Re: more B::Concise stuff (PATCH - updated)

2004-05-14 Thread Rafael Garcia-Suarez
Jim Cromie wrote:
> Jim Cromie wrote:
> > folks,
> >
> > attached patch has following adjustments to B::Concise and its tests.
> heres 2nd rev of that patch, now against 22802

Thanks, applied as change 22820. Time to play with it...

Re: more B::Concise stuff (PATCH - updated)

2004-05-10 Thread Jim Cromie
Jim Cromie wrote:


attached patch has following adjustments to B::Concise and its tests.

heres 2nd rev of that patch, now against 22802
- crossposted to perl-qa  for its test related aspects.
items 1-9 from prev post are all improved or solved

a. goto-bug squashed - reset_sequence() now resets $lastnext too.
formerly carrying 'state' from  one rendering to next.
b. showlex bug fixed - was due to signature change of B::Concise::fmt_line()

c. rendering-match-rex now tighter, esp wrt opcode args and [] vs () 
   this may be more brittle - if pad-tmp-var numbering isnt consistent 
across platforms.
   (consider this a test - it wont be hard to re-broaden parts of regex 
to accomodate

d. 4 TODOs pass intentionally

   2 were myvar optimizations of 'my $a=()'
 I think done by RGS' 2nd varinit optimization (dunno patch # 
or title)
 i left as TODO to get ack / fact check / closure.

   2 are placeholders for {} and [] as args to B::Concise::compile,
 {} is good for splaying a stash, ex  \%::
 []  dunno yet. could do for BEGIN, END etc (already done)
   handler chains too.
e. package SPLAYING is un-touched.

One sticking point is err: sub has no ->START.
I think this happens on stub functions, so msg should maybe change 
This should do no harm, esp if you dont use it ...

NEW STUFF can now 'walk' a coderef, ala B::Concise.

(was formerly only a function name, looked up in the STASH).
Added 7 more tests to showlex.t, using compile(), walk_output().
also added -newlex option, which does a different PAD display:
it combines name and value on 1 line, 2x info density.
CODE(0x821a99c) Pad has 17 entries
0: SPECIAL #1 &PL_sv_undef
1: PVNV (0x821a960) "$self" = NULL (0x821a96c)
2: PVNV (0x821a948) "%props" = HV (0x821a93c) HASH
3: SPECIAL #1 &PL_sv_undef = NULL (0x821a954)
4: SPECIAL #1 &PL_sv_undef = NULL (0x821a930)
5: PVNV (0x821a918) "$total" = NULL (0x821a924)
6: PVNV (0x821a900) "@fib" = AV (0x821a8f4) undef
7: SPECIAL #1 &PL_sv_undef = NULL (0x821a8dc)
8: PVNV (0x821a8c4) "$i" = NULL (0x821a8d0)
9: SPECIAL #1 &PL_sv_undef = NULL (0x821a8a0)
10: SPECIAL #1 &PL_sv_undef = NULL (0x821a888)
11: SPECIAL #1 &PL_sv_undef = NULL (0x821a870)
12: SPECIAL #1 &PL_sv_undef = NULL (0x821a864)
13: PVNV (0x821a84c) "$i" = NULL (0x821a858)
14: SPECIAL #1 &PL_sv_undef = PVNV (0x821a828) undef
15: SPECIAL #1 &PL_sv_undef = PVNV (0x821a81c) undef
16: SPECIAL #1 &PL_sv_undef = NULL (0x821a810)
Since theres no back compat issues with -newlex, Im open to suggestions
on how info can be cleaner / more user-friendly
1. replace most SPECIAL #1 undefs with "PadTmp$i" where $i is col 1 above
   these would correlate with t3 as represented in Concise output. (or 
is this just wrong?)

2. suppress ' = NULL (0x)'   it provides almost no info.
   most porters seem to use Devel::Peek when they want this kind of info,
   so showlex can specialize towards more overview.
   A good option - suppress normal chatter - print when unusual
3. get it to display [$i:start-ln,end-ln] where appropriate.

4. use Getopt::Std.  may be issues vs conventions.


Showlex output (not -newlex ) for coderefs differs a bit from comppadlist.
There were no tests of comppadlist output, so I dont know whether this 
diff is expected,
or its something I broke / changed.

diffs show up in lex-values array - 0 displays as AV, not SPECIAL
AVs now have trailing 'undef' when theyve got no value.
HVs have 'HASH', put there by ?? B::SV::terse, which gets it from concise_sv
[EMAIL PROTECTED] latest]$ ./perl ext/B/t/showlex.t 9  # any arg forces verbose

Pad of lexical values for comppadlist has 3 entries
0: SPECIAL #1 &PL_sv_undef
1: NULL (0x8180f68)
2: NULL (0x818efd8)

Pad of lexical values for CODE(0x821aa54) has 4 entries
0: AV (0x821aa0c) undef
1: NULL (0x821aa24)
2: AV (0x821a9f4) undef undef added by concise_sv tweak
3: HV (0x821a9dc) HASH

This optree regression testing framework needs tests in order to find
bugs.  To that end, OptreeCheck has support for developing new tests,
according to the following model:
1. write a set of sample code into a single file, one per
   paragraph.  f_map and f_sort in ext/B/t/ are examples.
2. run OptreeCheck as a program on the file

  ./perl -Ilib ext/B/t/ -w ext/B/t/f_map
  ./perl -Ilib ext/B/t/ -w ext/B/t/f_sort
  As prog, it reads the samples of code from the file, runs each to 
generate a reference
  rendering, folds this rendering into an optreeCheck() statement,
  and prints it to stdout.

3. run the output file as above, redirect to files, then rerun as a test on
   same build (for sanity check), and on thread-opposite build.  With
   editor in 1 window, and cmd in other, its fairly easy to cut-paste
   the gots into the expects, easier than running step 2 on both
   builds then trying to sdiff them together.
4. my reason