Re: ~ and + vs. generic eq

2005-09-22 Thread TSa


Yuval Kogman wrote:

No, the role installs homogenious targets into the generic
binary-MMD comparator which I think is called eqv.

Err, why? We already have that with regular MMD semantics.

role Num {
multi &*infix: ($x:, Num $y) { $x == $y }

What you mean is double dispatch, cascading, delegation or what ever.
I had the two juxtapositions of

   $x eqv $y


   $x &ee $y  # or even $x $ee $y when $ee is a coderef

in mind. In the latter case you a get a complicated mix of parsing that
in the first place and generating code for a three invocant anonymous
dispatch or whatever it is. I mean with *no* : in the definition.

   multi &*infix: ($lhs, Compare &comp, $rhs) {...}

BTW, is that now valid syntax? I thought there is no & sigil
but one of the two keywords sub or method:

   multi sub *infix: ($lhs, Compare &comp, $rhs) {...}

I'm not sure if I get you right, but I think we agree that
there should be only one comparer for a certain type/class.
Everything else is nonsense. I mean apples should know how
to eqv to other apples and oranges with oranges. MMD enters
the picture only if you want to compare apples with oranges.
By color, by weight, as fruits in general, etc.

Comparing apples with oranges should do two equivalent MMD lookups
on coercion, one of apples to oranges, the other of oranges to
apples (unless there is an MMD compare between apples and oranges
already), and if they are equivalent then there is an error.

Sorry, I don't understand what an "MMD lookup on coercion" should be?
Do you think of eqv as a simple two parameter sub that *single* dispatches
first on the $one then on the $other arg with the respective non-invocant
as parameter and then xor's and negates the results for consistency?

  sub eqv ($one, $other --> Bit)
  # .compare_to:(Object: Object --> Bit) note the single invocant!
  return !($one.compare_to($other) ^^ $other.compare_to($one));

Apart from the fact that somehow two types are involved I don't
see MMD in that. To me a method's name is a concept that is
realized differently for different types of arguments. At hand
we are discussion the well known problem of generic equality
versus more specific equalities of strings, numbers or objects/refs.

And now Perl6 addresses the ternary problem of remaining generic
with respect of the infix operator name or precise concept such
that it ends up comparing numbers numerically, strings textually,
colors colorfully plus all the mixed cases while at the same time
keeping compatible to Perl5's operator semantics. The first problem
you face in this quest is naming the beast---and the three letters
'eqv' aren't it to me because variable stuff in Perl is expressed
with sigils. I'm not sure if the above discribed extreme case

if $x $ee $y { say "Hurray, we have equality" }

has a chance not to end up with a 'two terms in a row' parse

And I'm unsure if

  $x (+&eqv)() $y

works even when prefix:<+>:(Comparor) exists and returns a
numeric Comparor. But named params next to the operator could work

I think it should even without the parens... isn't the & sigil
enough to make it clear? & is just like $ in this respect

Which parens? The ones around (+&eqv) or the trailing call op ()?
Note that the precedence of postfix () is higher than prefix +.
And +&eqv might simply mean a numerified coderef and not a dispatched
call of prefix + where the returned value is type checked at runtime
for infix operator type compatibility. And then after this successfull
type check this returned operator is MM dispatched on ($x,$y).
And I can increase the challenge level easily to

  my $o := &eqv; # or with \&eqv ?

  if $x +$o $y {...} # parseable without type info about $o?

Just to mention one possible alternate interpretation, imagine prefix +
on $o returning a postfix op that given $x returns yet another
prefix op that given $y returns a value that is booleanized by
the if which then executes or skips the trailing block correspondingly.
That is with explicit parens we would get:

  if (($x(+$o))($y)) {...} # parseable?

That is like parsing the sentence: "Time flies like an arrow",
and asking yourself: "What are time flies and why do they like arrows?"

If the above works, I guess variability against the if will not parse?

  sub foo ($i, $x, $y, $z)
 $i $x $y $z { say "something got us here" }

Or does it? Actually sigiling i and y with & instead of $
reduces the possibilities a lot and might even imply to
associate the trailing block literal with &i and default
&y to an infix op. Thus a call

  foo( &*if, 42, &infix:<==>, 42);

will indeed say "something got us here"---that something
beeing the numeric equality of 42 and 42 :)

With some parsing magic thrown in, I would still propose to
make junctions in the style of the above foo such that

  if any( $points > @highscores ) { say "a new entry!" }

means what auto-threaded ($points == any(@highscores)) means
now, but makes

Re: ~ and + vs. generic eq

2005-09-22 Thread Yuval Kogman
On Wed, Sep 21, 2005 at 13:53:20 +0200, TSa wrote:
> HaloO Yuval,
> you wrote:
> >On Mon, Aug 29, 2005 at 14:07:51 +0200, TSa wrote:
> >>  role Object does Compare[Object, =:=]
> >>  role Numdoes Compare[Num, ==]
> >>  role Strdoes Compare[Str, eq]
> >What is the implication of from the perspective of the person using
> >Object, Num and Str?
> >Do they have one unified comparator?
> No, the role installs homogenious targets into the generic
> binary-MMD comparator which I think is called eqv.

Err, why? We already have that with regular MMD semantics.

role Num {
multi &*infix: ($x:, Num $y) { $x == $y }

> That's an interesting question which is related to my retention to metric
> MMD. We must distinguish homogenous from heterogenous comparisons.  My
> role Compare from above ensures that the comparor can be deduced from the
> unique (super)type of the two values to be compared. As such the comparator
> indirectly is class or type specific. The heterogenous cases however have to
> fallback to "real" MMD. Now metric MMD could spoils this approach by picking
> the "wrong" eqv target even though a proper homogenous target were
> available!

Then MMD must be fixed, as I've argued several times before.

MMD cannot work unless it does what almost everyone means and
complains when there is no obvious way.

What you're describing is a problem that a broken (by this
definition) MMD system can provide.

> I'm not sure if I get you right, but I think we agree that
> there should be only one comparer for a certain type/class.
> Everything else is nonsense. I mean apples should know how
> to eqv to other apples and oranges with oranges. MMD enters
> the picture only if you want to compare apples with oranges.
> By color, by weight, as fruits in general, etc.

Comparing apples with oranges should do two equivalent MMD lookups
on coercion, one of apples to oranges, the other of oranges to
apples (unless there is an MMD compare between apples and oranges
already), and if they are equivalent then there is an error.

> It seems that the Code type is still some kind of second class
> citizen in Perl6 because you can't nicely apply prefix ops to
> pending invocations without some help from the meta categories.
> And I'm unsure if
>$x (+&eqv)() $y
> works even when prefix:<+>:(Comparor) exists and returns a
> numeric Comparor. But named params next to the operator could work

I think it should even without the parens... isn't the & sigil
enough to make it clear? & is just like $ in this respect

 ()  Yuval Kogman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 0xEBD27418  perl hacker &
 /\  kung foo master: /me tips over a cow: neeyah!!

Description: PGP signature

Re: ~ and + vs. generic eq

2005-09-21 Thread TSa

HaloO Yuval,

you wrote:

On Mon, Aug 29, 2005 at 14:07:51 +0200, TSa wrote:

  role Object does Compare[Object, =:=]
  role Numdoes Compare[Num, ==]
  role Strdoes Compare[Str, eq]

What is the implication of from the perspective of the person using
Object, Num and Str?

Do they have one unified comparator?

No, the role installs homogenious targets into the generic
binary-MMD comparator which I think is called eqv.

If so, this sounds like you are subverting MMD with some odd
currying of the 'compare' method (whatever it's name may be)
provided by the Compare role, instead of relying on the already
existing semantics of MMD dispatch to give you the same name for
several, superficially same meanings.

The problem with equality checking is that there are several
notions of equality :) And if you include them into the set of
types used in the dispatch decision you end up with the very
unspecific :( ::X, ::Y, Code.does(Compare) --> bool ) type and
the difficulty of defining a nice call syntax for it!

The driving idea here is that the syntactical choice of the programmer
amounts to a type preference of the Comparer subtype.

Do you mean on a per class or per comparison basis?

That's an interesting question which is related to my retention to metric
MMD. We must distinguish homogenous from heterogenous comparisons.  My
role Compare from above ensures that the comparor can be deduced from the
unique (super)type of the two values to be compared. As such the comparator
indirectly is class or type specific. The heterogenous cases however have to
fallback to "real" MMD. Now metric MMD could spoils this approach by picking
the "wrong" eqv target even though a proper homogenous target were

I think that exceptions from the class perspective should not be
done by parametrising the quality role, but overriding it, and that
from the per comparison perspective we need to say either:


I'm not sure if I get you right, but I think we agree that
there should be only one comparer for a certain type/class.
Everything else is nonsense. I mean apples should know how
to eqv to other apples and oranges with oranges. MMD enters
the picture only if you want to compare apples with oranges.
By color, by weight, as fruits in general, etc.

and being an operator rich language we can specificate the generic
comparator to make things a bit more fun like I proposed:

$x +eqv $y;
$x ~eqv $y;

It seems that the Code type is still some kind of second class
citizen in Perl6 because you can't nicely apply prefix ops to
pending invocations without some help from the meta categories.
And I'm unsure if

  $x (+&eqv)() $y

works even when prefix:<+>:(Comparor) exists and returns a
numeric Comparor. But named params next to the operator could work

  $x eqv:num $y

and plain eqv could actually mean binary eqv:mmd on the lhs and rhs.

Ofcourse, I think that s/eqv/==/;, but everyone hates that.

Well, I wonder if ($x eqv $y) is the same as !($x xor $y) and
as such we just lack a high precedence correspondence to ^^ :)

H, the Mathematician in me sees <==> ...
But wouldn't that mean that ^^ should be  ...
$TSa.greeting := "HaloO"; # mind the echo!

Re: ~ and + vs. generic eq

2005-08-29 Thread Yuval Kogman
On Mon, Aug 29, 2005 at 14:07:51 +0200, TSa wrote:
> HaloO,
> Damian Conway wrote:
> >Just a thing we really do need to be careful of is not 
> >ending up with 17 different "equality" operators (like certain languages I 
> >shall refrain from naming). So far we're 
> >contemplating:
> >=:=
> >~~
> >==
> >eq
> >eqv
> >equals
> >Do we really need even that many???
> My opinion is there should be a role Compare that takes a
> Comparer as one of it's parameters. For the above we have
> in pseudo syntax e.g.:
>role Object does Compare[Object, =:=]
>role Numdoes Compare[Num, ==]
>role Strdoes Compare[Str, eq]

What is the implication of from the perspective of the person using
Object, Num and Str?

Do they have one unified comparator?

If so, this sounds like you are subverting MMD with some odd
currying of the 'compare' method (whatever it's name may be)
provided by the Compare role, instead of relying on the already
existing semantics of MMD dispatch to give you the same name for
several, superficially same meanings.

> The driving idea here is that the syntactical choice of the programmer
> amounts to a type preference of the Comparer subtype.

Do you mean on a per class or per comparison basis?

I think that exceptions from the class perspective should not be
done by parametrising the quality role, but overriding it, and that
from the per comparison perspective we need to say either:



+$x eqv +$y;


~$x eqv ~$y;

and being an operator rich language we can specificate the generic
comparator to make things a bit more fun like I proposed:

$x +eqv $y;
$x ~eqv $y;

Ofcourse, I think that s/eqv/==/;, but everyone hates that.

> I fully agree that the number of standard Comparers should be kept
> small---that is close to three, not counting ~~ as a Comparer but
> as (the only) Matcher.

I'm glad that you guys think so too =)

 ()  Yuval Kogman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 0xEBD27418  perl hacker &
 /\  kung foo master: : neeyah!

Description: PGP signature

Re: ~ and + vs. generic eq

2005-08-29 Thread Yuval Kogman
On Wed, Aug 24, 2005 at 16:57:30 +1000, Damian Conway wrote:

This is what the operators mean to me:

>   =:=
The right side and the left are the same thing, in the sense that:

$x =:= $y; # if this is true
$x.mutating_method; # and one side is changed
$x =:= $y; # then this will always still be true

This may describe either truely the same space in memory, or some
sort of proxying. One scenario under which I think it's OK if they
are not the same location in memory is if I have two proxy handles
into the same remote object. They represent the same object, and are
randomly interchangable in any point in the control flow.

>   ~~

Does the right side describe the left side? Is the left side "like"
what the right side defines?

This is variadic depending on the right side, WRT to the shape and
type of the right side. It's truely a smart (polymorphic, dwimmy)
match (the right side can describe any number of values) operator,
and not equality in any sense.

>   ==
>   eq
>   eqv
>   equals

For all of these, The two are equal - the same value, but not
necessarily the same thing:

$x == $y; # if this is true (assume generic equality)
$x.mutating_method; # and one side is changed
$x == $y; # this might not be true anymore

As I see it ==, eq, eqv and equals are overly verbose and redundant
options for checking this same property WRT to the values involved.

When we want to be truely sure that we are comparing the two values
on a certain dimension of equality (numeric, stringwise or natural
equality, as denoted by ==, eq and equals (not eqv if the previous
posts in this thread are used)) then we force it anyway.

In perl 5 when I want my code to be readable I don't say

if (@array == @other)

because I find that confusing.

I try to remember to say:

if (scalar(@array) = scalar(@array))

so that it's obvious I'm comparing a coercion of the array's value.

Furthermore, I find even this repulsive... What kind of scalar

Perl 6 has the ability to make this obvious by using the now
standard prefixes:

~   - as a string
+   - as a number
?   - as a boolean

all of which are special cases of "natural" equality.

When I say


it's more obvious that I'm treating these as numerical values
(I may be tempted to say @array.elems if i really want to be clear,
but that's besides the point).

If I say @array == @other, it's clear to someone ***WITH A PERL 5
BACKGROUND** that i'm forcing the array into numerical context, and
then comparing that instead.

I for one know that I'll always write

if (... eqv ...)

in perl 6, to avoid my tendency to compare strings and objects as

I deeply regret that people from other language will mock me for
having such an ugly operator, and that everyone who doesn't care
enough will use == in a way that is broken 5% of the time.

I regret most deeply of all that the amount inertia that == and eqv have is
so imbalanced and unfair, that no one will implement 'eqv' for
generic equality in their own classes, and we'll have something that
looks like 'use overload' in perl 5.

Oh well.

> Do we really need even that many???

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, i think not

 ()  Yuval Kogman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 0xEBD27418  perl hacker &
 /\  kung foo master: : neeyah!

Description: PGP signature

Re: ~ and + vs. generic eq

2005-08-29 Thread TSa


Damian Conway wrote:
Just a thing we really do need to be careful of is not 
ending up with 17 different "equality" operators (like certain languages 
I shall refrain from naming). So far we're contemplating:


Do we really need even that many???

My opinion is there should be a role Compare that takes a
Comparer as one of it's parameters. For the above we have
in pseudo syntax e.g.:

  role Object does Compare[Object, =:=]
  role Numdoes Compare[Num, ==]
  role Strdoes Compare[Str, eq]

  ::eqv ::= none(=:=); # non-Object Comparer

The difficult part is the definition of inhomogenious cases
by means of MMD unless we can form supertypes of Comparers

  role Foo does Compare[Object|Num, =:= | ==]

or with set syntax and a bit de-sugared on the op:

  role Foo does Compare[(Object,Num), (&infix:<=:=>, &infix:<==>)]

The driving idea here is that the syntactical choice of the programmer
amounts to a type preference of the Comparer subtype. I fully agree
that the number of standard Comparers should be kept small---that is
close to three, not counting ~~ as a Comparer but as (the only) Matcher.
$TSa.greeting := "HaloO"; # mind the echo!

Re: ~ and + vs. generic eq

2005-08-24 Thread Yuval Kogman
On Tue, Aug 23, 2005 at 16:32:37 -0700, Larry Wall wrote:
> Hmm, well, I don't think >>&op<< is valid syntax, but you did say
> "semantics", so I can't criticize that part.  :-)

What is >><<, btw?

Is it

&circumfix:{'>>','<<'} (Code &op --> Code); # takes some code, returns 
a listop

&precircumfix:{'>>','<<'} (Code &op, [EMAIL PROTECTED] --> List);

> I don't know how close ~~ and eqv will end up.  There are some
> differences in emphasis, and when two operators get too much like each
> other, I tend to add more differences to make them inhabit different
> parts of the solution space.  One current difference is that, despite
> the symmetry of ~~, it's not actually a symmetrical operator much of
> the time, such as when matching values to rules.  ~~ is intended to
> be heavily dwimmical, so it's allowed to do various kinds of abstract
> coercions to figure out some mystical "good enough" quotient.  But eqv
> on the other hand should probably be false in asymmetrical situations.
> The implementation of ~~ may delegate to eqv in certain symmetrical
> situations, of course.

Right... Magic is defined in the "base" definitions of ~~:

&infix:<~~> ($x, Rule $r) { ... }
&infix:<~~> ($x, Code &test) { code($x) }

And so on and so forth, and then it is extended by the extender to
make cool aggregate operations, but even this doesn't have to be the
same for ~~ and eqv, it's just that eqv should have good builtins
for collections, is all.

> should say "true", since those are the same values, and they can't
> change.  However, in Perl-5-Think, [1,2,3] produces mutable arrays,
> so unless we come up with some kind of fancy COW for [1,2,3] to be
> considered immutable until someone, er, mutes it, I think eqv would
> have to return false, and consider two such objects to be different
> values (potentially different if not actually different).

Well, when I use it as

if (@array eqv [1, 2, 3]) {


I think it's obvious that I'm checking "what is the value right
now", and ditto when I say

my $str = "foo";
$hash{$str} = 1;
$str ~= "bar";
$hash{$str}; # not the same

Arguably use of an array as a hash key is using a reference to a
container, and use of a scalar as a hash key is using the value
inside a container, so in a sense the hash key didn't change when I
appended the string, but this distinction is subtle and mostly an
implementation detail.

> It would be possible to declare %hash some way that forces a "snapshot"
> via some kind of serialization or other, but then it gets hard to keep
> the identity around.  Then the question arises how we doctor
> if [1,2,3] eqv [1,2,3] { say "true" } else { say "false" }

eqvs! it pronounces very well: 'eekyoovies'. Try it:

if 1 2 3 eekyooviesses 1 2 3 say true, otherwise say false

It's fun, but I hate it even more than eqv ;-)

> to do the same snapshot comparison.  Arguably ~~ could do it, since it's
> explicitly *not* about identity.
> if [1,2,3] ~~ [1,2,3] { say "true" } else { say "false" }

But ~~ is not "is the same" it's "matches". This is also true, and
not what I want eqv for:

if [1, 2, 3] ~~ [code { 1 }, rx/\d+/, Num] { say "true" } else { say 
"false" }

> Or we could have a more explicit way of doing whatever it is that the
> snapshot hash does to each argument.
> if [1,2,3].snap eqv [1,2,3].snap { say "true" } else { say "false" }

I think the opposite is better, make snapshotting by default, and
mutable value equality false by saying

[1, 2, 3] eqv [1, 2, 3] :always # or :forever

 ()  Yuval Kogman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 0xEBD27418  perl hacker &
 /\  kung foo master: *shu*rik*en*sh*u*rik*en*s*hur*i*ke*n*: neeyah

Description: PGP signature

Re: ~ and + vs. generic eq

2005-08-24 Thread Damian Conway

Larry wrote:

Or we could have a different operator that coerces like == and eq, only
via .snap:

if [1,2,3] equals [1,2,3] { say "true" } else { say "false" }

(Actual name negotiable, of course).  The advantage of the latter approach
is that you can say

@foo >>equals<< @bar

and the .snaps are automatically distributed.  Otherwise you'd have to say

@foo<<.snap >>eqv<< @bar<<.snap

which is a pain.  On top of which, equals doesn't actually have to
implemented in terms of .snap--it could just compare the current
values of the mutable objects directly.  (Just as =:= doesn't have
to be implemented in terms of .id.)

Just a thing we really do need to be careful of is not ending 
up with 17 different "equality" operators (like certain languages I shall 
refrain from naming). So far we're contemplating:


Do we really need even that many???


Re: ~ and + vs. generic eq

2005-08-23 Thread Larry Wall
On Wed, Aug 24, 2005 at 12:43:46AM +0300, Yuval Kogman wrote:
: On Tue, Aug 23, 2005 at 10:28:01 -0700, Larry Wall wrote:
: > On Tue, Aug 23, 2005 at 06:19:33PM +0300, Yuval Kogman wrote:
: > :   "10" == "10"; # dispatches to Str, due to better match
: > 
: > Nope, that will continue to coerce to numeric comparison.  The design
: > team did in fact consider pure "equivalence" MMD dispatch of == in
: > the last meeting, but rejected it in favor of "eqv"
: BTW, regardless of whether it's called 'eqv' or '==', the semantics
: shared between the MMD variants of ~~ and eqv as proposed in the
: bottom of the message are not utter crap, right?

Hmm, well, I don't think >>&op<< is valid syntax, but you did say
"semantics", so I can't criticize that part.  :-)

Not that the rest of what I say amounts to criticism.  More just thinking
in your general direction.

I don't know how close ~~ and eqv will end up.  There are some
differences in emphasis, and when two operators get too much like each
other, I tend to add more differences to make them inhabit different
parts of the solution space.  One current difference is that, despite
the symmetry of ~~, it's not actually a symmetrical operator much of
the time, such as when matching values to rules.  ~~ is intended to
be heavily dwimmical, so it's allowed to do various kinds of abstract
coercions to figure out some mystical "good enough" quotient.  But eqv
on the other hand should probably be false in asymmetrical situations.
The implementation of ~~ may delegate to eqv in certain symmetrical
situations, of course.

Another difference in emphasis is that eqv is intended to equate values
(one of the reasons for the 'v') that would be treated as equal when used
as keys of an object hash.  Now the funny thing about an object hash is
that you don't ever want to hash based on a mutable value.  Ordinary
value types are immutable, so this 42 is the same as that 42 over there.
So we have

$a = 42;
$b = 42;
$a eqv $b   # always true
$a =:= $b   # might be true

The =:= operator always compares object identities, even if the
objects want to pretend to be values.  So eqv lets them pretend,
while =:= doesn't.  But for objects that don't want to pretend to be
values, eqv can delegate to =:=.

On the other hand, it's not clear whether eqv (and by extension hashes)
should take "snapshots" of mutable values.  That is, it's not clear
whether this should say "true true" or "false false":

my %hash is shape(Object);

%hash{ [1,2,3] } = 1;
if exists %hash{ [1,2,3] } { say "true" } else { say "false" }
if [1,2,3] eqv [1,2,3] { say "true" } else { say "false" }

But whatever it says, I think it should say the same thing both times.
Certainly if we had Pythonic immutable tuples

if (1,2,3) eqv (1,2,3) { say "true" } else { say "false" }

should say "true", since those are the same values, and they can't
change.  However, in Perl-5-Think, [1,2,3] produces mutable arrays,
so unless we come up with some kind of fancy COW for [1,2,3] to be
considered immutable until someone, er, mutes it, I think eqv would
have to return false, and consider two such objects to be different
values (potentially different if not actually different).

It would be possible to declare %hash some way that forces a "snapshot"
via some kind of serialization or other, but then it gets hard to keep
the identity around.  Then the question arises how we doctor

if [1,2,3] eqv [1,2,3] { say "true" } else { say "false" }

to do the same snapshot comparison.  Arguably ~~ could do it, since it's
explicitly *not* about identity.

if [1,2,3] ~~ [1,2,3] { say "true" } else { say "false" }

Or we could have a more explicit way of doing whatever it is that the
snapshot hash does to each argument.

if [1,2,3].snap eqv [1,2,3].snap { say "true" } else { say "false" }

Or we could have a different operator that coerces like == and eq, only
via .snap:

if [1,2,3] equals [1,2,3] { say "true" } else { say "false" }

(Actual name negotiable, of course).  The advantage of the latter approach
is that you can say

@foo >>equals<< @bar

and the .snaps are automatically distributed.  Otherwise you'd have to say

@foo<<.snap >>eqv<< @bar<<.snap

which is a pain.  On top of which, equals doesn't actually have to
implemented in terms of .snap--it could just compare the current
values of the mutable objects directly.  (Just as =:= doesn't have
to be implemented in terms of .id.)


Re: ~ and + vs. generic eq

2005-08-23 Thread Yuval Kogman
On Tue, Aug 23, 2005 at 10:28:01 -0700, Larry Wall wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 23, 2005 at 06:19:33PM +0300, Yuval Kogman wrote:
> : "10" == "10"; # dispatches to Str, due to better match
> Nope, that will continue to coerce to numeric comparison.  The design
> team did in fact consider pure "equivalence" MMD dispatch of == in
> the last meeting, but rejected it in favor of "eqv"

BTW, regardless of whether it's called 'eqv' or '==', the semantics
shared between the MMD variants of ~~ and eqv as proposed in the
bottom of the message are not utter crap, right?

 ()  Yuval Kogman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 0xEBD27418  perl hacker &
 /\  kung foo master: /me does a karate-chop-flip: neeyah!!

Description: PGP signature

Re: ~ and + vs. generic eq

2005-08-23 Thread Larry Wall
On Tue, Aug 23, 2005 at 06:19:33PM +0300, Yuval Kogman wrote:
:   "10" == "10"; # dispatches to Str, due to better match

Nope, that will continue to coerce to numeric comparison.  The design
team did in fact consider pure "equivalence" MMD dispatch of == in
the last meeting, but rejected it in favor of "eqv", which has the
benefit of looking more Huffmanly abstract to Perl 5 and C programmers.
Otherwise we lose the main point of being an operator-rich language,
which is to use the operators to drive coercion in the common cases
instead continually casting between strings and numbers.


Re: ~ and + vs. generic eq

2005-08-23 Thread Yuval Kogman
On Tue, Aug 23, 2005 at 18:15:07 +0200, Ingo Blechschmidt wrote:
> sorry, I've some problems with this proposal:
> == has always meant numeric equality in Perl and I'd like it to stay
> that way.

For "simple" values like numbers and strings == is numberic, because
it's affinity to it.

> > "10" == 10; # dispatched to Num, by means of coercion (== has some
> > affinity to it for backwards compatibility)

I guess the difference is that this will fallback to dispatching to
strings if "10" can't be numified.

I think what sets perl 6 apart from perl 5 is that it's 95% as
optimized for "simple" values as perl 5 was, but a magnitude times
better for complex types (first class functions, better objects),
and in this sense generic equality is a place I find the current
spec lacking.

> More importantly, the distinction between +== and ~== is far too subtle,
> I think -- the two long =s kind of hide the +~?. You have to look more
> carefully to see the distinction between +== and ~==; == vs. eq is much
> more apparent, IMHO.

Arguably it should only matter when it's explicitly stated, so in
this case I think your argument is very strong. The only difference
is that I don't feel that ~== and +== are very close to == visually,
and although they are hard to distinguish, they do stand apart from
just bare ==.

> Oh and +== isn't as good huffmanized as == is.

99% of the time you should use == for numbers anyway... It's

> > The "matchic MMD generator" in the prelude, that makes the complex
> > set of rules found in s04 should simply apply to any infix operator
> > (and should be applied in the prelude to ~~, as well as ==), so that
> > ~~ and == on collections are defined with the same aggregate
> > semantics, but MMD ~~ or == applies to the nested elements in the
> > same "shape":
> > 
> > sub extend_comparators (&op) {
> [...]
> I think I like that idea, although I have to admit that I might have not
> understood it fully.
> I wonder whether it's possible to use an adverbial modifier to specify
> the comparator:
> say @foo ~~ @bar;  # is really
> say @foo ~~ @bar :comparator{ $^a ~~ $^b };
> say @foo ~~ @bar :comparator{ $^a eq $^b };
> say @foo ~~ @bar :comparator{ $^a == $^b };

In this example I would say

my sub comparator ($a, $b) { .. your comparison here };

say comparator(@foo @bar);

and the name "comparator" could be a lexically scoped &infix:<~~> just the

It's not as short, but I'm sure an evil macro could be cooked up if
it recurrs.

We can even specify

multi &infix:<~~> (Any $a, Any $b, :&comparator) { # what is the
# syntax for mandatory positionals nowadays?
my &augmented = &comparator; # a copy
&augmented($a, $b);

And have your interface wrap around this behavior.

 ()  Yuval Kogman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 0xEBD27418  perl hacker &
 /\  kung foo master: /me beats up some cheese: neeyah!

Description: PGP signature

Re: ~ and + vs. generic eq

2005-08-23 Thread Ingo Blechschmidt

Yuval Kogman wrote:
> I think this is more consistent, and just as useful:
> 10 == 10; # dispatches to num
> "10" == 10; # dispatched to Num, by means of coercion (== has some
> affinity to it for backwards compatibility) "10" == "10"; # dispatches
> to Str, due to better match "10.0" == "10"; # unlike perl 5 this is
> false "10.0" +== "10"; # but this is true
> 10 ~== 10; # like eq

sorry, I've some problems with this proposal:

== has always meant numeric equality in Perl and I'd like it to stay
that way.

More importantly, the distinction between +== and ~== is far too subtle,
I think -- the two long =s kind of hide the +~?. You have to look more
carefully to see the distinction between +== and ~==; == vs. eq is much
more apparent, IMHO.

Oh and +== isn't as good huffmanized as == is.

> The "matchic MMD generator" in the prelude, that makes the complex
> set of rules found in s04 should simply apply to any infix operator
> (and should be applied in the prelude to ~~, as well as ==), so that
> ~~ and == on collections are defined with the same aggregate
> semantics, but MMD ~~ or == applies to the nested elements in the
> same "shape":
> sub extend_comparators (&op) {

I think I like that idea, although I have to admit that I might have not
understood it fully.

I wonder whether it's possible to use an adverbial modifier to specify
the comparator:

say @foo ~~ @bar;  # is really
say @foo ~~ @bar :comparator{ $^a ~~ $^b };

say @foo ~~ @bar :comparator{ $^a eq $^b };
say @foo ~~ @bar :comparator{ $^a == $^b };


Linux, the choice of a GNU | "The future is here. It's just not widely
generation on a dual AMD   | distributed yet."  -- William Gibson  

~ and + vs. generic eq

2005-08-23 Thread Yuval Kogman
I don't like eqv, because it's ugly, inconsistent with anything else
in Perl 6, especially &&, ||, and ^^. It might be forced to fit into
the and, or, and xor family, but you'd expect to find 'eq' there,
and that's not what it means.

IMHO == is as "generic" as && and ||, and is even more like ^^ since
it also returns a boolean.

the v in eqv is not much of a mnemonic, and overall looks like a
typo more than a meaningful distinction.

Furthermore, people culturally lean towards '==' for generic
equality, and that's what 99% of 'use overload' uses choose on the

Moreover, after a while of programming only "real" apps, that is,
few throw-away scripts (i think it was a period of 2-3 months) I
suddenly found myself comparing strings with == in such scripts.

I think this is more consistent, and just as useful:

10 == 10; # dispatches to num
"10" == 10; # dispatched to Num, by means of coercion (== has some 
affinity to it for backwards compatibility)
"10" == "10"; # dispatches to Str, due to better match
"10.0" == "10"; # unlike perl 5 this is false
"10.0" +== "10"; # but this is true
10 ~== 10; # like eq

$obj == $obj; # if $obj.ref implements ==, then goody, if not, i guess 
it numifies, or falls back to =:= or whatever identity equality is this week

$obj eq $obj; # just a wrapper for == that is parsed with lower 

$obj +== $obj; # numifies
$obj ~== $obj; # stringifies

@array +== @array; # length
@array == @array; # nested

Here are some reference implementations:

sub &infix:<+==> (Any $l, Any $r --> Bool) { +$l == +$r }
sub &infix:<~==> (Any $l, Any $r --> Bool) { ~$l == ~$r }
sub &infix: (Any $l, Any $r --> Bool) { ?$l == ?$r } # useless?

multi sub &infix:<==> (Num $l, Num $r --> Bool) { ... }
multi sub &infix:<==> (Str $l, Str $r --> Bool) { ... }

multi sub &infix:<==> (@l, @r --> Bool) { @l.elems +== @r.elems and @l 
>>==<< @r }

sub &infix: (Any $l, Any $r) is tighter(&infix:) { $l == $r }

The behavior of == is akin to ~~, for example regarding:

Array   Array arrays are identical match if $_ >>=<< @x

extracted from S04.

The "matchic MMD generator" in the prelude, that makes the complex
set of rules found in s04 should simply apply to any infix operator
(and should be applied in the prelude to ~~, as well as ==), so that
~~ and == on collections are defined with the same aggregate
semantics, but MMD ~~ or == applies to the nested elements in the
same "shape":

sub extend_comparators (&op) {

my sub apply_to_arrays (Code &op, Array @l, Array @r) {
@l >>&op<< @r


for (&infix:<~~> &infix:<==>) &extend_comparators;

 ()  Yuval Kogman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 0xEBD27418  perl hacker &
 /\  kung foo master: /me whallops greyface with a fnord: neeyah!!!

Description: PGP signature