you didn't emit any warnings while testing

  use Test::Warn::None;

  # do lots of testing

In general, your tests shouldn't produce warnings. This allows you to
check at the end of the script that they didn't. If they did produce
them, you'll get full details including a stack trace of what was going
on when the warning occurred.

If some of your tests should produce warnings then you should be
capturing and checking them with Test::Warn, that way Test::Warn::None
will not see them and not complain.

Simply by using the module, you automatically get an extra test at the
end of your script that checks that no warnings were emitted. So just

  use Test::Warn::None

at the top of your script and continue as normal.

If you want more control you can invoke the test manually at any time
with "had_no_warnings()".

The warnings your test has generated so far are stored are in array. You
can look inside and clear this whenever you want with "warnings()" and
"clear_warnings()". However, it would be better to use the Test::Warn
module if you want to go poking around inside the warnings.

If warning is captured during your test then the details will output as
part of the diagnostics. You will get:

o the number and name of the test that was executed just before the
  warning (if no test had been executed these will be 0 and '')

o the message passed to "warn",

o a full dump of the stack when warn was called, courtesy of the "Carp"

This checks that there have been warnings emitted by your test scripts.
Usually you will not call this explicitly as it is called automatically
when your script finishes.

This will clear the array of warnings that have been captured. If the
array is empty then a call to "had_no_warnings()" will produce a pass

This will return the array of warnings captured so far. Each element of
this array is a hashref with the following keys:

o prev_test: the number of the test that executed before the warning was
  produced, if no tests had executed, this will be 0.

o prev_test_name: the name of the test that executed before the warning
  was produced, if no tests had executed, this will be "".

o msg: the captured warning message that your test emitted

o carp: the captured warning message that your test emitted plus a stack
  trace generated by the Carp module.

o stack_trace: A Devel::StackTrace object, created at the time of the
  warning. This will only be present if Devel::StackTrace is installed.

When counting your tests for the plan, don't forget to include the test
that runs automatically when your script ends.

None that I know of.

Test::More, Test::Warn

Written by Fergal Daly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

Copyright 2003 by Fergal Daly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

This program is free software and comes with no warranty. It is
distributed under the LGPL license

See the file LGPL included in this distribution or