Re: The F Word

1999-03-28 Thread marie arsenault


>Juzz one thing, meshel: We get these reports of the same "temporary"
>problem from shows all over the place, and for some timeIs this
>maybe--now let's not start any rumors unless we want to-- one of those, uh,
>recurring physical/mental problems not entirely unknown in the music
>industry, maybe--or  maybe have you (and Chris too I guess!) just been
>lucky in the nights you've caught 'em?

I caught them for the first time about two weeks ago (Meshel and Chris weren't
with me).
Ms. Irwin sounded just fine to me. I'll admit that I have *unrefined* ears, but
I know when something
sounds good. And Freakwater sure sounded good to me that night.

So, I'm 1 for 1 right now.


RE: The F Word

1999-03-28 Thread Barry Mazor

Juzz one thing, meshel: We get these reports of the same "temporary"
problem from shows all over the place, and for some timeIs this
maybe--now let's not start any rumors unless we want to-- one of those, uh,
recurring physical/mental problems not entirely unknown in the music
industry, maybe--or  maybe have you (and Chris too I guess!) just been
lucky in the nights you've caught 'em?


>aha!  ..t now I know what the problem is...when Barry and Amy caught
>Freakwater that night, Ms.
>Irvin must have just been having a bad night!  because I've seen em a
>number of times, and they've always sounded terrific, and their CDs are
>great, even Barry likes em that way.

RE: The F Word

1999-03-28 Thread meshel

>I  don't even get how people can NOT notice Ms. irwin's "slight"
>note-finding problem live--on disc it's a different story, seems to me..and
>I say this as someone who's always liked their "Old Paint" CD and still
>do--only now I'm aware of the 4800 takes it must surely have demanded till
>they arrived at ones with the notes pretty much hit!

aha!  I can't believe no one has ever realized it before, but now I know
what the problem is...when Barry and Amy caught Freakwater that night, Ms.
Irvin must have just been having a bad night!  because I've seen em a
number of times, and they've always sounded terrific, and their CDs are
great, even Barry likes em that way.  So it's not that we all disagree, but
that fated night in New York for you two musta been a night when for some
reason, like throat polyps (benign) or smog or maybe some bad oysters on
the half shell from her dinner at an out of the way Jersey cafe caused a
bad, off-key night.  you guys should catch them again, and you'll see what
I mean.


> The only
>time I saw them live--at a Mercury Lounge show that Barry Mazor and I
>dragged ourselves to in the interests of giving Freakwater a fair

RE: The F Word

1999-03-28 Thread Barry Mazor

Oh, what the hell; here we go again...

I  don't even get how people can NOT notice Ms. irwin's "slight"
note-finding problem live--on disc it's a different story, seems to me..and
I say this as someone who's always liked their "Old Paint" CD and still
do--only now I'm aware of the 4800 takes it must surely have demanded till
they arrived at ones with the notes pretty much hit!

As I added on-list after that show Mrs. Haugesag just mentioned...some of
my  best-loved acts  are not especially known for PRECISION  and  natural
or trained VOCAL CLARITY , so I'm far from a stickler in this regard (The
Sticklers are, of course, a highly practiced bluegrass family band from,
uh, Northern Kentucky )!

 What's more off-putting about  Freakwater live (and this is not as
noticeable on disc either, so maybe it's stagefright or something that
overtakes the act)  is that the singing was emotionally imprecise and

Same said Ms. irwin holds notes and breaths when the meanings says
clip...roars exactly when she orta shut tight,  breaksoff and searches for
some version of a "harmony" at moments more randomized than demanded by the
lyric, etc etc etc I have to figure  she  doesn't  quite know what
she's singing ABOUT.

 That's my  definition of Bad Singing--bad performing of any sort
really--and doing those same things right, maybe even especially if  done
unexpectedly right in many inventive ways, is a big part of why I can call
a Bob Dylan, for instance, a great singer, or Steve Earle a damned good
one-- with no irony intended AT ALL.

For the record,  I  do think Jon W's always been RIGHT in pointing out
around here that doing all of the technical thinks precisely does NOT
automatically mean you've gone deadly, romantically challenged or
mechanical either.  Clarity and precision can be perfectly useful
tools--but the  highest point of their use too is still to deliver
something soulful.
 Some artists arrive at that highpoint by slightly different means, from
slightly different traditions.  Rock and roll, bothering from strains in
R&B,  and being, as Dave Alvin always says, a loud folk music itself, tends
to  be forgiving about precision.

But that's no cover for the truly singing-challenged.

Barry M.

RE: The F Word

1999-03-28 Thread Jon Weisberger

Amy says:

> I would like Freakwater okay (not a lot; to me, their stuff seems watered
> down rather than enhanced by its rock influences, unlike some alt-country)
> if it weren't for Catherine Irwin's indescribably lousy voice.

and I'm inclined to agree; I spent some time once listening to Eleventh
Dream Day recordings, and it was clear to me that Janet Beveridge Bean can
and does sing in tune, which by process of elimination leaves Irwin's
singing as the biggest part of the problem, by itself and/or as a baleful
influence on Bean.  Either way, their covers tend to be so inept as to be,
to me, positively offensive; I can't think of a crummy, drunk, play-for-free
bluegrass band that couldn't do a better job on "Put My Little Shoes Away."

Jon Weisberger  Kenton County, KY [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: The F Word

1999-03-28 Thread Amy Haugesag

I would like Freakwater okay (not a lot; to me, their stuff seems watered
down rather than enhanced by its rock influences, unlike some alt-country)
if it weren't for Catherine Irwin's indescribably lousy voice. The only
time I saw them live--at a Mercury Lounge show that Barry Mazor and I
dragged ourselves to in the interests of giving Freakwater a fair
hearing--they had Max Johnston with them, and I could listen to him play
all day. Janet Beveridge Bean is also a pleasure to listen to. But
Catherine Irwin sounded, just as she always does, like a dying cat whose
voice was being played through a foghorn. Yecch.


Re: The F Word

1999-03-27 Thread marie arsenault


me too.

>Saw 'em last night and they were darn good. New steel player named Eric
>something or other. Old songs sound better. New songs sound good. New CD
>in the summer. Bought a T shirt. So there. I like 'em. Hah.

I saw Freakwater for the first time a few weeks ago. I haven't listened to any
of their cds. All I knew of them is what I read on this list. I was expecting
shrieking, off key she-devils banging loudly on out of tune instruments.
Nope. I heard nothing but good harmonies, good songs, and good playing.
And BANJO! They've recently added a banjo. (Can never have too much banjo, imo.)
As Ronnie mentioned, Freakwater said that they had not played together for quite
a while. They still sounded pretty sharp. They also said that the recording for
new cd was done. It should be out *soon*.

marie (wondering what all the fuss was about)

Re: The F Word

1999-03-27 Thread rooney

CK said:

>Saw 'em last night and they were darn good

I DO, TOO.  Marie and I saw them two weeks ago with The Sadies.  They said
that they hadn't played together in awhile and at times they did sound a
little off, but we liked 'em.  We had to leave in the middle of their set
because it was way late.  I'd go see them again.


Re: The F Word

1999-03-27 Thread Friskics

In a message dated 3/27/99 1:52:04 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

<< Saw [Freakwater] last night and they were darn good. New steel player named
Eric something or other. >>

that's eric heywood, the guy who use to play with joe henry and richard
buckner, among others. fwiw, i think freakwater are pretty swell too. bill f-w