Re: [PHP] How can I secure database passwords used by PHP webpages

2005-03-01 Thread John Holmes
Rob Tanner wrote:
WE have a number of PHP webpages that access one of several MySql databases
and while the PHP files that contain the passwords cannot be accessed via the
web, we are becoming increasingly concerned over the possibility of other
webpage maintainers viewing those files.  How have other folks protected
database passwords needed by PHP apps?
Who are these "other webpage maintainers" and why do they have access to 
your PHP source code? This isn't a PHP issue. The MySQL password has to 
be in a file as plain text; there's no getting around that (as recently 
discussed on here). Your issue is controlling access to the machine and 
the files, so is an OS/policy/trust issue, imo.

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Re: [PHP] textarea posting duplicate text

2005-03-01 Thread John Holmes
Elizabeth Lawrence wrote:
Thanks, Dan. I copied your code exactly and posted it here: I pasted a large part of O'Henry's "Gift of
the Magi" into the textarea, and it gets repeated, as before.
There was an Apache2/PHP bug going around that had this issue. It was an 
older version of PHP and/or Apache2 that I thought was fixed, though. 
Maybe your running into this same issue? Try searching the PHP bug 
database for "apache2 duplicate" and see if you can find the old bug/issue.

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Re: [PHP] Not able to add data to a MySQL database

2005-02-28 Thread John Holmes
Richard Lynch wrote:
Vaibhav Sibal wrote:
I am not able to insert data into my mysql database using php even if
i use a simple code as follows :

and ;)
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Re: [PHP] Problem submitting a POST request "by hand"

2005-02-28 Thread John Holmes
Vallo wrote:
 > Client sends request (submits form to my script) to me (i.e. server) 
I want to send back to client a page with POST parameters from my 
script. But the page doesn't display in the clients browser (blank page 
opens). Question: what is missing in this script?
echo and/or print?
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Re: [PHP] php DBMS

2005-02-28 Thread John Holmes
Gerben wrote:
I'm wondering if there is any DBMS, like MySQL, which is (fully) implemented
in php. This so you don't have to buy a MySQL database.
I'm currently trying to put something together, but this would be a waste of
time if it already exists.
SQLite is probably what you're after. It comes with PHP5 and can be 
built into PHP4, iirc. Of course, I'm assuming what you mean by "fully 
implemented" is included with PHP, not written with it. A database 
written in PHP would not be good, imo.

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Re: [PHP] get_defined_vars in all scopes?

2005-02-27 Thread John Holmes
> I'm using this at the end of a script
> echo ''; var_dump(get_defined_vars()); echo '';
> but it only returns what get_defined_vars gives, which is what's 
> available in the current scope. Is there any way to get also the vars 
> used in functions that weren't globalized?

No, not unless you call this in the functions, also. The variables don't exist 
after the function is completed. 

---John Holmes...

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Re: [PHP] http referer

2005-02-26 Thread John Holmes
Sebastian wrote:
ok, so i made a file manager and i need to prevent people from linking
directly to files that do not come from another part of the site.
i know i can use http_referer, but i wonder how fool proof it is, i dont
want to spit out errors to a legit user that actually came from a valid page
before trying to access the file url. some people have said http_referer is
not always accurate.
I wouldn't rely on http_referer at all. Why not start a session when 
people enter your site and ensure a valid session is created before your 
file manager serves the file?

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Re: [PHP] HOWTO read PHP source code into a textarea

2005-02-26 Thread John Holmes
Tim Burgan wrote:
I was trying to use file(), with some problems.. thank you for your 
suggestions to use file_get_contents(). Perfect! You're all right, it 
works really well.
I hope you didn't miss the mention of htmlentities(), also. If you did, 
then you'll figure it out the first time you try to load a file with the 
string "" in it, I guess.

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Re: [PHP] Quoting and $_POST['Name'] problem

2005-02-26 Thread John Holmes
zzapper wrote:
It's been a long day, but what's wrong here?.
echo $_POST['Location']; # good
echo "";
echo "$_POST['Location']"; # bad nothing appears
If you're going to display an array value within a string, put it in 

echo "my value: {$array['key']}";
This also works:
echo "my value $array[key]";
but it's better to use the brackets so it's clear exactly what variable 
you are displaying.

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Re: [PHP] String validation

2005-02-22 Thread John Holmes
Ashley M. Kirchner wrote:
   How can I check that a string is no more than 6 characters long and 
only contains alpha characters (no numbers, spaces, periods, hyphens, or 
anything else, just letters.)

{ echo 'good'; }
{ echo 'bad'; }
Change to {1,6} if you want to ensure the string isn't empty.
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Re: [PHP] Help with a query please - unable to error check!

2005-02-16 Thread John Holmes
Shaun wrote:
I have a problem with a query, I get the following error message:
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to 
your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 23

If I echo the query to the screen and run the query to the database via SSH 
it executes correctly.

Does anyone have any ideas on what else I can check for here?
Check for the actual query you're using. If Query X gives the above 
error when run in PHP, then copy and pasting it into the command line 
will give the same error. Maybe you're not echoing/running the right 
query? Errors like that are normally caused by a variable being empty.

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Re: [PHP] Unable to load dynamic library 'C:\PHP\ext\php_mssql.dll'

2005-02-13 Thread John Holmes
I have solved this problem before but cannot remember how.
The php.ini is set up any ideas??
Make sure libmysql.dll is in the windows or windows/system32 directory.
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Re: [PHP] Creating a varable with a name held in a string

2005-02-10 Thread John Holmes
Randy Johnson wrote:
I like to do this:
foreach( $row as $key=>$val) {
  $$key = $row[$key];
You're just recreating a slower version of extract()...
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Re: [PHP] Creating a varable with a name held in a string

2005-02-10 Thread John Holmes
Ben Edwards (lists) wrote:
I have the following code;_
$sql = "select * from  text where id= '$id' ";

$row = fetch_row_row( $sql, $db );

$img_loc= $row["img_loc"];
$text_type  = $row["text_type"];
$seq= $row["seq"];
$rec_type   = $row["rec_type"];
$section= $row["section"];
$code   = $row["code"];
$repeat = $row["repeat"];

$description= $row["description"] );
$text   = $row["text"] );
Was wondering if there was a clever way of doing this with foreach on
$row.  something like
foreach( $row as $index => value ) {
create_var( $index, $value );
So the question is is there a function like create_var which takes a
string and a value and creates a variable?
I think extract() is what you're after. Just note that the quickest way 
to do things isn't always the best.

Is $description going to be shown to the users? How are you protecting 
it so that it doesn't contain HTML/JavaScript code? Is any of this going 
into form elements? How are you preparing it so that a double/single 
quote doesn't end the form element?

Just pointing out that although you can quickly create the variables 
you're after with extract(), there may still be other things you should 
do before you use them.

Also, why are you wasting processing time creating $text instead of just 
using $row['text'] in whatever output you have? It's a few more 
characters to type, but it takes away one level of possible confusion 
when you come back to this code later.

Just my $0.02.
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Re: [PHP] mail() function

2005-02-09 Thread John Holmes
Bosky, Dave wrote:
I can't seem to get the mail function to work.
Is there a way to authenticate before sending mail, I believe this is my
No. Manuel will be along soon to tell you to look at the SMTP classes on, though. ;) There are classes there that do this, so try 

Also in my php.ini file the parameter sendmail_path is empty. Is this a
required parameter for sending mail?
I'm using Windows/IIS.
No, since you're not using sendmail on Windows. What are your SMTP 
settings in php.ini?

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Re: [PHP] Control Structures

2005-02-06 Thread John Holmes
Wil wrote:
The following code is attempting to compare the salary to the four other 
pre-defined variables with if and else statements.  So the final output 
should result in 4 different statements.  
if ($salary < maximum1); {
Take out the semi-colon in the above line and others like it.
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Re: [PHP] Connecting To Multiple MySQL Databases

2005-02-05 Thread John Holmes
Tony Di Croce wrote:
OK... Here's a slightly different, but related question...
Can database connection resources be serialiazed and re-used in a
different script invocation? For example, can I open a DB connection,
assign it to a $_SESSION[] variable and then later use it on a
different page? Somehow, I doubt it...
No. The connection is automatically closed at the end of the script if 
you don't do it yourself.

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Re: [PHP] Connecting To Multiple MySQL Databases

2005-02-03 Thread John Holmes
NathanielGuy#21 wrote:
I know this may be slightly off topic for a PHP listserv but I cant
find my answer anywhere else.  I start off generating a page connected
to one database as a certain user and I call a script that requires a
connection to a second database as a different user.  Is there any way
I could open that connection while maintaining the current one aswell?
 The connection of the script is opend and closed before any more of
the other page is generated.  Im not sure how to go about solving this
problem other than rewriting my script.  Any ideas?
Yes, it's possible. That's why mysql_connect() returns a connection 
resource. So assign the result of each mysql_connect() to a different 
variable so you can keep them apart. It's also why mysql_query() accepts 
a connection parameter, so you can designate which connection the query 
is being sent to.

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Re: [PHP] simple question

2005-01-31 Thread John Holmes
Pagongski wrote:
I have this function:
function supscript($texto)
But when i do:
print "2".supscript("3");
	I get the "3" before the "2", how is that posible?
Your function should return the value, not print it. The way you have it 
now, the function must be ran before the original string can be printed. 
That's why you see the 3 before the 2.

function supscript($texto)
{ return "{$texto}"; }
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Re: [PHP] escaping quotes

2005-01-27 Thread John Holmes
Giles wrote:
Hi Guys
Really simple question. How do I change the following:
print("value='" . $attributes["messageSubject"] . "'");
to have double quotes around the subject field instead. i.e.:
print("value="" . $attributes["messageSubject"] . """);
print("value="\" . $attributes["messageSubject"] . "\"");
Although, to prevent any vulnerabilities, you probably want:
print("value="\" . htmlentities($attributes["messageSubject"]) . "\"");
if you're not already doing so at some point.
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Re: [PHP] Id_num = ""

2005-01-24 Thread John Holmes
Steve Marquez wrote:
If I do the following, it gives me a blank page. However, instead of using
the variable, if I put in $id_num = "191" Then it will display the

Use $_GET['id_num'] instead of $id_num and read up on the 
register_globals setting.

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Re: [PHP] Get full url

2005-01-24 Thread John Holmes
Dmitry wrote:
Dont tell me about simple solutions such as
I want get really good solution.
I want a million dollars and hot redheaded twin mistresses... we don't 
always get what we want, do we?

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Re: [PHP] Echoing Variables Names

2005-01-17 Thread John Holmes
Phillip S. Baker wrote:
I am generating some variable variables.
I am interested for testing purposes in finding out the names of the
variables that are actually being generated. Since I want to make sure that
that my following conditional statements are working properly and the values
are set.
So is there a way to print out the name of the variables?
I agree with the recommendation to just use an array. Variable variables 
are almost always just a workaround for an array.

That being said, if you're creating the variable then you can create the 
name. If you're saying

$a = 'x';
$b = 'y';
$c = 'z';
$xyz = 'foobar';
//Get name of "variable"
$name = $a.$b.$c; // $name = "xyz"
//Get value of variable
$value = ${$a.$b.$c}; // $value = "foobar"
Show some code if that doesn't clue you in.
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Re: [PHP] Building key sequences from strings

2005-01-11 Thread John Holmes
Bruce Cooper wrote:
I'm trying to set up a custom sort for 
multi-level [i.e. nested] arrays.  The problem 
is I can't seem to get PHP to recognize syntax 
such as follows

$test = ${$test_array.'[index][next]'};
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Re: [PHP] Re: What program to use to make thumbnail images?

2005-01-10 Thread John Holmes
zerof wrote:
John Holmes wrote:
What do you guys recommend for making thumbnails from uploaded images? 
I know of the GD extension, Imagemagik and netpbm. Any other 
recommendations or opinions on which of the above work best with PHP? 

Good choice,
Thank you for reading my question... oh wait...
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2005-01-10 Thread John Holmes
Benjamin Edwards wrote:
I am kind of assuming that $_REQUEST is 
and aggregate of $_POST, $_GET and $_FILES.  
Is this correct or are there differences.
It's a combo of $_GET, $_POST and $_COOKIE.
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[PHP] What program to use to make thumbnail images?

2005-01-10 Thread John Holmes
What do you guys recommend for making thumbnails from uploaded images? I 
know of the GD extension, Imagemagik and netpbm. Any other 
recommendations or opinions on which of the above work best with PHP? 

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Re: [PHP] Website and Mozilla/Firefox

2005-01-10 Thread John Holmes
Lester Caine wrote:
All of a sudden I am having problems with, selecting 
download or manual flashes up the relevant page, and then it goes blank. 
It's doing it on three machines that have been accessing those pages 
fine for weeks, with both Firefox1 and Mozilla1.7, and nothing has been 
changed on the machines.
If I switch to my gash client machine that has IE on, things are OK, and 
changing mirrors gives the same problem.
I switched from using the mirror to the mirror 
and things were fine.

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Re: [PHP] Php error with MySql

2005-01-06 Thread John Holmes
> From: "Wil Hitchman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I get the following error 
> Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result 
> resource in /home/wilmail/public_html/elblog.php on line 7
> &n=&   //error ends here
> with the following bit of code
> $qResult = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM blog_entries ORDER BY id DESC");
> $nRows = mysql_num_rows($qResult);
> $rString ="&n=".$nRows;

Your query has failed for some reason, so $qResult is not a valid result set. 
Use mysql_error() to find out why. 

---John Holmes...

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Re: [PHP] Re: XML Filters for illegal characters

2005-01-05 Thread John Holmes
Jones, Douglas 1 wrote:
 I think that a function just like htmlentities but one
> that just removes characters that are illegal but can not
> be fixed would be the ideal solution.
How do you define what can and cannot be fixed, though? You'd have to 
know the "bad" characters and in that case, a simple str_replace() is 
all you need.

$bad_characters = array('^','*','#');
$text = str_replace($bad_characters,'',$text);
$text = htmlentities($text);
Or, since you don't really know what's "bad" then you'd want to define 
what's good. You could use get_html_translation_table() to find 
everything that htmlentities() will convert and then combine those 
characters, alphanumeric characters and whitespace into a preg_replace 
to match anything that's *not* one of those characters and erase it.

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Re: [PHP] Re: Regular help

2005-01-05 Thread John Holmes
M. Sokolewicz wrote:
> Uroš Gruber wrote:
>> I need correct regular expression to get string between "
>> but if I use 2 pair of " must also work
>> "this is" "some kind" "of a test"
>> matches would be
>> this is
>> some kind
>> of a test
preg_match_all('/"(.+)"/U', $string, $result);
If the text between quotes can include newlines, you'll want to use
preg_match_all('/"(.+)"/Us', $string, $result);
or what I replied with in my other post. :)
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Re: [PHP] Regular help

2005-01-05 Thread John Holmes
Uroš Gruber wrote:
I need correct regular expression to get string between "
but if I use 2 pair of " must also work
"this is" "some kind" "of a test"
matches would be
this is
some kind
of a test
[^"]* matches anything that is not a double quote
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Re: [PHP] XML Filters for illegal characters

2005-01-05 Thread John Holmes
Jones, Douglas 1 wrote:
I'm wondering if anyone knows of a filter 
> that can take data to be wrapped in XML tags
> and filter this data encoding any illegal XML characters
Have you tried htmlentities()?
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Re: [PHP] Register Globals=ON

2005-01-03 Thread John Holmes
HarryG wrote:
Having register_globals=on and referring to variables as if($name){} or
using $_GET & $_POST statements like if(isset($_GET['name']))?
What is the main advantage/disadvantage in both cases.
Doesn't matter if it's on or off, really.
1) Don't trust any input from the user
2) Always initialize any variables you use
Follow those two rules and you can program secure programs that will not 
depend upon register globals.

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Re: [PHP] Total Server Sessions

2005-01-03 Thread John Holmes
HarryG wrote:
Is there an easier way to count the total number of sessions running on a
PHP webserver? something like session_count();
I've seen some php site where it tells you how many people are currently
online, which I guess is being done by keeping a count of total sessions
running on the server
$num_sessions = count(glob(session_save_path() . '/sess_*'));
echo "There are about {$num_sessions} active sessions.";
It will be fairly active so long as your garbage collection is triggered 
fairly often.

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Re: [PHP] How to argue with ASP people...

2004-12-31 Thread John Holmes
mail.pmpa wrote:
I used response.redirect in asp to avoid form re-submit, so I can have form
handling functions and other related functions on the same file.
new_customer_form.php :
< form action="form_results.php" >
Customer fills form and hits submit button.
form_results.php :
function validate_form_data(){
if true show_results();
function show_results() {...}
Now customer is on results page in show_results().
If he hits the Refresh button or Back then Forward buttons in he will be
prompt to resubmit the form data or cancel.
If I add header("Location: form_results.php") inside function
validate_form_data() instead of calling function show_results() I can avoid
this behaviour.
I don't know if this is the right procedure, i am learning as I develop.
This was a workaround for shopping cart and customer area form handling form
handling code. Probably I'm doing it all wrong :)
Yeah, this is a good method for a lot of form processing. It's as simple 
as having the processing/validating in one area and the form/error 
display in another. Once the form is accepted/rejected, you just 
header() redirect to the form or error page. Too easy and it prevents a 
lot of confusion for your users.

And Robby thanks for the ob_start() tip!
This is a workaround, really. Your code should be structured so that you 
can decide if you need to perform a redirect before any output is sent 
to the browser. If you're going to send them to another page, why would 
you have any output anyhow? Using templates sometimes forces you to do 
this, as you perform all of your business logic / PHP code before hand 
and then display the appropriate templates. If you need to send the user 
to another page, it's easy to do so at any point before your templates 
are shown.

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Re: [PHP] Apache 2.0.52 / PHP 4.3.10 Integration Question...

2004-12-31 Thread John Holmes
Mark Charette wrote:
Robin Getz wrote:
I guess the question is - how to make a file that does not end in .php 
or have any extension, be understood as a php file?

ForceType directive.
I was thinking the same thing, but after doing some reading it seems 
Apache 2 uses a different method now (setinputfilter/setoutputfilter). 
Just acknowledging my mistake and passing this along for others, too. :)

Happy new year.
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Re: [PHP] Apache 2.0.52 / PHP 4.3.10 Integration Question...

2004-12-31 Thread John Holmes
Robin Getz wrote:
I have a file named /www/projects which is a php script.
When I type the url:
I want variable passed to the script "projects"
I have the the http.conf set up as:

  SetInputFilter  PHP
  SetOutputFilter PHP
  AcceptPathInfo  On

Which used to work with apache 2.0.40 and php 4.2.3 - but what happens 
now, is I actually get passed the php script back as text to the browser.
All of the methods I've seen in the past used a "Forcetype" directive 

 ForceType application/x-httpd-php

Is this SetInputFilter and SetOutputFilter the Apache2 equivilent of the 
Forcetype or another way of doing it? Have you tried Forcetype?

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Re: [PHP] How to argue with ASP people...

2004-12-31 Thread John Holmes
mail.pmpa wrote:
Can I do any session handling before calling header("Location: $url"); ?
Yeah, sure. You just can't have any output before you redirect with a 
Location header (unless you use output buffering as a workaround).

This is basic HTTP and ASP has to play by the same rules. If you can 
have output before Response.Redirect, then ASP is just doing the 
buffering for you before it sends a Location header.

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Re: [PHP] Why extra slashes???

2004-12-30 Thread John Holmes
Wiberg wrote:
Right now I'm creating a form that saves the text from a textarea to an
array. That doesn't seem to be any problem.
But when I save the contents, I get extra / ?
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Re: [PHP] Installing on Windows.... CGI v. ISAPI?

2004-12-29 Thread John Holmes
GH wrote:
#2 which method is better to install PHP with IIS? ISAPI or CGI?
ISAPI... no idea what it stands for though, but installing PHP that way 
will make it a module within the server instead of an .exe file that's 
loaded with each PHP request...

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[PHP] Re: [PHP-DB] How to process a query form with CHECKBOX Please help

2004-12-27 Thread John Holmes
S Kumar wrote:
I have a database and one table in it deals with my
patient information.  Depending on their condition I
divided their age groups into 3 categories. In my
database a table patient_data has a column age_group
and a patient can be any one of young, middle or old
Now the possibility is that a user can selecct 1 or 2
or all three options.

In the query form, I gave the option for a user as a
check box. The piece of html code is as below:
Age group
I want to capture the user options and create an SQL
> Select age_group from patient_data where age_group =
> young and old ;
Then in your code:
if(!empty($_GET['agegroup']) && is_array($_GET['agegroup']))
  $in = "'" . implode("','",$_GET['agegroup']) . "'";
  $query = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE age_group IN ($in)";
Next time just post this to php-general or php-db... no need to include 
both of them.

---John Holmes...
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php|architect: The Magazine for PHP Professionals –
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Re: [PHP] Making includes and requires safe.

2004-12-27 Thread John Holmes
> It uses search engines including
Google, Yahoo and AOL to identify exploitable Web pages written in PHP 
that use the functions "include()" and "require()" in an insecure 
manner, K-OTik said.
Exactly how is a worm going to know if I have include($crap) in my code 
by searching google? Is it searching source code on sourceforge or 
something? Is it targetting certain applications again? If so, why not 
tell us which ones so we can remove them until a fix is in place. Does 
anyone have any more details on this "new" worm?

Eliminating the security flaws exploited by the newer versions of Santy 
involves no new tricks, and is simply a matter of applying long-known 
sound programming principles.
That sums it up exactly. Poor programmers incorrectly using include() 
and require() will probably never go away. I could write the exact same 
article for any other web scripting language. So what's the point here? 
Nothing I've seen details how this worm is targetting my web server...

Is this just more FUD against PHP? How many bosses are now going demand 
PHP be disabled or not installed on company machines because of all 
these "vulnerabilities" when it's really just poor programming like it's 
always been?

---John Holmes...
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Re: [PHP] authentication

2004-12-27 Thread John Holmes
Ali wrote:
can anyone lead me to a good tutorial on wud be good if
i can get a one in connection with a database..
$all_good = query("SELECT valid_user FROM table");
or use Google.
---John Holmes...
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Re: [PHP] How to set an absolute include path?

2004-12-27 Thread John Holmes
Brian Dunning wrote:
Is there a command that will set the include path to the web server root?
I'm trying to set up a directory structure where include files will be 
called from all different folder depths, so I'll need to call them 
absolutely like:

where the above will work no matter from which level it's called. Thanks...
That should work from anywhere it's called because it's an absolute 
path, but I doubt you have an "includes" directory at the root level, do 

Either way, you can set the include path in php.ini, an .htaccess file 
or using ini_set().

---John Holmes...
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Re: [PHP] Help with code

2004-12-25 Thread John Holmes
karl james wrote:
Can you tell me why this code is not working?
I get a query is empty at the moment.
Didn't we already see this once?
From File:
> $movie_query in mysql_query();
What kind of PHP code is that? You could really help yourself by telling 
us what query failed... what line it's on and only that line and a 
couple around it. Do you think a lot of other people are boring like me 
and going to read your code on Christmas? If you don't know what query 
is failing, then use more than mysql_error() in your die statements...

$review_result = mysql_query($review_query) or die('Query to pull 
reviews has failed. Reason: ' . mysql_error());

---John Holmes...
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Re: Re: [PHP] Problem of varibles between webpages

2004-12-23 Thread John Holmes
> Dear John,
> I have just test a sample through the link, but fail...
> So, I'm check my php config ( ini file ), and would you mind to tell me which 
> setting must be disabled / enabled ?

John is very helpful and loves to dedicate his time to helping new users. If 
you don't get a response within the next 10 minutes (he's always available), 
just continue to write him and ask him for help. It's the Christmas season, 

Merry Christmas John,

---John Holmes...

UCCASS - PHP Survey System

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: Re: [PHP] Problem of varibles between webpages

2004-12-23 Thread John Holmes

> For table form format ( sample ),
> Your Name :  maxlength="60">
> Address? maxlength="60">
> "name" and "address" is varible, so how can we pass these two varible without 
> register_globals function ( actually it is disable ) to another webpage ?

Did you read what I wrote? register_globals has nothing to do with how you pass 
variables. You create a form the same way with it ON or OFF... The difference 
is in how you access the variables in the PHP script. In this instance, since 
you haven't specified a method for your form, GET is assumed. So you can access 
the form variables in $_GET['name'] and $_GET['address']. If you used POST in 
your form method, then $_POST['name'] and $_POST['address'] can be used. 
Regardless of the method, you can use $_REQUEST['name'] and 
$_REQUEST['address']... catching on? ;)

---John Holmes...

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Re: Re: [PHP] Destroying session data

2004-12-23 Thread John Holmes
From: Philip Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> On Dec 23, 2004, at 2:59 PM, Matt M. wrote:

> > this might be coming into play:
> >
> >
> > session.gc_maxlifetime  integer
> >
> > session.gc_maxlifetime specifies the number of seconds after which
> > data will be seen as 'garbage' and cleaned up.
> Okay, lemme see if I understand how it works. Even if it "sees" it as 
> garbage, it will not destroy it until the session has ended? or will 
> destroy when that time is reached? So can I set session.gc_maxlifetime 
> to be a low number (e.g., 10 seconds) and it will still behave 
> appropriately? Currently, it's set to the default - 1440.

The gc_maxlifetime setting controls how "old" files can be before the garbage 
collection process deletes them, when it's actually started. This is why your 
file system must support atime as mentioned before. If the file has not been 
accessed in over 1440 seconds (by default) then if the garbage collection 
process is started, it'll be deleted. 

Like I said in my other post, though, there's only a 1% chance of the garbage 
collection process being started (by default). These old files you see are 
probably there because you don't have enough traffic to trigger garbage 
collection or your using a file system that doesn't support atime. 

---John Holmes...

UCCASS - PHP Survey System

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Re: Re: [PHP] A serious bug? "or" operator gives out diffferent results dependin

2004-12-23 Thread John Holmes
> From: Comex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Uh.. $y is > 5.

What an insightful post, but it depends on the value of $y, no? Maybe next time 
you'd like to post some of the original message so we know wtf you're talking 
about? I know what thread you're talking about... but what point are you trying 
to make that hasn't already been made obvious?

---John Holmes...

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Re: [PHP] Destroying session data

2004-12-23 Thread John Holmes
> From: Philip Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> My question is: when the session is "logged out" or ended (via closing 
> the browser or however), should these data files (which look like 
> sess_fd983aedf93ceeioa8332890bcd, etc) not be destroyed? If not, is 
> there a way to automatically destroy them because I don't want to have 
> to go in each day/week/month and delete these session data files 
> manually? Are these data files considered to be cookies?

They are not cookies and they should be deleted automatically by the garbage 
collection process. However, by default, there is only a 1% chance that the 
garbage collection process is triggered when a session is started. So, if this 
is a low traffic server, you may not have triggered garbage collection at all. 
They are not deleted automatically when the session is ended. 

You can up the probability, if you want, but I wouldn't worry too much about 
it. Or you can write your own session handler to handle deleting the files. 

---John Holmes...

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Re: [PHP] A serious bug? "or" operator gives out diffferent results depending

2004-12-23 Thread John Holmes
> From: Bogdan Ribic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Here's a little test script:
> $x = 2;
> $y = 10;
> $b1 = is_null($x) or ($y > 5);
> $b2 = ($y > 5) or is_null($x);
> var_dump($b1);
> var_dump($b2);
> Obviously, it should be false for both $b1 and $b2, but the output is:
> bool(false)
> bool(true)
> Is this a bug? I tried dumping values of two expressions, they are both
> boolean and correct value. Tried assigning values to two temp vars and
> then or-ing these two, and that gave correct results.

= has a higher precedence than OR and OR is not the same as ||

So you should use

$b1 = is_null($x) || ($y > 5);

---John Holmes...

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Re: [PHP] Checking Original URL

2004-12-23 Thread John Holmes
> From: The Disguised Jedi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> That runs all fine and dandy, but I want to check the absolute URL
> that is calling it to make sure it is an approved URL.  (For example,
> I need the URL of the HTML file that contains the  tag that is
> requesting the image from the php script)

$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] should contain the script that's requesting the image, 
but it can be spoofed. 

Are you using sessions at all? You could start a session on the main page (that 
requests the images) and then check for the same session on the page that 
creates the images. If a session isn't created (a certain variable isn't set), 
then don't serve the image or serve something else. 

A fun thing to do if you have a lot of people hotlinking to your images is to 
set it up so it works for the first 10 minutes or so but then changes to 
serving some nasty gay porn image (after they've probably posted it to their 
site somewhere)... heh... but I digress...

---John Holmes...

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Re: [PHP] Problem of varibles between webpages

2004-12-23 Thread John Holmes

> After disable the globals varibles function...
> Then how to transfer varibles between webpages with the following ways ?

register_globals has nothing to do with how you pass variables... you still use 
the URL or forms. It only changes how you access them in PHP scripts, i.e. 
using $_GET['var'] instead of $var. 
> 1, Table form format.

wtf is this?

> 2, Hyperlink ( click and go to another webpage ) format.

The variables passed in a URL are available in $_GET and $_REQUEST. 

> 3, upload file ( through php into database ).


---John Holmes...

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Re: Re: [PHP] Compiling PHP Source guides

2004-12-22 Thread John Holmes
> OK, I guess I'll try to read the instructions again. I *have* tried 
> reading them on multiple occasions but its just greek to me.

Then your next question to the list should be along the lines of: "I have tried 
the instructions at http://... I got to step X and couldn't get any further. I 
typed in xxx and expected to see xxx, but saw xxx. I'm using xxx as my OS and 
trying to compile PHP version xxx. Can anyone help me through the next step?"

Good luck. :)

---John Holmes...

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Re: Re: [PHP] PHP Exploit via phpBB?

2004-12-22 Thread John Holmes
> Stop relying on RPMs and compile Apache + PHP from source. That way you can 
> get all the latest bugs.

Hmmm... I hope you meant "fix" the latest bugs... ;)

---John Holmes...

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Re: [PHP] Strange issues with header output

2004-12-22 Thread John Holmes

> Hi there, I have been building a player script which outputs a windows
> media asx playlist with theheader output type of video-ms-wmv. I have 
> experienced some wierd issues
> when i use ifstatements at certain points with the header tag enclosed within 
> it, i get
> unexpected results on themac plugin. "Playlist format is unrecognised" Ie
> if ($_SESSION['referer_checked']) {
> header(aplicationtype ...);
> echo $asx_playtlist here
> }
> Is there somehow that an if statement is adding stuff to the header when
> it shouldnt be ? 

An IF statement isn't going to affect headers. There must be something else in 
your code doing the damage. Start printing things out or logging values to a 
file so you can track what's going on and what changes there are. The only way 
an IF could affect something is if you mistakenly put

if($somevar = 'somevalue')

which is an _assignment_ instead of an _equality_ check and always comes out 
true. Then if you used "$somevar" somewhere  it's value may be messed up and 
corrupt your file or headers. 

---John Holmes... 

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Re: Re: [PHP] PHP Exploit via phpBB?

2004-12-22 Thread John Holmes
> From: John Nichel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


wow... all this fuss because they ran urldecode() on something that was already 
decoded (and what they do with the data after the fact, of course)...

---John Holmes...

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Re: Re: [PHP] PHP Exploit via phpBB?

2004-12-22 Thread John Holmes
> From: "Ashley M. Kirchner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> >I thought we all knew better than to use phpBB?
> >
> I'd be interested to know what other applications you suggest that 
> compares to phpBB.  Just for my own curiosity.

Invision Power Board or vBulletin. Yes, both cost money (now, at least) but 
they are cheap and worth it. Older versions of Invision Power Board were free, 
so you can use them if you can find them (my site came with v1.2 for free). 

Free is good, but take a look at the track record and make your own decisions. 
I'm also not saying that either of the above are better simply because you pay 
for them. They are simply better and worth the small cost ($70-80US) for a 
serious web site. I'd purchase IPB in a second if I had to pay for a forum. 

It really all comes to personal preference, though. 

---John Holmes...

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Re: Re: [PHP] PHP Exploit via phpBB?

2004-12-22 Thread John Holmes
> From: John Nichel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I'm currently going thru logs from previous days to see if I was getting 
> this 'attack' before upgrading to php v4.3.10
> That's why I'm wanted to post this here...just in case it isn't phpBB 
> problem.

Many people were trying to tie the vulnerabilities with PHP 4.3.9 to this 
attack the vulnerabilities in phpBB, but from what I read they were unrelated. 
Are you on a shared server at all? It may be possible that someone else got 
attacked and took everyone with them...

---John Holmes...

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Re: [PHP] PHP Exploit via phpBB?

2004-12-22 Thread John Holmes
> From: John Nichel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I haven't fully researched it yet, but our domains were just hacked, and 
> from the looks of it, the attack came in thru phpBB.

Not keeping up with the news, eh? ;)

There was a big discussion about this on slashdot and other news sites. The 
worm actually uses Google to search for sites "Powered by phpBB" and then 
attacks them. 

I thought we all knew better than to use phpBB? Why not just install phpNuke 
and some random guestbook and shell access script while you're at it?!?! ;)

---John Holmes...

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Re: [PHP] Replacing whole words only

2004-12-22 Thread John Holmes
> From: "Chris Boget" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Is there a way to replace/remove *whole* words from a
> phrase?  For example:
>   $stringToParse = str_replace( $exceptionPhrase, '', trim(
> $stringToParse ));

Try this instead of str_replace()

$stringToParse = 

---John Holmes...

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Re: [PHP] help with coding #3

2004-12-21 Thread John Holmes
> From: "karl james" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Ok I will try the links again, sorry about the hassel, 

Did I miss the first part of this message?

> website
> Are you able to tshoot it and see whats going on?
> Im not able to get the code working.

First thing I noticed is here: 

$movie_query = "SELECT
  movie_id ='".$_GET['movie_id']."'";

$movie_result = mysql_query($query,$link) or die(mysql_error());

Shouldn't that be $movie_query in mysql_query()??

---John Holmes...

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Re: Re: [PHP] String parsing issue in PHP 4.3.10?

2004-12-21 Thread John Holmes
> You will notice
> that the previous line also contains a '?>' sequence, so I'm confused
> as to why this would "die" on one line but not the other?   Or is this
> some freak combination of comments and PHP tags? :-o

It is, I guess. 

$b = ' ?> '; 


will work just fine. If you try to comment out either line, though, the PHP 
processing will end at the ?> and spit out the rest as plain text. So, text can 
have as many ?> as you want and the only issue comes when you try to comment 
one of them out. 

---John Holmes...

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Re: [PHP] Re: How to set register_globals=off in the script?

2004-12-21 Thread John Holmes
From: Jason Barnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Jerry Swanson wrote:
> > I have PHP 5.1, is it possible in the code set register_globals=off
> > for specific scripts.
> You can change this, and other php.ini directives, with the PHP function 
> ini_set

No, you can't. register_globals cannot be set with ini_set and must be set in 
php.ini or an .htaccess file. 

---John Holmes...

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Re: [PHP] How to set register_globals=off in the script?

2004-12-21 Thread John Holmes
> From: Jerry Swanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I know that "register_globals = on" is not secure. 

bah... you can write secure scripts with it on or off. having it off by default 
simply helps to lessen some of the security issues that new programmers may not 
be aware of. 

> But one program
> requires to use register_globals=on. So in php.ini register_globals is
> set to on.
> I have PHP 5.1, is it possible in the code set register_globals=off
> for specific scripts.
> So I want to keep PHP register_globals=on in php.ini, but in local
> files set to off?
> How I can do this?

You can use an .htaccess file to turn it on or off for directories. I don't 
think it works for individual scripts, though.

---John Holmes...

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Re: Re: [PHP] OT Re: [PHP] can I compile php source

2004-12-21 Thread John Holmes
> From: "Larry E. Ullman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Do you honestly think people are learning __anything__ 
> when you reply with a "Yes"?

---John Holmes...

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Re: [PHP] String parsing issue in PHP 4.3.10?

2004-12-21 Thread John Holmes
> From: Steve Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Unexpected results:
> If line 16 (indicated below) is commented out, the '?>' in the string
> on line 17 makes PHP stop parsing and the rest of the script is simply
> dumped to stdout.  If line 16 is NOT commented out, the '?>' is NOT
> picked up as being a PHP tag and it parses the script as PHP.

Quote:  The one-line comment styles actually only comment to the end of the 
line or the current block of PHP code, whichever comes first. This means that 
HTML code after // ?> WILL be printed: ?> skips out of the PHP mode and returns 
to HTML mode, and // cannot influence that. If asp_tags configuration directive 
is enabled, it behaves the same with // %>.


I remember running into this, also, so don't feel bad about not noticing it. ;)

---John Holmes...

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Re: [PHP] This list is dying: was:can I compile php source OT

2004-12-21 Thread John Holmes
> Subject: [PHP] This list is dying: 

Wait.. has Netcraft confirmed it?

FYI, I don't think the list is any different... ups and's always the 
same questions, flamers, newbies, etc. All that changes are the names. 

Whoever this "John Nichel" character is though should be banned... ;)

---John Holmes...

UCCASS - PHP Survey System

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Re: [PHP] sanitizing/security

2004-12-18 Thread John Holmes
> From: "Sebastian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> just a question, what is the best way to sanitize your scripts when you're
> using $_GET or $_REQUEST in a query?
> eg, i usually just do:
> if(is_numeric($_REQUEST['id']))
> {
> mysql_query("SELECT id FROM table WHERE
> id=".intval($_REQUEST['id'])."");
> }
> what about when the GET is text? just use htmlspecialchars?
> just looking for some advice to help keep my apps secure.

Sanitize it for what? Insertion into the database? Displaying to a user? 
Putting into an email? file? xml? 

There's no one solution for sanitizing, it's all a matter of what you're doing 
with the data and what you expect the data to be. If you expect the data to be 
an integer, then make it an integer.

$input['value'] = (int)$_GET['value'];

Now you can range check it or whatever. is_numeric() works, but will accept 
floating point and scientific numbers, by the way. 

You need addslashes() (or mysql_real_escape_string(), if appropriate) for text 
data going into the database. 

htmlspecialchars() or htmlentities() is appropriate for text that'll be shown 
to users on a web site. 

Text going into the headers of an email should normally be filtered for 
newlines so malicious users cannot inject additional headers. 

Shall I go on?? ;) 

---John Holmes...

UCCASS - PHP Survey System

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Re: [PHP] How do I find my php.ini file?

2004-12-17 Thread John Holmes
Don wrote:
Fedora Core 3, PHP 5.03, MySQL 4.17, Apache 2.0.52
Recent PHP installation.  I created a phpinfo() page.  When I display it in
my browser, it says:
Configuration File (php.ini) Path/etc
Yet when I log on to my server and look for it in /etc, it is not there.
How can I find it???
You don't have a php.ini file and PHP is using the defaults. If there 
was a php.ini file, it would be listed in the path, i.e. "/etc/php.ini" 
instead of just "/etc". Sample php.ini files are included with the 
source as php.ini-recommended and php.ini-dist (or file names that are 
close to that). Edit and rename to php.ini and place it in the path 
above (where PHP is expecting to find the file, /etc).

---John Holmes...
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Re: [PHP] getting a date 25 years back

2004-12-14 Thread John Holmes
Merlin wrote:
Hi there,
I am trying to create a date which is 25 years back from today. The 
purpose of this is to be able to query a mysql database "date" field for 
columns smaller than this date.

I tried this:
$years = 25;
$start_from = date("Y-m-d",strtotime("- ".$years." year"));
Somehow it always ads the years instead of subtracting.
Has anybody an idea on how to do that?
You can use mktime() and subtract 25 from the year argument.
Or just do it in your query...
SELECT * FROM yourtable WHERE your_date_column < NOW() - INTERVAL 25 YEAR;
---John Holmes...
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[PHP] Turn off "out of offfice" messages for the list, please

2004-12-14 Thread John Holmes
I'm sure many of us will be taking some time off for the holidays (if 
you aren't already). Just a friendly reminder to either 1) unsubscribe 
while you're gone (you won't miss much, trust me) or 2) set your notice 
to not reply to postings to the list. These get quite annoying after a 
while, if you can imagine. Yes, I know how to filter them to my Junk 
folder, but let's try to stop it at the source instead, eh? ;)

Happy Holidays,
---John Holmes...
Amazon Wishlist:
php|architect: The Magazine for PHP Professionals –
PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] fopen/fpassthur

2004-12-14 Thread John Holmes
Sebastian wrote:
Q> I hope you have some good data validation going on too :)
I am not too sure about how secure it is. basically, the files are called by
an ID
eg, download?type=file&id=3
so i query the db to get check if its a valid id and get the filename from
the db as well.
if its not found it errors out.. i was under the impression that is more
secure to get files by an id from db than doing something like
i am worried about security as i am not even sure if this method would allow
people to download any file from the server.
maybe if you have time you can look at the script for me and find any flaws
While this method may not present a clear security danger, how does the 
data get into the database? If I can feed a "filename" of anything on 
your system that you blindly put in the database, then I can call it 
with an appropriate URL.

So... you can trust data coming from your database only if it was 
trusted/validated/sanitized going in. :)

---John Holmes...
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Re: Re: [PHP] sharing info between websites with XML?

2004-12-12 Thread John Holmes
> From: p80 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> I have several website that use mysql as a database and I would like them
> >>to access each other DB. The problem is that I can't connect to each other
> >>mysql
> >> DB so I'm looking for a way to do so.
> >Why aren't you able to connect to the other databases?
> cause hosters forbid it.

Then get another host or somewhere else to host your databases. Not a PHP 
issue, though. 

---John Holmes...

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Re: [PHP] empty() problem

2004-12-12 Thread John Holmes
Ahmed Abdel-Aliem wrote:
Hi Group Members
i have a problem with function empty() 
i use it to check if user entered the form fields and store it in array

for example : 

if (empty($Game_rating))
$errors[] = "You didn't enter the Online Status for the Game.";
the problem when the user enters 0 in the form field
the empty function returns the error.
Is $Game_rating supposed to be an integer? If so, then make it one and 
check for <= to zero.

if(!isset($_Game_rating) || (int)$Game_rating <= 0)
{ $errors[] = "You didn't enter the Online Status for the Game."; }
Now you _know_ $Game_rating is an integer above zero and is safe to 
display and/or put into a query.

Simply checking for
if($Game_rating == '')
will throw notices on some setups about an undefined variable (depending 
upon error_reporting level) and will allow text through when it's 
supposed to just be an integer.

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Re: [PHP] I need to pass vars to external cgi script ?

2004-12-11 Thread John Holmes
> From: "Dave Carrera" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I need to send some vars to a cgi script.
> The script url is like this
> nd_php_var and so on.
> How do I send / call this script from inside my php script ?

$file = 


$file = fopen("httpscript.cgi?var1=$phpvar1&var2=$phpvar2...");

although you'd want to urlencode() the PHP variables if you need something like 
the second method. 

---John Holmes...

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Re: Re: [PHP] Close all open tags in HTML text

2004-12-10 Thread John Holmes
> From: "Richard Lynch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Matt Palermo wrote:
> > but just make sure that ending
> > tags exist, so it doesn't screw up the rest of the page.  Strip tags would
> > just wipe out the HTML rather than allowing it and ending it safely.
> Strip tags will allow you to wipe out *DANGEROUS* HTML which will make
> your web server a source of problems not only to you, but to me as well.
> Please use strip_tags to allow only the tags you *NEED* the users to be
> able to use.
> It will only take you seconds, and it will save you (and us) a lot of
> grief in the long run.

strip_tags() is a rather worthless function, if you ask me. It strips such evil 
code as  or anything else surrounded by < and >. It's "allowed tags" 
attribute is misleading, also. You can think you're safe by allowing  tags, 
but I can include onmouseover (or any other) events to trigger javascript and 
XSS attacks. 

You're better to roll your own solution or just run everything through 
htmlentities()/htmlspecialchars() and show the user exactly what they typed. 

I'm on a crusade against the use of strip_tags(), if you haven't figured that 
out yet. :)

---John Holmes...

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Re: [PHP] Forms and viewing Text Area

2004-12-09 Thread John Holmes
Ben C wrote:
I have a form which has a text box which then stores in MySQL.  When I
write seperate paragraphs and try and then view what I wrote it lumps
it all together in one paragraph when I echo.  I am sure I am doing
something simply wrong.  Anyone have any ideas?
The line breaks are preserved. If you look at the HTML source of your 
page, you'll see that. HTML does not render line breaks, though, you 
need  tags. So using nl2br() or something similar would work.

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Re: [PHP] Implementing database cache.

2004-12-08 Thread John Holmes
Bruno B B Magalhães wrote:
Hi again guys,
does anybody have am idea of witch are the required functions to 
implement a database query cache? 
What database are you using? I think most of the common ones already 
have a cache built into them that you'd just have to enable. That'd be 
the best route, imo.

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Re: [PHP] Security Question with my password protected login script...

2004-12-08 Thread John Holmes
Richard Lynch wrote:
Ian Gray wrote:
My question is, how secure is this?  I have the password, username etc in
MYSQL database but I haven't encrypted it (don't know how)
The MySQL 'password' function at would work.
For something that is portable to non MySQL systems, you can use
You should not use the MySQL PASSWORD() function within your own 
applications. MD5() is a good alternative as it's implemented in many 
programs including PHP and MySQL.

Other suggestions were good, though. :)
---John Holmes...
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2004-12-06 Thread John Holmes
Robert Sossomon wrote:
Parse error: parse error, expecting `T_VARIABLE' or `'$'' in 
c:\fourh\leadership\registration_post.php on line 29
$0405distoffice= $_POST['04_05_dist_office'];  //line29
$0506distoffice= $_POST['05_06_dist_office'];
Variable names cannot start with a number.
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Re: [PHP] Please save me from insanity - PHP4 / OO

2004-12-05 Thread John Holmes
Ben wrote:
class Ob {
var $prop;
class Test {
function setMe(&$ob) {
$ob->prop = $this;
$ob = new Ob();
$test = new Test();
if ($ob->prop) error_log("PHP is OK");
else error_log("PHP is a fucking MARE");
What is my problem here? Please help!
How about you explain what you're trying to do instead of asking why 
some random code snippet doesn't work (according to you)?

The code does "work" for me, btw... for whatever it's supposed to be 
doing. $ob->prop is now a "Test" object...which is what the code does...

For example, if you added
var $foo = 'bar';
to the Test object and then printed out $ob->prop->foo, you'd get 'bar'.
---John Holmes...
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Re: [PHP] record ID problem

2004-12-03 Thread John Holmes
Ahmed Abdel-Aliem wrote:
i have a script which reads and edit and delete records from a database table.
the proplem is i nthe ID field.
when i delete a row the sequence of numbers still the same, i need a
function which return the IDs in the form of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
instead of  1 3 7 9, 
can anyone help me plz ?
How about you describe what you're trying to do instead of what you 
think you need to accomplish it. If you need a continuous count, then 
use a variable and start a counter as you print out rows. If holes in 
your record ID column is messing up your application, you're using it 
for the wrong reasons.

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Re: [PHP] Strange character conversion when converting XML by XSLT in PHP

2004-12-02 Thread John Holmes
Age Bosma wrote:
I'm converting, or at least trying, one XML file to another XML format 
using XSLT parsing it with PHP.

I'm using a lot of characters in the following style "& #34;", "& #42;", 
etc. (without the space, added now the prevent any conversion in this 
e-mail) in the XML file and I would like to keep it that way. PHP is 
converting every string like these to e.g. "&qout;" or "*". What can be 
done to prevent this conversion?

As far as I understand this is default behaviour of the parser and can 
not be prevented. Personally I consider this a bug because what if I 
just want to use "& #34;" (without the space) as a normal string value? 
The parser shouldn't touch it at all.

Can someone enlighten me a bit more on this one? :-)
If you want a literal " in your data, then you should have 
&#34;, iirc. Maybe you could run the data through a preparser to 
match "&#xx;" patterns and convert the & to & ??

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Re: [PHP] Organisation of classes

2004-12-01 Thread John Holmes
Peter Lauri wrote:
For the moment I have all my classes saved in a file called classes.php in a
subdirectory /classes/. I have started to get to many classes in the same
file. In java I do this the default way, just naming them myclass.class. Is
there a similar way to do this so that I do not need to include every file
as a .php class in every php that I want to use the class?
Save each class into its own name.class.php file.
As for the includes, if there are a lot of classes and you actually need 
_all_ of them loaded, then just make one "include.php" that includes all 
of the class files and then just add "include('include.php')" into each 
script that needs these classes.

You should really take a look at what classes need to be loaded in each 
page, though. If you have 10 classes, but a page only uses 3 of them, 
then it's a waste of time to load those other 7 classes. That's 
basically what you're doing now with everything in one file.

Think about using extra classes that load the others that are needed for 
specific functios. Load a "show" class that'll load 4 of the 10 classes 
needed for showing records, load an "edit" class that'll load 7 of the 
10 classes needed for editing, etc...

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Re: [PHP] Date Manipulation

2004-11-30 Thread John Holmes
Christopher Weaver wrote:
I've looked at the date functions in the manual but can't find what I need. 
All I want to do is add and subtract days without ending up with bogus date 
values.  IOW, Nov. 29 + 7 days shouldn't be Nov. 36.

Just a nod in the write direction would be great.
mktime() or strtotime()
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Re: [PHP] Have I learned nothing .> Foreach()

2004-11-30 Thread John Holmes
Stuart Felenstein wrote:
--- Marek Kilimajer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

print_r($_SESSION['schools']); here
Then finally on the transaction page, some pages
down the road:
and also print_r($_SESSION['schools']); here
foreach($_SESSION['schools'] as $school)

What have you find out?
They don't exist.  
Then print_r($_POST) or print_r($_POST['schools']) and see what they 
contain. Are you sure you're using POST and not GET? Are you actually 
selecting any "schools" when you submit the form? If you aren't, then 
$_POST['schools'] won't exist.

---John Holmes...
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Re: [PHP] Happy Thanksgiving

2004-11-25 Thread John Holmes
John Nichel wrote:
Happy Turkey Day ladies and gents.
Disclaimer :
If you are not in the US, or do not celebrate Thanksgiving, you are 
still allowed to have a 'happy' day. ;)
What's this got to do with PHP? I'm on a 1.4bps connection and it took 
me all day to download your message. For each email I get my ISP 
requires me to give away my first born in order to read it! You are 
wasting my time. My religion forbids any king of thanks, so now I have 
to spend the next 4 days in church and my ISP is going to charge me over 
1200 dollars just to reply to you. Happy day my ass...

---John Holmes...
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Re: [PHP] Capturing phpinfo()

2004-11-23 Thread John Holmes
> From: "Ashley M. Kirchner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> How can I stick phpinfo() at the bottom of a page in such a way that 
> it doesn't display the data in the page, but instead creates a log file 
> and dumps everything in there)  The log file should either be appended 
> to every time, or if not, a unique one created every time (one per 
> transaction.)  Is this even possible?

Of course it's possible. Just fopen() a file at the end of the script, capture 
phpinfo() output with an output buffer (ob_start(), etc) and write it to the 
file. I can imagine the file getting very large very quick, though.

Alternatively, you could put

echo '';


$phpinfo = ob_get_contents();
echo "";

(from memory, so functions might be slightly different)...

---John Holmes...

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Re: [PHP] [php] What does PHP mean?

2004-11-22 Thread John Holmes
John Taylor-Johnston wrote:
I'm writing an article where I'm going to explain what PHP is in a short 
PHP once meant Personal Home Page, right?
PHP, originally an anacronym for "Personal Home Page", is a textual, 
"general-purpose scripting language" ( designed to collect and process data 
between HTML pages and the Internet.
Any objections? There was an article someplace about Rasmus Lerdorf calling it 
such, in the beginning. (
(recursive acronym for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor")
PHP/FI stands for "Personal Home Page / Forms Interpreter" and PHP 
stands for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor"... all of which is explained on 
the page you linked to... :/

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Re: [PHP] Tabs or Spaces?

2004-11-21 Thread John Holmes
Ryan King wrote:
I agree. I can't imagine that having more whitespace characters in a 
script will significantly effect the performance of said script. I would 
guess that there would always be more significant issues to deal with in 
regards to performance- php compiling and optimizing SQL queries being 
chief in my mind. Its silly and inefficient (work-wise) to optimize the 
small issues in programming. Just remember, "Premature optimization is 
the root of all evil." (Knuth)
Wait... I'm writing an extension to remove spaces and convert double 
quotes to single and use echo instead of print... are you saying that's 
silly? Bah!

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Re: [PHP] include files, ".php" or ".inc" ?

2004-11-21 Thread John Holmes
Perry Jönsson wrote:
Does it make any difference if you include 
(include/require/include_once/require_once) files with extension ".inc" 
or ".php"?
It makes no difference as far as PHP is concerned. You're just telling 
PHP what file to load.

However, .inc files are generally served up as plain text if requested 
on their own. This means that anyone can view the PHP code (and possibly 
passwords?) they contain.

So many people will just name them with a .php extension so nothing is 
returned to the user. This has it's own set of problems because now the 
files can be run out of context. Depending on your application, this 
could be a big issue; what if they could bypass your security measures 
by requesting files on their own?

This is a fairly frequently asked question and the number one suggestion 
is always to place the files outside of your web root so they can not be 
requested through a browser at all. PHP can still include them, you just 
have to provide the correct path. Then you can give them any extension 
you want.

This isn't always possible or ideal, though and then you have to resort 
to either naming them with .php extensions (and being aware of the issue 
discussed above) or relying on an .htaccess file to deny access to any 
.inc files (so people cannot view/run them out of context). .htaccess is 
not an entirely portable solution, though, so you have to take that into 
consideration also.

Good luck with your decision. I personally use .inc.php (for visual 
reference of which ones are include files) and stay aware of what could 
happen if these files are run out of context.

---John Holmes...
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Re: [PHP] Mysql Connect Help

2004-11-21 Thread John Holmes
Nathan Mealey wrote:
The following line of code:
mysql_connect('database','user','password'); [with values of course]
Generates the following error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mysql_connect() in 
/var/www/html/phptest.php on line 3

My PHP info page says that PHP (4.3) was compiled with MySQL, and 
extensions_dir is correct (although the extensions_dir itself is empty, 
but I don't know if this matters).  So PHP itself is working.
When you say the "info page" do you mean the output from phpinfo()? Does 
that page show a box with the MySQL information or does it just show on 
the options line?

I installed MySQL 4.1 from RPM (client and server RPMs) on Redhat 8.0 
this morning.
You should use the mysqli extension for MySQL 4.1.
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Re: [PHP] What should I name my base class?

2004-11-17 Thread John Holmes
Brent Clements wrote:
I know this probably doesn't matter, but what is the pretty standard naming
convention for base class names?
Should I name it "base.class", "main.class", or the name of my application,
If you name it application.class, it'll more than likely be served up as 
plain text and "main" or "base" are too generic. You could end up with 
conflicts with other programs that haven't thought this out.

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Re: [PHP] How do I get referer in php?

2004-11-17 Thread John Holmes
John Nichel wrote:
M. Sokolewicz wrote:
I'm sure he meant
echo '',print_r($_SERVER,1),'';
then... ;)
hadn't noticed that param... I feel ashamed... :$
Didn't notice that those were commas and not periods either, eh? ;)
Didn't notice the result is the same either way, eh? ;)
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Re: [PHP] How do I get referer in php?

2004-11-17 Thread John Holmes
M. Sokolewicz wrote:
Chris W. Parker wrote:
  echo "",print_r($_SERVER),"";
why are you echoing the result of print_r ?! The result is a boolean 
true or false. the actual output ON SCREEN is done from WITHIN the 
function automatically. Echoing the result is useless, and even more, it 
adds to confusion because of a '1' appearing all of a sudden on screen.
I'm sure he meant
echo '',print_r($_SERVER,1),'';
then... ;)
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Re: [PHP] unable to upload a directory using the web brower (HTTP).

2004-11-15 Thread John Holmes
> From: "Scott Fletcher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I found that on most web browsers, I can not upload the
> folder via HTTP using hte web browser upload dialog box. 
> So, I can't use the php's function, is_uploaded_file and 
> move_uploaded_file. Because the web browser see the folder
> as something to open with, like going down one directory.
> So, any advice or suggestion??

You can't upload folders over HTTP, only files. 

---John Holmes...

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Re: [PHP] Simple XML

2004-11-12 Thread John Holmes
Octavian Rasnita wrote:
Does anyone know if PHP has a library for getting the content of an XML file
like XML::Simple in perl?
In that perl library I can get the whole content of an XML file in a
reference to an array of arrays of arrays... with only 3 lines of code.
Is there such a simple method in PHP?
Uhmm... SimpleXML?
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Re: [PHP] Current URL?

2004-11-12 Thread John Holmes
Jason Paschal wrote:
Trying to get the current viewed page's URL (query string intact).
this works, but infrequently:
$url = $_SERVER['URI']; 
and this ignores the query string:
or you could add/check for $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] here.
---John Holmes...
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  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   >