Re: [RBW] FS Cheviot Blue 55

2019-07-11 Thread Ed Fausto
If it were not for the GBW I would be getting this Cheviot.
Someone should grab this! :-)

On Fri, Jul 12, 2019 at 1:20 PM Drw  wrote:

> That seems about the solidest deal I’ve seen on a Cheviot lately. If I had
> 1500$ to spare I’d be emailing.
> --
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[RBW] FS Cheviot Blue 55

2019-07-11 Thread Joe Bernard
Solidest indeed and I miss mine and I just put a deposit down on a custom so I 
don't need this and I'm in the Bay Area and AH GEEZ!

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[RBW] FS Cheviot Blue 55

2019-07-11 Thread Drw
That seems about the solidest deal I’ve seen on a Cheviot lately. If I had 
1500$ to spare I’d be emailing. 

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[RBW] Re: Grant could have designed the Madone

2019-07-11 Thread Joe Bernard
Grant's recollection of that time - as told in the Bridgestone story in a 
Reader - is he didn't have a option that made any sense to the way he was 
thinking about bicycles. I mean, he *could* have gone to Trek, but designing 
OCLVs and welded LeMonds would have driven him crazy.   

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[RBW] Re: Grant could have designed the Madone

2019-07-11 Thread dougP
"...*all he had to do was name his salary and pick a title."*

That had to make it a tough call.  But maybe his exposure to corporate 
constraints at Bridgestone made him think twice.  My enjoyment of my 
Atlantis makes me glad he did.  


On Thursday, July 11, 2019 at 1:21:52 AM UTC-7, Patrick Moore wrote:
> Up very late or else very early, stumbled across this from a 2013 post by 
> Gary Boulanger:
> *I once came across two letters from the presidents of Specialized and 
> Trek, dated late 1994, letting Petersen know how much they admired his work 
> at Bridgestone, and that he was welcome to work for their companies; all he 
> had to do was name his salary and pick a title. He chose to launch 
> Rivendell, and begin his long, happy journey upstream.*
> I'm glad he started Rivendell.
> -- 
> **
> *Still 'round the corner there may waitA new road or a secret gate,And 
> though we pass them by today,Tomorrow we may come this wayAnd take the 
> hidden paths that runTowards the Moon or to the Sun.*
> --- J.R.R. Tolkien
> ---
> Resumes, LinkedIn profiles, bios, and letters that get interviews
> By-the-hour resume and LinkedIn coaching
> Other professional writing services
> Expensive! But good.
> Patrick Moore
> Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique

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[RBW] Re: Where does "country biking" fit in?

2019-07-11 Thread 'Mark in Beacon' via RBW Owners Bunch
Mark, what 27.5 x 2.4 tires are you referring to here? (And are they on 
non-disc rims?)

Another Mark, in Beacon

On Thursday, July 11, 2019 at 6:06:14 PM UTC-4, M Talley wrote:
> After riding 27.5 x 2.4" tires (changed to a road tread) This is perfect 
> for all urban use and could see riding most (not all) terrain and doing so 
> with a load. 
> The Gus Boots Willsen will be able to do the same so I rule it in as urban.

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Re: [RBW] René Herse Steilacoom for... commuting?

2019-07-11 Thread Patrick Moore
I don't commute because I work at home, but I do use the RH extra light 559
X 28 Elk Pass on both my "gofast" and my "errand" Rivs; both see occasional
firm dirt, the last carries regular loads, some close to 40 lb in the rear.
Fewer problems than with 559 X 32 Paselas.

Back in the day I commuted across town and did my grocery shopping on 200
gram 559 X 22 mm Specialized Turbos (nice tires, if only they had been half
again as wide) and these did fine.

My ultra thin (450 grams) 700C X 60.5 mm Big Ones see regular dirt and
gravel -- they are on my "gravel bike."

On Thu, Jul 11, 2019 at 2:58 PM Tim Tetrault  wrote:

> Hiya Group-
> Does anyone happen to use the Herse (ex Compass) Steilacoom tires for
> commuting?
> ...or for that matter, any Herse tire for *everyday *urban (with some
> hard pack trail) commuting? I'm imagining the knobs give some protection
> from glass that the slicks would not afford.
> Or maybe I just need to relax and just get some Gravel Kings or Marathon
> Supremes and wait for that kind of tire experience once my kids are out of
> the house. : /
> Thanks for your thoughts-
> (Riding a Sam Hillborne)
> Tim in Seattle
> --
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*Still 'round the corner there may waitA new road or a secret gate,And
though we pass them by today,Tomorrow we may come this wayAnd take the
hidden paths that runTowards the Moon or to the Sun.*
--- J.R.R. Tolkien
Resumes, LinkedIn profiles, bios, and letters that get interviews
By-the-hour resume and LinkedIn coaching
Other professional writing services
Expensive! But good.
Patrick Moore
Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique

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[RBW] FS: Green 62cm Black Mountain Cycle , Monster Cross .. epic!!!

2019-07-11 Thread hunqapillarsrule!
Selling my 62cm Black Mountain Cycles “Monster Cross” for $1800.

Sincerely one of my favorite bikes of all time but I need extra money because 
I’m moving to Seattle. 

Thank you so much for you interest. 

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[RBW] Re: René Herse Steilacoom for... commuting?

2019-07-11 Thread Adam Adeane
I commute on Compass tyres in Manhattan / Brooklyn and have only ever had 
one flat, but YMMV?

Brooklyn, NY

On Thursday, 11 July 2019 16:58:12 UTC-4, Tim Tetrault wrote:
> Hiya Group-
> Does anyone happen to use the Herse (ex Compass) Steilacoom tires for 
> commuting?
> ...or for that matter, any Herse tire for *everyday *urban (with some 
> hard pack trail) commuting? I'm imagining the knobs give some protection 
> from glass that the slicks would not afford. 
> Or maybe I just need to relax and just get some Gravel Kings or Marathon 
> Supremes and wait for that kind of tire experience once my kids are out of 
> the house. : /
> Thanks for your thoughts-
> (Riding a Sam Hillborne)
> Tim in Seattle

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Re: [RBW] Re: Pedal click driving me batty

2019-07-11 Thread Wilson Wilson
Try removing the crank bolts, lube and re-torque them. I went months banging my 
head against a wall chasing a pedal click. The click would oddly go away on 
rainy days. 

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[RBW] Re: Where does "country biking" fit in?

2019-07-11 Thread M Talley
I see a the UK slant. IMO more of US bike styles are in the "Urban Peloton" 
including country bikes and hill bikes. The bike I currently urban ride is 
a Surly Bridge Club.. After riding 27.5 x 2.4" tires (changed to a road 
tread) This is perfect for all urban use and could see riding most (not 
all) terrain and doing so with a load. I see Rivs as being practical and 
versatile and having more class.

The Gus Boots Willsen will be able to do the same so I rule it in as urban. 
I called my bike a truck when I bought it  With fenders and baskets a GBW 
it would be more a jalopy. Classy hobo, only now a with newer look and even 
more cushioned ride to enjoy. Maybe no slower at that if the BQ has a say.

On Thursday, July 11, 2019 at 4:10:14 AM UTC-4, Patrick Moore wrote:
> Another man's cycling typology. 
> [image: image.png]
> Wait, there's more!!
> -- 
> **
> *Still 'round the corner there may waitA new road or a secret gate,And 
> though we pass them by today,Tomorrow we may come this wayAnd take the 
> hidden paths that runTowards the Moon or to the Sun.*
> --- J.R.R. Tolkien
> ---
> Resumes, LinkedIn profiles, bios, and letters that get interviews
> By-the-hour resume and LinkedIn coaching
> Other professional writing services
> Expensive! But good.
> Patrick Moore
> Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique

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Re: [RBW] Re: RBW at 25: The Fellowship of the Rigs

2019-07-11 Thread James Warren
I am coming. Pine mountain on Saturday sound good!

I'd love to do Entmoot, but will probably have to do it in spirit and just
travel with one fully geared bike for those dirt climbs.

I can't wait to enjoy the outdoors with y'all.


On Wed, Jul 10, 2019 at 3:01 PM Esteban  wrote:

> I shall attend, representing the great County of San Diego and the
> Borderlandz!
> I'm happy to include Pine Mountain on Saturday, and defer to my friends
> who know the trails and maps.
> Will this also serve as an Entmoot? I see at least one Quickbeam listed as
> attending. Maybe Sunday can include a gentleperson's Entmoot-inspired ride
> (or ride home), as we did 5 years ago.
> Looking forward to this!
> Esteban
> On Monday, July 8, 2019 at 2:43:20 PM UTC-7, wrote:
>> Chaingang,
>> Coming up Real Soon Now is the RBW25 weekend at Samuel Taylor State Park
>> -
>> Fri, Jul 19, 2019, 2pm Sun, Jul 21, 2019, 12pm PDT
>> Devil's Gulch Group Site 1&2
>> - And while we can thank Justin in Oakland for laying the groundwork
>> of the event (read: HE RESERVED US THE GROUP SITES), it's going to be
>> up to each of us to make it happen!
>> So: Who is planning to attend? What level of riding are you hoping
>> for? What ideas or adventures would you like to have?
>> Speaking for myself, I can only make it over for Friday (will stay
>> over in camp) and Saturday riding. I'd like to make a ride from camp
>> around the Pine Mountain Loop, and then either return to camp via
>> BoFax / Bolinas Ridge OR, down into Fairfax via Repack.
>> I think it'll be "each-their-own" in terms of food, but it might also
>> be fun/nice to bring something to share for (either) evening?
>> Let's hear some enthusiasm and make this happen!
>> =- Joe Bunik
>> Walnut Creek, CA
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[RBW] Re: René Herse Steilacoom for... commuting?

2019-07-11 Thread 'Deacon Patrick' via RBW Owners Bunch
The new endurance casing may be good against glass and other debris. 
Conceptually seems well worth a shot. Let us know how it goes!

With abandon,

On Thursday, July 11, 2019 at 2:58:12 PM UTC-6, Tim Tetrault wrote:
> Hiya Group-
> Does anyone happen to use the Herse (ex Compass) Steilacoom tires for 
> commuting?
> ...or for that matter, any Herse tire for everyday urban (with some hard pack 
> trail) commuting? I'm imagining the knobs give some protection from glass 
> that the slicks would not afford. 
> Or maybe I just need to relax and just get some Gravel Kings or Marathon 
> Supremes and wait for that kind of tire experience once my kids are out of 
> the house. : /
> Thanks for your thoughts-
> (Riding a Sam Hillborne)
> Tim in Seattle

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[RBW] René Herse Steilacoom for... commuting?

2019-07-11 Thread ted
I used compass 35mm road tires for daily commute of ~14 miles  one way of which 
about third was dirt levies. Worked fine.

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[RBW] Re: Waxwing seat wedge for sale

2019-07-11 Thread Steve Butcher
lThis bag is stilll avialale for sale. Please send me a direct message if 
you're interested.  Thanks.

On Monday, May 27, 2019 at 3:42:29 PM UTC-5, Steve Butcher wrote:
> Hello Forum,
>  I'm offering for sale this Waxwing Bag Co. Seat Wedge bag which I 
> puchased new at the end of last summer.  It was mounted on one bike and 
> always stored indoors.  Has never been wet.  Is in AS NEW condition.  The 
> color is a light grey blue similar to the Gilles Berthoud bags.  The 
> leather is a beautiful honey color.  I'm asking $80.00 shipped in CONUS.  
> Please message me off list with questions.  
> [image: 20190521_174215.jpeg]
> [image: 20190521_174153.jpeg]
> Steve

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[RBW] René Herse Steilacoom for... commuting?

2019-07-11 Thread Tim Tetrault
Hiya Group-

Does anyone happen to use the Herse (ex Compass) Steilacoom tires for 

...or for that matter, any Herse tire for *everyday *urban (with some hard 
pack trail) commuting? I'm imagining the knobs give some protection from 
glass that the slicks would not afford. 

Or maybe I just need to relax and just get some Gravel Kings or Marathon 
Supremes and wait for that kind of tire experience once my kids are out of 
the house. : /

Thanks for your thoughts-

(Riding a Sam Hillborne)

Tim in Seattle

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Re: [RBW] Re: Pedal click driving me batty

2019-07-11 Thread Will Rhea
Thanks Brett, it can't hurt to check the seatpost.  This is a Nitto lugged
steel post in my Hunqapillar, and well greased inside the seat tube but I'm
going to revisit this


On Thu, Jul 11, 2019 at 11:16 AM Brett Callahan 

> Seconding what Steve said. If there's no click when you're out of the
>> saddle, check the saddle itself and connections. I was 100 % sure at one
>> point that my pedal was clicking. After trying everything I could think of
>> to do with the pedals, cranks, bottom bracket, etc, I removed and
>> reinstalled the saddle snugly. Problem solved.
> Good luck,
> Brett
> --
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[RBW] Re: Where does "country biking" fit in?

2019-07-11 Thread Mark Anderson
"Country biking" is ipso facto excluded from the "urban peloton."

Mark Anderson in Utah

On Thursday, July 11, 2019 at 2:10:14 AM UTC-6, Patrick Moore wrote:
> Another man's cycling typology. 
> [image: image.png]
> Wait, there's more!!
> -- 
> **
> *Still 'round the corner there may waitA new road or a secret gate,And 
> though we pass them by today,Tomorrow we may come this wayAnd take the 
> hidden paths that runTowards the Moon or to the Sun.*
> --- J.R.R. Tolkien
> ---
> Resumes, LinkedIn profiles, bios, and letters that get interviews
> By-the-hour resume and LinkedIn coaching
> Other professional writing services
> Expensive! But good.
> Patrick Moore
> Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique

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Re: [RBW] Re: "Sadly, Long Shen is closing" Another loss to lugged steel frame production

2019-07-11 Thread M Talley
I've wondered the same thing. Printed metal products have been shown at 
bespoked shows in titanium and steel. I wonder about the cost?

Newer technology has already entered the process in ways that save time / 
lower costs.  As Sachs mentions in that discussion at velocipedesalon 
 - having no 
"Solidworks files" would be a daunting setback. 3D modeling and design 
likely has replaced making a handcut lug for the original design along the 
way. 3D printing from that digital design is likely how the model is made 
that becomes the (lost) wax pattern that goes into making the multiple 
ceramic mold step. The ease of having a digital file that is where a small 
modification can be made is probably invaluable for the speed and keeping 
costs low (picture a 72° to 73° seat lug design change with just a quick 
tweek to a digital drawing).

It's a gritty looking process, the casting portion of making lugs. I'm sure 
there are reasons it still looks similar to the ways of the Bronze Age. 
Factors that effect the end product are likely still demanding of similar 
methods. It sounds like Matt Jacobs who posted above about his experiences 
could tell the story of methods new and old.

When I've wondered about modern 3D metal printing a thought about strength 
and durability always enters my mind. The parts may be equal but there must 
be a hardening process which is at least one more step to think about. It's 
the straightest line of process steps to an (close-to) equal part that 
would win. I've also pictured the 3D printing of the wax pattern piece as 
well? This could short-cut out one molding step. These are all questions 
for a manufacturing insider - which I am not.

On Thursday, July 11, 2019 at 1:56:23 PM UTC-4, lconley wrote:
> Maybe this is sacrilege, but can lugs be 3D printed at this point?
> Laing
> *From:*  <
> > *On Behalf Of *M Talley
> *Sent:* Thursday, July 11, 2019 1:17 PM
> *To:* RBW Owners Bunch >
> *Subject:* [RBW] Re: "Sadly, Long Shen is closing" Another loss to lugged 
> steel frame production
> Yes, a nice inside story of a possible path forward for precision lugs and 
> thank you for that inside view from Taiwan. 
> Sachs really sounds like he had covered his remaining production schedule. 
> He also mentioned having his "tools" returned - so the masters? for his 
> personal designs (26 different castings). I would imagine Rivendell's tools 
> are either going back to their hands or to the replacement casting company?
> Fillet brazed is a path that makes sense when the recent designs are so 
> varied / non-standard. There's an inside story of fillet production told by 
> the young adventure bike brand's owner Cjell Mone. He is an experienced 
> builder and is impressed by the mastery of the Taiwan brazers whom he joins 
> in producing a run of his frames.
> I agree, there are likely many other brands that need a supplier for 
> custom lugs. Just the number of suppliers and buyers / builders of 
> "generic" Long Shen lugs is a supply quantity that would be seeking a 
> replacement. So someone who can step in has to be eyeing that business.
> This discussion in my mind is about the custom lugs that the eye 
> identifies as Rivendell - not the Henry James look. I would miss stock 
> Rivendells that aren't built to the old completely lugged standard. This is 
> a game of cost - quantity ordered, capacity to produce (possibly small 
> numbers)  in the general proximity (Taiwan) of the frame builder. The 
> challenge might be if a qualified producer is interested when there's 
> demand that pays top dollar for pricier technology-driven castings. My 
> fingers are crossed for continuity of this standard full-lugged frame type. 
> Perhaps the cost needs to increase to near custom MUSA for MIT.
> I also apologize as well for my musing at length.
> Mark
> On Thursday, July 11, 2019 at 11:30:29 AM UTC-4, Matt Jacobs wrote:
> I have some on-site perspective to lend to this discussion - I apologize 
> in advance if I am somewhat long-winded. Hopefully you find it interesting 
> and somewhat engaging.
> About three weeks ago, I got back from a two-month work study in Taiwan 
> through my university. While I was there, I worked for a company in the 
> Dadu district of Taichung, that does precision die casting, working 
> primarily in Aluminum, Magnesium, and Zinc. They're called Magic Precision 
> (here's 
> their website if you're curious 

[RBW] Re: Pedal click driving me batty

2019-07-11 Thread Brett Callahan

> Seconding what Steve said. If there's no click when you're out of the 
> saddle, check the saddle itself and connections. I was 100 % sure at one 
> point that my pedal was clicking. After trying everything I could think of 
> to do with the pedals, cranks, bottom bracket, etc, I removed and 
> reinstalled the saddle snugly. Problem solved. 

Good luck,

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RE: [RBW] Re: "Sadly, Long Shen is closing" Another loss to lugged steel frame production

2019-07-11 Thread Laing Conley
Maybe this is sacrilege, but can lugs be 3D printed at this point?


From:  On 
Behalf Of M Talley
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2019 1:17 PM
To: RBW Owners Bunch 
Subject: [RBW] Re: "Sadly, Long Shen is closing" Another loss to lugged steel 
frame production

Yes, a nice inside story of a possible path forward for precision lugs and 
thank you for that inside view from Taiwan.

Sachs really sounds like he had covered his remaining production schedule. He 
also mentioned having his "tools" returned - so the masters? for his personal 
designs (26 different castings). I would imagine Rivendell's tools are either 
going back to their hands or to the replacement casting company?

Fillet brazed is a path that makes sense when the recent designs are so varied 
/ non-standard. There's an inside story of fillet production told by the young 
adventure bike brand's owner Cjell Mone. He is an experienced builder and is 
impressed by the mastery of the Taiwan brazers whom he joins in producing a run 
of his frames.

I agree, there are likely many other brands that need a supplier for custom 
lugs. Just the number of suppliers and buyers / builders of "generic" Long Shen 
lugs is a supply quantity that would be seeking a replacement. So someone who 
can step in has to be eyeing that business.

This discussion in my mind is about the custom lugs that the eye identifies as 
Rivendell - not the Henry James look. I would miss stock Rivendells that aren't 
built to the old completely lugged standard. This is a game of cost - quantity 
ordered, capacity to produce (possibly small numbers)  in the general proximity 
(Taiwan) of the frame builder. The challenge might be if a qualified producer 
is interested when there's demand that pays top dollar for pricier 
technology-driven castings. My fingers are crossed for continuity of this 
standard full-lugged frame type. Perhaps the cost needs to increase to near 
custom MUSA for MIT.

I also apologize as well for my musing at length.

On Thursday, July 11, 2019 at 11:30:29 AM UTC-4, Matt Jacobs wrote:
I have some on-site perspective to lend to this discussion - I apologize in 
advance if I am somewhat long-winded. Hopefully you find it interesting and 
somewhat engaging.

About three weeks ago, I got back from a two-month work study in Taiwan through 
my university. While I was there, I worked for a company in the Dadu district 
of Taichung, that does precision die casting, working primarily in Aluminum, 
Magnesium, and Zinc. They're called Magic Precision (here's their website if 
 Magic Precision hasn't made many bicycle parts to my knowledge - they do make 
some pretty cool parts though, such as laboratory equipment for National 
Instruments, as well as the motor mounts, cooling fins, and other assorted 
castings for a company in California called Zero, which is a manufacturer of 
performance electric, that is (almost had ya there). They 
also make the housing for many popular e-cigarette brands, too, which most of 
the workers find to be gross but a few are really on board with. Along with 
many, many other interesting parts.

Every other week or so, my friend Nate and I would go with a few other 
employees from Magic Precision with our manager, who would take us to visit 
other companies in our area that we do business with. On one of these visits, 
we went by a company that was similar to ours, a job shop in 
essence...exclusively for lost-wax investment cast pieces, called Shin Yih 
Precision Casting Co 
 I had done a little investment casting when I took metals class two semesters 
ago, but my dinky molds were no comparison to the absolute wonder that took 
place before us. I'll let the pictures do most of the talking, but if you are 
curious about what's happening here, this page from Rivendell's site 

[RBW] Re: "Sadly, Long Shen is closing" Another loss to lugged steel frame production

2019-07-11 Thread M Talley
Yes, a nice inside story of a possible path forward for precision lugs and 
thank you for that inside view from Taiwan. 

Sachs really sounds like he had covered his remaining production schedule. 
He also mentioned having his "tools" returned - so the masters? for his 
personal designs (26 different castings). I would imagine Rivendell's tools 
are either going back to their hands or to the replacement casting company?

Fillet brazed is a path that makes sense when the recent designs are so 
varied / non-standard. There's an inside story of fillet production told by 
the young adventure bike brand's owner Cjell Mone. He is an experienced 
builder and is impressed by the mastery of the Taiwan brazers whom he joins 
in producing a run of his frames.

I agree, there are likely many other brands that need a supplier for custom 
lugs. Just the number of suppliers and buyers / builders of "generic" Long 
Shen lugs is a supply quantity that would be seeking a replacement. So 
someone who can step in has to be eyeing that business.

This discussion in my mind is about the custom lugs that the eye identifies 
as Rivendell - not the Henry James look. I would miss stock Rivendells that 
aren't built to the old completely lugged standard. This is a game of cost 
- quantity ordered, capacity to produce (possibly small numbers)  in the 
general proximity (Taiwan) of the frame builder. The challenge might be if 
a qualified producer is interested when there's demand that pays top dollar 
for pricier technology-driven castings. My fingers are crossed for 
continuity of this standard full-lugged frame type. Perhaps the cost needs 
to increase to near custom MUSA for MIT.

I also apologize as well for my musing at length.

On Thursday, July 11, 2019 at 11:30:29 AM UTC-4, Matt Jacobs wrote:
> I have some on-site perspective to lend to this discussion - I apologize 
> in advance if I am somewhat long-winded. Hopefully you find it interesting 
> and somewhat engaging.
> About three weeks ago, I got back from a two-month work study in Taiwan 
> through my university. While I was there, I worked for a company in the 
> Dadu district of Taichung, that does precision die casting, working 
> primarily in Aluminum, Magnesium, and Zinc. They're called Magic Precision 
> (here's 
> their website if you're curious ). Magic 
> Precision hasn't made many bicycle parts to my knowledge - they do make 
> some pretty cool parts though, such as laboratory equipment for National 
> Instruments, as well as the motor mounts, cooling fins, and other assorted 
> castings for a company in California called Zero, which is a manufacturer 
> of performance electric, that is (almost had ya 
> there). They also make the housing for many popular e-cigarette brands, 
> too, which most of the workers find to be gross but a few are really on 
> board with. Along with many, many other interesting parts. 
> Every other week or so, my friend Nate and I would go with a few other 
> employees from Magic Precision with our manager, who would take us to visit 
> other companies in our area that we do business with. On one of these 
> visits, we went by a company that was similar to ours, a job shop in 
> essence...exclusively for lost-wax investment cast pieces, called Shin 
> Yih Precision Casting Co Ltd. 
>  I had done a 
> little investment casting when I took metals class two semesters ago, but 
> my dinky molds were no comparison to the absolute wonder that took place 
> before us. I'll let the pictures do most of the talking, but if you are 
> curious about what's happening here, this page from Rivendell's site 
> is a good primer on how 
> companies like Long Shen do their business. In fact, the video on Riv's 
> article could have been taken at Shin Yih, even though the two companies 
> are a district apart (about a 30 minute drive from Dajia district to 
> Qingshui district).
> Here are some photos from my tour at Shin Yih. 
>  If you scroll down you can 
> see a few bicycle parts - most notably a nice sloping fork crown, a chain 
> tool, and a facing tool for canti brake bosses.
> Why do I share this? In my experience, each business in Taiwan is pretty 
> specialized to a niche industry - if there is sufficient demand, other 
> companies like Shin Yih will step up to fill in, in case Long Shen really 
> does bite the dust. The rumblings that they're on their way out would be 
> disappointing to many, including me, but there are many paths forward - 
> this is just one. This is only my supposition, of course, but Long Shen 
> likely wouldn't be doing too well if their only customers were Grant 
> Petersen, Kirk Pacenti, and Richard Sachs, and they have pr

[RBW] WTB: Schwalbe G-one Speed Performance 27.5x2.35

2019-07-11 Thread Collin A
Hi All,

I recall that schwalbe originally had some performance versions of the 
balloon-like 27.5x2.35 g-one speeds that were about half the price of the 
current Evo versions. If anyone has a pair of those lying around and 
gathering dust, let me know! It would be for my Clem that currently does 
not have tubeless compatible wheels.

Collin A in Oakland

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Re: [RBW] Pedal click driving me batty

2019-07-11 Thread Will Rhea
Thanks Alex! Always a good idea.

Yeah, I've got Silver triple cranks on this bike, nice and snug. I check
them periodically, nothing worse / more preventable than rounding out the
inside of the arm from being too loose


On Wed, Jul 10, 2019 at 4:03 PM Alex Wirth- Owner, Yellow Haus Bicycles <> wrote:

> Since it’s such a quick thing to check off the list...try to snug up your
> crank arm bolts.  I had waited about a month because I was dreading a
> bottom bracket rebuild after getting a click.  Low and behold I got away
> with a snug-up on my drive-side on a whim.
> I know you said it’s isolated to your pedals but I still think it’s worth
> a shot...
> Good luck! Clicks can be the worst.
> Alex
> --
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[RBW] FS: New Racing Ralph 650B Tires

2019-07-11 Thread Johnny Alien
These are brand new in a box.  I am not going to need them. 2.25" width 
liteskin.  $60 shipped in the USA.

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[RBW] Re: 2018 gift cards disabled?

2019-07-11 Thread Harald Kliems

On Thursday, July 11, 2019 at 9:42:01 AM UTC-5, Sean Kline wrote:
> Herald: what was the word from Riv? Thnx

It was some technical glitch specifically with the Hail Mary gift cards. 
Other people who encounter issues with those should just contact Riv 
directly. As I said, they fixed it promptly, despite being closed that day.


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[RBW] Re: Where does "country biking" fit in?

2019-07-11 Thread CMR
Ordinary bike, ordinary clothes! Maybe some are the "elderly" haha.

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Re: [RBW] Grant could have designed the Madone

2019-07-11 Thread James Warren

She’s wearing Da Brim!

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 11, 2019, at 8:24 AM, Addison Wilhite  wrote:
> Rumor has it this was Grant's early Trek Madone Time Trial Prototype when he 
> was considering working for Trek.  ;-)
> Addison Wilhite, M.A. 
> Academy of Arts, Careers and Technology 
> “Blazing the Trail to College and Career Success”
> Educator: Professional Portfolio
> Blogger: Reno Rambler
>> On Thu, Jul 11, 2019 at 1:21 AM Patrick Moore  wrote:
>> Up very late or else very early, stumbled across this from a 2013 post by 
>> Gary Boulanger:
>> I once came across two letters from the presidents of Specialized and Trek, 
>> dated late 1994, letting Petersen know how much they admired his work at 
>> Bridgestone, and that he was welcome to work for their companies; all he had 
>> to do was name his salary and pick a title. He chose to launch Rivendell, 
>> and begin his long, happy journey upstream.
>> I'm glad he started Rivendell.
>> -- 
>> Still 'round the corner there may wait
>> A new road or a secret gate,
>> And though we pass them by today,
>> Tomorrow we may come this way
>> And take the hidden paths that run
>> Towards the Moon or to the Sun.
>> --- J.R.R. Tolkien
>> ---
>> Resumes, LinkedIn profiles, bios, and letters that get interviews
>> By-the-hour resume and LinkedIn coaching
>> Other professional writing services
>> Expensive! But good.
>> Patrick Moore
>> Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique
>> -- 
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>> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
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>> email to
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>> Visit this group at
>> To view this discussion on the web visit 
>> For more options, visit
> -- 
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> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
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> email to
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Re: [RBW] Re: For Sale. Early Rivendell

2019-07-11 Thread Norman Michaels
Thanks for the nice comments on the bike. It is a beauty and I hope to sell
it to someone who appeciates a finely crafted Rivendell.
To answer a couple of questions, I'm located in N.H. It has Riv
Roly-Poly(?) tires on it. I think they are 28mm.

If anyone wants to write off list, best email to reach me is nhmichaels at


On Wed, Jul 10, 2019 at 10:40 PM Benz, Sunnyvale, CA 

> On Wednesday, July 10, 2019 at 4:32:16 PM UTC-7, ted wrote:
>> What brake reach?
> Not Norman, but the brakes are marked as Daytona, which didn't come with
> anything other than short reach. Furthermore, judging from where the brake
> pads are located on the brake arms, these brakes aren't fully maximized for
> tire clearance. I would ask Norman to confirm the largest tire he fitted
> into the frame, but I have similar Campagnolo brakes with similar pad "hit
> points" that I couldn't fit anything larger than 30mm under.
> --
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[RBW] Libertas frameset

2019-07-11 Thread Patrick Moore
I'm cross-posting this to the RBW list because Joe B said that Grant had
mentioned Libertas in a Reader.

Can anyone remember which issue, or provide a link?



I just bought a 1970s Libertas frameset (my brother finds these things and
I benefit from the trickle-down), apparently a minor Belgian marque now
long defunct.

I've not yet personally fondled and weighed or measured the frame, but per
my brother these stats are of interest:

Dimensions are 60 X 56 c-c, just my size, tho' I might need a 9 cm stem
instead of the usual 8; and:

*It weighed 5.8 lb, frame and fork, **with** f and r Weinmann calipers and
steel Campy Record hs.*

I did some quick Googling and calculating to guesstimate 1 lb for the hs
and calipers, leaving large frame and fork at 4lb 13 oz.


In addition, the Libertas has few if any braze-ons, leaving it nicely
neutral for adaptation for a AM-hubbed road bike.

More news as it develops.

The Libertas is Option 2 for the Next New Road Bike; Option 1 is a custom.



*Still 'round the corner there may waitA new road or a secret gate,And
though we pass them by today,Tomorrow we may come this wayAnd take the
hidden paths that runTowards the Moon or to the Sun.*
--- J.R.R. Tolkien
Resumes, LinkedIn profiles, bios, and letters that get interviews
By-the-hour resume and LinkedIn coaching
Other professional writing services
Expensive! But good.
Patrick Moore
Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique



*Still 'round the corner there may waitA new road or a secret gate,And
though we pass them by today,Tomorrow we may come this wayAnd take the
hidden paths that runTowards the Moon or to the Sun.*
--- J.R.R. Tolkien
Resumes, LinkedIn profiles, bios, and letters that get interviews
By-the-hour resume and LinkedIn coaching
Other professional writing services
Expensive! But good.
Patrick Moore
Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique

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Re: [RBW] Re: "Sadly, Long Shen is closing" Another loss to lugged steel frame production

2019-07-11 Thread Patrick Moore
Interesting perspective and photos; thanks for posting.

Patrick Moore, who wonders if he ought to insist that his next frame be
fillet brazed, in ABQ, NM

On Thu, Jul 11, 2019 at 9:30 AM Matt Jacobs 

> I have some on-site perspective to lend to this discussion - I apologize
> in advance if I am somewhat long-winded. Hopefully you find it interesting
> and somewhat engaging.
> About three weeks ago, I got back from a two-month work study in Taiwan
> through my university. While I was there, I worked for a company in the
> Dadu district of Taichung, that does precision die casting, working
> primarily in Aluminum, Magnesium, and Zinc. They're called Magic Precision 
> (here's
> their website if you're curious ). Magic
> Precision hasn't made many bicycle parts to my knowledge - they do make
> some pretty cool parts though, such as laboratory equipment for National
> Instruments, as well as the motor mounts, cooling fins, and other assorted
> castings for a company in California called Zero, which is a manufacturer
> of performance electric, that is (almost had ya
> there). They also make the housing for many popular e-cigarette brands,
> too, which most of the workers find to be gross but a few are really on
> board with. Along with many, many other interesting parts.
> Every other week or so, my friend Nate and I would go with a few other
> employees from Magic Precision with our manager, who would take us to visit
> other companies in our area that we do business with. On one of these
> visits, we went by a company that was similar to ours, a job shop in
> essence...exclusively for lost-wax investment cast pieces, called Shin
> Yih Precision Casting Co Ltd.
>  I had done a
> little investment casting when I took metals class two semesters ago, but
> my dinky molds were no comparison to the absolute wonder that took place
> before us. I'll let the pictures do most of the talking, but if you are
> curious about what's happening here, this page from Rivendell's site
> is a good primer on how
> companies like Long Shen do their business. In fact, the video on Riv's
> article could have been taken at Shin Yih, even though the two companies
> are a district apart (about a 30 minute drive from Dajia district to
> Qingshui district).
> Here are some photos from my tour at Shin Yih.
>  If you scroll down you can
> see a few bicycle parts - most notably a nice sloping fork crown, a chain
> tool, and a facing tool for canti brake bosses.
> Why do I share this? In my experience, each business in Taiwan is pretty
> specialized to a niche industry - if there is sufficient demand, other
> companies like Shin Yih will step up to fill in, in case Long Shen really
> does bite the dust. The rumblings that they're on their way out would be
> disappointing to many, including me, but there are many paths forward -
> this is just one. This is only my supposition, of course, but Long Shen
> likely wouldn't be doing too well if their only customers were Grant
> Petersen, Kirk Pacenti, and Richard Sachs, and they have probably have
> found other ways to support their business from time to time. If someone at
> Rivendell is looking for a future supplier of lost wax investment castings
> down the road, there's a business card for a guy named Tony who took us
> around for a tour in the photo album, too.
> -- Matt Jacobs in Redondo Beach, CA (for now)
> P.S. I will say that I love my MIT Atlantis, which has both lugs and
> fillet brazing throughout - each has its own unique beauty. I'm working in
> El Segundo, CA for the rest of the summer. I was worried, but LA is
> actually pretty good for cycling in my experience thus far. If there are
> some good Riv rides or BOB-ish groups in the South Bay area, please send me
> an off-list reply, I would love to hear all about it.
> On Wednesday, July 10, 2019 at 5:05:08 PM UTC-7, Joe Bernard wrote:
>> It's actually the original vision, which Grant backed out of shortly
>> after the company got going. A very early interview mentioned lugged
>> models, plus a possible lower-priced TIG bike.
>> Lugs are great and my custom will have them, but it's going to have some
>> filleted joints like that recent one, too. I like both!
> --
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[RBW] Re: Grant could have designed the Madone

2019-07-11 Thread '' via RBW Owners Bunch
Thanks for posting that article.  tim

On Thursday, July 11, 2019 at 3:21:52 AM UTC-5, Patrick Moore wrote:
> Up very late or else very early, stumbled across this from a 2013 post by 
> Gary Boulanger:
> *I once came across two letters from the presidents of Specialized and 
> Trek, dated late 1994, letting Petersen know how much they admired his work 
> at Bridgestone, and that he was welcome to work for their companies; all he 
> had to do was name his salary and pick a title. He chose to launch 
> Rivendell, and begin his long, happy journey upstream.*
> I'm glad he started Rivendell.
> -- 
> **
> *Still 'round the corner there may waitA new road or a secret gate,And 
> though we pass them by today,Tomorrow we may come this wayAnd take the 
> hidden paths that runTowards the Moon or to the Sun.*
> --- J.R.R. Tolkien
> ---
> Resumes, LinkedIn profiles, bios, and letters that get interviews
> By-the-hour resume and LinkedIn coaching
> Other professional writing services
> Expensive! But good.
> Patrick Moore
> Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique

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[RBW] WTB: Nitto Mini-Front 32, or Mark's, or similar.

2019-07-11 Thread Brett Callahan
Hi folks, title says it all. I'm looking for a used but in good shape small 
front rack. 

If you've got something similar to a Mark's or a 32, such as one of the Rawland 
Racks, I might be interested.

In keeping with the recent posts suggesting that "Want to Buy" posts include a 
price, I've got a budget of $100 including shipping for a Mark's or 32. The 
Rawlands retail for $70 ish new. I'd pay $55 shipped. I'm open to suggestions 
if you have a similar rack but think those offers are off. 

If you're in the Portland area, I have a Velo Orange Porteur rack with rails 
that I'd trade straight across. It's a bit big to ship. 


Brett in PDX

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[RBW] Re: 2018 gift cards disabled?

2019-07-11 Thread Sean Kline
Herald: what was the word from Riv? Thnx

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Re: [RBW] Re: A Family Clementine

2019-07-11 Thread Leah Peterson
I’m so sorry, Ray. And you’re right; that is so good. ✝️ 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 11, 2019, at 6:35 AM, Ray Varella  wrote:
> Leah,
>   When my Brother in Law (my brother is what he was to me), passed away 
> suddenly, the priest officiating over his service said something that really 
> resonated with me. 
> He said Stephen was here temporarily  as a gift to us and had been called 
> back home. 
> Peace to you and your family. 
> Ray
> -- 
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[RBW] WTB: Naches Pass Tires

2019-07-11 Thread Conway Bennett
I want these for my '94 XO-3.  I am considering the panaracer pasela 26 x 1.75 
too but I have never had the pleasure of running "compass" tires.  Thanks in 

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[RBW] Re: A Family Clementine

2019-07-11 Thread Ray Varella
   When my Brother in Law (my brother is what he was to me), passed away 
suddenly, the priest officiating over his service said something that really 
resonated with me. 
He said Stephen was here temporarily  as a gift to us and had been called back 

Peace to you and your family. 


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[RBW] Re: RBW at 25: The Fellowship of the Rigs

2019-07-11 Thread Wally Estrella
Hi Esteban,

Did you say Entmoot?  I have some Entmoot patches w/ the Quickbeam theme.  
What's your mailing info?  I'll send you a few to distribute.  Freebies.

Wally in Maine

On Wednesday, July 10, 2019 at 6:01:05 PM UTC-4, Esteban wrote:
> I shall attend, representing the great County of San Diego and the 
> Borderlandz!
> I'm happy to include Pine Mountain on Saturday, and defer to my friends 
> who know the trails and maps. 
> Will this also serve as an Entmoot? I see at least one Quickbeam listed as 
> attending. Maybe Sunday can include a gentleperson's Entmoot-inspired ride 
> (or ride home), as we did 5 years ago. 
> Looking forward to this!
> Esteban
> On Monday, July 8, 2019 at 2:43:20 PM UTC-7, wrote:
>> Chaingang, 
>> Coming up Real Soon Now is the RBW25 weekend at Samuel Taylor State Park 
>> - 
>> Fri, Jul 19, 2019, 2pm Sun, Jul 21, 2019, 12pm PDT 
>> Devil's Gulch Group Site 1&2 
>> - And while we can thank Justin in Oakland for laying the groundwork 
>> of the event (read: HE RESERVED US THE GROUP SITES), it's going to be 
>> up to each of us to make it happen! 
>> So: Who is planning to attend? What level of riding are you hoping 
>> for? What ideas or adventures would you like to have? 
>> Speaking for myself, I can only make it over for Friday (will stay 
>> over in camp) and Saturday riding. I'd like to make a ride from camp 
>> around the Pine Mountain Loop, and then either return to camp via 
>> BoFax / Bolinas Ridge OR, down into Fairfax via Repack. 
>> I think it'll be "each-their-own" in terms of food, but it might also 
>> be fun/nice to bring something to share for (either) evening? 
>> Let's hear some enthusiasm and make this happen! 
>> =- Joe Bunik 
>> Walnut Creek, CA 

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[RBW] Grant could have designed the Madone

2019-07-11 Thread Patrick Moore
Up very late or else very early, stumbled across this from a 2013 post by
Gary Boulanger:

*I once came across two letters from the presidents of Specialized and
Trek, dated late 1994, letting Petersen know how much they admired his work
at Bridgestone, and that he was welcome to work for their companies; all he
had to do was name his salary and pick a title. He chose to launch
Rivendell, and begin his long, happy journey upstream.*

I'm glad he started Rivendell.



*Still 'round the corner there may waitA new road or a secret gate,And
though we pass them by today,Tomorrow we may come this wayAnd take the
hidden paths that runTowards the Moon or to the Sun.*
--- J.R.R. Tolkien
Resumes, LinkedIn profiles, bios, and letters that get interviews
By-the-hour resume and LinkedIn coaching
Other professional writing services
Expensive! But good.
Patrick Moore
Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique

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