RE: [PHP] Creating Image...

2002-07-31 Thread Andrew Chase

To write a GD image to disk as a jpeg, do this instead:

$im = imagecreate(50,100);

imagejpeg($im, "test/im.jpg");

You don't need to use file handlers. Of course, without doing anything like
adding text or lines to $im, it will just be written to disk as a blank
image. :)


> -Original Message-
> From: mp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 11:11 AM
> Subject: [PHP] Creating Image...
> I want to create simple image...
> I execute this script:
>  $im = imagecreate (50, 100);
>  $fp = fopen("test/im.jpg","w");
>  fwrite($fp, imagegd($im));
>  fclose($fp);
> But there is some problems about this...
> Could somebody help me?
> Could somebody help me?

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RE: [PHP] web services and PHP

2002-07-31 Thread Andrew Chase

There is also a PEAR SOAP package available:

Some web services also use XML-RPC, a simpler predecessor to SOAP:

There are a couple of PHP classes available for implementing XML-RPC clients
and servers:


> -Original Message-
> From: Andrey Hristov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 2:40 AM
> Subject: Re: [PHP] web services and PHP
>  There are two ways (SOAP) to use SOAP library written in PHP
> such as NuSOAP
> by Dietrich Ayala or to use
> PHP-SOAP toolkit (module for PHP written in C)by Brad
> Lafountain(coding) and
> Shane Caraveo(testing) (available at

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RE: [PHP] MySQL Backup and Restore

2002-07-24 Thread Andrew Chase

I encountered that same timeout problem once, and I wound up just installing
my own copy of PhpMyAdmin in an .htaccess protected directory on the server,
and extending the time limit there.  It only took about 10 minutes to set
up, and as an added bonus it was a more recent version of PhpMyAdmin than
the one the host provided. :)


> -Original Message-
> From: 1LT John W. Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> I've never had any luck using PHPMyAdmin for dumping databases.
> They always
> time out over the 30 second limit. I know if it was my
> installation, I could
> fix it, but these are usually with hosting companies, where
> that's the only
> access they provide. It's very much a pain in the butt...

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RE: [PHP] Re: PHP Security Advisory: Vulnerability in PHP versions 4.2.0

2002-07-23 Thread Andrew Chase

If all you're doing is applying the patch (not adding/removing any
extensions), you should be able to use


which will use all of the configuration commands from your last compile
(This is an extremely handy thing if your GD/Freetype setup was particularly
ornery the first time around! ;) )


> -Original Message-
> From: Ricky Dhatt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> ./configure --with-mysql --with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs
> --with-ldap
> > make
> > make install
> > /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl restart
> the configure step really necessary?

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RE: [PHP] Any PHP editor for windows

2002-07-18 Thread Andrew Chase

A helpful Emacs resource:

Be sure to download php-mode for Emacs, too!

And PSGML if you do much with HTML/XHTML/XML:


> -Original Message-
> From: Dasmeet Singh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 2:59 AM
> Subject: [PHP] Any PHP editor for windows
> Hey, does anyone knows of a good PHP editor for windows. I have also 
> heard emacs is available for windows. Does anyone know where to download 
> it from?
> Dasmeet

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RE: [PHP] Re: gd ->1:image resolution 2:font quality

2002-07-12 Thread Andrew Chase

The GIMP is free (as in speech), and I've found it to work quite well on

The GIMP for Windows page:


> -Original Message-
> My idea to solve the problem:
> 1:Picture to create with gd, scale up by factor 69.4[?] (for 600dpi )
>   Result is an huge 72 dpi picture.
> 2:Resize and convert result picture to 600dpi by an external program.
> Next question:
> Which external program I can use?
> Have to work on windows 2.
> This is not the reason for my lack of english skills ;)

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RE: [PHP] using pdf template

2002-07-11 Thread Andrew Chase

There are a couple of different PHP classes that people have written to make
PDF creation easier... maybe they would streamline the process enough that
you can make them from scratch after all.

I didn't know about those the last time I had to deal with PDF generation,
but they look pretty useful.  Creating complex PDFs with just the base
PDFLib functions is definitely a pain. :)


> -Original Message-
> From: Rasmus Lerdorf [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Only using the commercial PDI library from
> On Thu, 11 Jul 2002, Tobias Talltorp wrote:
> > Is it possible to produce a PDF, use it as a template and populate
> > predefined sections of it from a database?
> > The PDFs I want to create are a little too complex for me to
> produce from
> > scratch.

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RE: [PHP] Security with XML

2002-07-10 Thread Andrew Chase

You could store passwords as MD5 hashes which of course is NOT really
encryption, but it would obfuscate the users' passwords.  They would still
be vulnerable to social engineering ("Hmm, I'll try his wife's name, then
his dog's name, then his phone#," etc) and brute force ("I'm going to run
every word in the pspell dictionary through MD5 and see if anything
matches") attacks, but it would be better than plain text, at least.

So, instead of


you would have


When 'Foo' tries to log in, you would just use MD5() on the password he
entered in the web form and compare it to the value in the XML file.  If it
matches, he's in... otherwise, it's not the right password.

I'm sure others will come up with more secure ideas, but anything is more
secure than passwords in plain text. :)


> -Original Message-
> From: Chris Earle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2002 9:42 AM
> Subject: [PHP] Security with XML
> I've created a db like system with XML and PHP, and I want to require a
> username/password to change the contents of the file.
> How should I go about documenting the username/password?  The contents of
> the site aren't really all to important (no financial info or
> anything like
> that, mostly just links actually), but I don't want someone's information
> stolen because someone found the "users.xml" file and opened it.

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RE: [PHP] Editing Word Documents

2002-07-09 Thread Andrew Chase

Hmm, I don't know about intercepting the "Save As..." option from word to
trigger a PHP URL, but you could direct people to save their edited word
files to a specific directory on a network share on a PHP-enabled server
(easy enough on a Windows network, and not too much harder with Samba on
Linux)... then you could run a PHP script as a cron job to check for
modified files in that directory every five or ten minutes, and have the
script upload them as needed.

It's not instantaneous, and there would definitely be some logistics to work
out (what if two people are editing the same file at the same time, how do
you account for that 5-10 minute lag, etc.) but it might be better than


> -Original Message-
> From: Chris Hewitt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2002 3:47 AM
> To: Kevin Stone
> Cc: David Russell; php-general
> Subject: Re: [PHP] Editing Word Documents
> I think what the OP meant (certainly what I meant), is that the Word doc
> is accessed from a normal link. Clients use windows and the browser has
> the .doc mime type set and spawns Word. The user edits it. I had
> (vainly) hoped for a way of setting the "File..Save As" to trigger PHP's
> File Upload facility.
> Has anyone had this need, found a way around it or found it not possible?

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RE: [PHP] parsing of SSI scripts.

2002-07-03 Thread Andrew Chase

I'm not sure if Apache will recursively process documents this way (Perl script -> 
HTML output with embedded PHP -> parsed PHP), but what about adding this HTTP header 
to your PERL script's output before the HTML/PHP code:

Content-type: application/x-httpd-php

That way Apache would (in theory) know know that the PERL script's output should be 
parsed by PHP.  


> -Original Message-
> From: Sandman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2002 1:09 PM
> Subject: Re: [PHP] parsing of SSI scripts.
> In article <008c01c222c9$fa9c3fb0$2f7e3393@TB447CCO3>,
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (1lt John W. Holmes) wrote:
> > I think I misunderstood your question. You have a Perl script 
> that returns
> > HTML and SSI and you want that string, returned to PHP, to be parsed by
> > Apache, so the SSI is evaluated, right?
> > 
> > Okay, now that I've sorted that out, I don't have an answer for 
> you. Sorry.
> > It seems like a very bad way to do things and you're making 
> things harder
> > than they should be.
> > 
> > In thinking about it, are you really sure that virtual won't do what you
> > want?
> > 
> >
> > 
> > virtual() is an Apache-specific function which is equivalent to 
>  in mod_include. It performs an Apache sub-request. It is
> > useful for including CGI scripts or .shtml files, or anything 
> else that you
> > would parse through Apache. Note that for a CGI script, the script must
> > generate valid CGI headers. At the minimum that means it must generate a
> > Content-type header. For PHP files, you need to use include() 
> or require();
> > virtual() cannot be used to include a document which is itself 
> a PHP file.
> ^^
> But my SSI script outputs data that contains PHP scripts, which I want to 
> have parsed.
> -- 
> Sandman[.net]
> -- 
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RE: [PHP] redeclaring functions

2002-06-26 Thread Andrew Chase


> -Original Message-
> From: Taylor York [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> I am having a problem with two scripts that use the same function name.
> The two functions do the exact same thing...but when the include files are
> called, the second file recieves a redeclare error.
> Suggestions?

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RE: [PHP] Image aliasing

2002-06-24 Thread Andrew Chase

Hi Morgan,

None that I'm aware of.  I guess this is somewhat OT, but does the person
you're giving the images to realize that resizing the images by means of the
HTML width/height attributes doesn't do anything to size of the file the
person viewing the page has to download?  I don't know the particulars of
your situation, but say you give him a dozen high quality JPEGS at 800x600
pixels and about 120K each... if he puts those on a page and resizes them to
96 x 72 in the HTML to make 'thumbnails', the user is still going to be
stuck downloading 1440K!  That's a pretty hefty page to download even if you
have a broadband connection. (From an end-user standpoint, I find it
*really* annoying when people do this!)

Maybe you can point this out to the person you're supplying images to?  It's
not a PHP-based solution, but maybe it will help :)

Good Luck,


P.S.  You could put together a PHP script that would use the GD
'imagecopyresampled' function to automatically generate the thumbnails for
him, but that assumes 1) You have access to his server and 2) He has PHP ;)

> -Original Message-
> I'm wondering if anybody has ever figured out a way to get around the
> absolutely abysmal way that Internet Explorer resizes images?
> The problem is that the person I'm supplying the images to refuses to use
> two copies (a small one, and a large one) and instead uses one (just the
> large one) and when he needs a small representation of it he
> slaps the large
> image in and sets the width and height tags.
> The problem comes in when I'm trying to supply him with good
> looking images.
> Sure, the large image looks fine, but that smaller image gets aliased to
> hell and back. Can the large image be recompressed in such a way that it
> doesn't noticeably damage the large version, but improves how it
> looks when
> arbitrarily shrunk in IE?

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RE: [PHP] PHP to create static images

2002-06-24 Thread Andrew Chase

To save an image to disk with the imagepng/imagejpg/imagewbmp functions all
you have to do is give the file name as the second parameter to the
function; so if you wanted to call the first graph 'graph1.png', it would go
something like

imagepng will attempt to save graph1.png in the same directory as the
script.  Where ever you tell it to save the image, make sure your web server
(if Apache - I don't know about IIS) has permission to write files to that


> -Original Message-
> From: Campano, Troy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, June 24, 2002 12:40 PM
> Subject: [PHP] PHP to create static images
> I am doing some work with creating graphs using the GD library.
> Does anyone know how I can create the graphs statically so I can
> save the output as a GIF or PNG?
> I want to run a script that will take in say 10 datasets and then
> create 10 PNG images on the file server.
> Any ideas?
> thank you!
> Troy Campano

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RE: [PHP] _SERVER variable insd prnt sttmnt

2002-04-30 Thread Andrew Chase

For the sake of legibility you could always assign the contents of
$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] to another variable before using it in the print


print "";

Shouldn't be a problem security-wise as long as register_globals is off;
Even if somebody tried to pass an arbitrary value to PHP_SELF in the query
string, it would only show up in $_GET['PHP_SELF']. It also provides a quick
way to bring pre- 4.1.2 scripts relying on the old global $PHP_SELF up to


> -Original Message-
> From: 1LT John W. Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, April 29, 2002 8:30 AM
> Subject: Re: [PHP] _SERVER variable insd prnt sttmnt
> > > // print "" .
> This is the problem with not breaking out of a string to display
> a variable.
> Ideally, you would do it this way:
> print "";
> But some people just have a problem with doing it that way, so you can use
> braces.
> print "";

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[PHP] XHTML tag attribute quoting (Was Re: Forms in PHP)

2002-04-12 Thread Andrew Chase

Are single quotes valid around tag attributes in XHTML?  I skimmed over the
W3C XHTML 1.0 spec before posting the previous message and got the
impression all attributes had to be double quoted.  It would be great if
single quotes were valid, since I've fallen into the habit of using
them for the same exact reason this thread got started... easier to read and
faster to type than \" :)

Oops, and shame on me - tag and attribute names in my previous code snippets
should all be lower case,
too, IE:

echo "$option_text\n";

Of course, a page will render just fine in any modern browser whether tag
attribute values are single or double quoted (or in most cases, even if
they're not quoted at all.)  But if everyone got in the habit of adhering to
standards, and browsers implemented standards correctly (without extending
them with propietary junk), what a nice world it would be. Oh, and world
peace would be great too. :P

Of course, I'm just as guilty of lax coding.  The next time I begin a site
from scratch my plan is to use PSGML mode in emacs, and edit against the
XHTML 1.0 DTD.  Strict? Yes, but clean and compliant :)  (And PSGML does
great code formatting as you go.)


> Unfortunately, if you want to maintain XHTML
> : compliance the tag attributes have to be double-quoted too...
> :
> : echo "$option_text\n";
> Why stick with quotation marks?
>   echo "$option_text\n";>

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RE: [PHP] Re: Forms in PHP

2002-04-12 Thread Andrew Chase

>May I also suggest that you rewrite your echo statements as:
>  echo 'Donate this item';
>Vastly improves legibility.

It's a problem, however, if you want to include a PHP variable in that echo
statement, if you're populating a SELECT menu with a loop, for instance;

$menu_options = array("A" => "Option 1", "B" => "Option 2", "C" => "Option

foreach(array_keys($menu_options) as $option_value){

  $option_text = $menu_options[$option_value];

  echo '$option_text';


would just output


which is probably not the desired output :)  You need to use double quotes
for variable substitution. Unfortunately, if you want to maintain XHTML
compliance the tag attributes have to be double-quoted too...

echo "$option_text\n";

(Might as well add a "\n" at the end of the line for readability in the
browser's 'View Source' window!)

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[PHP] RE: editors

2002-04-11 Thread Andrew Chase

I like emacs - freely available for Windows and Linux, and if you use
php-mode for font locking you get nice automatic indentation, and (in
Xwindows - not sure about WinNT/XP/9X) syntax highlighting.

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2002-03-29 Thread Andrew Chase

FTP with raw sockets is a little bit tricky because it actually requires a
second 'data' socket to be opened for each upload/download command.

Check out this excellent FTP class, which *doesn't* require PHP to be
compiled --with-ftp:

And of course the FTP Protocol RFC is helpful:


> -Original Message-
> From: Analysis & Solutions [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

> > I have written the code to upload using RAW FTP commands.
> Cool!
> How'd you get it to work?
> --Dan

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RE: [PHP] How to adress pictures stored outside of the http server root?

2002-03-21 Thread Andrew Chase

If you just want to prevent users from getting a listing of your image
directory, you can do a couple of things:

1) Put an empty 'index.html' (or whatever the server default is) in the
image directory, so anyone trying to browse the directory will get a blank


2) (Assuming your server is Apache) Create a '.htaccess' file in the images
directory and add the line

Options -Indexes

Either one ought to be less of a performance hit than doing a readfile() on
each image you want to send to the browser. :)

This article has more stuff on .htaccess:



> -Original Message-
> From: andy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> hmm sounds logical. The idea was to protect the image directory
> from people
> who would like to download all the image files. Somebody told me to place
> the dir outside the document root. So this seems to be wrong.
> What would you suggest to prevent people from downloading all the  image
> files?

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[PHP] RE: OOP .. I just don't get it.

2002-03-05 Thread Andrew Chase

Well, the 'Table' class is definitely of limited usefulness..

but where classes come in especially handy is when you want to build
reusable code for handling common tasks, like, for instance, MySQL
connections and queries... so that your PHP code looks something like


$db = new mysqlObject;

$db->doQuery("select * from mytable");
//Do stuff with the query results here

/ instead of something like: /

$dbconnection = mysql_connect("localhost","username","password");

$result = mysql_query("select * from mytable",$dbconnection);
$resultrows = array();
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
$resultrows[] = $row;
foreach($resultrows as $temprow){
//Do stuff with the query results here


The first, most obvious advantage is that the code becomes a easier to read,
which is important if you're working on a complex project.

You could arguably create a set of regular functions for MySQL stuff if you
really wanted to, but you'll have to keep careful track of any global
variables you might be using;  When you're working with a class all of your
class variables and functions are properties of an object, always with the
same name and easily accessed, but separate from any local variables you're
working with.  When you're working with a collection of functions, your
variables are all over the place and prone to inconsistency.

For instance, handling two different database connections in the same script
is easy with a class; using the hypothetical example from above, you know
that the results of your query are always going to be stored in the
'resultRows' property of the object, so it's as easy as accessing
$foo->resultRows and $bar->resultRows.

If you were using a collection of functions, you would have to come up with
a second variable name to store results from the second connection for that
particular script, and even if you try to maintain consistency among all the
scripts on your site using your collection of database functions, chances
are that things will get messy at some point; it's easier to keep track of
commonly used variable and function names at the class level.

Hmm, I hope that sort of made sense... it's a tough thing to explain.  It
took me a long time to get my head around the usefulness of OOP, too- as you
said, examples are usually not very practical.  The first explanation of OOP
that I ever read dealt with a hypothetical 'vehicle' class, and although I
understood the *theory*, I wondered for the longest time why I would want to
write a program for describing different kinds of imaginary cars and turning
them on and off, or extend it to describe imaginary boats and motorcycles.


> -Original Message-
> From: mojo jojo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

> I've been using php for a while now but I have not got my head around OOP
> (classes).
> Why bother using them? I've read thru a few tutorials on using classes and
> the examples given are quite simple. This is probably the problem - I just
> can't see the benefit of using this style of programming.

:: table class example snipped ::

> Using a class doesn't appear to give me any benefits - in fact the code is
> longer.
> I know that you can spawn more instances of the same class which sounds
> useful, however I can also run my function as many times as I like using
> different variables.
> What am I missing here?

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[PHP] RE: mysql and telnet.

2002-03-01 Thread Andrew Chase

Hmm, I'm assuming you're paying someone to host your site?  Can't you give
the hosting company a quick call or e-mail re: whether or not they offer
MySQL?  They would probably know better than we would. ;)


> Thanks for the advice... But now I need to know what all this means:
> /home/chiliasp/odbc/direct/locale/en_US/LC_MESSAGES/ivmysql15.po
> /home/sites/home/web/CFIDE/administrator/datasources/drivers/myodb
> c_mysql.cfm
> /home/sites/home/web/CFIDE/administrator/datasources/drivers/mysql.cfm
> /home/sites/home/web/CFIDE/administrator/server_settings/drivers/mysql.cfm
> /home/coldfusion/lib/locale/en_US/LC_MESSAGES/
> /home/coldfusion/lib/
> /home/coldfusion/scripts/mysql_expire.cfm

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[PHP] RE: Option for Serial or Comm port communication with PHP?

2002-02-26 Thread Andrew Chase

I don't about accessing a serial port directly from PHP, but you can control
an X10 Firecracker on a Linix/BSD system by using the exec() command to run

I threw together a script that would turn a lamp on and off from a web page
without to much difficulty.  As if that wasn't geeky enough, I pointed a
webcam at it so that people could watch the light go on and off as they
clicked the link. :)  Having the light turn on and off without warning got
old pretty quickly, so I took the script down... neat stuff, though!


> -Original Message-
> From: Ken Lancaster [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

> I was hoping to work on a hairbrained idea that would allow me to
> use php to
> control an X10 or other serial device (security system, irrigation
> controller, etc,).  I have read several hints at using the fopen
> function to
> do serial communications but these posts were a year old.   Is it possbile
> to do serial communications using php.  What are the options?
> Thanks in advance for your help.

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[PHP] RE: Creating Tab-Delimited Text File

2002-02-07 Thread Andrew Chase

Which part are you having trouble with, specifically?  The task as you've
described it is very straightforward, almost pseudo-code. :)


> -Original Message-
> From: Phillip S. Baker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 12:32 PM
> To: PHP Email List
> Subject: Creating Tab-Delimited Text File
> Greetings All,
> What I want to do is create a tab-delimited text file for download from
> records in a database.
> I am not sure on how to do this.
> So what I want to do is as follows.
> ON a page a button is clicked.
> Script is activated that pulls records from a database.
>  From these records a tab-delimited text file is created.
> A save dialogue box appears so the user to save the text file to
> his harddrive.

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[PHP] RE: 72dpi with gdlibrary2?

2002-02-05 Thread Andrew Chase

IANAGE (I Am Not A GD Expert), but as far as I know the GD functions dealing
with image size don't concern themselves with the resolution of an image in
terms of dots per inch, just with the number of pixels.

Since most uses of the GD library functions in PHP will have to do with
creating/manipulating images to send to the browser, it should be safe to
assume that any image created with PHP will be 72 DPI.

If you're talking about resizing a much larger image (for instance, a 3.5
inch by 5 inch JPEG created at 300 DPI), you just need to do some math to
figure out how much to shrink it.

If your source resolution is 300 DPI and your target resolution is 72 DPI,
you need to multiply the number of pixels in the width and height of the 300
DPI original by a factor of 72/300, which equals .24.

Or to put it another way:

5 inches at 300 DPI = 1500 pixels.

5 inches at 72 DPI = 360 pixels.

1500 pixels * .24 = 360 pixels.

I hope that wasn't utterly confusing, but IANAMT (I Am Not A Math Teacher),
either. :P

You'll probably want to take a look at the imagecopyresized and
imagecopyresampled functions:

(Imagecopyresampled produces much nicer results, but it's only available in
4.06 and later.)


> -Original Message-
> From: Andy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> I would like to create images with 72 dpi with gdlibrary2.01
> Is this possible?

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RE: [PHP] Oddity

2002-02-04 Thread Andrew Chase

You can also do




(mysql_fetch_array uses MYSQL_BOTH for the second argument by default, which
returns an array using both numeric and associative keys - that's why you
were getting double results. :))

Per the manual:

The optional second argument result_type in mysql_fetch_array() is a
constant and can take the following values: MYSQL_ASSOC, MYSQL_NUM, and
MYSQL_BOTH. This feature was added in PHP 3.0.7. MYSQL_BOTH is the default
for this argument.

By using MYSQL_BOTH, you'll get an array with both associative and number
indices. Using MYSQL_ASSOC, you only get associative indices (as
mysql_fetch_assoc() works), using MYSQL_NUM, you only get number indices (as
mysql_fetch_row() works).



> -Original Message-
> From: Chris Boget [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > $macroDataArray = mysql_fetch_array( $result );
> I'm still curious what is going wrong, but I've found a work arround.
> One of the things I love about PHP is that you learn something new
> just about every day.  Instead of fetch_array(), I can use fetch_assoc()
> and it'll do just what I need. :)

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RE: [PHP] Can this be done in PHP?

2002-02-04 Thread Andrew Chase

You might want to take a look at PhpAdsNew, a banner rotation/management
system using PHP and MySQL:

The system's admin tools assume that you're selling ad space, but there's no
reason you couldn't use it for a banner exchange instead.


> On Fri, 1 Feb 2002, Lazor, Ed wrote:
> > I'm trying to understand how this banner exchange works and
> whether it can
> > be done in PHP.  Here's the HTML you put on your web page:
> >
> >  >
> href="
> SI&page=XX
> > "> >
> src="
> &page=01"
> > border="0" width="468" height="60">
> >
> >
> > It...
> > - displays a random banner image
> > - takes you to the site relating to the displayed image
> >
> > How does it do that?  Any ideas on how to do this in PHP?

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[PHP] RE: Building my site... again - somewhat OT

2002-01-28 Thread Andrew Chase

Hi Torkil,

You may want to head over to Webmonkey and read their article about Search
Engine optimization:

A few key points that have proven very helpful with my personal web site:

• A central "crawler index" with links to each page on my site that I want
spiders to crawl; this is the only page I need to submit to a search engine,
and since I store my content in MySQL the page is always up to date.
• A friendly URL structure - some search engines will follow a link like
"index.php?page=cars&subpage=ferrari", but I figured I would make my site
crawlable by *any* spider that might come its way, and began using Apache
mod_rewrite to translate urls internally; so when a browser requests a link
like "/cars/ferrari/index.html", Apache will rewrite the URL to
"index.php?page=cars&subpage=ferrari" internally.  I'm not sure if this is
an issue with the CGI version of PHP like the other URL rewriting method
that has been mentioned.

Another handy tag that some spiders (Most notably, Googlebot) obey is the
ROBOTS meta tag, which tells the spider what to do with the current page:
   - Index the current page, and follow all of
its links
 - Index the the current page, but don't
follow any links
 - Don't index the current page, but follow
all of its links
   - Don't index the current page, and don't
follow any links; dead end.



> -Original Message-
> From: Torkil Johnsen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

> Will
> the web spiders and web crawlers ever follow a link like
> index.php?page=cars&subpage=ferrari and will they ever index what
> they find
> there, and, and, and, and...
> Well... does anyone understand what I'm asking here? WOuld this be a good
> way to build my site to ensure getting hits from search engines,
> or should I
> do this some other way? Anyone know?

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[PHP] RE: Creating a pdf document

2002-01-24 Thread Andrew Chase

You'll need Thomas Mertz' PDFlib, which is free for personal/not-for-profit
use, but requires a license fee for commercial use:


> -Original Message-
> From: Mihail Bota [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 11:53 PM
> Subject: Creating a pdf document

> I was wondering if I could save the result of a query in a pdf document. I
> looked for any functions that might help, but I got confused because I
> could not see how/where exactly to insert the necessary .dll's. I'd like
> to do this (saving the output of a query) by using mysql installed on a
> Irix machine, and PHP4.
> If this is not possible, could I create a pdf document or a word document
> from a query from either Access database or mysql on a win2k system,
> PHP4.1?
> Any references that might help?
> Thanks for your help!

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2002-01-23 Thread Andrew Chase

> -Original Message-
> From: Joffrey van Wageningen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2002 7:35 AM
> Subject: Re: [PHP] PHP Chat REALTIME
> the real problem is how to get the data  to the client without
> use of a socket

I've been tinkering with PHP-GTK of late and just the other day it occurred
to me that some sort of messaging client would be a great way to get my feet
wet - by authoring in PHP on the client side (instead of trying to kluge
something together in a web browser), sockets would cease to be a problem.
:)  I hadn't really considered the particulars of setting up a PHP script to
essentially act as a messaging "server", so your posts have been quite
instructive.  Thanks!


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[PHP] Has anyone tried Serlient?

2002-01-03 Thread Andrew Chase

Per Triplehash's website at

"Triplehash Serlient lets you package, run and distribute your PHP and
CGI-based websites into Windows software.

Serlient does its work by combining intelligent web-server simulation
software and web-browsing (Internet ExplorerR) capabilities into one
package. This allows users to distribute their website, or web applications
just as a normal software application would be distributed."

It looks interesting, but they don't offer a demo.  They're also vague about
MySQL support; the FAQ says "There might be ways to get it working."  For
that matter, what about extensions like GD and PDFlib?


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RE: [PHP] PHPhish Logo

2001-12-14 Thread Andrew Chase

Already used by PostgreSQL :)

> -Original Message-
> From: John Lim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> P for Pachyderm!

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RE: [PHP] Logo proposal - voting script!

2001-12-14 Thread Andrew Chase

Hmm, I get a 404 error as of 17:44 GMT.

I hope that 'Mole' is one of the options on the list... I'm kind of inclined
to defer to Rasmus on the issue anyway, what with him being the guy
responsible for creating PHP in the first place. :)

I'm also keeping in mind that (unless I missed something), there's been no
indication that any animal mascot would be officially adopted by the
project. ;)

> -Original Message-
> From: Michael Cronstrom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Subject: [PHP] Logo proposal - voting script!

> a voting script!
> at:

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RE: [PHP] Logo proposal

2001-12-11 Thread Andrew Chase

Maybe an animal beginning with "P" would be a good Mnemonic device (and good
for alliteration; think "The PHP Panda" or "The PHP Platypus".)  Hmm, I
guess Panda and Platypus aren't particularly "powerful" animals, though. :/

Other animals beginning with "P":

Panther (cheesy)

Of course, the Penguin is already spoken for. :)

Personally, I don't have a problem with the current PHP logo... From a
marketing standpoint, I don't know; has MySQL become a more attractive
prospect to the pointy haired bosses of the world since they streamlined
their logo and added a Dolphin?  It would be interesting to know.

If PHP was going to adopt a mascot, I kinda like the idea of the Platypus.
If you want to force a metaphor, think of PHP as an interesting language
that fits between traditional scripting languages and the HTTP server - sort
of like the Platypus is an interesting critter that fits somewhere between
mammal and.. whatever else. :)


> -Original Message-
> From: Tim Ward [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 2:02 AM
> To: PHP; Valentin V. Petruchek
> Subject: RE: [PHP] Logo proposal
> Chinchillas are fluffy, and I don't think anyone is using them for their
> logo.
>   --
>   From:  Valentin V. Petruchek [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>   Sent:  10 December 2001 16:58
>   To:  PHP
>   Subject:  [PHP] Logo proposal
>   Hello world of php-programmers!
>   It seemes to me PHP is very powerful tool and very popular among
>   web-programmers, too. As for me I use php for solving web tasks for
> 2 years
>   and I'm very satisfied with it.
>   It seemes to me current PHP logo (can be found by
> doesn't suite to PHP. It's common
> logo
>   without any idea except using title in it.
>   I propose to create and develop new PHP logo corresponding to its
> power.
>   My propose is WoodPecker (e.g. like Woody).
>   Other propositions?
>   Respectfully, Zliy Pes

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RE: [PHP] Re: Image problem

2001-12-07 Thread Andrew Chase

PHP needs to be compiled with libjpeg and libpng in addition to the GD
library to use those formats respectively.   The PHP manual section covering
image functions (including those for manipulating JPEGs and PNGs) is at


> -Original Message-
> From: Peter Lalka [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, December 07, 2001 5:50 AM
> Subject: Re: [PHP] Re: Image problem
> Thanks, in phpinfo list really isn't support for GIF:(
> How can I manipulate jpeg images? Which functions are for this
> img. format?
> P.
> |+->
> ||  Johan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |
> ||  Odoslané kým:  |
> |||
> || |
> || |
> || |
> ||  07.12.2001 14:30   |
> || |
> |+->
> >-
> --|
>   |
> |
>   | Komu:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> |
>   | Kópia:
> |
>   |   Predmet:[PHP] Re: Image problem
> |
> >-
> --|
> > I've instaled and cofigured php4 on WinNT with Apache Web server.
> > I can't use any fuction of Image manipulation, 'cause I get this error
> > message: ImageGif: No GIF support in this PHP build
> > In phpinfo() is listed that: gd lib.> enabled, zlib lib.> enabled.
> > What do I still miss there?
> In the newest version of GD library (think it since about 1.3 or
> something)
> does support GIF, because GIF is a commerial image format.
> Use PNG or JPEG instead. That much better, or find a version with GIF
> support.
> You can see what Image formats you GD can use by make a file with follow
> content:
>  phpinfo();
> ?>
> :o)
> Regards,
> Johan
> --
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[PHP] RE: banner management system

2001-12-04 Thread Andrew Chase

Try PhpAdsNew - it uses a MySQL backend:

It may not be what you're looking for if your site gets *extreme* amounts of traffic, 
but otherwise it's quite capable. (And free. :) )


> -Original Message-
> From: Ali [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Hello,
> any idea of a free and simple banner management system written in PHP. I
> appreciate your help. 

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RE: [PHP] : IIS server doesn't recognize PHP pages

2001-12-04 Thread Andrew Chase

I'm not at all familiar with IIS, but in Apache terms it sounds like a MIME
type problem; the server doesn't know what to do with .PHP files, so it
assumes they're something that should be sent as a download/attachment
instead of parsing with PHP and sending as HTML - I would imagine there
would be something in IIS' config analagous to the Apache "AddHandler"
configuration directive that lets you specify a local interpreter for .cgi,
.pl, .php, etc...


> I am almost sure that the problem is simply that the guy is very
> expert with
> NT/IIS/ASP/VBScript, and at a basic level on other topics,
> included this one.
> So, it must be a config issue, but which one? What should I tell him?

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RE: [PHP] Dynamically created dropdowns

2001-12-04 Thread Andrew Chase

That's true, but you could use PHP and the MySQL data to generate the
JavaScript arrays for the dynamic menus... you can escape into PHP within

[PHP] RE: color problems when resizing image with GD

2001-11-29 Thread Andrew Chase

Are you using GD 2.0.1 and PHP 4.0.6?  If yes then try

$dst_img = ImageCreateTrueColor ($new_w,$new_h);



> -Original Message-
> From: Michael Hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Subject: color problems when resizing image with GD

> The problem I'm having is that the resized image drops huge chunks of the
> color pallette, creating what is basically a monochromatic image.

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[PHP] RE: php-general Digest 23 Nov 2001 14:10:17 -0000 Issue 1011

2001-11-26 Thread Andrew Chase

You might want to give 'wget' a try - it's a GNU utility for downloading
mirrors of web sites:

If you use it with the '-r' and '-k' options it will crawl your site
recursively, and convert absolute links to relative ones in the downloaded
HTML files.

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, November 23, 2001 6:10 AM
> Subject: php-general Digest 23 Nov 2001 14:10:17 - Issue 1011
> php-general Digest 23 Nov 2001 14:10:17 - Issue 1011
> Topics (messages 75546 through 75577):
> Missing PHP.ini
>   75546 by: John Monfort
>   75547 by: Joseph Blythe
>   75548 by: Martin Towell
>   75549 by: John Monfort
>   75551 by: David Robley
> Re: error handling and __LINE__
>   75550 by: Papp Gyozo
> Re: SQL in Function
>   75552 by: David Robley
> strip php out of html
>   75553 by: Joseph Blythe
>   75554 by: David Robley
>   7 by: Michael Sims
>   75556 by: Joseph Blythe
>   75558 by: Joseph Blythe
> Object Persistence like Resource Persistence already implemented?
>   75557 by: Yermo M. Lamers
> MySQL query problem!
>   75559 by: De Necker Henri
>   75561 by: David Robley
>   75562 by: De Necker Henri
>   75564 by: David Robley
> Re: GD, PNG
>   75560 by: Yamin Prabudy
>   75563 by: Joseph Blythe
> read file
>   75565 by: PHP Newbie
>   75566 by: Andrey  Hristov
>   75567 by: Jordan Elver
>   75568 by: gaouzief
>   75569 by: Sebastian Wenleder
>   75570 by: Matt Williams
>   75572 by: Jordan Elver
>   75573 by: Matt Williams
>   75577 by: Jordan Elver
> file upload troubles
>   75571 by: Nikola Veber
>   75574 by: fitiux
> php->html
>   75575 by: Christoph Starkmann
> upload problems
>   75576 by: Nikola Veber
> Administrivia:
> To subscribe to the digest, e-mail:
> To unsubscribe from the digest, e-mail:
> To post to the list, e-mail:
> --

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[PHP] RE: dude

2001-11-16 Thread Andrew Chase

I'm cheap too.  That's why I use a free editor that does support line
numbers, like ConTEXT ( or EMACS.  It's
been a long time since I had debugged anything in PERL, but it seems to me
that knowing exactly which line the problem is occurring on is a lot more
helpful than knowing what it occurred near.  As for knowing exactly what the
problem is, that usually becomes self-evident once you look at the line
indicated in the error message or the line immediately before or after.

But, "A chacun son gout" as they say.


> The only thing I would love to know is why isn't error checking more
> precise/helpful. If I leave off a { by accident, why can't the error
> say:
> Duh! ERROR!! Alarm, alarm, alarm
> You left of a } ya idiot!
> Go look NEAR "something" and correct it stupid! 
> I - at least - am cheap and use Wordpad to do my PHPing. Looking up line
> numbers SUuuucks.

> One advantage to Perl. Maybe the only one left!
> Thanks, 
> John

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[PHP] RE: Forms and Netscape -- spacing problem -- Help!

2001-10-22 Thread Andrew Chase

It's almost certainly not W3C compliant, but if your form is inside a table
(I know, I know - you're not supposed to use tables for layout) you can hide
the  tags outside the  tags of the cell containing the form: E.G.:

I've never had a problem with this workaround in IE/Netscape 4.x as long as
the tags are nested correctly.  Not sure about Lynx/Konqueror/Opera.

I try whenever possible to follow the W3C's standards, but inconsistent
browser implementation of HTML and CSS usually gets in the way. :P

> -Original Message-

> Subject: Re: Forms and Netscape -- spacing problem -- Help!

> > form tag in NS (4x - 6x) there is some additional space

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RE: [PHP] php hosting

2001-10-22 Thread Andrew Chase

They've been mentioned on the list before, but I had a great experience with  Apache, PHP4, MySQL, and shell access via SSH (and the ability
to compile your own software in a /home/youraccount/bin directory).

I hosted a site with them for a few months earlier this year before taking
the plunge and hosting on a dedicated Linux box at home, and found their
support staff to be knowledgeable and responsive.  Their basic account is
$12.95/month for up to a gig of traffic, and they have an extensive web
control panel.


P.S. I don't work for Cedant or know anyone who works there, etc., etc.,..
I'm just a happy customer :)

> -Original Message-
> From: Heidi Belal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Saturday, October 20, 2001 1:29 PM
> To: Php
> Subject: [PHP] php hosting
> Anybody know of good reliable hosting that supports
> php, and has a control panel to go with it?
> thanks,
> Heidi

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[PHP] RE: WebMail Client

2001-10-02 Thread Andrew Chase

You might want to take a look at Netmania. (
Caveats:  I helped  install Netmania at a former employer back in February
2001, and with the then-current distribution we had all kinds of trouble
setting it up until we realized that it depended on having *all* error
handling turned off (even warnings) - with errors disabled it worked like a
dream, although we had to wonder why they would have released code known to
cause warning messages.

I think a new version has come out since then, and maybe they've addressed
some of those problems.  Once set up it's a very impressive system both in
appearance and functionality - it does use a lot of Javascript, so there
might be issues between Netscape/IE/Konqueror/Mozilla/Mac/Windows/Linux.
YMMV :)  It requires Unix/Linux, Apache 1.3 and MySQL.


> -Original Message-
> From: Rosen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 5:17 AM
> Subject: WebMail Client
> Hi,
> Can someone recommend me some free php script for WebMail client
> (like Squerriemail) ?
> Thanks,
> Rosen

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RE: [PHP] RE: What development environment do you use for PHP?

2001-08-27 Thread Andrew Chase

WinCVS is available from - they also have Mac and X
versions, although I've never tried them.


> -Original Message-
> From: John Meyer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Where do you get WinCVS , by the by?

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[PHP] RE: What development environment do you use for PHP?

2001-08-27 Thread Andrew Chase

I keep my web documents in a CVS repository on a Linux box, and use WinCVS
(GNU) to check files in and out on my WinNT desktop.  I use ConTEXT
(freeware) for editing.   Documentation and help are always available at and  I have an Apache 'staging' server, and to keep the
document tree up to date with the CVS repository I run a cron job that
performs 'cvs update -d' every five minutes from the server document root.

When a project is ready to go live, all that's needed is a 'CVS export'
command to generate a clean copy of the most recent files to go on the live
server - meanwhile keeping a complete revision history in CVS in case
there's ever a need to access an older version.  It works quite nicely.
I've never had much patience with development environments... they always
seem like more trouble than they're worth.  (Of course, I've never gotten
very deep into a language like C with all the cross linking and Make files -
I could see an IDE coming in handy in that case!)

Oh, and my Linux 'box' is actually a VMWare virtual machine running Mandrake
Linux 8.0 on my WinNT desktop. ;-)


> -Original Message-
> From: Greg Beaver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, August 27, 2001 12:11 AM
> Subject: What development environment do you use for PHP?
> Hi,
> I'm curious what programs/platforms different people use to develop PHP.
> Anyone have a sweet setup that makes it all easier?

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[PHP] RE: ImagePNG problem

2001-08-20 Thread Andrew Chase

Make sure you have GD 2.0.1 and PHP 4.0.6 or later for creating true-color
PNGs, per the


> -Original Message-
> From: Adrian Ciutureanu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Is there any way to tell ImagePNG() to create PNG24 images instead of PNG8
> images? Seems that ImageCreateFromPNG() can read PNG24, but ImagePNG()
> writes only PNG8.>

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[PHP] RE: could i get a clue?

2001-08-15 Thread Andrew Chase

No sure how you mean 'calling' the script... but in addition to using
something like


It would theoretically be possible to pass javascript variables to a PHP
script in the same way by using something like

var foo = "Some Text";
var bar = "Some other text";
document.location = 'myscript.php?foo=' + foo + '&bar=' + bar;

And although it's not exactly 'calling' a script from Javascript, you can
use PHP to generate your script on the fly... handy if you need to do
something with data from a database within a Javascript. (Not sure what that
would be, but it might come in handy.)


> -Original Message-
> From: Richard Lynch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 8:19 PM
> Subject: Re: could i get a clue?
> > ok a basic question. perhaps I dont know enough about javascript but
> > anyway..
> >
> > I want to call a php script from javascript. Anybody have any hints for
> me?
> > A link to a useful website would work as well. thanks mates

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RE: [PHP] can't get gd working at all

2001-07-26 Thread Andrew Chase

Glad your host got that straightened out - for future reference, an easy way
to look at the server's PHP config is to make a page using phpinfo -

It will show you whether GD (and other extensions) are installed, as well as
the image format(s) supported and whether or not Freetype support is


> -Original Message-
> From: Matt Greer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 11:46 AM
> To: php-gen
> Subject: Re: [PHP] can't get gd working at all
> Ah ha, my host was wrong. gd is not installed on the server I'm on, but
> they're moving me over to one that has it.
> Sorry everyone, but I didn't know enough about any of this to be able to
> verify what they told me.
> Thanks for all the help.
> Matt

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[PHP] RE: "report" generation with PHP

2001-07-16 Thread Andrew Chase

There's more than one way to skin a cat - if not directly from PHP to PDF,
why not PHP to a .TeX LaTeX file, then use exec() to run latex and dvi2pdf
on it.  No license restrictions there that I know of, and you can get some
very nice results with LaTeX.


> -Original Message-
> From: Matthew Garman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, July 16, 2001 4:00 AM
> Subject: "report" generation with PHP
> Hello:
> I wrote an small web application that interfaces a Microsoft Access
> database.  The database is fairly small and simple: it is a listing of
> employees, their phone number(s) and their department.  My interface
> allows folks to view the phone list, search for a name, list by
> department, etc., and allows certain users to update the phone book (add
> employees, change phone numbers, etc).  It's a fairly "typical" phonebook
> application.
> The Access database has a macro in it that allows for the generation of a
> report.  The report is a nicely formatted listing of all the employees and
> their phone numbers, grouped by department.  Everybody fits on one page.
> The whole purpose of this report is to be printable, and so that the one
> page phone list can be distributed throughout the factory.
> Now I want to be able to generate this report from the web.  It doesn't
> have to use Access (and I would prefer that it didn't, so I can convert to
> MySQL).  But I don't know of a nice (and easy!) way to generate such a
> report.  Using HTML tables isn't acceptable---when you print, you still
> get the header and footer that the browser adds (and it's unacceptable to
> have everyone modify their browser's setup).  Furthermore, the printable
> list has to look as close as possible to the original, because if I start
> changing formats, people will get upset.
> So I'm not really too sure where to start on this one.  If anyone could
> offer some suggestions, and point me in the right direction, it would be
> sincerely appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Matt
> --
> Matt Garman, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> "I'll tip my hat to the new constitution, Take a bow for the new
> revolution
>  Smile and grin at the change all around, Pick up my guitar and play
>  Just like yesterday, Then I'll get on my knees and pray..."
> -- Pete Townshend/The Who, "Won't Get Fooled Again"

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RE: [PHP] Upcoming wrox php/flash book?

2001-07-13 Thread Andrew Chase

Also, PHP's .SWF generating capabilities aside, PHP could also be used to
generate included text on the fly - I forget the exact command, but I know
you can define the contents of a variable from an external file in Flash.
This would lend itself to updating a newsfeed or "What's New" blurb within a
Flash file without having to recompile it from its .FLA source.


> -Original Message-
> From: Rasmus Lerdorf [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> See and also

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[PHP] RE: sorting results of opendir()

2001-07-09 Thread Andrew Chase

Try reading the directory contents into an array, sorting it, *then*
outputting the contents of the array:

$dir = opendir(".");

$dirlist = array();
$index = 0;
while($file = readdir($dir) && $file != "." && $file != ".."){
$dirlist[$index++] = $file;


foreach($dirlist as $file){
echo "$file";

> -Original Message-
> From: kmurrah [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, July 09, 2001 11:06 AM
> Subject: sorting results of opendir()
> Greetings.
> I need to read the contents of a directory, sort it alphabetically, and
> display it 
> i'm doing find on the reading and displaying, but can someone help me with
> the sort?

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RE: [PHP]somebody help me out here!

2001-07-09 Thread Andrew Chase

There's a search engine optimization tutorial at Webmonkey:

It mentions doing the Amazon-style search-engine friendly URLs and links to
a page about mod_rewrite for Apache:


> -Original Message-
> From: Chris Cocuzzo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, July 09, 2001 9:57 AM
> To: PHP General List (E-mail)
> Subject: [PHP]somebody help me out here!
> hey-
> I know I've seen an article/tutorial on the zend website very
> recently about
> parsing urls. It was about being able to use urls which are search engine
> friendly and only use the forward slashes, and it also included
> the code to
> interpret all of that. Does anyone know of this article who can
> direct me to
> WHERE it was on that site, or if not, to a site that has a
> similar article?
> thanks
> chris

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[PHP] RE: upgrading to gd2.0.1

2001-07-06 Thread Andrew Chase

If you want to manipulate PNG or JPEG images, you need to make sure you have
the PNG and JPEG libraries, and recompile PHP with GD as before, and
adding --with-png-dir=/path/to/pnglib, --with-jpeg-dir=/path/to/jpeglib

For the complete list of compilation options, see


> -Original Message-
> From: Mark Maggelet [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

> Hi,
> I just upgraded gd to 2.0.1 and recompiled apache1.3.20/php4.06.
> when I do phpinfo() it says:

> and when i call imagepng() it says:
> Warning: ImagePng: No PNG support in this PHP build

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RE: [PHP] protect source code

2001-06-21 Thread Andrew Chase

You might want to check out APC - an open-source alternative to Zend's
commercial product.  I've never used it, but it looks pretty good:


> -Original Message-
> > I am on a project and the issue that struck me is how to
> protect my source
> > codes which is in human readable form. There isn't any way for me to
> > protect my database and the only way that I had found out is to
> use the PHP
> > encoder provided by to encode the source code. However, the
> > price of a commercial license for each machine (since it use host ID or
> > hostname as the key) is too costy and I am trying to find an
> alternative or
> > a cheaper packages available. Please help.

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[PHP] RE: bad form...

2001-06-20 Thread Andrew Chase

As long as your code is well-formatted and well-commented, I don't think
it's a problem, especially for simple forms for quick DB inserts or sending
e-mail.  You can do nice error handling without annoying Javascript alerts,
too; when the form is submitted you can check for missing/invalid field
values - if anything is wrong, just output the form again, but this time
prepopulate the valid fields and highlight the missing ones with red text or
a red outline.


> -Original Message-
> From: motorpsychkill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2001 12:13 AM
> To: Php General List
> Subject: bad form...
> hello everyone, is it 'bad form' (no pun intended) to have a form point to
> itself for processing, rather than forward the form variables to another
> page?  Anybody have any input on this?  I try to have 1 page that is the
> form and handles all the processing as well in order to keep the
> page count
> on my site low and for easier editing, blah blah blah
> thank you for you help!

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RE: [PHP] image code

2001-06-20 Thread Andrew Chase

I wrote thumbnailing script that did exactly what you said below, but to
eliminate the needless regeneration of existing thumbnails I just did a
check to see if the thumbnail already exists:


//Create the thumbnail here


If the thumbnail already exists, the script skips over it, but if it doesn't
it creates it as needed.


> -Original Message-
> From: Hugh Bothwell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2001 1:02 PM
> Subject: Re: [PHP] image code
> Seems pretty straightforward, actually; I would write a script
> that takes as
> parameters the name and desired size of a graphic, resizes it, and returns
> the thumbnail ( look at ImageJPEG() ).  Then I would write a script that
> iterates through the files in the directory and, for each, gets a
> thumbnail.
> The only problem is that this is a fair bit of work; if it's called at all
> frequently, you might be better to create a static version.  But that of
> course does away with the 'self-updating' bit.
> A possible fix would be to write master page:
> check how long since the page has been updated; if necessary, create and
> save an updated version of the imagelist.  Then forward the user to the
> saved static version.  This would let you have the page update itself on a
> delayed basis, ie hourly.

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