Portland Linux/Unix Group General Meeting Announcement

As previously mentioned, this month Michael Dexter has an unbreakable
commitment to be elsewhere at our regularly scheduled time, so our
recently-regular venue at the Latvian Center is unavailable. A vague
consensus emerged to meet up at the Rose City Book Pub on NE Fremont
Street (address below) and see if we can grab some tables on the back
patio. So, that's the plan. Details below.

Who: YOU!
What: Un-PLUG: unsorted, on/off topic discussion by, for, and between us ... 
and anyone else within earshot
Where: Rose City Book Pub, 1329 Northeast Fremont Street, Portland, OR, 97212 
on the back patio
When: Thursday, June 1, 2023 at 7pm
Why: The pursuit of technology freedom


  all shapes and sizes

  yes, hopefully!

Rules and Requests:

PLUG is open to everyone and does not tolerate abusive behavior on its
mailing lists or at its meetings

Russell Senior

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