[Python-ideas] Re: An alternative way of defining properties (warning: contains creative abuse of the class statement)

2020-07-02 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

02.07.20 13:26, Greg Ewing пише:

On 2/07/20 8:04 pm, Serhiy Storchaka wrote:

It has a problem with pickling (it is solvable).

Can you elaborate? The end result is a property object just the
same as you would get from using @property or calling property
directly. I don't see how it can have any pickling problems
beyond what properties already have.

You are right since property objects currently are not pickleable by 
default. But it is possible to implement pickling support for property 
objects which will fail with your example (and I think third-party 
libraries do it). The difference is that full qualified names of getter 
and setter differ from the full qualified name of the property. It is 
solvable, but it may require more complex code.

The larger problem is with using private (double underscored) 
variables and super().

I don't know what you're talking about here. I didn't use any
double-underscore names in my example.

Then try to use them. It would not work.

class Test2:
def __init__(self):
self.__foo = 1
class foo(metaclass = Property):
def get(self):
return self.__foo


class Test3Base:
def foo(self):
return 1

class Test3(Test3Base):
class foo(metaclass = Property):
def get(self):
return super().foo + 1

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[Python-ideas] Re: Add __eq__ to colletions.abc.Sequence ?

2020-07-02 Thread Random832
On Wed, Jul 1, 2020, at 08:23, Joao S. O. Bueno wrote:
> collections.mixins.SlicedSequence that would override `__delitem__`, 
> `__setitem__` and `__getitem__` and 
> handle slices could pair up with the "ComparableSequence" - people 
> could use these "a la carte", and 
> no backwards compatibility would be hurt.

This one raises the question of where you put the single-item accessors. And 
sliced __delitem__ may be difficult to implement efficiently without knowing 
the internals of the sequence type.
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[Python-ideas] Re: Best approach for opaque PyObject

2020-07-02 Thread Random832
On Thu, Jul 2, 2020, at 20:39, William Pickard wrote:
> I do have a plan to solve that problem, it involves adding about 24 
> more bytes to PyTypeObject, but it would allow Python to track offset 
> from base object, total object size and best alignment value.

I'm not sure I'm following how that would help, but it sounds like you're 
saying that pointers to extension-defined data structure would not be 
PyTypeObject pointers, and vice versa? At least not without interconversion 
using this offset, which adds more overhead.
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[Python-ideas] Re: Else assert statement

2020-07-02 Thread Steve Barnes
An alternative way of doing what you need that doesn't add any syntax, is more 
readable, runs faster, scales better and has long been used as the reason that 
python doesn't need a case statement would be:

# Dictionary of which actions to take  for foo
foo_action_dict = {
def foo_default_handler():
""" Handler for remaining cases of foo """
print("Input value must be one of", foo_action_dict.keys())

# Call the appropriate action for foo:
action_dict.get(foo, foo_default_handler)()

[Steve Barnes] 
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[Python-ideas] Re: Best approach for opaque PyObject

2020-07-02 Thread William Pickard
I do have a plan to solve that problem, it involves adding about 24 more
bytes to PyTypeObject, but it would allow Python to track offset from base
object, total object size and best alignment value.
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[Python-ideas] [Suspected Spam]Re: Access (ordered) dict by index; insert slice

2020-07-02 Thread Stephen J. Turnbull
Stestagg writes:

 > Having said that, it's a 70-line change, so fixing that up should be
 > trivial once the change has some agreement behind it.

I still don't see a plausible use case that isn't well served by
list(view).  The OP's "addressing database columns" is superficially
plausible, but the indexing mapping is *intended* to be unstable
(inserting columns at positions).  So the only operation where you can
actually use an index would be something like

i = db.columns.index("Name")
db.columns.insert(i + 1, Address, address_data)

because now all indicies > i have been invalidated.  But I can't see
how having a dict to map names to indicies and simply rebuilding the
dict on every change to the list of names is going to be a problem for
this application.  And of course you'd need to add index and insert
methods to support that: things are getting complicated.

You say you don't want to copy data out of giant structures.  That's a
good idea, and of course very much a motivation for the view concept
itself.  But since views are immutable unless you change the
underlying dict, many applications (sorting and creating heaps come to
mind) are going to require copying the data.  Many applications that
don't will require a way to pick out a particular index, which you
haven't provided.  Yet others process the whole data, which can be
iterated (and in particular functools.reduce works as expected).  If
you don't like the iteration order (eg, because you want an accurate
sum() for floats), you need to copy the data (see "sorting and
creating heaps").

So what are these use cases?  Granted, my imagination may be
insufficient, but so far, so are those of the proponents, who all
write in terms of "convenience" and other real but very abstract

On the downside, dicts may be the single most carefully optimized data
type in Python, and that effort has clearly been repaid.  But it also
required a large change in the layout of the data structure.  It seems
unlikely that that would happen again, but genius is pretty
unpredictable.  Do we want to further constrain the implementation by
requiring support for what seem to be marginally-useful operations?

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[Python-ideas] Re: giving set.add a return value

2020-07-02 Thread Stephen J. Turnbull
Christopher Barker writes:
 > On Mon, Jun 29, 2020 at 1:53 AM Stephen J. Turnbull <
 > turnbull.stephen...@u.tsukuba.ac.jp> wrote:

 > > But if it turns out that somebody *wants* to check "2 is 2.0",
 > > this .add_unique can serve both purposes.

 > can it though?


 > (or should it?)

YMMV, but I think that's not our call.  This check *can* be done
without this facility, but AFAICS it would be O(n) (iterate over the
set, testing for equality, then testing for identity if found).
Providing this function simply optimizes that to O(1).

The argument against this isn't "should we distinguish int from float
in principle", it's "should we bother with a status return at all" and
"if we bother, why not KISS with a boolean return", don't you think?

 > -- the fact is that it was decided the 2 and 2.0 are equivalent as
 > members of a set (which makes great sense, there are they SAME
 > number, and the difference is an implementation detail),

No, it's not just an implementation detail.  If 2.0 can sneak into an
integer set, so can Inf and Nan, but any integer calculation using
members of that set will not be prepared for that.  And it's possible
that 2.001 can sneak in as well, changing an exact integer
calculation into floating point calculation with rather different

This is the same kind of argument used to justify zip(strict=True).
I.e, this only happens if there's a programmer error, and if it does,
the feature helps to debug that error.

 > I've lost track, but the answer to
 > a_set.add_unique(2)
 > should always be the same as
 > a_set.add_unique(2.0)
 > for the same set.

True.  What about that?  That's what makes it possible to tell whether
you added the same object or merely an equal one.  I don't have time
to think carefully about it, but it now occurs to me to spell
add_unique as "intern", as in the idiom

x = a_set.intern(x)

Of course we already have this for str, but only str, with sys.intern.
It would likely be a rare use case compared to strings, but in theory
any immutable could benefit from this.
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[Python-ideas] Re: What about having a .get(index, default) method for arrays like we have for dicts?

2020-07-02 Thread Stephen J. Turnbull
Alex Hall writes:

 > `dct.get('foo')?.get(0)?.get('bar')`.
 > I would quite like to have PEP 505, but I don't know how to revive it. And
 > I'm not surprised that it's deferred, there's generally reluctance to add
 > new syntax, especially symbols.

Bottom line: new use cases or modified semantics that are more
attractive to people who don't sympathize with the "in NOSQL objects
often aren't there" use case.  Some handwavy discussion below.

Note that Nick Coghlan in the PEP 622 thread over on python-dev is
proposing a very different use for '?' which seems likely to conflict.
It wouldn't rule out syntax, but definitely would make it more
difficult to use '?' (though probably not syntactically impossible)
for this purpose.

 > I haven't seen anyone in this thread suggesting any cost or
 > downside of adding the method, just people asking if it would be
 > useful. I feel like I answered that question pretty thoroughly,
 > then the thread went quiet.

Unfortunately, the people whose answers you really want to hear don't
hang out here much any more.  Steven d'A has remarkably comprehensive
knowledge, but he's not as good at channeling Guido on what isn't yet
as he is at explaining what is already.  Not sure where Andrew Barnert
has got to recently, but put him and Steven together and you get the
best of both that's available here.  Greg Ewing is another valuable
source, but his design instincts often are quite different from
Guido's.  Lots of good ideas and discussion from these developers, but
add all that up and you don't get Guido or Barry or Nick.  Not
necessarily *worse*, but different, and if you can't show that some
feature requires a horrible hack or inordinate amounts of
hard-to-get-right trickery, being different from Guido still connotes
being un-Pythonic, and that's hard to get around.  (Don't let that
stop you from arguing with Guido -- among his other remarkable
characteristics, he's been known to change his mind and accept
features he long opposed. :-)

I don't suggest that you try to open up a thread on python-dev where
the folks who dropped the acid in the Kool-Aid do show up frequently.
All of the reasons you and others give for wanting this are well-
known, and they just didn't do it.  Until you've got a powerful new
argument or different, more attractive semantics, you'll just get
shooed back here.

I can say that it's not just the high cost of a symbol that tabled
that PEP.  Chained accesses like "dct['foo'][0]['bar'] are just
expressions, but among the old-timers there's a deep suspicion of the
"fluent" style of programming, chaining method calls by returning
self.  This isn't the same thing, but "null coalescing" operators (I
prefer "null propagating" but "coalescing" seems to be the preferred
term among proponents) has something of the same flavor, albeit only
for None.  It necessarily privileges None[1], guaranteeing ambiguity
of that value, especially in a context like parsing JSON, where JSON
null is typically translated to Python None.

There was also a concern that null coalescing encourages hard to
debug, unmaintainable programming.  I don't think anybody provided
hard evidence on that count, but introducing an operator specifically
to *postpone* detection of exceptional conditions just doesn't sit
well with a lot of people.  It confuses things that *should* be there
but aren't, with things that *might* be there but aren't, and with
None when it's actually there.  Postponing error detection can be done
with 'try', but try doesn't confuse those things.[2]  The principle of
"consenting adults" means that possibility of misuse won't kill an
otherwise good idea, but the question "isn't there a more Pythonic,
explicit semantics that doesn't allow errors to propagate?" is one way
to get an idea tabled.

Finally, once you compare null-coalescing operators with 'try', it's
clear that 'try' is far more powerful as well as sufficient for this
application, and it's just not clear that null-coalescing is
sufficiently special a special case to deserve syntax.

Don't @ me.  That is, I don't have a horse in this race (except that
it would be syntax I personally am unlikely to ever use, and probably
won't even see very often).  I'm just trying to summarize some of the
themes of the discussion FYI.

[1]  Addition of a special NULL object was proposed, IIRC, but I
forget why that was considered a bad idea.

[2]  On the other hand, ':=' got in even though that is what '=' is
for.  That's a precedent that PEP 505 didn't have, turning a statement
into an expression.
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[Python-ideas] Re: An alternative way of defining properties (warning: contains creative abuse of the class statement)

2020-07-02 Thread Ricky Teachey
My personal feeling: I would love this idea (DRY gets me almost every time)
if it weren't for that awful, terrible `class` keyword hanging out there.

I wouldn't call using class this way "abuse", exactly, but it could be a
potential use for an old idea raised more than once in the past: some kind
of submodule or namespace definition statement:

class Test:
ns foo:  # ns a new syntax meaning a namespace, or "submodule", object
"""Docstring for foo"""
def fget(self):
print("Getting foo")
return self._foo
def fset(self, x):
print("Setting foo to", x)
self._foo = x


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or actually going home." - Happy Chandler

On Thu, Jul 2, 2020 at 1:46 PM Matthew Einhorn  wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 2, 2020, 6:30 AM Greg Ewing 
> wrote:
>> On 2/07/20 8:04 pm, Serhiy Storchaka wrote:
>> > It has a problem with pickling (it is solvable).
>> Can you elaborate? The end result is a property object just the
>> same as you would get from using @property or calling property
>> directly. I don't see how it can have any pickling problems
>> beyond what properties already have.
>> > The larger problem is with using private (double underscored) variables
>> > and super().
>> I don't know what you're talking about here. I didn't use any
>> double-underscore names in my example.
> I think what he may have meant is that if you tried accessing a
> double-underscore property of the outer class from the get/set methods, it
> won't properly de-mangle.
> Similarly, if you wanted to overwrite a property by using this property
> approach in the sub-class, but also call super for the parent's class
> property getter from within the get/set this wouldn't work!?
>> ___
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[Python-ideas] Re: Else assert statement

2020-07-02 Thread Artemis
> Assertions aren't guaranteed to be executed and thus should never be used
where raising an error is required.

Hence *roughly* equivalent to. Perhaps for this reason the second version would 
be confusing and should not be used.

> `else: raise SomeError('reason')` already has the desired effect, and it's
plenty readable.

If this is what people think then I don't have a problem with that and there is 
no need for change.
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[Python-ideas] Re: Else assert statement

2020-07-02 Thread Steele Farnsworth
To be more specific, if the last `elif` condition permits all remaining
permissible conditions (which I suppose would just be whatever is asserted
by the proposed syntax), then the else block can just be the raising of the

On Thu, Jul 2, 2020, 7:52 PM Steele Farnsworth 

> Assertions aren't guaranteed to be executed and thus should never be used
> where raising an error is required.
> `else: raise SomeError('reason')` already has the desired effect, and it's
> plenty readable.
> On Thu, Jul 2, 2020, 7:46 PM Artemis  wrote:
>> Often, I know that a variable should have one of a set of values, and I
>> want to determine which one, with an if/elif/else clause. This looks
>> something like this:
>> ```
>> if foo == 1:
>> # do a
>> elif foo == 2:
>> # do b
>> elif foo == 3:
>> # do c
>> else:
>> raise ValueError('foo must be 1, 2 or 3')
>> ```
>> Sometimes, I just do
>> ```
>> if foo == 1:
>> # do a
>> elif foo == 2:
>> # do b
>> else:
>> # do c
>> ```
>> But this is less readable and allows errors to slip past. My proposal is
>> to allow the following syntax:
>> ```
>> if foo == 1:
>> # do a
>> elif foo == 2:
>> # do b
>> else foo == 3:
>> # do c
>> ```
>> Or perhaps the more readable version:
>> ```
>> if foo == 1:
>> # do a
>> elif foo == 2:
>> # do b
>> else assert foo == 3:
>> # do c
>> ```
>> Both of these options are backward compatible, since currently nothing is
>> allowed between the `else` and the `:`.
>> This would be roughly equivalent to
>> ```
>> if foo == 1:
>> # do a
>> elif foo == 2:
>> # do b
>> else:
>> assert foo == 3
>> # do c
>> ```
>> But shorter and more readable, since it puts the assertion at the same
>> levels as the others. Thoughts?
>> ___
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[Python-ideas] Re: Else assert statement

2020-07-02 Thread Steele Farnsworth
Assertions aren't guaranteed to be executed and thus should never be used
where raising an error is required.

`else: raise SomeError('reason')` already has the desired effect, and it's
plenty readable.

On Thu, Jul 2, 2020, 7:46 PM Artemis  wrote:

> Often, I know that a variable should have one of a set of values, and I
> want to determine which one, with an if/elif/else clause. This looks
> something like this:
> ```
> if foo == 1:
> # do a
> elif foo == 2:
> # do b
> elif foo == 3:
> # do c
> else:
> raise ValueError('foo must be 1, 2 or 3')
> ```
> Sometimes, I just do
> ```
> if foo == 1:
> # do a
> elif foo == 2:
> # do b
> else:
> # do c
> ```
> But this is less readable and allows errors to slip past. My proposal is
> to allow the following syntax:
> ```
> if foo == 1:
> # do a
> elif foo == 2:
> # do b
> else foo == 3:
> # do c
> ```
> Or perhaps the more readable version:
> ```
> if foo == 1:
> # do a
> elif foo == 2:
> # do b
> else assert foo == 3:
> # do c
> ```
> Both of these options are backward compatible, since currently nothing is
> allowed between the `else` and the `:`.
> This would be roughly equivalent to
> ```
> if foo == 1:
> # do a
> elif foo == 2:
> # do b
> else:
> assert foo == 3
> # do c
> ```
> But shorter and more readable, since it puts the assertion at the same
> levels as the others. Thoughts?
> ___
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[Python-ideas] Else assert statement

2020-07-02 Thread Artemis
Often, I know that a variable should have one of a set of values, and I want to 
determine which one, with an if/elif/else clause. This looks something like 
if foo == 1:
# do a
elif foo == 2:
# do b
elif foo == 3:
# do c
raise ValueError('foo must be 1, 2 or 3')
Sometimes, I just do
if foo == 1:
# do a
elif foo == 2:
# do b
# do c
But this is less readable and allows errors to slip past. My proposal is to 
allow the following syntax:
if foo == 1:
# do a
elif foo == 2:
# do b
else foo == 3:
# do c
Or perhaps the more readable version:
if foo == 1:
# do a
elif foo == 2:
# do b
else assert foo == 3:
# do c
Both of these options are backward compatible, since currently nothing is 
allowed between the `else` and the `:`.
This would be roughly equivalent to
if foo == 1:
# do a
elif foo == 2:
# do b
assert foo == 3
# do c
But shorter and more readable, since it puts the assertion at the same levels 
as the others. Thoughts?
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[Python-ideas] Re: Best approach for opaque PyObject

2020-07-02 Thread Random832
On Thu, Jul 2, 2020, at 16:04, William Pickard wrote:
> The goal as it stands is to make PyObject an opaque type (interpreted 
> to mean, "incomplete type"), but there is a blocking problem to 
> accomplishing that.
> Functions/Macros like PY_TYPE require a complete PyObject.

Is it acceptable if the performance hit only applies to external [not part of 
the python implementation] callers? The macro could be defined as to call an 
exported function from external code but as its current definition within the 
python implementation.

I do think there's a much bigger problem, though... if PyObject is opaque, then 
extension modules cannot define their own types, since the definition of any 
extension type has to begin with PyObject_HEAD. It could be replaced by a 
"semi-opaque" definition of the same size and alignment, but would that solve 
whatever problem making PyObject opaque is intended to solve?
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[Python-ideas] Best approach for opaque PyObject

2020-07-02 Thread William Pickard
The goal as it stands is to make PyObject an opaque type (interpreted to
mean, "incomplete type"), but there is a blocking problem to
accomplishing that.

Functions/Macros like PY_TYPE require a complete PyObject.

There is 3 ways we can solve this problem:
1) Dump to & export from the Python DLL.
  - This will created performance overhead that can scale worse and
worse the more they're used.

2) Dump to a static library.
  - This has a toss up on saving performance or sharing #1's problem
depending on the compiler and options used.

3) Dump to precompiled headers.
  - My limited understanding of precompiled headers suggests we can
eliminate the need of LTCG, but compilers CAN impose restrictions on their
usage (MSVC for sure has restrictions).

What would be the best approach to go with? Ultimately, the end result
should have roughly the same performance rating as current non limited code.
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[Python-ideas] Re: What about having a .get(index, default) method for arrays like we have for dicts?

2020-07-02 Thread Alex Hall
On Thu, Jul 2, 2020 at 9:33 PM Daniel.  wrote:

> Em ter., 30 de jun. de 2020 às 15:49, Alex Hall 
> escreveu:
>> I think I'm missing something. Daniel wants a `list.get` method with
>> similar semantics to `dict.get`. So instead of writing:
>> ```
>> try:
>> x = lst[i]
>> except IndexError:
>> x = default
>> ```
>> one could write `x = lst.get(i, default)`. How would you rewrite that
>> with PEP 505?
> With PEP 505 is not possible to have an arbitrary default as the result of
> null coalesced expression will be None if a None is found. The lst.get(i)
> would be rewritten as lst?[i], and composing dct.get('foo', []).get(0,
> []).get('bar') would be something like dct?['foo']?[0]?['bar']

No, that's not right. `dct?['foo']` translates to `dct['foo'] if dct is not
None else None`, which is very different from `dct.get('foo')`. Similarly
`lst?[i]` is for when `lst` might be None, not empty. All PEP 505 gives you
in the case where keys might be missing or lists might be empty is that you
can write `.get` without defaults, e.g.

I would quite like to have PEP 505, but I don't know how to revive it. And
I'm not surprised that it's deferred, there's generally reluctance to add
new syntax, especially symbols.

On the other hand, `list.get` seems very doable to me. It's not new syntax.
It would be extremely easy to learn for anyone familiar with `dict.get`,
which is pretty much essential knowledge. You'd probably have some people
guessing it exists and using it correctly without even seeing it first in
other code or documentation. I haven't seen anyone in this thread
suggesting any cost or downside of adding the method, just people asking if
it would be useful. I feel like I answered that question pretty thoroughly,
then the thread went quiet.
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[Python-ideas] Re: What about having a .get(index, default) method for arrays like we have for dicts?

2020-07-02 Thread Daniel.
Em ter., 30 de jun. de 2020 às 15:49, Alex Hall 

> I think I'm missing something. Daniel wants a `list.get` method with
> similar semantics to `dict.get`. So instead of writing:
> ```
> try:
> x = lst[i]
> except IndexError:
> x = default
> ```
> one could write `x = lst.get(i, default)`. How would you rewrite that with
> PEP 505?
With PEP 505 is not possible to have an arbitrary default as the result of
null coalesced expression will be None if a None is found. The lst.get(i)
would be rewritten as lst?[i], and composing dct.get('foo', []).get(0,
[]).get('bar') would be something like dct?['foo']?[0]?['bar'], from what I
read, this is very terse and terse is good in most cases good in my
opinion. It removes the error handling noise by replacing it by one char

I'm repeating myself here, but again, the use case is to fetch deedly
nested data. All this talk make me notice that IndexError, and KeyError are
LookupError instances but AttributeError is not, still pep 505 have an
elegant solution for all these three. Also it handles the None?.method()
case, when something return an object or None and you want to call a method
on this if is not None.

I think we should put more effort on pep 505

> I've also wanted this a couple of times, although I can't remember the
> reason. It's not just about traversing incomplete nested data structures. I
> don't see much disadvantage since the analogy with `dict.get` would make it
> very easy to learn and understand, to the point that I've wondered why this
> doesn't exist already.
> On Sat, Jun 27, 2020 at 5:09 PM Guido van Rossum  wrote:
>> Please read PEP 505 before rehashing this old idea.
>> On Sat, Jun 27, 2020 at 06:35 Daniel.  wrote:
>>> When I need to traverse nested dicts, is a common pattern to do
>>> somedict.get('foo', {}).get('bar', {})
>>> But there is no such equivalent for arrays, wouldn't be nice if we can
>>> follow
>>> somedict.get('foo', {}).get('bar', []).get(10) ... ?
>>> What I do in this case is surround with try/except IndexError and set
>>> some variable to None, or wrap the try/except block in a function. But this
>>> is noise in my opinion, I just want to follow the same reasoning that I
>>> have with dicts:  I'm searching for some path deep nested, and want a
>>> default if not found.
>>> What do you think?
>>> Regards
>>> --
>>> “If you're going to try, go all the way. Otherwise, don't even start.
>>> ..."
>>>   Charles Bukowski
>>> ___
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>> --
>> --Guido (mobile)
>> ___
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“If you're going to try, go all the way. Otherwise, don't even start. ..."
  Charles Bukowski
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[Python-ideas] Re: What about having a .get(index, default) method for arrays like we have for dicts?

2020-07-02 Thread Daniel.
Em qua, 1 de jul de 2020 00:56, David Lowry-Duda 

> Very similar things could be said about dict.get too, no? It's easy to
> write your own function that does the same thing or to catch an
> exception.
> On the other hand, it seems far more likely to miss keys in a dictionary
> than it is to repeatedly mistake indices in a list.

> > Which would be the use cases for this feature?
> >
> > I can't think of one.
> I've never missed this feature either. But I would also be interested in
> hearing a dream use case.
The usecase is extracting deeply nested data from parsed json.

Missing keys are something that happens on dicts, I want something that is
able to extract data from parsed json, that eliminates the error handling
noise. All this talk elucidates me that this is possible

v = foo.bar['tar'][0]['zar']
except (LookupError, AttributeError):
   v = None

would suffice in all cases,

> - DLD
> --
> David Lowry-Duda  
> ___
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[Python-ideas] Re: An alternative way of defining properties (warning: contains creative abuse of the class statement)

2020-07-02 Thread Matthew Einhorn
On Thu, Jul 2, 2020, 6:30 AM Greg Ewing  wrote:

> On 2/07/20 8:04 pm, Serhiy Storchaka wrote:
> > It has a problem with pickling (it is solvable).
> Can you elaborate? The end result is a property object just the
> same as you would get from using @property or calling property
> directly. I don't see how it can have any pickling problems
> beyond what properties already have.
> > The larger problem is with using private (double underscored) variables
> > and super().
> I don't know what you're talking about here. I didn't use any
> double-underscore names in my example.

I think what he may have meant is that if you tried accessing a
double-underscore property of the outer class from the get/set methods, it
won't properly de-mangle.

Similarly, if you wanted to overwrite a property by using this property
approach in the sub-class, but also call super for the parent's class
property getter from within the get/set this wouldn't work!?

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[Python-ideas] Re: An alternative way of defining properties (warning: contains creative abuse of the class statement)

2020-07-02 Thread Chris Angelico
On Thu, Jul 2, 2020 at 8:38 PM Greg Ewing  wrote:
> On 2/07/20 9:45 pm, Chris Angelico wrote:
> > On Thu, Jul 2, 2020 at 7:41 PM Alex Hall  wrote:
> >>
> >> On Thu, Jul 2, 2020 at 11:33 AM Chris Angelico  wrote:
> >>>
> >>> What's the idea being discussed? AIUI there's no need or request to
> >>> change the language/stdlib, but maybe I'm misreading.
> >>
> >> Ah, now I understand. I did automatically assume that Greg was proposing 
> >> adding this to the stdlib or something, but maybe I only assumed that 
> >> because it was in the list.
> >
> > Could be that I'm the one misunderstanding here, but only Greg can
> > answer that question :)
> I was thinking something like it might become a candidate for stdlib
> inclusion, if it wasn't universally hated for abusing the class
> statement.

Let's get concrete then. Suppose that the property constructor
recognized a special one-argument form: if it has an fget attribute,
it fetches its details from the fget, fset, fdel, and __doc__
attributes of that object. That way, it can be used in three ways: a
standard constructor that does all the work with up to four arguments,
the decorator form (which is the same as the one-arg form initially,
but then you can use its setter decorator), and the class form.

class Test:
x = property(lambda self: 42, lambda self, val: print("Setting to", val))

def y(self): return 42
def y(self, val): print("Setting to", val)

# the theoretical one
class z:
def fget(self): return 42
def fset(self, val): print("Setting to", val)

Since functions won't normally have fset attributes, this should be
fairly safe - technically it'd be backward incompatible, but it's
highly unlikely to break any real-world code.

I don't write a lot of properties with setters, so I can't speak to
the value of this, but it is at least plausible.

(If you'd prefer to use "get" or "getter" or something in place of
"fget", that would work fine. I used the same name as the keyword arg
to property itself, but it can be anything.)

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[Python-ideas] Re: An alternative way of defining properties (warning: contains creative abuse of the class statement)

2020-07-02 Thread Stestagg
Haha, I had no idea!  That's great.

fyi, judicious use of cython allowed our python team to build python
components that far outperformed their java counterparts in some real-time
middle-office financial processing jobs for a really large client. So thank

I can see why using the standard python syntax might be considered better
than the more elegant custom version, but yes, it's a bit sad


On Thu, Jul 2, 2020 at 12:27 PM Greg Ewing 

> On 2/07/20 10:49 pm, Stestagg wrote:
> > Coincidentally, cython has a custom, deprecated syntax for properties
> > that is actually pretty similar
> Not entirely a coincidence -- I invented that syntax for Pyrex,
> and Cython inherited it.
> I'm a little disappointed to hear it's been deprecated. :-(
> --
> Greg
> ___
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[Python-ideas] Re: An alternative way of defining properties (warning: contains creative abuse of the class statement)

2020-07-02 Thread Greg Ewing

On 2/07/20 10:49 pm, Stestagg wrote:
Coincidentally, cython has a custom, deprecated syntax for properties 
that is actually pretty similar

Not entirely a coincidence -- I invented that syntax for Pyrex,
and Cython inherited it.

I'm a little disappointed to hear it's been deprecated. :-(

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[Python-ideas] Re: An alternative way of defining properties (warning: contains creative abuse of the class statement)

2020-07-02 Thread Stestagg
Coincidentally, cython has a custom, deprecated syntax for properties that
is actually pretty similar, and nice:

cdef class Spam:

property cheese:

"A doc string can go here."

def __get__(self):
# This is called when the property is read.

def __set__(self, value):
# This is called when the property is written.

def __del__(self):
# This is called when the property is deleted.


I don't think the benefits are worth a core python change, but great minds..


On Thu, Jul 2, 2020 at 11:42 AM Greg Ewing 

> On 2/07/20 9:00 pm, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> > Perhaps Greg meant to say *up to* rather than "no less".
> What I said is true for sufficiently small values of 5. :-)
> You're right that it depends on how many operations you
> want. For reading and writing it's 3; if you want deleting
> as well it's 5.
> But 3 is still a lot less DRY than 1.
> --
> Greg
> ___
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[Python-ideas] Re: An alternative way of defining properties (warning: contains creative abuse of the class statement)

2020-07-02 Thread Greg Ewing

On 2/07/20 9:00 pm, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

Perhaps Greg meant to say *up to* rather than "no less".

What I said is true for sufficiently small values of 5. :-)

You're right that it depends on how many operations you
want. For reading and writing it's 3; if you want deleting
as well it's 5.

But 3 is still a lot less DRY than 1.

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[Python-ideas] Re: An alternative way of defining properties (warning: contains creative abuse of the class statement)

2020-07-02 Thread Greg Ewing

On 2/07/20 9:45 pm, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Thu, Jul 2, 2020 at 7:41 PM Alex Hall  wrote:

On Thu, Jul 2, 2020 at 11:33 AM Chris Angelico  wrote:

What's the idea being discussed? AIUI there's no need or request to
change the language/stdlib, but maybe I'm misreading.

Ah, now I understand. I did automatically assume that Greg was proposing adding 
this to the stdlib or something, but maybe I only assumed that because it was 
in the list.

Could be that I'm the one misunderstanding here, but only Greg can
answer that question :)

I was thinking something like it might become a candidate for stdlib
inclusion, if it wasn't universally hated for abusing the class

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[Python-ideas] Re: An alternative way of defining properties (warning: contains creative abuse of the class statement)

2020-07-02 Thread Greg Ewing

On 2/07/20 8:04 pm, Serhiy Storchaka wrote:

It has a problem with pickling (it is solvable).

Can you elaborate? The end result is a property object just the
same as you would get from using @property or calling property
directly. I don't see how it can have any pickling problems
beyond what properties already have.

The larger problem is with using private (double underscored) variables 
and super().

I don't know what you're talking about here. I didn't use any
double-underscore names in my example.

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[Python-ideas] Re: An alternative way of defining properties (warning: contains creative abuse of the class statement)

2020-07-02 Thread Alex Hall
On Thu, Jul 2, 2020 at 11:33 AM Chris Angelico  wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 2, 2020 at 7:06 PM Alex Hall  wrote:
> >
> > On Thu, Jul 2, 2020 at 9:34 AM Chris Angelico  wrote:
> >>
> >> (Not sure why this is on python-ideas - wouldn't python-list be more
> >> appropriate? Keeping it where it is for now though.)
> >
> >
> > As someone not familiar with the other lists...why? It's a proposal of
> an idea that could use some debate. Isn't this the perfect place?
> >
> What's the idea being discussed? AIUI there's no need or request to
> change the language/stdlib, but maybe I'm misreading. This is a cute
> showcase of how a class namespace can be used to gather multiple
> functions together and build a property with them; it already works
> without any changes. So it's a great thing to discuss, but with no
> changes being proposed, it's not really an idea for the language. On
> python-list, there'll be more people, many of whom wouldn't think to
> hang out here, but could still appreciate (a) this cool way of doing
> properties, and (b) the more general notion that a decorated class or
> metaclass can be used for this kind of very powerful namespacing.

Ah, now I understand. I did automatically assume that Greg was proposing
adding this to the stdlib or something, but maybe I only assumed that
because it was in the list.
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[Python-ideas] Re: An alternative way of defining properties (warning: contains creative abuse of the class statement)

2020-07-02 Thread Chris Angelico
On Thu, Jul 2, 2020 at 7:41 PM Alex Hall  wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 2, 2020 at 11:33 AM Chris Angelico  wrote:
>> What's the idea being discussed? AIUI there's no need or request to
>> change the language/stdlib, but maybe I'm misreading.
> Ah, now I understand. I did automatically assume that Greg was proposing 
> adding this to the stdlib or something, but maybe I only assumed that because 
> it was in the list.

Could be that I'm the one misunderstanding here, but only Greg can
answer that question :)

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[Python-ideas] Re: An alternative way of defining properties (warning: contains creative abuse of the class statement)

2020-07-02 Thread Chris Angelico
On Thu, Jul 2, 2020 at 7:06 PM Alex Hall  wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 2, 2020 at 9:34 AM Chris Angelico  wrote:
>> (Not sure why this is on python-ideas - wouldn't python-list be more
>> appropriate? Keeping it where it is for now though.)
> As someone not familiar with the other lists...why? It's a proposal of an 
> idea that could use some debate. Isn't this the perfect place?

What's the idea being discussed? AIUI there's no need or request to
change the language/stdlib, but maybe I'm misreading. This is a cute
showcase of how a class namespace can be used to gather multiple
functions together and build a property with them; it already works
without any changes. So it's a great thing to discuss, but with no
changes being proposed, it's not really an idea for the language. On
python-list, there'll be more people, many of whom wouldn't think to
hang out here, but could still appreciate (a) this cool way of doing
properties, and (b) the more general notion that a decorated class or
metaclass can be used for this kind of very powerful namespacing.

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[Python-ideas] Re: An alternative way of defining properties (warning: contains creative abuse of the class statement)

2020-07-02 Thread Chris Angelico
On Thu, Jul 2, 2020 at 7:04 PM Steven D'Aprano  wrote:
> That makes five by my count, however I hardly ever write a deleter so
> three is more common, and only occassionally a setter so one is most
> common :-)

Well, if you only want a getter, the most common way is fine. But if
you then go to add a setter, you have to keep things in sync.

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[Python-ideas] Re: An alternative way of defining properties (warning: contains creative abuse of the class statement)

2020-07-02 Thread Alex Hall
On Thu, Jul 2, 2020 at 9:34 AM Chris Angelico  wrote:

> (Not sure why this is on python-ideas - wouldn't python-list be more
> appropriate? Keeping it where it is for now though.)

As someone not familiar with the other lists...why? It's a proposal of an
idea that could use some debate. Isn't this the perfect place?
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[Python-ideas] Re: An alternative way of defining properties (warning: contains creative abuse of the class statement)

2020-07-02 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, Jul 02, 2020 at 11:04:40AM +0300, Serhiy Storchaka wrote:
> 02.07.20 10:12, Greg Ewing пише:
> >The @property.getter and @property.setter decorators are
> >clever, but they have the disadvantage that you end up
> >writing the name of the property no less than 5 times,
> >all of which have to match.
> 5 times? How is it?

Perhaps Greg meant to say *up to* rather than "no less".

class MyClass:
def spam():
def spam(self, value):
def spam(self):

That makes five by my count, however I hardly ever write a deleter so 
three is more common, and only occassionally a setter so one is most 
common :-)

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[Python-ideas] Re: An alternative way of defining properties (warning: contains creative abuse of the class statement)

2020-07-02 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

02.07.20 10:12, Greg Ewing пише:

The @property.getter and @property.setter decorators are
clever, but they have the disadvantage that you end up
writing the name of the property no less than 5 times,
all of which have to match.

5 times? How is it?

Thinking there must be a better way, I came up with this:

def Property(name, bases, dict):
     return property(dict.get('get'), dict.get('set'))

It has a problem with pickling (it is solvable).

The larger problem is with using private (double underscored) variables 
and super().

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[Python-ideas] Re: An alternative way of defining properties (warning: contains creative abuse of the class statement)

2020-07-02 Thread Chris Angelico
(Not sure why this is on python-ideas - wouldn't python-list be more
appropriate? Keeping it where it is for now though.)

On Thu, Jul 2, 2020 at 5:14 PM Greg Ewing  wrote:
> The @property.getter and @property.setter decorators are
> clever, but they have the disadvantage that you end up
> writing the name of the property no less than 5 times,
> all of which have to match.
> Thinking there must be a better way, I came up with this:
> def Property(name, bases, dict):
>  return property(dict.get('get'), dict.get('set'))
> which allows you to write
> class Test:
>  class foo(metaclass = Property):
>  def get(self):
>  print("Getting foo")
>  return self._foo
>  def set(self, x):
>  print("Setting foo to", x)
>  self._foo = x
> test = Test()
> test.foo = 42
> print(test.foo)
> Output:
> Setting foo to 42
> Getting foo
> 42

I quite like the use of class blocks as namespaces, but I'm not a fan
of metaclassing. A decorated class is way cleaner in the source code.
How about this?

def Property(ns):
return property(*[getattr(ns, k, None) for k in ("fget", "fset",
"fdel", "__doc__")])

class Test:
class foo:
"""Docstring for foo"""
def fget(self):
print("Getting foo")
return self._foo
def fset(self, x):
print("Setting foo to", x)
self._foo = x

Same output as yours, and it's easy to support fdel, and a docstring.

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[Python-ideas] An alternative way of defining properties (warning: contains creative abuse of the class statement)

2020-07-02 Thread Greg Ewing

The @property.getter and @property.setter decorators are
clever, but they have the disadvantage that you end up
writing the name of the property no less than 5 times,
all of which have to match.

Thinking there must be a better way, I came up with this:

def Property(name, bases, dict):
return property(dict.get('get'), dict.get('set'))

which allows you to write

class Test:

class foo(metaclass = Property):

def get(self):
print("Getting foo")
return self._foo

def set(self, x):
print("Setting foo to", x)
self._foo = x

test = Test()
test.foo = 42

Setting foo to 42
Getting foo

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